Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Dec 1950, p. 2

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Ps ~ ?t3SDA DuatTDAy. DuCEUBM 1,s Praise s Due A word cf praise jr definiselp due the Miltocr Fire Brigade end the Mlton Branch cf the Canadý an Legf on fer tho splendid organization cf the Annuel Sente Claus Parade and Childrens Party cf Saturdey lest. Deneloped heom a urnail begin- ning, eeoh pear the enent jr grocing in preseuta- tien and en the intereot drawn fruru a idening cirole rooed Milton. The Pre-Chisitms n ourtaged on Saterdey mas notrthe work cf e fnwmwenbs butea teck thet ber iad preparatien ail tistougis the yeer. Fonds weeraised ddug the pear that reqoired con- sidereblu juorb. The parade ard perty showed the woub that bad boe doue. So me loin miis enset citizenus ie eutacknom- ledgemeet uf e public errice te Miltoe ard Dis-- tric ieeded Sp fleure tmo organieetieus and me rT'THft. ST PAUL'S UNITED CHUAC GRACI ANGICANtICNUUCW tttetata-HV.J b HarSHm HA. Hanta, OraLt-Me. haart E.Oaoe, HanJ. HamVn ta HrreBA,1Th Lot Them Go \ / / _ IN k --SUNDAT D 17,EE 191 tsrther emanîng te note tha erloacf the -rSUNDAY. DECEPSES 171050 vedSadylaAunt njou avoe banded tegetherineaneffortotahoue 10-/.00l &ianlv Shoruu an aHdy Sbolas *tho goeermentcountinrun teconros which ery//c d JaneorSeboni OBble Ca. y terminae next Aril. 7 .00 0.m.Eveoasg Wnrnhlp and 1li00asc-Cborl Mainaand3er- set~~~~~Bn naenu pi CoCnnons Ollouiog. Tho mua. 1- Tho Canadien Gorumeer bas given notines / Centooane MusiualSoetyrrCoan oaSun Lso ao *- thar rt urteedute abandon tho remuants cf mer- . cpssert ans ut1uHbilton cee 7dataun--el Ca-n eso ueCara! 9tjmn prace controt us cempletoly as possible, and <$' // / aion 000010, cill pensent Sitoe urtmRans EeCalloo rhet rentai cuetrrl, in its pensent furm, is nom odsluloa hiaasn- Camsbridge. -uch e mers cf confusion thar, if ir ota eetr$h'. ,/ osEnenyon lo moe. Noirbaptiasa by appuinisnnsl mOth V ~~~Muedat- floceaser lt-or Ses- Inrol. Sountieued, r muould have tu be enirrly rerasnd. \ ,Q / Subol Chuisosas CancetsMundar, Ilenooshen18, 6O pus As- n addition, Prime Ministor St. Lauren t bas mIl bu hld la Ibo S. S. nano, nue] ChriusmaaSssppon ton Sas-- et O p-us.Tise ngeatlWby day Seboul ehilduon. plainly starnd, rhnrn il the feet that rentai centrelth ire rag wl b pes j cqusrueby îra itr fth Dcuean PLEASE, BUCKLEY, CHECK SHAT BOAD MAP AGAIN.C chue.imae r ing uieoa-Wndnnsdesu Douembor 20-4.'1*5 paa, is unquesionably uPleurereboiegheutileiontJnior Chisernehucaal; O uta-. guIfs. Senior Chonin reheensol. Goenumenutnucnpr in ime cf acrual mer. ___Turdîs. Decnusisen10-Tise Mn. Surnly ir hec becume plain thet courtois cen-a rronub et 0.15 pus. h eut bu iugind out fer une uommedity. if me Tiusdoa Deumiser 21-The Puay--KNOX PEBYTBIAN CHUBCH are te havontrais thny mort bu appl e nn j~ M n n n lY e Circe lul mens at 315 p.. Sun. E. Cnabonn ail ~ ~ ~ ~ lcsl iinTHEnndmise me aLE)hat e her a Ctneaomu eMs e ouines.WtbACn.Ogn ace urwoa r anS orsun sccSSUrai fels ndwhn e av tatmil6%WdLOMLP .IIatuI r nom yronmsspeeieie m.Wrgh, .T,...Orarir crhae eutnani 8;Opusad htmlae ccntad the jupe rhilj oIl ce cuj,,ued for dîerarursisip. The ceuser me get amay frum gue- MAY HAVE SEEMED Friaday, Deeus r 22-Tise Trait UD ECMBS1950 yeors te couru urriene dopeudance for direction je out busI-Raseurs usaIt ourletServicus -c ----ns dealings the srount use miii rture to erBETTER i700 pus. veesing Oea-saur teaaion and botter value. GurernentI NnSAGWU-AFrada-, Ducemise 1"-O u -o- nTrems te bo penurel approuel ru tis eunurjue hare't becs an uutctanding succosie thes 'Yee ndpet jeSoundersff Suons0tut- proposai te have ld ege pensions attise agu of settiement of abot disputer. Wisptiesechouud Fifty Years Au'o Twenty YarsAao s. cEREd pepLE Chistms oroait su s reeentyeitisut ameansest andcona cntriba- thrhumbe ijersentison ierestai arrangements be- (AnCTar OOgE',licin)iniluo tory bs isuch aplancnnemcthse nly fair one tucestcumparties.ucfuaiucuucccsTussrrshlasurscu Rnn.R.E. Pr-lecol ru ail. ft r tjmn tiset me quit fuel aeg ourcuices anon Chanaumu c7fDuc. 131h. 19000 dioneChunuprs cf Duc uIth. 190e -hnthe Yo SishalSousieflsh ué - --------SUIODAY,, DECEMBOR O17, 1050 trou". Jno. 8:2 tiaseocial rocurity pilarr can bu made acaiable Ma- James Daîla- et Louejîle sc- Cul. F H.daConegoued cisausp- rd Ocodoy je Adueur THE CNUBCH OF CHRInT et ne cour toteindividus]. Wu rjnrerly ispe N csiie nouxre ed c Porition aiGomals. Hean is, juc cercTain ODjenurreiorbas ier 1.0w M -ousu Frayer cdOMAGIa tua ecri ofnhdclaung furdsuiillbue lauly N csiisan uuis beccilisMr a-inatiorsoneus-ueeicsadisuthRic unismSasonS ermsonaist.mGerges.- indlcated soe ht eenueu al nal1 buc mie ior A isumas trajt commun te al classes cf sec- tcor and bismade muey rtaicoca CCo.Tuorsoeta,-or$1 pur peusid.Tishec00p.us Ecuojue Paa-crucd SUNDAYDECEMIOFIR7s 1ss cotiuin spoiig.it xetpsil teeteey elhi Wnusjisito uer ura-aorc inr issaniaml eised 1400lias. SrusuatSt. Johns110esMuiguac 15 a.,wposiionand opebc wli c J E. imbrs o Mitonbredr330 pass-Sosdoy Seisuol i 0 ..ooigSrie Me already iave tee menp iiddnn taonsrpugecuce te rpesdang cf mcnnp for noces- uble rte mcc tisr sparisc fIa-trous or ld Enulais cgamer. mur 3 suc apelieSco Hu. Wdnsy,83pm-Bb td. thet are coutrubutisg tu higiser liisg crtis. Tee aises. Sieplu gruceris, moar aed frecs coge- t-eisncilusjthtiseisu 00 eucnua- is e de. 3 irds eud I toua-lb aise Enosyhuda- Wuluuss elten tise proucur s blemed feu uSe greaunu cruts tables must bc bcught eerp day or ruse, and bas sisocc ee RouaI Warrur Far. Ternon and MILTON GOSPEL CHAPEL I itIseonds and .o leu BTCSA OINS uss aneraOlds mienin reaity theteoleves are more aifaoir.cOumplaiets are immdiatnmwhun thepricesof &&Ntocs5Nacococa-charhren oucainlacmattceccecen heFamesBuldng Liig cetsiii neut cousecdoms eppreuaablp as ruae-muiie ir euoausdoet el a diplom toc tise uatt c Hmeiltn ow.inecl-ous HC UDY EEMR1,15 thee ommdiiesrie. ouewiesdo ethow ad bstkep sholentise ecetv. cd bcaa-d ot Drecoefthtie Tenon- KEV. IL woeDH, Fiala, 1030 eo-Sundea- Suisol. longas taesuare maintaied athiepresutieelrc moci about pnieu incearer ineolives, fenep Thn Sccaeilie.IaMineesoNewsn ai oeurrAte sîa reuuran tSn.Cnusis u inevoera- field.ft deese't mater miether it be elishes or picisles. Thea- simplp du mthout copliments Dr. S H.Coriecc or Tuote enPodcersW E Rt-a-ahon. aHud o îof ' Hîlil 6.5Lutm-de opesu f h Municipal, Prouincial or Dominion, tise rhings rhum desîrable additions ru the menu mises rhn nsueterorrmanscesa-ofts e two ofAupîris, a-. clertcd prusiden -8.00 psus EuuningServce, euocope-teeacerter-foteienseiro ara-hucada-l8.30pcc -aa-eer --Modea-, Derensier 18 an O - prorided ha- gueermens come out of taonscoui- feel tisea canner affurd ro uya. dittacoît surgirai uperetaor. Dr lected front the peuple. Tisre s ne ther fonts and houris0 cornu are peronrialale inC-ieccu Milronta-jnsds cilt bu Tise COjilleBOea-Scosarca-biss- Itee ChristmsaCoucrn. sorc- is umr gan ecus rse-ar crr tse atitaeher e!frthe histan'tOdbu ily a- eouina-eeootieg and ne- oUNDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1950 TPca-u Drer ie st9da- 3 heas hyaecot htcn as alsained ijebhoproeesion. eaarnsgihundreds of rues, destinuer 0.0ns..-uutta-gcsoi.AlAuel fr e uGondornIHome. Milton, tise it.oc a.us Wumsip Servace.Aur ecm If me ate poing teneend uld age persions, son bu aucîded, Pnm complais aboutrthe prîcu Artrtheehiiinofetthe Hamilton tedîce Sa-boul Walpole Ilalnd, and 700 p..Ecoanite servace tise tîme ru prueide foc this rdcrîeg oute crn- utfasoe article ou articles rima- car du mithout. PuIr-a-Assc1 a r meu. AMa- fra-26 tamillcuet uf eocttlca-s an Toodoy, 8030 pus-Youg People* BOWBS BAPTtST CNUBCH- ing pouser das aned tise ditibution souid ho Ara c-mplaînt, if iuenstia- srtend, meuld bo tiser Dcueall adcedwjuua- res etMil- th-risc eansrrsutsrvc.0UDYDEMOR1,05 equel rogerdiescf tise rhrift or unrhriftinesc cf tien uîoîrg prîcon of ercourials iterfero mith tise on igueed lne prizje lion. Mr Ai oreensa ha-Idijeia Cou-ii Wedourdac, 80 am-oWmenc. Aurx 300 us AEonuuire1SereIne the peuple end tise collection outhriscfonds je tise purehase of rer esseerjaîr. Mcfleouligot lut pnieu tocbronzerChuncisca Frada- ca-.joguthrMil.lacra- 5enosrugla TchSrvsale-- jerkey mole, Snd tor temole> Sud e Cînica-nu Rlier Aus-asOc- Eru-ioda- Wlcousmuae-eutluOui ueta ramemea- Pehapsîneeld bnpastecoedefnner Pellîcinîarernnerbacsmrd inpardecrigrIo terYoungumale andfircttforcYoung ocan7 m inis isthecemjong ufjcr-, ____________________South__________ tise stamp pler of uromployepa-rru ue col - ithia ubvousweaisns cf theju cunstîtoenr. Sauceftramarle.rIse dresrcd poltr urus 0--CnnNtr.aaucr leinetre pelataciac au rot rpoefdieg Sas omsmec- S cmrrniioe hu e gtIs or trml- e.CnnNfevc-rs loe, ur n d c r4 ud for ganse. Dewar Ma-a-raSa-ar. Truca- S S. Wlsn.e Sc. ---- --- --caspli blp aduecatu rubridicnd food, sebsrdaand OBras. cor ct e hruWccnnMisnacraier rItsceci o, d heuar, ubcdaedheari irurrc ad sS uc SI tcro, he Wyrdot,4toe nismeifcoud.t ucurusun Higi, Interest Rates? osr usdzdhat nuacan u.cc.3dfrhian nfo omte ope farpsc- PROFESSION At DIRECTORY inancial mersuds me ured te fighr a hot ' edo asirnrrsThe pmerb can rared iie - acacur ocdahuch ntrtne ND TAVLERSGUD mer of complte mcbiliietion are not apprupri- avs i err owr n aeadipoerr-imadcuc nt-i N R V LE' UD are for meeting tiese ituaticn mc nom ee.tercar tndr e e0 lathr encour-Til]cre malhde moeana,,fcn, Chr utDETA Mont- erseus ne bobliceeasna peed rame te coes, LacIc0 ur-h -cr ow.~rtr . C. Gardner, presideer cf the asis of ater ue UareumalIpcy-fe ail errerrels fuurbNationl Librar ruaI satod an tho arruel meetngarefetinalrn-wejr h ca-a-ccca-a-i esefai r. N tonl irayrelief____________ stitutiun this wecb. groceuina le dueners' Slir, learg cra-onminis THE STBVENSON CtONIC DB. G. A. KING Pointieig totthtiser etdollar iad airnada - I rmhulo arceme ne sped us leourinu. Cacnaai Funique icthal il bisMito b oises Noasisr DENTAL SURGtEON fot acrt40% cf its proet rpurchesing relue, au srurmnisdrtn atiiecnceSucbasuentralr OTst AHO OE Ceetpiseiielle NRoesu»2,1, Offrceu auRoyal OiIdlag, Mltoe au risc ay iizn acaveri t sed eletw hoctescreotraic D. . .Stve» Hou s a--s Mr. Gardneurmarned tsar cela- tise holchearted lutuercpc o mi sc ut ucndinca-y rnta-m hc nsiail lascars iVte Lndoeaill isrylcor thuir Dr. i. K.Palenianas yApoitm ce eperar-er et Cacadiacs im all malisr cf lieuand O uuisatr sie]adlogical duceop- a banýei1bn:s .D esn nDr:G. O. WaaeX Rflopervcero Tuiepione 197 cru ce, f lire moer sucre au ttaind. Lurorier Cne-l etGuelcph Puhlic Lahnrra- reî d ruoce nanuthc ramos reoufa iiuHoans more ealisic gvernmnt ledersip I heckmamhccoftrhe-Ccmmont csid luom c vlrîon etaiuseconnnd Ati.Oy Apoa.tautoniy. mue eatugcermr mdeniapeu acck u tacausatiracucupbseircOfaaionmSennrewca-h-,as rcacinGuelph 'orîlon lace.This ma-is ecrausurieeuis P.M.1-4 tO thi gacoau murteginfatceap eresue.esrla-jr r u hep heuS5mit ars eonerd-Noms aucu moe andrmoreinclinioran n rthe Sadays-Euuugunpluesiy.DR. F. B. HABCOCO This s net tise ime, Mr. Gardnentraid, for merisroousu b "bioip'. aor tr ut-o 7eilleOffGiceHNunsa DENTAL SUREGEON pice and mage coutrtoIsaed al sorts of thor Alliseccisra-cecud-anisa-Sic o oodr]. Ceraiala- lie eu le, rnes potEeery meuh day Os Otticue eloutas Tate rumplnmentrupegamortasicu misicisCanadiens Noes.lescA Ma-riclantonarl lis-1meda-i dand teris aaarst skii MTGN â.YPRIVATE HOSPITAL lauho Appountuseors May la ptu ihi atm.Editorial Not- hure-,h a-c rtisiisnrerthe Inondatieonro hiacnoh X-RAY Arrnged This jr rte rame feu the mort riid gorere aican rhe lbrin e ,isc marcr iomn- cmd ,oe 7rie ..ad ceca-c Vul IleuraYSrvie sETuuphocni ïNec lis,,,, auc opca unirua- aettau pepclar me isbcrauruerfarr mte eerny,-pfr adeuerurraimn"t usu off Tincu bia-hu Chistcmasmesages cf preel-i1 th,-bocos ca-a-ana-antm-thus etearo et"tu aId osa-erils DRG,.E.SYBH rmreesyali l andian ur-cmpa-cmsarq au5r areco-uie0 mure numerens an the mairs. nccd etfir.noraorm,, ein hio, et dseck arfrîcnuuersfoeirnia- r a FOs-dan snd Serges,, NOBLSEN - TOn Ciiroprînea, front agaîrut 'deureeds tucus ara-quarter" fer Gnltrhum us their wmecir pienpcof ime te brin0 ] ^cs, ua- r,rjai jo -opa-Ira- triraathe mmace ccen Is-codca c ffice-,Jaes Steets S Oea:esTbapit urreccsscrerprcpra-a-±a-r iuamessaebefere Christmas. Ti stalishmcent c-acnruel lis uruBuist, are atcua-ihs ftoand PhonNoa 38 3liisXuaofutPraulre fortnecrideueea-inofeucbcap monep pulia-. Meilachcbclncdeacnsne r.-cSanlluad. s-iscr linccd- If ,accroct ,dracrn Co7-8.3Mou, Tues.,yFAtt--da cric riescche"Icr ia- tihtha- lisraca iuhu-cu Saac cnarelifi, i u I cisca - c. a, -5os -- u "Waeýrvaiit uc eaoin fo aces, ne a-u brerr mais addrd a-os sMini- ti,1 " ] at ftetimI.CIumtPPi, D.J .MCTHO Cloîrd Tsurada- Homumacîîîprahuesrc e achreae acc100o ilpets h ora-, a- y ta-ai a-ca-rut rsr noae rca ce Cl ernus repolar ersDB. il ngMaiTCON,, ruveDmiac,st Srre. Guorgetous eus itrtrtuecrlmap haeohad in tise mhcFcee1m50-Wicmer pasitmocid rnum te iave su applicaionr cicalscprermidosirg.adb gcic ecks. oirr hssrsa raci toa -t isea-resa-aisco ora- et lnsian5...;1c.sl.tan _ _________ iandiejaol ca-a-ans e ometa- c, se-c cl, f i ne ea, c-a- m-I Tluphonu 395W j te tise promunt situation. lu the face cf an ---- - ---ru, uai cran a-tisa- -cIc -a. l- Rosadonue 395J LBVER £ HOSKIN istencfied lflatiero rsnar eof ludefinite Rtepaear cf SuinsFaelr aise chore feu th, ---Al Choreed Aceeeacta dureti0e, a-isap mrnop, aceuparied ha- irtanraomma asramnurber of Conucwu h DICK DICK JEN OO&rDY t furuher saeableiaraers au tise seppla- cf 1eau Hoecer tris s as eut th irstrattempt utfW.ICK DCK C 30 Eotopol& IARODY. musea-,wmunld ho a coupepeeisice loxuera- thenSmit arsrmuresfer eCeusa-il position and KW . ICE tK.O. Vi5MroESt. anslag. tueur the rtandpuans cf tise wmou hiep of the riscdider hoad tise polis.vaK. Y.pg* Oari44ut-ctoSoalîStns E ogo013 ecuuma-. Tie feet outrhe marrer j is as this TheCtaaian tnanipi@n OucBarootes, ollons Ares.3 cuntra- han heen faing, and as fat as w ---m--- w teToetpie TBVBLBS'GUD Municipal elecinsacre oreuuforr aohcr yarrlpoe4TAVLES UD ca-esemila-nontiuernofacn, rermeude- ia irj-n-- - sHJ-'laen 'Cet SVý elra-lia-KnrEanssaItmen aelaniyrpueclongnsessions. apparent tSar tise lc rates cf interent to misicis me Sad be accestumod au tise part decade more mure than a lutieunereelistie Canadien departmeer stores saler le Gcort end moto giug an inflasienara- bists ru uauhed $0308 millions, 1% ahoun Ocrohee t949, thse aconcoulo trend. touent action bhtie teports tise inarcial Port. 0.Cr' 5% gain mas cetrl hankin le aising 'redisunut ote he lrgest. Cumuolative sales firsrtf0 monrhc, couses tiseofore as a cfeeu and cuelcoone $6559 millions mere 1% ahouo t1949. officiel recogitioe cf tise coin whfch f Inn- bic intnunst rates cen play le an enti-jefi ais fnr- ogan.-fafifPt.Seomo tisas the lest increase lu tise coscf nemeprint is rettIed as $6 pertonc. Fortunatefa- Jets tee more daa-s cati1 Chrisoas aed onla- me hoegis a good ruppla- hefoon tise inrease sevets cf tison are daa-s thia aou oeIn rhcp ilencd for tise preene thete miii he no oire le pJJjfl~,aduetrining or sobsoriprice rates.j Dn0as,a5* tOtt-a Faanded la 1860 Mt*abur CW.SNA. and Ontaria- Qarbea DItatas .WNA. Adveetlaing Bates an equsat SUBSCIPTION IN ADVANCE, $250 IN CANADA, $1.00 IN UNITED STATES Singln Copies, 6& TELEPHONE Business Office..n.......-....220 Maie Sîron-Mefea Ca Tlphoea5M Dobsg Wos-931a. .dalls, UU g-a.dilly 1245 ea. dîdly ecm GORGUEE. mujon e ýusndayfceegf. * t"arter, Bttr, NS,»y Publiand Office-Ina Varasei' satdt.n CoIng Ea-5.51 ana, 207 p., matar. s Mls 0.24 pin. Taephani70 GOng Wsl--0.35 cm.dally, &SI CANADIAN NATIONAL CABSTEN GLAHNN AILWAY Onenesr tla Cng Ncrlh-7,5 .55 IL C. LAtS.D GCn o Sî-7.o spin. For ppoitinnts hon 5a ntw AIlCNR. daOiy tesasinevice De Your Christmas Shopping In Milten- LEt4P Glanai MNE COUNTY ltrs a gifr thas arsts ail $2.50. Me rend ou ginv and pin the recnipt te i tUS A SUC CHRISTMA PAM Tm D THE CANADLAN CHAMÔN

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