PMUGE 1N THRSDAY, DECESIBER14, Im THE CANADMIAN CHAMPION - ~ - - I * d m L e a c Slides of Ethiopia, - IirthsMariages British Isies Seen PRINCESS Deaths, Etc. Iltessfo th olun may ie phrmd t 220or snt tthe Coodian the Mi.and Mos Club Of St, IEAMMIITM W fOiNÀ Cap"OfcinMlo.Pols Chooooh sheld o ____________ ChonotsoooO!fis b Mlto,,. stbso Oth Oih 23 in ttotodonce in FRI-SAT. DEC. 15-16 CURK-Mr. and Mm .Msaio Cork FoSaeWn d -The sound of belon homs o -Whotl o.otohitg the Santao Claus the Sondoy Schwont n. AdOps benhppy to onnounnoe the bih _______For _____Sale_________________ hanea a opemato obsos- sparade lst Saturday atenon bontifol tolthe tables w il 0f tOOrsIon on hDecember10aiF0O0SALE -Pigo 9 thon AOTD- aePozts on.dotosonoolo h thsfoot s-quiokty stoopsd and t-ssslg Tatoed Milton Privato HnSpoI Phoo 2r53 fetee-wsned. Sootry &W. Onpo nyn lc aete rsri.temidng hPhone MILLA-o. oodatd hs led = =lole Mi -aMil hveodto MilHtond o opom ommtio siof tohesoog 0hecair ranger oaeohppyto once thearriv-FOR SALE -Boys skatssand iî-o-,nlOl osWoDent ltonkaU= Actootyhotos sy, and HMiltoy Bontno tioof ti efhr douoghterh o ho fPPY U eanssboosto ssl3.Phone 489w. c Dr nolte Monoi Zones 4M 2Dosr- -New rstossttghtoooooooootl -itoos an d on thoenohrgsof the deootiooootpst-bd AaieysfoyloE sot-Rd'loons -W lsd fot week on the sooot deof ootooday. oroge Prodho ooth the tapieo Finding Ood r he J. MILES otInptLPly n Ho .n S-3 WNE nycsslbgt Mrtn StMsoshs of Patiionso foo Ednmon- tseaker oos David Poflsttesto, soho M. KENISELLA PR5E-sndMoE FOR SALE - Sand, gsevsel and donts ta hlp Mton ond Distsist Boxin Daycelebaied bis tn chen "a appy o, anouncethe i, Phoen23nosArhnppyb tOnn tanoonose. Ghoert, M Ph -Boin Do.ooohoodths onWest. Alberta, lhadthssn tonds gave on intoosotng tath on is rOs arrtvat of thojo datoOlter, Lyotdo 0 50,AtNtg. SanotaClaus Fond, plens eond don- yens on Toesodo, Doostobso 26fh. ao tostof ths Domninion Cahinet oeot trip ta the British fstoo ond As-Loois, on DOsoseOtho i tMit- FOR SALE--O pogs. 6 toosho otd.Milton. AUl donations toil bs hm oootosnoamd o hoios ho oas Moojoso rof Minesoand Tsshooool ohowe olo 0001 oido " uleton Potonts Hospital. Apply 1. MoCt-sndy, phono 155r22- o hoslsdgsd. Geo. Bundy> coonoot. Soosos. Mo. Poodhom sn a o hother A groop of stdot tobso ho Jiso 'M leTrain" O5-fDDEL-Mr. ond Idot. John -FOR SALE-USasda ClauiFond.oc-s- -Aftso rsiing os the sinth of Mot Lorso lixon ood n son adtoiLotMcoogall tho 00ontjy tddell (nos Plorn Dura0) 1000h frigeratoo, 6u, sobtoest. Phono Fboks wanted 9 tc ply us with lins tn Trafalgar fer oooly 5M of MrsoChorles Poodhooo, tlbhide aooooosd inEthiopt. oor asos o The besf Osse Aofry t9 nonoonos thesbhtthof thoos 396w. c hntcldng 025e. Flookes slled and ysn c otoss ootoo i o oso tdoto o ho.ti erson, John Thomas,. on Deosnthso hocdesd seoihoo, D C. Fcah talon as take He - aformer rsident1fh it MsowtonthPotontsthHai putonl.rFORe SAsEtal.yFO loLEtBy s, sd ls and -ssdedpfe oftchnge. 114 tp osidosos in totos bride. At theclose of the, stop7, gond coton .Phonsetmios ho-sdesonm loks 580e ces- -Visitoes af Milton Stoos Clob',. Motooto is hoisg plooot Of --Shldon Pothoontoos thoohsd the 4E64hiorH. bsIs meesting t week hooooBobpOosen. f00trooue.Wdssdtooallerthoeseakerond Mr. Bair osd wotoh ___________-eORSAE-oto, otfotfos t deya.. Fssgtos Ont Toonto, John Foosos. Toronto and hsooooooo it ildot. oottos oo e dîjs FORoSAL-t o potonohs Phoo u0000 ceie tdFegs Snt Harsy Watson, East Jordan. Mloh. flooioi and fooas out antd the MON.-TUES. DEC. 18-19 Y0UNG-At hieo homes in North 300013 -Lat huady a 430Pm atow Pmpwokdfa m. hBay on Doosonhso 12, t950, Ahlice _______ -LofThosooo Opto 0000hltptsohdto ttoOIt_________Jiu___Wallce, wof oErnestH. Young, FOR SAL-10 ni 8 toos otd chone fr boe u a hehmenghTo uc atrt"Ujgtnder My footosoty of SMitton. otot. Coll teros7 oto. osr1005h Lost and Found ot Rchrd Nooos on Rhoet SO.ntiThoosdoo OaOOter main hOthsnd PEACOCK-At thehomotos iersnd 78r4. ___c_______ the entooooo Os) ho Pi oo dosondthoe000000 for the ohoýet- osoot kinfl hobothso. tHenry, Pins St., Milto, FOR SALE -Christmtoos 0,FOUD - Modïiossissd hlack Tt wos qoooklloiooooht toaderocon-st Offfromto4Optotit11040 pto I UlMED JHN ARFELD on Soodoy, Doososho10. t95tSc otch piooandooed pjssottloama:ooo h, bhoosn face and tpsf. Phone froot ohoo thoeoPoio îoh 0000 ooopleteiIJONGRFEO Haosost Maoy OMilttoot OtottkPhone Ploîl 0c214. -I ol a r]cneineadte - wsnte a s .As osfsostng Rocs Stooy in hier 200h pont-. ttoootihoooo sgooServicedthooooosintntoos.oîo anMdhSon FOR SALE - l sx-eskotd SRYED - Taot13tIson. 5, tOs happer., in Mltos ift.oitoto -The hosooo hoîd b he OpWA. 5- ttoinio pt J ohs, o. Trafalgar, o homes. Otonos So Chopol, Mton on Topodoyth ptMs. ppto J.posntogoRtR.n3. h shopping host, os otosmadeo hodsho Utetd Chooooh ot Ziostsoos f an 4 = .DE 2 otrmetn oKox Sxten CmtMiltonphone 55.tcanod psonnIyonsown Phon -stpsoootto for thoso s-ho somesin os t w500h o.oaodoooded Ooooots nd EOMe esaon Oodso poo1MsiChoînttoos toohsyPhon tobooooooosddi sstrit. gh. nodstOssttsMs A SWii. h 11IEtO-OThootios, Dosno- noto. Stool bons, 10 t0 15 lths. av- heogswtot Pnonin t.poa onistod ofsaodutono TMm Horace Tonilison "He Walked By ber7, 50. ai otPool Meoosooteroge.Phono 282r4. s-M-O oto MoisSt PoogotosOntitsdofndoothyMosHonpital, Bramtoon, Jaobo O nD,4sL AL... Olisfil ooots on nd thesurtofac somaon POsthoottgtoand Mo I 1 CHAPEL ST. Nhotosbeovei honhod of theo tetoFOR SALE-Goosht bohots osto so ck WantevLfli1. the host fe0 totos Ootoo 0f course. Oso Ttsthsointon on f NMlo;fn- 1MOde Miler and 0500othe, o s. and figureskahoeso. stss12, pontis- Pa Btr-to sooonot oo totsst o o otooi; Eamopton FMNTOEO . B.anod Gertrude of Streos- lty new. Phons 307. s UP TO $500 £ACHtor dead or- potoshsopooog stdoss The oddesshbyMrs. Perey Mss. ny Sso; oPP.,fKEtLnYndsott, Mi otodHto Ctsh dnhldht sswhoo.l-os Otpossstt.hoosoo1so I ýOkile de y m Hdeyad Duffsobn Ceuntieo tP.KELY o0f Mlion; Mss. FP J Tay- FOR SALE - Mnsin 1 .fnoto. Pomntpt.set-vise. Phonne Col- s oppoo OhoiRs dos hy Ms Hnlsy od 4 00 Lotintl 0f oohnitto Spys oand Dstiloos Apptos. G. H. sot M ItOol.. Wllo tn os iotod ~ ~ 1Mos.Otnywaon f Milto.Aftoos- ________________Pneont sserics onS trtos0 ototond, phons 28t-4. c-25-S Ld, lngst-solOnt. -Unfootonototo Oan0000 on s nocns 0tesoOssortod.CRSMA A vCUE ii n Otoodoy tith istootont FOR.SALE-lOIS Mastso Chso., mad in lat wkshs ouofootsfOs M 5.oO-shno Oson on- PITUR ilt toetssttto Comtotoy. ood it-os, rndio3nnd hooter, $300 t-ps ionosttt. hoHyonCos- o.25sd ho ottoto asof ho Ootex- OANNINGTON At hshotoe. tsHoovsy D.Coampbell, phono osr2 msto il h omtposd of Moyos nentoftHighwayssfo theiosrgtontl F rn or"My Dream Cothssh St.. Toronto on Tooodny. FOR SALE--Doosd toohon to - 01 ot Hotos. Mo. John Rshoand trC, eot h umr s. F r w rhDoostobso 12, 1t5M, Henry Atbert Chrjnttoo.t010 thRs., foriform- FOR REMT-2Iootodoapotnent - in Bert) Hosnigtossn, eoodhos-tonclj.M eda,26r GRddsft. Mo.Osogo Dawson"S i in the otîsulltin ooîtMo25 M jis Yours hobnd of MoOgis Ropso. losin in s-I home- nodtood fDuos. n00 nn ths Commssion. sATh M"fNoo.fAtoto J2n5oiMc-to oderns55sonveîecs. Phone 542. s Hghosoo. the Qoson Elotohofh Woy M m__ s Tcioor Msialy M fAberanî ootd 00(Mon-.00soO sts on n tp -Wsthogoo hotfpssny tbsos t oOtOs 73 toots. Ths ooss _A. L. Aihon. MarguorteO oM-sFOR SALE-Whtte aoeotootoo _____________ are svidsnly ot Oooa îsorr ni iws 1Ehoohth Woo to Nelson. Pavsd, Nslnssîent Mnd.mte fohr of Dorooh and JanetOAi-ooo stooS, oit humer. Phone iclaeu thonîbso Ate oo tnthe dis- fai. Nelsonstoi Plooso, pavsd. JACK CARSON ken ond Ost-otd andiains Rob- 465r.Mselaeu edonsftef 1Chamtpi oson, tnc P [ilonosoto toon, posod. tfairPsao..DORIS DAY Resting ai Vooho Boas. Chopsi FOR SALE--Doit carnaoe, 0050to Rotosoand Bont-d nvnttnhlo At) ottothone!Tet 100on a EMTR E EIG2357 Bloor Si. W. (aiWilnod Aso. - oolor, largesioo osth booho Oand ososnos"c. Phone 176. Hr of thoChnnspnto. ootMos t oton. gThesort, foot-, ons E2MB TERSLEtRyN Thear oofos of OTcketns orontnto. Fonsool servicesaitheOs tod gooodo. goo contdition. Phoosne _____________ oond by Mos J F cMcCallotoOf Atoon ad Milton cooood have hoon n___Chistas_________________a___p.._Iter_25r_ FLOWERS for atl Occson&o Mitl Streetfin ber bit ksyad aoutont Ootootdaosd o lot oreoptisti- tipu ome.5.2 ont Ensogopos Cosoosso. Mlton n. otst Bros. Flonit-Int. lded. 20 cos 00 ho ot o ths oisooîyFOR SALE-l Otobto 10" hoo- Phone OGOlI. eAR 20_________heaten_____cin______________OT. _-2.2_me tolI. sotoploto ostO scrposs SM184.INMEMORIAM sOto John Rishardson, Mitoo, Ssnon'o ssseeiogs ftrainpans- _______________________________________________________________ __________c_________ Mi-il.O Pol n. t- illnso SutOnnon,9 BELL-tnnIong teoonny of Rob- FOR SA LE -Puoe hood loolo Witson St. S. Oahoitto. Phone Oak- NASSAGAWEYA S.S. No. 7 I st Betllsoho poosd 01005 yDos ookrhpanipostppieso As dool villoet16j. c ..beooho18t,.1949. ChristmsoPressnt forthe khoditos RESSS0AKIMO - Scnsng an id Mr. . . raer ~ -: s oopoy hoototo and daot- fpain, . CE.Soith,.RO.6,phone 93rOit- ii ntotns niof llklOds donc k! Made Life Member - ---- 1 oHeo sood nsooet rtniotlosf Mrane, n od cnditon, villa 'pSrOsltG.Syns The W.M.. and 0050s0000 ofIt- Lloyd Coosofori. Cosophotloltol ThpMS siLot- Ao 0f - LEAN-Is lovoog meosoy ota honeo otOOt-tc Msooooooooa PoosbthotsooChoosh o. o - iotoihso oaod ooosiosothso. hcld Crîstoo, meetng and.1cc'-Mot-oEdothoMLsoo. toho psoototFOR SALE Potoosoldintor 000IN AL io f of fooso s lbt Toooioo Mes oooy DhoisO18 198,AUCTION SALEdcutin had Os Deggaeavr neetm Nothoog cOoooo'ootolos ay cjlOoool sosAlso foso oghths hý Chisma Doodot ooooo- opLo 001000Theloso o holind,-.,, p.Johnssto ssin. ingoûtd condit- OF SOUSEHOLD FURN!ITItOE Chootoss post os Cooooooototo 00 soFond oiso tooger evo-toto io n t. Soo Guyo- ilons Ashgroosve___ and peser' Dutooooothe osootoso. otososhoosos eopO t-ooooo Photos O0Ot-.GeorownssoC-27-i The osioosognod haveoooooopd MsWiAFras-roo prssentedpiEvooootoooshsosiy hoo '000 FOR SALE-2-a-ooood t.-ototo instructionsotront wit a ie embrshp ertfictsOnd ooaghters ad fi ly. dI tihol. Lepshoooi Tosol Ideal, andtpin.Theaososbostotofopot sNo î21t185oîire, oLont-ItoTonoal îI- OHN MOFFAT insboa th oso i ooooooofoffooo-n to'0I, totda. Meaoioohoop los SValley To stt ho publie os tion to luh, ofiefo 91Coming Events Jotos Apsly Ernest Watsoo, R Bf lot s 14, con. townsshop of 000 oo N Do ohoo MotnsNostoootcooo. hol if oloe-th of Asssboos,..plt toso ths91 r5. c Htlto lle os doOot000tt t sttoostt. sChotooCotot000DootFOR SALE -Osvo C.wooo WEDEEMEi*.n50 viveOofRe, t IF ohoiWatelotosi Sohoooi o.oDososobto 20,oqopsopot 21toto R27,t195t St Dot-it ChoooohCoosoholilottoAdiso0siotoý.csohimtso25sot, Beasthty o Ati cebooloog on Foodot.oooht Mtr houthorland OChristoas Te.s oxoo hooo s ho os n mltottitit o-o - A 3 ttok h oloi oosppidthe pt in os osagos-sya Missi onDoOoosht16lh3tol5hool. -oexcllont condiotion. $2 Ron ing mtal ad6 PoonhoottoooooChooooh os Sosodot-m. eo rsw0looppl p opae: oîoe nd t esttype ikcî t-nchairs;ex 0ensisod shomtabte Th Fr Fim ii n th sosooleto. oxcelloen tot totoho $7 hhoOsthon table and O ovol top Tcho oo onFoav o ig .000 os o h . . . . . . . . . . . Ah School Chroism sot Concert> osac . Taylor, M olton 590. o haipo; sosq e oktohoso ttab e nod 6 toboo ooM oo iooso ho o -othotos So. ..Deroo.oooh 20,t8poot Adrniosoos351- _ _ _ _ _ _chair__ shoo; buffot; sod shoaod. bo nk- octhnsnoo-nfcdonosîîsotîooî t Luonch proviei Eoooyono FOR SALE-A ehaeds os- se; on l e; wsh-o ,otlan o p;s toi t oohtoos2t oiCoso. spt-hllOn rackioto l rack;oos-n of Faimo FoorumsGuode toos prescti t lnsger. tonnertooes sssping tsss; ondsonny nthsotooatoorst Chevsoltptolsn oftes -Ptoeglode attMo o sooi Sso ooa ta o ttdOot apreO-tt f a Jaotooo0o tn traOnstoission, s.nnoption ai extra cst. Poossogidclt fulitsOtoonstis and eotintesothe ototooh Coosp ts Locsy hhoooi Chrostoas Mter Sls n d lotrvice.oot have 21eight-day oks; oor-nsr oight. dicusin.Th ou gous are pdot and the toohasooot shift.This the fSnt ftlY ot.nttic transmissionto tbooSsosdinosthe0 oso Concert, ,oio.Doo,ho 1. 30th ols0 ols sohostofsras aio tohs; kthen opoot-; ooni dt.sosoosTc.1the o,-n otoo so Doo os estooo d d lardt ak omfo h ew adrssroil bit to-sooing ots tapjosure.iit Ohsatocs os thes1951t ObsonOt tlotsli sions xefou-oo dan.oThsoo 0arc ttlthOr mission 0,25t-.5c oossoo Ihootool toto DSoto Soda oto koh stoë- std toshiotod bobs te Mots MM osoos os Ot o oodeso ooltdosg theChevotioBot Air, Coodo's lirat haod-top" converttl. Euohro. Lodiooo Aoooloy. Cos 00950: 1 hooos newtoto gtooSedantobox;s dsop ea tblon b do p ostosi o ot-so tst oo sol oot odioooLegoo. Toonioo, Deooshs 1950- 1 hoooi0010Hodoon Sodano ol odi toood bois; singts spool hsd; tosoh So-, ooooth t ft- t ,hO-]oHao-t1bra0.30eosFord coach 19o0:Ai toilet sets, nuts Food rockers050. secton, . 8 ,od The ri- rrissio 3I. c om d totoHillosos 1951; 119 hu-oilstspto. tables;oot lt; mtingt.,soî b'.i O h t 000 of-MboalaChristms oEve Danct t-t.ot Moooooy 5 possengoosoto.m; 199 hooo ouonnto.o ; bd pos;s andstMe, A 00000 lethAhosolM st- udat-. liosonthos23.Town* Haol i Bok 17 otssootoso Sodan.; 1948 oob o 0000; old0f odd dos;i Moltos Mthrst o h y s Hopkis * Pomooo Co..1;halltono Ford panel ,hooss otit odos o sto hooogh OhMislton.0Musict-t - loos- grindstotc;sp- oofflpo 2 ton S oooto le Perfect Christmias - osfhoInterntotional;050 94MS ttoChotit Ch rtiples. 'nIlI Chrisms on cert 01 o, Dolfootton tako 00truc;1941 Tenso tase truck. osin thît Re-elections FOI S fh S.Sl0,EqesnDct; 3--os ohonss 1Bttisk coupet 0- TEMMS: Cshoth cipk ivof~ Georgetown Posts For Wife or Mother-tirs-toAdistiSo ~on 35-c oah rddto $05 f0r qtoook sale:Nootoosceonast-o t tol Planto Osattend afio eRond toostsor;Firptoeoootoigeos UNDLEY AND ELLIOPF, LatMO. nCocertby the Cotruar sicatol Ford - pootsootssnoocplowsnfot- Aottoosooos LolMooooOooo-soSoittyoSosiooy tosoiogDecti- soioo dlveoos:1 st Of -1001)L M-MillîooCott B-23-2 ve oos t-stt toi th,- cm "1il "'o _____________ Mbont17 Hou. cl.ekThnosi.Lo os s tszos:stpootosoosoposoîthopoos tesoîho Foo k Pteth otl:Go-tl '.Y- tS 'rhg- the Chotoot Rang", a tc os-tt-Tom oHostos, 1,7 "T e F ilt r Q uee 'e >oolIfsiotCh^ o othe S.ooreonphe32w 506; Williato TutO, 486,Fri( t-cot Satl's n ted h o intheS un This tefoot tir-o h.1 ouot- A VacuumtoCleattes nsih NO DIRTY- CA STUKS Ciadu hmpo et bs bess loted h fot-tool BAGTO EMPTY Mde100e00nt nîaad ooto o oulPolt- othosand sol e thert- th f o,thootddnc iTafla s-nod nynttom. Ai.tais 0h otoot A hsleh unit gosentees t 50 55n10s IFETIMO TVCEGAANTO Thoosîoy, Doot-toho.t- ot 0 Mot Tractors Classif ied 1 SEVIC GUAANTED 030 sos totit o0.D0soo 030 contonsl osooht toiOtto thileoii dustand dirt fronanourhomespos, Modriooooo t-hso ioh(00 oo o Mod 00.od ooidt 000I " 0i0, F lu0 Advertising vst ho ist t totSotF(]--I 1 MO Roin idFrdA vrtsn 10o f 2 00 . o th.oo Re, ret-snb Cntntittss5 The ons-r For nformtinonn or for fr- onaso Von. 516: Rt, 287 AIt othes office s o ef i h býAGE acclamonlo s-lob catnoddats being te-e-stotd. Harold Citons ws setrst sdohi fifh t-tnas W l igve fee wîth e inoat ith Woiltiam . Mrshalt à HNs and Ksnneth R. Mofonld setooso ed teOst eisonnd sers as ev and depoty-t-ssvs t-stpcttnly. Grahamtoan-l-l, shaiosn of thie àwrddanterZyertns nd McK1v1 BRt Sy IRes Il osto ss-slestsd so MAIN ST. MILTON 3-yens tsosnSon the Ptblts Sohonl Dun nse honte deesssîs-n,ie -Oeor- onu collect 'ENIS FOR FILTR OUEN eanO toachine purnhnsed before Chritstns Di-per voîleni $9.95 OS. HARDWARE PHONE 28 Notice to Creditors 1939 Plymsouth SedanN bopf0onootsopt ln the mlieros f tse Esiof MWSL 03F' d Cod.n oS Boths, Mnoingss. Dsothn LIAM £OI5t-oTON, lnOs Of the Asd toons tooreto ohoose o os os sggssct Toton of 5Milton. asnts-Conniso Atno sos gond osod trOtot-5 000d lI Memoriam wtsplsslierper nf HaionoCabine mositte.decesso. lotoss-hic o Ot 0coson 1.aoz nfos- ses-ue cd. oftmosneyon if souoynnowas - hssoat-ilsoaregoing to bc Articles foSlnto.Rstc. AI]psersans honingsloitns agotonst od ta foidltter. -2caso-d the Estts ot WILLIAM JOHNSON, Wo have os bond t1050 Food 1 1.n0 Minleusosh 35 10 IOR set lots of the Totnon f Miltons, inthe expresn; niso i Engtioh bOit pl Otl&felIsrio e Conty ot Hnttonn.Cobionet Mokot-. baIt ton pish-up. Blo.Ne.tines- fiese-Illes dessased whdo ddon orabotthe Se snos-oanoutnt-ood n on 00.5. iti.offlandl 27th doo ot Otohso. 1950 tare os- itosonsts oo 000prsetsnSSdltilonIl sîstd t snthssnnsstnthe noooOtybenorlat fortson Coming Essoto - 10e see- the 1th dos of Jnnnoy. 1955fR1;y othepseS the sstnts onil he distrih: E A RLY"S AIl Cl~asd Adses-ilmsoi otsd sithout t-egard to theirces. AESADinVCEi rah h ffe tfr GEORGE E. EIOT, - SLSAOSRIE otn -nhlt Ro eo- Milton, Ontnrio Dealer snPFt-d and Mont-h 2 ISSO. on W esdnyz Solicltor- for the Ensotooto Phonns19 Milton, lins, Il, 1050 c-28-3 Milton Fuel Low, C Faulty, PiIc A CootoiooNo, bt- m -tto it,00ho tht O o.o ttt- Fio o dana godin0 thetJos l.e h.i ookos off on 1 ntos tAbment o os ti 000t i doi ansd 1hgc I sol Sot let ndmnsntrotion tad ttkpd ittohis ce, Porttand C. A. A. fellotos cot-tinip sa- Rosolîf notd. -1 - 1 1 : 1 Volumte 9 Open Storn sohoitted hy M meesting otn lis StreetooatotM, cottittloos B.1 MNois. S.MEo son, H. F. Wh t dspsoty-rosoopK Hesloporsoidon A lttso s-on esoon. hnhong pr-optotoicim fnoora n otooso stopsot- os Mo theodraining of FoenI . Sou.]) thits cllat- horl Moayo Ht-t Totn Fo...tsoo itpt-ooosost os. Tht - ,ioo-l on Clooh teoooo, t-i tOtoOOit -to dissod t-v lsok a' do 0a of $155 per ypoo A mostionto . Do. C.A.Marti ot-tooostiop to t Hogit Schbooolt A -nosts thePaOyssost of finalf poos-ot A hb- to- est tbiod ti-so1 Chiot of Poliot- Atootho- to-lot .oti-soithtid fi, o-o- for tht Stno tabloit 10"'0 A osootoos 'If 0-00t- ho t dioisp oiso TF ThtCos-t - tooStt- oS the 5500 ho -toîltri Pisios. --o po 0 Ht - .o..t- t- PuOlio Schrtl Rd. L Ly.sooolohot- Hospital a-0 Ptintisg & eosttitopo Fit-s. light ond sol SI sots and osoîho Ct ooltot- CLoosdos ,disoisto Ceý Opis, lobor P Gposnloot