PlaGIE Mx THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Coudiffons For Docto FARFOTE'S Found FairIy Satlsfat mnRepair Service enu:îryDo han hxpp wu d tu e f N E W S suicefer discussicon fu r tht flet setalag ut th eeoddutuces out Fuse Fou m Radiu hruadssheld t Muedas, INv 27 aed it la Interest- s HslttsNxh S h euîf offeuxg lstagututshpDavd @ov. igt nt htoto 5rpotu Sriradad Start Pltetteri.Selas hCacsmasu uttht AND teseied frdtra lttuFuoruems peau.r tialte aitusure agreeed astht ttttt t Thsceuhuudsud folk wemesianscai-evexn. lMitusNulituWhitley of questian sehlth rtsd as folUesani tenances usTutsausessex u; of amiltonadeiahtsd tht greup wtttI mmAuau "Arsttht Medîsal servs-jutate pur - latteektfoi* tlepuiauîofhehr-abldeautuuîiae cnflural Cmuiyaeut nrgr aa Night tiasse luîsg hld ce Mitun. arragments as dtd aisePruf. Ar- Dsueu t.xdteoleorumgwurd t Cources e ass eiMaahtusst inuud. "thur brsud hSua disceuessio' Attht asly Forum wuheh suld there BusratNissesutm aCîstî,. WAd- -cer n Ss Aremls su etrsuid I shsuid hu mus-s Dutut. as rurai uxsceud Ose.seakiaîa Tatesasg, eut huis lut note thueutiblesicsueu uttrd Choural i Satut, Leatîsesaft. Ef- sidwhchth parets in attend- te rugard ta sdeuate nursing ha fectSekicg, andOîlPcainting. anse dtplsudainthe Stte tut uf s__________ evist, alagreed that these sNO Thu euess tu ths eenuneueunt thuts eung peuple. a greuttcaruaty oftnursing sernicea. lu se u nOusabur tuas tus great ________sas epteFoum tuhiuh ta ltat-- ertuu atsu.ess -iiatt ed.tAt I c B5uyetjuaîErtedPis- PHNEsdclsieetaMitoun.deeral sug- Tht clsI exdate tusruapications ides uoftht Hutan Ml Prouaers PO Grg I, gestions eeegises s e s-ttfy tis was out'I-t, usîe 312 flk blth The sesual muas 't atS A07 udiieu ahe tslgu ruraltandt;î-rba.iuesealttssetiue. M Psed usuresewat hsld inthe nursesmorexattractiveueth higher ut tht Cuuase la.d stade upplis- Ctout H.uettuaIIiton au Tluuduy lCa pas and shurter tranint'g psriad. stttsuut-tteuset .atsunoneeoflut wesuF . ue VOtaenursigserviestseseutlse )E altusdWt i .iîtîed ATte.prs-duturt theAsscationKReugtxted. WeudlaCI,, tuooi ftuet îsCase uesie, dW 1 Wiiaat, sesrette Inregurd te aduauatt lespitat milie i chrgtha du teliik maage oftheTorCROSSl Pr-tsriesr, ight Forumsreport hoss cf asuîrteadattu,, a' Its nest Iut; dUe, ave atn exlet sulseCRuStS pttlae u duuats, tnhiîttht ut-T peil'îa"î tistî'us ttlsts;, tiviuttese -hile lack aseandus fut thus setre rury In- i pies-,t la u i t, se onte ft,-t R .. , ttti,al uuecttes tes orthîesSaduquats Zismeeuau suggestud astIl uasrd -- iltatdate. Fuît ef the IA'tciationî,eliediteatu ed the Ceunta' ts pitul cIll 25 heds. ctuttst"' iîutahldîti tlelton î'tt;euu itii btterat tsts andeof I eadt etlsrietu Hîgh Slh ttintd tutus no ladies aighît Aî,,tluu itureftetîf luuudtdntltsies ate priiai, oteCohnEar ,oo -rmeaanescl Fortumsetaged that dentîts on usi iitttttts euiseseheeaeuesnus Tal'in ni sar odigfri etacr, b(.Mi, . "Itlubc AUTO PARTS I " e tte eevryIaeut intSnaPa. n tý iIrtent 1and suggesttd thut reltef ssitants H Failtal nt 'd nClerel ted 'e tîs lthe t'ttt livbts etutle presentsd Ils 3 MILES SOUTH 0F -e sbudîr nerdtd. us. hall utheîsFat-s ',l;gA Ited at,,attus spubtic relutions Staff ut 15lht,, bt' t,;,:d tram 1,1 tut il.tisa,'tdutty.MILTON 5.R. i ON Thessed questionn scs mat y" sueit p'ie tni, lp^iHîîi tea TIn ust lict tier.usueultsd 25 HIGHWAY lactit aunt-aur sesesett ituutps--1 set ta uld bclu îltatedisouuuxgeso Dandau 1m t, Tran, itdMi îia' uuttth ils Usrd Tirs fsuse i ate tuase sraalîuîng tîrru?" 9 tan dist rict Taara atad. A. T. Wuudîsy; 30x312U So adte%%ny-urhr P Tesent" iii, iti- a ltt 1 tittM C Ssaty. Milton; Su brotse dd î teeytu ld muny puo,i l h,,hîsti tipe s'tPtt'det lrid, Gergu to 825xS datit,titrcliftrud theun -F sndelli aia data,'.Isu tit, asTurus. Lttu du Vuie. - Used Pasrts-sucs atiivdblu e itsrruaud cundittosc and lihi], d intaei, !, l tiisuu, rttst îesattseuiud- r The aîritu tluuglt liah usuddr î i,,arairIt uilaieRuais.Edsil Fi.,. Eteunt lut the, s ue et usthisu ta dis- pit Ils errain], dai.t etl.t de- Pll. RugI Brte;NEsqusite. M I CAR HEATFRS courage aeotus takieg up psustise a. ligltsd tilthIi- iiP rtunticus T MuNaîl. JuIn Huntur. F. 0. ___________ in____ s iis oatiitt diets te tacOxt thut c uliel a',bula, 55a,^ttSd Rausnir. e la; Nelson, Ross ______1.k,________________________ Suetu-hI e.Pllttusie. J. C. II Hutte-c,; bust a, 0- BOu ,c11;:aeuessaWm se ilIgus P NiesRd a nii 5dl PusiClub tpr senses .mpsatastd lau tIr King. SINCERE THANKS TO THE VOTERS WHO us, Ouia suaat s susse t Ruyal Wtt- PRUSSIAN IRE LAWS wg tsFa-aTIia, ausinstsepetitiett Pla uît en hnrdsdeghty Thes tctoineuiuerpts fotues cAOAIR FLFCTFO MF TOtruc] clulntmrsurtrti11sectionafproamseat fKing Freduash ser île Prarses,. u dgu Chas. Ystult dted Dcceur 3, 1775. showus tîxIson tuetiWesterniiCauada lad lic wrtu foeshtttst tas ftusNat Prussîs rafalgar Township Council mass th.n sat eut tentsting thteacrluiteseee-. tops. la the SIartIamsecastiosn ith "Ayst artiex a Otrinxoras-a ovr iuhtv teel, ie sespetîttue tithin i100issres et u tarest, ut us- ;HALpull .al' h.fv o fs nHl igap1htrh rayfr hnROBSERT.MARSHALLA and as sred placetuas Sandy tasmok toauseadurtsg the duyors BuchanauaI ofMat-arast tub- tuserserauxax ithis s as-oest. u teeen oret uHalton SuIt- Beef tes nthaagh nocamaege la daxe _____________________________ _ FU Atgtnier shiel uas uawaded ny dmge retssalPay Suh T rclI! 9 1 ma' i te iMrsles.Thettstfs damagtle;pif bc cai o pth esa-e TT NT ON F R ER ! car Guinssetuter ssld as 92500 pes- age. tht ptrîad et iseprttssarset WN APLN PAYING THNE}OGnEST PREVAILINO PRICE chat; pudadte srettl1.00perssltlubcinps-oposton ta tht "s peard asacuet ut damage asrtistd, up MORSES C- - - - be: Ints100 thler, oxt-tasrth peur, tram 1 scele RatIsse luttýas emur Stage An~- 100 ta 100 thales-, axe-hlfait uan td FOR ONÂO OR CRWPPLED FARM ANTMALS TE euastPullia SFataktss and Aseatteur- 20ttaes-and aunes, i yesr t - cNak Fttes-ttaeteaî Centrale ssmeat"Tephan.Ca Useat fer tasasadtaservas-Masdu The Mlton R-gI Reho. auusuru- No_____ tes lutasesatfthePabtisSpeal- Aehsasr- netagt GORDON YOUNG LTD. N to Jnir arerPulc pek-Amthst er ocethugt o MILTON 210 TORONTO ADELADE N,36 ar ritn AsaturEnterstaisimet ittseat drussiensesa. ests n Cantent, Tht large audencse setau dled tesauditestun.,ota' dsligtt- ____________________ ____________________ cd ,itI tîs excellet programme o aIly Psu ,dad anus lu prsidet Stanley lau aI the Ratas Junior Sariser.Aserdaga mnutila thse luts ri'stîeuprogammtsesee ps-'esuttud I Rltas Jasause. In île public tpualisg csmestitiat t-ti tudges' duae, t,cnetd Isy Osa , Ets anit fMlten r.M Nlit t o Issu eses taart lus ýGateatcditatt lr tspakers B. F. M urfion Sheg nus sîtta bat cita t-luofflaiers et t.r argudeirusoftta rahu, rtist Nu', "t C au- rofth, t lta laie- PLUM BING AN irr a_ delard ilt, viras ta pull lec ig, a i ls li tusase ais, ai Miltn tJe'n . l, ir erras-t place and ltuit Lus' ut fPatussea ihdMiýsCors wllno rpr-SPEC IA ] ,ust RltounioîtrtutntatIe rPuan- riul Coin ptitaon ta lu lstd te Ttr- onto sasluis th51 rasThaseater ettstaieseret bltgtirtîsn-u trie,, trse Bruahuits .Mitton. Nus- t-at ard Paisu.iseaMaFdSI hDue- klite et natal e-tai, 'a. t '5 li is'tdituth, i etttm testt utitlrd R"S. S ssanudu T lht sit w setIes tus tht occsioan hy Ms. Athinsansd wsxeclusturedsmxy ta lu t lexat thte euat if est nep- esla tatI tIs- ninsiskit et s yetrassgt mhicih rsesined mul usmmenedttts ehaener preaetetd. PaIes-astuniotsa mliinase pseeast thalrs ht lsaZoe ConTutent ta le lid na i Ssue se Frtdsy, Dmc Pair-seunjsats- Estertstes PaleetataJunsiorsua aise tala emprataated an tisa excellant Pro- Ofaewhete apeaaatad 01w MW alPMfwN ml TORIDHEET OIL BURNERS TELEPHONE os and Dutlsts Aret actory ln the County 1 I wSH TO THANK THE VOTERS FOR HI use ssua Rt n u-usralucSUPPORT IN ELECTING ME Ast shtsuudl daxe ta essc it acre attractive ftas-due- As School Trustee tur as thought moeea-tad - tixtstsacutd le gises dx-isg te setttrp seestiser ta heta' tht dottos .R.M sexsh his dextisataux. Imps-rvdI_ _ _ _ _ _ T.R Mc M tettphune service. und ist but lb _______________ no mrasteast, a ýpeepxld asedicai and niehsrss pattey wosencour- _____________________________ sgt a destur. Usîts Foum suggrst- td pauing Miltan malt street. 1-eudaehe pll manufactureraa my tepeople of thea United States eadache.I 1 seîsh tb express my appreciation and th sks t Il CLEAILING those who assisted and supported me, election day est AUICTION SALE 1 Monday ta represent them an sur municipal goerment. Of Lisealsi, Fasas iapleaaeala. ofthe sl endeavour to conduct thse business and affairs Ford Trsacterandas Eqalpasea, of town ta the best of my ability, thraughsut the 1951 Hay, Feed, Grain and term. Again, 1 thank ysu. Tht sdsegsedhuneuessnud Wishing yau aIl a uesy Merry Christmas and a Happy sTreurisa tuatestutusaut uidPrasperaus 1951. t ectute ut the lut GEORGE E. BOOTH .I ~ E f~ Tu ssii hy publuc suteusat la j E. . oss ý EA E ate a-, Cumeruisl St., Mcituc ATURDASE, DECEMBER 9t1. 1950 At 1.3u uclaus tht fsloiuscg: tuORSREu-I Percheron geîding, 7 ais od; 1 Percheron Guidiag, 8 ____________________________ Il uld; i Puruheros geidisg, uged HOGES-i Yark tutu aith 12 p;gs;: Yrhtutrawith 14 pigs t Yourk sw W'th 13 pigs; lYorkt cse usith' t a;1 ure hred Yorkc itu. POULTRY - t hessy heat; cil auodur tscdrsfauntuins etu. FORD TRACTOR & EQUPMENT t,.L w nc -Ford trastur an ruuher wuith ta_ wesit h hduuuti ift: tthse fui- cmx fos a Fard truster cutta- tunns- pliuu-.nusunltader, utu . ýadeuble disc, power IMPLEMENTR Dît hucta. es WISHES TO HANK THF VOTERS 0F TRAFALGAR res ues.heitu, uts.; M.t-. grain dur, 7 It.; MH. ail luth moets; ONSH FOR HF R SUPPORT IN FLECTING thuer tîrud furtutauer an nueder; rubles tirtdtsrm muag , atustuu sade; tuecfuam trsuck HIMAS ages; usloptlign;h rackus; 4- tisa nsd harr s; tuethnu C OOI us. tut. trais dutit 17heu; lx T IIT ehk; Iasisu miii extension lad-S H O TR TE r;statut, steteltuhellaratu. aue boat; esufftur naustit et *fleerings, aseits e t us ________________________________ re and mruhlt; tess.. uhutes, hkyahesshoes, tîsutrin MH __________________________ epmarsteu: M.11. ailine hise th 2ise ad mt.r l, struinur. etc AY, GRAIN & FEND -O40totu Ifs' and timathy hay; tutus al.- fa 2ad uuttisg; axa lut îall OAK VILLE MALTON uet; 40 tee eeng stuxs' 4ta luts. ued grain, cats and haautuy; 150 3mungelda.: 9 luge C.L.tas-til- UNIRE- 2 ura.da chuari, 1 uttes; O.E. uufs-etgs u- 0 A V I ý tri stuet ht plate; stuali I Ll leicste; utusit lut stus Que- ýs al:r albe ;sd r, mafptr; cump set utnd sat. REA DY u..YMIX 3s;ag;hedeae nuits;:turd- M c; ual nutuettex table; sus M :3 sets; tetletsets, sets. spans ERIaS. Cash tuttiemnt tht thtng tob e lus-sesdustil eutdt aIsIe CO N CR ETE eoily s-tttud fer. HNEY& ELLIOTr,a PHONE OAKVILLE 928: Austaxes onuETa CuB-26- ,et Metal Worksi [D HEATING LISTS ANTHES-IMPERIAL FURNACES 138W GEORGETOWN UNDE17 NUW ýMAN, Die-Yax adettae retstaatla uxder ne met,lut Im...tht Waiter-Yes, sir, hut yuatas-daur. TRUfflDAY. DICCZMBM 7th, IM TRUPUIMAV nlWV.XrnlPn I.U .«. LEMIN( STAPPORD'S JW Shelisi SheUled TABLE Sunîamd Seedi CANDY j Lowney's IN MERRY Mil JINGLE BE FROSTY Ai [Prlmroue C AYMcPUMiPl AUSTRALIAN 9 Austraflan Se, SELEXIA Mionareh PUi MONARCH4 C. & 8. Plu] DIAMOND BUDDE WA, IN SHELL 10MAI PEA Carrol'u DAI Blended or Or, DOMESTIC S WARE'S PIE JIfIyPOPI IANZRY UNGEADE] GreenO CARROLL'S à BRUNSWICK VI-ToNE FUJ 1MAPLE LEAF PUR LARI FRESSa CAL. NAVELS.a ORANGES Nae t LARGE ONIONS- GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 13.C. DELCIOîUS APPLES - FLORIDA Na'..FULL O ORANGES - PRERSilDAILY-Crmais Lettaea