Rv a a 1951 viii be ion of 1951 958 for Carsj 8118. 80800808 b l..hod ofthe1 Sot e, lo' 108Hi, Ce, 6:20; 1 pet. te8 03 odiog 0880888808a YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE ho OI8'ht1; o018t 8'1000108 108 10882 in . ot y 188 oo d bc0018 18 Hpt ARE 8ESPECTEUILLY SOLICITEO FOR lt"t .08'nlt 8t anotod t80 su loto, oîoob ln1he01id ,si'88t0888 ot d ho sitart bot i812 00t II N' body, Ofull 81f tit- Percy W. Merry 10i' 0n. FOR 508005, TRUSTEE FOR b.oooo ndataduogo tohote to81 oh 0o Trafalgar Township Area tho0, bc dY to , t, andthe seb,o aýds . 1 Th, Ioooootoha . ight00 otdt-rk f., j.0008 fi othe 1ol o dy- -- * atcotot o f t h ot joto a10 O AKVIL VILE Eo te od en o .o O O blgaton soute 081 tht gots thot 08888 10g1088 ~ M X .git t.othinih "--le htghly 8of KI~~ALD X - E hooto1titanOhot iht,00088ohlo * 00008ofotg t ct108aso othog te C O N C R E T E tho 60880 188 808 t h88 goundof8 boooooog btot"800loy oa 1008888 * R 88pOtttbiIty 0^08 ho. He 2100210 PHONE OAK VILLE 92 s:1108888888 000 108h it88888 o * oulb veooooohod 0808 hole gitt 0I IIl hùoootohip 0of Eo818 0100801, 2 Co,. 83-53. POti 22,5-30. 088 of th,, 8808808 sigh0 in the MfMfAY818huhtodoy o,0s0the100000ing ioy IWINIIArIand08 butodoot ]ltOttolty of 00082 i rus.0880W hear agreat dea1 'boutth8108t,0...8tous 60888of a 688 MILTON'S ELECTION DAY Of8the m00808 08t11a0i88088. btf888n EXERCISE TOUR FRANCHISE a08810 a0 lare tgo.0081o0f th818 88 BE SURE TO VOTE oh. 00008 Ltol.o 21:.1-4). The FR "Rnç-ç" Pparpn ýï90,3 1 A8067 SchooI from Miltoot BUT FAVOURS lodusîrial Expasion2 -Wateworks improveeo88t Asss>rossgAdequate SupplY -A Street ansd Walk imprn8emeflt Pogram POLLSOPFEN 9 AM. TO 7FPM Vote As You Like - But Vote_ Advertising is an Investment. c R S S AUTO PARTS 3 MILES SOUTH 0F MILTON R.R. 1 OH 25 HIGHWAY Used Tires ftom 3o3V2 Up 80 825x20 Ued Parts Trucks and cars CAR HEATERS %O'L.OF £ a KEim FOR THE COMING FESTIVE SEASON'S ACTIVITIES Nylons 42 GAUGE Medium088sheer, foullfashioned fI oloork s oe tooPrcicforo 800 ydoy w880 boborsPo o- csoTaue, 8881000 ,Si.oo 9, 90 1 h 10 0 /, 1 $1.35 Pr. j~45 GAUGE -Scrttoto 80900 longer 880r 089 prticaf, or lot 809818 08888 Dark, attractive sea80 Colors: Pine hoth, Cotoss Heffie8 H880lo 0881', 9,9!/~12,0) $1.6 5 Pr 45 GAUGE Extra long Ieg !ength, foll fashîoned service weight with dark sea o. Colots: Ftoe barh, 1008822, 0981098008 ,880 9V, 10, 10!12, 1 $1.75 Pr. 51 GAUGE 15 denier-uoltra sheet -Full ashioneoS Sot dres 8888 FIttetoog dath seomo. Colots Eooe bath, Catess, Harvest Leof 28Jamboree.ho.88 9, 91/ 10, 1082110 2 $1.95 Pr. LADIES' HAND BAGS Of pi088881 plastic,9880088 leathet 0and plaidd 18 ric in many styles, size and08olouts. $2.98 ta $8.95 BIG NEW RANGE 0F n, lot 0000 000 0009 8000 0ap sleeve. Coos, white, pîoh blue, yellow navy. Sizes 12-44. $2.98-$4.95 51 GAUGE She88, ful fshtoned wh doth sea88s, 08800081lfot 810888 88880 Colors, Pine bath, Cateso HFethet hoo8o 9,9U, 10, 1012,Il $1.85 Pr. MENS Made ta Measure and Ready Made Suits Oce odet80f otr088300889 lotChtistmas anod New YeVeos. A 88Od8selection of fine 20808itinsfoot 88811 008808manu- 3088088882. Priced f rom $45 Up MEN'S SHIRTS A fine selection oSf whi888, plains and0 8000988 with tegolar fused colla, 8or 8808dsor colt. Choose early for Christmas.O Priced $2.98 Up MEN'S TIES A large vari889 oS plains, Panels and flotol1 patterns. Priced $1.00-$1.50 $2.00 MEN'S SOCKS hotool lo ek i 0t0,n Price 69c - $1.98 USE OUR CONVEHIENT CHRISTAS LAY-AWAy Ross Stores Co. Ltd. PHONE 490 MILTON MAIN ST. TROD. N OVEUMa 3D, lm THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE MLEV NELON OWNrnpELECTIONS Sunday School Mody eebr t f j Les 0sW'!Firemen s Bingo E L C MUTH UARER avebee meine tadsorge and kbo8wodge" (f.lor. 1:5; Frsday, Dec. lst, 1950 SUNDAY DICENIM 3r Sd, 1)0theY bsought 88381 00th m8826en-Iove"'to, Paul. No Or wo2d have THIE STEWAflSUOIfF LISE treaty that they 0018ht exerr60 this thenao ab od in liborlty alIoo PaulE t Golden Te to.-I ppal toyoo 88808 .and have felUooooip in the 08d not ooî 8ad then ors88g888 8 eTW Ifv thereo et 8808, by the mmies2 s ioostry 28 the saints. Thi. s wa bh 180, ther ould have 8 no ri8TO N H LMIILTON E. B . C lem entso boie asno a Pulhad 8oped (bt tfaor met8t8of otarinss In t E FOR 8h1able to o, w'si8h 8 y808spit- 88888th388g far moue 8Im8portant t1108 Lesson TT088 8888,8 121-2, 63; they givethemslve no t Lo rd.801 2 Cor. 83-5; Phil. 2.25-30. Ths îhey 08108 '608," firs8 in thoo Mes' ooot oith Mandy for about ________________________________ uNCLEXPOSITION.-...rThe Cbitian2 8and 81o8t hin iportance (cf. Matt. oo10 bt nvrpooe CO NCI ut aGo08. Rom. 12:1-2, "-, 6:33). caue uhe 088218ntd 28 8008 ATTEN Poul 108,8 0081088the8grcasot 8882108 ot ooly 0800they 8088 the-OPet p8y and8 200automo0bil.Ct A T N I N F R E S 2bout G0d as oted in te prece- selve reinbte Lordbut UntPul lt hecold ffîd botbî aONdARM RS- i88 chapters the buîis of the 8088- a8188asIhe o l.da 88p88880128ive. d her onhe phoneo. WE AE 81 NGTHfE HIGF0T PRIEVAILING PUC 11t bica l tcahn ht oows o te t88 he They did il 0 t b (hrog10 the 81880888,bci," Ive g808. 1 a 00b88fore". Pau e i 08128880 08Îîof Cod"t mercly 18880880ing OOttoobileo 188nt a00 eint8 he HORSES CATTLE H - ehe rmtheology, 8no 28288 tes- ta 00682 8111bu o dt 8d2heo'sto by country and 'o'e got $1,0880 0 8 inOth che ds odo 0' 88888 toooî8d us God'8 0il1,1,8PhlI 2M), p,,, b-k ih W - ,11 me00t~88?" FOR OEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMAIS ba be s o efr i ay oM a.,sershallwatwa on n . a., ____ Mny B respondin olg ations811 and î d 0822182 M88808o-08 that h8 0888d Ttus ta the -Y8, 8h12 tlhit 8spa180g0 Týi.ph2s. . Ilf88f 88 ta, 8822d8 erýS- o upon us.Ths duty i o pet o88880go to Corit dlootO8001880210on ]R b r a s al ibody and08 811 112ernbest lo ito lk ecrst.Tituon 88hodC8d2 îhoo 88888ORDON YOUNG LTD. AGAIN SOLICITS YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE P.. io0 ent; he 188 18b 8 8080808 ILOe20 OONOADLADs83 For Councillor for Trafalar i have 8. c.16o900080000 hd î888m8008 88082 80222 ,00 ________________________________________ Iowflship 2000 W8 810801d 8806088Ognz p8ri101 of 0082008hip to 0888 8hole ha8irgersadç,52885e8h82 ibody nd prset oit toHRienfor Hls c Irilt the a to riont a in810 1 8 1 Voting Mon. Dec. 4th adthoughtthe iQ U A L Iifn throug ýhiC it -pesses ItSl - h oooondoCh ti.iîtîy ticti.gth ________________________________________________ ody thin totîot. Hantod 6888. lps ca. oy808, and every the par Cap? l f. Civ. sImas PHOTO 0F )NE - IS A ;ESTION qppointmnses tes lime te pflflt yeur ,aph 4t"I. nMilton 1