pj - THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THE NEW CARS Two Theeries Why Hiqlton P.C.'s Elect 80 Percent 0f Alil B DWb" OsaisPrim fer tetha ew texce -o cjorFace Called "'u' ie rvnal Dlsebdad Stock chge ntytt cfnet e 1 Whs-Off icers For Year FrePeenae HIORSES, 50 h Pt-et. Nom, of t oe pet-ct-te ct-tee'The t-cee, eccording te the Delegae frotetlt the c a cf ahosthatetut est 80 pet-cent cf 5 OacbyttF-ee te --c ettd th-Ateef td-tea-. ot eV t rs M i on C^TTE, 5.0 e ecemkeFe--d, Pyeuth, Et-edpe genca ct-clp epttd thtery, H ton County etett ce Noeetbet- 17 fit-es are prevetatbe. Tht feoloig SP RTA DV E 7h- -e-ce tte-,teept t. -ttt--t e he etled the ct-g frotinte tnh all hu.Miltonanctltet- eepeat-t gt-eto aong the ORSPOTAOVT HOOS, -SOC par col. ed toshow-eccheemor e tnintet-thet-ett tht inthe tightteeth ee.crithe tlteofeoffte tet - rtht-Net- thousadteof knoon cauets how djuonly mae to epresnt g te e nzttet Thtet e n e ffictesi-fata eutsetathat mey fllet-: CaiICoIL Gaitt27181 Ne-abut pricet-UtdFord m_ hee fce s. -eecEet aithe prit-ctetdte: Pr ctA.D.Mc me,7ttlisciaetei c.U -d ecetl ite-te holdingtirte timet-cg suves-in ethe t-t-cetof Ocheitte. lttVice Pt-et.,P F Aet te-ttdht ia-te l R C te'd Vctac-cth Intthte lobbyfeahoet 8Rt M K ..... .....Pmec.ces oldhbc htgh-t- Cotsett t-c e tld tocylinthdira eteelstee att Pt-e,. Mes. Cttt Mettic, Milton;t i tet tde t 3e four peo tte. s.tttîtetcteg ttc-te, -e i aert--t reeht-tdit- icct-the s teeth eetetc-at-ttVice p es, JckB id B jeth ttt tiPette et-pet-ed te de thterete-ect te held tmd t- et cekece e etigie tin thtStee, 4th Vit-e Pt--tc Bt-ttc- et-h A mtttte t-t oe cf the tedttg As M ilton Councillor for 1951 etice de-c etlo-cheldet-, eeettec-tto; e asu . J.clet-ttc-t ittlesrt-e -- he eo d- Sht--tc-btleec-tg t-c eht td chart- M Gt-tct- Acteet- Seceeet- ,Bnce-e-tedth ttmet pet-hape. stttted a fe W LftEt-tEIA E at-tt-c-d Yhc- hc-te tht face cet-- Fttzgeetld. Mitton.e-tth cctt cff. The ftr t-e t tetdWIL EAP ECAR clttcl ce-t-edecith-tol ect -tte- At-e-,]citetcc-Ittdt-c -h ceý -ed te detth tht-e t-httdtte ,I,. ket-tee-e gse e-et c -ce ,t-ct-t ttct-tcctceeidcetteedt-ht- e-des e t--te ecteee ,t- dettcd tht e-t en c ahece idýo rt-cl c.- e entamcf tht- et-et--ope a mtc o ht-tht-cc.end that m et- l-ct-tdy-c-te_-cct-id tctf- t-t-PC or - raefloor waeth n lf Ihee ti te t-cet-eciz tieetentheeeot-The thted ft A sixeyear otdthUld etetd ELECTORS 0F MILTON I___an______cd ft-cc-hevice-P,,,sideetse ce t--acd c-iteS ht-t-rtcthlec-whc V0TEMr.-McCtc-t-ccthe eclc-c-lc-cted Att-cn ttemt-etd tel-etadF VOTh c-ttt-,ýdeetthc-c- ddeccd t-he I-e etcit the seet e-e stfuN L NI f t-att-c- Ce et-etnt-t-c- c-ce tesette ttt- t-he e te -ete - t o er eNELT O N TOW NSHI cctr e terffrthttcoientc-e thte hed eith cet-ce, ac et-f t eeet In- an ~1~IIIII de hi t !it h t~e tt-ct-ic-g t-etth,- aretlt-etof tht ee dt-etmet -c- Your Vote and Influence wiII be C .R .'A N D ER SO N prC sie______ve11.He i fo engceaedaie Tl-tt t-l tttht-at-c-ct-dcet--ccchtof ____vok____ - Appreciated for the Election of t-letr- c p C.c-t-t-t-thc-n-ie INRESERVtED FOR COUNCILLOR -- 1951 O p- -Fdh t-"',tet-t", ACTIOlSAL oly $84.95 ïit-t h, n 'e, ULIT SL j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h PIi ptt.e.t7p-.Mttlc tttbetfttN SOUTH ESt-N CLA RJÇK PEG G C- -e-Tc-cte t--tt--t - CO acet is as Councillor for the Year 1951 ______ t-i t '-t-nlt-t M iet , 1rt t-t-- t llt-a Day, Motayt- e. 4h Phon 3958 for Ce,. .... .........' ,:t-t-r Il,,-- l t-c - tcce RO BEReT W'.RN t-t-t-- ~ i -ni-tt-ttth-t t-cc-t- Tt- i -- ---I- c--- - tt t-O THE ELECTORStt-t----th, Et-e -tctEn-t t t------l--- ________________________________ TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR HclleiStt-t--kt- inIl tht-tt- etd- htt--t tI -e-tt--t-ct-h 15 D- ý,ýi1era1l.traininf TOUR VOTEh AND SUFPORT c-cht--t-Mi. t-t-c c - e ---t -c e tvc- d ,-c 2 t ht-tth nc --tt- i rj 2,5: Sh t-e. tw du FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE hef19taintC 7el.ThFb le e, u a.1 hinking Cap? -nIte -t-c-t-e hc-ientIc-c wdu ec -t-meo c etc t-c--t-tht-tt-t--t-et--tt-c-- ct-c-t lh- a-cct t--- d irt-t r e;JreyP- ---t--- hc-tcc e-hWoadarnag What 80o ive t ltcc- t-t tt-e-c- et-t-I c-tc-c c-ctPt-ct-tet-, t-cc-tc-t-c- ht-ttc-c- ,-c-t-.for Christmas c-c t -t -- -te tcct-c-- ht-lt-cc- t-cet-h. te E. J.n-ifJA M ESi'nA CERIHEDPHOTO O A naoaman oyou btard wtthrmnoy yeart of tfpttftien- t-hc-et-t-tc-edt-TOR t -re. de tr-t-c tt-h, cet-tT-t- lt-et-.t-c-c-t-cc in achool and township ffatt-s FUE h Lc-cc --c-----t t-ctc-t-t-,t v r111. S - c-h c--e- cd h c-f.1 pit-- ,d 4. ---t. lt-c- t-et-~~ing t--oft-,t-----Shige ccte YOUN -c- AIPTTLE 4 c- cet- cttt ao oe apitta ccc-tt--tet-Itc.te---cc-tc-t 'hhcd hc-ttcc-c. cpc-c-t- t-etc-fod stc-cc-e eaIy astilatakrea ime te, ________________________f__th,_____ct-lt-c-t-c-t-cc- dvelp and print your c-c-ttic-d dt-tc-t-chcc- tio cht-e-c-t- OUS-Yc-ch tc-- hcd Oct. e---- ecc---- c -t-ttcccl1ctt 3ttce-S eth-t-pholograph Exlsv u-hr u c hed t-e e - ccte t-t-c-t c-t-ct-et-tp TERMS 'CASH Chombo- St-at cea tet h t -e-t- c- rt Sashat-chewan S,],Ut-lt -tct I-dc-cdec-cc--cc--. % .latt t--c e e noep ea d t cc-Ied et At-hec-t-c Halton - Thte ct-ttlt ae-et-tl TB - edf Your Vote and Influence htt-c-tcc--cc-- -t e-t- (rt h-ee, t---ctlit-c-and cet-chactc tet- IPa" PFea4e7b Vlm&i So iitad By o.WaatStt -. Dee- C-dcca-tthlc--c---hc tMc-t- vie e, ttt- eig,-ete-ttc. c-e- Soucte b bmtisr St, Photorv199 Mmainload F r a n k G . S ~t a r kM ilto n H a rd w a re At-c-ct c-ett-c-ce e- ft--h c-t-Ce a- ;7:-?t--7 19r3 ::t-oc -t Dwur C ri tmsnhoen nj;l o r F an .S a kPHONE 43-MILYON tccrd ete--ett-efat-re Cecttct-cB-62R-2, oYu hita hpigInMlo FOR COUNCILLORt TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR POLLS OPEN A.M. TILL 7 P.M. DEC TH J Monday, December 4th, J'e-c- fc-t- ete-tct --c-mpt-cc-c c -t-sbut VOTES t- Vees Woetd Be Appttcialod MER VIN EZEARD ELMER C. FOSTER WILL APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT POR HtS ELECTION AS R E EVE FOR THE TOWNSHIP OP NELSON FOR THEI YEAR 1951 0icinDey, Mon., Dec. 4aIa Polit open 9 a&.. 0 7 Pt-at AN4Ç FROM TU WORLD'S FINEST AIRCRAFT TECINICIANS Another RCA.P. jet is reedy! Scrviced for flight by the- worldte fittest eircreft techniciens who have checkt-d ht-r over from note f0 tait. Tht-se are tht mn- whose t-kilt cnd knowtt-dgt- kcep tem flying saft-ly. Your expandlng Air Force IEOENIE hos openings for AERR-EGINSTUMN more men Immediately andFRADEIOTRUENTA to train as 1 n AI EHIIN If you etc hetween 18 and 30 and in good physicat condition, you cen do c cer-vice f0 your country hy joining this tetarn of experts. You witt he given a complete and thorough training on tht et-est equipohent, under skitted supervisors, and lt-arn a vatuabte trade in the miodern fit-td of evit-it on. Gant-tdat-c epandit-g Aïr lt-trce- Sec the RCttt. career counsellor at tha addrecss in the coupon - or ~ mail this coupon. Royal Canadien Air Force" THURSDAY. NOVMUM à% leu Tra falc :OAKVILL ~OA EREA EPHONE MILTOth EXERC BUT FAVOURS- POLLS O Vote As Yg Advertising TIrUlUMAV WeVWàý - .- 1 m Mot Rol j AGAIN SC i For Cc Vol TOI ARE Rt Percj