Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Nov 1950, p. 2

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p THIJESAY. NOMMER S 16,50w 0 0u0 It's Important Planning Does Not Work NiaS week, an Friday, November 241h, There lUs a eharfege of cwo t ise United -- nominations iii b. hetd for municipal offices. Sttes. ltI s ah. eeuttof weather coasdlitiaaa Thase who have done public service mii takeisah. affictlng tUas gaar'e crop - tageUiner wUUb some tight ta endeavour ani ansmer pour questions Governmena planning. about pour municipal affairs. As tomas gravi the The Unted States Departassnt cf Agriclturea clties of the men mho assume these offices feit, lst year. thet haeemase prospect of toc - imn seem tai mutipip and oftet it seems the ime wiii mach caNton, sol h. pianners weat to yack, and ( lI0 ~ , cone mhen lt iii be impassible for men and suce.ded la obtaining e traduction cf ecreage.L~4I wmman ctallteime frorm thair daiiy tasbs ta de- Tiien h. picture changed. n place cf a gin o rote ta public service. eral condition of averproducftn end pon mer.ci We have said it often before and li ii be fats, hane daveioped en ective demsnd enceed - repeaed many imes in h. years ahead, that i-g svppiy quit. probaly as a test leof he neut yeaa miii beana important an. and citizens Korean War. That produced a great Increese 1. shouid oisidar seriounip h. men hey chos. demavd for many raw materials and cotton mes s i ta guida municipal affairs. la's being said for ane. - *ODESGAIUC many tomas in Ontarioanad many aditars go an That is the diffii-oitp mith ail tii-la avaomnin lUUOINS THINK 0F POURL ta lina the important measures that miii oma ha- pan-ning. Ila s ardertakea an th.e ssurmptian fore municipal bodies during 1951. The years that a fawvi 3ierment officiais cati fors.. h ahead are important and ooking aven h. re- course o avents. and guard againtt utderpro- cords thaepi-arn abat are behiid hava bans im- ducf ion or averprodacalat. partant ovles, ta. Yes, il's aasy ta obkn rtro- la mouid b. a splendid svhame if la mould g-.a spevf ai-d son oui- mistakas. I's easp toplacathe -i-viL but he trouble s fthat il neyer seems ta THEi G~ ui-v i aci-fiutvI iii-s vi ui. vinv mark, ln this cas, h. Governiment officiais mb hoa~ ai-dem h. bridge. had tau decide the dasinahie United States caNion MAY~5~ IE The big pot is ihaofuttheoftuue. Wli aur acreage asta ynai-did rat hi-cm that h. Krean toms paricipate taulils fliishara in the advanve- Commui-ists wme ngra vmarvh. No ana aise -~ ment ard progreas that is hourd ta vuma toaoppears ta have kromr of that-nocepa the Kon- Cv ii'v i i eVeiivil IPN -i Fi-ivsi lui-c i-uvCommuvists rhnmslves.r ing may he mre im portant hat pou reaie. Geaa Nor did the Govrricena officiais doing tis Fity Years Ago ouf and shom your ieist in-yuto-in.Give planig knowmwhat themweatharmWaS vingt1O TukIiflot',fîiiiiifliTh,-vii a mord cfenncouragementtfa those icha hava ha in the carton ai-va.No ona could forsea ha il uî liidiirniTiiîIrslvii Nv,. tati-ad pcv. If pvu houe in mîrd ati-ritioai-s Eonvmiv planning has rot morked ver-y mail lii h, 0 ph yuc visdai ouod moalleMilfonvabi-frer SO for, bot the panrar raer ,become disnoon- tomi-. duoi-or halfate ru ral thev svai-nd sec, that ov sv- lntis hynanatheru- ihDmvvvl-lii-vfvvld tbayaar omirated. vihih sowsa geat deavof courgeonvtheair 11 leniivgAmucv ,nii-vlfvihl The yaar abead is importait heme We i-i-d part, Ufrturateiy. h. rasait is aimvst aimays ta vues vecrv cai- vuvi- flhi-ma.andf the estwe ari pesuae t hep gideourmaka vciditiors myrna han they mouid hava thi- suportei- fci Mv. Hvodasuv tha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nl hsmevsprud tahpgid ti îîiMcKvvuv ic-i-v cvîaîîv co tumi- Fîday, Noembr 24tbis importan-t. bouc ii hi-ie h-idber-i noacanomiu plasnirg et fif.i-vfvtivfct.,. Tehaicurivs - -----------ail.hi- Lhi-cal rvovh h c. rhvugh iii. bu uhichh, f lu i-c-mvvt hi Taxes Exceed Spending Squantum cedsponcin The Bai-b f Canada simaes that provi ncial lr the ld daps h. people af Nantucket bed fui--f i-riifit i hi-clsevfv theoi-lpi goermetsin190 iii collecte atoal cf an e yet whh t*y allioqn, m.Ai- iucnl lI îlic I- lvi- îviiti-1f $195000000 in gasoline taxes and matan 'OC- pi-i- fi- ladi-s nduviviiiilicmi-v -tI-c leii-ufiif i i pl-flibv iai ivecs-,vi hivia i-ese tees. saps an article in he carrmint lavivcn -.afeiîg places and had a happy day furil u vi vuvncvi-î i-if d dI-i- issue of the B-A Commentator. Total aopandi- ogvaber. The principal raies mate abat ta an. i11i fiii .l l if l-v f- toes o the prvvinces for highmays and other i-i-uti-v iei-uhof disagrfeeahln afînirs. no ai-a mas Nuî - MriCii- ji it aii vîhf ids ta transport i- 1950 iii h. $109,500,000, ivfaki- vîfai-va aIa juhe. ai-d everyne, mas ex- i uîî fvi vihicli vinis thai tavation of mtar vehlicles and pectad tavdc is vr bai- part tomard ceating a tr i iî î. îu vif their use milcvvîfiibafa $85500.000 fvmai-d cei-iallaugli Cai-elis thi-ame ta thea mmd, poli- if uC:i. I Iil.- othei- provincial avymidifumes. isdsadd a goepiehmld t Gasclici- tai-es vvmaead bp ci-ar $21000.- fi-s evelled, maalfh scaned, vi-maya ,aitad" th, u -f-fl 000, tha foti-fueapandifvras ovthefpvivnci-s i ai-d il- -us quai-i-m. (W. Rabertsvn Nicalilin -IIiuuuvvv uI f. 1930. Cc f-i-i-u Cut-i if fiiii, 1, vii lii fil, vtrtliii vi "Ii.- ra Caterpillars and Winter i flv-i -uiiiMii. The mrro UCîfais ta o the contrc! e Af this seasan vf the pao e mefind the vivat h. hi-on F, alvi f n- v hi. fuif.ii Thma-paifirfhtcfhevva-pvay ci-pvof tveas cvcerni-gthahuinduofminai- p SuII if îlerTh ., -vii aei ovrb thPe Ili..ý htlies ahaad. This bai beenai- auivii-pana- uiiuv vfiifi- l vth, i- cf h. Rayai Winter Fair le Tai-crac Caradas -ieli-iayas ta m a rmmhead lil-u-pifi i fide--d ivt importavtiindaiiey-fati-ing-camas rifS is -vui-and vaiied areathe-signs and m-bcds udd!ii-v i licWuI'Ii - l, vi-îliuî ome et this tii-i-a men ahe basa ut ail the dispiays -i vaclt iai ba d., fIl r-i-ý,I-i of avmn ai-d village fais is brvaght far Trsvf aLh h-dy ie iamsratntho fhIou-i-d. -fitlvpiui cvmpeteaainaath. qvaliiy praduve and stockf ithrotradn a-er h iasr if. -ji i vib - d.i i ail cf Coiada and ave-ichev coantries. pcpvlam in ihase fdilidaps. Wa nee-rdid hnom fihiBsi- i in if i-n tvi-b The Royal Wintee air in hy no means 1imife iehraialsred thl ntamatin tam h i-varo i- i iiagi- His bcviliri aio speciai bi-ndees and îlaia-scierifiv agivatar- wahi-c-ere. at eorec ei aborationvhfranteRofeupu-ip,of tedsaie ev-ýini-h alimas ifb ah, latat equipesent. Frmai-t cf ihvid hadisftavvîîi-d aimai-avand if mas bard fi vf hi,faf-i -antbi, muibi- Sauthern Oetai-lapri-e h.ialue of thei vital fi-argua ut frvm the plava il haid fvr accuaiae a lis i ciiuval ftai-.ri-t ani profennsii- ev-i-y ypat this toir n Toonto a It a maer pradîctians. thi-- vru rnsHvvhîîhavcdi- faack 1vavlvi i i-siv liî hu MiIlî -ivu ii- The, cf course. there mera ail the Indien Juihi-Miler- dicd ibi-c ecpi-ai-n a Kign Guinaas tom is eoibit is cttie. lagevds about he sqirreit, lb, harb on the Thi- mic ih. hi-gfucd ileC. i-feretntrsi-an nthe Ryal Wintar Falm from iciîes, he îuppiy vf nua, etc. aat er. taaen as i-i fulvi- fui-i Tu-if -i-ic this districa anpeciaiiy. la the fiat ploa, the dt- qguides vi-ni-leseaancn abead. Eaub individvai fui-ci d le ofi-ihi- vvi-- taece s ncf ta, ithen tam spactatars tno mke a seemcd iv havea aset cf standards abat osier ahhvei-ivi a teOTO fvvuu h ioc depn vnitve an ormtsf0 naepvit svvbard piai-n ihep fvund reliaabl. Islatta e pca theah,- i ifor ii-Toroi-touHei ifowl pncdave fcr avhubif. Thar, the sailinisthe dintricit, iieniitv isrumen-s have cumc inta ueinad i < ficif-1 ivilivî c'fi.i-vf' of fine al-und value, pi-ducesen c-uraging taaîfmshiimudembpvi îuvii -uulphî-f-î cmps thaf shcow p wmainscvmpetiiiv- îiuf i-beien-s wanitha cid sigis itu be udn Displups cf equipment mbicb cannat bhe pcathd. lgThi-and ue oiuligniinfafthedis-ci- B i -ci- lifi- brought to lomsfairs ihecours an be inspictedj fui-as mih ii-i-ist thirevethatmwe ead rec-orid i 230mvfls. leinvely bpthe farme in bis show. TbeemaS ii cvt - iiiutheivi- r iiuv ionîîvphpîvt iu piei-i-pofi-vumtvoricaliiiarva-d. qasivnii-g h-vaenvduafasiropi-va end cniderii-g. A pleasana igt av.i-y pear aa vi-yacuaanfvdcf-*bemei-- f1hn the Wiafan Fairis i-at f eerai fanmrs s itfng coi-nipillai-n had mora hrvmn egamenis if meant an hais vf boy is the hvrse building, aafisg Imuderafe mintr. If h, bands of brama are vvee a ah-i i-cp ntdfo rhns , ih ari-rmt han meant a si-er e intar. A tem The Canadi Th ri de airla sarfdf%',"-chatsmi eeksv.Lagua 60 aferpiilui-n mai-emeasured. Mvst and profensions alltiad cnip an uie stave. Es- tva area pears pasa. Wa'ra gaing ta bai-e inter p.cîaliy for thase mho [ive on the land, bowîner, sunaip as me aimapa bai-ein Canade. s hi Royal Wintîr air. And an inta night et hi hane shom as met in tails and ladies nniîsintng Tha mai-ien cf gai-boge collectioe by the gowae chat vwtb ths in averalis he tremin- ri-nuvucpaitii of be prvbed by Bramptvn Cvii-- cous importance of agriculture is reeliaid by cil accrding tc athe Peel Gazette. Cen ila haa thon. niho lice ir the citis and langer tomas of tauvi-of Bramptans siz, bas pea no municipal Ontsrio. garbage collection? Crtairly a gvad probe - - - - -- - -- - - w uld seavi necesserp. Th. other day a graup o ciizens mas asked hy h. Galap Pol whether members of the Orangeville bas neanip cvmpieted a $350.000 House f Commons at Ottawa ment îppoinaed or high schocl buildieg tai replace the ont destrny- elected. Ten pin cent. repiid abat thîy mer. ed by ire. It s ta b. officialiy opined an Jan. appcintecl, 17 par cnt, mire na sure. This mas Isa and wiii accommadate 400 stadenf s. Cet is n Canada. said ta b, $325000. YOOD OLD DAYS HAVE SEEMED BETTER Twenty Years Ago Takll f onvIii ii'1--ivof Th, Ca- oiluto Chl îiniîiiîThi-ilv Novi Ci;1 lIl HD-'Il,"fTiiv forfv r .vfMiltn.viiici cii-d Vie, t oili i fiiviedal, RîfipaI-, C A, E-vif'ihos tv fhuv fi v .Ild Ilv0iuhbiiv fuirivvibli- lnvi-.,valtIhlleiil-, in Cuviphfilvifi- 0i ober- fSth. eiî-id vii SfunleyvAgnew'ufoi-m in N,,1s lvîv vuvvhîiio ifuiagvi- If u. ' )fvPiivg avoi-oricMiltvn. thi, farvvvinivthi, viighbhhvd cf Liivi lli On ai-vcciif huvifu i ihiIll -ii - iu - Il- it:, ilthfîîîî of Mi- Mifi-hcff vif ii lii p i îlîl vi h ici d. -f Il iii i;] fit-iîiiîiif t .-ifi liit hch-eiîd ii- g thI, ih th,îî i ihi v lii, f fi ivii li- hi iitff vt hi th Mi <vi I iofTvi-vvfv. Cýi the oifi iiiivthcii h- mlvi- If fvh îvdcvvvviffvi-M Ic Kagi-v îcii-vfhthîifdînv fi-vv fîv llv fîfTI.hi-f Mcill.- oii-r 40 fhv uîîd ihi-ci-bull-fifrvvi, fl222 ifffv ici-ivi--yvvic iltî iTi- e vfy ehAd hiv .tf ii hYfIi S ififiiii iWcîîvîîuiv N,iiinh ai fhe- hvîîîîof h-i ot 1,i.-MtIii Mafiifu Ai-i--u. lifîîîî flu eli if Mîlfuîî y in Champion ltvpatmriîî. Ottanua Feunded in 1860 QorbeeDisSlsC.W.N.A. Adnertising Rates ee Reqaet SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE, $250 IN CANADA, $300 UN UNITED STATES Single Copias. 6c TELEPHONE Business Office ....-----220 Amonument boilt of endor- ing granite or marbie symbot. ic in design and reverent in porpose, resting in snrond- ~ings af peace and beauty, a tribute of respect and bonne to the dead, a constant source of inspiration to the living... OAKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS A card or letter wiii bring our service ta yoor door I Large display in stock.J 90 COLMMRE STREET WEST, OAKVILLE BLENDED JUICE vs15e, 350 ORANGE JUICE Ts15e, 35o Grapefruit JUICE 2nvitE 25c, 4'IN-330 ROMAR PEANUT BUTTERJ ORL350 AYLMER BABY FOOD 3-fNS230 CORN FLAKES KELLOGGOS or Soz QUAKER pO Seedless RAISINS 2Z Bs. 1 SUNMAID SEDES RAISI NS 'lava z.29e Free-0-Seed RAISINS Ve"G. 23e AUSTRA&LIAN CURRANTS c- 170 GOOD LUCIC MARGARINE La 38c CUT CITRON PEELna 1K. I40 RUBY CORN GOLDEN OREAM d% 15-OZ. STYLE WTINS19 CONSYRUl' 2-L. , -1l-66o JELL-O DESSERTS 3 meuS, 26o LEMON PIE PLLIsi e PUDDINGS VELVET Cake FLOUR Buu 24c, 35e Ginger Bread Mlx uie'n290 "TOMA TO JUIC aval lic KLENEX2-S.35:, 'ç 290 SOAP FLAKES CARROLL'S LB FAMILY BOX 65 c"TOMA TO JUICE2î19 Lyna Valley PEAS 2 sVEa4 23c Peelk Frean's VITA WIIEAT 2K. 5c 0ONIONS --101hb. bug 25c ORANGES FANCY MacINTOiH APPLES - CELERY HEARIS * - Dozen 29c - - Basket 59C Bundie 15c FRESH DAILY-CaIuiUsswr, Celle Touetrs.Ceesestacs, Grties. fluesai. Salas d eSpUesahln Packagie PHONE 25 MILTON PAGE TWO THE C-ANADIAN Ltl^WIVN :7 THr CANADIAN CHAMPION 1 1 TaItUSSAY. NOV FASHIOP A oat llke this d ieg lte fan datn& eut eand fullSleeev oner silte ad a QvatSy farte tnsss a uaurnueS louk t pited cent. MSehr -nîte tes. ettelu ha luaes gtriI es wteIt.Carm la buyltg sleh tenUse 9 wlnleamalt. BS- fan ltttghfttl esi ontally saeylsg tYe ee No. S1sseed. Dead 1,1 HORSES,$ Cc.1CATLE, $! HOOS, .50c Aenurdiagtg S Cali Col. G SS. A. Pl LPHONE 201W PROF AND THE STEVENSC Phuni ,Cuspbellville Dr. C. K. Ste Dr. J. A. P.] Dr. G. O. W.. URtfina Httne: &.M. By Aprios P.M. 1-4 -B.tf Sendaye-Emaerg n CfiheSeilOffice Tlsaasday. MILTON PRIVATI X-RA! Cueoner, CP.tead DR. G. E.' Pha.elnan sd 0f in-Janeý Phone Nu Offie Houuett 7-8.30 p. Cornt DE. J. W. McC FumretantBuiIding, Office Htee-eoàn Talepahase Residasce LEMA] DUCU< & D W. tL 01CR, K. y. DU T. A. HUTCHIN! Steiter. Sele Office-Next Doue CI MtanStreetl- Telephat e GEORGE E. E SterUetar, Seleter, Oe-lt Free MainStrent. Telephate OPTOCA CAISTEN G Suaneear IL e. LAI l'or AppahntleslP

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