------~ -a---- - THEI CANADIAN CH-AMPION PAGE=IW lc,,cccforthiclu ictu cicuc h chacd tu2205otasc, tt h, Cccudc.t ChaituapctccOfficep iccMitice. -Frais tcppetaaduonMiltton -NcuulyScc-eccies tf Paic staPait Sturda caupaîcu. taiteiahaehuputccpleted ou Ru. 25 ltwodac go uatatat daesaes w-uapHiglccuafrant Attu cuuil. ici til tatctg. -Thaeuccutiamettcg cnd ha- -A dee as ctpduout itct- (ot ftetiiattuttuttaDental lot the ae htgittau t Spucîde Assctatittnc aut itld ou Ntaptahpp onMutda uaft uta .Ha tauc qiuit tct tanAtua ODr. SuitofutMit- aurgeabc. tonuîathe iuauuditttput preidect ufthuussciuatiott,. htiiutaiogthe -Fi ata taeinta, ahittttio 'Iýtttuat utthicctintcg. 2,tuabu artnti, t in tae Area a ti Fatdautgittt atu Md tua 10. NMuta Sdtirteas. cuttîbu itad tuai, Torunto Flyeis7. dua tatu ta ibuuahc eaîdacitta Tite teaarolunuStuada ouaicu -The thîtaiofuiuatutttttauct "aautihaacsu Il ofaitccucy fteaiu huvu but-tîte,>uaohifottepuotttha huota ut Athturtitcno. otttae cl.cth il tuppad dead t S0 Titaaa taa a td tares ohctWdet- ntstau7aunSudatauaucc dtyuand Thusadyuofliathek -A itua tattaa tu-atatitua ut utctcppocapýd oddaly ou thturayco ptand îtnay to p t i -Wu icoalcaioui tocaud c di ticit ncotapupaaaccuvetioni Hap- rittuaou Sciuracy but acttrasst-o ic toutu tasinc the ditai ccad tutaýittit hud oiiîdd. o- id- e o lotutga te trip. lîcaaath.tt iathe coucînta ntattî phttl tali hca c piadddsta ces udgicg tauo ite cuatheaai applctiontsathcibae bpuupapca-v aA lu mt co urscesno urupîha p- pitationsca tuachacuppted. -Misc Sail Bennett.KC.. has laftiou a peahccg tourpof thepai rie provincescounituhoît ut thu Po- greaaive Cueraaiîe artyua.a h, bas oapp ficty enagematcto Ouad- A auta ludies gaoupc. atîued cet- -Wtut labatutonsip ic Wt-tworutbCotIt.Apthuranud PttttincPht.tu.saitpstic Welinton adMuat Cauatownship ta tialttiaud ae theu udT totauchips tnatlita t t otdîattu actatain u ahtph dupa httatang atll bu tiiotaed hic teata Shtguco aeocia peacuitaed for atbreaaa tuaniate .cmhua 16- 18 und pcatl icencpsarepcpdad. New School Open HAROLD EKUN N C.21 A t len illims ASKATCHEWAN CEREMONY g.itabtucaat0I TdMte Tautiaputa that Wdite- 1'.Wh uai Wtadtheofcai p- , ut aid ouait E ht ot Mr. 301h Htta DDatu Porter. KC. On.-ad Mes Gorge aEaititadWhte- tr'M stttofutEducutua. u aanuved rTR-u DGrauhui utia- huctua uostanud paonuruuud the 1tutd. Pc-duizhe .gt'vas ,chuian peruad tturco-caticu M- HMannand Mr, MayuY- IItaoia the iupoutance ofuthu oc- mn uu sliut. casio. Giun intaragtuo Sahur a ttOa Staal-t Hall. Provincial tuecberte bide as uguuaad in tuua att oftParlat fortiuactunanud chuul ina-itt acouaaayoatith acent- taupatua LLSiasuaea i cri haahettuaacktand ear- speaker, , 'Fquctgc caaata augtttuttheaguutmuHaahratd Ge.ugi Cutta Jhn Btcghau, daut. uuua tum t o hbaudu ad htud wubub adtatatutaao thaati ut Paauah ilusion Shu , tu andtuA Watthahd tht.dutuiu H.i;tI.ua,utu..aertEtC-a, M-ata ai pttatatbu MaLtuA 0 t a u ta tI 'f!l ua, aia.ulao ,fAt,,Mttt audt't t tiaund t tFtItn E I tutof lu vtat -I- ahtta t t t -ttu a In Ifthet ututtast it Pt tutlti i tttt titutti, a tput " tat i ,a' it t t.s rsaattd attusaica tuugauît tt-tt li' .riuaad h.,ataata- Mat t i H.m'bu tattahetCaua taitMa ttk Adt tha ptau Cu'a tadWu hors bauthMr. ta.t gau u u aau auiua ttt th eft hatrdeand Ma Dnatld ila tld 1ta tthattuha s-a utthe a a il, Ctti uta t lt p.utîtNitt Partes'dtt int tebcida tuuaata..]iau laauchiahttIhud A r tataut a-uhe atuthaetaoce atteded, s.-thin ve Ïut tthatbrda uheaa ttueibatde',cu- untqueanud ta tttaitataattd tha c,.ýit, y h ror oh a . tatattThaeitidattta.ecitt ctutt-au th dat u tua re a i lttit.pikand utAhiteta ta caatabattittatuituadR ,aadrokiaettesaaatdawhit HocheaaRLI.tttdtta Hatuaaaantadtath th, u'ddigcake Btadad Att a oubietas ut apit uaauaidd h apidtutla oda uscaaaa'-taattaauttaaaRuth Evucnsact daauratad haoi te biada aiteta Daputa Ruata Gaoage Lalteanud Mat Wt Calsoa, Wuplal. t Cauicailttts altîtr Lnhatand Ieingotautuauttrtatthattuita CrautaRaid ttta],ttu-ttttht Plat-t ha USA.thauatidaauraaudda forceagreaaauttttthuuttautaleaata Ma, Whttaatattt.Attý,,at ut tua'tttTha atupl ia tati tutut2068 Ra ttcal attI ntetMua Edoau:atu uRaginat moaatucdW ta NalittaGudta meutahaaftthtaff.tMac Poter Mac Hllad Ma .Sbuýuaa t' larpa t,allerttatha paaaumat taaead- PRIN CESS ' ed WlltuanKatuata t1tttatuart Gie a inttta IttIat i -tit egt thttsraatuattactlt]ýla t tuataautOita THEATREc MILTON 'i IleTHURS.-FRI.-SAT. 1uaI a t, at t r tAt ta Nua 9-10-11 d-t Il. IIttt titI "Fatherof the Bride" Whooping Cough Is uu'uuoRTRACT Usual, Not Serious Fît/SP FTH T/t tO) t )AN BOFNtICT * FOR SALE I e eteor and Mercury Cars New Mercury Trucks HALTON VILLE GLEN BRITTON PHONE MILTON 317r22 jCO-OP News wil bever ha d odpt Suetoto, byhaitadcadcuniuetates yuuo an dl furpuulup. hu id ecoat t ri e hust ofag tet abaed at chpancatr puy 0ftt zefo ireSra CG0MED FEOSS TEL PUR NDFNINA EO SaMe lon isingccntesCo-h Oeo ratin j Phono 127 - Notice for Nominoatiuo TRAFALGAR TOWNSHIP NOMINATIONS iibu held t te TOWNSHIP HALL, TRAFALGAR at 7uu'lock inthe auenng D.ST.o Monday, November 2Oth Po-One Reovo One Deputy Ree ThreCouncctîluo One Cucucissiuccer for Public Utilities Comcmissiuo of Townuship of Trafalgar Three Trustees fut Tafalgar- Township Schcool Aiea FOR THE VEAR 1951 If apoll bueeanded, electiue cill bu cld Moday, Decuocber 4th, 1950 PIIîtatI[ibapund ftut9uamtu 7 ptaStandard Tint S. A. FATHERSTONE, Claîk TNUPRSA?.If OV s. lm 1 Births, Marriages Deaths, Etc. SIuLAREI-To Mo. sud Mut. J. A. McLare n nNoveoulo3, 1950 ai MitoncuPo-laele lpiic, a son. MoEREuE-To Ma. ccd Mo. Eo-c Muaklup ou Roccuboo-2 195, t Mton Pacct, Hopitl, a.onc Sugua Kutlo.acbathat tur aPul- BRADLEY - Mi. ccd 30,. John Bradley auelhappy t lu onc thu hoftutaodaughluron ouTues- dcp. Roaotuho- 1h, 1950 ut MU- ton Priattt Hopital. A slolua KERR-AI thueOueprl Hosptal,. Haituo onSacuada. Rocaubc 4tlo. 1950, ChlesaterrSapa.nahî 7Sad pa. HADFIELD-At hshîbomeu intHm- itou au Fida. Rouccobua lad, 1950, Walter Scott Mcdtcutd. tiducca ut Ma Aratontg.i lait 73rd pua. Ittu-tco-caceuIl Eauptaacu Cucotupa. Milton. CAMPELL-In Kitchencr en Fat- dtp, Moea S. 3,1950,ODucan Slttamcpbellcusontofthu ltt John and Jean Ccpelltacd uncla of Mmt. George Harveyp Cuapbell, Fout Cuopua. ta inhi 601h aca. Sericeua acin cMiltn wttin - tutatuc i nEaaugaaua Cecotupa. FELL-Inl tucîg mco of t Od- dywo hpaseaaoîcpRuoemha 8,.1949.c intis87tyaua A itauttititi cuacouri Ouaca tha gud. Of o duuu ,aged Ouddp. Who'.uwtatit uctutud. Eapaapîoaabred yhi, 1dî.gb- t- .Chitaan cd tatila. 'Chu Hadtiuid laiy apit ta tn tgbitua..tut in aua i atd nbîtîapt uAouarthr atitacptpdf u ndteandp or thttt aauatod- Coming Events RutoacuhatthaFaa BitnStgo Fiday. Dt-auathua ýtinaItha Tata Hall. a-22-t Mîtaon Hgh Sahua Ctaîu tatb- tiiadatue a Si21-2 1ttîti ittabl th, it ht rod ttttîîtîu. Ma 10ttal. 80 A1 a-titi35. LtA îîî tait t WANT*ADS For Sale FOR SALE -Sand, cacot ccd fiti Phone 259j, Att Htggtcu. t c-22-3 FOR SAL-7 I piuo t cauiolcd. AppîF C. A. Wicc. plone, 387r5. c FOR SALE- Chocuutabletu to- actps. $1.50 pua 100 ttc. G. A. Boilcy. 77r4. FOR SALE-Btul.ct top urccît; rulso Bic, tcuaa rcoat i. dca 1 Pitone 485w.o FO)R SALE - 3 stitpioumalei calcot. 6 onttti oid. Stupopu Mut- yard, phonue 15cp13. C FiOR sALF.-10 pigo. f6uceehc uld. sApply It. Htaeuard. Cacmpbell- villp, phone 2llî. C FOîcR SALE - Pipa taood. uhout 100 auadc. $2.50 o ooed. uut poop- self. Pitone i50a5. p FOR SALE-O Yoprkshie cuta, paralut îd littua. dtue cot. Joc. Piaitt phonue 88r23. P FOR SALE -Cicte .iepet atulo c stve,4n ou odiion. ithurep and tatod. Phoneu 251ri2. c FR SALE-S YoeksitiilP itoat., ft fouaevceatise 100 New Hoap- shiae pulpit.,Phoune Miton 291r23 FOR SALE-19 aitc. 7 taackutd, ao one moaeauolia pup. Aeaitiu Statith, Catpitaiiaiti.pitone 387r FOR lAiE-Oaa aaot puipea. ta ratd aaaditiua taillsI tait aitatuAu- ala te A. Suait, phutu ilat. Mil- FOR SALE-1939 S taa Oodga FOR SALE-Ctdaa, 001100 0r boa- 'uttauitoi Fuata. Eaiaduia. pittne "FOR SATF--t Chtch aouat a 1bi -k at Aticg ibc. 3 Ilat FO R SAITE -Madapa ittaîp -htout ith totata ta pi:alto 1i tabac tut.attIghtlyuîcd.A. Mattiatît Saoula cSi, a FORO SALýNEwMata tac a Suta au 1Fultoc St .1u mitttpfîciuhed, fit a oorntahhfttll bha ataputMac EPSoittrda, uaaaaa Paiaaancd Paoa STOK2ERS POR SALP Oaatutu Ptaatau t ctaanditiout Ailtpaataa piitt-d aoill nta tîl Cuit 76r10 ýt t t tttta-t,!ittt-.dutttr;t.htttt i tt a uattau t Cand t duasLag Ltti. tti Pt tAtamuatbat Cars and Truckcs ta ttt iltttattthuta P Specials Chttîth, Lttt-tlia taatdaon u Mt 1îîhat haýipuiag ui610p ut. Fapu tauth. uittat. podu. btîou bba iaitpond ouA pao- gtata AdatîW tata 2,5e.Ta bu halA Haittta RaîtI Stttb.il L-uaptî fittt Aucîtul BSo it tttbu itdidnt titu Mitaa TuttiHall au Titutadu. RoapichauSthut tat 1okpta FtîataatuAduapa , .Ma Juhaca Faulpo. Vî,eP Paudaat ot thp OR SAtait ha tht unt' at -kauitr Pa-aututtunaattaphitth, t47 Fttd S, pua Olua Sýeat. -rttttditttu. $125W Att C, Tadut Seda.595 47 -MutttaPanel $695 LORRE CARRER MOTORS LTO. Phonea 326ta alua COR SALE Pua atudî.ttudu- happa t 1buuod cuca Hudson Sud- uac 1950;t haad tataFord CoupS 190.1 baaa optaMucahtuda cE i i ii i u-ut*ttttttltltti i atittm--î . tttimu hu tpîu ata b 1950; t buand apew Hilluta Sedan i 1950; Faaguauu 'Cucatout. t utud buda. 100 Mcoud Pucai. li,ghith HOLY ROSAR PAR195 Cua plo;sea to atet ui a ccucutcc Pas; 1945 Fago T'ctt.3-tua stoa tuaFud ucl.1950. cta 5-put- . c aagau Chut Coupue l194t 1930 - W 3ikS dab dc Applp 'Coa Hatau. "PENNYWIFOR SALE - ! 8rc Tonlinson Cd * cci a . I d 190 F , o c i ta94 pF.irohalt ttpttt $10 t95tt ýdT , O c ht.t and plu- Su Prncs WENTAY hOeMtreR St : Clssod ita tand pca i Advertiing W baututtatra cItwîhII O 5 atDciîhfSoîq ica ~!I Th, - pci attencd ticcoaco lu polucle onlonc Poneo 107. o il WA1NID-fly. uge 15, ceoitd 3 hke orplo tter s ooul und Saur. duas.Applp Ruouert Crugg. Matn St. c c WANTrD-Trck driver botween agoc 30 acd 40, oloudp uccpluymnct Stat c uy ccd cuperiuc. Wells octplu in ou 90 Chamopion office, Milton Ont e WANTED - LIve Puullry etcd c etecoi uucted. Hialcool polo. potd. Phocuce SodelS JeMorley, MII. coun2le or Wz. Dect, Milton 92rc13 or calte 000s40 Zocer. 402 Duvet- Scut oRd., Toront. 5-9 j. WARTED-Epcluuued plumcohu ccd tinamotlo. oleadypoitiole lbe aigit ucc, gond -cartinconcc- ditions, csounlcplpeor uamcu. es tperiouaclpretoaapdhubunt ec. -csctiol. S. A. Fcp and Sonc, Mil- ctoutiphuoe205w. e WANT92D-FlouBcito uopply us wtuillo cthlcg egco. Flouk 005,4d cuad bloudtooted ta utof carge. -High guuautud preuctoum paid. Occ r oebreeds cou taBepgg Btoc yeaou r aoud. Applyt Toaddle CIcico catpcsLcculcd, 2'ppguc, Ontac- io. c-21-4 WARTED-Appliuaoui cill ho 1. recied bythe udactgnedunict] t il culplo. Mucdop, Nuapmcui, 506h ftuhclousicticon ut Town Fuae, mancfor the TownoftMilton.Pipai, siuteagetO mrtuail citt. olittu ctiulocsccd uclcpp poputacl Ttc, iutaacttorpuyoppliation t i a- uoîaîtly acpid. u-23-2 A. D. Spraci.Ciaut c WANTED -Oppuatuîitptop a: itaigit hua. 16 pîattoravtap, ta iaacthea ititicipdu wtiocp- puatuîta tafor cingan cd opeutut. iiiag it anud pucpucitig linotype copeattittt, paesse of ut ict tt ut. tatta tyapndccdaiuduman d or- tpght ictuctatypug and puthat e The uppicac t hud itaue ut cuissttw 00oC tarintgit tacoal tc gott ualiyfoihp tatancd c dettat ta iaes-acncd udvatupa If pou hoae ut touaautiap Ounogelcitucd uopae o -quitetua hu Juitic ut tua pou. Tite c oruabtconuditiunscare uuud and ithe tuaccof utrio.itTu a ao a itip qtippitg attauslf lui t Itfatutuut itueputito auit loupa tin thp Cucodicu Chamupiun, Miltun, Ouitario. Ouicaitipu ap- pictaiotn s it, ucccsdpadc placuduout tu phoeo cll Livestock Wanted UP TO $5.00 EACH tua dad ar tdiu.thtad httaaaî. awta, hogautiatua tutua Partapt sie.aaPhonu Cot- lt-at'Mtiton 294. Witiao. troapus, iLtd,, tuguatuti ,Oct. c For Rent 0135 R RENT -2ttttath 4Otai" tt ot Miton n utuhat. audua 1utttaaattttu 9 o Chtttîpuîî *Miscellaneous Rotanud SBoard attiia.Ail FLOWERS ftuacil cair Gaataa Bati. Platistu. Etitaîide Phonucu Olal. cp O RO1TICE,-Cucienoatg Rtc. tl 31950, I100OF. udt couactîfranud -ihîad Mucdcyo oc-t9-4 MILLINERY -Cuctucu toilipaa ut taudpatep pcu Waddtag ardac aipuacitu E Rugicipa, phucc 78r22. al- NOTICE-Any ontuanoticc tioi seve lieals put ic cou plupeolu tirloalocouioci opaGeu. Deforapt, up plouc, 412J. G0-1 DRESSMAKING - Spcicg and clipputtuo ut of ithicddonc BY eppicad dacccouhpctWpddtcr purovcos apsputltp. 1G. Syccoul Phone 379a14. S RiIMIG MORSES-- oad aordt* tîtu, acilciti, uttilcmiddle ut Jutte. tatihatcharge ,iippttansporait tac ut homesafut tanud ta Eatcdala. Phoneaaarlaattp Hucua Adccosttc E. adula. Oct. a-S1-2 TWP, OF NASSAGAWEYA VOTERS' LIST 1950 M utaai itahroy githatItaihae rutttaiad uith Sectioa t ut The Vatuat Liii Act and tittIhittu poctad up aut co ffipeutlfIIrpulo au c 'ita 31tiday ut Outohait theu tIi t fcli tuacoco uiittpd ti tuuaeith a oud cuuuaîciaity ut SpTuatatpuiEltutt and itctï: ub t1 ucua iip u a pua vtit Sud t1itapaha railiuonapaa s t.b t auoimedatu procaadtagttuouhav ttaaaauaaaataomsttaiî'aaauaaatd .ttAti 'tt lt a th- ltt l ttu ehidmtac th, pattaI t tat il -scipitad oc ut tait it uatag eoubpa ut hiidaaa tw-actotîiic thc cucuhua tht hb h a tpaitut lu tearofut tltit a aituicaccon cugh wasc f auParfo p i copP- Paenta-adcicaed tît h.î'î thic, hlîdrecu caiccid If thcp alouucd eup sigatoutu ld i ho eenpul loul huy ciglolt, tIfecuf d wetîlo hoping cuuoglo.Mcdcl ds- guoMstoctuld raul the prupca ho tuhen. il cwu plnlcd ouI ht Il cecu nul muuc or ta hooptng olf o lurho-cocul etthisn teo f tj NiGHNIS MON.-TUES. NOV. 13-14 "Father Was a Bachelor" WM. HOLDEN C. GRAY A grandc otady fout thu fccuiy Spoeuoaed by Ocucgh Waceau Intutue Foc One Penny Eo Cao Win hhAUTtPht CAMPS 555 ShRVICE LEATHER 00005 OROCERIFS KENWOOO OIANICFTS ETC. Admission Free - - No Childrenj N ttelia t ge o titi ,o t ofti tli. Matraîttat Cathi ad Enagmntst cMaccuc50c P.. IOc pcu ArticstuarSaeRuaI, at .llic..c CasIh 35c (Ifnt pctd uctl'fecasrco-lue c)u Boa Nc. leo taoffctfte 15p Cutaîog Eaocts - 1Ou pua Ai llssflcd AdccotI.ecal.s coo t auh thte oie bore I pol. ciae Wdacodppo Sapa Muo. ta intaeMuncipoiitp ut Macuaao yaou Muudayp.Ruecc- hua 27th. 1950 t the CTwnship Hall,.BStotililcat aoueoutlokp. lantecauct ut u poili iag du- inacdud the hulottet tili ha heid onM.naydcpTucuhuaOt11, 950 t theu tutioaittg paces: PaltictuSubdivision Ruo. 1,Locis tet10 aoss the townsipin the OraugeHli. Cucuphatlitla Ot. Potticg SubdivisiuonRuo. 2,Lat Il to 21 acuauiu tha tutuchip-ia tha TownshiptitHuit. Satubaittu Puliitg Suldiiua Ru. 3. Lots 22 lu 32 aacl Ihaeliownshp-in the 'CitaTtcCottattua celIt ha i the Tonship Mclccioa to Nuoiton osue Ta Cptlto. L. W. MeMtttuu. ClepO Sue. tit. 1905 b-23-2 Farnworth Memorials CEMETERY LETiTiERINO Elecc Rd .9 M SuCâ lc7 t1til7A0M ON . i Voucue 91.-No 2d col Who is Hospita Repue h pty Cnuda taus thuottg h Scituu Couaty Courte ho.uahit ttpe ttuctht .outt the patuaci ut pet 'Ou. Haeoplaadct foatyauppertod. Tite aya iut ollutain Bttpitti ccd hu auppt top c pea,Mu. Cuaut Cuaptu. alucuai thit a ccad t t aip hu paupiofuici aci. clu the court t ry -It for thtc cut eaîapiîty t ýtaît$9uPOChoaptici tua tat, tahpu tn- a td ta btugiat hitat it Ma Cuacia. WtaarrnVactublu tht a diipiacud peacuc a cptpigiduiedoul bciaau ihea traup lto country, bcd unotcua custitaih ctprso ut Heauppaocad a cuggedl E Y. ikabihtheit eii dtuli b, Ptý:k loiua tabou, dapatca go opattpaauuoitoult t fthtsaiitîip. cnd hic dppuip. George duit atud tu ica-acittot FtIllotatg thuetppro peti tuancblntat pua au lad itu tudptt St tsagapeattahu tua atito pcoptittoat an t Attîtîtoulon. .titua -5giapa bu Dpt atît otLands and-tahoedrection S o u ts pnudotud. ha tas tOp, puat 60th t ag ,t.dntatntitis sat ta tit'asu, latatu thag 111-tas snoauuuad b cil," heaudded. C. L. Shuepupblip s tt. ppcuucad the aitet caaad 10 Eculpu Gibst seitp tudentsuic thp ttld tietat iata hool iotputu lu the ditatat otattguneut cutl. '. cmuuitiuu icveaay h he chldapu tm it coob scououofeutfopestaton Whtaba titall bethut1 eniotu tp cuuita, cd. Mu aouocod Suhoti. Sattoaicg pIc abie MaCuMydat Sebhu withid citte pcop Si te Ict iot uicg Mttabers approed in eoltiouemupotaaPlcg atatsouato enaggu dd tot n atu atapitiua tait hintîd lu thiatp ss goutu. Fuilutaicg tapat titu- tcrterua cues otu (Cacntud -itPao Rotary Club 1 To Send Mlti Tht Muitoa Rott ayC it gut speaker, Mar.G t httb uchaul ittdtt th -i t - gt , Au tittataiteUiteit The speuar gaatv culetai cuut ut the i thea iauitaushup Coucail. cd thicSuoitp Cauîl abiahit wil utcddd t Natonsctttuppd aaoud lanin l Sorat o tOp ci hp Noart Supacut. Aeo ctia0 fout tc io theseulî Gtt tauî te Uutted M. ali patiaiig natins ocud cahupa ouen i ut dcfcaeul laguget c aitit thoukud thte opoct excellent addauoa ccd Col Ili 111 11116 à