1B0~3AY.007035 1h. io THE CAOeADiAN CHAMPION ricos MRET PULP ebw and paul"r UR ORDER fLUE Phase 127 rative MILTON WELDING Elctrît and Atetyleme Weldlag Repaie Wldlng a! Ail 7»e Portable Equlpect PHSONE - U85 Un i. WT.- M ILTON Harold C. Fay PLUMBINO and- REATING LFPION 4e31 ACTON Cent. Nlgtly frone 7.00 Daooe Oge6.30 Cent. St. and Bal. fromt6.30 MaBeser Ot. sad Bolt2gem. FRI-SAT. OCT. 6-7 "Doolins of Oklahoma", - Starring RANDOLPH SCOTT JOHN IRELAND SUNDAY MIDNIGNT MON.-TUES. OCT. 9-10 "Peggy" Techncocler -Strrieg GlANA LYNN CHARLES COSURN ALSO: - Pigekis passes Waler Wieards RER - HOLIDAY MIDNITE SHOW AT 12.05 WED.-THUES. OCT. 11-12 "Whorethie Sidewallc Ends" Cc-toricg CANA ANDREWS GENE TIERNEY Pela Smith Shert Laleel Kreas Newe Acconts Collected Aotteare ccc gotulnI iheor dersas et ilsesiie rerizeic rhe tilme ta col- lccithe- sleec coanst To- stop irr b.ao Ite. Toc hvecrteceeeeserie. teider Of irore of Polleetece te C.ccdc. Tirer er lie oto Yeu tee us fer reat osir Ou terirese 0rNO COLLECTION NO CHARGE FOR 0CR SERVICE S. Yeu cosO oc te ecepO ire ssdelp peeipeoieg ordîa s o eu KELLY & AIKEN OTht CeleclîcOpeiiets Ocacgciîle Ontario Crippled Animnais NORSES $700 EACN CATTLE $5.00 EACN Fou SgaedyP ckPîakgh..e Banner Render- ing and Packing Compasy Iimilad, Toreeto PHONE causaC Brampgtone9wMrntotLYSAI Milton Lawn BowlingNews TheOakovcille Looco Bocrlincg Club held a o ortoosent os Wrdoedey. Settecebr 211h for lodles. Bl HIlgice poveood transportation for the Milton trace, erblir cocît- cd o Mcc. Fred Robnson, Mcs. FirkMoicro ond Mrs. Bob Bore. Toegotero verre pcyrd, 0nr bfrerand ce oler loocLr Mltonc coc the ecricogccoc 26 le 15 Tiroy oottheir fterrooco gocc teeaetrocglrost frestfcltyffBeach Whobe .eothe hilgh irclcrcfr lIer tourccete. Ic cour of ocdrrfol bowlcg wethcc, Ibeco croc ce ibowlng cc therlocal greeovor theweek-end. The Milcc Fiertcoy bacc hod e lot tc deocilirI. Wc ehpc or mecmbcrs and frencds do set con- clderrth thIe scsoec lecloed. Thre actEre womoco re e, tbr Fol ToraertcoandcanIntr-club coierd ltccyte brc irld cccl werei-rcd.Oe flcr lire offici losieg cubrin oer cet recrle erre oill ce dccirtbcire ewfrc erersr oc ther grenIf lue ceerre raero iroldo ep. Plance eee rr cry tlemcreteb eleereg gaeaned tirr onneel meret- ing aee iececollcg ercrig.Tltrr retS b' ocrt saoner rcther Irr ceiOtieg, foltoced brv o iee dit- cisio cecpan fr e et teor cheirltro leirbicgserved. iemccrrtirt chic le cer cub. Il cee oeieirerico Ct en elb0te croleel. Wr eerdnecrreerrr cceideoe, mre orcrorct.Wc cerd coor irlc and suggetonc le crckc the ccclmrceoylorirrfer rou. Pie-e roire l o date. Sec Ceieg ETeete cn trio Iserfoc tire NASSAGAWEYA S. S. NO. 7 Rev. A. Armstrong Speaker-on Sunday N ic, ilrgg econtregaiyleeac ir.lt crc o R-r R. i Aem- or cee ci o Aceroec e rire foce anOctcd gaoe oipr.sv Circ cirirred ie tire ceeee e an e cd Loceioquartelto ee roedoiree cier ireehe evieg. Tir, cee c ederediry tciroeiricand qcuareteo..s oieeed ire the rrregro Tire circcir cro irecctiirriiy deeoeoced cicr eutcmo, Eoerccandeles.A tucreecpper tellieed ce Meedor rgiri and ce ecelelent erore oece peeided ce rire laieschir ofiAirelyleUc- Tht.oecee tcedsof Mcc,. GCrco Robrinseon ere soeeclt e irercie je toeniedlte bcdlbrae Ellec Mr. PetreMeteoe cmet eili ce -erident wcterdsioceted end iroeoi tt et rcrcdeAl cicb lcor e - ,inc or ed ireeloir ieodrd iltice Foie ce SeOcdep. Sile illico c istrcderfethb LOWVILLE Community Shower Is Held At Scbool A cee 1ceeoeuscecrcritoshow. o r eld oc Tiredcc cigirt et Lirectoce Seireol for Me. and Mec Peter Gaet. Met. iHoward Cot- snreed thte ddeoe. aed efler tira creerecefol giftc and tobcen e' epeeed Pter.ed M.r.nc ttrglt edM-cEh R.Cer1,oIcd.Y At titiemce of lire yeae, it te onsltolteaean os ee Rîtin bloomtIn yoor gerdeo, Mec. E. B. Coulesnirat toco brotifol bieos onohrrlilaoe. Mec. P. D. Hortley vcclttd veIr on ocd frircd, Mire Focop Reddt fRoteHdampton, Ceca., ct Mies Mery Fecd't hoeeIn Miltlst elak. Mme. Milice Clesroetcroc ae l- octe st inletit distrct os Sun- dot. Ose cf the aldietstmecbers et tooceilla Uaited Cirtt, Mr. Henry Collilsg mac bcced ihecmos Mocday -aflercoce. Council Opposes BuildingZScîosa Mcr. Roert Meirs and Me. ChrleliKer cf thc Publoe Seool Board mcce peccet ta diseee ltir cunell tirae ateyirg os of lice bis- dergartea elase honlire toms bal Amoog thactlebreagirl est ry lire statehers s! the Bord mece tirat tht Jackson tproertp ibad! bacspet- eircsed bot Inspeelor Sirote bcd cosdestccd tire bildngs focuse aos lossre res. Tht Inspecr ird cltatd liraI ie mcld pstae coast lnltecrswnhall forthtirareaest terreairbutithatac recm mold sot irr large eogirfer cccl erar. Priscital Ferterhatbcd cac str- Ccp stade andItcshccrcftatmesr woold ha teady fer kiridergartcc cet eor and store crold toccocp for noasif tire Seirool Board tairca oe.Tht Board stestiers haver eoiridered procidingcoreacm mocdeatioirotfeel hat ttheoly properetoledionla t ew cc ciool. Tht Bord fci trte rold crit foc e deciote ire made MI11alter tire Higi Seirool fDistrilct eireo deicloc ce b lire loceeironof tira cet rl cirl. Tireool cot etthtirltiret soeld ecer tire edoeeioo b lire Seireel Bord and tirc ceerreof lire Bocrdegrered it occetireir ceepes- ,Iirflty. Leet teer tire iridergae ccei cire toecpcreabrot $030. If tae Reiool Board loirecer il woeld m ea laecer t 31300 and ther epeediterea ltollteg $28t0. Il c ccpeced tiret tire greot croold ire 55 pe rcent.cf lire epedter $1100 fremtest. Veioescoeneleorc epreccd tie peicete opnios on tire qucst- ioe ef eettcotcg tire kiridrgoree lases ancd iccc tire Seirool Board croc ocoilllcc te earry oc tire ic- decgetec t prececo. tire ceocool fetthtithcreeirold earry ce ce- tI nert Juer. A vote of tire Ceccelllorc e toireand cire Cocll eeted te fa- vr o f tairieg on tire ltir ceil cccl Juee A irr-iooe c te ireprepaed te tbie effeet. Anesrticrote fer locicc aew -cter mainoad sorcseccrtronthre cetirideeof Main Street cr00 toiled. Tic ecorete wcroc relprd irc PEgiceer Rey Smeirh. Tht cet oS tire croer crie Is ecstttd t $5,577. A 12 ted 15 Incceel cerre drainec te ireleid leltho snetrenceir t acoet cfof ,41. Tie- tetal ccli of thirirececrol Ilest otedotif$12d418.Coosei fit tilt joir eireld ire doncethie feR If toc. cIbe bt ocirre thteto score ieg frere croctire oteetlosqoet- cen Te oodltor le te ire serd te giveranOcnoeoneciroc tire tocr cnfiecncetibtuexeprdIttce tue ycece Theecenil cr11ireiod o epe- ioi cmeetng ascoee ac possdble fte tins poecrt teaibr fliircd tu e trt A recrcreedetioc efthlie Fîro, Ligbt eand Police croc crdc. tirt o n ew treet ligirIbcire leîd o Thcrac Street irete Saerahoand Cioceet. Tic Ilgbt crce cdeecd te ire ictlîrd ccd tire lltdcc Com- mission irece entîfird. A letter -asce ced ttlrg tiret National Fiee Preectice Wrir cro bicico eld cccl ocer ,Te Fiee Corecittce ic otc tstumcrtter or, citir tireire OinEf Te Fiee LIgir and Police Ceer- rnitlso e, ste ta» sg thce jely- lor cf police uniforeme and brlsg in a receomandationo et tire cccl The LOGDE. rcqocclod thot con- oldccatotlccbc gîvtleo arebate fer thc reat cf tba hall. Tisle mecfor theIFrololoTShow ercoedily heMlTae proceeda cf iisshow are aeed socloly for local proecto. Thaess- al rcbalo crac pocccd for thle orges- Ocpoly-Rccvc Holdtcccrlh gaveaa report oce tirrccbclcg abat off derlcea tire wpcb-csd i h ta e secellesof tire toms. Tbhecae ipîle croc hchtg laid and a pipe bcd bees croehed. Tire end plcg and a pIes cf pipe bcd alec lt go. A tlafte li ta ire ptlIre lethe pipe eoscposy for the clit pipe. Instrueios verre le bcirlced anthtIl asy emcrgec- le crise ecerytblog pocssile cr1ireb donse legel thtecrot3 precsure ireehoo the mains. Tht Cnodes Match of Clooto ergosiecics hod o letter cresect- cd reîccllg Ihol os crgooleellec irc set op ie Mlesn.Tht perecap- te otcsetloIf 0cets. Letrs ocrer rend feore Ocirillo and Berlicgtoc ocnlire iotr ce thceiruildicg f os ieeiceeolor. Ber- licgtec do sot cocleplatt bield- cf a c leore. OCeieî eld a meeting lac e ocrenrtee lie tter irut n c e creoetCoccil crac Thet ertir report of tire reces Cocstruetion Co. croc pococd.The creoirt foc loteol instalioncroc $3.157.00. Asnceeot feore fececcrod tercoecr plantoccc pcsed for CoociIeýr Wirell gceeagea.t ueof tire civil drfcccc laoeclac peopoced bic tie CocJoo-Proelc- ciel Coecreece. Thteldes, hrirld iitcivil deteneeorgeeicetlec c le borav eoee eatotrilor le of anceeregceyeeolng epTht aneereceerelc cmngu. The Ceucel deeided te set op a corn- ciller te irnertilealcdersirip. Tir eOrir repeetcd tiret tht cor- vee cf cire MeeNoirlot o oertr Streetirod ire ecteent te Mereceow crn orteeancccte ire ferocorddte Coceiller Anderson ireegirt et tirecrtter of epeedceg oc the treete cirot tecc. This crtter :o te ie irerogt ce tire ttentio et tire police. igeo are te ic repooced andrcerd. Me. Loeie ied ieecpcokiig te Cooeeilloe Thorepcoe on procrico anceeteaceete ipleloneSidney Street. Ccoeeil Irsed inctructions tiret e tI e ire tctllcd eod trocel- led fer eaoclkr orretire rood and otereplcese aboot toms. Intctonseecrer iscerd fer tire mnte go abrot toms ncle co tirr crodoff tire cîdealir ociicir iras ieec on tince e tirc in stalations. The Ceire oeieduerolssion toe tire Toocwnealloo Mocdor etcn cngc Ther lto ceclctld termise- sion te irld ac oppît dccc oc Sel- cedor.Octoirr errs. Tuespermits- sinwsgrccîrd. An Icqorirrehd ieecmcde iror tir cl iruilding ic regard te peretî ete. Conceil oedercteodc tiret tire lire eilrmenufacture oood e-. cellior ced ecrploe fIverrents t teet. Tht bilddng le teire toire ovricroedlaell. Cepete Reecce Ioldecroroir pre- ided le tire Cererelecc of tire Wirele, The foitecricg eeeoeeOc oece lrctcd foc payeeetc M. TWirite, prlctleg 7.cf Hoopital ecae . 500 Precrier 0e Boed ........ 1500 leeoree Toc dedol ...ce 4560f Relief for cter... . l... t 10.4 Speelol relief __... 794 Streercend ocotire 28505 Prticg h Cetgc 50.53 Wtererrc ... 50.... 315 Fire.lirgit h police ... 611 Towe Pall & Propcte .. 63.9 Rloco Poccelilfor Sept. 2.0215 C.,,cetteesH.fF Wieceeii C.R. Aedeecoc. C.F Therepsoc. V, J Igeeeic S. M 7erd. B.C. Man- Noir, Certe-Reece K C efoide- c or oead SeeeK. Y.Dcr eirs peceeacd 1lrtrceeC. H. Plcp p ce eid cd PriSat. Oct. 6-7 "Tarzan and the Slave Girl" [EX BARKER VANESSA BROWN "Bomba,thie Jungle Boy" JOHN SHEFFIELD PEGOT ANN GARNER Man.-Tacs. Oct. 9-10 "Neptune's Daughter" Wad.-Tbars. Oc0.11-12 "I See Ice" GEORGE FORMBY "The Show Goes On" ANNA NEAGLE TULLUS CARMINATI ADULTS SOC pluse las I I --------.-------- -t Mcc ______________________________________________ CONCERT RONALD STEWART TENOR Royal Conservatory >pera, Toronto Accampanied and Assistetl bp anne Stonsson Pianist PRINCESS THEATRE, MILTON Wednesday, Oct. il 8>30 P.M. SAdults 5Oc Childron 25c Tickets Availeble f ram Milles Jesier Basd IWRESTLINCI SATURDAY EVENING OCT. 7th MYSTERY MARK 8.45 P.M. C.R. T i tii aas sU. 28e i LACROSSE AT ITS BEST 1 MANN CUP FINALS for ltce DOMINION CHAMPIONSHIP ONTARIO CHAMPS (Owes Sousd or St. Catharses) NEW WESTMINSTER Sec. Oct. 8- 2.20 pr. Wcd. Oct. 11-8.30 p. Fti. Get. 12 - 8.20 p. Sen. OGel. 15 - 2.30 p.cc. Baît d4ot cf 7 gameo Otiregaecoifneccessecp on: Wed . Gel. 18, F e. t 20, Sot. Gel. 22 Prîceso $1.00, $1.50, $200, $250 MAPLE LEAF GARDENS WORK M. i. Leelwrirh cf Comercen rT ER 1ID-OIL ACE kTERS lable 'table lical Iqoipmeî U COALIHT iCULAT ION $10440 ......... 33 li 18 23000 DAILY SERVICE TO0 A LL CANADIAN AND USA. POINTS CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR ALL GROUP TRAVEL NOTICE le FARMERII rasi, Prire-s Deaid Stock - Il au LET US Do YOUR BUILDING TRAYNOR CONSTRUCTION COe General Centractor Na Job tleabig or lea este1 PNONE 485W p.O. BOX 86 FARMER BILL JONES Main Event - Teamn Match (4 MEN IN THE RING AT ONE TIME) 2 Outlof 3 Palls -90OMinuteaLicci FARMER BILL JONES JOHNNY BOGNAR AND vs. AND Semi-final - 2 out of 3 faîls - 1 hour limit PIERE DEMPSEY vs. JIMMY LICKENS MILTON AIRIENA STOCK< TAKING Wallpaper Sale OCT. 2nd TO OCT. 21 i CENT SALE SidowaIl Papes 32c to $1.45 Vernioircd 1.licoludad 32c Papers - - 2 for 33c 45c Papors - - 2 for 46c 60c Papers - - 2 for 61c Vcrsished Tule Papers Redaceel frece 55c la 40c par Raill Special price as batter qealily oelllsg pper CLEMENT' S PAINT - WALLPAPER - GInTS Milten Phase 129W mo GEORGETOWN TRURODAY, OCTOMM m. ime