PAGE TOUR 14 AAA >AFO rî 6n JéLEngagements .Ve Me. and Met. David Clorke an- 000e te engagemetetoftheir FihlinMilo ds Fiayad oognt er. eeMarte, to Michael 1 Vncent Mottes. Weddittg te tua S.twda were:plaon ec Otueday, Octobere21. t Me.ShrpToCno. 230 Mr Wisn.Dtot Ms les SearTrot. OEITUARY Mr N rg Omevl on. Mrs. W. Armstrong Me chuas McOee.gor, Toronto. isi W nie Mer.otte pelu'ceck, Toronto De inW npg Me. Descri Feming, Oukoie. Mr.ot-d MetBert Ntcbett, Ayre MotChas 10110 Jaee Armstoneg, Me. ertloed Covoer. Coohto5e 6. ot 005 Ntheritgtoe AveneetoC Me.tacd Met Abert Cottoett.Gat. dico Oturdoy in Witnipeeg.Bbc Me. aedMet Ken Gaoweoy, To- eotthe widoreof thetOte William eoete S. Armstrogotand srnobcnc lOnt- Mr and Mem M Moos o, Woer- arioa 5 uc cWcepg4 dow. easoge tand Otos t tetebee et Mr, and Mee Woo Maitic CotO -Rervieec Uited Cheeeh, the Sit- toreover0Cr eost Mottere AssociationrI' Meo td on Rooct fooO thSe Prairie toer Lodgr O.LFE Mr. nd Ms, ober Flroin. 0 Fooirrot service w000e SlO einev Focreot rirw Uited Cteecb ecthte cre Met Sogo edMo OogtO~.0 soet inEttesood Ceteeteery. Or' Mc,,le s edC , ltUol mueashal effted. Tococ Wito n c"MI Sueioig a ourons, t.Wiliamt Toronto. andHaroldtof VacouerandLes- Mit~stW,1,11,', 'na Otos e and Ethe of Winnipeg; ires H.tesltoe.toeote . OForsnted loFe Mread sO't l seotc LJhte Winnipeg and one bro- FEIZE BABIES, are bock ore, lefet to ght, loacce KeIey, daoghter of M. ors lh- R-Li-,a, Mlto, Ot, to; JohneCartwrght, soof Mr. andMrs.K. Cartwrght, RR. 6.Frnt ree, c - -MfîAA,,eotAMolite, 1seîNby e. FMi ltesreetCoulîîe acteneLsle of he e e M, -ed 1hD-0,11 ot and Roth 5Acnet, Ploclooh, Lou Stewart or Milttneand Sotte andeeleytSinclair.Toroot Me. StosN tt, MFpP.of Horebe, tteeoded Miltont Fi. Me. and Met Ottver and CeeieY ot Tossoctos ited -t h NM-Edtht Fottereone oso. k nd td tt tcdcd tho far, 1 Mec. Gosse" Ae.doOsood eot dughter ot Moteeti eet Sunday witbh ersiettee and brother s-to, f M. and 7010e Albert Peddoe. t Mos F000. Osdd, et HampOto,g Connc, atfome sdeet f Mltont,s vsetedsi om5ooo1.,tooe-kereeg teedehits aed tttndd thefilon O Mics Mothl ot eel, o Mnas de ooHondurs. Central Arocreic aed Mr. and Meo Nrry Get, oft Victoria.tOC , reeCoet otss aithte bomse ot Meroand Met TA. miss Moey teesc and Me Ecett tecoc, Mes.Mna Nopkistaned Me. ThoteeteteJordatt, Met H D. Camepbetl. Me. and Met George Greer tnd Met JametFeaooe OoteSudaYe esctoce oth Me. aed Mec FchFrn ecoot Me. aed M eoere Menttes eee Wiotr Bradtey ced dooghtere, KemreeeRY., Mr. and Ns- Prn- botteroch. Buffaoe, NO'; M. and Met John Shereidcn cd Kthe etf Ketmooce. NY:ond Mr.ond Met Roy Stotooer ted eitdeee of Ap- etet .NY. Ooestto ceCrigîco rere Mots Loto Webstee, Acero; Mist Lytto Webs-1 te, Toronto, Mots Amy Webttre, Aceoro. Moes Mre Fotheeseobote, Toronoe MstLucy Spooee, Tor- onto, Me. ced Met. Stuart Rsecos. Toronto. Mos Otdys Rsetott, M. E. Abyeeeotb, Wle; Mctt esie Jackton. Tronto; Me.oand Met. C. J Asend. Toroete; Mits Lita Oremsth.Toronto: Miet Aberta Gond, wiSeedtte: M. ebee Moore. Woîîcedate: M. cand Me. J. K Moore. Me. MA.Cempbell, M. ostd Me. Edgar Caxebelt. 300e Camtpbett ted etb Campbet, oit et Mitto:Cer.ttd Me. Wte, Hors- dltonc: Mre A. A.Gatbeatb, Ook- vitte: Me. and Me M Turnse.Oak- MILTON COUPLE ARE WED N LOWVILLE UNITED CHURCIt ON SEPT. 233 E REV. PENMAN Lots Ils Csssed Cltoteeb deeot- cdotth i.-tet.ttofttle-setOd whie otce. asthe .ettosoOfor the sesîdorgof soWaMso..o .steooot Reodho d dooghtee of Me and Met. J. M h seod, Mlon ootPeter Abett(.0t-e Milton.octottosday Stoett opteether 23,d. R-oA. The bheostae 't oi se- Olit Oot-11 loloo',tcc -soe t goco notea Yho-hc tther.lobe c beotottottl 00 t tr:ngof elt the oif tt gsooiooo Moicslhre C.olcoe Mtte th,e.sof thiOe Tht. lot 0,0 ct s to Readbeod, Mltot, the beovths'coe the brode, antd the uschri reereM. Foot Cotisntand Me.StewatetFitz' puirieb. M. MeelohitCoelsoTt the otocle of the brtde, sg "The Lords Pecter" actd "O Perfet Le" dr' isgth Ue ceueesty. About Idty guerts utettded o e cepties ut the brides home ufr the ceretsocy, tehere er stiher reeveud i c demi oC cary bise eheer unlted by the gotute sMater, Who Sud eoien a wice et.! dreu. on depaarbre for NiagaraTFla Md pit.a eet the bride wtreec rSM gabardine stIwitb navY se- D3RU MOUIN Mr. and Mrs. Lunan Move Into Milton tsrosc eofbos,baeegorebtsedoa bocte o se nOte Cocety towo ced ns,,sd the-e oe Moedte. Tbet' Iott loebed shese cocce s.cret The cool doreo cetbee detoord toteseopeetions coettedeeobty bt tbe breett aed bcyitcg ci tto' at grnererdoand tol eeedistg ts ntftt Mueb syestty iteteteded te Mor Att Goodoie tn the tote et c Sethes s es 5eWetern peoeintce. At tbe tieseof wretiog lobe Fteb t Jer.ease-sbed to bspiia orteate stopeedoto epeetiioe, .1oits ieb issa specdy eeoeey. A becto weeiome iextecded 10 Me. acd Met NHugbetsttnd ftoit seceettore te M. Lcect. te tit 1,M1 M'M2.MUMN M M .Mla FOR SALE * LatIiam L :-Raspberry Plants.M For Fail Plantieg * PHONE MITON * 388-23 M %U oU. ýýalm"! WM!O 3o1531~ igbhntt Cseh Prit.. fer Dead Stock HORSES, $500 sacit CATTLE, $500 ech NOGS, .50s per cwt, Aoceeding to it. and condition Cati Cuit, G.ft 21181 Floyd Marlatt m.oe St.. Moltie, Pht-s. 000 J. 1 CASE FARM MACHINERY SALES SERVICE CeORE cOY Low seVauum)t MtLKERS C. H. Prudhommee & Sons rtursury, ReceSfle NURSERY STOCK Htgh-geude Frut Tree., Sesali Fruit, and Grtpe Vines, Orcusetull Trucs. Ever- greens, Perenniule. Shrube, Roses and Boita. Pbuss Nta. 04.0 R. R. 4 Mitun THUERAZ OCIVSfI tt.1W Co-op News On Sale at Best Market Prices OIL CAKE - MOLASSES - BEET PULP Orcler Now For October D.llvery Spatial Frics on CEDAR FENCE FOSIS. Car laid nOw on hand, must clear titis fail-boy nowwand na e Nns. Al»o fmncing supplio-tsal Posta- 8,910 ov.n wir fonce- 1ho9 fance- POultrY fonce - har6 wire - bre wlre. ON SALE - LARGE DISCOUNT New Ezsa Flow Fertillner Sprsadar, 10 ft. COAL 140W BEING DELIVEEED - PLACE VOUE OEDER BUY Ca-0P FEEDS FOR BEST DOLLAR VALUE S Free Dolivery on Route Days . Phone 127 Milton District Co-Operative ,dMet. M. Keîtey, Mi]- leff te rigbt, Carry Mr. and Mrs.K. Cool- and Mr.CD.Lecie, Horby. JoneeKeey a o hoeeas thegrand chamtpo byhbelcudge Rbisot sbaby showt wat beld ie oteet on the grounds io the fternooe. -Cbheepion Photo ICE SKATING GEORGETOWN ARENA OPENS MONDAY NIGHT OCTOBER 9 SKATING EVb0Y NIGHT ALL WESK GOO M IC' OE M*ME MINCEMEAT Kemnel Corn i7c STOttLi't--Ad0i Goldn Corn TOMMAOES 2-.-29c CHOICE PEAS lu ~35, ÀAPPLESAUCE IS -14< W. ueobgh -'t.t rueisi ui.. occngraded sau. U9. ,.dlTet0t W 0-2T 00013 music * m'il K m a K W aPM 3 "THANKSGIVING TABLE ITEMS" Queen Olives 'à--371 Wafer Pickles.,- 24 Mixed Pickles-J 25c Cheese Slices u' 30e Cranberry Sauce-~ 25c Orange Marmaade"19- 37c CAKE MIXES6 g35C GRAPEFRUIT 4 - 29e CAL. REOD SWET EToF olINTOKSAYI GRAPES 2 IL 29c ONIONS ONT GREEN PASCtAL CELERY 5 lb.nl9C 2- 15c ONT. NO. 1 MARS11 WASHED CARROTS 3 IL.10e VEocS EFEsCIVE iHUeSoCY. FrIIut. v OTURDAY. OCIOOER lt,.6h DOMINION STORES UIMIT'iD AUICTION SALE IN GJELPH TOWNSHIPý Of LiverStock, Tectte Equipmetc tespicetxîtGais. flue, Foretture, tttooog ood it Foret S, F. WATSON bots isttected tbe otcdeeeogncd AuctioOcesec to tst bohe sf3 ots scor- metet o tthe , rebocb s titotted othe Wtet Enod RooO. Gcelph, 3 e eltOf Mardeot, 25tlots N. .t tac MadeMore ilsl RoO, oe SAT URDAY, OCTOBER lts the follooiet NURSES aed NARNESS-recy Mare, 7 he.. Blockcteldn, 6 ere CbeetoouttOetgiotec More, 9t ret, Yearling Cbettect Fotte. Chestitt Sprs. ^riCet,srerd by t tOothere, Set ef Oreeehoeg tOteee; Cottors, lotehet, Oietc. Nltee, Etc. COWO-H-.teeosd Core, beed'l ms. Aehre Co, becd 7 mos.; AyrcsieeCore teesb. t mon.; Ayr- shre Core. dose Moteeh 28; Aysotr Core, due N'o 24, Ayeehre e Neoer bred 6 reeksh eOd Neifer, herd 3 occsh; Blue Ge fe.brsed 7'î mtos.; rcedle Niter.dOte'Jt. 28; thece good coree te beed teoa Sbortboee Bullt Mithocc Machine;, Ce Lavat Sedrece 2 coit Mitere retb 00010E for 20 ceee; Ceocoso Seporator. YOUNG CATTLE-3 Neoleet, ris- lg 2 yoocco i3VYetlig Htere; 3 heounGobaes; t Ayrthoree Ieite. risico 2 yeotet orethosetsBullt.22 NOGS-1to ig Cboetbc; 8Chotoob; HAie ccd GRAIN-40 boso. Buek- reet; 50 becs.tre; 200 buc. good Fotl Wheot; 2000 bot, Mceed Grait; 8tX) busc Cartier Oots; 20 toc 110e TRACTUR ced PUWER MACII- tNERY- Ford Tactor on ecbbee retb lore aed eclly; Ford doubte Dstoe; t bere Elestese Mate; tott tootb Cltoeo'or. Eteeteoc Cippers: M..000000 tootb Cottioctor; VehI HoereeMill; Wods G roi ose loIe; nwTodbope Aedeeso Mocoore Sisceader cet eebhee. NURSE IMPLEMENTS-DCringc Mo-re.Faed W.Noe L.aore; SteetlRBaller; Side Olooero'RaSe, Coco Costteter. DamaReis tOrStsog Botero, NeetidMe Moorce Sprcsdee; WalSsott Ptore, 1Trip Sereer; 4- secie on erorec M.. 3-dise Seed Drilt, M N 6 f1 Bicdee; Flaltocc Seotee, Oceesof Mi; Steet Stone Ot, WbeelOBarre-: ctbber tored WagOoori'b flot rack: steet ieed trukel Waon owsetb flt ck:oohWagon Ras;cSeitter:lolese Steigh3. teet Pest; Eleetese Feeeet 001050 N.e: e.gtOh.ppecro .ete , lt- tecing Craite.:iSs Nop, PBeser Notreot' Gerain ase; FOrhs0Hues Shosoole. Chain,, Neeheohe ote s s0soettoterp teon FTJRNITTRE - 2 ectension Totle; 9 Chairs; 3 cde: 3 Wot h St.odo I Dresste; Cheterfield, eoethie.stiso Botffet osd Chna Colo octeletese he'.o 'dote Gr, hao-e ete n-tge. sles toange;'" l tîltiels :c, uaýcaý Ns.ebottcle tse rreoed toI ,ciled ferVeotee ceoirecd te mashecoos o tehe nereoreee. MNDNLEY AND ELt.tUTT, Ph.e"1t,3 Rocoosod or 177J Feed Boptote. Clehk 11Followo'thecoigo ieoet the bghtcdeB 1 ..~Lft Repair Service A ND Fbmqo 88 F' NoC~ Auspices of Milton Rctary Club PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE WORK $1.25 Per Ferson Tckets available or Miltons Ceparteet Store, M.J. Ledetoth Milton Hardware, C. B. Knight, Canadoar Bank of Cormmercee ae Bank of Nova Scotoa FAWCETT OIL HEA&TER TORRID-OIL SPACE HEATERS Dependable Comfortable Economical Effortless Extra Equpret MECHANICAL CRAUGHT FORCEC CIRCULATION FUEL PUMPS 713 -$141.10 s 708ooee 7t10 7t3 11,h tStoeo oîl 37 40U42 Wdtlstttol 24 2U's50 Ueptilt ieetodocg tankoS.. 27 t29Ott Tank h eoos.sots 'o41' 341/3 Ni.o O TU d4000050000o65000 710 - $117.10 70i-- $104 40 CMto IF9Ç7FÇ(.oe IItrçt Neogt ocectl . ....34%0 Wtdth................7 eptb .22 O.T.U..... O0(M $81.10 $6860 1R08ODAY. OMTO MILT WELDI Electude and à Weldin Repaie Welding c Portable qu PHSONE - MRULST. - 1 Harold C PLUMBINI MEATEl PHONto ACTOI Cent. Nghtlyj Daoon Opet Cent. tut. ccd R« Muttoe Bat. andi FRIl SAT. "Doolir Oklalio - Siorein, RANCOLPH SC( JOHN SUNDAY MIE MON-»TUES. "Pegg Teehnico -SI r rie - CIANA LYNN CHARLES ALSO: - igukin Fa Water Wic PRE » HOLIDAY SHO0W AT WED.-TItUES. "WherE Sidewallc Co-storri DANA ANCRES OENE Ft. Smith Lateat Korear TO ALL c OFI FOR LET U! TRAMN G Im- - m 1- il v à à m ILI PHONE 485%