Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 1950, p. 2

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Thanksgiving Eery day should b,, one hf ianLsgiig in a country lîbé this. ledasioy, li Os hs7022002 i the tows s in h,, oties, mohe,, Ontaro th01e eoding manafaoiaoiig poince anCanada, 00,21 12,000 manufatoiiag esablshmients, Agricpl- tu,,e s exiiemely important oinbis aiea, with1 good land and wlling orakersoresling in180,- 000 farms oith 700,000 people direehly ,lepen- dont an 210cm. id yoa nomo Onaio is the woralds gîeatesi poodoher af nickel, and Canodo s gîeoiest gold peaducing poie? 71e papulatîi oiOntaro has more than doubled ain the, ast 50 yeots s more and maie realize is potentialities. Las0 yeat me led 011 th,, proviflnesi constrioniilof eew bornes, with 26,000 ,eosdoellngs but. Figures p200e thai 611per cent. of lb,, touilsis feom h,, United Sttes isit Ontaro. These figures might be fairiy duli about 007 other provinhe otcountry, but nhen me tealize horn lcby aoC aretoi20lve in th1e centrîe of such prospeoîty, th,, siaistics aoet oblI ig. 12seems ta us ihat ,ne are siuated ina onde,,ful poil of Ontrio,, tc, As oeil as hoong ail t,, oloae toges 0of0000 00t flloy the prohoiniy of 2the capial of th,, province, aed 2the Unied Stotes. We are veoy cose 20oa lage a,,l,,,ld, la Lobe Ontaio,o a,,d ski ladgas. A his sea oi seems as if8ail te oie, bushes ands2tuo,,o-f laoers aood and i 1,, are alght i 'oîitie,,ealzaia, of 2the aoderfll contry ey gro--io.7The sby and ,lods nd eath seem 'of anksgivng. Letiusb,,iloob foi 20. Newspaper Week Thsis national newspapeirneeh ,îob,,,,IsI eh, 821, rhen spehîol attention moy 1e îoned 10 0the part newspopers play in he le of the cm msnîop, 0the province, the naton, and moîld af- faits. The seraihe of the meebly neospapee is of course deaoted la the ,o-mmooty il servoes, bol thet community is ofet idertlhn sheredied. 'rom the small ,ame'oniiies go ouitlb,, men and o-mn ho moLe oun0thehiies an'd loîgel cen- tles. Inmosi cases, îheîî home t20000 707eris a oîcmevsiaî each o'eeh Il io îhereiaee dîlli cul tos0y hom lue the influenhe of2the home tonîn pape, eoien'os beyood 21e ,ommoOiy The home larn w'eehly supples1the ,'ems anddaews about the places and folks with whih ose are al ahgoooled-01e ntmale cern, 22,s more Ihan a neospaper beause ilsup- plesrmagazne features of past and present. 01e reely newspapet gî,es a servioce fondino olher periodisal and rnhle Ots circulation figures may not be impressive, ils reader interest is ln- tense and ioued 0on eaetp page. The reebly eewspapet eeps pacee rnth t1e ommonity. Ils pages and ptogeess are atoned t, 0the advaonse ment of the cummunîty it serves. The good ern, ovetshadorns the items hat are pore2 p sensaton- As 25s people are, so is the nilon,, aend loing nery slose 20 its people the rneebiy netespaper has a dstnct place in 1e nation and ie the na- tional nerspapet meek. Community Busy Bodies Maty reely nerspcpr edîlots ate Ohssed of being trno-fased. To ho socessfol, lhey cloal- y have to be th,et.iaced. Thoy have tOuface 01e,, teadets and ptepa,,e a diet of noms, oerns anA feilu,'es rnhîhh iii enlertla,, and edohole sof- fitoently On wrrant a subsctiplîon ptîoe of 10h a eopy. They have 20 fase hit adoetiseîs and publish a journal rnhoh rili osst i0n t,hencom meciagr thof eah and everbusinesswhichh ses newospape, adoerlîsing iteilgeotll. And, thep have 2,, faot thet ornrnnity,andliioe and wrk n tn 10such 00002 Ibal 01e eoti,,e distric mil 10te ', et, for l'eir le ndA o,, ad the mn ,andAmrn tlhey eOploy oe ir netp reai sense empioyees of 0the ommunily aI large. Atd nooCjusC the tom,, otvilage ei n hîsh their prititg paetC s oated bol he enite trad- ing area, utbanand rural. The pospetity of the ternspaper is tied tOu 01e prosperity of enery local factory. eaetp loai faem, every local soe. One Marchant mîp f ail and ather mill gaie t his expense. One fac. tory mae ahul up s1op ced atother competing busanessa 1e lusoer off. But t1e heath of eash .Ioaeat Ieth11e ommnunity is vital 10 0the healCh of the newspaper. eW This whye pethaps. pou seoflen fied 01e locl editor and the other rn.eelers of his staff îl mbwd. up in w maoy ciic enterprises. Working Togetiier 5010,,,gîoups wrok c, operatiîely, gîeoiee eelts coe secoedlhy alL i wollappeor ihol a good meosuof fire8 ,,protetion could b,, -ecured in hhe ruraldistictshif îtle planls aie put in2o operatiîh as praposed 2alOameeting of 0muni- o pa o epresntaivhos held ie Mlon ecently. b,, protectionservice wouold rot b,,e epenive ,,eiher ohe b,,, aoed hy ai. Fa, mony y00,, Milton bas ha'1 an effetive fire brigode nd coilme,,i of fine lsses. The valueof tl iis ho, heen rmlzed by rural sections and 500e larmers have bcd an ogteee aohereby the MitonBrigode ,esponded la fin callsoutide lb,, owne 1,00,2 The adoonioges hove heen slown andood 000 2,0proposeci 20 set up a2nir o meei the raral ,eed. Delils, of couse ae.in theeformtve stage bait0he,, compeeloh o del cobe sel op rnîhh moy b,, 20,2 at f ai 000Pmare ihooghooi the pro- \i .Put i, oth,,rtes ,and ono,bted Io b0 lIlb,h,5i rnoald b,, aey 5000117The pan bas gra osibilies and onde benefits and me sulO gesi ihot ail farmers in the distict 0gî,e i2 sody and gel 2the details a2a meeting panned for iis rnteh. Farm Forums Educational n aonhe,, month in tne rural districts one nîg hieochh ne, gops of fim olks wml i doh- e, aoond 2the radio 00210e home o n of he,,, 0200b,,,and lsen t0 dishuoson sobjects con- ,,,tning rutal ll,,,olte,,mhiobib,,y will mll ooe2 ten goesions dso,,sed and iben enjoyaoca This is the,,Foîn FomI, h10 lo beame an insirioof olonsdeîoble ,ieî,si adimporti once 1 inltherural ,ommoniy. Amog 0the sob 0,252, ob, ds,.ssed uing the caming tern0are such thngsas soil coservaio,foes, farmets wrihng heurs, edeical seicIes, pensions,mar- ket,s hnriof ,1productiîon, rural edootion,. o problems iht sitîko close tale in ilhe, aie homeand the g,ssroots leeliln Ontario. These loom fom di sussions sbould, doubl- less do, bîod,,n th tinking of me, ond wmrn engoged inagrichulture, buot iberees one danger agoinst woh ,0lsienees shoo Id goard, t1e danger Iht ihey moy ooept itmi10 oo ltle qoestion 2the opinions nopiessed by ihase nho lobe part i he broadoss insead of mighing tbase 0op1inons caref oly anA formîng 01,eroncnlsos Smih Falls Rcod-Nems. Farmn IdentIification mhc s ie nhen 0 ows quiOe a smple matertofînd the iarmnatdkboom the o,rnoe,,of ros oîhemin the district.But ornesnof foms hae been changngerapidly the past few years cnd 702oujso cant stop aoog the toad anA gel clec, diretion to the farms. Ciles and many tornos found 0t helpful 20 pst numbe,,s on build- ings. t mas riîh ittletest me leateed Iht tht Dot- ham Fedeîation of Agicullte in CO-opetdfion rilh the Fatm Fotum$ in the County. intends of- feting attractae pelio n ed blach aiuminumn idenificaton signs Io fomers in Duthams Countt absoluîely ftee. Hong on a faim gate ortacesed 20 o fencos,,t0he ,ign teads: "Member-Dut- ham Federation of Agriculure", in small letets. Beirn this peî,ting 01e fatme's tame is paieted n lage black scroll. 50e hope 01e plan of Durham Couetly iii spead ttouoghnul 11e povinoe and that Hlton Coonty mîli soon bhaae some identification t al 4he farn enliato-es n hese days of buyers go ingto the faresad fatmes getng deioetp of supplies direct îornuld beof geaooooeo. eneltohaoe anaen eeey fatm Eaen a naeon the mail boxo s beipfol, bt his is tot alrnays dooe. .. . . .. . Editorial Notes ils nîhe Ibol me had lndîan sommer h,, yeor espehialIy mhen 2the, white mon',sommet mos o h ismal f iore. atdwe presrneonetsport inteees ibe ho bey. Bubo MsDoeald hos, in spiîe of 01e extra session of Palicmentl, aîranged bc coach the North By Hawbs and aiso t1e Sndidge Beioets le heecbey hc seasro At least one gnetomeet in one cummon' rneallh countryp s resogeieieg 01e folpy of permit. ting furthet industrialcnctentraticn nn01e major centres of population. The Vicoia Stîte gnvern- ment en Austealia ha, introdaced a bon on nom industries ine the Mebourne meropoiterea on recommendaiot of mililary athoiies. TH4E CANADIAN CHAMPION' TRUIW2BjAy. OCrOBER th! lmn List Priz.winnerS n toMcDallemARrehC, J. A. Elliott Pollock and In arius lases Single pu.y. 13.2 antd ude-AB oaiAoier. Campbell -Wheeler, MeDu.Rl1.RelEt"b&,fu t Buv ons Rad eac-I<. T. Lee lOueden). Roi E. *.u.d IALS 8 PeS,,.,, 'Yankee Doodle (More); Jean HIGH GRADE MEOIS B-,d Marc - Wms B. Reid. Henley ,0ooooB-ille); Dots Todd MEMORIAL ENGRAVING Brampton. Moero); Mreydale Chieftol PHONE 177J Col lI ,,BOpdSooS,,u 62 Water St, North* GALT MUy. Horpby; Bruce, Ismoood, cattle LEIO 28 Gegetowno. ShorthOorns:Bull, W H Mer Goldng or fIlY. O1hîer CFeeAW. A. Lb & Son, W A . ay & Lawrence, MDonald Bs Son.se,.c,i M,,Can; Bull oolf. Wm, ______________________ Gldngoras-ely, 2 crsMCt- D.0,,c; T. C Aoeou; C00, W.A. chron. Wen. B. Reid Laby& son. Cecil MoCa.n; HoOer Godngo ilY 3yas-m132ysod.T . msW . a- S. A . FA Y ana SO N S Goldng ,oe00 ,GI1) Coa. 1-0,ie. 1 yen, Ied, W. H Moed, 0GDM,,,don Mrcy.T CA,,,. VdJ Lawrence. D-a,,ht c, MCOB. :H,0 i o fT C. AmosPlunibing and IHeating Br3,,,d cW BHewso,Do- WmDowie. O Ca.Amos .Cei old Boea, McCan,:Got o!siec, T C.Amos, HCut . lfllly W HP,,tP. W. V.J. Lawrene,:Bet hed.T C Sheet Metal Work Hv .MDorald Brus. Amo:nior215Bhod, T C. An,,, Golding or fil0,11,'. i'old W. Ccil Mcaoo,,:Fat tee nyPe050 Hasso,, lb, ýC. MeC.ntlO.Fat stoe u' 2 PHONE 205W MILTON, ONT. GolIding ar fil1, 2 y,,'o ld-W 1050 lb,. TC. Amos Hwrn,. GG. .Mder, Hreetod' :Bull, Won. D ________________________ Gling oeflivG3 yas oldh W MCan co0. CMe<C0, CMe- Hew-t22 W Haeon. Can,,. Wm. Da00îe. Hotee, 2 ya Geneeol PueposoorE 0 e,r ,,ý. ld C. MeCan,. WDoieHoifo Beaod -or, - CeigMClo- 11 areOId C. o,MeC.nn.C. MCano Cog MClee eoc 0,nd i00i, '.'of, . CMCar, . CM,Ce B W A igtCiitlIh e'C MCluo. C Illt hboA C MC-o,.C, MeCun McCI,,,rcA.Ctt,. o _ 1FAh,en.:Hoei . *2 vraco ld. Gdo 0,22',1 e,,,Brue eoM,KiOOl00 & Son 1,ý.nd. Gr~Ceat Daieo' CattIi Shawl LVOf C Leîc.L Mon. GIdina .oe 0y122 eaCMI- Cl,,,, G,,l',n. E P" Ha-,n'eHe, W Hiotîn W 00-, , ' 600 wSeon ,neeW.ol-yp,nnie 120h-o inOCln, o18-Sp0,01. ASîî,e y, ,î e, ,00 - C î,î,eStnlcl hma'0GD K,î,Aiî'îlî ,2,,Ohee 1t fou,,' h-e0, t-,nî io ' ,a.M,Gloîo2d Ber- C,'qdng o, 0,11, 1I e 51,iî a9 C, ldîlla hh 0122. 3oeO bobý, CG,ldi,,îî- îlOliO 2 ,î 5 M,,o . Mden Beo..0,Genoid Be, G,,Iding or filoI y o 0,1 , Goldinga on 2lj,22, o i eog W S Rîîid G 12 na ,M lîlo 3,e,in hom.- SE5M B,,dn.Mt MGaOafl1 ldoenee,,Hae',, t 5,,, ,oeearia, Oo,do W', eM,,nea Keee. P air l bab h tepeeeh AO3C Sennof adsteeeMuntO Barri e.Mue,,, Stielng, Whelse, Snglehot'Ploae-Monea, M,,nrO1 Kerr, Barden Sngle eodtee. 52 and onor- MunoetoBueden. Siling, Motoeo. Wh eelee. Sa an of hapkney, 142and undee -ABC Foems, Cneell, MDugull, Miller,,.Wh,,l,,, Singlet eueiage, 152 aetdvr Me,,o. Baedeet, KEer. Buedees Single hicS sl'peeseMet,,, ABC Funno. Barelo. Coneel, .MeDo- Becl singule caPiuPe turmoot Munre' Buedeet Mm. Ke, ARC Frmeo.Wheel.re Sieegle ,,,dstee'. 52 und uode- Mar,t Ba,,de, .Monre. Strling. S.omemille. Lady driver,- Miller,. Menro, Wheele,,. MeG)ouali Bardem S ingle hueheey pony tn hase,s., 132 uend otee,-Mlle,,. MeDooasiý CoottelI Miller,, Wheeîee. Bes intgle ,oaeslee'tncrtt - Stierlingu, Barddm. Munas. Wherler. Futeai ,,ad horse, ,etc.-Bueden msetm. SOmeille, Muse',, Stirlinsg. Ssddle hore- Mille,,. Pehkit, Pehkieto.Laing, Poreoh Tandeemepair -Baedee. Mon,,,, 200 Hslai, cnpthîd tn hec do,- ,allep ho-, 10,22car S,,i ihpdo, la O ai o Whi, ih,psr~e erOh0h,ad 0,00e, it s a nd i' bo ,, -01e gool ,haon, -I0',0ah0d G Le,- lie ypp, bd se h,l 2th, î,,,i. ,hoaî,,,,u l, , l on hib,,snoP ,,h bo ,ll. hlo ,, o'0 op- -r ihfgo , ,,,i-h o,'iO on',l,00 hi,,,,i u ,,l-l, saaol oi h1h '11-n t, Z.-, G,,dI;,oi CbaI,ph10 hîip 0furn-111 Do,,thhl;o,,dOA MaoO' Il R. hO C AI _, of dhhl'1ial0P pi.,,,o '122 h, p,,,ot CNF In1th 2,0,,o,',S, ,.,,-erth 1,2 Oh, .2,,,,ior Chao,0,îo on, Sprueoslrh hi],',2 F Troulehall 210 1h12g Gld, 0, , 2,2, 0,1 Po,,, ,t utcS-i or 1r,1 ,2Grand Choý,i 1,,,hio , F, C Triril., g,,,,od0-îh' ,,lg ,Lh1l G, 1 1111 .'h B o The Banof,2N,,oaS,,1,., SP,,l i o l výni o011 ,, 0,1,2 5,,, 0R111e ,s,hbte o,,, thîBa,,b hI Coo- ou'IcStoîll in h, 0Op-0 C,O10o .i Go..2 'l,son,1i, CeOlO,,lot. ,haeih wino g th21,T. olo, Ca. Spcci1 ur the 210e S'i or H,,,d and ol- 'uothE R J M-,9 herMcmea T,pb, o, Ohe, c,'naeEshihitor. Ghee oooeds ,, ceas0,12,100' Jonior BoullCal 5 ent',eoi- R ,ss Segoeob W S. Hull,, F. J Rogis2er and So,. RBrBewn,,and Sons, T J. Brownridge and Son, Scna,, Bu10 Calf (5 enteieel Ras e Onoeth 0Howard Goolaeed. Gordon, Sinclair, aendiBrue ah,,,. O. L POrndu,, ,tet. JF.T,iethIC Bull, I yeae 10 eet,,teu G &L. 'Ce,,and Son, . WS.Hall, A. M. Oheeeood, W J, Clcan,,. GO,e Leslie and Sot, A. G.Hanter and R J .Hapelr. oerdonSinclair, F O, Hante,, and J.L. Cleane. Bull1, 2 y,,er 13 ,,ntre s)c-3. Ple- et and Son,VertnnArcher, C.H. Laswe,ee Bull. 3 ytersand s,,,, 14ete,,t -00e legtmoi0h B. C.Alexander. Intenationul LivestekEb Onorters. Ho00ard Dselaeed Junior Belie,, Calt(128 ,ettjol- J. F. Teleetle, Goerdon Siclair. Anhnille ParleesLid., T.J.Breon- eldu,, and Sm,.W. S Hull, Gordon Sinclui, George Lrlie and Sot, Veemon Arce, . On'e Oatsarth, F Omnis, Heite,, Cul! 115 ,,nOies)i vemon Archer. WSHall W.S. gall, F.J. Rog,,,te,, and Son,. Piebet and Son., international Lin,, stoek Eopot,O5 RosseeOg,,oetb. Coettnurd on Pouge Theee The Canadian Champion A.ethmi.ed ..Sec..d Ciao Maili, P1051 Bie, Departsent. Otta Foundied in 1860 M,,mber C.W.N.A. and Ontario- Quabec Divlagm ,C.W.N.A. Adiverfismg Batel.on Requos SUBSCRIPION IN AUVANCE, $250 IN CANADA, $300 IN UNITED STATES Single Copies. 6c TELEPHONE Businelss Office ............. 20 DEW KIST OHOICE PUMPKUN lOcp aHiarra SLE MN 1 -.s E' FILLINGj--6cl IPowrs3,îîs26j LIBDY'S MINCEMMEAT 'l390 Aylmer APICOTS .BolL 002901 BIT PINEA PPLE 'n-24c RAISINS i 6c Sbelled WALNUTS eic 19 GRAPEFRUITI JUICE TIN "'IGINGER ALE 2 BT.27o IPMCYTOAKT1JUICE 2 T 23 HEINZ KETCHUP Là249 Clark's IRISH STEW"m-n29o CAMPEELLI TOMATrOSOU, a20082210 VALLEY 51V8m I Pr«e» PEAU 2 2T*fiSL290 BUT NOW ANED SAVE 1 1 CAEEOLL9S OWN SOAP FLAKES 4-LB. £ AyImer PORK midREANS z2M 3l0 Rtomar COFFEE'u- 8L90, 'l'450 DANDEX TEAîE 3809 750 NIDLETS CORN ' 17o MOTHM R IMES COFFEE ' ?54o BRUNSWICK SARDINES 3005250 HINZ KIDNEY DEANS 0'170 SALMON CLOVER LEAF RED 6DLUEBACK" 0 BTait C CA LIFORNIA 298 ORANGES Doz. 39c GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS Lb. 17c US NO. 1 SWEET POMMTES 3 Lb. 25c IMPORTED TOKAY GRAPES 2 Lb. 29c No. 1 0MALL 10 M. BAG ONIONS 33c CEANBEREIES, CAULIFLOWER, SPINACU, CELLO SALADS. CELERY, 2(ADIUE8--FaE@0HDAILY PHONE 158, ACTON ltuBBAy, Ocroi IN A COL LANI 1Ry Ldiln CoSei Whs,, Spteecbersr Île ha bcen doing of ths il the' lnheleot Y, .But- , t,, n h ,floo,, ,ilh 222000,, .gai. in ,ndo,,Sun,- b" o.e th,,,, s o ts(c p,et,rt. The 2,,al, Si "n- r ih l t uai t ,goo,.A,,d 21e,,t ,J lh, y , ldecend t So b, B~ ,p uet t ese d e, v , tl eiojy ff12 FI, "i' g loys ,th th-,,' potig,,on ihh 1 ver. ' Oe y.S, irle hil, 'tceW20a lal,eg t han Oha wIl. plast SuhdaO, it qIl e,'100,10 ski, ,,onze, liaht iteing -tioobiIg skbo th, Al i, io ,,-dn 1, -d Ill, ligal, il,p-,,a, ot. -I hpp- ,H- -, , o' -1Ix,îoh of 0. îtlh, . i 11 h' 1, ,,o PROFE AND THE STEVENSON 'Cumnpb,,il,'lle Ni Or . C K. Stae* Dr. J.A. Palm, Dr. J. O. Railey Office I-Houe,, A&M. Bp Appoicto,,,, P.M. 1-4 7-9. Soudays-Eme,gesc2 Cucpellville OfficeB 4-6 pm. Ehe,'y Thu,,sdoy. MILTON PIOIVATE 1 'X- AY C,,, COPR. and C DR. G. E. SY Physii,In fad Si Offic-Juuoes E Phone No. i Office Hooeo,9 a 7-8.30 p. DR. J. W. McCU1 Fre0Ptt'poBuilding, h Off,,,o Ilcaaoi-ac-n.; TeIephoto,,39' Residec,390. LEGAL DICI< & OIC %V. 1. DICK, K K. Y. DICI Bue,etp, ol,, TIlpho,Il Maile Sreeut-M Telephono S& GEORGE E. ELLI Brandate, SolicItiir, No Offr-In Farers' Muain Street SI Teleploone 7( CARSIEN GLA Soccemsor 10 _L 0. LAmRE oApp PtotaOu

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