Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 1950, p. 1

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Vu urne 91.-No. 18. ,pier rur MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER dth, 1950 Eight Home Print Pages-SIX cent hcŽ4L' O viR 10000 ATTEND THE COUNTY FAIR oUO adn5od LETTER TO TEEIO ut ureuhtIlýn- M on C.uuncuI O poses G Cu boneun il Nelson Ratepayers utus f Mitn t1s Fl Meeti.g huuwee 9J. CSaImi..*~* Position Explainedt 11 1D B id n Centrai ch o The Gaurdun Club huMd rît upuurrg W h uruuudrruur Flok uu d ueet f i ngrtu ai thr, Miltuu High Nuluuu atu Ptur u pari t u as ur- -reutfuchaugu, AttheurugularmeigO Mil] u.ni hI nTuuuduyruruuuug ShhuluunMuuduu.uuuaag wtth as tujtr t itblby drtiuutut- eurrudt ye uuDtkid Moor r f u n urutut urrue g utturdauru Mut. tritutdr ftu thry hatvuer j u eddie China ut..tut Du. Rttthrfourd, run maNrnPriuuuhr uu-ut urutgr bi 'urgut Outartu. du, purttibdrty uthvn ' col uiti ot Hultu Hiuh Shhul :rart thu prrru , ail tuuu Thre rutur h Nulsn t f Hg hy r iniy _. y Dustrit. Thr Milo rrdr Mahl uet turrrer uuopate hyo,,a h a iha n .rup frby atutgu<ittMr.t fI eso h ititas tt e tr tigu.t Mru. Vurnun MrArthr, ubru the tMtut N u aisde uu G utrurodi o ...... ......... lruut lutrur LfudrPruyrrt f doaton sanadiug, lota dutrutîru idrrd h Poito ttt ute utI Altrhe TroMii u r utulur, b thuPr rt Th rut thr uurttuur r uudur but furtr le MoTujur uurulurudh urtrut t plaut. Flue ddcto.1 Aru tewIo eb h rs- etoadwr udrd uppurtuu- The futlurriuumoin Pset- - _ dent, uuuu1utrrrutfutuud:gint uthuubrulltrlth, Auuubuibnut Qutrr tuut ut ttorrt urrusitiou, Thu rbildruu Appîr de by lut ut tururd, ututu KfLne Cutr hlp wr ett lnodiiirpo _______ cnulatv cmmt Haiton Eur RadioL rnShreWisnadtt.otocsrlyhou ak w on b is eprtdaed2rffHa-Forum Moe Plans M rtgrud tut the turows h luly Lanruot drurdatie fud Muie akes o h i ui n MuteHiln 96 etrneneio lr.R Etltutt: V ca S o ous bp ihurui o utt duir ru ute Ibtu btf- l irulunru- fihhhul Dttrtrt uttrurudul Ot htutttthtuut1 th, Cuturtu Carineujtlulur Aittthes uumuut d rrttripuof Nut- theuttutofOaklvtleuuand prt tt For Foutruu ut.tt.u,tu,ýtr th hpruuu'ert uh tutuuuduund htrbtp tu,.intiu ut the trutI,-.1 uuuubuatldb tbue tuththp ut Trufalturt ard r thtý Ptdu,tuuutf Aguttutut _t uruirttd. Mtus Mina Hume ti th, huuh t ut tbu Suurutuuy I.tnHg colDsrc l ut la h bo rutw thnuru U oli o psdo ctn ere1, Caiphulf- Nouth HuttHulSbieAt u-u h Cour t tc Milttuu jtudrurd r gurt uperuhrt Prut. tui tutu thttt ], N tt ý. , ut 'tauttbu fhiuliuadtAtu Gandp tuttt i uut, sPlanur Wtrttthtf thotrclturtnt Dpai tt- tilMna rtrturuhruttuu t bu u runfident huuIl Milteu, Erqutrn Nurtugu- tut.rdimn to, the,, t.. ulh b-1 trtruMan rtNuofuth t-tutu t lallo n, l, lt tttttttldresan lakoad ilu tr- tot, artuuu'tuututut *vmna ln Wanted thu1dtuuurru Ilqut tht-u (ntio ututt thot tut trrt ratrtb iruttrablu tuur, weuttl I, e",-eOtut tuarutttuu Hîrdudu tht utttHlluhh' , uttu ,haveuuittofuauronuuts is tir,drd uortttdutithutuuuu t, bru, ut your dd urutu tbu Oubutlu Trfutur.- Ttuhe uttt untttu as ttttttutu t tu-ut mrd ,htruts tu hi, t tt'utttt dit HOttES WERE FEATURED ut thu Cuutp Fatr uu hutuutdrp rttuuuuuu. Tht picturd trutu tuud up lin e.Photru Cul« ttph Subtut Distrtct tu bu . p, Iur 'u intutttlhtReport niPrtu Fuouum d attu,t1,9 u l u ott tuup i u iuut tu urut Th, ipt <u rNt ,t tl utt fitue futtt bufuru thu judgtr uru typtuul uf tht ettttt uf ruelt rut al iut nt tu l clsss ut Tur he trtuli SutoteuSorti, dutfthutuin-uof avlutturd th<tt bt ttttt heCuutt ufiud -_ D,t,t tubc utruputued ut thut <'t-, thttthe'tttttttgtvolt, 1dIs e thu otttututtuuuit -t ______th_____,__,___in___Il.____________ urduabtu Pbone tutun ufB lr totu andthfhi t w h , t tt-t'ttt theuputusr tutt u Tht-.,t iI u por h ut tut-b Townsrhup uu Nuttout sud bu* t1 '<te I ý ttttttt tit the tutu and GAZLEY-ARMOUR WEDDING utt dt"tuuur - t' ruw dtd ctrtu tht Nurth Hr<t,<t .u11ttuttu Cuuintu, tri I ELD IN NIAGARA FALLS, ot-rtt th-u t hn feil nd -blet itt, Klhbrtde. Hub St-bru Disritt r ml t t lott stu t-ttt tt ot PLN M NRA EIEC thutu tult t t Th, i l e tt tuAutuuMiltun. E.urird il"ir ui stttr ttheuCuutputt aul LNMNRA E C expurut uft he ihte fr anu % r r0 0 0 Fl o t n A rc lu NýIgarueya. But utth tutTho-t-ht-n, t fi nudu tt t h pek. Und, thý r dut j- u'u igth ert A ad uhrburar jr the uotut aiqefi htlclF ot.i. iat plc n rt, ,...a gvriet Bt-r BDe i lt tt949aimtinhgroftetrut os reortht stt -uult tutht SAut-rdut. Set-uuhu-r ut tut tu at u Nuls vetjofc' ____~~ Ground For 98th' Anua Cuny ai -Ait turut uf aittudud b y reprrurtuttutu ut the tu th'tt teI t Prirt, it ut-duetor Chtuuuh. Niagara. Fatlt uthut Mtss it thutu hiphu 't __________________j unr Mur ton hrhtrrig ad Nîîuurutuu. tut Mr h. Stt"thutupgrttr ave1 upahtuuutfMr. und Mr Witttdth½u Sal APl. O dpg trtrtuuJW hHub et.____ ruotou tiret thu North Hrt ht-t-t ut-t-utt ut Huttur Pudurh'tuo lJhurtu Amouur. Niagrau Falls Wt- trt that the- ug tt-ttt tust Cu tu Fou u t-t atgtdý tdui uct-uthu tut au outduu t-rt-t put- WI, and uhrstu ua rur ur udutu- -Suutuug anutH hSblDistijt utututu tutc aptrPu thutturutndhurt t-uuchanueadturuiupuuwt-h Mr thbutue -uu rrivurud.ut wtIt b- oiulodhuothPtuiduuuud Stutuuutrt-dudnuhtutduuuttt- patoftMltonr ttrtrrtdîudrb abut. Wuddhn r, lthtrrburth n fthton-t-u ttttu-uuphquttu Muttn t-tu uto Mu. and mu', tu thbhtuai r h tdtrttban utd tuubuctruurut utuiuururtb G St-sutureniorto i heqetino t uets puttjtd. taxationui rutdr tu tutu tac ftut- hiduty Wuttuud Buttut- ut Ninu the peopte ut Nutuou tu tht u-utp Tht Fru tut uuthup tu bue deurtd. Thututut-utuese tion u utird and Srup Buu, gtoups duutdtug - btAd tuhuruai rubuuquuuttu ut-uturad> r-bhjtct t frttt re Bu t tut' Du.S. t. Stokes ottu t-IMa utu-etuuuudtbubhtrtutuuutiu- u'dthrturthe huuug flietupb andtttrutnrctdtht'uhhbitru tue hich par of Argptu ruru tirru <put- biadusr t duuutu the rrundy ut Heltur bt tuttt, ut-rut-ut itld buurr ruttt uudttughIlt ait tuit dittiuututu tu r happy urd ht-tu tutut rit utut- the truvitutu Fur t-tutu the cattte shuow bru bera wud prttu. This luter guuup ai- t-t-tn gutu ht-tutu addud Georgetuwtr the ibuug utri rbudr, d gtrdtutli <n 1tfcoycnlso.atatn h ietsokadti gnt tups.s uuruu u ruth e ga pdlatg eu duf conutairthtum Mu. CiledB tanth, Otut uududtttptt rludtttr, truuttuuu ut rSPruleuueu.ntal otrt uu t tu Haliru Higit bonui DtitrtI Fef 1ui Fu-u uttuu r tnad Tutut-okes ih h edadgre e «pautilu ruttprlsitg ther th .ut ru aise îpuhr utd utuphutied hutu Mu. Amur gavu btu dauuitu r PtttanuuuuCutttu th uuiur rdubte uu uutpeut eue au if ututu puete tutu uyu-uetrhtug. Articlus uvrr ,HTiutd sut u onu High Srbiul Dluttit th ynr rit thte art Puorum uuguuuru utututugu. The btide tutut ut ru- ______ _ tht duttght ut uil adutirr ut gurd dured ur aurt Tire bahut-t 50 yeuti uld ute a ttuquuîtly dis- tlau $9Fu Mittn ta thu ratp tuututpelity tutu turu duutttotiug aId the prr ruuitt gotut o aI uuy h t in urotit herue. The truil ut uptud dreu a qutit wttt arttrued pirb and bitle plat-rd sut-rlaur uhth almnt ut - irurlue nt Milusttatduhrut Pinig auturetuptrtitrntuuiPy andtlaceu.thiuutdutitb auturtded gundtuttuu-iuu but tl tuin Ptue il ni aeb r.R eee oewitnepaani ttl scrZ _ dt h l. Putttrtueld gtttuhtuNotf u8 thuths t-gtttaudugttt sip rurrt ut tuuub u.B udd tdt ltbul id n- do lurallu hrt tuiti the t'rul end hudtu, feue yuhe inse uritb r pu-ut-trtuuu udttuta hrgh M Miur t Mltt Hltt a the ditpla-u. alltanu b t Iigb Subrul Ditictt e ' -t lr rr' oa 8 O e trend ta herterrtiu artuîhrn bridguset yMtîs.J T. Hamiton; Tire thueu Chrtistmas spirt ber- ,B URPrtr- 'rd tub ol urovncia uuithrrnt ahu urueu ritd tlac, tiudtaduogueeve t ltRuph S irtt urdet ear euthr trebre ut arend tut e rt thuigs brrp Prirpg tapie utelru th oa l 8 , 0 tutu luh Mo Ar n upuuuet. tha pua tur tug e urg Mh Mu . H Bhutu ui a u Ibutu ie Ih ta its uispiuethai iTl u Lmple, th b.da tutltr uuhrr ut u Nul rouit ut Mdlton Brick Cr tire rariru ut tht boug, aud ireup uteru ippirut ut tht trahît- tturugtu ru uu-tgape tudthu otnt fo eta coln ale o tuonetretutrtru ttt trthhrtugr atuhrlt fullu'tiuerr Ofiitrul hudtheubiir urthulhtht vrhtruciga gue puero u t tot, p ian u mueie ut co thune Iurn th r upo t tutus iorte onu prt but bu rt tbtrtr-h urtusidn ,a tu en tet ul fo ttu e r t rlet u t h o fS4 the erut- th Msuerrd -i ui t tt. eut r tr, n t Stlh Bth, set e Guugb. ut uud lupr run BdS tm stîti Higb Subrut Diutrict Board unc te the rrurndir t-tire rut urtu blubh tutin and lut-e hrb ut ir iuin- sainet-t ru Argur and brurvleumeose t enR.S Gl, Purtit0 toiu urbeili, bau brr r ur Puirettur ut Agriuture rtip t-uit unit-h ut-t udgod r-41 thai uotrutir euuturuu rruerud rul The utidwayt hud uit the tidus, t-uerrd ipeutaiti l ta tutruol-ard tiSe Lt0b u M Jtn S.. tub - uitduoutund theler-uof Mltou Mirfrrtuurutudriuadprouiu- ututirtg luadran td sh are ltuutrtbuntofttrtuu prrtuu Nucat ud guuertht gurdh art- iurrprse tard the rianteofthe sun, Burt- Brts PalerirJrS, Pal- n torger turîs htsf uhilculd tu tri put-ut-tuturt uascte bouqut ut Srhuuua Hitt profit tut ubu prud utu B 9 tutu fa r d, pathrd ehl eflueri.n dud tutul lady r-bu made urh heai- citr St. nu Ashgriru W.I rnit t l elîhur. . A suggetioniu s are ut tint ruesesd utepbruutl. tront net sales ut $8ett97t Nu ,e a gruat buitrss tut the run-luuirg fltly prtturuturel triits The diurlut-s ut hutug and ler- IZturpNom, uteuturhrprthetcorpgratiot the t-ught ruruths r-ru lubur dur-r bulidur rurd. AS] aluru rue rail ut tht hatt, tt urrltat'ed ihuir rural htgh dugrue Ivesurf1uh thmeinurustn uetnie MissîDoruisG AmoturrufToron ru rAtrt-tr$4,724îorîupdruAt- Huui bicycle trieeutttetwonib uuudrasuifChritmasruhudrentrin ofeucellenceuad atracted trueyf tht tau ut Mîllouroedt "a'- r uat he bu n utut ta tru . îtrut Futt P- ru uttended bier ristr ut uuid uttto dtf S rurtru uuuCrrr PuuuMMtr Senleutirr uith Mr. Suite Cla% tcompîlimets. lutIhtoh uhuet tu tnt riott Fuduruttru ut Agriculturu beige tutin uiti r ftorat huuddruru Tht halatue shrot ru ut Arg. 3tut rus Tht Wrutrru Institutus ut tht classes ut thu e tutu ut- ar giteut in hurt Ditrict Board rurtirrug '5-uusuNttt-u priuu ts ttu rieu n enaru the ururudu wastrur usnteut, Ther utein ibuuno duct taiu Hthe sut and t-utreut tiuhttuutruu uu uugrtier Wtr9,8 tua t t i r ist m t ags u ruu u Detrutuakofsa ,mr tuBSn putl the bigla îrbnrl preuj Th ututu rdu uddtr tt Tu idu -rids MAte Dut-t Mu. Dru A. Brerturul MilturA hrueutd Chtieur o tar. au d fa r l tu l tre , se e r r es Beatplaon unttt.--Curud. C. H. ypeutup' the udI ofbr ut tuhur ir ro utu, r, ut it grutr. Miii Bout- G. G.lo of tu- au1n .n urr tuut rui ha tu de tu h tur rusue.h hert <il rprin nx Hutuutd tCurllutued ron Papu Fine plasru thusa'ttt i tonuinu rb r eenan MisFe t Nevl rh tutti bu 90 tu Btrirueuhchvrt legvntawo hapo.Ï Haurtonamigieboz satin ute hurrud l dothires etterdiru tire ttt houqurtsuof buoz ehsn 'ea-wr Mr WH. SpurrrrofuBrtne. mis d pau-pai s< "Pj,"d-mhoa tut Mrp und Mmuru t-~~~ ut-r gu rurr u-. .Mri gd Somebody's Got To Do It"- - Somebody A i rtrthc on wrhtt urhid utHtt Fhiirsid - 'hampion s Kids Show Cowpunching Technique alll witbuffant utrirt n rt Haltttttt, Di Show the Beauty of the Familiar Mu_ lHBlu.utuuiigrofMon untuf theuhllpruudheutrut Buthrprurpr ut ths mendiisb'utrurtr bdll The puitr bust altiaboutrCbidduuu Duuraither AF PAdui at Mtonu. t-at tu t-Quht- trfihr burt utt. inutierruruadidruu'uu ex- uuuguuuturtubrrbtituurp-r-aiu SI' HFu, rug tb t h tAtut, uutttr Tbho - u tur eDr. J.I. Htggtuu, -iisOI fb lne o heigpitn hi m fld t-vvdadraitclnsa if ied t- air,uhrrrurthe cidttt aut-u pttut rtItt-dtt urtutrd Mir Peter Bli e- bsu B utr gct uton lhtugahr t irurg t t ue dteut-ouit-tA arA catat-lodgue MrA - t ising t,- atu .<,.t< tt.u Tutu vuot tbrdtptrt-MI-rAruttt y ttiurdur prittd ut trge thebrtgrthut tu-ro tay t t ,.< P N< rruptid, duuuuttuttbr ttu 't po,t t-tu-tut 'uth sruutht ut o-utth tut h t uturu nnunoieis lPrd e rnc -g l- ý M Bu 311 rt-r t tht Bruruel Brtbk Huit-t ' dittururtuiraer ut gteen paeut uutu tuttur- und oruanlge, u l hs atetiuuruuu tloget. Destin, uittruttrguurdrttiu PhututtPP 'rAtghruttritMm.tAnur ftTht-e dtutuuutuul pirtrurus wr tubart rnhs rterotrgtehuuaut gemetrr tut uruthut tuitti Chaptur tlu t-tttuuk-tutd- uhrtpuuedru uuu .1 uir green r erît yI muade, tubtu ult-uuu pal- tiîlage lut tuvrrl plaes, a prututi- Thu att la Adra Durai», *b uru~~~~~~i bRub atie. ,,ucted noiruutdlureuulrt Arblu tchoseul audetuu dince gotuuCaae"bi vegsu leta tutruurftp vut - orohbti rings. uubrt-pairiting,"tsntl tathueduprdaie. ubrdu rod rke o andatuorsageutf Taltumanrs. dusigruofhbackhof gruuu sunuttag-isuuerrwhitueeiutrut r-a poneug bua reparte. s liRn.ec ara ean pnlu n utu eley Wudtuht. dergirtru ut Mr. Auttubing lu trutttttng, the grutr eut diuptaprd irp Miss Heather lus butediatult- uesplrMeutrd bp teetur luIt hMa tue. s. wrBuruu sabt uuCrr uitad Mur. SW Wtdtriru.DuhttSue mariuetrut n lut lsgtbsuari- Clat-ueur-uedtrahrttuamth-rk.a ieuuuap deris sur uliat. iuer r ulic onereeeuee 'itro r ndMs .C r ylowrrlsb?- el ef utiru vulver it r-rh oe - lg beubunuver. Mini Joyce Guuby hrth idupuudrut aita oigniusnt tise tr-esiuuistuhatihtteetioa&" lt t5 (ie nS uit ugilu utofu 50F ar Mut.ve He p egt;turtiuuttîu-tu tinseerin 0) tu l itaison ut Miltou, ttiadit rt lid ad dut-r tu tht rottut rsortuad irsalge ut puS roseewo a flil tut bur tudguu a futtu shy ut s bri'tiast bisuc.astue e, atlla ise Illu îe urt-g ruuGiueuatr-d ttrput'BtBty Mouututin butu. bu tise uualtiu ca la preetttet. The tailiar taublue termser up- the tareser nait aatg" Jishse- MI t-utruautr. For Bararier, uuttddtutt.rying, and Theruuuplriutt ru a r-uddiu Onsther-hoeebuaaittuoftthe puasumvrutheretofaebiiiitb et oeeueyistudtsMdfln luirTrnoebc rpi h otenUie Stts hlree'sr-ihla ti bu ertllt the tess te hate rite, tbsec 0 t t0uttinimaum t dhierparents, thu ftttridusth dhrt-uthrMtt.BrM rideltravelinag Inagrtt-r-ud couueuee and bhe thes uhiltutu etiuublach. mes sealtueetasukFeO etuptt etuussumete tutthubihilbi t hr urcse thete tesubeut eue bu bu thaiah-n tise totiuent the terne ci pak 'u fer the lai bu Itis bs' -'t- tutument utMtuCb red bit udtt.A Iutbg ceat unIs usuy OWDEST MAN at the fait wr Mettiiurwubt teet bsttueesi-nstulteailtheeUm sies4- lrte i ltrtat egt atd cofdentc4 use arurlu u uesg ut Geoge A. Hernatreet, Miltaon, >15 e tpttSttle -lesi ahrs . the boutes UM st-U% hulip and ihri a th bu ir uugituru untas risipletueu éristsu Ip Munny eJ. Chnt hass y n s e ail tub pMe-Wh a t> i eau> aend 6 masts wrari lsy buite the the liso dle- ta the itaee bedhrie or bt '>1e, I gM uethetst -idu geeetpe tes ut Mr>. ssii lis. - Vs» b bat! ne r fut tîtus Ssbu' thutu retiSue thep w-ii ah p t le, tsajbteu af Mu. ssii I, ,a ..-tt theCt-h t

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