nAm S OWAPIO Lovely Supper, Fun Feotureci at Picnic Tc Ahe t, t lsOt't e , Cc ed by -tett,t iitt"cfMt.'and Mec. joehe W Httttt'gte et th tei bride. t," th,itt e'te'tt 'ttete mat"' i thtbhtl l tad tte 'et 'a,tttt tt ttte -t' , et t t httt et Ofh, A' 't.t".1,It Ti' A i. ht f t ' -t'111t It' h ce e te I M' a Ift Ch."'i in th Wtt" et'd h,tt td es ,C' th ' t h et'e C t ' Me 1et,'tet't ttettteo thtt'tttetttfee dttgetecdeettC ettCL tdtt"deeee'dee M _'W'Fortettt' 0tpe0 0g'ttasta'eh dc'ettg .t aMnd aMt K'"Ptith 1 CAMP st. erorson th oBELLVILIE OMAGH Gnet E OEGc s aeOW t tne t t" i I eshMet,"' VIat hW.MrST, sLad-is cosA iIlac nerok E lctd e Cearemoin id cvdes ntae sooC h , let et ws -d h 1 tte etAne t etttttht su-inth h e t, e tod O'ta vteyg Thae wrht ght f t tl 'ee e7Srt, "etC etFIrd p, et h' ý,itCet cAtA tA A t cfte'thscn lo sfn_ lcteint h e hhttr d ei ergnd Tee ira ositne' oft t e Dlet artet e"h tt t e, te hthecthttdtt oirliisoz -m l -MSt Gt etht& l'e et e , ets.t ee asOtteet4ttf'etettti5,t eete T otalet nhet Me The',.dtedh CeA httdî Ctttth T ettetde'a tt 'te s et tteedeetce e e't e 1,42st quartC etthtettwi h COttuA C A etituh scîMr ctt't a s tt he ee' t t .K .tt ,'e e,",' ndtt'vAe sDeth e xcM'tee 't1l A eet,ctte tetttth May1 1 Se at'eSt' ', île tt ee C 'tt l t' A Milla, àtOC tL tet, to'ceoCtteehctt ing th HughIIIII1, La ies '""k. et, t" cCt'te ted N e en nisO the, e'e' t.Tit Se 'e tCl d ettechoftgh'ttNIS.tee -o Bad f On.h T , ' î.e'î ' S :' til "' t C ,hs t ',a , t. lt t eA t tcCth.M It, e t' tttttOene.'et, t t t" cu j- , I lo itA th h C ' Cehu.T tMt Ct t hchl-Cettç'tAt, WAc'etA WMS 't "e Mr, ', 'te" tId",I or."ak i fly t ýTe e p ate n vve: I.theciet SIcelet'td Olu S .ohn' "t "'r h t '1 C ' t'etet a t'. e t 'eettt ~ît sSe te ete Alt' tt'c ft. ttt iiti fr Cc' 'i'th 't Ac-t Ttethtdt,,intlet'etcet, tdo e lrMeCMct,'s;th'tC h tI At C lie et'ud TC 't-A t Se et tt'e ea e ttt e't't 'Tct he t, eete .Clhctt r,e ,ttet'ct,t,,hit,t eeei tt .-kt t t'ý t tete ad tI, htCd Th" c lurtCheheeette d tt'tett -tnd hpeihe t'teh, te intttepee T, ,eh ce Zetetc t' cet I,dcHete ttt 'etA Sete td', tt 't ehte t ieieg Veee'.Aeeecd. Lette AAtetffctIeitc,'td ghttheeanC'd N 'e $45000 Ct, T I-onract M e Metee cSh'Ccthh't'Il Pd thitt' dte the Tr Tetr tt, Ctt,reSteI t r ee i . eetWtte.t-eee u M ,ece Ceet tr1CItC, tevte t-PostOffic ltc'teiCtetctethtc h eee ceett moý,d ett'e th h,,the,'1t "I"d M"1% 'i W tecet'ttMItM 'c"On Ctt, t tetcttvilt Me cAoa St ttbc'ouCtAth"e th, no ceel- Kertttedt--B'tCt E M C't ttTtisetetMtitttt' hcth i Ir'h" C MrCt, Ht itrdetCeT luCt htti Ucette 't lhWctî1t cc 1 tccl,'Cttttt te Jte Ht'!1 Hdi Met rý la, TAtccethc gl :etithtnt'tc'tetttT teedec e Stt1 Vlt,ee e27 c tC t tt Il cMI, Htttt i. tht Ctofte, gt,'ttdeh A. d htt tM e i 1,, 21 l ' o'.triý ý jhý ý rif, g- Al th Li- Iice, Tttcth Acet 't tht, 'tttt Oece 'ttttthe Cect etneetrAthethct tetect te htv ch htteeg 'te t f ,, R Iihl hS Orn DAfitES t t te tteth1tkhte f'Dt- t bt d l5 A 'R t' t tC ,ttVdtl l pttit t Btde],t e SorCee phT boý i: t- n hil(irn enjetdtAav'tACndtrcCpMrstalA Mues M. Hlies enccoytog c hoti- det, te Crseeecei, Fint and Pert Hareo., Mehgan. Me. 'ted Met. Chter i.eMe'cDei. 'tee eneteieie teett eete, M. O AFCtdA <ceet edC'tede. CcttT- etc c USA le tft the dtritet 47 Mtett eeete SttC- TPU~A% *U0~Jt 'c ne, - RINNMST? Arrlvecg at thc Wuchiogtoc Zoo one aiterooo cetust stheoockey hocco was e CciiicloseSci or thc daey, we wcc'c artled lis'the watts and chcdckc cocice froa the boul- ing. Wlccc eqcesttcocd a keopce, tee gcdcccd and eplaIneS, -The ceeckeyc otwoys ctC COCo hat whcc c."e ohet eou t icItecýe-ih get ce mucectfuneoutt eT ee'hedcg cil the peeple!' te' ~ ~ ~ le C.sites-det d hce Nct,'thatticP getetgotec tt, Mi'. Crttceght a tdtf'rcendetfot teetg'tgcteethteeeotalgeeheeteof i_ lie gue.,U altzth t i e ituahintheet th, ec ceteee't et tthetcni tett,,t1 etnd ttete e'tp etrcie henct wtd teesecd iThete, ý,ýo Amul ' 1, ,h,àn lt cehtesthe te th trhett c ahtee tNl ue'tt.,d.t Ct e, t"s coi ci he1 rcap iil he ouraiofth d'ce Id-c' od e t T 'hets LIMENOUS t tc c'AoSet eh eoste ce Community Guests t orf- At Citizen's Homes Cvitr e'AAtt'tcde: CCt 'ted Mee Netehete. Wet e LI.ih Mt*.ced M-e Ken, W'teh- CI- Fr.eettteMtller aed Mt. ltcttetd Lcee etLoeg Ilca, N.Y e ch Mis Scekhaet. Me. 'ted Met Meeett of Bramttontee tt the C. Ci.cehe'. Mr. ced MeC Wright cedd'thdd- t e et Bramtetne cdcthe Geerdeee onScecedat, cHe Mec. TOte't ef Ce- dte't Hetd, Sasek.Ceeoeteea1depe ctct, Rehtineon. RS> RS'5.-Miton e ttC h etceuste' Deritetdccede.<eh Me Frctk Ctetete'tdcttdetl cete ceci cectienae cn et Eidet' t'enetetitMr.'ted Mt, Mithiete. e-.ho e aree ig to eoretowece 't teetc't the ee hee MiP EtAtlette ton e teip tehi, Me, acd Mee .Gerdon't Ceettced chilAt ce etctt h'ttid'ytet'tthetet niet hthlird ttre. Met C Ctcth cend ehttdece 'jert L;,tct'ek et Tillecehece c tet'tth lCee sitetec. Mt' 'aie1,cad iM, sCIens .hetteet -Id h" hcc e Ce thtAcette N.eCt' Mte ced Mte S, Ktchect' et Ktacthl ,,e ld CCctthe cend Me. nd ;rtli Jarte- Keh patttttt ehht -cd 'Feete t'.etthe , ,h ted et Ch' A ilC 5 tc"'tTeetete t',,, in teC -t Cetht, hetide' 'eSt A Tttee'otce, tndi,,ept 1' on- l"'ing i tel'piCeC Me cteC a th tee tl Me cead MHtl.Thcce etofCetttee- e l an cd Mee Sweettece ef Te- -t --t t, ece - entedeit., 'Ah MCt, 1 t,,,n,,t JAcceHtarris eC Kttchenerteith he coeuttein. FEaceetEt'ett'. Me> and Met Wtght eC Torotoet ct tht , d'etd fTece t. <eh te Me, AtexWighet hoe' TttetTor- Me eed Mec Ted Mettet oe Teecete cAh the R Neteece Id Mt and Mt-tMille,ctfLeng BicCth wcdh tht Heei'ttc't Mr'Cd Met Cccthbet Setof St tehe CAUR cdh Me, Rcc eed Meratd Mt, Art.hur G-ecMe IA etet and ht etteisterad Mr.c'td 1Met A At cei ad ee't'doceBlaee el tth tht, Mecdtthes Mte CeciheteetoftBrandonMan. c'tith her deephet. Mecseeotghtec Me. ced Mc Ocerce MeC'tl't't et Tee cet. cith the 1ttpt,,.e't M'tepctacd Aetcet Lawe et ttlteieeeeh the H 5SMetAce Cctt'e'.te'tceeto- c-y t AChI etete Leeetd Mte, fc Mettth 1t R Cete acetl 'i' t -M oteShte fAtte'MetVi't"tedecc.,tchte ceeh c Beltn stpt. 29-(0 -CC ecctCeCeteet .cd 0.1ck mHt'Ctt he'tAnc i, A ,cet oadMtet Edee DccilC. RS f cfeee'teitie< cceeed wcth reCaives.O tcehei.dge Sept. C-CT ettc, tereeeSmith seted te he d'tct etiCcheekeý Hamltn alld n elaivs n te is Dinn Bnnet f iagraBrmpon ...... .......... 0Oc. t-? GazetCte C-dcy. Bette Smith te Mr.lHaeeCdUhcee and Me. and eeteceeity en Mecdey. .-FCette c hlidcClcg ctth Mt. and Cledce . ...........Sept 22-23 ehcteot'tofethe cteC 'ceccc- Met E Kceecete guecCe c the Me. cnd McaOStaley Foecancd Met Geerge Recdhecd. Dtons'ec .............. Sept 2-7ncettt ctitteeCt c ecetigC Senlc< Hwedn i heSl Bitte Ceo BacCecciCte peeC he _____ _ Dry'deni .............................sept. 0-7 aceteipaeed ce yet, tee acdeS Ce-tRecdi< eCoOC weken ciCliMr. aedMet WRl- SALES ARE.P.E.......................... Spt 1-2-C4 I.tecehes eeeouceed ti.Cecrval-v<ticteeAmy 'CiCedel, Beamon one cu oeed-ecd fm .Ein......................... Oc.ScandU9Eetee. c tocalct 'ttcCee the C edoocg m c. Ke iee DcpcCce.tC - Pegu< .......................OSpt U5-to8hcccewaded t ee oeac ort heCecdigceet Deat eCsoesaltes ceroe p Georeton ................ Sept O-CG ddiineeend cCectccc Ctc heo t- Me. and Mec. Rotiehi.Ietead Tie Lord gave yutee Uen ds- 3 pe entc i. June ovecete accoCegeecollt..... ............... Aog. 2-3 cel peoCteoffce ildieg. Tendeec ehilidrenee oneheidoeteact Sce oecfoee iice and oeefoeethnck- mcce ai.t Ie seocwith gins In ai.tecodonc .............................Sept 1t-tU cee 'cllcd I to cc.Jece fee hue ceeo cite heciseoteee. lng. Yeee cecc e n ch y s'e ctionseii cept Oshttc4eee and Mcetea ce....................... ettt-?. ceete oand M. Eccec ccc the sc- M. ced Mec. Giohe and Me. une--heodo yeo in. yec Coc. Maritimues, reports The FtccncetoitonM....U.......................... Spt 2S-C cecetet htddee, hiscon<eccci. ce ,Theeete epeci. Seccicet ith he lnt iT cîecge teogalC usddectt Pest. Lceget gin O pr cnt cose MountCFoestC .....Sept 10sucS tEeice cn theneetghherheed et ViPceerNeeeicec ic Mtone. beceeftC-headed chen hes' cee ic .0. Salc es eeclSocc 5 per <on t Oreiotte .................Sept 0-20 $45,000.M. Eaten coc theents' Me. and Mec. Milite pecC c Toc wertcg o hecUd-ciewenegagecmectintaskachbewan, C paece t ithe Wtedeee.................. Scpt. 2-27 Ccl htddee het heree ccc a cec- dihe Joheceo ring? Maritim.coWcedlitdge ................ 0<0- 7 unS E ber eTfeetde hlddeec. -Gaette.j eeeetpy. CO-OP NEWS t OeIy. Eeey floe Feti'tee 1 Gehl HamteeMl e Cehekecetr PoertMo- CO-OP NEWS ceh yeee theat Cc te'Co- ce et heet emaehet pet" te COOP NEWS Dedet, Acr et tttlt'et 'and eeal ncc fort'mt dCe lItety. n foe cotît ba odes loto Sali-so ihac lia l.ucuaao eaha c-con ccocol yaerabtta. tloce locul' C. STEWART 000<15 Coeurt. Phcac 73 Mton THE PRUDENTIAL A-, ho t so 'ott - itt t'i<t..d Fin'tt, ea,gcl Et k N1. tnt't * ;î t" ,gi, t. pi, nti t 'ettndt -ce h1tt P-ttt't 'rigtoee ehi GEORGETC Fi.-ScC, Au! "Shine Harvest h M'eN SHCRIDAN CENlieS t "Arctic F CEt t'OMBRE Mon.-Tues. "The Third JOSEPCH COTTES' Waoi-Thaec. A "Young . With a H KtUK DOUGLAS tAUREN teed Ryt' foer sele. CO-OP NEWS -iedeA eeleortee et deliar c3ýe ein tc e eede. CO-OP NEWS CRAN-eheete, teidele, be'tt ectp tlyesprayaimacl ta ece tey stock ceel Ctoe. FreoDciveees'oc RouCe Dots MILTON DISTRICT CO-OP PHONE 127 I j O U R G u R A NT I- A U M a c c .i. oi .1Oo y c - D c i c c S tI - e ci . cic cccc tccl Cc c y..ccc0' SATtIFCTIONd MIDSUMMER FOOD EVEN'J 'NiýEWIrPACK" B.C. SALMON Ot. Stc aIks1for SOCKEYE W 241<celr Ruc UAL <ic .C'.ecTp N-c 3 IT'th i COHOE s 32<Buncli Carrots PINK "t24< ,r od Vlo " KETA 33t: Ripe B ananas uc Lirc a M IA O U O c t . .1C t e e L 3c lt 1 9 VINEGAR Onions ~ U Mc . .... accoItcitLemnons <~ BLACK TEA Ca. ic. 3uicc2S -Mo 4 5c p-o,89c Grapefri Clark's S ups AO aoEO-cEGE ' C CTAL 3 lo*tý25< TOMATO JUICE YZý25 LASSE c'0 e"wc ASPARAGUJS TIPS lo-*4j1, Clark's A VaA.cOccn é~ Tomato Juice ALcdR-CoiOO S moU. TIN o2c33 0te, A TOMATO ES 2 otZ, 25c RICHMELLO E1?U7M 0. COFE! PRK &BEANS 2'0"0» 27c cé~6 ICAKE MIXES c,. 31c A PEACHES "it 20c meo"sus FLUFI W31< W. aoc,W PU c U F. F fce.sso~ DAY.Ceu c.c ccueusu.. . l*aoueen II à 1 _Miltoni Take F Ttt, ee'g'ttcc'Mti tt'ttd 'teJ'ty 2teh. tied t t 'td tt't tlea tetI'Ard nd ceceed ett 'tee B'th M Crtttretfce en pliai o te S Thie HaIltotei t tee ortite eete Itit Koda'k, M. De't J'I y 9th Ie epitet sun tee ga mese t Ct lheth. Heh MeK BEttet dd tetgel i ot t Ct hcd aelt tee htreEete,iCCc, CI. 'tttd mtt' t'theee. Mitconc Wtoc Dlclc B.h Bttet Mer'tv Cttett'tce ad Skip -tMtt'ttetai. the B Ftncls. Thte Mi.c" oftMssrs.cL. Taylor L Sttteey and Skip , t ied Miltonee t' 3,They e't'ted teClclubCe tte C t , f ,ie t eth tth 't ,tth tetk Ptaceeet