PAGEEIGR UfCAMADAN CHAMPION CONTRACTING Births, MarriogesWA Offic in Mltoo.McNEL-TR Ltoyd and Htlleo M. _______ URAC OL UINUSAER& SEVICE No otoIlOsirp lt o G ticsot For Sale Wanted -Hay euting la n progRss m- gtrMrgrt LROOt FORRSALE-RedCuRratso neR00 WANTED -Etprttottd otth criew u ff ri h oe- Chatles St. Photn42 Mloo IOFOR SALE-Lot, orth tendo, m. or b -Miltond iremeEJplayto opoPhone37-Wwth epertttORt Apply Carrol Stecsvll toih. no ui ife inr tmgAPPLIOONCES adFXT SMARKG ThRRS Rt tb__________ fulwWJMteRkgr sat"" tlu ohrne 000 y Po.AR CharettePhone 333. NE F O theotttotha dnnrOwul to e ...1mht ftoto ttO ORO06.T totROoo idethttt tRtrit iis te - ttt'ltcotfttotO ot laot Il hottR. Rt W Nes -f r t torl o. Pht. s ohoto.trtOChthr t RRRYto F OR SLE- 1935 OdltOOh1ttMilttt2r 6.O FttHtiJttttO.tRR25ot-hatotlioot od ottt RthP otal_ lieuse,_ino_________Milton and tht dot ht-tnv- tRottA IlOtth ho n-th o to t 6Oeso f servicettKING-At Milo Ttto rvto Hospitt, FOR SALE-trdRtd IsrOORtR iRR DttttCR . tht Georgetowtn Lodge propottd ovitlle tootwd hoohood of Mariono_______________R WN ed Ltt F Il 7 -CdSpig cilrn Gog llnfrTHURSDAY, JULT 20 -AUG. 10 Jamest, Orar tlr of ARtotd and FOR SALE -250 L. S. Pullcts po,Fnhrs Dot. eosR le ridr tht sono At to h ,otod OtRdt hyot00of MtRs.tBeRjamin King, i hos.w httc ortttd T EroORd enoott. Mt r Mts. Nant Rosh, htd al, ou.l Rt- od otod otth Rt toott httootti. oottd hoThtetoottot oit-ohttd fRot-tothteottd FPRt. 32-52 Rototo ..d ReoiRh. totthtot Iew et- ers Attonon . no MoOy aRt2ORS 'ctotk toooksolodAppRy CisR, Ltricht, WANTED-CherrY ikr.Tan i00F odgt toRtol tttn Ironttttthe t oet Fairttttt .t ttttttAt -7913 hMoton opottttooptoiddd frooto Miton RtttttoootR ORRt tttttttt-otPhone 113 _____________ FOR SALE -Stoooihttty planttoOtRPtsr ,valabe e ketth st'elel=ý * ' Ptremierttttttt MiltoR Dtey R-toR 6.30 R to. startOOR Moodoy tttt OR tO tttt-R lR At to tO ttthtt o ttd. ot-ttd S P E 0nd J E NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT IN MEMORIAM ers, Phone t-O. Ot,30pth o.htO Photo ci ho th- h"tce tht- t tto'fottOtro in ttth -ht tdhol35B IE -nlvngmot f'11 FR A ehmptesan .JeHrly At-t Att optt-o divis o -Rt 9'84 Panois ofd a o n 0, Rchard JohnR tDttht. NRH pitt tet nttO y. D. - r f he Hrt-tht- plROOtA t-Rot-o ds o fyJotoli Rt -R9, SirtgtR ho .o Lost and Found Gardtn Fot R-t-kt-oithe pRto hutte, tRtt. Thts toRt t-t-t o ndI u entttn-e O AL -hrhinbibe loi Milieuot tt tRR tdthcc htghet tintCanaAa ot thtmothLvd e e br , og o Il-I,>c scitrýdPtr Clt7, on sin es -R. Ruy wRR n lr-tt--t hu Rttre.-v Tt Jp 10 O ot MtlIon OntnA ottootthFairhint Mil Rt.' FOR SALE FotnRoCovr,,oOiy 50 h.,,' sarde b ___15 _ne EoO ottttttttt'At-t toA-I 0fcR P ooo, A iFo R n CG 0F NEME ttto thct- tJohnRt Il stt ore ttt--, .te tot. les tto r4 N. H. Scitool Board l C-OPNEWCTJO IaliSi,,NSTITdU1, lE CGd eu y_______________,ForRen Favrs astActonAR REGULAR JULY MEEING A H AT W ae iRte -t ttttt thtt'________ R htA t- USEAasVtOoActiRt-At-f market fot fou toheaRt-t Ettaitttîtttli IttttR FR SALE-1R c'es taodoog FOR RENT - cast-OR Od C o t t t t t ' F , o 0 o to o t t- tA A tt-Pt IlR)t p -O R S . I a iOo f-n t.tS htttae tO') it Ihotttt testmarket-tttttt t t-tROt-t- tt-ts'on -o tl l r ly ot tttt tto Rt-t loto -Rtt"t- t- Ptt' OR Rt R-dt-PtOOl..C......' S S AL -R ttttt-t OtROO hoto S0RR h ,ti, .o tt O O t C- ts ,itto- ti, " C R t -tC AtD StOt oII A N S l v i ,li n g t . t ' î - O t O t-ottRt or CIII tO Rt Ot-ttt-oop0ttootototttoPh...RM1C6CYtaoit t Thtst119 -O od tttsR-ent-t ~ o tt t . t- - COt NEWtSthttott A h 000 S LE RSR R td tttt, L TFORtRA O to ot FtRt-tîtgo ott1-R1tolghtSCROR RPtO-OP R h t-t -t toFttdooA t-o't otttho tt-t ttA tt to ottt t-o tth -t-tttt-- tAt-od se %list-.Rtt toto D O ottt0halttFUth-lttJRO titR ttitot Ftonttil. o- te h, dsliliifl llIl "l il n" ý' ,Ih O-P NE Sta toRt FOniOlth S a cct t.1t1 Btd Ot ttttt Ot tt1AE spour îltwie.oî ltties. Gl ouit-y e Ircgbesadfin, thdttht-ttt Ili:tandtt--tt-t1ttt- -'l .Rtoitsoldct,-tt,.IIlhytand -to Cý,mci hld di,,dthlltil"' l"I' - , g-u 2,11sMlllyTotcoat. toGtpt-R h tttt adtt ÉOtt1,0-1oot-,oltttt-t5,00EARo WtttOR . ,ttttt Oto t-oRto t TtttAt :ttt ttttttt t-o tRd t t Gt btttd yo-t oop~h~~A t ~ttt , Rt- Pett t.tnR- tttoOtOWRRttoahttott't trRardt-OIt-,tt-0 Doo0Itt, R tt " 'sIOttttt of AFORt St-OR' t tttthe eouodr and sto'sRiOitOh ORth-t1,1t-IR tt,,ý ,itttttro Rotoothe g- of o id-toto ,119 odtII h h 1950lm Rtnw.wo. I tottd otttt Toitot- Rt toto 00000 o tT, t', o h0Rti0oto Th oO.oo t f R t hf"Ct oh- Moo ols ol'I made, "PIotIp,,RR----RFSSMndr w-NCll(Ealle, ot- tg R 'lîoî t t îo R ttt tttthildlhttt t-Ril titkgttd A ooohR m ,tiR al Ru R ot h"t t tt-t ,tl l, , l - Il nýIIlli[n g1 hR-F R<it tO ttt-O TOM oI Phoneoloft16 -t-o1tftti Acout t-tttfi--ot RRt i00 Oh hOit OitPROCLAAMAtATIhONWttS f - 1 ill'PiI otoi huIOto.O t-h,'d cthtot t-tt- 1,I In -.. alSt -t-Rt St i tlu, I lt Itc Th tend ,, - glt th ,e1tkit tl t-totiIo. Rti,.a l t-tt oot ot-toRtArussk(ci- .t,,tilttOththo-R $O t Rt- S00 Et-tt--Rtt-tS,RtR Ot-R C . t-to 'OR- - 1.,t-t-hRt ttltetG t-t- RJipoOtOR 000 0tooapmeetingtofdthe PhoOtcVt oftthet-CorporationWof I, M .FOtI, ttRA. P tOo 'h 0.'r0c 0 00t0opoot-Ott-thtMpohottîh'Ill 0 ut.,h - ti Ot--o toIpittt tttaotst-toR t oIhI - otop. ROI toot1otOtttoIôfoRIfI ootoooozoo - ot t O O ttrOhIo n',tO t t toit - re t a -s lv dtttRAtRRt \ I l I " h ....11,.. ...sls I C.ta t ttt ttt PO t-tttttt- A tBootphnatilothonc -,oO hoto H HE O hotto-to tit Rot, ooot Rtoot o CR-Ro-OR Diiank) PNDA , UG UCOCh es' o o1'lAtt, -tRoRoo,4M . "1t",. tt-ood Rt-,t1it- tRottA it1tth$tht tt- t-t tiOot oothot tt-tA t' o tttg . RCO ýII OR SALE -t Shttîot H tt-utts lt 1 ut m ra I e toit-o t-tn pt-t -ttoOi Rot-rot-OA ve.otPh onet& 3o n dif,,. sep i te ,ul rola atonincoletin htttth ORoo ItLi-p Tootoh. SOnt- M t------ ooo RRRO ht-t oto to,,"e ttttt.h,, li-ett t-OR t01 tht Ot R t tho't - ' l R , d, tî oot .ioO h.0 t îNî 1, t ' .t inT het i t tltOthat il O.'s 000000 1-t11a, t h, Oi -.,0 t l 0 0 00 ma, 'f'to TO tbr.t 0 t.0 T , ' t,%P S rl i t t I Rot-Ot 00. i il 000 T h ,h t.* o> CLEAN-UP WEEK 3 DAYS TIursday Friday Saturday PRICES SLASHED! 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN, tadio, hooottor rgolat $1525, toto $147500 1 947 HUDSON, nt oto tt, tegobot $1425, toto $1375.00 1940 0000E COUPE. radio, hotot, toglat $575 noto $495 1939 PONTIAC COACH, ratdio, hoateo, reg. $700, toto $650 1937 STUDEBAKER COUPE, radio, hoatot, rog. $425, nott $365 Trades Accepted G.M.A.C. Terms Avai jable TJSEUD TRUCKS & onsRot,~t NURSERY STOCK HtRho-A-t Fruit Tretto StottRI Fouit, tand GrRpR Vines. OoooootRt-Totos Et-o, gotoot- Ptt o oott osStîtolis Rdse ant-od BRotho PonRetilOton 91r5t R P 4 ROtRo Canadian Champion Classified t94 td. CtotootRt io48J21otBrMaoptoto Otottto1950tt I.ooAot ORA RAt-Ottil+ td S-otoPO-o' R MoDý Tt-l o ho,, od Ci.-'ttlAR,thOt ______________ R C,>ot-Aton Thttthýr tt. RtotIP t 00 A;. tRFoo..ttt-d Wtttd Mo- PINCESS OUIRt- WAY SERVICE RAVES TOC MOREY' ILO t PACTORT TRAIN F0 SERV- THEATREMIO CFNMEN notutt-ttRRt- ot-ourt car t FA TORY APPROVED RHURSDAY, JULY 20 ol' i~-tott O O tR tOtt CARY RANTOi- t- AFTORAPPROVERD Mr- -Ttt0DSttt o jtlttttgRRto O tht tottt "The Last "t .î tooott .- .nd t CENIORRE FORD PARTS;Rt- t Outpost" PO 'F RDIVE R1 TODA EARLV RMOTORS FRtDAY and SATURDAY FoRd R oRMottoi oto oOoott îy 21-22 Ph.-519WGEORGE MONTGOMERY _ _ MARRE WINDSOR Soit tROt oit ' 1939 CHEV -ton Panel, ttgtlar $475. not $425 t- oV e Rtt io 5thé' Rt-mtot 1 Ot-o RE'OPRVP oth, poop.t'Ilotttt to. theurg tat.ssn mstmanin thisft r-tt bhOTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM N hle noRRoceto-toYan TES fooor rn ort f RhiéttottRtof lit,_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _SoleUs Todoy o IlttbtM est instohtJuly 24-25 0he0lbEr niontththtavé ALTER PIDGEOP4 donc OaRnOROORfo thttttokrhavaInMemrimRWnPusepapa thooght of 80 mnoto'thootgs-hO o tu dMtOtotfe estoopin Oo AU Motor Driven PETER I.AWI'ORD get htto motre nno'. moto ligintotr h- V -AtcesfrSle et ec e ORmoresctY Bt inth t -an-.a rýý-. 4"g,- h 2 toord Appliances 'The RedDaflcub lso'ia ohat th hattof oootY kMnlmatotost oe R fot, o chatnceRto press hOoRelf, tht his MBooNe.atethiz: fice:15eCOMINO - woook nyt bota drudgetyh o Mnma1tO lU tedllooR F O S T E R - NET TURSDAY JULY 21 oooopod, bta nh asnt epi"Coming EooU - Illepor bot tu tnt c. nto tnehoio R0e tooiOoOttoReptiSrvice iEO GOECEY in CEMTEFY LTTEINGAliCloontieOd Adtootisnment onges pt lgoot utl nmF&nd-OEETt oeEONOon h thnofficn beforn btth.blasofurOt- Gi nno.Rd..0ONT. 2 .m 0.W&Jeh.OPHNE354"Bacd Boy" j"« ornyMOU tn anhonet t GAd ot. îverïsing is an Investment t, o nntdy HN 5 dos WOI Iume 91 -No 9. $101 Drder Hl Jewels E cethrated herelt Ro lagt-t gathéred to honc, ft0m thetPFovincial ot0 Inu*to th, otoottot p, Tht I_ me.h . pla ooRb icldd Wttlto Rtown, a toooh er antdOriedg Alltet n, tart th.ttM. Edgt appttttttio. orftt ohot Itt ait that tit.t. M tyotuld-t pRo tttbutet idt t -er lntt tth. 1 Rd o d MCotttoth, t tttttdle r.t Edgt tt rintg HeRontuat-R td Iliý ýthe G ogetov -bill, hoi, till.i e t Nt Kttttty, Brotokti rantd Masttt, for Ont ho !"rttittnt f th, letetthRttRt. Ytttt otpttattt thttg of oth th , pot." ht tttd R, Ptod ig. Mr. Edgt pvotr ethtedgooRomi itt or trttoftht hotttt-h tht O-dttli tiot hllth theOrtttr. fpt ho prvtrt ROsd or ,toflitoth tt Rte The tG trd Mategof totO o presethandtplt n th, hapt-oftr. Ao aMs'thi lttongO mterP sd th ocalyogttt redt t. httttttthttth ttntttttA ttttg thet t- tr.tlle DRRotR Od th.l RoublitRRthetttt Teue Sttot Lthet, R r, Ddttttd tilht tottt tttmtlton.t. Mttt et.t lt- tMrhtaMttl.R tlie vthe MiEtontH btl hht-ttitttttfora as-t t ek' hotto ar' o M ore th( "Ob. hotd -s-ttttt1 ne, t.tot ROOROR Il hi titottt ttqrtttft nt tht h.neyoy, R to Mredtd Ro Rtog htRdof thtto. ft,t 7 tot i -'lot.pti, c(tatt Ro t oftt til i Oe tht ooiatto, Ot