msday Mte, St*ceeht', Letets. Breed Itey. Ontacie's tf fiîtIt! ild1 t tei.ecekinj le seller stîls te. Wht. tee cast price. f E 485 GALT Kesu1ts MILTON GOSPEL CHAPEL le tht Freese Btltldt SUNDAY, JULY 23,d. titi 10.30 set.-Siedet Sîhot. 645 Pee--'Citmitesiieetthe LuteCe 8.t0pet -EvetteîService. Titîdey , Jl th ttt e i i-Pceyii aed Bbte ttidy. Aid Te Stetl Keo eittTetth aed the Trth tshtstmthe yei fiee". Jet. 832 THE CNURCN 0F CHRIST OMAGH SUNDAY, JULY 23rdt1tI0 tIi0 a m Moritg Sîevie. 730P e .Eci.gSei,ej Pectet if ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE 'Aegtteîîl RIse R. E. Pîtti.Decîettit Charge SUNDAY, JULY 2uit. ti,0 7t Snde fcrTtit;tt 10i00a m Metetie Pac.tpac ned Scteit et St.John's. tt,3i.e;-Mesie Ptaetand Scîteoin t St Gîeege'î. Ctî,chl Scheet t se.itiret. TH CANADAN CHANMON 'AT Tuoe KfNOX PRMUYTUmANC14UECN In. Wrlght, A.T.O.9. Oraist and choir leader sspply SUNIIAY, JULY 23cd, 1950 g8in Sereices, Si. Pit1l's United 1.o e .-Dtiittt Weship. Eoeig SevietWithdcisei ST. PAUVS UNITIEO CHURCH %Wbtts-WE. J. l. ELAZ EL A. Otisit - Mr. Robert E. Beelcel, A. T. C. M. eloed1 lirthe ftvetSittdayt in ul.Orpeopte are it'dtetty invlted t tuerhtp inthe Titi- tyttrittiChtttCh. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Retis Ri.J. HElesteFerril.B.A.,. LTO. SUNDAY, JULY 23d. lit0 Sleth Mitetiîtey Trint he 8 - 1 ndEseingS- ti PENTECOSTAL HOLINES CHURCN REV. L. WOODS, Peetet Order if Servies ;ttetd le .00 .F. Hall) SIJNDAY, JULY 23,d, t950 ot) a; ,-Sitti Sî p' Mttt'stg Baptist Church eee"cdi tetbat ilhc 1letthtg R 'clo 00s iii -eWon-ttiet;'. iteF.dareiaee mcneftperifytr.uTht teit thet Aoi l. tttyTSNIt Y.Jt.t I23ttd,1950ti h,, -t'aehitd et peyci pccpeccd tedisttty, Jets 251h, tt0tp 1t 30 aeil. Sl, cit 'htte Se e ieti tpeyi lt Ptttgteeiic.tii. idipe itttldettt-e.t 1:27). Hisi cfistiction in Ged's Etetytidi Wlcoee ;eght ys tht h tt igh ti;mWc ______________________ ________________________ sealle tthikif Smetitl es etype tot Cthritstaseapt'ptthettt bsc 'e e, e ma etypetfCht .,e pst ;teiciy t;; pPsiig ticr tece;t OAKVILLE MALTON :Sestd;pstcd hm.l',t * th.t t -,tb' ante t ;t;ecd meesst- Go Met t-:9, 21i;As, 1Ct;4: OAKVILLE Tputng- f dlpý * tdd ad e-t1;'t.tht Ttcy.say n res te t trcte READY - iVIsX t~îTtticeto .me tc *buttttttttys,etnti'iel tceict me ee t a e manetiktth CONCRETE Sameltip .9:6,17e is tdes t peindP.uit Thyntbcet * tipi ip'heset." e yteti if thcit a t ît lpt ie es eand ttepî;;c;eg PHIONE OAKVILLE 928 M otn t ofti cts etetfise God '3 IUM UMU MMM MMM UUU MMUU~ I Site1:t15t.Tbcy "festtd" aetc etge et thîihumitlitttîioof selt and seceîît dtie te find Ced 1 ee 93; Ai. 13:, 3St.Thîy coefessin efthete sile Pev. 28t Il: t 'uie 1:9t, Ttcî tîd tt, ctgtt teLord" Pt ttl4t Setmuel lîdi- cd thîm t i it l ets eGids îdec tît ldîtiet oetinîle cde stet tl tececit Vticy oseci tc Pit- ttien Gsd' piept e teetm etî .eîttcd inpcaecthi eeetît iof od welttfight thece. te tutti. thett ercmorcithanetttypecis of dîtiet end hetdae:Itiiet - etri;d et ttc Phiities"Bit thîe n ed if fCis nc etut. 2i t'it len thptî cîtietitti tîî lîîhcd te Samuî el tbîthcrteîccitic Wp hae ecen ahbttcîe, i(lJeî. Il2:t,1;tHeb725; Rite t:34). Ttc t, t8;1Tbcî,. 5t17;Ps 50:1t). Thcsy pietofJchîseh>t ti tebitthc'Y hadtedittte s t 'neuttiGîd". Tbsi Top A. H. Deforest your old tires Taxi Service Get new safety ... 1Att t' s tise; u- ci ..i*. - L..., EARLY MOTORS Ford Sales & Sevice Sepetteit Pedect Milton Phonse 519W rogresaive Merchants Advertise Floyd Marlatt M.i. t.. Mittee.Ph... 43e J. 1. CASE FARM MACHINERY SALES SERVICE CHORE 1BOYt(L.. V..tî MILKERS had a rlghf fiy57thât cee. Tlsîî SUEPMIS1 tepped. "This la for ysu,5 the J.lss Le I.stretgth aed ntl -551. "Opn Il hee pets gel bhote.-LILI thr ce eit thet e. tocfie The sual hlaity of a hldet'e Itagine the Surpris sc th etethe àJuIu& f à. r'el tIs Savete s utesbie'hdsY pssIy tes, sie aed tht teeivedl InidhedeIl.gely etsppsd ef tht tsed if'71 eee tettes tthet.sed .ttîl gectesb ete package lît-Itetasîptele Isisets. Lhe 171, 74, 75). Stel effetd saig htfr ged-bpts. Tht estess le_____ Hitg fesed ageeed ef aet mtetetft hetiesdtd ettasmtesl chaeeandeeîps is rckeetdfet c5*5s pceîch te Ged. Sametl "îeted uettepackageteest îttesttsely gtft.j- ittecte ette tey. tt. Lied fer Isîsel' t'lte. 17:9t). _______________________________________________ Sunday School Lesson 1 'StDY, JULY 2Sed, 1950 SAMUEL, THSE UPRIGHT JUDGE Golden Text- S"mel giete. and the Lord wu wth tert, and did noe fhlus weds f111 tt the giesea. 1 Sine. 3:19. s Leteon Text.-1 Saine. 7:3-6, 15- 16; 12. 1-5. Exsttlt.-I. Ittecît Retteet h rJehovah, 7:3-0. DUt'teg thetttetyp ears tOit the ark ibtde i ijth-jeims, Satm- ici set te have bett îsyinin secret and îledetg hi time Thcy w ie ersf Stedage aed discip- line ftorctsaeLAt lat 'Isrel itte- ened ifttî Jchtseh.' This Itegistg for Hie eittcverst. Thîesr htteroght thcte totisplice (Lue 15.17; Je. 2: 19; Ps. 11967). Th. uiersallonigfor Jehotîh wsahopefu it 146itd Saeeuel toi6 edvantege of il. He gt aheti'. ;eg to-t.Seeel tola theet that thes ctsld get delivepsatte friti the Philist;inesif they etild ictumte I Jtevah ith aehthîir lt Htt. 6t) In. 6-idet. h ctece toHii thcs neut pe t iway ait tîher gad. Pute e Itt e yal i ad iii idots itaeweyi the tirt etcp intee usitt istcntianc i tadG. titi. 55:7). Whee Ieciel totk te Biil-woîsttp ttthhdnoIntenition tf giieg t Zohis'it shtp. They eeight te cembine thetwtte They tiere lit- cettlsiittiad want a con- $3 65. 'h tOt -tedete iteti $365 ittdltg itdttihl szes) *Sitept.eetfud y constrc- lti *Econoee'aeOpcetion GILSON ECONO-MIST *Peit f or coEîîîsy * tteiaentllte o *as Betudget Tîttet Ptel Oit Cinteuit Geieittted "*Tht Lord heîîd htet." Tht prse- ical pieuf that Ged heaid a that Ht dd ichat Saeeuel aahsd (I Jeî. 5:15). hIt teitoud hia ted Oet trouble ie diieefiting tht Philistines,.btfJttts'it ted noe t ail. Hittite priphtiy test felftltcd litteetit (ch. 210). Ilec ulra etl sBibehîtisttty thete areemnintnescof God's uine te teeetsttttdetttiv aprayltg peptle. leciel ciietplished mr ty pceping thae hy fightteg thit dit, lnech. 40: 10i tt SItiiel thît 'tIlat tettt" tete theit etetes. Why thediffeetcec'Itctl caried out thc dfet thet Jeîhtehd hcgit len thete t'Ictiey ttty cm ee te Betttcr thehtetcoe tte Lmb)l. Smel cl eted tte itctor icy attiteeoftttetetiet. God't meetie thîld te tetd ie constatt ietnetehcte (l Coc. 11 24). Heciettthe ttcctitcicteit te Ged. Se îheetd ecee ltiiut Ttc Philitieeceec eedecd" and Ged cee eetdeeel icinei se tht they tilcitnet mr eithie out tecdces<(. 13; M. 7: t9). It ely ateetdeitlogias Site- uecl ivecd. teutee rSameei eci i- îtt tHet 725). Hed ett 12:1-.1 Dopetltet peut e'etttlineeeei. yetttîtetlie Picrcîct'y inchthtt e'eiet eatîtecete cpdthdetc chut tiitiiiitttet, a pceet titi t;te tîpieece' MILTON WELDING Etectitiand Aetyte Wet;g Repeti WWetdeg ef Att Type. Perttte Equtîtîcet PHONE - 348 MILE ST. - MILTON LOW-COST AUTOMATIC IIEATING WE'RE OFF 1.2- Mlon 09 Bunier Sales & Serice PHONE 96R31 OUR ANNUAL VACATION FS SCHEDULED FOR JuIy 29 to August 7, Inclusive THERE WILL EE NO ISSUE 0F YOUR HOME TOWN PAFER ON AUGUST 3. QUE OFFICE AND PLANT REQUIREMENTS MAY BE URGENT YOUR ORDRE SHOULD BE PLACRD IMMEDIATE- LY TO INSURE DELIVERRY RER THE -' HOLIDAY PERIOD THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MAIN STr. MILTON PHONE 220 SUMMERDRES SSALES i Group No. 1 -- Assortqent of plain and figured Summer Dresses including plain white. Broken sizes, 13 to 42. Regularly priced at $6.95 to $16.95. CLEARING 1/2 PRICE Y Group No. 2 -- In this group are broken sizes, Il to 42, including some haif sizes. Chambrays, Jer- seys, and Printed Sheers. A good assortmnent of colors. Regularly priced ut $9.95 to $1 5.95. Clearing at 1/3 off Regular Price Clearance of Summer Wash Goods PIQUE- In smartîshestes of pibk, poder CREPE -A eedce ssortment of plaie and ad aqua,36" ide. Ideai for sume r pte pcd ayon cepes, in nay, bow, grcy skirts and drceses.Reg. $1.19. b9C b ckad pastel thedes. SolId clors and Cleanng dei cately patteceed priels Piom wshich to c hoose Jst the thieg for that extra special SPUNS- A sumeet acoite - wsashable sumeietdress and pried se leet Regelar epue rayon.Bright s ercoos inepýain 98 oga;ilpaptte;îcst pinsand tse polka Cie9, 69c dots. Celss eclude navy, aqea, pibk, qiy, greenit, wee resd 36" sie. Reg. to JUST THE THING FOR HOT $learin 89C WEATHER SAVINGS !-Ross Stores Co. _Lt-d lip tJebe', Stsedey 'les .tt5. J. 4. Sanete is Syett t;;lCeepbseIietee _ecnee'ctitthe est itght. Ttc tic; .meiepte ci ed pceesetly and tpttttty te ittelc itIte irepent- _ee.Ttcepecteetie eu nt I Pà£m 15WAP m 1 2 a 1 . plàmý RATE GROUP 2 2 4 2 2 2 12 2 4 2 7