Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jul 1950, p. 4

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THE CANADIANCRAPMO PAGErout Bell Telephone Co. Cub Announce Increuse P akIlr2 itn ilb efc t iveh6ao J aa 2 P a c k g MJto A.b . FtacisaBl Il ~Talphoneaa 'ger haca. In NeMsl cac it nitritode ath, oard u Tasport Coot R tuatua-.foraa-C ada, the Bell Cao- panyuatu- becataiad tutO thedatiet iatatheha Oacd in Otta-aanad thay in gren unform cton ibarnc T, bt-6 pracct- ild. n1nTHE CHILTON hsM ap anSdayataftooTbcy eaot til ttîh aoatotaa Sfaut hbd thera rits an~d I fildrcaon on the Cuap- -thrane d satt tthe rt ait the exttacu thcgsc that go t main application forn incrtc-OtO'Ooom ged bc thot a auaboys cc-c-nd quap- v Iate.a o , - t, office or den. o-nt .y .Thc a bu t itn hed Newa-t-aaa pesct acthy all * This hcdrac a s ahnt ad- a happ t adysaithviabin4tlcio ates orOa-ta-pool clasesjoiringltc o ry an d tlOset miles -tb of Mitc ~ton f ece in taMitonare shtuancnacnbcrace fo The leaderst ytIn Otae abatboys h aic-ca ol' t7oo O bth the kitchcO and frot th joysofu ccaphlfe with tCayatct6aaOtt *1Th Cherttoa 1,hg ao tgaa o-ttdbSadln. _ 2- 2ý5bedrooms o pen loto the tcdttireoa.26fond652bail faattahich the bed- hkanoatt- p ,d6d ttt . latta '85 225 - rah esth nt hdop go"t t "i"nd lautta200a t Ou can alsao Och I the fact thut , bu .acaaaO to taat- a t1t lot i i 00tpt1,40tth buacg avith lu th, t- t11.,!at'Estphone ., 00 t-<The bdrott have.a Ther, hu g cdah a-au t 6Ottitapat Pat,,tat, New-t,at .. .aothcha ucuat, aIf tt Mlto pua-l t au idaa- ao . 275 4A5 lnncoe si h e aca 1!1d tttt apuag- -t 2- .ty tire 2 25 340 * a-t6thll and ter ac ,,,,Fad at 'c nitlc atec. , Rur al l,, 169 29650cc-o ttainthetafrot vest- t buleha- tahedtitc Ceca-and dint th'ihhall. ts- ata. sýs-I asth pý,ý ce dilly Corpl, etnfl ofth ,c tc-The htacht ttbpast- oraa-aphaltt hngle. m aata-d ttattttt_ t t a i- utat 15 t h i ' a-t i- the-CttP dinngThe ttobi uderte win - te . t30 'Ia t. abaa,, n- *, lornI of uttaaaih th tjac,-ataor nthb- Theave.11damcsot6 6o1 tht d-c h, a--at- a-a-l t c ba,ca zl'i 11t thc bacc hil batata taca--atat ttua. itht tac cvna scuctad taeptbtebirdc4ch ttaatathe A ca c pIfaO ta hua ,Gad thtbcltti a urcce tair'cech-atouata, -bt aittt' clsr nthc' qaita-tc.dtthceaacit Sahhu t h caca, cg >caab-tha bays c'it Sa Sattcc atc-f oc ac- lng bc cttc a t - f'hS- Fit Miltn Cub PatS. OBITUARY Esquesing Resident John Stark Passes A li,1'latta cida-t.t oE-qucl ta gTata-ah a. p. bc nStark, tbc utSu th fthec tc Abcaham anad Ma ry Stark, cutdaaa-tuddattt ubat bacch-Wdaccdac, taly 12h. H as inchs 7th yaranad a memt- ber atofaat Pcctytcaata Chut-ch Helca'ectaO"'au 'w-tata tctat. Mae t hStbanod 'Mat, Ellent ýt athe Sastate on tht alght tida. Ptascalttafor aulbastact ,Antiqulties inl tautaa cotrctio thaaghco Bengal Discovered Thc-tcat cihdathaa cataqati t at utcanud acch- gta ff-i rtutcanctahuc av ct FALL FAIRDA E n intebcd atfuai d ta'nkD TE Tank)t intMaatupc'ua, dtrtact ino tha Acto Sept. 22-23 ta -uiThe ataqattc -i atSAhcctayl .... . Stt. 1 9-20 a t d-adta bca70() ycat a id Arthaa. .........Sp. 26_27 attnd tatacat padeattato Icty tac LBolton -..t -Sept. 29-30 cdinbtaaa b -tncetappacica fia- Necchctdga ...... . ..Sept. 14-t "a tO tatte wcatc eattctt Brampto ........... 2-7 ah. a-titonsucuitOt un cathtp Cado - - - Sep...... tt 22-2 tatacuta- intolu euta-tt taa int a tct Drayto ............ .Sept. 26-271 13-a aind Orissa. Drydten.................... Sept. 6-71 A tad "icfuattauc lattg cttt tha Elaic ....... Spt. 12-4 antiaauatta-t t a-actdcccd ta bataca Et-to............. Ot.T7ndt t< th 1b .1th cctua-. Feagot. . . Sept 1-t Acatlata- aacaaical dttcaac-a-. Georgetown............ Spt. 15-16 bua bac'. ada ta Uttar Pradesh Inbogacta . ......Atg. 21-23 ',htabccbhecattnsof cn a tc6tLodon . .............. Sp. 11-161 eai acctcta- chae bccc attd MtekhOt....... Oct t-7 c tbc, îid bcd of the Adamti Rivera Mito ............ Sept 29-30 ne ca-tu a-tac e oe actndtMautorestt. Sept 16and 10' apasta baebacnt he mc-u- Oranagevhic .......... Spt 10-10 -tr ý eass c.a-ad taeato . Spt . 2:-27 Floac, aa cos1,1689asquaetact white tbe caubaga ufthtbaa bUata aq- ecalo 21,625. immigration ta Canauda bustvr agcd abaut 66,866 cc attausacar It thaetata ycaao tacta 1939.toctal 3 J. A. Eliiott 4 Liacnaed Auctioncar and Ral Estata PHONE 177J 50U.TON 1 13MIMT. JULT M Et.nnafotht, calumos mou be photcd ta 220 0 ng Oot. the Chon- pan Office tn Milton. Mat. P-R. LNaadhaM .MatinSt ts talticg tiaods in Ottawthit Mr. aL. J Maoda 01 Mton and Hatid Muyntad apon< the 12th Of Jaly ai tOc Ttteohuou celahotion- Ma,. E. Paonttta, Woadwartd Ave., bat anolad ft-laod, MatCOa. Ot-a. Moa eJaw. Sask. vittltt .thO be. laot Facda for a0 trip tologland. Mat Listet-,ch it aatohetttofthe W A. atd W. M. S. of BaObab Chuach cao paeenated wotOSa <lt on te eeoaI ea depattta. Engagements Tha enagemenatt aootoaacd1 o Mat-y Eiaeth, dagtea o Mat. May and thec ttaEanet T May ta Frankoseatph, cideso af Ma-o Galden and thealtetankott T. Galden, Georgetowno, Oct. Mac- luage tota tkc plate Ataot th, Tihe Victor and tihe Spoils Belong By Joaeph Lister Rotitdgo Ttc u.tc Sent Fiteaald, the lit- eacra acdcc-hay othe 2Os, oce caacdan upt phrae:.The victat bciogst thespoilst' Wa em ber tSs ma b o cc aud. day' hc da. of ths atuac ~tery oaftuat Wc ccct ba tootua cuiscud achc tin the ccubccaoc af a ucceot tai ccgotatuona. ah aaders staaiofa aca-ttlc'd static, as a acctory There i, tnc -ch cacase tarthe pbhe -cutcs.,attsu ta 6hohi Mor ccc ta 0,0 tha tt l sa Ptaarh itoi. a vittaa-ta far oeccctly1 tauadctcut, and tbheuta-tacoriin Thes cttctor cclof hib tht -cs tac ,c ita tact and baadcedt of6 nillionscuarecotccly caccats ita da-d. HOumauy. ycaucctoastPos Foireraisittacta- be ied tfuont ca-t ttc-.ctafatt'aeh c rat , ttaadcactdtthclttl, ba- hi 1tersiene n Fttda,JuIt tat as J orcii t ltb ut.nomat. itth cacdatad ha' S-tHFatatrri' tmohPia teutttaa ttgat heau otcai? Hte ut Mitn ta Octa-a- a-ct .toot -o Sad -ock attua --it uto at ta cta ha tut Chta-ah Catoatcat ANNUAL LOWERS FOR Ded Sock ouaha--utit acasti ttw ogsycata Naeta. saab od Maidato teph M ilton N H MEORSES, $.000 each autctautatafot i ta- gatds pra- il atta-Franoata lad-taStada- antge ilon Dry CATTLE, $500 each dua--d!'. Actd Ytc tago au tan anutnrdPtesn. o an-a-ta-caacta'udatc ners NOGS, .5c per Owt. ticriesbttcttaa-Hutotoat-t-t souceofenovnet nd pr idatco d t io and past ta-atl aa'I, b..tireia- sts a MOST IMPORTANT SPEECH reaaationt tocthe arural daatiectand a oaditton M ___at the Euaet-ttetal Stato Beataca- WILL Bh CLOSED Cail Coil. Dit 27181 in Uecclt-td ci nacttaatc'ad, aia-a' tdua- A iota -i efottat as bacot la ta stanltandadbia hat lioa't acp illiers.at0 tata-atofat the-mata shedet tucda-aa-ttoaoo frac , lcatits,-a tatto the iact hat ulboat , yiat ai of tFianc -s aa totatta wtaticattcta-ti a nd att til hcc u' g ta s a tcdI.chaaaldica O ua of the aittlia ,At tanuaaa-t Co-ha-att shortaatt g cc-n saatcta the JULY 29ît AUGUST tdth atucpegat aTha assumecatthat ait f eaa ' eat C a s Sut, t l a t a , c h c u rtiet a c a c a c to t a On d a t o d t a u o t u u b a- a a d o t o f p r o ft s. hakd D a -a, , fIIrThil a' ha cuabe ic a Or o osi iteeted Inad-haattaille ctt ica'a-as t da ua- th, t 'al___I,_I________________the__home_____________ _ du, attat tiea- tatc fioduotcy. Tbca- latt if . -,tatadat Iilahada-sta Aootai flouaaa- arectualtdivid- linu-uttot t.tacaadedaincaoa'tottaa ta hitantaunioc iattat Ht'tad ci d iotathtbt-aacasses. rtoia' tdg ataa tttaths it o. ut sure- that toc thauid ba atctms ottOaaatgheddig atadbacground types. l i t ahcaet tftu-.A lttie are- c-a,-outatlie a-t Gcraanad Swct aiytrum, lohelto and dwaMerf f.1aa thoIJ ~ ' aiauaghtwoculd taiiy datooOt-- l au Fa-tch;thb asutthe- cnitacptuiao t-icee ttioftoot-lat. AcA adalaSONSjj4hJJAIot attat ano atcacacftsay tao a-t- ci-t-a I a-a-ataie taa ham ca t a-thaathioa. K l a ste r.oac ta It d id lleît aut proftts and thtutd oha- Iami,-ca a-tt it- d t-a ýThe- pot caaigotd bac lo hoPlumibintaand Ileatifluiactdustat ad tth h os aa'th sn 1 I au loi ,I,,,,,d dm da-thataut fit-or addire p t-taclatta St thebctttay a-ut ha uta a -asaattaattta -t i- Ps., I; 1 t hu a n d ta-irattiog. t eato ha ,Saat jt alj IJ1--,.k-thta--publi c nsau ntu aut tat he ia l aif oc attcaaacaat taa tcin tabo ..-.colt, of -h'e- M et. billtitcaddad costs a-arad,,a- St autHtthata t tta a-n ttthec aos to acpcatadtferrohboire: - Theta t tatat iatttabda taiht tact, S'a-catta.ugt 't. atdIui,- the catýCloaldan d tflfattc N NEOMITON, ONT. abliattaar-i andtatagbeotct.ry taaaca a-tu a's Ototl eai t tetaccO-f.. dya rt-ta --t- iailu tG-a-at dafa lAf a mr-",, fta-atuocivata c ,o a -aha-I. hîtha- ha h atkh a ta taboura s tac ctît d. sca-aaaota SA a t aa t la-.t1- M-ai l ait a -!,ah-- aai ata tthtc-t ttt lat ti Ila tt i ac ta cita-atua wAt, ,f't t 1ttil ai ttaca d tht Crt a n d ta-c ra-ttiuiIy nhsr r a-a - O 'it i iiit ,tt a til cDttaItG- taluta-dpTlauit'a- out tt a a t a.tar-a'.z t t-DaItî:I.1 :,-R - e,,tav -ttttia-ttAN INit lACTON PARK PAVILION t -aaa tattmunetatih c Atta at i I, , laa ah tt-tl'ae-('ut ua l 'a' ** Jtta --ta' ti ca -daiaa- at aa -h- aa ai ' a- a a I-a -ttRIYU 9 i i r it ýd l1ý tt ta l - . .ila i-a- at ~ ~ ~ ~ Il iaa' taatta t t- t a Oi t tat a-at aiaa-' MODERN -OLD TIME la aat la a uatt a tcuiOta- cha ai, a at a ta t a I l ta a-at tt t itah "SQUARE DANCES 10.00 nd 1100 pet 'IfIa ttttaitt IIItt tat ha-ta t ndus li ist apl -a-at t a a-a a acaGLENN SMITH and IS MERRYM.AKERS aa h-a-ttaaatctia a- la-a h ste Pat- t -tht-ia tat at cl--1,Cataa RFEH OT - ADMISSION 50c ta aa att tmia-a tt-t-ha ta-taa -tta-'--' ata-'a-cca-t-I___________il___i,__________ ait-t taattaha-a a-a-ta-ta a,,t tha-ta-Thea ' I lat a-t-I Sttit,,IleI ,dla-a atttoac ttt a n dad T att-atha t t - - a t-ato and Ia- - .a a-la 1-1 tirer,'mi'bi i.tltat 1at tt taalaato atft .tt t manapgecctOath aesSa. ad tcig haaca-a-attacert aadetai tatcd Viietoa' tata-etocottoutthea cat imt'aantdtha-ta- tolada the iheltaOt- prt-ntutthtgbtehad htaed. andatt taduc Chia asteTao oftaaad, ot bhSuOf atGeraaooa-tWaebsscka, aigttd, puoy. humt- et-,poyrs, is rig handtOinoamciioat-h, loct-aiog touacao ia rcapotote. lreac, hoah honda alth and -alvatoVo-arttco s wieS ost-bc t ftormoer imober of theGet-Man teedd oatttt-o-flottIfdOtre4Ma Coanunitla<Party acdaaaitaed c.to-aet ottt-toa.pott aetgold, CalOt- tandlcgoaton ledby oeof tttheoie poppt- as.adevtott. oigoctta labour delagatOca and ocat pa. the IbUSÀ.la pnaig 34per act in whdcvs of tha UN Seeart-at o tolgecat-tB cttatn20par ct, -at ludabot 34pecetgg o of thne euuk14 pea cent, Canada b1 untheatoyn and mateiltBy ra IN ACTON PARK ROTARY ANNUAL FAIR ENTERTAINMENT - GAMES - A NIGHT 0F FUN No Admission - Plenty ai Parking Space The Lutky Draw wiII ha mode on July 28th at the Fair instead oi on JuIy lot ai ehown on the tickets isneed Proceeds for Cippled Clildenot Wark A SHIRT TALE A Torotolaiuacday ftta t l-c inanutba-rascinosicttitncaacaot- la- TSa-aarea-usicg oaaondc-ta wttoSa nctnera aioted o t athio lu fastned ta aath placeoatlaundo'y ta ideotif c the caaaer.GO thit- thtoc tt-oll taho are uttully pOooad tt tha thirt-toOl. Oncaort-ecotweeaS-enddthea fond therttala-athltOott tatathoot- aod thits on 60haod. etatttd faon, abotO ite bacdaad aatoooars, ad that oanof ctthe tags tuee a t hleahcd as ta nmik Oe im mant dttttacltto ta daotly. ATTENTION FARMER MIS AMM PAXC.MINOHIHUE PVAILINO Pfli HORSES -- CATTLE - - H0 FORDE-ADORCTn>LD PRUANIMALE A TElepone CoHSot for ano»diat Serine GORDON YOUNG LTD. fM ILTOFlN 2 10 TODONTO ADE.ABI GARDEN PARTý AT JOHN PICKET'S CONCESSION 7, LOT 3 TUESDAY EVE. JULY Program by thte following Artis CI4ARLIE JACKSON Maneraof Ceremonies and Comedian JACK McLEAN Hi-biily Numbern and Impersonations of Hollywood BENNIDITTII Piano Annordian "TWO NONEYS" Comedy Teane CAPTAIN BILL JAMES Magician RUSSEL PAYNE Xylophone JAKE SETZER Acnompanist ADMISSION 50c CHILDREN under 11 Chldren under 8 free Refrenhment Booth on Grounds bUdet the auspices oi Bthel Utited Church W.A. 0, ......... 1[iolllml" M M allallllllu113ýM[IIimUMt hlîý[ m îtiullýlli m . . nps f aifato "Check These Everyday Low Prices For Quality & Value" nt-lr4TO~OMATO UE PORK & BEANS 2. 25c DItMOR-C OIERUM SMtt GOLDEN CORN 2 25c motol. c.eN,,D,-,OLuMB . A anenAN*S-.ntOoS Raspberies '¶,o' 27c Giape Jokce '.6Z 2 nAToonE-S *DEnOtOE IrICHMI r-.." m Tomat Juie -Tb-20c COFFEE U.8; Punch Mixes "Ilt 33c DilPiklIes 33C HEtLltnD'$-WITn 00000 LAmrGi$C.<. 6MEAT DALLS %0,43c SAUCE LT.22< o~RED COHOE SALMON 32< KRAao-OOLADD oE$S0OG_ MIRACLE WHIP 6Zý 45<c 25c toAuT BUTTER to35c GRINFEHFRUITS & VEGETABLES ORBVING FSH DAILY - INCLUDING C- CELET - TOMATOOIO BANANASGolden Yellnn,lb16. CARROTSGret Top, 2 baaches lJi. G1RrPEFRITIS2frnitelOOc3iaor 25c ilatt oo- anaF. sot, aoat 20ci. 2. t-t2da GS Milton K.0. A Eght mois lante f Mo the ropananOf ]Ryder, tooktetaitra aliirît bt. a etat lai IM111111 teroon. Milto plot ofthebcsession. John toa rieeRydea ta ratrtated Miltens blogie ootilthUtc int gaowu alrtaudy dot eotto <he r-aoindt Dattctt hept edg adO spacd o as t 5 ftu the Red Ctpt. F ists ad whiOOd ele-n 1 * titO tttha tauta the aaahiocd t'e Acton pitaheat I olanctd ttrila. In GatoOlo tatOrd*a Stars Iaofahaha bcpled ad joft thaca bits, Mdltt t Watrhtttte tallied i ote ftfortoaoo j ocaetion. hoth taot-t alittated Mataesotsi thad and soe-d on for thea ot Atoo m IMito oted a taulfofathaetsecodw ht ha- tha pitahar talhed. Bth un 2, 25c Etrlc rue togat te bot a l-. toftoheot-six ai thta-d tea ataoort fi j .A singleoa-ao, A. d-bhic fontaeTtah toa 'ies inch uita tatitd abaat cea-c -t- mafuathtis t-a-tg out of bat tinea. tý a taret ftebc. ACTON Ouact op'. Sut. ., 'tatioo at- St. and I FRil-BAT. Jl "HELL FI inCoiae *Staeeacg WM. ELLIC 2ND BIG FEA "Rusty Birthda Wath aDONALDhOi AIN MON-TUES. il "Tell it to the Ju * Starcatt t ROSALIND RUSSI ROBERT CUl Plus Short and Cala L Ma and Pa MGo to Toi * ta ting PERCY KILBRIDE MARJORI ADDED PEATUI A EL;BRENDEL Ay Tank A lit Shorts and Colo ý m k

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