Fashis, Hint WhiociMu Ai-oud Agol. A touo- pioso 'eminleo tuase adu fr gity and duncing! Theo ftuuued siit, bocloallu ic-cacbed luinoiuti- coon;: the blouse, dailtilu hirred and sppelingiu off the ehosideu. Pollock and Ca.mpbell Steufaatumet HîGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Wafer St, NortIt GALT TELEPHORD t26U RED 6pefruot ..O-Dz. 41 c u-27c NJIE 250 350 330 N Tis25q B830 BMT 250 $1.07 -c 25c kc, 12e c, 47e 'J2U 27c '~36C L31C MI-.33c 2 or 15c 2 for15C 49e Itowee, Seels, THIE CAMADIAN CHAMPION itello itoinonoshculte ceasa, once rcegaditas a trat frucuo Occasions, ola evecd lodaya anu- titiooa food i eeeday eteata. Titi shift unebohsis stetcfrein khou- iedge o ntritton and bette, un- detoudlog of the tattcty vaoe in c001, SoiOohih le cean The nttionsi eslue of annUie 'c ccou la grtifulug inue a icad- ns commoercial uoccu batmade tetsl ohlch ohows elgnfcant aountso f pcoteio, caiuimt, Vtte- mnteA ood S-t. Tiifoodi voton la iopoantsforl lu not oniy good foc couinai oppetiieo hot the difit- cot nppuhitee ofill and conseales- cent patlent. Coulnoeuoialurnde nonilis iue ecmcootaino cueso, milk and osiib tolAs, 0050, a tbttia,, lossuhe gloiocl, and ometimea eggo. Thueeueno s iguiicont lsoouo in the ostrient vauofooon do thueomanfctuosf Ieho an sthecaolcisrumnvluees.oeueiry fsu gosiig childeeoio alhiu1 Fou thosocohaboucto ho este. toi of uoceoo oeigtl, Icceat >0 s oosd chsluc ioce onoeeing looc ith quoct) uontoie about 206 caois.ciifreuethsoe wob ouedd otdtclrens aho eglucu ocesp. fruit oSseo sh e or pin sth ice con, Ao ise reeull thu trenda le toc cesi,ouccuiounorhetbeacwfutpe sf!ý ceaesooconu tbet tatedlithe asosda icuit. thun the cae fec ou cca ilb Chousinte Sauce; fse s loog pelod lhcuc 0065 .tee- mnoosodcundforpeoand ice cuono; lhu camue oreuc foc bn- f and Roofing 426W, MLON jMASTIC -ROSSER LIN CLECM j PLASTIC WALL TILS SANDING & INISING IALL TYPES CF RCOFING K. (DICCI CLEMENT nana spita; te noMt requnst wn forcocoat. sauce andi bot: but- terceoteli. At pcescit, te tIcEi a menaorale one teeue tourlas3 Itaple Wninut Sandae. Of ceurses tecu soe stili nuenecus cquets ifoc the faouoiitosnrdnus and sodas of ycalocdoy et the Soda aad Sos CccsiioCooteoocllascresar nuit. Teenagocs oulli esîber acound ie homie itchen ohen yoa houp thei faouoite dessert un bond. Ueeually ilhccc ouil bu no dessert toitone the piste If 100 iclodu iee oceant. Te 0000 uboiceofutthe efrtnecstoc raid- ec le the dtah of tececarna oth ait the fixlngs ho csn lied thone too, juiiy, sauce oc fruit ... oc i thrco. TAKE A TiP 1. Whoo yos nohu e ccsuo, a homsueused the dirctions on the package of nom csrefuoy suduie 2. Tun ecicuu cfrieoolo uoldut point shoot i hosehbefoci ic cea ix oplsuud Io theon! fo es hut enolas. 3. Do not serve leeceono outIl 4CUeieecesuofoc mioih ohoea, odastandosundoao tbhome. S. Csomeiailue creacn cn e pcuhutIinto s tesu lu the freece. in onit, thon pisuud lunt e fctg- cusîsu and tocncd to the coidest point foc i hone. Wheu frozen fIteu the dis! of efelgecatoe eioy ha uncti to normal Soillon. lUsualie Nos. S9n sîdetaud puntion 1io 2 le noremsl or 40 dugreo) 6. Vos enoy ducooatubiekshofu lue ccoano oltb tlntcd outtlpud ccoin lu s coke deuse-slsefor ou ueregcynuaospuciocson oc subouhsoeuoolng. hon voyage, hoocoutou guete. 7. lisoupic potu e onilosufoi os adloh thot nill fil mb ofreue- lu uit. O. A oci-poddcd hItitng hoc musat osuefot soppng hog foc couciof lue cuegno ood hftuti drinhs Lretso l lglueîlcoo n Ofows budgetti cohisolo o 'olucuon u coblic dchf o cootlIhu Conodose loucooccrslbuuuoca of $947.000 s MUTUAL LEADER NONORED PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLER'S GUIDEf NMICAL DENOTAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC DTSR G ON Milon hns Nimbe 2à 011 inRoalhouidingMilton Cmphlluile Niinbe r ld n Hboocos 95 De. C. . Sien-no» E gby Appo oloocut Dr* J. t palmase > l i-youo Oc phoe 19 Dr. J. D. Biep A.M. By Appointoient oly. DR. . E. EABCOCK J. T. ARtMSTRONG SM. -4 -9.DENTAL SEORCEON IThe ul ouf Canadaobha Sdy-Eiegeocien Oniy. Dtu(OiePiiceaa Theateolcao disonrLst egiz Caopbelhuil.le iOfM.fJiTcAmston ooGerg- t44 pis. Euucy o'ek day bo' Ng1loApotlhloMay oîhbAceleoooecc Thuosy. Arraugcd t o o t ous diog secoice to his MILTON FRIVATE iHOSPITAL X_ h iou o'ooo cuhtilo. n ~ty io the clob yearc i- X-RAY kîlooot. h Telophone 65*ent0,IY losud.H ha uaslflcd a Coorer, CPRnd Gssl Socas< ,f hehCcompy' Lod- R__________ ci ConlouyClob. DE. G. E. SYEE NIELSEN - The Chireprctr alifictonîh forclubh isesou- Phybiciasi and Surgeona t Digc-o_ hcait bcqih o ooOhoc Of:jc-Jmý Stee d " -ol n, buto re important, tbe Offic tours: 9 .o.;1-3 M.o,,T-, Fcl. -5pi.,0v" bsnes hooc.fbli 0foe suace 7-8.30 p.iii. lhdSo., 2-5 and08-9OpO. lb,,l j, uiuocd ioforce. Thso Cocon- cCoed Tbosddy t*hfctos o.lbuud wilhsa hîgh1 Do, - 0,00 Sar,, . Coocgc ri cenu hpoîîcyhollderso r this OrDE- eEotD. J. W. MuCUITCHEON phno 150-W î,uooool soaodard o! cofidontisi ams ui'~ lding, ManStreet re_____________ cuontofo uuaMhl Loh ucIII bftcs Sliiuu-t m.; 1-4, -9 pan n.tvý fTuicyboilo 395W LEVER & MOSKIN Iiuoideiooo 395.J Cbocreud Acciiiiiiimi LSDAL sulcOccOst - JENKINS & ILbitDY t DICK & DICK 1.o5 Met, politho Bldg.,I W. 1. DICK, K. . 44 Victoia St., TootoSNGR K. Y.DECKEIg 9131 c5oSFWING MACI-INF c Boeise, SenItIte, Etc. lttloeNest Coor ChamInj0nMRt Masn Stuat-mii on Telophone 54 GEORGE!E. ELLIOTT itariiec eipte, Neo Publia Dffc-In FecineoslBuilding Maino StreetMilton Tlephoste 7t OPTICAL CARSTEN GLAHN Sucecuace ta aL C. LAIRD ce AppointmnetsPhene 56 Milieu] CANACIATI PACIEIC RAILWA'0 Codlobool3, Po.loolydocSO j1 oullheiufthe Townuof crn doi. 03 -i oiu oe Milton cocuy TUE$DAY Cogstcol00, sol dsîlc,.131 New mahieseou auajl s.na Asîl. 10 00d ab not le. Eepaica toa sl eakes. SossylOlgI y jFeue estiieâaesineaduece. .ooG hoîf t-71 2 04 pirn. J Machguacsneed. Phono 9.1cip.- Jor wita CoogisulM SINGER SEWINO p'rn - I MACHINS CO. CANADIAN NATIONAL j RAILWAY j 30 Molen.. Gais Coing Sortf -7.SS u. j Phonue it65 Coing Sootb 710 Pu nSmrMuwilci AlC.N.R. dnlutreaioervice aneeasoi, eoou ceooted -- -, In A ConnueryJ Lane 1 lb' Jisue Clier Gray1 Tthis pal ouekhabot nunteti os corne perct u o rniocdoue. oith the tenopeuoscustI uoofotahly iam hroghsotithedsc. plasosul, fccohb hueee, and cool nighte. flous 'linsot lîhu Ihote w000 crt to gel lu ltc Septeinhuu. Doyo rheo iios 0004 t.orkuoin otheooioohine ou belt sit sud wnshh the hie u a wchite closdîsand liiteu to the houdo andohsciulo onebeiugosomu of ihu sounoob. liohi, sud uslo.u f.,lhc long. coldonuohus husdi t A hig 51ul10in u ohiseut, huis " cocu, ilu the dAoehclood otfissu on ouhori,uWu houe hald bo " 0one 0Eom ouadhiu ocrne ot ot !os ou heue.if i4 decelopo asi 4 gicco ucccccpromise otfc ou , li che Il Oa hol issuend cuilIsatooo ous ouccu houeeudcd issus. They -hacen'l ucunsoiccd the cuoblerno cupoosiîhe foc thurn Bol nointi, eisIth oh hs huflhout disuocucico log ceuifîctires, hoonicul ds- cocuccd hoou b do oulihoot thein. ohinsothot hchaveo onsiA h people vinho hcud rso mn er ag., hot ohich ceccol ocusi chanes sn acsispsubuveiy shout puioti of isre. In anolsd hook cohliohcd 10 the cuou 17,. 0he ucc.occ- l. houslsoudios opinon:u "-TbOe o o puccleol uotiuonta cdhcrnmodernosciencc idîcouder issu ,o the futuue tocrnoeo Acusti tfui oth ooll bsi hucooo Wehbu- licou fba notonoIno be rniishco ouc. sud vcnueocu b hioh ibrtsirn locto in ccoofof o oetheocu oui h o cuoîooccuohng, ho foc frn îuecucooîsthecareoage o! thebath- t1ofîciA, ise hold ihoO the lendoocu of modern armsof prcison su to 3dîmiisoh i'E sud Ihat scieuce, bu 7luuîug heu atentonou sthein lstcouots siof usclaou. rn c be- t gaded oosoahoetofctoc b ormniiu in diogisu'" Weil. oh oe con 000 lcoulf-ooldosccth, coluobolî h-cîl in he dococuou nomode cocu hi, bulo b u old Ioou ocud io S, 9uau.The iduo Ihol cicoliflo i srim dîof olud 1or ,lurlb. peoplulu hithe cold oold b fou- gui bois b ighî. ou iîhf bouc sm ecocuOf coollu, thuis rtur cf s hall cenulou so ddo'o visonsuthe ose olfEuhetono hSuuh gccuooluoafroru o the tcîbos bol uooh , tho, îcc 10 booIddcu ,lih hocucu, Inoth,'ooc hoc I-'-m.,ou ,ouobîcoîo hol luo'bos.it blId aoooltho corly ul'O f rcchol luovlf.r, Thcoccf .boo oof oaocu u cuhcu inenton1aohl, ohhoohi cf coolo oi, duisodrnco hucd perfeccionu o ih BOt ibos al-. ou ul ohccfcc re isod 0db choc- cool I su occocolyoo o'u thObo Chine- coo cuccn uribcboîu thu Chrishou e000,Aud l th, "ogeuOut Colooluoc hop671 A D, lb-% Cîeckch duuoocd th, Acoh huci bu nl0at00 ofliq c f 1,10 hc dîuchouood fr.ootbhcu Tho hoî .occuîcrII.lod a0.000ar0gentulooooîoîbthCoousd- colooîoh,-ootdCooth fc, lOolol,oo , Idookbuoou 0,11, îlî, li looob , o- Thu, 0h0 foi ,ot'o, - h boîl 'li, ohoBuco--doulouuo C h,,,, do, of Ooîî 010 fouOf 0000- ,O ho do çoci nudcsou ,ho' obo oruI b bu oblo 'l o l , ,oholdoh,,o u d ooond oOooooo h-og ottobcab, Cf-coucout up. ,ou hti oshju oThuolA bso fuhot hoobt the f t bof ogh spb ,Id oi i se r o o edy Tl,, ddcutonk h Du ibseudinsup Ofucursbe.tesbares ist sge Cl oe Rehen" Dp oric eobueo gu1Thodooboiokechaottbeu uhkon hsdfueldbIbs Iohon onhebc gotidco.b beemetocndtnic, fadb phootbeu.albucie Eohken lias itil Ien.Oahne bAdomau geangolinbotatat aeoipinyofnge- uctoceman theatUt ae!Rue ls 3, e, ts ka Ir y ýe ýe 1- b tt 0000oflth,,BbiihMmuoulu0ef Aguocoouî' ibubdoocoîhu the fla ooog d, li,i, Ioihý uu oi fîo o hoo ou doug ohu cool dcd Il t. 0duc, cd o îmooc coloiLodcodothuh-uPr.- 'o d, il h bb, Oconc f o O 000000 bol odohool bu uchuId 0000 do bu .,n 'o' o, o ohoislouud o lb ,ooyfIl o 12,,.,oofobosn . I Il oc' 00ooly0000 fuocloc 00,ooo g oo,, on ooinbt ot 1h udotl ,octo 0010 0 bcull, col,,o lu fou ocllioo hcouc isoch d",oqouklo loloboot loob a- o 1,,o o.l,oloy.oud ffic of s ulc of ougsulc mauoose bso -Il s o sf eotu sa ustioof coiscetftisu hbeloecu the suinot sod OSe luotoi. concloden the pi- dtocîshot. hu ctheu oe ofdAciti- iug the conditiooe ondec ouieb escb csu Scusoed to the beet ad- csulsou Thec suc. io faut. esrn- uicrenutscoand nosiconopeticu -. We doo't eoctiu dioogouo oith ougotaialne. bot oie do tbinh that the toto of su opinion l inps e gcottu bu sddhog a paand tuei ta t. os GRAVENHURST - 7.15m laubleet te ehonnol OAKVILLE Early Post Office Slated for Museum COhîie't cool, t posot otîco os shou o bhe rnoud. This ouculoa gîooc ot Oshuille Tcfslgsc Chois he ofComrni ce voiontecuuork e sclutd puepsuîog the old ced tcrnmeostuctuce Ihol fournouny ucoco soasst on Coihocue Street aulthe riverhsnh, forcurnocsi o aoperanentiesttlheuuarrersf Thomsnsd Scout Siceets, hy the ishe ohueet ih espouctdtobcS- Sueouied lootiog of ao bf,en gssud in resiang the Rotici feoi the cech hottoin, added ohili uol- orne t thc loting oftIhe toouon hure ticen ai 3i15Moodsu ioncing ouheu thé dornp hocot hlooflone. Ficrnuornmadesfastaico ns oon bai the hIsýe undee uotcoi. Slood dusouofornthe uine of issue hen touo honduud Oshuie oa distrct eeidpntt la 00w in a hoohk" ol Oohilie-Tcsfsigse Mein- oiol Hospital,.in ceadinett ta he oduiitered io teasfuiohcu- -reeregeouleoserie. Meting tb diocus ciocios pcsh- leis,. epueetstiueo of th. Oak- ci e BOsouholiAson. sud the ncociu fome ,c oinudiste clob Msndoy ulohl eoohud sarntosiiystifoul- suill agreeurntulfor the socii up o of cuscloce adgsornaohudoun, iO is dioclooed cuolcudsu on o joint ololurnulbu the twosgrusc.- Trafalgao urnal. Horses Vs. Tractors Theoc,uu-icuoocuperocisouce sund cffbciooc1 of theu colodur.e soi o ul c irtpatootthiouuul ory foetheohu ouuuec ilhaou doso- 0(,00t,1 O O lafacolo oS ouocc i orh agoricu.,îltur, c. '0ouaourd- Looial of 'lOold Cuoc s ranmog- 10,00cobihi,duA lu Coct BOilol ood dîul'i ,,ld tlbuoboothe popqhol do,. bol the, ho, -w oota. "h'cdi oolul ho hors, housu .d wil ucotiuse ho haveua Kfinitc partcoul plachun ho ,oooand ,udoodi odcboitli Tt o11l UPloisoul thu of lthe mis nehc -ci t he i, col ooarecois- ,olîo -tl f M cioin1 HARRIS' STORE PHÇOOR 0M g - t 1. Tho o foheeu .oilk g 2. OuO N.,uorn e slinci seulE T. f o, oh,4 ho P 1 ..yof-ioî sbos 0 bcd e o t"e ---------- -------------- othu ,sîiidc of afond se s dtink, ehre'c an 'baxide tscy" utf pccfcudy pcoeouecd flsvouc quaity oadyaciey. ALEMINUM COUPANT OF CANADA, LIS. thihe 0uteis LE e.niesune -f LILY 2Otis, is Wall Boards Oak Flowing cornent Plywonds Lahi Tenet Milton Lumber Limne Sash & Coal Company Intel-r Soumnes MILLJ. IEEPlacIer Doors PH ON E 49 Metal Muliaga Insel-Belo DOORS-leside end Oufeide Ineulafleet Cedargeain Siding Peootînall>i Ail tises-Variaus Patteons Gypron Shingles Evscythieg le Building Mafeciale Mascetite %now. sic th. tses 0o toilyBs -MI 1e ga1.g bios dsbe-sed tml nrane en oshis C. STEWART LOCIE Coart St. 7Phono 7 Mitine THIE PRUDENTIAL 500000