Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jul 1950, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIARI CHAMPION ISunday School tesson SUNDAY, JULY 16 1980 RUTH. A SYMBOL 0F FAMGLY LOYALTY Golden Tedt -Ruth said, Etreat mue st ta e Saca hee, .ud ta retapa tectu Sutucicc aterthIbe; tep ehither thcucacaSt, 1SwtutIlce:;uad c-bere houe idgct. S ciii Sdge; the' peuple huti be c'y peuple, aad the' Gudety'Gud Ruth 1:16. Lctuu Texit Ruth 1:8 14-22. EXPOSITON-1i Ruthus Tes, 1: Ruth.tAtheheutue etftht: lecele OldTestamenutstuc,und oeof the us eutheuttt ut est eg the -dace- uncaa ter fthe Bibte. ca. Muebttu ceteth ch 2*tI. Th, Meeet :esuSt,rtlu yhethctt but und,,et .pueetb.tee OpuS 23.:, Y,e Ruth e-, cetet he Gue th h ýh , w b::Aeetutht l,.ttd eMet t t1 "f t thi torucett tise :ýt en t l I st, heu t n th, Old eA h-thutem 1:dT. th-cst. ehue- t toftIl th, ea,ctethcttc .e s-e f itcehus pet itd t tc tti,.t' :tted bu i-e- h n-d.ot:: 5,n ttheoo, te 1Ie1, Seete-ette-: cttch bectu teir nte tTh t eteecut usett t.euset ,:etecde tht test Ruthtc s tt ecteý d e est.11 t acd dittctIe hleecteideittts Wtes h, e:-m e . - --t the dettet tet,-t- e SuteeIt te, h e:i i-]h1t, et l, ee that IA,, , t e, t ,,r oi ste- tt-l 't. gaineeuThrese ecc cegto te pi t- le e teshe ecee ,e c ,,t, te . . e 12udect andt Oteeýh . at-el: telitee-s ee-- e-Il ECi Rib teetetIv. 141. Th, î . s t c see t- elets. t iteelhettes - tee e,,t t5 aed e ecte LOW-COST AUTOMATIC IIEATING $365. a '1ttea1'ce GILSON ECONO-MIST Milon Oit Buner Sales & Service PHOI %011 srec caled upua ta decide chether coehtte.aJa tIse calcuce. Itth 1 pb. Oaa ufth.tronaegest smotieas teutuspterbackuuunultctand go ated the cucul, becasce Ueer oigcnatues inatcrsaktg the bactu thse paullofhuctau ttesand scterrofa long Uneuf kigs, an Lrd la loeefte wehu arei the trieadshipu ot the cueetd. Lrge ascecteesu ufthUe Cheist, sud aur ut tbe crtd. But wce cRth Lveud te tace buste and riends and the etuhonued wren iaiclSiu-Orpba, she ued Nacra moreRa eeythica hithertu betd deac, ta tory. Wbec cee becusce Cheisianlovtueuofany tua beigaSSSdraw guenand forwad, wtttCritatrce maty bceRtedp t uffee acay tecJeau ne WhorellY numeberu ut Christan beieers tbetue t ssofalt ii, but we gan tuceu Hece (2 Cor. 5:14. 15; Rasa. have becs catted ucua te face ibis tutecetete'tmre tbaa tue Sse tPbtS. 8:37). Orpba cas 'cnltfar front ceia, acd ehile soet e ac aird, 3:0; Rum, 8:28). Qepha werct baeb tbe kicgdcsa' M. 12:34), but sbe ceuse'thouucadu have reeueatrdelutatypeeap, but bac. Sbcdd nt enter tRaceeudanat tadat stat it Cu Id beuaid ktcedbcer mtber-in-labt abhae Ruh go witbber nrill uft Ibeas They edace e Chit." tettbc. Intcrsabtuc Nauttt, ube Christ base a us tltb hHisa, cethl- Rtbt secoiuc attitude, ceicb tet tteueub Jebcsab. atsu (e. 15t. eut tuSSe' couatiag tbe cuat tvs. 9, utS lu guocitE Nausai, itutatetSt I Ruth a tyeeoe Fatbteuess, t1, 15; Lube 14:25-33). Raîba sans- wt S ue attitude tueurd tbe Loed 14-22. cee te Rausai tu eue outheUsetu Jecucubuatd be lMtt. S10:57; Lube Nauci iccsu Rth eues oecmsaue beautitul tbat erer telS rein hureut 1 4:3). Feutu a cueldte- ctsdpctct, cbacce te retcm ea aMoab, sud ics (va. St. 17). Il bshws hat pure Oceba ecued te cube tbecietaue lu open Rtbu Surevetue Or- Suce eited in Ibere rude dae, aujl BABY or JUNIORc FOODS 3 fins 25C Speelal - Lyne Vafley, Sieve 45 HEINZ PEAS SPAGoi Steby Goldn Ceen BIEINZ CORN ]fIN 3 "' - 250naHENz DOSTON BRiOWNRED M DEANS M'r& surmi 12 270 teBig 57î Orange, Lo o & Lime Sice.~ CA NDY Weatomsslb, 25C P.ue d BANANAS Cal. S uchesus Blueu Goose, 288 ORAN Gt S1E05 GRAPEFRUIT tuise, 300s LMONS Lues) groc, e le CABEAGE Na. 1 COOKING ONIONS PHOGNE 25, MILTO SUCCESS 0 Self Polluiiq FLOOR WAX "Mo 63co?,o1.07 CATARAC DRY GINGYER ALE bd&%.19e IeS Ext*"m* 17c s- yu 8 d o , 2 9 C S mR 3ee25c 2em0m25@ 41 16C Spedul-Aplme 1 'CATSUP1 wc I a 16e 2 "Ou"'d 19C MOV N =- titude ubcuSd ba te Mmsa c-asa ce Suve sapreacely. Rath asanst eereY cerd cf ber beautitaS tteracu aud lived uc e tILSt.ou e. c-bec cee se il luJesucutPrubabSe t cas Suoeve orcat.tc inthe tiret place, csebled Ruth lu lare Ramia Gcd. Lcyatty ta Jehovah saude Use reatonbetcur e le t cc-c ee tender sud beacttul. Raîba sctiee wsreally a ehice ot tebarah (eh. 2:12). Chrete peuple abactd ta ccp peuple: Crtata Ocd sbouud be ccc God (v. 16). Wheee Christ dieu, cee sltuctd die tGuS. 2:20). Wr ubald bu "brled' cetSbHisa ce Suce (v. 17; Rusa 6:41 but ce ccc go bee'ucd Ruth and ber cuedu te Raucet; tue &SPAGHETTI iZ «2 "d-u27e FETTE WNTH ETu ~ 1 BONI & CHEESE 1e CMUSTARD 10e, q200 c 111517,11SAUCE M 26e &CHILI SAUCE W 33e TOMIATO KETCHUP -24e ETOMATO SOUP as lc CVINEGAR btLO14e bt 23e TOMATO IJUICE 2"0 7d5 le [CIDNEY DEANS lÜa. e IGHT SOAP 3 - &es FAD b m.33e, 66e 1 "ScaIgle- TUMBLE 9-OZ. - 270 Andmeuy Si. Spei - Dl sFana TOMATO JUICE 3 S1DOZENS9» - ,*-m-2 2ce and BEANS 2'ms--1 9c -1 Easy-te-see Eusy-to-aet Iî'a hrilling te cacceca it. Rea ius2Vs minutes, tip Heat Regai ccneecienaly ce Eccable, crit-t Mamsuuineul. 1 ahassidenu A nvr MSPeessl - CA ROLL S FERST GRADE CREA Jta RY 1Special - 1 b 4 AYLMER TOMATOES 2 na 29e LxDDY's DEEP BROWN DEANS2u. 17e LIDDY'S TOMATO JUICE 2z 1 HOME STYLE PICKLESut-as.- 29e Lmnir's EVAPORATED MIILK 2 27e LmBirs HOmooENNZEDABY FOOD 31123e LIBBY'S SWEET GHEMKINS Ze27. LirsNMIID vEGETABLES? 15 ie MO=EERPmmmERs COFFEE 1t.ýdu95e (CRAMPRON DO orCAT FOOD2 25 MONARCH APL CasRUML&MIÀt-a5 CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX aqo"51 cresc 4 cuà. 23C SUDS P433eq 57. TMUMDAi, JRILY 131h. leul ýealso riee ith ultue(EPIL 2:6t; as Ubr ubse gaIbath. Raaesl à« Col, 3:el). guar out funS aud came butk ea ep Ruth ssuutd thiuk out tliug as Wr du ceeu to puuder the 1051% separattus aruulaiad Jerselt but ut ibiu lusaty ld tuey. deutb, but eendeath wc-lS at sap- urute us Muet Chrit t(Ruou. 838. 39; 2 Cor. 5.8; Phil. S1:28). Raumi swthe ubuleheartedaess f utthu C.N.R SCI400U UN NOM1 Su-e audaccupîrd t, ad aid auDO_ more abutbhergulug back. Anduu ThCfauadiauRNational Ralcaya the twou susecamue toBethlehmperatea touar stbuutcars hla 8h the houuacoutbreua ugucd place uparseci pupulûted amasaofi loe. toe hucgry candepera tu cuue. Wr ccc Outario aad MuaRabs. Tea& uill iud ouucPthru huue a bouse ers appiated by the prvncal de of bcccd. tac, cuhenwe econte out partcut uf ducatiua breth uf Muab, the tr cuuuts ILuke Il:tbme Rus ta chldrenanad adult 1-24. Nueei was weelus ,ccc becaue ofthle long dttsa the one whba bau beauan Moab ame uaablte Suattead a agaie alae -a ud thec e a a great chuel. T«JEBDAY, JULY 13 KNOX PRISYTEIAI4 me.Wrightl. A.T.C.M. aad ebair Iead Suppiy SNDAY, JULY S6 Uietu Services St. Pa and Knox Pesbtei gl, ucu.-Dtutue Wues Eucctg Service Wi ST. PAULVS UNITED nadsser-REV. J. L a rgaist - Mr. Rabert A T. C.M Cittd foe the Stuc Jtie-. Our peuplea invitcd tutt'ethipti hyteian Church. GRACE ANGLICAN Reetar tee. J. Homuer Ferris, SIJNDAY, JULY SE Se-tAh undue ater 8ýù tsu ..Hule -te li.oo *ut Maties acd Heiy Baptucu by uth the rctP. Eucunguservice witi ti Septecuber. PENTECOSTAI. MC CNURCN REV. 3IL WoD8 Veder ut Secu îHeld ita .00 F. SUNDAY, JULY 1( Ail e etto et u eet putuityty Suattend t Ptnceaeue Ccc Que-eu Ettzuteth hi Port Ceedet. Eveeybcuty We EU FURNACEr Charle. SE. API ATTEN WE ARE PAYIr HORSES FOR DEA Trlephe GORE MILTON 210

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