PAG T"THECAJ4ADIAN CHAMION THUMSIAY, JI3Y 1l Unie V H GOOD OLD DAYS MAY D>iscover How Good Il HAVE SEEMED BETTER iIcdTaCnB! S brukeeudobl ouIth-i Ibo 8 The Community and Business For Serious Consideration actiotn api"of Jsl5m 12 1900 succnnsieccupid, wben tse ubeer-I A D le une ofnu ouch anges wereod thîs meeh of Wth ch e new seworage cysîom i operotion ,The Tweltb-Tre in nu loullthe gorge, ussooncus tsuch bont elebentiouso the A ines yof hard ntecd the lelp 1 nl il rgb thtbha hngdhndto togudchhetee n cu esre tm era oudcn-blnil sdMts rne u oor utfnn rnbtcb bt!n h u Fhe oscru ftînPocte lthfndemfcute mi o laod upbut cite inItneie of Ibe Osonynu, butun Cousu nil ndMlonOageLd oue e oscdnalouslde bre touons! business me fet that was goo nems. Wo sdctaiun-the questmon of public washroums. ges, ho fu regnUsa, tuuk hetbc TU R.__ recull bieg in that section os diffecent occasions Miltun as a shuppng centre atrtr a groot toCHamltotsuun. tio wnyYer g and nI isiting thin partîcular place ond seleting number uf peuple frum the surroundicg district exibition t iet clone res ad et er g il as the most likly to appease nue hunger. We Wirb the paieg f No. 25 Hghmay, and the a seconda tu fesrcfuit loutue- uus focnd the management argumentativeeand un- bidn faohrnto fig hstm iigransid ofror tury, fisb and Tues frune the Isuni UU UMUMUM MMUMU wmmlng to inducc business. We heard of othors hnoe its shoreouf touristtrudo. Without an> dis- hbiln. -EL nebomor auidîu th ton beaus ofthetant glances ru the future, homoner, the nocd for Guelph aieuetesîret nue s unssÇ7dsrm10c O KVLEATN treamonttueone do> tue the bnfit ofthte unon ut Eldurudu un June îlot, U tetetglue. public masheoumos squite cident nom. dGenreul ofIheflitnoajrtGo.. The tome isruceHcently icatd fortourssl Ths ie ot necO5ail a mafter for the Tw gome d ue 6asteuccuduoth amu re uto Mon.- business. Wr csitcd stores thore and foond Counnil. They have had thoir shuro of grief in cArpnsbu ewrune ngOnnJu r. su us'tbuTuu nud i nrn om1c20. O fA K V ~IIIUE tbem doing oeil, but the management of theouettiug theo semntagc system intu operation. This Hrde's bre u oue bruhe ond Wm. Hnmsun tuoil etmu cin ulpch ~ £ At A botol mas certainly not assisting the cumneunity. ia thou fh r ftMtons rganîxutions ru band a isueno 56 f t . itlute huond wtc 5m oeul 1 ersenus. nes.t Wo dccided me mould noen stop le that tomo rgethnr in a commun unit for the goud of the loc und oreunon brohen. Wr re vern nili ho theloianv ogain ontil the hotc ichagoaagmn mmunity and dlue intu the matter of public :idt ece hlbrsdiR Eciu OrorrI tSttet uYo Nom mo are anulous to soe mhut effeot the nom erasheooumu udhuenuunr.mucud u ndul.Ge..Coa management iiibavc. iiaposa i hc eevsseiu o-TeCPM bus notfid Imoeial Menadu uo teted aM Weofoton monder it thuse semvis g inepublic siderarion and the dfîicuîries and aduacrages ar athriistht.l c renneed t f, f heu t edsaithe * ewc o N R T roalize mhat effeut thoîr attitude ru the public catily forseen. If this project is conisideerd and teunsportItrous Qurben to Houx stlrnron Feidur * ha: on4Il 7wbusiness and the business of apptuued thonit lumux us inthebudy utofonteeu fui alccident uhen ut PRON theaca pur imprOessioorthbuiecmn npectaplit>of itnbnd p ruc m eashroums. o edcoe o us. f Ohe brye eubonB lbror fouuigonaud lOutMP O EA L 92 te eto fo th si,50 Wth an curneot desîre to impresme ropeat Ibs nnît reti m a eoir nilisrgthadbd ty. Parbipshats terao o h in o hsvc.t hswc. îitîresýyrer uxo e nnr cfton dîsplaynd. "Undor New Management". mhat thi seecets ry dcmands seriouseuonsideratioe . M. OoOodO und his rus Chil ben in Cuadu.laid 50 ______________________an-_________ Doutgiue youottweauemb utotand compîte uuderstaodîeg of dffîculibes and c1uoecumuuboil si Bou .CrurdinrrOer Ea ment of the strangOr or isitor. Tho folks n aduanrages. Any group or organications that busbro ecugo buLiod u UC Thextnabeg -1 e al no ih c sss nmablegthis addition ru the tmmc, the OStertseiOle Orange Lodue e ainse, Cunuda bus ruduc PEN anI InTI a mori ac~quaitancsip ad aiuriedvaua forthe tomesiuuldefiniteîy reoeiueuoryo- ceuuscnyhemntuBrumponscu rruord reveuofmerc thDI201I-aSY VttL'II uron f your fieedship upetation. the lîtb c0.0.fchueeuuoPA BUKHET SOV U abolut buscveunther iodostry oarunt mentsa0 hmo ed I'TOKER AND SOFT COALS - - -bus- lu-ctue-n---cd uonsin Western Canaat. A fanfl t.nîovxsyMe col. ouhnhe edrsuIenoe0e tCoke Briquettes Year of Starkc Tragedy M el'w a eni uigtesrepro et caeg7o J A. Zi.mmnns deux Theue muecusomus forniturd ulusos Canada, las! year suffered the greateot fine storne uer uhrabut twocseurs. rebrle be Aluetto b CHBri ieLeet SPRAYs utss le mra Ilhaare of acetory, lRe- A cutrouersy bas bcrs ragieg is the nu- mli Icuce Miton uct seecu ru sbuscd a smll gis.Mi sources Ministre Winters roently unnuunoed. ions capital that threatens ru brieg about a social manage u sco store ubouot t c Tue rodiex "morth" in tbý,rior ruroal of 7,0db furent fines mere reortrd to eruolation. rl s guichin sprsadieg ru urber ounod ut Humltun b Y Mr.Zim- outplures ignîfird thut tuetmuC EMliEN T o--on.Me. Cunels deurtune slande os the eoint ut 1usd mnde base cosumed $0,000000 in timbrlasds and centres toc.mii bceactic exettod.1He mu buuabesd otuarivee se a lomgueBULIGSPIE fiee fightieg.le damnage ru imber, youeg fores! Brefly, it s rhe quostion of shorts. The right cunulue mîîb Mitosmuss'suudmii utf 1usd bbclorcs be ricretBIDNGSPLE ntsbafin îicirinetstoobandfandooiurehBOOMLime, GypeoceBoard and ath s ern eerm . ftte gto ctz OeuaccCburchchouir. WHcFLERu itn.lîe nFridunTRMMAONT uncial lots of seariy $6,000,000- ubigqce a!th ih fctes uMissGOrte Hlinruec!fMilIeun Jmîs dbtluMe,msd M-c T t! eselatice, Leese aed Batt Cut of fightieg the foret firent]st year rse dess as tbey pieuse is nd ung contrormsy on lin thonsereouroeljunmu canl, Wbcete.mueAdu W.mbrmi i tomoetbn 300,00 LIVINGSTON STOKERS tu mue tha $300000. ut th fînacial o bi sd fnteydomii. Appareti Betisb, e.c h.Vcmtsru ie tenîd-um- tciicMai eu nt the uni> hisg teat afects thne public and C,,nmbicoban defnitelaideoidedt bmouer shat bu McaCeWsWandbeaIitu theo gescrai good o Canadians. Nu relluble the doubabors sioud ear sonmrrisg. lu got mccc clîcîlîen ud Missn a yBol- VLL ssia e rappronimatios canine guves of lthe hanb luthis short discussion, humee, nariout incues snae is ceuse the lsI, ci - oss of mid ie or saturai inauty n Canada by opnion aeb mcouse yoraiaiosgý.a, ntuhn TtM onto.CMne-OarIntiiTIy Kld K R . ~AamSDtorCs LtcI. theraagig lams oa urstc edituratrtacrosthecconticent.mrnri cubm-mn.gbt- oDuv.i AF rann POO4 ml as mth great intres!tithm e noted the Ose editurialis! claies rhum le the 'cnlccîtesosc st.ý ufcccdcd RCA riigPOE4 establishmet of a Juniur Forest Ranger camp classification of tho animal morld, mue lu the unyin 5ccayng ut! tbecincer edul tlb for tetann fy t as s mmie acheng saknd crcature; ad -n il aialIlie the earth ci"r t Wbmlbc Ladies Coflnue. 1 F0, M nIt c., n lnli h lied the~~sigoyethuasi5 ad saanmaToosaudcind tebhnbtofthe:qatIndas uhenthlaneiusbc a drnth umrmnh.wr ost eslari>resembles mas, fruer the Niaguaru Miser on Mndun uter- nnod 'rgxRC AF. trainnoxn Be....s nou lu i M.tohemrCver ue o u cmnerutalhuehlesI ou insmenet -i placed togeer adalwc osr hI a-b cctbsied and if a lam cnsceomadeuon mniuouatu ectb'the ohuuaeneer neonctedlIn C en appoatance inmwharwooid scem as unes ding reasurrmonts peehcps il mouid be adusablo. Cusudous cth.riubis. bc gt his tI thu ceent check-uo ure be culent bot "T" rtoo nUe rds, FPuer Cboef Gege Wmeogut und exas.The middle uged masi, eopcndod front lueg boums saleeduuutf c At tue intF. Alec PbmUlipn. ufthte Teafalgne With vacation ime ut hand. mie pope flocb of sitting, me don'! rb is sthe type for shorts, uttenent oSdrolttd uncu mto a ure brigude todd townshipocunsclMu- e * to theouast furet ateasnasn emp to rrturn ad of coursetiatisclodes members of thefai rernttbtureohrtmrdu ouno bntheel'an- wV/inWa Th fmhtiset t ai cmpoe n su Te hssranyprss bioi aterthe tulsanud hud tu br uowd ounS, curIe . . ... an suture. On te second tlomct he succerd- Inl closg lisn book te uenu-or the mue-mcdo matches und inflammables are pronoines a feeling of pIty. The eging moman criin ecmux suhe uuut"sbthtmute ent ycue, Sue Oubsille Hoxto ce- e UK usuc11> isclded. Carelent bandlisg of tIee ico cliigs to the notion that easisbisg yer t rern.On strikilhi'n muses udrst couscil but forwtuededur O URO PUm tbigss oatnîate te trarugedy udraaen itrtd mtpcrflpin ucs sbthenline eilmaebridge., -u heque lu the ducurnlfte a Il is hat crates te star can e oblieratedwith acarefl pamuejotcscdthuboautwsunuseecabot tousri_ luehrePBl sd.F TitoThislutettcocon annual sprrad of burned ot timbet. etcmulgfe yae hrs uliy, bus sembkle iguted ittelt ut- îribuusius ont ut muse mode be enie the tott .Wbielcoul oucdk et tu u oe tOut thutdot tien ortb tomber lands cas oeiy sput to un rtrotfoolish. In the earlior dayn cons thetroutinE oinctoin u o t tene- tond ttu!lu odate Sua$$5,811.6 beyond cuntroil r s the duty of enryune tu, the Murais of the citiaenrp but this guesttons Of ubaeetfConS Webbh, the setulsuaoth see plaotnt lasafctfre* ~ C~ ce protectan rut ensive naturel rrsouce byattuch-shorts eemsruobe neothat sbouid bcgnoeerd rid .ckcurthe Podondîre osito soiommsu.uRossCampbel, scntny ing cate th fin ad forest. Priapn tiby the lwomndsertionI s. prinate lw sbýsIhpbureudidbbrtî ioectur tue the Hltou Count> DROConuient restounnisgmnatee ths yrearnrthaeî icsoesrdnniou5. cor5îidtmsgî meînsstand occasion.îutu,îboit wOon.uCrash ibu. setlect berecred.hutok urwi aDR mccl buigb os meur, oe nser choug- OcorrS. Duncun, tue the yuul PUMPINO OYSTEM Hue- Any Season Open Season î,Editoflosriaalrlwi Noteshee n nemo uný".o ue i Aeytteasos oflteyrseemsto be op>nr -,obrnal.ndlaiurruunlteetuonbunrb Joodeu lufrosfu nlrstto malbeudrscesî ontomns Acietsonteruhsanaltebh-heo dulsconccuatfrereeani rc coiiect monsyartbe eupensecofithncomn- mcachnes arermarrc intesumncr el ,acu ondE,,ryumornllu "hrcsr Tubo rrcribibiutmc cciii-lb uty Tc aieros tre o founus of0~ 0.. these licee gams. boiimu ibrnno,, culgt dun reucu r ohe brem strangers came rtiat t te ru uili adsmentins Ciffurd /1gb Srmnol Yner unlo aI $50 pet page. Ose cas ras ýy figuoec t thon pair enta mabrg i a corupaoton mu rmade ofîtheusuai charemf nuidluîcgaccur in be fondliner crueŽc <î di areo reasunable contributionssru the pru1rct. Wr suggest homosot that it s good business practîne to tues dloms fiat the solicitarlun for odeertising ffered by strengers. rom eil crons the coun- tmyuu can finul ceuspios similar to tht re- poted in Walkerbun. They are repurtod utenn euery om munity end cioncys the samne story thef the lune! mrhant hec been the itim. Bemare of the stangere uho ashs for adeer- iing in an onkeeot publictien. Its c mote nf gond muney and e po salue, lier bana neospaper end the louai ergenixttienc >0e knem cn gice pou salue for peer edrerising doller and t e reesottebieprine- Theyare e bre tau bick ep hir dlaimrs not onIy tadt, but ecery dey of *tec Y-r Haie s Cc o ,y'sBnuntr Dam doer cmen rd a eo/filuskmtalion iorbe emagazineSyina, ,culc ci cc erig ybcounin ncc i; Afler a short ime yoc mii become customnd le ,themrmrocatios orsneeaof thefeaturet. Grey Cucty bus estubisbnd sencrul e l-igh Schuul Districts at tino dune meeting. Eid-i entlyil tbegnieg ru becuoeident that Hgb Sobool districts recemne the becS oniderotion in g, antn. Until Cuunciicas arrange to reonoe theoatrbs on Mis Street it seeons that angle parking sbould ýeo cbolsed on the ose side nf the treeb. The condition f the centre strip dos nob ad oduafcd diing eiher. ________________________ ii tho BEST ... Instali a DURO oo~~Su lncuuormmta oic ll cor dc n Itl~,s3 o. l ,i on rin-t Ail, roue EMCOtmnouc . oloooco a u oc co-O c ni lune uthI-uci -usSe .od ClusM.tA. 'et Orie Doputeare. Otumu Foueded ie 1860 MehC.W.N.A. ned Otane.- QerbecoDiiioneC.W.N.A. Adcertisieg Rtes ce Reqeest SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE, $250 IN CANADA, $300 IN UNITID STATES Sngle Copies, 6c TELEPHONE Business Office............. 2220 PHONE 205VY huu o . hc .dnaoonurd Icu iouin buco itorerund tEE Ut TODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION S. A. FAY Pw MILTON1 MITAIS LIMITED Cslsem - .Met- Ceee_.^_ -I CaereCsu al agee meots thons! I tuioo bloc Icone wr tilehlsg tins onecl ol1cb blg-beotbor teil colin bcnd-etolccd ch] Pollock Campl HIlON GRADE MI MEMORIAL Er 62 Weter St, Nou TELEPUOMI I lttrs, CU p * n lturCl ieIr * pfpelar '5,O« Jack T. Bru, AND TNE STEVENSO Phone Connbrllu lle Dr. C. K.uSer Dr. J. A. Pcb Dr. J. O. Huila OfficetHoues: A.M. O> Acontus OcounucIilue Oftuce uun.hure> MILTON FOIVATa X-RA) DR. G. E.I clordicu aand 011 e Neoi DR. J. W. MC Oftice ttuoe-9n Resdence cEGAI DICK & D W.1. DICK, K. Y. Db n Snc Ib T. A. HUTCHIN Bauriccer, Salle Otuco euet DouueC Main Street- Telepho GEORGEER- Hurriellun, eltltr, MinStret. CARSTMN C Suceso .L C. LA For AciontneItttP