Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jul 1950, p. 2

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PAETOTHE CANADIAN CHAMPION RtS YLiy6t 1ý PAGEbngndleaWO r:" //J~~ THE GOOD OLD DAYS MAYI S. A. FAY and SONS -q HAVE SEEMED BETTE R etn ____ ~~Fifty Years Ago Twenty Years Ago SetMtlWr Toice fromatheIsue ofthe Can- Takt ffrontth Issuetofthe Can îdian Chamep aifJuy 5, 1900 at a ChoapionaofJoI0 3, 1930 POE25 MILTON, ONT. No las Yu'e NtiedThe Chaampion cnapleted tht Thet54h Annuat Caanventiona t Canadians in thîs section cannot ha accuses] n eaders lheo o ad.ub, natci before eadi- IIIInî faHîth eea oflitt eiteace the WCTUf Haitao court o) aatîdaing af )ag-maving. The haion Jackor t agth caoai coltimns tht change that has hiot aaeh itat ttabliatted in Oaa heid in the toptist ____________________________________ whtObfaftCn m y much benmdelinthemakeoup of the Conadian i60 bJ. A. Capbelad hat Georgetowne. E.toaoa fc S whtvrfa sfrCnd as notv tc lay Chmpe n th ek nt hi ietecyero eea isued reguaaay ae soce, acaated a as ioalo :PcesietW in evidtnct on Canada's eghtytfntd .td ay cnpon hek chone.tc eto n r aisscing a week. HicO. COaile; itic ePe. We cl sy tat erey o ou oý to n, oaulicat ion i s fi n thches willht The demntrtn htI onm Mot- MI,.R. E. Haronilo n; onthat day we c t^ichro ut asci n Plaeho keep Milo's pape moden andin the da ndetheOapiesotMiltVcPI.î ýMca Rcn H adel e nty moetin Ladge No 92, 1O.00F. %vaso.ga-at Lmnhccn. Cares. Occ, i lE nothof heteand the flags er ota lindo tenesaer f hedy.a rei t tetue ad ,kvlLReod It'. evidnce n te to ns psse tha thy wee 1 hes arePotilhe cnly changes ithat lace to the etncpoacîoc commutctae Min B ck. G icao.ý ecdecenini îs itoand d-o nooh htyftsaci others aicces th, arr nanet ornet I-Mra' F ti aoi hr.be maeco nruhthm. yeal an J. EM Belltt. Aton; .T..S eey am vii o doub o lwic m n the years to mt ne. Thetotd lM eIt.Aln rs e, îeîmocajdhan)oclldh nbah, ai tabt o) lhpocatonni iti,.,n, hip. MIa. R Mtchell. le ol aefui u ines laes and manybi hne la o ivc uteabto-peaa n Onlllord. a i t in N 1h Hloc hoeSpîioe oîhfigsoneorypblît hali- dci laca irig ce rnonths ago ele orderecinec iw a cl ilnnin î-îod s îc Iils Ai, hoe rouewihdag nevr u- nmpolovlso.'OnthtmoîhHoboen on Os nu BcnimOlO day Btilt1st does't setm to bt the ccstam nlcesoillePolypesandotcsseesoçBbeHlco Os-a ilcatcohi - any mole. f corse nthost days decotaiots hdnwprspto h ahnsto compose thn canO li . l ~ ClcO iMin c îtclo weentapttln c ccse a he one of tht Patdng moetiaiby finisfastel Mcm cd KmiSnWlhluil grosl -con3Cm dao Ond îetdyon , arcthmoettat eîtoday. s1,i1il nopuotnd lhci 200ll, "'TIndsyby ttnadi.gMltn B- Weduthwvri hi anal h fco eto.111 estot and the dmg n v- îlc MaIl AsociatioonehobatonE, AL E whic bougbla o ute ffhsahgo flag mothod..case n ies.naccoanoI aetirs and bct idaî 1,1 hilcs g radocnd s c tet anG E NV L E mhih roohtohot httiiacngo) ia dapiy Nem type mos pt ic tht htaclîng c Mses n an r ta $10000,000 si. vas aS c ceascotas Mait on holidays. tedness fotttschange and nct plns mete AbnhiaaOo ncl~i pm otsoue rin catreui.dald W mond if Candamweeto like a hoid mdefot eaclangemetlt of caricus featoces. TatiotostcOcrtlcP nd sortilldc no oOonand sttp and adoptoanational fiag if Canadnsa oo'Iifind althtîegoîac featcîes ycoenoy each nsteday n od bîuîîîcd II th' t nIlcddance. shait moid pact moe emphosîs occi splaia 11 ceeic bt pathaps in a atm place in tht aie.goood.1E W.B1c .,itnprcpaB A N thfagonhlildays d aiîoîhettres? When yoohbeoome accsomed tohtformatme n cth, M W Boa HoîaionH a- odMihon Pubiacnoal hlanrepot- 1-Z knom po miiiappttciate tht change and enjoy cole0 . cfBI ..lpOl îoctH.ed ae d 10 han ctoa s ailapas- TNS 2 7 yocî home popel coet noa.ten o the Gand Lodgeof ot C Ochool Amoig eihbo rsTht heading type chosto i tht popolar Bac. Watsot mas bornoin Miltont. Tontt. nos. ohnaf mýat 0e Among Neigh OUrS cid tthe 5n cf theait W.M oId 9On a hoshl V c y w e P C L S 1 Js o farshooid tcmn tire protection Linotype Spaîton and tht editoriat coiomts and HennyWatson, Post Matnn of st. The wato.spei.1meettg of it . s e P C L & "-Rz31 JosI hom footic of the adcerttasng matetiali s set in thîs face. Claie Lodgo No 135. .Cc Tkocgh Coty Coîîoil aeofnnday t Oak- Tozt J I E 1 sptad htyoa-d îomn lîmts la aimoys a mollet o) Typt foc tht nema colins la inotype Fceisiot.' the nttmyistaiind Gra-nd Maton vilete o nidon the pnapaaed con ANCý o a o J I E 2 TN 1 doubtwith unicial coricil and uling, ver vasbeee t otias inSio l air.mlino i rutlionnoatsbaeOOtatt tedCNR N dobmtmnoponiadolgcPa faceithatiasochoctn hecausof eastin read acoshrno tat adCiocefir th IcanaootsagandOacthoem Orange UC -O 1c48 offete fcom tht cîtmpoîOl cof tht met tiecttd. In ng. We ate pieased ta present thaee changes nI nore adhisa one ai ils sons rcorfcgo 100 f Moln St.i a ntet43Cec WnhamtIerllty thtfle eoupmentmwasocaiedand assurt 001 teader ttsillii e oct constant osndmilhopnoudof a lain rnot on- rooSt. tobiean td rMattSt D1*tded JiIicO e L19,TIN~4 tb, a faîm home that mos on fîte and ohile they cadeaor oot 0eop tht home tomn paper modernourOcamt1need ot talc M lon0 -asdMilton a c etmaOB ~1gnigtîgstoch Homao Floot Miii o, oldutn- ihefOtrantftca-t. hwv.CAIIOLLIS O NTEA Ptas 45C weregon ligtnig 1and n te foefrnt.Mataca M. W îo John Loslît. Om10 ta the iMurs-of Rabi. t adst fîî to i. Wodmwas set il earhhbrci-a i miasnd asd llau ormembotArmstrong hc bat mithdna a îeom Carrofl'a DANDEE TEALPKi 3Sc, 75c gades and they meta fighting tht fite hefoît tht f tCai r ancd M W BroWatson, ho patnrhp ofi eil aOtO'O W Wîaghom trock 001 hc to tomn. But theyacoid dmtrartsFr,' Piler Cmadiat 1110ical' Armstrng.TOn busineso il hn CARROLL'S ROMAR 1 d t ra o e an na nî i n ia Oct m nllrd ho Mn.Fleit ngcc eoîcstemîthehblazeand tht 84-yeat-Oid thît enr iinc0ndnaaa CaîninElC sî vvheil nmtocp iniiomnesmthw oo) H-oiday tîmes eur cpmoîds o) $750000. ornmien oai tesommet îosoitf îagedy ia il he dals Milolac aimono tai O FUN LN Wt ptesmne theodehatnlnhamca- li ertctd. Hve funLt use commonsns iTnoad FaO th, abîs c aindaL L ouestomiiheToaqte asmwatmas theeîalooftnt aYs.1 cînîth lhîca bil miI no:- al hPROi42 , PRO liis incaident. t'scertanydiffiîcoit 0one siîgght -îl--ot-- n--î-In aîlr I tîl i u h a, c a l y i tuginac aîkal Ca bc,1II ,010~~11~1fhengtaghhoti d BoyslOOl ors and centenran aho aaaa-nn eiacli a1iaiannofîaî,î î'tilti1)i lle aa .11 I - -- -- -- -- i on reon py ng many holiday da tchOUgh-aavs c cahnî -sal ni t If aIOlo it hillîîî , a bgN " PICNIC PLATES 2 Pxs 24)c oilnploae fmndcsdnttioC o r -oriiPthnni.n1iilinioIiIiiI o 11 n kilaa a,l, ofi i thacOPAPER SERVIETTE> ""-I16, 39C The Peril of u sd eS etn oni er.Aln',.d, lis eadp-efrth - - - - - -l- - - l, thlncia î nu- iIIIII.M ie U T R K-243) Tho Stiaalta ocommien on 0trace aci y Fnisse9 aei caryso cnidial nîwr riith t nIa aiu-aiiiio ca lT- oooI 1 l iPc-I atoial H on y BsTER 25, 3 Flnnlii.cann.îiceOiiaiail arii Tan hstuaifillî ni.! aillai Wlarem PIE FILLINGS 15IC cuisaiaagocoaacment suhsadatcand iol 0ii.aa-o ckhamarkebol 0to haiiact ieyyaiii liniaca-in-illiiniibiicnco ovDaH NY52ccal Th-iacilP s. fS m thn ie hs snoih lfr fli oailn e ce a st 111-,*1î1hm*O - a l . aiaaai iiaina iiio i t h t TinF-a!ioiPI ifsna-nicanai-n- -ino- - o-ie-i-anmcida-dPOîfuli ,,,TccailoTOihan aiiiiiiiiiiiii hd in CLOVER LEF RED done the ainuaiObil orthcse pubic nandousais 1a haiil îadll in'ti îî.. îîîî aîîlauihin ni rlcis lkey t e onpneiy outof an COnce vca-o. bc o un -fui ths year and a on.iriv I IiI, er i f tha1-1 I n ! atin g, tohe i. pm,,in t-Il ai af thi -oln. ahaci laaaaaaai -iaa tailladicanclS A L M O N a sohsadyis gconted thost rcecîong il have a 1 ogh tispartofCntOao htiiogs cdega-n iacca c aaior, Idb hahaoIr a da ih pcaonnd nlaccd-aELEB tendency to regard ianas somehighey aetcen- tîeyttO h elesogslowand eeîoy it. iaiiaia-aii il onlO idea a nd Il tiiingnoenpIigI m Nw-/2LB TIN îied 10 pnacanitntiy.And lhe longer tt h u-an c--- ---iiLi i he do silalo athi' îaai- the gnnte i shprdu- PEOIL 3 nadl pidtemoethtîoîandeoîoP ,ri o~~n ta isihtmO1a g caue a n h _ _ i biroil Ilna pu dpi a ppec mii KTf l* -< Eenlcaiiy nilobaes a pret o una onog scmnmhn clo ncîcosnty co cosea eteiPiia l d in i lnot ented of palamnt to onay noave nn ýolccay cMUTUAL MISUNDERSTANDING a iinîît hanci PIedSALMNaet 0e 41 oyamiaO!1~1~ -01 a~~î~iieencayWITH RUSSIA TOOAY a-.Ie manuaccturnt f cnd pVeL 4dWh eT NA 'IL 1 ip foraaenmwai , ln dicsit nt alays settled. cal iaonna.Whiteiocctt Lahe cducss Cccl ca-c scrutiaacd aaiyî e Ai la-icin ci Faar atesisanr,rcea-alec th' accaof -ial ilOi Th Labraor-- ueQac cOcode- y n V U y P A '152 TN 1 solLen ci iiga uonaa-ýclcaco i a a h On5il,,-en Th sannioanantlion Nen1 ptajet in TOMATOES 2UR27 a cOrhbuai ilraillPila ay a Ta. O i ancore1thtandc(unsoi ;-icfnntdicd-ie cotnenr rt otn sahr iI mrIctikn hau l,,.rsSwli ci CATARAC DRY itttR 2'L-. 3 Cciymino ac a a- a-c In l-1, O c aisnaance no hon ay hnoccahn lai Chen hndo poace faom onat eai a-la hn ncnculmh!ia-atnnan. sites on a-e ishiniis lit iLiSiDn C 5 c lana-ca-i1 I IThl îlwi] Rla ïI1 I ciia tnn 0bcceteat T,, a l.ong ofail heaac arithn1 ,ia cciih,, aoah iI , (ln atribiing neMsec- f o adbit iid rar-a aaaaaaaa eni i n dustries.A iort, mlotn Greotest Game Fish a Pc*i -Theiloceas aien! a-c a lac cithPal o II s nthnvced. i CER EO O a- -imOOiilgce 05 cn Pnac cnnnla li oudI l-ORANGE or GRAPE BTL. 9 gOIT ilf vilit - c lýei t îý,icd i ha Knimin, a i a ,f SCHOOL i OUT n-a a - î7 :,S. t-- ca ci- ca ong 10 C a c , m ta hnlbl.,i hAbnr OK and BEANS 21' i23C t c,, i _l J bak o nralla-ci ie ainn l- ro -I I I i (i l ag,(e Romar PEANUT BUTTER N-M Rz37a 1 - I 1 PerliaI10- h s a l ce th iaaladarllai ia .1 ii l i fila ilii ci, hE 'N UTh be - --- ,o,î 0Ide aof - - ici cci - a illa11 1,IlI.îa Il TcOcIIIthc hin , . . NLO A F TIN 19C iaca-c i I o '-ia-cii!P, i IdmTr VJ.TONE FUDGE MIX P-a- 29C Ana aaa i G, ,,s A lofa-laihîi îîî..îîî cll. ia CHOC. CAKE MIX pK.19c a - -îc0i la- _______"YORK" CANNED MEATS YORK DOLOGNA '039C r- OIU yt 'N' 0or, I f île subh1toof 010c a- jmoth Bas, Oaa - I' - 'AIr Oc .31/âny ao dac.alaaoicoîcidertilf ii - le- ,eor la-cc coi . il appt ais hat a- a- -ca age oclai i-ay tolî Thest log sommera li-ays Oic c"eOc ta- aidtr folks txpress desaca anci a-cndesicrth uIg.od aid choal doays. Eatoala coss art tht suh1eci cf n ch la- coco lcy citiens thee daps and somo eenn cnnqoact if the ecoitsaroe moîth tht toptodtott, andcif thn course of stodats s cding tht mosita 4f...n aaians lto tihe dacttS es reurd n Mitot takts aethtt progctssive snnp mhen tut maori0 o) taday.a dispesai becamet ava lahit atat meah. Thtctses sue v *enpttcfmss aed fats fat tht paslttao Tht Smith Faits Record Nom scdana yeaa baut oat the wmaîtt s iter and a neem tiitp fate soenir emt i nectauih h 1 becotates availabie. Na daabt nom industtt iii Home meh beieg feid thert this meek. Edilai b. itratedi and the tesen wi I eaperaerice steady A. Dobbie tureed out a tamber thaf bad fifip-sia oeewth with thse eddition of seaceta. Mileontees pages full of historicaliniterest that wiii be prized ~ffai li the facifitiet fey ity by al wlra know thet eemmaity. OO-aaaaat tt.aa Faanaied e 1860 ,1-1- ac ON. td Otalait- Q-ahac tisbthta C.W.N . AdaertittB Rates aon Reqaest SUBSCIPTION IN ADVANCEa $250IN CANADA, $3.00GIN UNITED STATES Single Copes, 6o TELEPHONE BusinesOffice-.......----- 22.2 0 5 F 4uNoz. TIN 45C Yellow Ripe 19e BANANAS, Pound Cal. Val. 288's 32c ORANGES, Dozen Imp. New Pound3 2929cccc POTATOES s 29c New Local 10 CABBAGE, Head ... . ... loc Dalian 300's For 0 P0_j LEMONS 4 6c PHONE 25, MILTON] Progressive Merchants Advertise TtlURSDAY. JOLY Bt. Fashion Hi Polka Dot Pleaser ' inalade! Gat polka dota Tayo. Ful kirted oaS ,ophasia . . rmil-COlla sleve acnd a lttaatod ta Floyd Mari ManBt.. Miltan, Pha J. 1. CASE FARM MACHIN SALES Bi CHORE BOY (L..a Y MILKERS We Repaii AMIl Motor D Applianci Bapair Servit PHONE 354 bMDICAL Dr' C. K. Stette Dr. J. A. Palme Dr. J. D. Battey A.M. By Appointmenti F.M. 1-4 7-9. Sunday-Emergncict CampbtEil dItfficet N 4-k p.m. Eacao w Thoc-cday. MILTON FRIVATE N X-RAY DR. O. E. STE ini, aiaiananad Sa Cfiaim-JamnaSE Fbonît Na. Si Tlfc cHoOtO O9ac 7-8.30 ta ta DR. J. W. McCUT FiIOO Building, M Offce 11tat-9t -.; Talephont 390 Rtcîdtaat 39l LEGAL DICK & OIC W. t. DttliK, B K. y. BNCI T. A. HUTCHINSC Býarrtater, Saflelta Oficet-Next Doat Choc MoanStret-a - Telaphatat GEORGE E. ELE Bae.tter, Saltjatee, Na Cfiîc-la Fataaata Maie Street.,fa Telephatat LEVER & NOS Chaeterd Accut Sacetteet dESSEINS £&E 1305 Mettatota 44 VictoaStL mig 9Bâ1 Y C PC PC PC

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