TISE CANADIAN CHAM-, ON PAoe VI-. van Mes. Perey. HeU aed 13 e atened tise Haul Reueloc ao g isy oc Satueday. Mr-Me Geerge Stllacey and eisild- co ot Kootedele vtelted bait ecetler, M. H. Gilbert oer tise ceeis- nd. Mo. ted Mms. Victer Hall aed scoîto attesdrd tist Hall Reectecn t tis, hoe et bis parets, Mr. antd ,,Victec Hall Se. ot Hoeeby o ccc id Y. Mde Wiedser Bredtey, tieestete *y ,d son, Pte Wc. Bradley, Ft, togo. Norths Caroline. coeeeoest g tl hi thii cotser, Mms. Joisn rardty oed is ete, Mtte. George ecttý Sarais St., Mtltec. Mrtelc Mes. Tises Hilete. ef Ket- ce- celeistottet thiititt toto.r. tOeciversery on Satueday, un (Ib. They wll ise et hoe oth(î freedtteect 3ttl5ite teiýc oed ftec 732 setSl 10.3v e 10, t t eteng. Se gift please. 1-t Harets Y RAKE, r Ltd, Milton if 9-10 Na 16 PAPES :KETS iassy pota- [er';s Food unie 10, 2 - Maini and En Barker's ILEE"l 1 Nhutwuto KNOX PRUSHYTERIAN CNURCN Mer& Wright, &TCit-cgsat and Chirte Lader SURDAY, JURE 11h, 1950 SesA . Ret.Ph, . (Sepplyl 11.0 e c Dicner Weship 7.0t.- c Dooe Wesip. Segelae ceeticg, eceeoeg depet- mecn M.S cilI be hefaon Ttetdac eeet, Juerlt. oc Sundep Sviel Seec. Articlet tee isle i be en diepley. Tise Weece MsootseySoeciety cl l IdtiseJes ete tise siheel eoec, Tueeday, Jese' 1tt, at 245. This ceeting ie ocaeesl Sptie Hece Helpece asd Sale seccotteet and at- iclottehtbaie cilI bc ec disptoo. AtI ladie ae c eedolly iecited. ST. PAUVS UNITED> CNURCN BitsEeREv. J. 1. RLAIK . A Ggectlst -M. Rbrt E Bevitel, A T. C. eM. 1 SUNDAY, JURE lttis1950o o J. F. MeCltoee letsTisees- t 00oc .m Seier chsel. claé. tooiner sistercd' ok(otetciatlts eeee.eeos et cO tTies ee ear e col tise United Cisecot ici cepisecoie Drene Clo- MoeriisiitCie rad. ,ice er stx e ee ad0 ee700 cciThocto Articthte Cee- c. tkeco ie teecis citishobes P, i.eeTit tjýo Siec Cbampi.oes ectîlbtie cttdoty 1k hTko Bright Str Mt- toto ierintenveee doieglie coce Bandctilicoctat 4.15 cc ct-e Aflot i*sort ncolosetie geeep s e 41b, l95S, t tie Cetistd- Picase keocg luchianed evet- al iîJohn'tRecfeedleed, iisClTeiioettS .1e cicell cooe0eedeoeod nste tise loî A ..Eegicd ;s Prestishylise Tisoîcd.y . co-is TtoTictiRngert cf Neetoedlaed. tise vIivti ,0 tg, t C ieeced Phisotp S. Abreahamc i c l i col preech hie toet GEACE ANGLICAN CHURCN intosSt. James Ciseeeb. Mette S.Newetondlaed, ce Sedee [tee. j. tî.eoeFrette, BA., LT. icito eteed lthe isot coi- SCN DS .iCJNF lt 195 f, Tdecl,leer issooo Otsiteoieoetctter nti >.ttctehis toîttd olbg. S StitoktDoo ANNIVFSRSARY SERVICES IXTEENTN An~NUAL REUNION toi Ooco Ocoîutdiisiscl and Sile 2F PEACOCK FAMILIES t'Woto.ttt Ct,, ai cf toto anîtiSoi- ELtIi N LA SALLE PARK totO , thc , ORtlt- L. ___ WlOtB,t1-got.,tGtoO LLD. e1 ;,, La Sallo Peck. Hecofmi oo 0,00t toto n ceoacîs e SosOocd gatoee t 7UiJ ,ft.totts- Bge.nK .ctoeqoeetecel Ildtc c ooîc r, eo IT.i K c cocv-cqisece can tA N reton.BITh,-o Ct, iottccocoittee, Mesr. C vLI aed C. Ptterses liaite ^ocete ot sports wcîtcece MILTON GOSPEL CHAPEL O, ,,cedoandccecng.Reel ntecpoeoetsoBilding c c iswo tis teoo- n >ic t 000 S Heece Pcacees SCVYJUkltolo t i,, ;Ldes Hococeise 030,ttt ,ttiOSeo.ItitMo.Ai- on Mrs. W o.i,,rtOccotot'sf1 Tococoofo tooII c ~ ~ ~ ~ pa ttc c Sttcheecl tnt 0000 tîse lf isod. Mo. R 6., to, C cîî î oîcf tise o,, Sisec KokisisoMet C f0,0, ttt0pcti te Hecisoed Cllieg Coneto, 8.000 )tiiccc F0tco oiv,0,00 Mn es t c T Pocok; Cftbes Toio AtiicotDoodc oiTooto-Ilci - ',,. . M ndo - B an uosý 5 t oc,,, t,, vSkit. TCete to l0, C Pticeece :Young 1o,,0c10 Il000 O t5C 1. t en hcs sOr 5 oCotoisoît, pesidoot coc1-O Oo i,, t Hi 0000 Otoin- tecoctit Oco eccd esc Otîttocoet cCtiý,- th0 bn pieco ctit e O' "1f- j 00 i o, tOto J t t 13 00 let . ,oS 00 toi o tOcO t ho, k, coco ,, o, , t1lo'Id eettttoercite' ____Al __a- cii, i AtogotfaiLt StItoý t octotsil tlcie ce.1ci PENTECOSTAL NOLINESS i toc tcg coccorof ettisttci CNURCH toto cisc' isd geecco BEV. H. IVE5DS. Peeter f,. Tisc onooeMec Flet Onceet of Scootoro cclToto; Ms Sec ItotOte I.00F Hall) t 000Follio M, e e oc Ok 0,000 Cndco fotie ett. ,o,, 0-0n. ,_tc ,ootioO .0- ci i, ilhcIseth. i0fLoni'tl Oc1" acir0 1 t Ot o 00 entoo 50 UNOJAY, 00510 tto 019000 t13 KCno ic Socis toc:Mak I000 cc 0 arst.00Lotoott Port Dalhosoio; Russell 00 ,00 0cg oco ,0000000 to0Ftpc teoto GietoW Heocceis ýý oPrescton. Pretocoo, FEýovyoFsdy Wece t c j tie feleote g ocooge ________________ fi t s pcent, Me. R. HPe- toAd eSalciothT han S thet.sOCtooctlM ekehshlitmahe yeo 11; iowst ia'redMr. froc' Jee.8.32 t %Hcoonr co,kis.Mtîcto, THE CNUECN OF CHRIST ritodMi. otd M- Go., OS5AGP5 t Stilce . Cccing lis t t osteMo. R.oo-c1 C\io.tc O Ilt 00900 t k thiiogoLorgot feitc 10030 aeeo Sotdes Sekoot Harro POF,cck. ct oncoot e o t0eitg Service 7occoolelicnadtoc hec coc- A coc Ak ooifet bisitis toi c thei uopp-c Got l-0 ot,0d fo e91t.c,: .c,000. M. MlcoltmPercois C!, tototes; Vice To esode tto. f foot Pecoek. Hcciltes: Sec- Ofe'.Ar.Cecil PtotesnMilc. 9.ROSS J. NARE LGROVE, ROCK CHAPEL CEPTS CHARGE IN FNWICK tlis Mllgvecvand Revis Cispel rge ef tise Uited Cbeeeb tee 000050 eithlie Hates PrebyterY Otlopted e vlI te tie Fecoleis enock i Itre, W. A. r Mpste A ,9c. iev W. A.t e mp settB.sA.- du001, t Mllesse ccd Revis 'pet j -vl Spî-aing Do yo aeiper weedsI k iIIed? etitp pour laco, M. PEW0RESS Floyd Marlatt M.iss t., MOIt. Phen.43-s J. . CASE FARM MACHINERY SALES . RERVICE rHORE BOY (L-- mVsaeeas MILKERS Harold C FayRoary Engagements PLUMBING and I News Mr. aed Me. Albsert (Ati) Eceton ees isate te eseoscee thesenggemenet, REATIG 0 o lhei youn e agitre. Berthe,! teP. C. Dougas GeUow, seotiteM. MILTON CLUB Tise eceiage clt u le t Milote ale inJely. JOHNST, MTON Tise Mitontearey Club tbel ttc Mr. and Mes. Thes. A. Henryea- ~. N 3h t the Meltonftees Tise club'yoeegestdaugteee Betty Mary, te huid a stgueetsthseteecigstaff Bruce Douglas Emitn,soneoeMr of the Mtontte Hh SeiseeL Tise Robert Emin aed the late Mes. Er- p.e..-.pat. M. J. E. Mrcelus, 04- sic, Mttes.Tise tceeetee te take- *.,..~. deeeeed tise meetieng. gtrtcg are eut-_plote Sloday. Joe 241h. 40 MILTON lice et hieaeeey tceisgInt Milteson'cloe'k lue5StPols United Cisotois n-y n-~e~nie and Nec Liseaed. dtieg isetk te Mttes., = W EIDING t191. He aise expluteed tise Peeo- viettot Depetmevt et Edecatteces ewegetetec evegeedte ademit- Eleette 00i Aetyleoe tance ef Pubie Seiseet pepile citth FiftIi Win uet ecteeeee eecesiettees, acd It Reper Wtdic posible afetnth cie scisel and tis For Locals RearWeldioretAu Types pepils. Peesideet G. C. Gowelcd W tro4 tisnetd ties peker tee tise hisghiy Drop aed Porttable Elpieet infisve tle otsandepreeeed thse Cvti-ced <cpgec ne PHONE - 348 eppeecieteec et the cu oi te ex -oPeeO EM.L ST. - MILTON celetceeelte principland staff on base Fieeaoce'eteceeerteeihall aeevdogat thechoel.Thetei- ced teisec cctheht wet te' stafftceve preveet:Mise Canonten cotises sy. Mist Lyoet, Mns. MeAthur, Mes. Only impese argmet ofseettise Stepisens, Mes. Deccoot, Me. .gvrete vs tise ose betocee the Wod. M. H.Breon, Mr.RRuo es istgceangeolatebplateeesep and Mr.R. Cathees. endccotaitf weeogeatin cu t tise oce. We uneotetotely eent cloee eogis te catchtistie Y-eeehhecey Y..eh-e.-g,-.s HOLSTEIN BREEDERS' CLUB conversattisot loehol stse tet hsetruho -tes O~pk5 54 MARK OPENING ANNIVERSARS e etov eee"ts es le tc c e gr cde- esc . . IThec gonte cithUGe'ilîle chedet- AT PROGRAM IN MAPLE BARNS cd ter Steeday ,ceo etpeevdi e- RAKES NOES causvet of e. CPPERS SHOVELS Os Jencelti, 1949, tise Teerto oteo Rocs.Gcaos f GRAS SHARS Disttett HoeinsBretedet' ClIs 'Teleteise. cf; Eatly, 3b; terer, et; ca; ous eod citis Hed Office t Sltteey, tis; Evanse, 2b; MePhiol c, Moptv, cils Achbbld Carececes etBraotS, c; Docette,.pp WoedkeidgvetsPreecdeet, SeetWtedece LocoesOS;Jeceis,, Cbopcooe et Wet osVicePt- cf, Mnn, ekb;Tsceoc t i dletand De. C. R. Recds et Maplo e mulcep; Lawconeep;Roberts. lis; et Scetoey-Mesege. Ocn Mec 31, Ocoiek. c, Tcedll, cr; icklcy, Il. Î ,leom,. tcoloeîîîBot. Meetige"as bia t thicie 0ewobelke hacet eirolbarnte etctelly op- RcIief Donatioi- an u-ertsîteirict Annt toers Cles e teixh itrdot1 ilton irck UC peopclcwOec pcset tu ecthet ka pacade o etso, eerit ac Ree ao-ïIniFir,cýt Caiî a, Soc AppetMeis cote ,CI"e"t"ee D2E LUXE LAWN MOitER Rg Apple Ste Rclngdr ecan. I-u ; '.ao ittof th, Oct fettîiteiit lui Apple SeeoA, Spettg "et' oo , a -n- ft ootcithe, koil bSectes coittttttough-cov FondHoec,Beed Havenefeg Aefc itonîceotck oCcLtd o the k lantt li ,ha lt.tcic.*t Mettcocko ,ABC RlecttceS.ttc oodic,h, otFund. le totc,.5ttettttedeit-I bledetoeige noteotsetttdtg halls. Msîttete, ot,t,-rl,;1tîcooce utttfastacletot .,tlyeadt- Roy W ecotee osteincotuu îi.t c o eotttc kboilts. teldcoe, gvcce iseert tot, is,-tt J. Attdcersk $ 50 ooctteg tise hisgiligitsofttise pedt L Tocctcoc 5>.0S $21.4 greceo claekieileasc wasledeOt t akoli2.00! atecisoi,Geoge MClecoe-, Eeiscoîort 200 SciteooyMeofethe Holsteie- Se ry &00 . 55 Feiocea Associaioneeof Canada. George Skhccd 80 s/ poecoegoetooletetise eoten, G. Lecobect . .. 1.00! DistrittClubon cetiteinec coeceG.Sc Bocloe vol ted tke type o etsiîcseecotettoAit. Wlsoce8.0 j Mr. Ciccoce trtedued tistce ite GuionceCoiee.00 tresetd pecttet teeo Mexcoe.Wiiooco Cetc 30 GARDEN NOSE ciscarc oweinteCanaeda. ceechieîtAttrturAugere . o Fietot pialityie loY. cOi, tb- cecokcd Hoste ti ie l.te t ,,tkMack toli O 3. icothotco o.cci.ccd isk te Meicefeor ti icio ln- G oo,,,,9s00 ctd",tiicooottitcto loccoci itetice peepoee. Mi Hoil80v kokotoOAlttta , ,, ct ThePrecodentttMrC.cootconw 'c lSmooit 5001 >l. tt,,it..l tittinch oiettilelitisepcescrtodidoetec. ottek,1Ii . . vos . vtirhciotpooccet eccoisetoclec t; tc,0is0c. i C $5.35 tobut ic ddod tiset epcsePct.tit oWu, F,tgt,to ,,000 t ,,tto tti, oontti, e toto elisotcc CocO GroitO8(t oddtO e is. tho.,ttfutec Th iso Et.t orC,itot205 LAWN eand ppe oettise Toeoto Distrit t.oiîctt 0 J BRUME Cluttis oetlineootist letise pri-,L. Pt,, t AOO F , ei. o ,i.otiseeeinocitctheciot type 1. l sittt10 njotiwnethse potnceoat eseeekl(it Acgoi) tGolte mo0, 'ac-lgt b"t.bedrcotetol.Cjl,ti5.t,000 o c te sap aprtioolar ced. oC, to,*,et ;ov ,d trs rki, D.C.R torois e isee ld toin o:coî2,0 --s k1, 800the 00 g e toftise Ctubissttico îootiit R bt s80o pull- t ervitcet otse o ccovitolele n t itîtti G.ii .cio, t 000 tt p ot, ie o octtoeeconaely, Yoek. Site Ruiti Nosils80t $1.25 roc,,GOtaro.ePceead Holtee.oend oastto l' v,500 Okot tise coise etf ctive tceede sAttotto Ntot.îitt 90o ROTARY îî 100,0tise clubois e co dc 70.j. Jeou it 5,0a LAWN ioist 0 ecckeode eiscieged13t7oCot;1,ii800 SPRINKLEREarhtoti eteett.ioot etd LSi 0 G Ba, ,4 0t Th fiittet ne.Oetp,,ineteete ,'hc- j, _2,sM lo, -I olýcrievepecrit Dr.Reedo f ted Rut výj Ill.n80, ;e yýrýtist tsco eoisicieve eil de cP- u-i , Htii v.s iecetotoxitel10,000 icost tiseaeeeeCalttCt sdo vov0 11,'11-CccooOooe Geog Roaiee o e-To3SitkoHottooi ceeo octetickept thiselegeceettdi- ot li ,.H.tî t 35M $5.50 ,toicopctinie Mr. Ivane peltt et u I,10 050, of Ktngocte ise no.eeG, Foutu tto 10 i stoicoLe Meekceic eMocoiet o it.tt1 i00 et tTtll t.tt t.i l- tit ý,z- ttt,, N 1 P "*'ttd offetoot tot tise To.-rttttci8000 ont. citetrclt Club tis e i,-Ph! tootti t,, sotoit toeoevessddclaeteiseeop,,, . ,to 3000 M .W M. C.okisitoto , i,.I i Cotoot.. 0 M. J, J E. McC.gee, pecoti FERTILIZERS MILORGANITE !"'$30 ecet Hlten iseedee teote AIlit -0 Tise esvt eetitiev orteelecove tee. Me McCage oeee os tise tWil etisoeeoendibsoltiet-cfvteyrapectsetofeeedist, qettg t. et obetîe tst st.ed tiset cettain CUP THAT CHIEERS 50 lb. ccoeebeold bvcooated te certain COSTS MORE-END IN SGHT4? $2. 65 iollo oend beccoplissetrd tise Tereete DitricttClb i maeilst Te .d edc aveeb beecetictn VIGRO eelable tisepeectice et Seteetis eseco h ioellPs Mttes te etttesdtnsiret. beauthaist tiseed s set yrt ie rhiseiset faitiltev er tioeece Lncbcs eeeedt tbeclose oigt. HIteee.tise long vote ie andveetaeOiinte5 10 and t5 lis.tise meting. cfeteti,,b s eeetigreitetcer. packeges. Repots Tise Test, tee vetsar eia10iSj 0C .e Font 1941 te 1949 teslre, ct eeeereed teec cee damage. cotes acd seppleeectee laboer Wld dectd laiseavy Seltattt.a icreput4 te Cucediece more bi smaeiet, upped ilsetee raton.i tiseesdeubild, eceetict te moee Cecedice peleesctgit bhoafette * sC e tiasaveect acd caeallisillioc dl.Atnedegreeeisyigissffee pricesisutJ leet least yfee. 'meey dealers tiistt ct. Choose a Crisp, Cool Straw For Summer Long Comfort M1cuv Feooce Style kOceot Hofe n e Poetous weavocforied cOR, fot o Sot dcyc, Oino ced witiscoete bloc bands. Sizes 507o$2.98 c awinFecoastyle ' ~ trcmod cotSblacko binstos ises 98C Peant sfeeo, Sets in fecote estyle.Blackor isco- clac est r"- 49,tu i 7'e1, ROSS STORES PHONE 490 OPENING GENERXL STORE MILTON HEIGHTS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT VERNON JACOB$ HAMPERS FOR BEDROOM and BoVTHROOM CHECK THESE EXTRA BIG FEATURES 1. Plycood Bottonts for Added Stesgte 2. Chromoe Carrying Handios 3. Paraline Tops in Blacc-Btcc-Gree-Mauve 4. Hesesper Bodies in Enamel -Whsite - Blue - Pink - Greoen ad vcry 5. Thosceands cf tiny hales for ventilation SIZE 20"x 11"x20" @ $7.25 SIZE 20"xl11l"x26' o' @ $8.95 MacNAB & Son HOME FURNISHINGS /5-t PACIB ME ,nMSI)AY, JUNE Sth, 1950 lu Pant-s Corn ec ad mce ye e e r eletioc <tomo ut caeied stock ef glen- checksic geyeor beown, teepivets or blues, greep et bowes -sfipcd worvstvds. Sizes 28- d6. PRtCED $6.95-$15.95 r.. i ater's Day JUNE lRth kee oue Pereth resaed Sports shitts, tiess ockse ciedbreahers. etc. csp ose of whlds caeld cokea ait- chie gift for ODade se his day. CO. LTD. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION