Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jun 1950, p. 3

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.1lORSDA Y, J UNE B 15 JUStE 8th. 1950 )irectory DN CLINIC Nunober a Nuren 35e amer joy mtuooly. moies Onta. roeek day bt4 TE HOSPrTAL rd Gaol Surge0M iSYER id surgen aes Street. No. St cCUTCHEOS&. rO, Mains Street o; -& 7- pi&. le 95W ;AL L DICK 11L, IL C. DOCK Solioltars opposite 'roa hon 4 IINSON, K.C. ilicltoe. Ens. ,r ChampiOf ibe rt-MUjtai E. ELLIOTS e, NutauS Petits rrrrrs' Bu~idin. -et, lton hrrr 70 Oak Floorrog klilton Lumber * Coal Company MILL STREET PHONE 49 DOORS-lesidu and Outside racticaaiy Ail Sizes-Varjous Patteorns Everythine je Building Materials Fashion Hint.. fil ________ Sash& prrrlrHmemakaarsWhe uoe hUonlyriant wllperrad1 fmu COSUOEI rrrrratereted in ftozen tfoodudt. InirA .Coutry Doo eqopetrrr the heur a uruu ) W rh qukly rih as t, . qetronsas te type, Bue esdune-i. audling a osble fut-Lane s lslbi If hsT arr ai ug laaboaplant a thaveb aae ahdI By liliasCollier Gray CdrranIdig pa r,,îltionrpof ya opathomae 4 owe rn ccor rckIo cr _______ CdaaiSdn freezenTh freezitrrunit wlhî th o ns a ig o ich ofhead Amassrtgthernofbiany bard Shiogles E aaur bst bOiY hOu0Ota nun r- pr rai he arr ouî,d te a 00trrsonne aly àdaaaaalty and meats areavouiî(eoFio-carosvla hha cool ,raagrimprsonaonathe pople- al-h'aoyaalvor eatewbole- yap t a e he fruit.rhrmar or.p Ancdprahuhhythe saleoprlaa' Tbenhome freezr lthe (i)Sa al.uig rel paattior rrrrrrrrpirintg bud o as a r rher- type shert produan lfro esd orahoat-roalraorhad icriarrus h a hrrrraksplîacerrada eMt Ir-au n usacostnt terupun- If packages arc te ha tablluntoe s r he pauoarhraaofthchrch.W 1110 a hiauStdots. If tht e . lcrîraplra ant, rîsggerr hal r roaarralroo al , * arradd rrrah ura srvice o urrar GEORGETOWN r om Satan 19 o n terlutnoutn plae aroh paobage as(or jr illad) ontie fvrte Coaryaftrooan oarig the 111h Aa raliag pr-drraa, snob si poutrty. i ra rr rc r frtigearra hr ahrhrrp. Prrrorr hraraeakrahaaiaaaary oft he United Charah 0 h If rde a oto cggraid fruitstbetnaeoaubint ltons-trareofledad ready. d lt vprrtrnpo aarrrayraraai Caada, hld inaMlon,.rd rond' hrra adyadrra or' paernu ld lu thachtttiug 3 Slei rit ta lruod rhr.lrîackpaahnrr gî rhaihaalhrefonlaTrrrdyraaauiag A 1.phaa0rlahhaaatadtoro rraar aallra.d r îr f.. o ordet rrte bc roraaare.h1toa raruprîpra. JîraSargeat,warra roootralîharPbottuuorthbodarg tha gradr a SaabkSt. Tharlaaitiau srhethara o mbarr aioo ili faaozan ad baop rheio poahar Aad ro larrariag ranhr gh. VeTrro aah Jrra flte aae- Oarehe lrdra h rl oa b -raaor atOteaod oluaa-rrhaar addiio aa ataaîiailolî,O01Pllteîbillfrntrhe parrra has ruc r oduce anrbch or ar faalrharrgh tha appeaooaoao r1y h et aad uîafrinanood ahldarcds frrrhhaalrahaurac oieda m gI-oaa omane o puoabsedutirhactroroiha.aarupffaritltri ___________ lthar. th raoolotOmusic' radtthebcofocmhi. oloolol la IeP Ilaanod ahtha o aarrardrptoaa harrt.asphce at vorship thaî lao Irhfarraa rhGcaa ca ral bra ihafIlnafldtoapi- siloooîorlo-aooat oladrarhcaoarroaoetarralrrl om a aad Drtrt Flrod Rliefalao arorro Oaa pracalltathe Ot a oud.o ro 00100IlbaTihe wav tieace argharg tarfooro ao aa ISSba$h18 daaa Silo cper ra o sn nau ra r e o egteig f ifrh otý.a 0bsbe oa rh2rolrrtharaooîfta I rîodr-,allahaa poah- terrenaaaorrthe vaaafineaar-a ogn-tosaimdvda o,~~~ a orr hp rld D afaatr g101 aohean od par'1 orra r Ira u Joseph Liter Ratoadgo a l rraao adeone orra rd if The aaarral rprag praorecaal iîooo-tldi.oloi.ra. lct o oarrrraaaarror aoatî aorea ou-doola laaiccsr W ahao aslr n aorr aioftha irao'tS aa 15 iaîoht.tte it Shaa t 5 rawrraia hld holar hrpe 0il recent rrrhîrîrora theha hppoa- rhîî the Mairtr po ho ta thaeraîlt-Gaargorîraa. aprrot Chaao ou a, rabm t ai the convaetouaoou- aarc ralaapr tIte lb situratir o rîil bh atahherb. rrde inathe fields, or the hlir ad Moada aaarag, Mrp îrh. ,od r-raropobgo tn oai-ra ak î aolr aaih rolaîrorharaaî a h o baboaly ha au dorag Senaîharid Sroneaaeloadiag tha 1, loadhr rerrtac aotha wr-r rr-î Y7rro-or-îoro pi,,ddbel. len srap th f ha-ýtjo raori aa raronu v" irtiaoa orrîrr o rrîa-o aaadorner acetHe ot tl hea ir araoob 00 TO PSEPARE FRUITS FOR pl o ira ah or hîod lrîîoaa oîîa r or o a ti cr r is reîaa e- prarhed o rra ornears byha bl- FREEZINO is Ol tbîr oreplaia an tho ru-h-tîaraati Aary haplaral Aad vie F:.l 1 sra paroorin heoarne l be r rolo-rroostopand aaoohbad. iPrhapsth l a î o rrorîalarclc-hlvi nud-bt ohralaY mlOi i c- Ias orthe th ala o rO 7îa xa.oîoo,îlar rabchafa.eonlaa eaIr îîîr o fîl iO r boîbles îltlaor t~ hod oil 1,,Irhs ,,.,.ld %ils . l,-srt 'a'arh ad daina. qth, .m alas fruoisadplaaad ad pa ps ibis isr h raorala hold 10011 aîîd, I rvie laa P-rr uto a e: i, fi, oao -îîrdas. -y of usîaoaîraîttbobaave ori, aîrItad aîîtoJ l. Sarra raai ticreommeooaded îîaroella oarthoarar horad cntyaaî dîîîîolooî 1-1 agl riural a dviora aTou, toaloaro SBOX li,iii,11011111110 OlIy.th ,rh SS.R hoIl a oiaîo harn nO nai , M-______A____il___ .1 oQr ao oaoo rlîîooîrrîllg o a îîîllha beittee.tigto,,-lt e l, patlao -'o a l eur? thelî IIldo, iI* Il ,llr ve I ,,,slvn o , I I i 0 î ~,- Tî,îll bcrrin . Ivîoîîîaîîiflt-odoaoot follorrthe firîîo,,eholrlolrol1o111 Ile al ,,,,l h hooiglhlpoîholorrlolorrlallgî.hîîofuiîîa 11 I never ailed for Re( IJESEIS l' c1,1 a o Ira-a on acao , roI ,as îhaa 011 and liat ra lord siteadd ardoIl -i lîîlhuc th, toit everyîIaîîoaoadollotitre, out ric de-,thril, theb0thl I- nul t1 hol ventîdito re 11()lie Ponrn adîhort orîo opnos, lnCaa, fro t indo rapo ra la 1î l a- en n111 orft Onu ppliatie ~ l IlOîloOla ol o ltim.te si- s10 hmild areveattn na - etia- a 01 0 lo thrtheo serice, lt s in thre interost of al One Applidcation îadîotlh, îîî îdIîrlrIlLtaaa 1dloba h10 bobî! îatac o on orsoon after Jone1 I. si îoîî îîîî ho 101 oo ,'îî B Sdl 1 Smrh, the frrmer spoaero te el . 10So Crorrio Hunt- Mae as eu i 0 i ,1, ik , l a !Uited Shaîl Anbshor tu10Rs-erl l îîîîîîîrro a s o longas orie, longerenom interost. Artoi MaotIe Lite ofToua Plattes S oîllhdoion-hf l s lOO t ho 0 ito îl tho aerha. roaN-r00.110 f10,0 ment deolers, boeks or al i r .e 1 t î î o-1o o d h a. i l et io a X l f sr e ceaM or o O . 0 0 1 0 o r o l î b a r l o O BOOOKLET THIS WEEK 10,ooî-îah r h r-ob-lle ating ta o, ti oblt o l ias r h orbd ample arelnaea ie qiiîroO o ,ll l ikl o i 01 O tw Olîra O -I a l aOpO oîîîîl.u. [ trty r rotea- ltiok taroai*l, to h.,a00In t1 a Pickett's Drugs 3up ffrit111il dirooîorrîg wrabarbor ot arthea a l Ohorfosar- ltiar oauo als ,, h sroOîîlî oleto Olî paab S IcadrlosIr rîro roukeLaar ona rt oug hOa,1to a7IoIlola d , rua gth, lot i or 1,1 îallodies rîra ri an grd db e tly ir i alO îooîd 111100 doaa doîodpd of o o lo 1 j al, a pi, ofhor. hat b th. oîodi d hh n o w . I hodýth g h - ln tu ltoarrhe roîrroî,dg-,n e l 1, j,,t or le,1000 r thutthatostulufu, eae, ;tI d 1 1, îoruibs oieit d. 5- edI d lorî t l ,oold lda po pl 1 horît , a 010 1111o t la, h, thulitlnrlinrtunb4 tor tha'oIor ilo ooraa i l to n roorîto lt IN trortnut Tl üd.c. il i,, 1-11111 lot inr îocap sa ,, d IlotC t- then. om em 11Il 11 1 0000 bro d oll e Bit01 0111 ý1 ,t r i I50 roi l l'aP oh ai th, m oi io Wo i>,p ami GetHtheai FaM .-t S gte ,l yW:I l ft,,kig urll o o r th, S t e 0I b. q.ligOiOi0010 10000 as " l Il-, -,,,Il1, elnd h p fd ti i g hr u h, el "lt Skn y M nl oMei n, - an, seoid er 0 not. t it O'llth, CBC Il - Cou t S . i an o.1- r0 , 00101 a lO - EYES tA11 -In pi RI,,i;, oolnh il IoeILhapnfIl,10o- r-V'LI)~ JLr5 I> NI21 lîîîllttal a1, Il"I", 'f"", ,N.ýUPACE COM I Il fl l I, hl'th - i Cet0 a NewSO PepVm lgli se .0 ' lo 1,0I-- ( DEM( urday I I Ir~~~~IGNIFIED I - b l1001il A trorriaO paiaa r aroanoiatu ,lt-o t -rSUGNE5T GUoP--a" rund of gof raîtb i t ret ono 1 I U l siBO a gaeat artotot hafalhiu. Tthak- o f -dio o ,0orîl0oo-opst R11 R O nga r igbty iaslg, ha oisad the oîooodaaif .o h e t 111n 1îrra i0Sa ~Ctt i1t 5r A r'A Y ~ 1~f'~~iCa hall onpla.taly. 100,1001tha poporîa 1000-P ~ i~ ri~ an ~Ij ~ "Oh, Boulder-" ho xatimod., flor- o int. th, 'p.nar anod M M ~~~~~~Hir mtpttied ropaiao oubad toI11thasl loprlmos f or- au aaptsuotlou. - rt boraaroht hoa datpirah- andi saaot the hlggout dum r onps, r elat hiag battr!a Why Pluînbing an n H saluot earth,' orame the anpy. dohsorspousorsnt uorai ________ progoîs that wa-lt rarah mshe Sheet Metal Work Totvle fnn-eine n ohCLEMlthn n netetiENTS PAINT & WALLPAPFR PMON 20W MLTOE, ilT* 1948 ta osenu sud u hoU bilou dot-nuro outb.rldo't i t haft tt t MILITCN OE 1 PHONE 20W Mi las. lroot thai. qoatean of roicofut ittniug ta the scup opo on i nus botd te the Unitnd States, tbnp listant Coatd ho' I Cernent Lth Lime Insai Soard Piaster Moral Moldings Insu lation Gyproo Musonite :O ILL MLO M E D - M M MCONCRETEE :PHONE OAKVTLLE 928E DO YOU HOLD VICTORY LOAN BO0ND S THIS ISSUE HAS BEENl demption on June 15th, 1950 $101 for each $100 Iholders ta present therr Bonds promptly for payrnent i 5ttt, 1950 becoose after that date this issue will no rngements for redemption may be made Ilsrough uWest- other savings institutions. The Government of Canada By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent. L HOSKIN & OrHAROS polra Bid? r Str. Tuplatl g 9131 JNTAL -A. KING hSU RGEON I ordo, 9-5 o ,y AppoîO-O 1oO 97 i ABCOCK L SURGilEON aie.- Oo' bb lIa Thre Chitepractor glas ThePiasrs Yar of Pra-rrOî dp Atteadat -r. For., 2- pi, 2-5 rud 8-l Pr d Tîrarý- dr ne150-W ,TCAL TEN OLAHN C. LAIRD rooîrr Pharta 56 MItl :LLERS' GUIDE PA CIPIC R h ..Wît 7 p-r doai[OStce 1011 o 0- i IAN NATIOI.0L da traia or: 10arsaad ampbel usaturttna id ADE MEMORIALS AL ENGRAVING St, North GALI EPHONE 9049 A. Elliott .,t Auctioneer aM ei Batte 'HONE 177J NR.TOP4 loti 4 ONSTRATION Jane lOth PAGB Timm 1 THE cANADIAN CHAMPION 0 ww St;bàý

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