.ae88qDAY. MAX 25t89. 1950 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE BE~14 MAY 2511. 1 G. PIc HOGS M. This Cft-Wib-No-Name would b, by for îbe largei i 19in8,891 18fores mhieh 881881189 0e- Cfanada, and ont ottbte rfOmi e w89d.usfro te8088of8978nfnc 8.P.P. Ath t89 498 9 1-1-198 189... - -f 8188 M.tt 213-18; J89 18.22, 23; 1.1: 88988888989W0-8 «.d8 8889 8 .l ..phý. -i.. 8ha. Lîîe 2333-38). To 88i18 9a8man o1 t.k.e. 8elot. 8198f 88-A881..d o- f--Y tec e se 89greatest of insuit Canad a an 8e of 08ea fy o eai 8 189 88804 an18Ori1etl.Inevof2Hîe 1havne o. . bis .89I89-I nolher 11818 in 81198 ode8tîîl I8PI898...%9, 88PI8t89-.h.818 . -Y. - 9988898 (11(8o 9888(189 88988988 regard- tioning 88 insgifiant a plate es Bethlehem wa88s8thal 88 9imprtant .Perso wa t88e nnte.89 888 898. Il m8 BELL TELPIIONI M COMPANY 0F CANADA 8888 9889111in8188 898d9population. 88 888888888 18ithal 8on0the nIgbî 0...d.9 .paJoseph and198 1 C08 Mary8889 81 2887 98580lodging M _________________________________ 88t (Luka 227). Seasonal Needs The Surnday School SUNDA11,8MAY 28th, 1950 GOD HAS A PLAN GoldenTe1t.-Who i8 aGod 1,118 unt18 hce, that p889888889 1iq1it for ever, be888888 898delighteth in 19918g 1idness. Me9h 718. LESSON TEXT-Mie 4.1-5; 52. 4; 7.18-20. EXPOSITION 1. GdsVsin ofc Il ~Hop., 4: 1,2. This is 'eey 9ppropriate1y chose9 FRAGRANCI taUI 8 e88y about p88988 1 shows88 8,88 IN VACUUM 8088-888 889888989great 8889e 88818888888, as 8 8888 expeeted by thosee ho are igorant of the tca8hings of the Word, 8but thre8gh ___________________________________________ the 889ms8g of Ged 88888King ta rul1 in Mon, 8888 al nations. "The89 iUUUM U**M **U*******M*U MUUU MUMI 1988(or latter) 4878" la 98848in8the a Ble98asea general expession f8r OAKVILLE MAITON with e181menc 88889the98888of 1the establishment8 of Mesiah's kingde * 088. 498 1; 18. 21-3; Ezek. 38:11: * hal. 2. 28 . 44; H888 3:5; Ac. 2:17; àKV LLH:88. 1:2; 2 Pet.3:) * V I L EBy "the e of.,, the81889 89888 Mîhet18temple or8bouse of the Lord R E A rb V - N IX *8st1ta dfit ta(e189e4888et 8818the! 888898 8998 1118888o 8888eansmply ht Zî88 e89911 1bc 898ted as ta or hether th8898888ta8be a îtee9î, CO NCRETE :r9(1189 of Mt. 2(88 81,1 le 18 i 8tua1 a11itud8 hgher han aoh ,,nli,,,88.The9î8arc1indicatios PHIONE A LE 928 88998g8 oîil l ke plac8 e in ste ,.,h91botirhoo9d of Jerl'89em in tbc1 of the81 final(891 4818888888of1la- ___________________________________________________ 981l Z88h. 14:4-11). Theree re 19989 p1'8hetic references 18 2(99 1889 3:12 Is.a 11:9 88.20; Ee8le! * 43:12; Ze8. 8 : 3). The 1future91888 8of1the 89Ing9ete tain (,1). iAI] 1the people 889911 galber1ta8the Meel9h îGen. 4:10.1 and 9,99 811911 be th e8enr8o lOje 5(899888(ci, Pî 22:27; 68829-32; 72:7-11. 16-19; 8:9; 18. 1118; 27: 13; 43, 49:6, 19-23,60:3-14; 88.18- L o w ie 23; Je8.83:17 16:19; Zph 39, 10 -. " ~ Zeh 2:11; 8:2023; 1416-21; 8. M C IE 1102). 9118cie t8198 er99 taT h e li 81189 B etteu, r1 » ~ Zio8.118 The019 Tem .1cta 91 88.8 prphoy 181aî9th 81898.1eluits9i C 88a8U8l d888e - t, -1'fsion.19This89 81918888888 phec1.1. 2 vo have a8 r2,5 18and MnARKETSzzING SIEteaksaEn T Dl ABRinCSuLBadSe s TW 1a8 9 g,3.8 0., o;28 the vons of Meoe gious ce lbe'a sig.i2icnt chae in 13(. AIl5888(9 8* 0.1111 "88111 19 8(0hould" T1 th. w ] wlkin9899 8118e aeh."Th9e 1118.888.891hepLod f81889e 08881 an tlhe99nte of theLOedh and the 8estab1ishment91of1Hie ig J8.hcm9h Hnoelî (incarnat8e1in8-81 *~ ~ Nîeg 18 18bh (9998 988889 1h1 891198s<v. 3. t ISam. 210- Pr 96:13; 99 989 11; l:3-5; MtI. 2" 21ý, 32; 988 . 22, 23, 27-29; Ac 7'ý 3 ;, 818 19: 11). lHe 8811888il 1the 889e89nations8of8the 888 18f. eh 1.71816 7; Pe 2:51; 1.1 098.1 3î2,9-16:. 288.914 ,1 b 1118881911-21; 208. 91 Ait,, 88(9818 89811181. they 88(11 yied ta en.e8.bel hrough he811e trimp11 et 08.98 KîOing (. 3.cf.P 46:9;, a11 2:4; 1il6-9; ,. 7 2:7: Ice860:17, 18.1 ed until the Prince of P1988 H(88 i .881189888.and tkethereins of 8888,.88888.1Withh.11 etablishm8ent of p198.8. here w88111 11e (8899 p8988.1(18 and se89811y (v. 4) lhîî 1in188 88199 f Salomon, 8811 4 olft4alibM# people wba 88884 for 8th# elePhbe C e hi e88887 91198.18881 889 a type of Christ I Kî 4 25).There 1899118be no8more And d i th8e people 88898 989 Oalving 899 88kng t9 he 18,18 18v.4, cf.8 195411-14). tebeelepboneeCompany needs, 111 Th, King f eII8P . 852-4. theîîîdo6 .;l8l, 1î \IENS UNDERWEIXR Biefsan ops. 98These are8 88811mode and sled 69 Metcoîy. Biefs szes 3046. Tops, sma.ll, medium, larg8. loch -...... 98 Meo' s 8obriggan 8.96818889 made of high grade col- ton in balbriggan sti8ch in oa88819118scîtoble for spring and summet. Shrts sizes 3644, short sleeves. loch ....-- .-$1.29 Shirls, siees 3644, lonîg 818888s. Each .... . DRAWER SIZES 34-44, $129 $1839 COMINATION SIZES 36-46, long sleeve, ankie lefgth $2,19 SHORTS Coduroy, un1îh 891f on 1108808 and po98 ketonofront. Colorslo w,811088 981gre88 hrow r ed 90 wder, royal lue. Ozes Pri 6 1- $3.69 Cotton DrilliShortsto 81h eit, pochets, and 919988 a8 hach cuff08811e hotlom. Colors, hite, rd,808.9 and yellom Sîz- es 10, 14, 16,18,20, Prîce $2.98 FOR SUMMER WEAR Cool1 Mdriff Blouses mode of plaid and printed 808809, wîth elastic oîound the top ý79c-98c LADIES' T SHIRTS Co' ton T Shîl (8or98.888888 (île6 aI the 884,81 o,1h 9cap sînnues. Colors, w8hite, yelloaî, lime blue. Sîzes, omaîl, Price 8.lage$1.39 Tw 0 -tone T Shit, withcollar, and zipper front, fitted at the 889(8, short sleeves. Colors, 9888601 bice 88111e, 18.98.9 hile, y811088 8hite. Sizes, smai1, medium and large. Price $2 39 Wdn Stripn Cotton T Shirts, with1 collar and short sl88888 and fitted wislo, po88der 9909, grey and 881188 8819 9811988 grey and 8811188doîle green 11,8889 (ght green white. Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.$ 9 Price ... ..- ... ..1 . - $ .9 ROSS S TORES CO. LTD. PHONE 490 MILTON, ONT. "-~"~ooeo~m~9 + - 888888 wt fr68988. .ample head _l h rueld 8888. . . . 901 888- m8t 88989189 t teet .898 op8888888o. 50181 Pleo9l8 o9.e-9189 898 8e898A 98p88(88888t88...889h8188888 .îo - o.,89h9898898et8 f8889888911 8998e888(8h9k8 k.ha9hfflt8dof8,8U88p8888 a tm i h . 18118 k.S.f888989 11 8988898Wb"eI th.88818999 1888888t98 98 la - o tir 9899988 . ,. . eû.a S8988t9988v88--84 8 enviable r8p88998tee 9for 8178.Add th. 881(88918 88888888888 of 8ymoue9' h. Cbele ry a9erd 8989.eme .888. . . 8988t8Lat148888 88a19y eek 88etdeee.(eg. With f1898 k' the-eami9.8ey, raany e8 8lym8outh9 l' an898 ma9818. y94 88u8 1,,8n8 (81d -the value-packed 1950 a PLYMOilUTH See itl Drive iti LIT THE RIDE DECIDE1 St JOHNSON BROS. GAIRAGE >Plel FOR SUNNY DAYS AHEAD MEN'S T SIIIRTS A finec 80110, in mesh keil 881111short 8(88888s, round neck andl breost pocket. Colors, white and8 ye(loou. Sîces, small, mnedium, large. Eah ..._ .. _ _ .. $1.19 Fancy mesh slîlch, 88111 polo coller in 80)018, white8, yel(oeu and grey. Szes, 91119 l, mediumrge. Each --------_ _... __ _ 1 4 Fine 89881186coton, heîîted 88(81inter- loch stitch, hec hîeast pocher and finish1- ed m(811 ound-r(hbed keîl nech. Colors, whîte end y811088 Sîzes, small, medium, large. Eac _ _ý _ .... $1.89 This T Shiet s knitted from fine 808888 w8111 interloch sitch, fioshed 88(811polo collar and 3îoch coetrrsting hîorzontal stipe 888888 front. Colots, lue/881188 g1 y/w8n9e yellowhoon.Sues, smai), Eac68ý...8_l, Il $2.25 P AU. m i ~.Op.m. if88.30 p... UNE 7th .and a exolic or -6 ta Ihis OtENT OF CANA PA« owp ,IruRsDAY, MAY 25th, 1950 Tg THE CANADIAN CHAMPION