PAM Mx TH~~11E CANADIAN CHAMPION TMDY A 5h OAKVILLE GEORGETOWN ORIOQETO -1 erels the 2229a eirter ln The Ob~t fi nunrtal .3brai Dhilleb 2 agrsieJye 2 e teacbheuh 2ui jin the Fj222e9ul Post 21422 p the pro£- ATTENTION FARMERS ! ii2uBhalled . fuliqota filarlouu Georgetownbie 26112 S tafflela 2for tuf ulthme maujor betlng WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHflT PREVAnNG PPmC S A monument butot endur- flats and ce ctlubu2ters to aug- net te.HaldHenry1122 basbeen fuels: ng granite or marblesymbol tmet t he gala parade snieb tus tbeuuîut poilp c11 ~ oumiption 6as jumed 70 HORSES --CATTLE --HOGS iindesgn ad eveent in Suudy set in mtion tb2î2222221 îeau2bone of thebeniorîugrades14 2Per et sice946 and now 14î49 FOR DEAD OR CRUPLED FARM ANUS pupseesii nfsuround- iu-ck e62eïm uf2pa2 v . etera9teacbersesu2HazeI Ht-hat one outfeeY ix Canadian insof peace and bata A.W. Wri-gt ut Belyeu Ave.., t'son aud Muy Lang2tt, 14111retire. es.221211hu1er2sales22 929yeux 692reute fpent hit 9516 bithday 9299 Mayor Harold Cleave 14111ptte h iued a 49 pe cent jump 2222 Tel.pbon o oet frbe oadà. e vIo. tbute of respect and honorto puttering 2f222d the garden. the 21421 ball t92 eeeeatloflul 412-,1948. he deud, a uonstant source of Wt e121u tduelgector J. 1- Sef witb 14222e W. G.iGO D NY U GL . insirtio t th lvin . . ithth deictio ad Oenng Muashll bebbsd 9e th e 1 22 Coal intereslu 2am l222e22l2f1mine ofo oh eg u the 2214 Meeiu2ial lassroom 0pe pla te 922et 9e.e a s rebuulutl utio eg nee auto- HILTON 210 ROMAE M um buldngonFr 2222teoo, Ap- pTOIfoLteOren tdes ADELhatcotrlDE uracs it (I. L.119,1~J.~L~ç piby Culliegetouk auou1er s1192142 er62226 iles1tavellin te2on2429. 142922 h es ull2d 4272-2M1per Oa vil Monument WuukudPl0222e449i 2211y for2the -Georgetown1ie14t hv a col22 22 925turbine Plas orintaatin f lodlghs t S. ýèrg'sChu g s utdy 2 9 egm2entt flndutto' 9292 19 in alacePak truk n uex t ate- t e22,-iu e22i9e.- 1422629 etrbt 2via big 2e14ppeln e ie tiswek.Tatlgr ouna. BURLINGTON Diseuse of SIed Dogs Th nulCadet I2specti22 and Epdmes ung 4sie21d duoginR L N AUCTION SALE Physical Displuii 1222 9ed las the Caudiu.cii ave62 62162in. Of ar I p122ents Tl. 29. 2- ucampus. Au 2u22pionaly larg2e s in1te 02,22222 ot Animal 2296- tyE9212211229 and F22299222e crowdof.frends and 2i122214212 îlogy, Canuda Depimen t ofAg- -he nerige2hae1e2ivd 4n2ttndn2. -îrculture uand 9il haubeens *bort insrucions fomdte Exctrix of On0a dîiied votetho towncourO ihafuilduu2ml29are2theeervo22ir utEtt e ltlu g21416aEn2t2uutd92 t21 he6 llcdro E122rc tablese 12 22922422242and ttdog 4 FREDERICK CHIAMBERS Comm1issioni permisiotU 2222 2bcîu 11214f 21 ia home2, bLt 1,C 1 ,îitwp. fTc r i eu1429 61,2Juhn uiid Elizabeth_______________ flgar, 1..5, 4 miles2 Weto tr teet. Streetsville on The 12142 224 2ilel umetd for SATURDAY. MAY f226 the builg f ut 22192122 221s ,uans At 1.22 u loueilthe fulliuuiig 222k1i nny1 6men, woen FARM I9MP9LESEITS -M. 'l rea n a24ULtte2uu2,222262 - 291 f24229 Muiene. 591,41.Grain 0224e 42221221429. Lfte'2 2229 mRla 01 1s.W bETW 62Il.; In9. Gran l l, 13. 2 u; Weel ci lde rntSi2629s un Cultiator;2 Fant Waons; ay tehuel witih heir e 122262, tt oded 0OAE o Rak esSe arw;1 16 e Su1142y ee6229 1492s9nuy ally saMu Pq,, VI., Uit- 2&nno2 #EW290 PEFORMANC Harrow;1;-112212Wagon; Sngle for 9dtn 022212 edin GraemmNE Geîuder; Dise; Buggy; Cutte;Car___________VALUE..._ Traiter; 2 Cuiu2y 1122222; 2 Cu oal.i 22224222, 2 Railst Chieken iet2ULRK Teuugh, Ol Berelt; 3-0221 Seel cloneSeede; Cros-CutsIsvNEW POWER A_ S142ed61SHued Suu2. Chainusu.auuu.'s Fues h2.vuels, and 142112othera ,.FD1NITURE-Cheîieeliel4d d 1,2.1i, u2ln 2cle hld *OXFORD *six I. pk«p22212i122212 222.1,222 2 ONTARIO MILTON Cablint, Buffet, Square Table u G Ch i2 1Ding 14R-11 S ot 2 Rounud Tabie, Buffet, and 6 Chaie" toi.' ach ith Vi't Uph.isieiy; 7 fi.Cuilh; Gate Leu Table;,22 Lib- ý ,Tables: Sie""; O-s ora Ch. ;Sei.ii-i Rockes; Sill Round Table; Record Cabiiiet 1and Vi,2-iii 2 CabiinetR.diio; Eleul- 2i2ii2 V.c2iiiiiCI ' ani uand ui9ch- 2uiiic. Hall1Tii,; Seretaiy uand B..222 eCuubiiied S 212112 El- ci, i. Rangete Gisoni Eieeii' Wuoihe; N.. ofEie029ic Luiip.sEl-I ,eie Egu C1 ; ar2Luge Cook 1h t224 hegg 11, it2h Res rCip2 nd Sf22 B2f SpeTables;i u d Steel di Bcd nspand Mg ess 2 od2 Chcti 2g :2D2 B,,s;2 Cheds -c 1 of . 024 eseuidi, Beuckii 2 CTibl iies; 22idi, ldro Tn,Iici l2 Crkio.eBoads;Ca ic BIiî ,nke,iici, T2 Il 2i Chu,,; BiuffaloiRobe: DaeBds 2,2uil C h,,iiLare Chorn; Buttei T9&,ic,2Fcrie : L-gc C othe Si e c Sl 'iA-, Ch,,, 2 iuc2e Wind7212 .in Walli Wahe; QiiutChinai Siieeiue2e CiiLi Pt,, iPansuu..d Cook- 222 Uiiii il'. TERMS: Cuih Sciieii,2 i ucii No Ri 2i- iasithe2142 id lid .11 chat, îiu , hi io-1 ulol" Iiîidhind EIIi2ii, Au, 12 i,.ci Plîî- 19 1elR-ickl22. 1771M,iinin DA 1E and BENNETT, ,,.r,,t.wni ýSociiiiiifio-r iEst. c4- ,ive end WW ItbCure AS Meortr Tiffie Icregseso -AMinuter oJ Higghwq Trave! by moorifss ud pediestelans promises ta raach a nw peai volum ttis ye. The seosonal upswing in holilay moto? fravai ha$ begun. More vahicles thoan avar before are operafine on Onfarlo streets and highways. Pedestrian hauards frme crea mut bho ercrsed by aid ta praveot occidt&f Padestias ara urgad ta woffr carefull>e. MOTORISTS - il Check yur cr und he assured titt i ik la 0aleofa anlila il (heck yaur driving und be assurud of a safa Ierase DRIVEESAFE... W419fç4,FEjp ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F ISHWAYS itM0~ /2ý WHAT THE W@RLD HAS TO SH@W! les grof to have a raip- Ution for hospitoity bult 9.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. l's baller to deserve it. (TWV W' VV V ickesatop ut .8.30 p.W-I Trhts why the West lis so a proud and so glati ta ex- tend the worm hond of WED., MAY 31sf; SAT., JUNE 3rd; WED., JUNE 7th friondship t0 vsitors front for and near. Lef's prove Tube a Trude Fuie trip uroued the 14142d! Yuu'Il 522 fabulous fortunesin5 2 ls l to you this year. fashions and fivlities.trfacors und trinbets.. textiles and toys . ..and a thousued ther futeieuling tiegs f2214 fiee continents ...exuberuîîtly exolic or OU' I E NiO 'f plainly peucticul. Foe îbeee full duys the generul public wilI be welcomed lt tis Ygeeut 9E9e2221ire. l show-4O% bigger Ihue befuce! PARES ARE LOW Pouico ta",î ROUND TRIP 12. "226211t E1hib6 ,-c - f. 21111212Cd1i11u2.,2126121622T,,bî... 2 i.u CHICA Go - . - $21.35 E2422 y142 22212229 52262222e11t22290.2 LOS ANGELES --$8445 MONTREAL ---$15.70 QUEBRC - - - $2380 j da ien tow (Subjectatadchange 'Ri Q- s '00MAY 29-JUNE 9 - EXHIITION GROUNDS, TORONTO DEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE SY THE GOVERNMENT OF CA SDAY, MAY 25tb 9ION FRAORANCE lm VACUIUM OAKVILLE QAI REAI COI PHIONE ~LOW% Beut On Fis.b Sizzling Steal bute maubm aIl the4 sed .So buy more b MARKETING SERVICE, 0 And d il lbe people w) 26e tlepboneeu14pan utsd uli t262 pept, go 220 ibeir businese. If ail thece >people, t T114149Cit3IVWilb-No-I' Caad,ad otoft1 .1y4. a ... 1. 1111 o. thi9 bis t1b. 8 BELL TELIPWOb a.Ot d dOf * MINORE Milton Nicholson Motors -Ielý ooe-1fi iie 0 -à,