MAT 255h. 1250 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION P~ VIVE Si ad Met, CilItPearsoneat tatdî' B.C. nlellcd lat neeb oIth -,e MilIce Cetanttaiatth hcme fI Mr. acd Mm. Alle Cleteceta, Mr. and Mre, J. H. Chepneanad Mn and Mc. R. A Broenrdge ,i fesia le Wodslacb lu at a- -itars et the hoea at .o:ad Mn r oanCliCîton rlait oe_ acd oena Mr. eedCIt. Herarat KNOX PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH Mc. WrigM. AT.CM-(XAIC* SUNDAY, MAY lth, 19OM 1000 oso.-Seciar Sueaay Ohoal. 11.00 .-GînSet W osahîpý..Dr. LsaaShol. ,, PD, 7.00 p.a.-Dlnlee Wocehlp. Dr LouseShein. ,ting t of Maple on oir fine bull -h toill lot RI YI O5IN AO T 01.F, 'y10 tîikioo rouhîîîîof' i".10 d-ignsiIli ý hhtî 10 10 rîlch Itîdot icol'ir ho 5ih,,ý 'n. 111Cîlîrd h, bih i STr, Mhîlgta ,hoinvi, il' 'c - '1 f1 i îoter manfort- otoooopp-iot'ltîc iJth1, ,d-, î pi oa ctnIly o ltoli. N,1000 ii 01t î nOla:Oh N iî, SetIls nItht l'o.îs'o.îod nio0 iii, I ty COor I'lstNTY O GAI nTO-N 1111 1)lt ,14 ,lintielt 000, Hoo0m 'OF GaiIeTRON TUESDAY, JUNE 6th, 1950 i ,i ' lllii <n1s'diiaOdlfofop-Oall duies whi0 Ti,î,frms ualmads'10 07ee.- ouOhs il 1. Canada flt esohîcg SI LLIlOJ. ROBERTISON, 10ý" ,apalt nf podsfrlsg 7 OýlIrIIf, Co. Halîse M, 5-in. pites. Six 6-Ifs Shosi^Ofit,,'Mlonc Maln Bh, c7Cu 0plates Inoil r d8-3 0Ot aS AtO SNOW-teLOCKED SENEaC MESSAGE TO COMMUNITY CANADIAN CCOUS 'ho '000 renentîr itolaîrd Ihe Ms EscrltoOT Viaýooo5îAleseil- 10 1,04d Prbailln se Van- der, Chiet sout Con Canada, hoe l, istaîndedasoenehane, the recinnd fr00 Lord Rooata, ChitC Sots ore prepaned te help Scoutof thtlecBrith Commoesalrth S(.0101he ee atiged tonr the Cooiog msnsage: e l'hoses oed by lderlyaor --The Festi0lofSiC. Gergnas ra, Pope. Tht ecauta hanlled coetronocetmanra, Lt uCs ry Ollot asaditîcea retqsaaad. I ae af deeget' p ti Pl ul hi hi te in je 0 _ad. eiro aaaaeae esftena- ST. pAULS UNITED CHURCH ion Mre. VictHa rets, M. aed & atr- G, eoc. 100mbaed son B IY, Orgaaett - M. Robet E. Beemel, d tsM Pcley Metraeoto ad M. A T. C. M.' n z ln. asaaCurele oC Geerge- Scn0TNDAY, MAY 28th, 195M i ___________________10.00 -Seelce Schcl. a 11.00 o..sMcricg Worahip. Jsse' b Enigagements 30 a.-CsnhMohahp _________________7.00 pn.-Evniclgwocrahip. M. Gordon Hornso 'l cii nliotoard Ms and Mc. George E. Stobke, ts prech. ~an.phnt7ilr Ot. aaeone tht .00 p es. Tht eeniag Aýansloy agcemnttoCthein doughten Mary of the W.M.S. siU b n Sechage irnlrd RON 10George Wilbct nf the ienide Mosa. iahij son nf Mr. and Mmt G. A. Monday. May 20h-Thn C.GI.T. sh' i- Gnnrgtne. Thtesa-, ,11 06et ai 7.00 p- cs. sou t(,tahe place Satanday June Thrsday. Jono ist-Tht Trou Mac Oth 195inSt George's Angicne gnrsssillonet at7.00 p.e. 76 .. Losottle._________________ Th( I ngagemn s aaceoocned o GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH ueI.'sin, dooghton of Mn. aed is'. JLindseelNetaeda 10 Rcy Reter 7cr. I no00n ofMn. aed Mc. Ho. J.tHorusr Cerna.BHA., L.Th, a, Brosrdgn, sofIiltn. The aoragn oiltakn plane ce Salon' OUNDAY, MSAY 21, 1950 tpos Asnlicha13n oln, omS. 400 .M. ois' Comunion. lltp0'"'Acglron harn, Moe'0 nn o oSndor Ohool and ibla ____________ 1.00 o. Choral Mains and 0r- îa'adv vîtehng .0pm -Coa vesn n NEL. Wl Nois' 0.plîsmi ho .ppoiolorol n ces 0 Tii, day. Mas' 01h,2.30 .0. A- II I,)'wa 32 ,Rotr' 81Le 00n onrassrh W.A. .30 pan. 1 -Chorh Boys' Lagor-secs- .i~nFonoPogeDOnrl 0bc ocai thenChorchto go1 ,t I - îshstthss In thlOillîliTIi, 4, Joue It7p..-Juni0 11- ronissrord 10, Aclîo Chou Oh ...ir8l 7. Son hi'ý. "*ast hîlO'th, rîlrherr sud- ilîrChoirOrchr,îal. lu ( eonsd oo Lcers boout _________ n isd o Jriss asot MLYON GOSPEL CHAFEL 2n 'e 7LoereMsis droein 0 oI eyorsor's Building 1.1t, bdsucthpr- SUNDAY, MsAY 20h, 150 of, a1,00,0 osascir oatce-10.30 aes.-Sooday Shool. h" I iro 10 ook'oslilary Lords COoosliooCt îiug,,în esislh, a onong field 8O00Oro crro,îsg Service. M. liai Aronhregasto lookhdan- AIi, ood, oTor0ont ill ro nthertop hall oflhenaixlh h rira ustthe e70'i0message. J(,(lý sngidandwen t thrd Mosical ientirol uifaerous Jl.',lsoOldadiocltohir osh asiooOersoftsetitoos. il , .oîs roosîng double. DOorrt ThoidlMoay 25ai O00-WOe1' ec( opasMatrsosth anio in- porrasd Seog Cinrcln .l 0otaIOisalri.i.sdî 0 srayer and Bîir 1ihsdrd lttrr Iliras a Sudo. i Iof tatcgy. O,sldlirr Al Art W0l0tm 54d , ! o lalîer,, iilh 1thaseso .- Av, ri mthtolîsiot folIlrth, FENTECOSTAL NOLINBSS th, Ai on -ouothrîrigofrl CHURCH Ollrllut Iý-n.Foolsîl oo 4,4 HEV. Et, WOO5DS, Feser , 1t1 inelrd îrîh F7001,11gor- on erof Serices '..n (dForlitto'.soohirdioff i lJ-1, rron'ai 8id,3 80 pni OsoîrrýMeting. '., 10 dh.doohlers ..01100Sorîl O,,UNDAY, MAY 201, 1950 10 ,licsreond silo Naîte 100r- () iii oho Si '.,iîi'd Iohird s Towssirî 1700 p11Oiî 1 rîr lcý iino for Robinons. siogîrd Tîoî,, 130 [111 'o opropî'c 1;«Di.iis'11.woo'rrr 07111the ,,,l.i - i . nod Os shior gJrrd.Mýdoo 0,d, 801i 1- li, Or heisior's bd. Ainîilll ni ,frt 1,,n 1n711 on iîOî' hlrrybody Wlromer 00 00 1 -2 7 0ite TruY hoiloîlhtTnhyod 300 11000 xo33a2 lots". Jea. 0:32 0' M,,t,,103b: Oîîs.dtlirî THE CHURCH OF CHRIST 'Il Il Keno 101ci;,Scot c. OMJAGH 2h.b; III:o 0,T-oîi 'iiibîOîin'im7h0 . OJe,- SUNDAY, IAY 2010 11950 p. 0030 .c i c-OaY0000. I Miîîîîîîî 3b: L'î'rai' If l. 000o am Moring Service i. T 1 t k f Eî rI'Fi____________ hi t1fLi , 0 laiî'i 2 1,1101lii li 1,7,,ls'i II " - a- JSessions NO BRGa1NS TY=IN aHOIISES Na iaaaedlate prIcero'p la le alaht far hanes, aays Tht NInacal Paat Ine ceSthe za'remta MMt tht ather way. Cemenstateelt yp- m athad arallthad,piatar esalertalt. lsaaeher, eatla, hrick art helag eablaolod Se atrsag prce preassure. Sieeoflthemihaeesaed apten receeetaaaethi, cetad go hf aber. Cees if aay bey matertala soillho deose. Preasure la escaalieg agoanoeder buildieg noagea. Eaeptcyera are de- lercelaed 10 hotd the wage Unea. Ait inreaeyaanios havehtere- locted. Planhera are ce atrlbe Sen Ottawca and lhrealaafea atrlha te Toronto and alterhere. Olleer baildlag rade onsacaa ea lly rterasleed. REmployes afthe Hallarh grecS- leg nord cocepaoy la KaneaaCity are g0vndaya offCoth pay onth6tr biethdays. Weed Spraving kitted? Beaatify pear Item. Clea ap yer paetare,j Braie, ancaoern fids. j If Isterested Caîl M. PEWTRESS j PHONE 97-23 GEORGETOWN Fnl.-Sat. May 26-27 "'Wheso Willie (:inesMarcing DAN DAILEY Mon.-Tues. May 29-30 "Tise lastv lleart" RONALD REAGAN PATRICIA NEAL Wed.-Thurs. May 31-Jace 1 "Good Uine Girl" (Adat) JEAN KENT DENNIS PRICE "Free For Ail" ROBERT CUMMINOS ANN P YTH ACTON Sat.Ev es m 7pes Mat oi.oand li 2 pes. Fri.Set. May2627 BIG DOUBLE EBIL ORNE AUTRY 'Riders of the W 5jt unPilles", 2,4 HIT ,A fTIIUOLASKE l'las Shorts and (colan Mon.-Tues. May 29-30 1'e o Sbt RiA IMOT WaTIt C0OROTIIY MelGUIRE. WILLIAM LUNDIGAN Plus MarchohfaITiead liyteaCape and SCocera Wed.'Ttaars. May 31-Jane 1 "The Big Wheel" Starrîca MICKEY BOONEY Plue Shartesad Cotler Cartoon Ftayieg Man.-Tees. Jane 5-6 "Daugliter of ,jRosie (}'Gradv" JUNE HAVEIR In Trahntratar ligs1inOashliet 7an' 7ou, f0 2 adinn ,hildsî-o 5 hlp 75050r cîphooater and sait thoîr ighf bt. îoud ond lhoaths 5. Cono; r. hmioîa boil androok lodi,ss 15 0,05. or ooil iooer port 10 6. Boi ogheds in oeter Ion WON'T iIELP TRADE s.îip-usîng lfquoronly. QUESTION BOX R17o600 hat British sooifen and Airs. S. T.asoka Ion the Cnifoîcng sorsîrd maocfoacner re onntnig re0170: Cacodiso hoyent to lobe pon qual- CARAMEL CUSTARD iOr rith or do wtoîlbcsl ngesai O 107brooe eogr oh arp entîisan troantht CSancial I pit teilla Post: "Tisa Briish nidfCerece to 1,i tap. vneiUo thnCanaidoo mket le terlausaSe f pinh oftsait more waytan aon.The Canadians 3 egge sifl long resabtr ohal they aît MeIt and bnaoe thte sgar vety 'Ihia eqsetae-ptay.' and osec ofthe artCslly. cald telle and add to daya le the cst-dielaal-tutule, =h tht roandad gar. BeaS egb British are gieg tohteaotully sightîy, thee add vnzllla and ult. acalea Sa alinSethi arert.l" Hello Mtoîmkl !By esc' ycu aod ohanotht sogan la mel n etho haves.toohmd a borh of Cmsb aspan- ho milk, pour 'rry sloworethe agot. Yeu soost admit that il la ex- heolen ng. Strain, bttr" osar iig to prepart and servoethenfiratcis or a oold andmooeMsi ee gardroocargtablo oftheora. As i.Set ina pan ofhot water and trroh apaagstnoaonns short,ove akrosntli.ihn tied with a keit, 1 hro u sr t ilro hîsbt i nn-va t crnnes outs leoo Serve si ae itr cf o'ayscronaa soop, ras- e i sue "i,, esand sal.ds, as onu ana Dirs. W Rnîksh.w tcookLake' 0o, rooktd strtahin To roosph -Trosîl. oen tOchedehroîr teaparague fiscoar 041070LAKE7TRODUT ,,rsgmnovarios toppioge on the 2 lb,. hrla p10,0 hot ngrtahlc. Cip thete ideot iioproco olord poltry spic- for rfremreî loOroyousere nca a- e, hycse, omaoraoi, s000- cei4 or ror.en asparagus latnr, ta. iesavry, c f. Chrror Osîllen MelI 's roup barcîn 1lrt. of siaier hadcrirshas drppg nd add'.jcup grted for ltfiog old rbmnse. 'cop r lc.d 0151000 (n0t rooo- Celert' OScd Sooro Oetl1ha 007 ffi bouter and add 1107 ceernslod. ii , or buttero soîodms- DGar O Dpping--Mmt 11 rop bnaO nn dr ppog acd odd '.0 tîp. ganlo Sait and iscooer saitf. Dl a glaos or nmel bf ahîog 40h Hollndase au"Beat2 eg fsoalOfe for tabe srvice. Place Molola n h n d lat 2 mo tlletN in 00e 411h, tpclakfe olth aat orîko ooof saithand eo-o ooîdAdlOp.oa a dao dresingeppoeMîo tbin seanrislol o 00yenne pppnn, the.f bealS rso Ogte.toonno he Cup mlted buttenr, ddiog tcvr6thet op of the illeto one or abut07 1sonfala at 0e w iches 5deep. Place le hot etIno Combisn lIban. îmeo e lonotht reomon, 500 dngnees, 15 emicotea. 2 tbps.of ellndbs nd dd F7 . 10 otheîr cor ocootnr panoor the tioh 10 pre- this mixture siowly . beatng after 0101 thedrssighbrowning toocapý vachaddtio. idis, resos, the ronîr or thse al PoroirSa oiîrAdd 2 sps. finly - miutes.Drcssinghood bna oiniîsd pas lrs'to Cp of Holiie 1,heof goldnhrosooOServe, laodaise Sore.if rossileir frona then neoo 41h le MoshroosoSace-Saute a2 000 ohch iishahed,orneut intosquae siîrd onos in 2 theps. saegam- scico anîrîrs Ocnd rtcfov to a bot ino for10nois. or ctiltnde.latter ith the aidof apace Ohm in1 i 000 ondeneed esseh- îiîitirtSereoiOh Tartan Sauce. roasop and 1 anoftecilo. Add U, tsp. drsrd thymeanad hU tsp sit. (About 2 roastsue.) ALL-OUT WAR At 00,on Bit-Cut 3 siiree oCbaons MARCH 0F DIMBS FtGI4TS in1/jincs sques.oSate usaltDRBAD CRtFFLER-KILLER criîsp, sicrilsg orrasiosaalfy. Draina tat and poonoave hotcooohnd The Cooodîan Fondatou oi , bts on pamîn. Carfullfy oIe 2 s'oîîcorlîîo Lsrîs'ooîls ioooured thspocîinegamr wth 2 thomO, b acoc 10011tho Cotiodi,,tipublicîr. 070 asparagus. Spik itih crip ubs-itpto tuth, ft,,t annoof bacon is. Cnadian Match utof îlnof 003 Botrd Crmsh-Sautmlcup fiC la ol dalosîi $200000. aî île di s crtos in 1h Ou rp elmod dip- poalfora 'Fght Plio"'ciopaîan piog outil gode ro hîooo prîir leaîuo lthe0nat,00.This 1, hrarto- aveuf asparagus.100010--s fori ,ô70 oss th.t Con- Cranî Ma !Krlpîîof lgh rmo, îd,, and Cacadiati 0aretu oefit sprscklrîinsait andl1îhsp. finlct oiY au,0 O0 01000 O'r 00010,0th il Ch.ppddroisCOfor srvings. 4î,o4 ioipot od soe tison pr'1,1î11,Drmfsng-NIatI, cup kllir. Fench dressin o4sering otf îEh iî.'.thstoîd îîin. aiO, o 71010000. ut 1i,0f 101 algrs udnit ocis., coprt Sîîîîor NIati 'o top.bhaoor,>îi'îî ot 1 b1 uItthCrs 1lnîcroule fro lris.iC-o1e- b 1 i m i iîg osoil aod odedo -,nt ..ildadd 4 tOts ý.drolotd tii fIrý.dPuicipp.,ît ordfltCat- cape', and O2htitiss'1hI , i l"Diih oDinesdeooîîîot, F,gTrorîlîli Add 2 tîoeiy ohop- Ciîî.î," hfin t 1 he 0104 for a, pdhasd-drorhdgg 00's crOp" co,îîýilîîî.îd,iod ontotortd crso- iiilldhbacodrlOpigad sre!tOii 4iiîuhlrid th, D.,îîîîî,,î,. on aparagfoir 6 servngs. . hcis'rof th ildslor hîch TAKE A TIF l..00Onîî oe ~ î hIoI ,,Sh ii l'iid Slîl,'b,19-i<a'laîiithd'.î .h,3a ci 2, 10.3 ii5sTahs îiîl' i.î.nlD a-.îi iil îî l,,, d h . h c l tALUO FlOtI 4 etama" u, &t, A The eo thyrn os.A clardrobe. There la a llaee close, ie the hall; a bennes nîneet ln the - "" kitceeanod a coat los0et at anh s The Byrnea kltchee-dioieg om L ZT OI a eheeanl w eshop ihcre Wiows 66er the asb. The eqtlp- eeel a noapactly an eil-el- fciently areaaseed. ;Th.ra ler vnteilatin andthe conte la Cee- v eairaI to thetfrntaatae as, welî s tathe bedronmas . The exterio ofThe Byron lafin- lshed writh sldlag se ahiagles. The ION bas as onpant plan 100 bsp rofc'ith its e o irsnirc 1ation beteneen bang gines il a mondern appaeaance 511 mons open Setso a Oneraîll dieesions of The Brnn ahalL Thelsivig rne, aren36 feby 32 net 6incbeh" e h aseaseatare aeeved by innîsdes a fu11 haseeet. The B- atihale. roc's Ilon sina le1027 eqoare Cnet. nple lnaet space iathe The house coetaisa volumeof'ss fbedences hae a tsna î,nOn rohin Cet. -8..ROWC600- Would yoo pay ful nce f0r n 1940 Autonmobile evnif t'oern'ew? Be suresyaa are gtting advaneed design and not r jat a eew serialt rarer je pear ceearatair DROP IN AND 500 THE 1950 OLIVERS TODAY W. D. WISE FALERMO, ONT. ( Car. Na. 5 and N. 25 Highesaysl f OLIVER "B8" SERI 5hcylindtî 34pioootodnl, 300, rartor fuel, or dieel, 'hoîcn 3 front end styles, direct drive PT.O Luch s Club tive ites LE waolou t fin- D woocs In BENCH and 30, $109 50, ýANS MRS'- iyoon soggest Onîn, you oiill how a pur- O to YOUI ýon d toill go out of 006 fine ailohîn MAY 25th. lm pAam Fm Oiver Cives You a Coinpletely New ine of Tractors for 1950 OLIVER "66" SERIES 4 cylinder, 2 plossa eodel, gas or tractor fuel, choice eof 3 front end styles, direct droit P .. OLIVER "7l" SERIES 6 cyyinder, 23 plain model, gas or trartor fuel, choice of 3front end styles, direct ~drwe P.t 0 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION RASPBERRY JAM ml' D33 oAaT cLL-eaaaaa aà OaeeUFT MARMALADE Two Fruit" ' 27« eemitlaa--e5LL NaT 'o.aa PEANUT BUTTER %rA5 GaaEaaPATC-CH01CE-GLD N CUl WAX BEANS lI. 3 ITOMAIQES Claemont Std. 2 90» 27C GREPEAS ' 9c Cream Style Corn ~an? 2 25c LIBSYS PORK & BEANS 2~' 29c mE EL N RIIHCOLUBIA UFANCae IRED COHOE SALMONV 32c PETER PAN PEACHES 2Vý 27c 4 SMAeeradB eN, Serra -I haS iaR Lo DESSET LUPERS 21- 2c