Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 May 1950, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION obIt qIanablan OII4ampirnti MILTON.OTARO Pbh,d E-trTh.d.y Atlct'n A at.,cd .. --d c, F-ttA PlOtît sOBSCRIPTION RATE-30 oet - .I4Md 'a.U td SttCtdditialh SniI.mtPes Bah Id Mt!ane. dd .....h Id b. gi-o ,ahe.chage, a1 adA 5 - eqte.td. ADVERTISING RATES-On Appliationanda i- ai l coi... hsditts. Ailthgh - Ia oo m.i.. ib tisr , tmdd - , ThetChmpin :ett , , i.- ucm, don t h iti4 Mot be 'eah t..eat aa im0tptbiSa 'i.0, "' a "ri.a Mo t sb .li.h tead .Ctt a- bas. ne offiet. OaiA rAse "trA ,aa .h. m, tet a ^yo t jt dtnAther, . adbin tht - 'i t eLE . td0.74tE 220 e E D hmpoIT. ibO R IALlltt .-d- b"ri f e" ecos f - a .t. - . ý hý P_ .pie bthý..tdet-b-ay On, dons no need Io be remîinci the thar Toronto is sebmay or tube ccuvcîvus ae songs about the nem scbmay.Th st tors up iglt in the Ieart of thecitîy ar pos istocffcct plans to traunl undnngrou tubes ane the reasos gîven fur all cwnt Isaval and untdinnss, Toontu is thescn tub bconscos 05,5e becs amare f thîl 0ct did n pare thîs tube use iad spreasi boos1 strcction strcts domntomn. Wn haintb iouts in our Unversity Avenue loat meeb before me founsi tubes er, os pitl program as mli as dlomntomn. A from a bottin suer the bed gave tisem iours service for tmo cays. Tobes can e stomachin spite of al the gagging ycî op acd lhO, the ashîng solution sloganc tube do,, nurythig. Ycs, mies me fcedisg îirougistise atm, milk came os t and believe it or sot-througis a tube.Tc certaiy tub e csnscious. n our oms r call tise Imo yousg bousn doctors, Rvis ders ans idram McCaiium fer thie, adnp puttînsg tubcs doms peopie's tiroats. u, miat .5 Toronto. t snms Ioteb scmbiv lise for a grat trîtery Tisn staff arc madein u of folks fsumS Guelphs, Ktieer, Chnsiny and er, sîistrict of Ontario.Tier, r se mn sv iomtmnfrends yo andmw nv esio mubn ep Tosntos population.Tise on ti ed itavennoesiy s made in Ait piug fer utcrs),the riscnîk cdoenvt co Toronto isrds of ate, etc. bcoue Tor no pussurniansi ler cems Toronto s assnmbiy lise of tubcs andsits a grnor tisat muOns up bhis Ontro mtrepeis. Evrtorrai viempeints cenlsd te th cditorss ewn. Ours bus 0ev rathensi scopn thiss ek c e mn isuo sott agan frorte sculds nd ues n1j., ly bE pair Plat i Lic s via s liaIý s Therc Nohing n Lost Realizing that Highway 25 ha, bees a regular dscutsion5 in these colameis me thought parc.haps ito CII A a ltie complimentany comment mas due. j E L E T I A On Sunday vme enjoyed a pIeasure troi avec rolcto sC N T A T N l,sroad and looking beyond theostcneated by our oms, and taelle's nehicles, mie 05ain MMoR45,811 FINACE ()IL BURNER SALES & SERVICE famous, Thn scene Oscsne osiderably lise te construction on this higismay began non: a-înf-elsc f the, Ca-, Charles St. Phono 432J Mlton tor lise, years 890. tather thon hidsg the ainCimino a 4h 9iAPPLI.QNCES and FIUMES green rollng fields andi the beaotiful viem from- _____________________________ themountain, themwotbhttîimptovecand ad- Hon, OC MKisdccdived cfed Io tise beautiful scesery. sentMain o ald.d ntilogthe Tesmall steam, not yetdried bysummn th :oftJoie. hatmwound the:nmway througisthe green and Domniosanesibc ceebcîted freshly plomesi fieldis. Beyosd the patchmork ap- in Milton90on scalos.,ver bOcloce pearnce of this misgled grecs and bnomn the dmootcatiOs. Ayan g Oc 8ttaot-' freshly leafing Iees contrastes i mth the dather ion,,s w110e music On thec oood~ evergreenssand nom here have me tees more renon Mibn, 13 ato uHaltonc beaotiful countny. bad. Indeed, me mould not hesitate 10 soggest Thec Munoîg Post iS Ob, the tisat tourists mho mant t0 see a laautiful portion rat,, of a ocm dailypapec 19Ocb of our cousntry take Hgismay 25 ond at a liesurely cbhsOcd i aitneyi rate esjoy the smali roadsidemwaterfali ust scit uîis Latoc-kthecMilto Firbosd of Speyside, the bush that bordersthe road and omatr :rmps fcom Cacdonha .Y ir mich me foond th ttllium andi othwr mld GOîsnClub :epoted 4,000 îrcshp fomnîs for mhich the country is notesi. and thnesan pu tpbclin li Trssp od tollng splndour of thefetilfields tiatcan be id t. bcthcOest foodforctrout. sennso magnificently fnom the mvcntainas the s l:ý cvî11 oareI, ad No ummý,c roadmîinds stlatc.d conrnsets epair. Saîton UM Hglsay 25 s cnrtanly aroute ofVvigubvc etnsiblck and cvore,Se UM beauty. nd. H.d.dsp r 5c KRAFT OLD ENGLIBE, Teoronto tEmployoaooî î,noasesi ,10tliVYva rs A-o )nd. Tise I tise Ontario regioevtce decîne in ris, îum . r ,tomOup- h, rof pnrsvns lokisîg formworb tiseuvisNaonalu Tuie Ionth, Issc oftth, caei lois ery Emplovalent Service offices iss beens qut, rapisi oiiv Chss:ios f Ma, isnd. 1930 trsougnout ris, mentis of April. Agricu.ltueand ntavrîci cnstrcton arpreidngmany nnmjobsIn thîe ,ItAa eaiusOPublieSulhl, the con- construction ndestry, cmpisyment is napectesi te St.Fîuls ited Chcchson Fridan bes tmo contiueopmard to record leeis;some ssrtages cvcisg last. mao a conpletl tuc- ion last Of sblied conscucton morisers, particeiariy c. TOc taloigschooiî parti- i h o-brcbiayers. is asticpatcd. Thc primary ion and MoarcA Aeort. îownc, NLcs.Hae ongtube stelirndutry, most plpand paper plants, and Hario;OisgMct.J.Kikltt5d real2 heisauonmoble ,odustry are mnrking close t10o et tîtlors; Bolnges.Miltn, Bontc Foîaleno, Aah. Lîmestosc, racisvour capactyat tisnpresest time. Oemasd for puip mcies d intec oeedircerdhe ucnpet and popnrprodeucts isstrong intiscUnited States M- F.,Rsell, Torointo. Acnoa- of today, and tisnprmary ironuand steel industry is eopct pnitothealantsed choi of 00 efinised cd te continue hisîs:: 1,2,operations is orsi,,r to zchîlofesMu Mcton. Ss thisnd,,r mec rrise ce,,est iey domstic demansi for Tees Counreil: TO, Countemi dia- Toronto isesid dl 500oe lcoth tOc qaestion m~~~ rs ntsemns h01 Milton ia ta hase )rt Saun A CatiousStand1sveisat no grrat distant date.As pnnsîvin Te Stadiisut cvusuihsutakeneon demmd it:tic.e ardss,mcca the in nispecr fem oere and Stvrrie eninersCc.'Aisniitdo pcepone a te ispet tne semers laid by risc Spotan Cee- by, Mutes.ontacvi r ý oplsuctoC eritirely cîgist Wc edcrstAIîlsd t.he Cminril ssîtai i nfrtusateiy, the apparent lack vi neper-iu ildevueee lehave tOn by-.uo Sîafr, esîve uvcer tise frst inspecter iii probb'yJ'ressihchws vssedsonby lyeevry ii peple six sevnyasa ofitede eeimslinge r and Itisesytem des oilidesthot theremtiO esno nftseot work ,fficntymie iris seent.obepu.tncessitsto ace anther ote. semwellit prto heewl odub easra Hi-c Flvlcmy, SOcplot sf îles e solutionsnemiiodcbbnsPn Otaio Proicial Air orceha tOlutiOneeof dismay among tsntemnspnvpie. Afer acon-î,s enaisoitliA Spanateden of t s if derabie eopendtur nesir part for issmajor the Western Dvision. Focvstns Dme from îinstalation, tiesyîem carquiteeesiy enex- 1 usii:, o e Dcclot Luas a , tis e vced tedovaliisalis promised. 1iFos tAre ies, bc infchages ofi 0551or I ins ntveen dcid,dof course, that avis nes witb Sioux Lobut as caA :5:5 îms rengmwitisthesystem and qitc prob- 5uîiiter-5 abi1snnere sst ,Bt, couci's step indemaeding NsdeorlynSisit e Iis,ansinspctionby tb nginr isoeeof caution mAe,5ufodantr,lieiscdli:S li en sSccid as,îsirgcefeusdmseng uit hesys saofcaiy ile forOichensflevis ,onwrtý em ,t - i d bfor a damage is anido.idis in resturantsa. i. e a Cs - Confession dave, s isaci a c gar no .eEDITORIAL NOTES Thse Laamo WaIk * is butmtcîvetabtng acht eai i s a , -lb-. ThEBind See ThT Da o a Ai , ee cba e i *TheCaptives Are Set ris, 0 ,es:: s5i ~ -e- Iear and Sec A Ray f LigIs FoutBhiod the Carain ti aIrespect. THIS GOSPEL OPF Tecabordanit reprts of hrnaensedmar ir DELIVERANCE s ntissuesof thedaiis scatîtscLavefinal- i/r Cf,4 1 Ille-c )enrnplaccci anis a igiter pitue sas beens ,ut don ! ' 7e' r Go L.sOpel ý ted by the Seretasy Genefri te United a beiser pler ei::e ,nss.i-o --jIl ions, TygvecLie, mss basc d scserishesodd an esb a.5%511g lietsv.e c,,cTabernacle * Ilio mis is îer pnr0 23.Joisn St. rampîe Suspcionescf tacin AesMserssmIihavebe a, isied i tsi iii. c/ese - I F y- hngtn and aWashingtntey arnsusp - ainept fro n.u -,, -e le sM :TiissOcai,lisiesc s of Mes o- T, Sertary Oncerai reports ds pib 45ar e I 53 50 f s 'c ,e m*r m*iriu, rum is Eastern and uWesenspoeres are ail in- ýstci c anad if tis i truc,,cs he sc c G5,c.eOi ofireis,iesçs:.,ascs' door to a ncgtaIeA ,,51i5v.,oth ie Csid Wr has not bcen siammvsisct. Ecnu'iî:sg ,spor t r - ,is , - tý hosvta as nk and is viseicse snethce fir a vieisor teeeloger.ds condrtin sîsî Peanut BUTTER"llR2e 7 Kel APPLE JIE 2"ris15 PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 350 BSLENDED ORANGEORTA" IETIiq 43C ORANGE JUICE T-19e, 43o Grapefruit JUICE 2'imlSc, AtNZ47 S'A L M O N "Spee il 1LB. BLUEBAOK" RED SALMON 35e CHIC Tomnato JUICE 321025c Ayîuner sxrnV 4-5 PEAS 1e ALLOUETTE TOMATOES 2 29z 250 ROMAR COFFEE P..41#0183c CARROLLIS TEAS 45el 55o ST. WILAM'S ORANGE 24-0E. AND GRAPEFRUIT juR 2 c DOMESTIC SHORTENINO LIL 310 CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX MOAýHI .35C WHITE CAKE MI"OA' S35C FIE CRUST MIX o9M033r, Peek-FreanueVIrA WHECAT " &.250 DESSERT PEARS 2 'IN 27e Large Prunes- 24c Sqedless RAISINS -16c 2 5' z25c NADOR COFFEE-PG460, 81)c 1. IN7BABY FOOD T) %0N 5C~Ç il: TEUESDAY. MAY Mah. 1 Business Directory MMICAL. THE STEVENSON CINIC Phnes: Miltn Numbe Camt,hîllo Number Dr. OK.Sovesn D[),: . A. Painer Dr. J. D. Ocfloiy Office o ure. ekU By ApoiIre01. Sa.tdnys-Etorgencatlaly1. CampboUsville Office Houre: 46Ro Every wenk 'day MILTON PRIVATE'HOSPITAL X-RAY Cootnr, CP. ad Gaol Surg DR. G. E. SYER Physicien ansugene 0!flco-Jsas Street Phon No. as Office Heurs: 99 Lot..13 748.30 Pi. Coroner DR. J. W. MnCUTCNEON Puroor,' EBuildin,.Min 0DInt Office Heure- On.i; 1-4. 7-9 Pn. Te1abOe895W LOXOAL DICK & DICK W. 1. DOCK.IK.C. K. y. DOCK BacittecgSolicitors Brown Street, oppasito Artta T.1,pbone 4 T. A. NUTCHINSON, K.C. Barite, 5SolIoItoO, Et. Ofîc 74,111 o,, Chamspion Office Maina Strt-Miltao Tolephasie 54 GEORGE E. ELLIT Barri.ter, Soflaeor, Moine PIlie ofice-In Facoarpa' Building. Main Street, Hilton Tclepboe70 LEVER & NOSKIN Chartered Anonta00a Satal'orat t JENKiNs a HARDY 1305 Metropoltan Bldg., 44 Victoria St., Toroonto Elg 9131 DEN-TAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEKON Office i nRoyal Bildiag, Matan Hour, 9-5 Ecellings Oy Appaalîosent X Ray Scrice Telephotte 197 r DR. . E. BAECOCI< DENTAL SURGSEON 010k, e 0-r PrlnemanTheato, Night Appont-eclls May 0e Arranged X-Ray Sccr,îo-Gas Extracton Houra 9 ti. 5 Tel.phone 65W NIELSEN - The Chiroprastor otagloan ThcoPlt 7h Yearf Paatice 4 ayAttenadatt Mon. Tues., Foi.. 2-5 p.m W:d, Sat, 2-5 atnd 8-9 Pmo CI,,,,d Thaîtday Osvr Domnion Store, Geogetoaf Phote 150-W OPTICAL CARSTEN GLAHN Samcetalo ta H. C. LAIRD For Appioîtalcts Phone 56 Milluai TRAVRLLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN FACIPIC RAILWAY Oong East-751 am.daily. 204 p.t. daily, 8.37 pna. dail,Iy. ceep Sattday. Gottea 00,1905 a- 44:14.631 p- .daily, 1241 ... dily eorp% Satiday (lag. Sn. Goinîg hast-751 um. LI04 ga<v. 1,14 p,,, Oe:::c W-tc7 5:5-am 01: 631 CANADIAN NATIONAL FIAILWAY .itlg Nocth-75S a. G. iiSoath 7 10 paln Al .daily train service now resurIe 1 anlid. Th, -tO(ng a madin vatyin dgnSs ef:nOt iisthe Resis frst anneuncesi theim pian te stage a demn onstration in a hall loaînsi in then Alidarea of oceespses Berlns ire hoses ar, te meet fîtst atempîs of dcmonstratosian dif ths, r, un- sîccessful in quciling lbe ,amv: , Aliesi forces plan 10 sming imb action usîng tiser defense meapons. mhîcis coulsi endsin anytiing. M. Lie. homener mentte,0 Msscom armcd with assurances froal Washisngton, Paris ansi London Ihal th, leaders of Ihesn lthe, pomers more ready la takn any practicai steps tisaI might rsit in redainig inenaioal tention. If the Seceetaoy General rmet ilO the reporteds scces n Moscom thstuatian is on the roas Iotarepaît end tIhe pomined Redi macch on Berlin 970F sot be carried ou. tics of Gry , t orScirisS sDu1 rn canis tisusisoka mt or Camp Borden recesiti! asd fersn- cd Ihe Ccntral Ontario Press Assaciatios hEigit o er papers in tise district mrc represen.îcd Suppoe ntisssi suisi go io ris, Crdu5f tias" scoimns but mn do appresiate lise isquiro andmni kindsesses thatisaebeen shomn Il's nite issOmthisn tise csmstsnily ove as so nyfine friens---s --- taiib-sua:cutmi.td.bi tard 1110II. 1t......r. b.tagh c0 aS -tad ytou, blig- C. STEWART LOCKIE Court St. Phoane 73 Milts, THE PRUDENTIAL Tie mehly nemspapers mec, ecntllphos- oresi mies a sac mas namesi"The Canadian Statesman.' Tise first Canadian-built caro f li. soies mas ptsented la, George James, edilor of "TO, Canadian Satesma,", Boamanvillets meeklF nemopeper. fleinz CEREALS ILIDDY'S MILK 2'607e iRIUaz Vinegaru T 4e, 23e Ï'CaLVaL sflakes *28c Ca.vl 288's ORANGES, Don 39 GRAPEFRUIT N 96,3 ~29C Cello Pkg. TOMATORS, Ph1.23 Cuban, 12't PINEAPPLES, ech-......29 Large CEMYHARS Bnde--- .... ---- ...... 25c IMSH DAILY-Celery Staiks, Cunumbere. Mexlcen Oranges, Iceberg Letuce, Leaf Lettuce PHONE 23, MILTON HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING J. A. Eliott Licensed Auctîoneer and RealRestahe PHONE 17TJ bMLON L-ý- (;!(ýtn enameled, --n f,.ý 20 t. 48 Sc Sq . Ft . UF X MUL7 ~itSAT. MAY 251h. 1LU 00F di bave bouS cdu Theeebon&e alt paymnt on 02 beaauee afino t PENN,' EGG PEA STOKI Sove P Isl LIV Il R. S.Ada AIR C H & BUILDERS Homes BRai 558:,,, Kitchen Capho. Ropaios, Ale Insul ro PHONE STREETSVILLE : Ymuasisidollansta1 tIos:facton, taa, 5cftn matials dtaols ta POWER MOWR - -- - ll- -, ..- --, SCREEN WIRE ý Mn 7ow.,

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