THUSISDAY, BMAY 18tl4,1950 F. E. ELLERBECK CO. GB VIf FL RN XCES \ir-Cunditioin Ileatinig lSulilt-up )Roofing, CHRYSLER GIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE SI-MET METAL WOEK PIIONE BURLINGTON 3222 A GOOD MIAN TO KNOIV N â tional Life rsitie Assurance Company of Canada v 'Improved Service As New Addition ýPut [n Service i Soltîcribors Croate Sower Ser- vice by Incorrect Procodore Mi lton',tclph.cshais ino- p,ecdAcfsdcuhlCfine fthecer- cntinstlau tio f a0f Ou ftfh- h',d positon, t h,, -.huý,gc Bm,. J T M. A ,hic Bel[ Tephrco r,,ugerftr hfncgbon, dthbi ek. TeA exeon bghfh,5usi the n imber of sthbffund posi- moisfin e iationf atthe local x change- "Ou, mai fff i f tttf ,t'prie o the thccrfof a fffcb,- rouADuorig bf- perAcd ubc'does bd I ffftorncfu., 1hefooothop- of thNcA plp.- Pinsc'no al iACd, ffl, o>-a ,r. fccfgr n r pfng -ci, C This ruopof a hfpbldBoppcraouperte the neinstalatos ngrdc the dsricftoois 524 hour ervc. At the rctchhboad from t frt ta a 1ih 1e ml h te iiieitnf h lb.are"" u L,, eThfoput .Dut-ou Th opjon. r, eMoICyMian Rdb ad gg Montgomery, adRBetty Alfl we face la ct hrtc. Mt shpc>A A, c -Adng t, the frot inuffbe groipehp Jean Sales. Mae Booth, LiSlian Ftrlou. Ev-tht>Chaon, Saeuh Hrfrcer Mne Burlcy. In the h cc fA -rbrtfCftfthfluffhb,f.. , i Lb ovoDnaPusPalMowt Hln eteAgs F.y adMaronFord. 'lftiffg th, i-o ,eiei ff tbe hook tf Ai ff fi-n f ih. eP.,o, il, , , ffifplfAcd tt .. >ffthetSL h., andthcfS onttd - If fa. f fhf,ýf, rtf f f. foc f ,. hftf thef ff f If t- - . ,f allersf f it Ao ,qingff ',t ina , seflconAsttf fth,, fpctf f Afdhe A fffpff fc!f-dCff fa t> f tcp>h Tbf ],f. ff t A ,,kfh p the~c fThvBAnltOO " thffge A-flou fp fdcphffc .ecfclc I 1 c h f t oc f thnoA fh; i tc tffuHvonncavcfff b orc mouthudr rn rpeutrng telephrrer raod the irstdllticr of ac r-u' ctord hor heehe oederhIO erpred Iclephoe fc c hanpct.,fdhoeuaf,4p4 cr4 and f or uf ftheo tctpobuer SAur-caH the roiteh bred chovre cfrof ft inriotht: Mrror Buotoy. Sehy Mocot, floer Thorperr, Peg- ouichftnm,- cAv Aubuff1 .ltu~g.ýet-.tScn..h ctfPearpo- gand MefloothThelcalruffutoctsev adeAort>surdg M ltonasfelastiMltont. IdicdAtontf fthett>f fBtcon m.10 e 1ucul ecochaurge duoiog h pcf t>,n etnsivAc crfpcany KITCHENER STOCK f Ai ignou fo pfou>d, uBy cut u- YARDS LIMITED i lt for inA A> 0tho reeu GUELPH RIGHWAY NO. f a fuMffft. oitMrA Afp se.ýlf hy Publite Actteorere id. TA, c k. uh hft ilr-A Thor dttAp. Dpfnfpff -ptaf c--A hlureroofeus cf dcu. nos, but-, crcncole,ifeeder, tohep,nulcos- ,utfc, A rteoeeheu cep, huser. Betrg BourliAse tfob'ftheoftuost, ofsffmodern f00 ffûf f -fffcuftlfconrcfforfe2carelcds.TheerBotor .taecft,11 ,Atfpfnthffcrsooccbtngctbrone m.Fot ,ffffcfAuffht-ffhlffc.ýA0neLncb coernL-g.- cn uýdA to. fA of, flP ,e Bfnfl F. STEFFLER. Mcoger A.- pfcý,A d on ictiAcp' pfft Art Ph- 2-9671 1UCTION SALE I54 COUl ON IN, SON, AND Whon you tako ovor thse farm, g one of thore doys, you'il want to talk to him. You can dtscutsa - your uffans mino fricndly way, as I have done. And you'll find he knows a lot. He krtowa we farmers need bank credit- sometisr onpuft in a5,rpfff fsfmetimer to informnation, lie con guLit for us. Remember when we eleCtrtfied the farm? Our bank manager made me the lan. He's backed us up that way for years, helping us to improve our stock, increasa production. And that's what our bank manager la thora for-to help you and me Wo manage. H'. a good man tW know. SPON5ORID &Y roua IANK TAlLA. GRAIN AND LtICIf'f 9'AfAl'S. p P SAAURIOAY, fMAI d20"-c, One Applitatio IlfA1.3c0 eAff-1-ke ~ -~-c- 5 LIA BACK - f ff f1, MaisFleTeetb Fit CA,>, tH . ~ ~ ~ " -, Foc the Lie of Yoor Pilaes 3I 1 1IM PLMOufS f coREBOOKEET TISf AREK Bt A BPLfMAN>TS f--Ifi ef C..cuffffTrct-c f.f. EroîrsoîrAgerpS-ydOfff f l 110 Picktt'sDrug I-1 S UG SECURITY Pickett'slDrugs $ff , I.,' Oue Brantord 'Supertte' Rof Laughs at te StrongRît Windt I" S.,,,ffAfn-;ACf,,. 0lyf ~-ro No oct evr s c Brtford Stpertitc" ltes dcmcgcd Ion berf , uncc.AAof ,cffff>f t,n( S ~ Bat; -Qf.offfy uC- c, 60 At.n, cotethe mort violent sirds. Their specillock-urt design Oef cueuCcn Of If-g holdr cch si te rccorclp îheorgh arîthîe cirds thutbLice, flEUW cf-ffCff-f.. Of,.- Bratntforcd Septetirt.s-il ooiterotce,o crp ofro'tfit. ihcf ttcot liI. i ..crocc- bouillt ;m. f AbSITAO f fcf eoto._es, ooblgo. tccc.Flpcc I'cff t-If Ak. -11 birgso. -cth 70 o-Ils;, Larc u,- dons Istr? TAe-oOi H-co ufth lt> Ieooe. Sodusr Ruecofen.,- stoe et; 3000e Fcleuc uie C. STEWART LOCRIE Toc Wcgce, Wctrot Cheshterfel Table; 2 ut-oc Cudtd Shffh O Court St. Suite, Lr esignu, , w -o, Ph-ore 73 Milon Mehrfo Cbctofd; Chc ,f 1 OoawrcnantuofueodbSo,fOoBdIj o 4fcr..O-dr. Mbsuat> Doesr THE! PRUDENTIAL tfoooOcrnnLarge r-cff M r imstOhIt c t uO AMMos 2 Sutr 9.12: f2treofouto r.s WiceonForSacds: -eue> Oin ..cecatec.rr. Rom% uitue, Oah; HooccoVacuu Clercor. Steol Mofuf C, Chl' - o-Cool, Orbe Carouco; 2 ie CcphocndrS; 044 Tabler,; 4 Soob -a- e~~or; OEcdrCh ees, i E çrpeo Otoco roodeor; guccbîn cf and CokircoU tensleftc.. Ternit:CahSeffleereet oflA ClerS Don cf Srlo NoR Seeceras Farc, tSol 4 Htcdfry and Etilcît, Arctors Ph ïRtcehso r3 fU-T e f77J Mil te C. EveooCerek 40-2ec 'l,.hal il lo c, ftfI, f fa i, I. 1 cf i,,fffftf in. gfÀ'a cn thoo re-cet koprioce dosigc ccd thof r--, sciA Mornds cif loselp colore, (tise pott horne the 500g seccrity and cew beccîp cf fBrcotford Scpetiîe' Sîtes. Ark pore declerf luilder, or Boatford Rlollege ceceert office for frit icformtrcion. Eraniford Supertite Siates Brantford Roofing Company Limitad, Brantford, Ontario Branch 0Offic eod Wrohoosoot TORONTO" MONTRAL - WINNIPEG - SAINT JOHN - H4LJPAX Milton Lumber & Coal Company PHONE 49, MILTON 10tISDSAY. MAY 1lm, ifS ELE( CONT P~URNACE OILI1 C7eS NEI APPLMA PAGE six TECNDA MWU TmP rANADIAN CHAMPION For te Sobool Girl-i ffghft tfrougif the ho mrtfy urshfftgsrand ersy styles ssith refht -efth peff sîeces Mi blue, pick, gteen and poker Bf ryrlet edgirc tog. $249 CAr Prtce Reg. $298 Our Fie --- NEW tOW 42 Gruge. 40 denfer, $1.25 45 gruge, 30 derir, $1,50 45 gruge, 40 denier, extra erng, $160 Af gruge, 30 decief, $1.75 51 gruge, 15 dfenieff$1.75 FR11 l, ffflffny sBfufl ft !h ýrppuAluf poil >fccn,hblak,uaquuf Bfrown, Wf e, Aqua. OurPcice MENS SUIfS Ail WeeI Gukuodif pan uctIs, doekîr ffllffftd cerf. ne Pfufshauue 4 pIedts, fy, drop beft ferps pcchts. Ofues 36-42 ExcellStro$59 E u cect MENS SPORT SHI Mude cf u cotte" and fubric, srrfoued tf vent rhriekege. Tu', cuncettible coffatr-wif on and f oop f stene pechets uith ffupr f Nuuy, Wfeuand Yef pieS, ML.$4 Guburdinns, Wortef pleuts, ofppeofront gfe, greeer-ine. Sf f ce, g tey and rrey 'pffce .-- ---- -- Cf ttch rfI r-of foe SingIe r ersfed, out 34-42. Pricd Fruo... El! Cf Ryon Satfn, eupr S es 36-44. Ff ce ......... ... Ross Si Phtone 490 1 k