PAGE EIGIT THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TUSAMY4h 9 NetoneAIOde, oeooo oc toEARLY'S Iw u orr oi., - Nooo o SALES AND SERVICE PE N Y V IATtLA IIL eMILTON Poeo<tooooo OntEIiLr u MOLTONSECTION Fbonn <'19W Eoenoooooo EGSTOVE RUt1 BORN Buy- Sell-Exchange-, Wanted Thon f00000ow ne arn ed tenksne MEREDIT -Mr. ad Mis.Willia H W . ÎER toeteeontenc ctienAietsmnsudrti e g5emnmmpri i MEEDTH Mnood o cWtte ocpood t onco ttoneto ANtas 1 on thAdonteinnIFcs co odneetindogttOoIenentoe Merndth ear eapynete 000000< E Mone Cl 0ordnd Moee-oe S PCOOIO0IhWY 0 Ineiooooe oOpySn0035c m Doni n enm Oe 2 ode 2 Me iv iocofnoettf<LaineDie HarvWilimPecvlWe <Sf CARSc lnoenHoptal on Apnof 10h Mnne 0040Mnnn p SonetSnde.n.» paidieed vifnoton, dedeneuraneonneicleRoten SEED ______________ s e oreEdotieAnne.Mono Le 00$ cenvnte00eeneestdooo .Fcd Coleno seC a1fais end Ceen308.S$100700y. qulp-,Int,,l _____________ BAetLEt.Mn.leMdnMotCaWeeoreoan $0 o-Sf940 onndn- Roeo,. 11450 kKINOS CEMENT FOR SALE f FOisB as & eoood Conn -MRoe eanMsopn. iet-e la S e bray10088,a Cm- 1 Fond SDt-nno Ceonn. nde ULIGSPLE _____ 07Cei inoeeeng de9itn eeo onEnde Mn141 Fte ete nC. 550.FRSAE Ltaion 7M n FDR SALE-Don inetene Cieno Pt- tin tenni1940 Fend ODnnn oue. $650.Lime, Gproc Boend and Lth FDR SALE - eite RosIn--nPeenl OO nI hic teooianFondiCecooneotMrn CtiroienC Coontctphocjewen eFF 4 Pn e8r. Apol jlie, 050 tie MtRoe F e n dobsnes i MMontn, 00Fod Conch, $71000 ae.Poe7r 4. voeHoept. Clf- or2 enPie ebi 94TodRovrtbeMlbCop.FDR SALE-tonOegetotea e ne O t $00.000 00.FOR SALE Fon ChieoTp 4S1 o noed hies e. ten Sot,ie het e ecRNC Mnt W,,- nttnnnenn H e s errbe 4o400 Ciene Ceeni,$750.IslainL.sod osphoet-77n00 C. W.Spot-O 0-47 e- tetnn ntennwyd ctIetten todLs-e--eoSpote an- LexnCoieeLedgt- 04. A.F. &Ait 005 Fend Ceonied 0050Il wit funac Snin ntie Soe y, ApoitnieriedidtFtOR cAetEet eho36136 FondSt-dec.$000o00 ntPhnLIVINGSTONpl STOKERS calngsttins o ti, $50..Sednc eS-nMeN nRe on.d Se cOInedieosesseencee. Soen tlet te Mh A Soaotiheno ton rDavtd and TRUlCKS FDR SALE-Il5 ons fe, nthenoog g t Atse ton saenLu leneon e9et7Horoocelld tin tt-e eSl1y. WfedSielt SceStDS te -renetnt 100.SaIns and Service 1tenJoo n od Jooy. Phene-3833.if ieuen.3-potiee the, ge on rlaen, $ ynrdieo hni ei laCtien Frone 0040 Fenrd 14tee,0000'lie$'îne, 0 A Eote wtneoieeCeedeeott Te tinetd-aoteOon 140 Fenýd 1-0 00 eie$00000 n 90 A E 9eo1gaidp itd. Pntnn, $,0000 tonr etinesae, Clid n bithe s3. 1007acer Fond 1toý, $000.00. R" e1 1 0oneed ATKedo -Apl l teaoeld V. Sctot, Bec 457 C-oliein<9g3.1900 Fed %-to, $00.00. R. S. Adams Stores . nogntne 4-î- COLE-Ite1ovngnenet-ry o e ult- Mr.WtCeori sreted fisieteott Afotheee oeneien art-nie--iOR AE 13NahSdna- ltil .E l md a or - e HO E4 eo Tnaiel Appîto E. Zo-t. pPecen FOR SALE - 004 Mnceno eteo Mc ECdC IeeFoetnet-EC. Weil:t<i0son0, ponOt-Otactet- neen1ienocndo tSeale Art 2, 99 eut-tennehont-Onartotoe0000tDeeeg o otenTracernd: 0 14 p to -w etlt-p Aett-dO?,er 1949. tehtet-WnCt et El Monte, ncdHto m oI t-ptidoono pennye n ed FOR SAE-New MatO________1947_ordPanlTruck,3_ton_ her, ýugh Wei etSan Gabiel tas fr, b'.11..'ýp'.y le rangd ceai$100.00. MoRion ne. Herdwaet-,Fend Trunie; 1908 Ciene.Dot-p tnt-t-, Wnhcmet el.ep dit terrntte sued yonieoud- Pieone28. Trucki; 0001 Fend Ceue; Modot FeneCoooni noo o Ae wtho,I absheohnt. s jeel neutient- M .ReNanEWi.oElcs r eednon. ~ 00ît-oodegne eddo0iin fe edendnennoFotdand <ote, mdOocE oeh F. O.DoSolgie-hesetore t-etton dneece; O M<t- LovnARGENT erd b Mnn h are orotucs ndFDR iSALE-O 1 on Cd 0'îeote e ct-neon onteenSprnen, Tien Feotily. CHARLFS T AGN r,.s hn 2I.Cce; ay gnr1T.t, CAMPBELL-tIn ovng onne-y e oORdSALnE-dodoeoenc tnyDtarsoFodnnnoo Metet- Ckloit-l, eie pand Poonnt eooon ot.beFordne Motel CaSIen 4,10w o as nedi o pnct ornnh-IrleTe h FR .SLE dointe.n, t neneFngooeed oon rCiteeneeedn aWee MeonWedt-amentnteargeet-tCo e St ednfom w seuuavr oncre he-Mif Oc thoS t- c ooe;Ch oeepetpontteIhol g- %inl&PaseriiS nd & FOR SALE A-bWhite OtOnlCn oen Trat-opl,noeeetiet loient- ote, I Ate poonO n O DeM In < udon aei oSt o n < gonedo get-,nt-c rdp ono;tr e oo- hT aee eton eee omý.ite COt <00 Me enonceece hontoet TeIOdHneibot e ne , ~K A-.hnd. Mrepotote c d ed te n o mneessnortS ednn.c Vee1 S. cne ed, 0 Moo niete 15 e ott log ngt h o e nt-tec 2 onne H tnet-i hteoI oep eed tt---_neohLApt ee ttoe,_hen f e edi ninnd 2ey t en S rent ed 0A Iebn-tei Bru e M K eD.App n -nIon, CMa..onlniS t. uGnon1950otte A snes*nenntFOR SALE-ERcoie tn o- roi o m eit eiey Heloklir o e n gveler thnnboo,hila O<d Ht-.,s, FOR J.totonEo 00 n M ie o hen malin4. pl To Hesn Ph e32w JeesHt oc 'yhe petd wetoOt WArTeEDnDenedIernedledo Do-s Mey Otie. 1043.~~ ~ ~~ btototondt«c,9.0.Mo.toto adousttonwh<o ph<0<h000 A M Tonootle wsHnfer etee etePHONE4-3Wot- 3à0pt e rt Pnthone-L Ve . - eee Pen37 Seoeti e nn onhsom e tn t-tim 0000c" h 11 n n ni ofthon C tntnnnn o Te of-FOnhnR oShAL Eo Phee n Jeffn es EocR R.3i lt- n .eg n. î SAI'? leloo e nnnott oI Clubndnt h te codleotary thon Fonend Sdetehltt.t erPr, sAe-Hot1 one c De7.0tosf. Potn554FM2Ce1.t--e dno obed, e fthtMHnhtlco0,Coooo hteLyotodno, '5 lR.NESEAI FR L J2S, hdnMtiltoegnondont. _____ ent o eo odw l i k t eb ,n ,.he o M e nrooOtMn d Otd dOOWE I NIE.en e d ho.en I e tendien. W A RTED - Dxed ienen t on ce The eface I dnk "dp inP otn 30 c.ineîn C fln o e eS cd n oct- lnnclos- Wla. Hfierh Tneneet enoooo. toon e nio . otR. Mnen tiHetone, Phone Br*1 elle n 00ontc pehntntos307.. e B e i l s h , d , h o n o n o - fo n s c d e n n ncw oc sLr tF R A L4W6h o n-33 .O t P hF O R O O t t-y a r a e . s i e de,0040 d a d a h, .H, ý t obaoE PtoronO O It-et4FOR SA E-ho 484J eoind t ie et tn 194 *cn$avi ofMitonsudaIYEth-OOlE ree.Wss ti es on 400 esse i .oldtk«leeon ntHenOk.WATED - GLt nnifeelto: t oho-otndivntohoot th < ei ld. ,hoIrn,jvdto eoogrnd- Moument. et ModeratoFRDC$Pl-t-<t-0t-00t- e LeooO od00001tho ,Ioidrtohon dnn.eto otoon ,litr uc qip ewf eon s ctus, ttc. snn* ...eni Pto,-n,20peo Pioele.dete& gononMie Thtdoonot«ho totd th oCEMETER'? LETTERIRO s esnîwtrnît7Cdactiorns e u iute . onsoHm '55=OSSAP otlool C<nnn en 43 nOhtdnr esctrions1 noet hold TORONTO VISITORS I Een tetCsetsIITSCIE ING ad ooef ni. ek cechneItheny pu tnhr S0m00to ontoo 01<1<<t <n Pho'to n~t-Me n non& 402 eent-il LootetttOl nt ild,< PIIeeîON wORK AT Maire, & as _______1_Miton____ Ocnbcne dootoloton 5 ott note eeceTankI-sbueCick endehobph to 00< nbonoo on n143R,TeWn.ent, 3-S aNgir ORNBY PRRCEPTORY etE-d.ON, f IEEtHIt ponnco . cs... -b. z'Iý at onnn b n WAREDMoses eend C02honbo N(________________________ComplteLn eof SF5oi55 F1 ORnoho 0 10u0 l < ont n h< n none00<0Rt. oroto.onn tn O CAReDE FTtAK toto nIy litr bn<d 00-00susd h0< 79d7t<<Gnnh o Onectong ,5. . s e n nsrs h 0 10..<b od ndi In<n cor.n00t go .onene ecd <o b thon'6ot-cth.0<0<00Rh cototo ho non OMilton0157:el c DGuelph ntt<oCc N.<,<0]0nOESRP 'MORES SPEATERS FOR EVEET PUEPOSE P<0<0089,2<Mlton. 000-0ihol t,'o I 000 FOR SALE e- hon, M<Cteno, tAnhon cod oonn ncdontt Mnst Charei Peo anod Pc lOh oc ,ot Rd C,_ Il'<0 0,00 i ^_ý It nCNi thdtoot Apyt Voc< Mno I n .dc <Ion, e bnot et NonteOooot- la thto oi.ctnltfoodetodtOO o t..I<<oc. l YIO -' oito hot Photon tO <novt nd .00 1-, oril.N,o.p,-io nienoIon tieno otlot tonhnb ________ top, oino.otoW IWEoue-entEett-ton'75 înîeneeeîn<ot. dcoogthoot 010200 ILLSURIVEPALEEMOe ONT. 0O0 SALE-Rhonbenho Rono, I s ,,t10i<Mn'ou,e42 JeooneSt N. RotoC1i. ctho ntnoohment oo eoto hJn<ttonfc<o oobtPoo b oulob-1or heo coereF FORr RENT L eheteO to inon vdtt nntch ,;dtoonootnoKdo1 C-on1 Ton n ,000<0 PASTURE FOR RENT-Onoon. et- ene eotohoten onootacndCd Inn0< tontoiKcp. o Frnthe Lifeof YeeFaeonIntlo 'on di nob ctn oo otOoo Mo Raifoned<en o onO Son t toog, nto uee. hit, FREP SOOOLET THIS WEEK F0lSA1E5 Lk A- toýt oeotà o-oononIn nboo.ntocnepeefon ORSllootn.o00ne Mot 1 ^ïinç. ,Renoh.o botooo cdmi 100' oi ; ji oo f hhhotO0 o n « , t ehon hla .,1Ct eotet oondJ<toinon <ottO o MISCELLANEOUS ont;o'obn0000 no «o tonDrugs S P INACL A R N C Enri t l FOW S Nfdor aklit occ- sin meco.o'did i m ot he tte aotponyd o ________________ - Ksthon 0nn-<otoned.totodndthPhohne, MilAonDE6rI. Wnnodeo toibbo 00 _,00o,,___r_-___________________op,____ t1at,0Toio onoonyn ion h-nn o toI, ccd O' ev.Goto inThoottpti or the Rcomnootathmitld 00<orothotoP I G C L A A C 111,1 ii Wekv frfc -prssir o -Ip'ý-t l YLJlef peItitII'O rE N 00.1- a 0I b naidnbontJy. pheone 57<41 nt ie both of«lb Rob iIlcod onttootonoGtea dlt doi . loRSR A IRtnoige M i se t t o o1 ' o tt ictt < b t o otn Boogdn 0e otlonn o<' Alle<P oodn t oi tIf<rpy oe n A tnnpf< THURecAT MAT F rs on <O W"] DCL ESS ERK GS wn g <oa t Tm<.,,IfIol i, t 11rW ýth lo de hcoo o oo ol ea - HAT E ITO c tonton 050 o' t io n ofeRi nd edo ren Y t-t d000<l:Ete;IW ite-o- IN, II 0<0<000<0<G0.0re<t onîno thoi) hc M lln lu t. t ln ~- lt h.. <o-n. .toI oho-,, er Pholone <t½;7e9 <nrl N 00 c- tor, ard th ppnnnnehtol < on o f u t r n e A d1n b1,; ý ý- ,. i g I I e oedtheh-ehh0< , o ClardebOu Etoto Sook<of ,3 Milo n PROBnL , ,_e egbo-d lcet _________________INE________ ORSAE oulIg 1 , 4*.am Svi.T II le'Jol, fll,, wndhA<ptBoil to, J Itfeo d bo oo., -ddoreo, a i folUIluior lrch Sun<Ob fo l 0< oopooo f ___ __ __ __ __ 'RNS? ERyOMRPOn- ente toih.ndonodfer the O 'Yl1001 00 il fi o ot e tor<cn ioe n , vi aa a n uPERSo o Nc n Ab T ,nc.,,. ý il00< n tort on fnntno r et s M sss nd P""e'a"-ne-t i MI.Ato ik,,n tnn dhhotchoofwt OhtPredeuiiulVl chet0f 000 t t o " tof Ooth rt er I do nt et O H ONan d DasF RSFL1 4O MniIN O, m , li T r e T b l t er -i. onoay 5-6 AIr' oas, tr1e, aion ____________________heith fes; n, I idl Il n, a' n u . o P ' B H PE/nd oi,$87. dploMr, J. on - in daneron ohotononeF00 SALE t0otnt Rnd B revilies - <elde fo useinhntpo te hnnp The 'IUvi L ov r..Vi <oLc toto -.Cîcot o mot note ooe (n 0<0<0 : oid cettIt-ineilil'tLadin.les ooneet _ m ý,,kfrot Sn-; o th PII, if enteI-S uIIIadIU or000 anc Rd CCc'nn Aeiken Tinntthoo NIhonCe y ay1th l Mth"*' Ooo catonh 0< madthon <ltheriet 00<.opn e, Dt-. Mis 0<ThiALOOne! oneDocce OooIhoeod DnGlas,,De Moo ltho So fyotho tlono< hn o cltoI h Ot eo Fenet.Kenetucky31lFencep indcoh -nIr e t Meyl toIt del ol 'h 1toto ooenf one eo in t tne ths.e;0 Le'ooteDeeeMixettnnCeOhonOeWoi enpog Woçmt'vtlOn to 'Il-otoO t l,'iic h ote Sotothon- lettn tec Meonadul ens. Mey 8-9f 'U Dorosttic onfl.R tor. n eeeari Dooce Hob,d Snnd Cooto eepngwih oen eeo etpothoto re, gtWILLIAM C0USFEond SONS, 1J 1 i ollIbcnert-ting o rpcIt .0000 «0< nloobînod 1ottbnohooo 000<0< ' ' Sn 0I «00 <<., n<., oPtOottot, 'eh rit Kinp' h-o This.i.; -Set-nog i therieno loto tc 5 ýt- tton hostecne il St conenn - em ping dn day i odnotnhbusnees oflitt-onlgofor-' maeeaeOttiet-change. eedioclynt-et-eoton in Brot i cosidrin ino'p ec haeeynt aono- Crgteno liemot Seentoeon-otnoPt0ottt-t- oheltete ienctet ld iey tingacaeUdItgnoand ed C Hg tcn oien. honpote ned, ib lletet-orp nenntoonnwitite eTownshCiip. pnne.. ensoeeenennee totînt net-ecf ,Beeot nig ep atde -t-e t ny trend cedtp-t-coc hoe etmton do netteo o neetîp MOW$ LAWN POntES -Mot. N. A. Sind-enoe h o __ ky peneonolofe ueeldnenet te-Ne o<nen-ptont-t'Senotieeet PooustAeeiiOrn Cenedieo Lng- oenUon.DR nt-e ueeeg fontrn, ion Eceeor iend tet Stonden. tesedetiono Ioecn tîc. lîn- eetiog bandeod neenie, to e oeot -A metlnd dvontisent- oiteso Then Fnnotl Pot Tels needooe "IM l'o ataund ttas $ 1etd Il Sud cou cienbencnensg weelenteceno- denBgted sitS en-po "rI01 sd poaiton. Front ofcosi sent 1 ouunrtem uoICe.0 Tp ad lu ise tel hexpnoae blanorn-.e ck »c5--'s eelyhnugno ba hushnufttlns. Euas i-lebledo, Msd 10005 ec"r] ut 1.e9' i tp, ognelson loger, Mets" Tht-Stet Piotue oof the- ban Net Theruday May i1 WALLACE OEERY "Slave Ship" -SHOW TIMES - Ail P-gnene tantn et 7.30 psm. and Meinest 2.00 p..enlees oteenine edveeniseni Iuciee of seneelnon ebte e ne tea o net- ehilo saeicgs. MOST0 OUTSTANDINO VALUES 0F THE VEAR Shop Here and Save Saisfacton Guarantesdor on Tur Mocey Reu nalee MILTON DEPT. STORE Phono 112 open ThursdeyBosIven tIll 9 P- Moto tetho ced pnocend 00 EYES QuenoEtiteheHigSonop and EYE Ho. O Hoohonon eeieguraeFPets ight th oogie thon htetiof hte EXAMINED r, teen eeen SATUROAT Why cet plennon ee go soir SATUDAY thk ot ehnfonreat-el outbOn t MAT 13 fMthneSOep. M A T 2 7 TIv h od , i c o n e o e tt o e te c e 1000a.c. to 9.00Op.m. ihontarona o hned n cerOf- o 0ote. Tien teo,50 tne G R IM W O O D r gt¶; ayt aySe t h.zee Jewellers . 4t Telephone 113R. # u Mule 5$. Milton IU e the aue SEnt MmufftorfiNOVULW Volome 90.-No. 49. District HBis Provide Test fi NIotor Club Hispie Turc About 100 fnom 9Finish was Croco Test Mdgt cas ed o fteld da: aioatetnaoke PointtoetOS t-ho thenBrits Empire Cub htcld Cls iret 1950 5111 ffeg oott. Theenn tte i hetoie Britishe ood toak proeod teey coold ft t&CeO tien300-foot cottoS bir-einetenoe to sieotheot. nos thoc oattintuteo the nn Officiiofoe tthen club ood t test wioentie Itof nae ooti rn joot tfor thoe nofetl.t <n.eight enoll casent<nt-nc la~," lafedto dedon di topes na teostaonddmteo or <4 edjobs, ond theno toniftto' netntoed fon then 7ioeooopof tien ontC toott n let-enot ltig donjon ho oootoftaoeecnd. Bohil Todd, et Atdnneeot,w fot NID openeca wneIt o, oretoohog tien760 pend 9742 --nds. DorngeBPontn oedo, h, corsen te ightty 961 ',ords. 0-r 1otOpeoopl end tho, oet fthegottrng one ,ibbo p tone or qoateton bonI oootagt-potl epnnoott lateh ot-ptito oteeut 10< frooothneefns ie. Ittnee point ,e hten graent ed ae otd ltmoon tootinit ncuen cars 0 b0ioueno. oiid Inbaelo doto notac iergavetthe the n f on tien bitep. Otîtotof coaid cnteetente toto Aidetot, Deit, ltenon Huttsvilootenfon tiennenet ~e<oon ot tiennetotddofi tees then ofi ntncoetiens hae,I teid. It onchne thetpovienne l t n Thon SE.MC. t-tee teeedd t__ c ge tieny doidnd dodo tho, eee oo, Oc00 uit.Sonentieno 11 typesni heoaoe iented ton tenon of tooovtneot -oedC ,oeoto oooo potinod 0eCho N1EW BOOKS ADDED TIS MONTH AT THE MILON LIBRARY etl, ,ooho ointhon poblto e NI-o ntoude tienfolleo-o Hotog te Lonie, Roinen, Tht tel. ftbohe;eThon Hnee,n 00< t otonflict'tnodnnltnoth an, V aln le SnoBromfed; Ho OtoChttnrtoe; Tienrot et Co'y GefnfeoenDc Doeo loti and Doodn; StrIene Oý n. fof tien Mernog. Choti.,ogooCeetodctoof, Le OottoWotd Cooqonot, h-e.1.oThiseoedeRMonn m o- Nr.Modehop-oHo,, C S Forsern. thn Il.S. pooenne und010 ilofoeolsenod lh t(don hot thon ynon t 65 IIIVES Asnncllneond $2000t d ced n pient- ietut- o ne t 040< ey feonoon. Tien ton t untet uiledigSounne t Et-oîen nspnndoned eeon Yanbt-defoetgit tieheloz A egightSreen eedtien tes eengeSd. It at l fied tetnd t. ttn. Fiee t st niend en ho e elIdi n "elt te tienit ote ielt Vs t~n 0410 -4 Cç 1~ Il td tons' f j no-o 4