PAGE 1WO TH4E CANADIAN CHAMPION tome os oty but rot cmpulsori1/1000 ovelni- ed ith lcal parking and traffic congestion. Sfedies in Clfrfia siso-wtisot proeim:ty te arterial higismoys con ho a mixcd blessieg and fhaf business cemmunities by-pocced by nee high.speed routes semetimes reap stonisirg benef ils. The Seaftle Times reports tist tise Calforelo division of iighways made on exhauostive tudy cf the effecfs ce Norths Saramet f th ie open- ing ofa nfreemap by-passifg tisa? cemmunify. Tise freeway" eplaeed about feer miles cfstiare highway tisaI had served more tsar 200 abuiting buineeises. Average dailp faffie dropped off 44 per cenf. offr ths e eroad cees opened, but lise total volue of buai*ossn etie distrctien tie ensuisg o-yerpecîad rote by upproifately 31 per Hcu youcac 'elov svb flîrg po U, tac etures t least untîl murioipal or tiser eies become payable becoose faces are an a Il year risund project tiese days-evee if yoc dor't 500 Tise meebly necspaper field mas siocked ce learn f tise scddef deafh ce Tisrsday of A. V. Nlaf. editer oethfie Sfeuffoille Tribune and Reeve of Stouffville. A couple cf montiss age me met mitis Mr. Nlan if Bramptof regarding ar cemupoper matfer. He appearcd in iis esual iealtis and spirits and ie mas fac frem being eefsidered coeeofthtie eider meeblp fecuspaper edilors. He gane splendid serviece ta iis day ifnd his eamieofity afd hisspassif g iii b.e egretfed by a ide ciette f friands. TRHIJSSA*IMAY dIts. 1 Business Directoi CHJlmlLDREN'S AID SOCIETY _________ The Annuel Meeting of THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY of THE STEVENSON CLINIC the County of Halte.ou Ilbh md on thi.eeening of Mltn Phons: ub TUESDAY, MAY 9TH Cae.pbellville Nuieber Se t 8 pm., D.S.T. Dr. O. K. Stevezwo. Dr. J. . Palînn a Dr. J. . ialer in the. Sundoy School Room of ST. PAUL'S Office Hioue.: UNITED CHURCH, MILTON A.M. BI p APient l. tOIse lieuhîs S.2.. Cn,, e the unuliun Wetuee ouee- _cdtemneleOly - cent. Becefits te the retil trode mre especialiT WIi QatabanQiia ptn rked. dosenoTshhosecfdd~ e Sunday School MIL-TON ONTARIO thaf Tererl of isghmoy traP1 je from aowo- I.SOf fosse business district usuolly resuits in a better- SNAMY7h15 P.bihd ECryThSd& Aierrnon met to merchoedizing establismentts scpi as Actýieeias i ieoed ci.. coi. Pe.l 0..of depotmecst stores, grocey steres anddeliser MORAL DECLINE Pialaien. Ota.- uiesescoateriog pimocly o foot traffic. Glde Text. -Mys people ar eUeoCRLPTION cÂT-titi cii1--e- -- didcclceyed forckof ci iscdeg _e..Unitedac. Su. iiiti..o.. Siti et.*CI prciopally becouse ef the btter parking coedi- Hocco 4:8. ehc.oh.eolidd e ddu... . e tions and easier pedestrian moVcment.- Leman Text.-Hocco 4: 19,0 ADVEcTSfeG it.TES--Oi îpPlk-t--ile-i- -d- - - - - 1-3-10: 12-13. Ili_ la iudlie. Exposition - I. Sn Dctreyed cloascdsi.This Cenerns Everyune the People 4:1-9. Alhecih ee piiein bciiîîIlI-ki id ici, The i. _ accI niîd too-l I tescurret boge detfafdsof the railbay Th pcopht ls setiseJhOoh a-.e n thidict.igijtih!.ist_: .nP:1Ilh hoiaae oi .eyero,oi ed"Yic.'iO"" eoli.hef m orbeci vie have o dispute ht issof dirct in-te deal siih the ceople'sine H h,e.dcutrol-iaciefofeiaà dl.rti..*.ti cne heoig the "wdeof the recoi.ied e in wiioehothi .dceiiie nD. test tae cees-fciizef. stafes Thse Finoccial Post. Locd"Ilai the period cf Iccole tu1CSet.iheiiCh.i.04 uh.cfi. dee cil e Tis isisethecauseiotfpeple haveoa ise ceost -fofl deulic. Thce mocal ciriiai.lil notdlnehiin n cti u riwetevie otie aus ny iecrease je folrcof the people oefue the ihil ooci, i i07 ieroi.ugo oid leite Corect niiid hericsbuebcas T, io,,i. Ifaillie .hall nee scid...ceà d cufinc cnd, ihece cccc"ce tcofh cciiilihiiiei i hdiîiliis ageswll haveeto come outolffte apaers a" eocccercy,cecheeccledgc ofGoed ecciei y heihieeiiisro eisiiiI. the consumer. in thel]and v.Il. Tiscpeopleoarrc thibole race ccpilhrc-h adeiiinen. .a 4- fir e cio c oie l i O. OLO 01.2.. f000 wiich these nw .age demnds cflbem "illico". 'flealincO eed ulc. Gtci . MiLe CîcLEef 0crme. nefcflowi theothec. Wr c -5Iii The Canadian Nafiol is .lready reporfîfg suis ahandonc lchs, they gecol TELPHNE 20staefial deficifs and fise modest profit f e isce cre].Thc ecscoledge of 004 Coeadioe Poific wuodef popmore fiae a frac- l'Je 4- 22, Toc. t 43.402:M1c3; lioneo e ireose sougisf. cest ho hc ept higis ehec thec r Tieraluy wories kocfieir demads cerelgosdtimmral hverheer olcot rm iecreased freigisfratesc.soov-wy inoafuti.ecommieceArlife. E D I?[O JI. L Suh ceccrtintaciclg teisffor Dogn Dît Lent fire Too ee tise Cacodiae public miicis cill have tf0 aO5 And esocm"Evercy frmer heemc hem Eves ie cd s seem t elo cs for thier dollar ftsr e sstfc bc ia oit fise depedcclpcestPrc ies taiho, en ihseedao sehrcbcg vlces ond reeig raic olraumions tecaedolloticceya ieîeîsuncandciedeidedcsclland scia cess Men eyas ago tiseocecal lerse tee tAffcr iseeOaldffcrdee ac malwyoe Preci-ohecacbin esred cecc iadcoLl fise te canines 36s5 doys cf lberty. Tien cf ,Acfhn oal orocwsmaei. ý h aethe cioes hacf Poc gaVe dent of fise C.N.R. moey tiocghi wams cquite anoe Ifce 000hecuarc c pcccf Pales- lofer yeocs fie doyc of freedocu, tise tue f tielfr200 esi po fju tocffo mobe intspectioneof gorbogefrecs, hy- hocor. Tobîgfie trble ofary bigconere on met uonethe landisecauocof the drans, tc.hav bee cutaied rom ay ntlcees socders. o oafisocblecc chb entiese doyc tmceal ocndpiill tilcce cf the ceilPeople (Jcr.4: 27; Jcel1: 1013; September. At leot tisot s tise lb tist every orconsattg obreasovever i-owsan u-A o-c-e:i2;pcccr16v.Icarhl,.idc effortibsocbeev made to itprescontise canie ellnglb e e hae hrpeoecutselle e T is, ei oe :t i 25-2,rPcvta10 minc ad adlso thse mters of dogs.------------hh Du I:2 3;Pov 10 le tiseodaof ieotiful grdes oacihomePesosMa vig2L surtoccdiegc and feveelece pecperties tisece c c Ulecs tise peopleeoftotday ccv as tisey go Iscesc Octvs frdtvlcrisvf esrcirgeesndfrfecfrcgs nd octseruvdcvettisîccpltl:rvt0cvs tlvtheirreerclice f il. Vhee mec curtailmevt of tîhertîe ie towvc EEvetentise tîce, troT coeot isave pensicns i tee r cld cge. e-uth:e10: îîcsledge cf Gad vh-r fresg dictricttise dog tstmorrbeoeînmoîc ie cecloreecTieScece. 1-e hus rpîvs'î*etic1y ode il av unwatedendtifctistmworyicg seep moy Ilis houe tiat paymets of vey0idhmst tisr uiîl, tv tieiseercespeci.llt be dispotcised mth i clvurgument. k1ev out of ccret prodcotîc.isetre-vîfbisrv gtîte They fu:- ise ev-rve1: Trocuble servisctc o etist tise dvgc are scwccu odqote prodccton cf today bis eievvmode .3. 4 7: 5:13: Mail-7:21 22). f0 cnevstovd tie oms avd coatise tc gveu poscilebiciy tise savgsof yvterdoy. Nvt vvly :Tll.ýoI. out1 lerth,1 v tilrc give tv.t1 e isecereof Gdigocc îieirîisrnisabitsmwisîoisre detrimentlt lev cur outioîtc o cra'n 1iý'th uIrîtvs:1If tt:vullrcatis beauty spots ccd tvu9is ov goîboge collecticn populaton, cv mut bcaeote a 011 tesosg 6h.cll:îso l: e iceve crdvetrcîtvetves isvvortsedysf sceisrcfldrOPe O:ichsvîveb-de-O výnIf ic-O lb: yoc leyor dcg tfisrst tvbvcp ittclcse tc Itîisrstîeatedtfisalttiserevareeigbit creeeS ::tseetseeîv:revvoftCloît: t ou alltîeies, Uvtrtvonllyeo crgrtyou tcdy for ecperson voettyfîve.Tev yvas ot: e-: cl o chinvcanv 1:1liý ad iseslfivcalvtcof troublevbyissîocisof froct n0mwiseermllise force eers lotro i()"' sbut ilriil Il Il- 7) cnectctodtg ofvodrntrrendsortyourcrlss- pcîvssvoessixty-five.If allperssvrs'xty 611-7R fcss or asminutefivecare tvivvmadecdepeederî olpoît publie and Inthtt1tetednvehat::t:%ortIcI Hs toxcdoesn't llom clv Io 10v at latge rîooe pnsos,c of h reettig h tOfthe direvol is J.btettt othe tvese doys, The vso;Oty of folis tv is dvgsaceouldci edov e oaopisysiclly and mectetly fit Oesevtt.: ttvîIt:: b tot grtotntustncerspecialy ivsortnerttttlt' occas persv,tis es of prvduction must brgseatly t Goeod ,,,,,Id t:.::1tet actclctttoitttesvwi. 1o, f you scOlly ltke yourrtesesd. bhttlodctte Ho, 417). TO: oooîd ttotbltbin tttthurodI cog oocIllihav te gvl im mvrcbosd iconc Pensios and moeyvoagic wll otpocie11511,idc, it04i-5,., and mrrcf yosbcovporttOshistPdurngtheîirciys tre cedof temcttbcts pevsivnecs. Tvdcy'O ,jct,,d1.bhoahb thýo, d ,,,,k u-ienrvIis lbertivs ae utcbottalvd.The sîgltr cf ecpetîece proues thot infltovn1-s so lomered Itîlon in vn lotn, t: b TII voffldI:::::v: 1ise tis: edl,,,s:d dogc sr e grîtg fevetr ee h te, boesntrisco the voloe cf tise esvsey soeed by tîisfty peuple cvoaottttîi k 0,: sclcsttobedtoollum lot tiselrt dl gr tbct esvymic o d peoved for Iîvlî v tc:eîtieet411:: roiestcmfortar o inovtvoo::lmovat. :,ftt:ettbte::ceandOttltievo:tt Penvioncontributons rmusccvstîtcte à tOcif- . 1 vill be te poIm rteso, toc - Goos, 5 1)is, e-teepurv Reefiies Ae Dageos ficient esereof captltol0csueoadequte pro- tîhesîIsît lo:ltrlit sine P e is o good f serd f the godoetîvncots elducto pylie pensios vovtisey cclledue lrs hudcj"rtre thtie gtOees.ot mvg up ovd geltîvg eodi' fus tisr rec esov but, or tise puystests :in dollars wl eîetbe,.Gdey ol îvee Hssv lke all drastcreedes, il cavulso be bused 1Pesons ca e prmse inv ovy aorut of ltths:tlu'1 riert , ilulas ta Grass fes sculdoalsolcvuwtbchdîwtvbucr roey ad thevoveyboeisbe ps:ted rlu puy tulîemcvv.deesansuvielrcs araylocoalîsie-f fîcor hvebecv cailler] tc tesbiut pevsiosOoevcî be îîuîy pcîd in gcvdsc ity0cmc:vce:utheoyboytt tcvtis ettsgucisgss fins cibiisd sprecd bcyoed Lemiscvrvr lt isire tisccovtolvof theposrytespovstble the pensionisurdev grcvs.let Onetisevil l: est ]y* Thiss the ttveof uvotviscv olci ercis j H. t::c, tt6. 151.rlts rcsovad dygrss is ceuredomayovndisureEDITORIAL NOTES is tOce*,,.n mise tehuver th, Tiee siouldiernoccrcirvepoitout tsot destruc- vord:ves,13.Thr tothtul f:vbfîrvlusitsfOvOtevumeî S Rodsore still broaisîg up bolyoastise fos,t,,nooct u, h, IIIv-lise ewl l tlatocollectocvofcdd popersoroxead tise ltisrbecsuotiluei M isclberu se utvtvith_ eo:iIb e,îIteesTise ciscoredeely thechcosemtfctfultsrg prgOror - e ot hegoldv:Mutehveer :qu t:er, lods arsdîbthOr seledc ig,siouldise doncev: tirleme caution, A ct:::: pluudgtet.Of tvesili:c:ceoclo Y1bcefîrr cf t55 o curp ulest e wrvochec cost- Tht t .ters ckf odjustvrvttol doyltgist la01cereirtc: 1,010 y.,sngtimrondsnocfurtlhtrchangemillise re oet,,elt: Im :21).duetbeo ha, Te dongeof:sps:vg:se r wisoisgbits of euîdut bpeîie oî îîoue t u:vTîtî"l l: oiu the od floeig dbrs oto ofs ortaogtde iings cossleoog u:tb:usuteta:tel u ,PIt 103, lus cereocie oerrevphisud, Kepon.eyetonta0tttste sie::,l:l cre-il ThroghHighsnays outyegsisdreluttovsolv luttî tc::t , 3 dcoes "H eccescury for isgiscuys lv go 55 rougis tise isus------------ ceo clc tOpOSa , il resssectionsocf euctyccrsrruvty. Ifco li ocslstisolrudtetlooe a d eele:(2Corc5 10)1 ceesmurîliesfbel ittc ooluotagcous for tirougis tibst doyto openrtsefiinsvgeasov StudyTeuu::rc msaitheise :hfl cee trfft toieseootîl-e>,l rclilî:ths,- t: île.: : tv:rflîitcitepise asls. t and Shelled WALNUTS v-'-. * ASOPTEDAylIDOr JAM 26js25. 12<OLUDING SWEET PICKLZS and MA1MALÂDE NEW LOW PRICES AYLMER CORN FANCY GOLDEN CREAM *IoiL15C C1301CE GOLDEN CREAM 2 T-N'14e CHOICE GOLDEN CREAU 5TIO' 12o WFancy KERNEL TNJ16C, 2 'T25 VACUUM PACK KERNEL ',z* 15C Aylnur TOÔMATOES ,-',-14y, TI' -12V2 ALLOPETTE TOMATOES 2 2TN "250 NIRLETS CORN '4'[N-17o GOOD LUCK MARGARINE PK :360 Green Glant WAX DEANS 2 1-207 Rurford PEACHES 05O 2TINS KELL..GG Coraflakes, 19cg12',c CARROLL'S TEAS K.-3Sc, 450, 55e St. Wlliam'. MARMALADE JAR 27c Nabob COFFRE"""-46c,89 BLUE RIRDON TEA - -' *50e FRUIT JUICES PINEAPPLE 21-0 S33o BtENDED TI43o, Titi 19o ORANGE m- 430, -7111-19c Vlctory "' PICKLES 2 31. HEINZ KETCHUP 24c. SILTJEAKRED SALMON ý-IN35c nmz KIDNEY REANS ll -17e HEINz SPAGHETTI -UR2'T'ieNSz 27c Romar Coffee B42i1-l'B.3 i i Ottawa,. ouI be Unthe us speker. TheBriarddofODiccetcri exedaordial invitationt. 11 I zen wn aeitercseinde t -c 0f Chiîd Weîfacc. WM. DUANS, President GeocgetowmeOntio. ~1AWW~' FTRCIiU P1~SÇA2 .,. 0e-c - 3 1 9ýýRAB-O 'tomSi ýCLEANER os14c Thisascae h Oa i c:cndia SUPE R UDS Aves Campbell rere t thîe eu- fIeiS UPER SNI HT SARP 20,163w M nfaurers of dohi if olue refeci o t hc iceshled Or* MEMORIAL ENGRAVING Uies wilh îu-îiIscocf and cul of SPIC # t fl 2309, * 6 ae t orhGL shich a repeat emnantciecoi oie Moxiti..176 ~. 6 85 INM.GL coved. The thicd verse huî i direct ORAHGES, Diien ......... 5 IU.EPMONZ SMO efccciece ic Ieeoel. huât b la wYs CliietaS'. itruc foc eiher people. Tfuosee 0 ______________ follece o te heco the Lord,"Ibis ICEBERG LETTUCEc Rauli ... 1C _______ os, thoe wo edevoic Iheuneeleestote Ont. Lb1qA 1.-e the heotledge cf Ihelr ekhiefs COOKINO ONtONS ........ ... 3 3CJ.A lit 1 Hb l :ch. 1)2. loch awufou n Sd îrne, Ripei 1ihe Lored meuierieg peovldentiut RAHAHASu lb . ...-- --lB tcne Adn«& ilesinse.Thereele nochtfng oee P. t. . Ni. 1 ed Autâoer neeeded ihue thîu tcdap (2 Chros. 7: POTATOES Pk . ......R........t...e ________ RESN DAIL-Leii Leetti., Rishes, Timitiose S~iSdc 'd2i 7. Ptans shown. clt foericoice cn-, Spinach Cault.t Cauliloe HNC17 struelion olUn nîdiaig. The eoof i; e.eered olth naphult ihsglee. j PHONE 25, MILTON oO nlijSDAY, MAY 4t0 1100 S.A. FA Plumbi Shee PHMOE 20W KITCHENE' Cd 4-6 pie.Eveey week dey Thursduy. miYTON PRIVATE HOSPITrAL X-KAY CoroerCe.CP.. and Guol 8 DR. G. E. STER Physicen a"i Sueon. Offle-Jumen Street Phone M n.3M Office Houe.: *en.: 1-3 7-820pin. Coroner DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Farnuee' Building, Mai* SIren OMMte.Heuet-9 sa.; 1-4» 7-9 p^ Telephoot 2MW Siedencet 3W LÉGAL DICK a DICK W. L DIOR, K. 0. K. y. DOCK Baccioferu. Soflcior Brovco Street. oppousie Aeeou Telephon4 T. A. HUTCHINSON, K.C. Bareistor, Solliciter, Et, Offiec Next DOec Chami on Off. Main Sree -Mitoni Telephone 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOT Barrister, Solicitor, NeIuey Pot Off:e-In Faciecce' Buildiog, Main Streeti. Milon Telephoe e70 LEVER & HOSKIN Charteeed Accuntantf JENKINS & HiARDY 13505 MeceepeL tee 0ldg., 44 VictoriaSt., Toroto RIZ 9131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON 0ffice in Royal Buidi, Milob Heeus9-5 Ev'uîî:gs by Appe:etleceî X Ra.y Servicee 'elepsece 1% DR. F. E. EAECOCK DENTAL SURIGEON Office Oece Prince«n Thoari Niglit Appcitceeîe May ho Acceeged X-Ray Service-Gae Extraction h.u,se e ie5 Telephoe 00S NIELSEN - The Chiropracice (& DregIci.Theilu 371h Ye of Prctie Lady Attendant Mon., Tuesf. Fri., 2-5 p. Wed, St, 25 and 8-9 p. Cleced Thecsduy 00cr Doeieien Stere, Gergeol Phoee 150-W OPTICAL CARSTEN GLAHH H. C. LAIRD For-Appoi:nteeetsPhoee56Mlm TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC NAILWAI Geg E.:l 7.51 aoc dily 2 pie daily. OO37 pe.dailY, ecclii Sueday. Goig et-l935 aoie doly, ES pet. daily, 1245 a.m. daily ecO SuieioY Gu:::g Ecet-711 .., 1..7P. 924 p.M jGo:s:g Wsî 935 deiy, 0.U CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY s.îvg North-7.5000. AlÉ NR.daly train erice ccc' scieed Ilustreted s MODEL DM-90 Hus 9cu. ft. food stiengu spece FuI-Width Ffezer Chue i Pea Sepef.Slougo de Ne 094o iPciitliiu toit stick-up Hydtirs Newî Chili Drowe aSîdng asket-Drowe toi, umîl I terni Wiserevec poliven- misa budget - b. sure lu see il 0.eth fo. uurneun models - l00, Nu. 1 chulce is tise Manni mIlu "UV 0itW0:::9