ON g- LU1 rîl eteap. tee thseo Smed sUce» gaeulet sale. etSOe47 33w. 4-4T- Mcormaici c W.D.t Me- ter, em 1 % Tacter ew; setors; 1 ton k; 2 Ucn 1050 Otev. Dsmçc re; W. C. mo- e rtrcter s deliese. 2 te, cr0. 5 tac; S coed a; Feeguso terso frc - cle Dagger 'son, Tracr- tilees ltm 1- ; 195o Inter- cm Fer lsa ste delîsceco. pose M3W, foc gescere .cscyHotel. cetatise ftoaa ee Rod esCr arcn Elizaeth Office. Cnetl esT. sheetteed ogers. e s PsaItrY est k Morttyx Mcl- -r, 402 Doser- 32-52 iOPEN . prefealcet ectosecal t- -eces-et ()P- e, Ocees s-- S te0 ost cds eco1e-t Mates- Lis- OUS ING )reces-cic-u 157rtI. O O ed and c-oSk- cmes. 483r2 e 'onescial Si0 tSewne acd kids doeeOd soter. Wcddisf C. tprtss-ý Ladicg rac1 cnd se1ct s-s te, ptosP Mi t BUceps tae S-T- NAL PMENt -.tn5 ton. Tes-Socml btlcto foc e.toi c ceaitepe tac. gts yst ose Molto ttc- te- Pl,~ etos - S-Ots te ~oleeO ci 90.-No. 48. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAT 4th, 1950 tigtt Home Peint Pages-Six Cats lssealSchedu ,esOO1NSTRUCTION GIVEN 'g Correction Liqiior Board MILTON JUNIOR RANDO 'Barn, Contents N SQ UAR DANCING nsru tiIlN IRST CONCERT 1 AT SOCIAL EVRNING c ntu to Asked to Reduce SINCE ORGANIZATION nalivu LtUagnu scIOSetcso cetc e esb b ae Bnquet Perrniit's JaocSeMlteo LsbyFe c icaldantceedinstlpctof Ms es, C.lKHaleso eestytce atade Uoitd Oc Milomidadoil tace Tuesday ivornng Have Been Drawn une h edrhpo m.C .Hlo rseein itnaswl aea Steesoeet tetomoeofMr.eand'gCt b-tm tT ofetheUted eoppoeetu ctt fearinscteteeSogses 1 Me.Herold Melle lst Fstday. 1te e nTeda iIvril hl hs on epe aeMd 0H- f ate os es îtesmdiat, Mis>r and RanI- OMe Smo doms scl eopl- Inspecior Mates Report on Con- me itO2Iel.C. R. Aîbeîgt,.Fceeltoo hteeeyogsosl essne 2 ed fCse oa os ams snaion aal aIoog rit aotteredoes edlts et- aitions Left Ater Construction II ie ax as cOtiStcee. e. A. S. Peexa, c-estey prescrott teee firet con- Implements, lFed, Il Association leoded the instruction le dsec, -Tac Rate Confirmeal ilS Ry- Theft, Drunkennes Lsllo. odct oly ss ees T 1a-c e of et to hllee bailo~ Id ooso dancing. ottte popils La-Ruilding cf Central lenf.gscoootdsosi eiet oec ts 05 eol e __ colwn egh eso fed edots cjoyod th e e eg le- cinerator is Discusnsd - Gar-In Cou toCseset r F.Mescees Applety, mas es preeioc traningtintand Inute Frcof ueteome oigeecomplete- oleecioO c leoguty tnssit o tet ihi CourtheassCases o cletedotormasofor thse ceaI con- and a laseeaet t e ogeam ,to lte ly desteoyed the tassea tasseand ait teste lagtet aogroe e lo t ceof oo ars s ltceiaces on. iage Collection Conirast -fereoce year Ueo. Wrn. Dlvesof leeseted tooday nsertI giesoe ethe cootents oce c asse et Norm-- oc MoOgdaYtelgtt, ageceet , o s i ac e it, ete alt ,ed e s l- Amardsd to Fred Johnson Four CaroteUlletetesesiloe Bracnle, eed Jet. Tcccec.Fcreltec indicaticofet emnratetie eceteetsaosDooglas ttcco miles ftta eSpey- Mi0ctin fth ailn e oitt tcsh ecdanecmune.- accesed a $25 fiee and $5cet Co 1950 a oAs ccain hl eea teeistetuttiontaltee ecaec ce cescectioelc UReo. C. R. ReSet Wtetatoe e tsde e sdcoe to o stc ce Pe ate sett. t d e r aebl heddrn ul as teld on Taedayeeil-ocf taiso ttd ie essormeNoleurmilonsAltightt cd Joto Dcomscecd, et otaicceas cfte ftceoncrtoil te oteo Mr.JamestDougles tormer lteaded ty te ssidee P t eecfs te tî ee g. Cocelltet H, r. Wttomelt, t.ocrt ees194--t. t efatoft tMilîgeoce. 'oeceaecoeted delegtscMes-er C .H tealcp. crocs oeet o pcepace foc the 5euln ersettvs ria, pn itrs u t e ungF Ttmpsec. V. . Nosels. SMK toGeseecolCeoutil Ne. JasOlair Baed teleteets, olo sototeets, ocesispetcesA5t tat tirete saho f thceai clust nNthc e rt ese00 5 Eococd, B. C. MacUot, C. I. Antd-I of Midtos, late e rceoseseporter. cocotte sortees are la te featrecd choie tuilding rat a race etf sootOlebecittcCos o t e.so Weoo bcd aswae esoc, Deotc-Roe .C sd-dayseinj l. tome Oece gated aiI' ý Ilctsadtewoe tutr tostet osltosetfe tisal tc eeie ceeldirit d Reat Y.elol cf aeilç 1eJ.cdayActaegagrislettccatdteR.ttqucttehaeteeerscedhonibsa osd cclaedoe coloo te d~~~f a thcme opiloc epese ccosidnd rttpires S agescioosdstaenehR.eeslcet hr s Ot o t s hey ea hotmeees po afed e s tie Co entl reese kt s t hectlchair eler tftt ottoisg e tcttc 1-oRsoeedar e, ilrvWccîd aetoeosRd lbad ndthMts pt ohac la i y ,h anwson ftefc eatoetinte dc lderd aet altsecs C r iso ese W c e ees ttc ce- etcoarrivosof asyrSC. ca ns ne t h doSi lie asb toc mioe oaci ttheo e it rislectettee s c good So d Thegaisst asanstecd ScerH.e raso riotprecohaswhCosieefermrswareeheurnte To- yadtce.11. eg. io play-ffotattsantsagre ment Comet luce cossann stiB-. o oSmth,îotrget.ohw tenrc'O s ee svocco bAI ue t o o St ieo Oee I wai ret e te b r, Stos T an fe reit esd . DcYscic . deors vilracs e rs forsdte tD Ue.Rt aeeested ttc gt t Mtsor s c ta ed oot titStefhe a d O e ser Couril ent noueed he orl Relgios Ed forolToors i lte osedcc coheo15o totterlo andtoc oo tlos hol dc etodacMacll.erMilt- C Mdsaono oPct hl tocoytoed t e tutceona teecaseetsnedchrgeoScialce sdet e mecrld eSetocStoeSaie tee ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ot harhcae nl t os Mo Acoseosd ptototicchce Tehe bCaletteew..y20.0ees secerosts odeteee teseloce estosesetacognecthe eceb7azeische cce t10e ATocthil peeesi teosaMIseas ee e c e. asr oc Masos Kior . Dck îmi e sce rActos. otiSao s c oss e csestD ec e.Rss a t e c e se tete agicsscdth e aMlo Jno a ndege a n ceotsg tceal otociee ndet r -a rerts-e et Ste Delacto Pecoieciol fecabro ..Toc ..D..deoti..... 5-25015 yfldhsmlir. Eaneir n oilSrieteh -' ots-tatete codes-soc os ose asgt gusrand eorgetowd So escet os d5 Pliceastd tece eteege cfaudcenie. A M ted t otai aase Ne el e e to u esof cclinsasd bita ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i tsele tVeoi ol aeeeseeteotc tm c tR elefsdo PsMayec8s- 80eetes ltam roes 0,tnteAeess-ee o rticugt e fotdotcpeatSg s-toc alletenottsOS5etOO.tOttoe way onScctuaY a y 20' it ongaes', oecMilse m tCapsfw-onsPb.raets - oar oo.00sî cteed ep iettS0. tc tctits e o S eses- aetttie bso n w dbct hediogtchostO l occ dth4ý fctssccoscc an senitd eome gte wsto eten .3Ilm As eoctttesc de pc Graese Colectio ge.. est.......25800 ondthre taod te cs ed s tte s- dcplc ewteebnose rast cppoec stis C ar, N 5cets- tc ligs tatdtee het cce aIgccit etiSsod M soc ioie fie n aay arl o prl 721 orgbn râ l cgv. n c4.AIo totten o scpcestle 1 et Ai a st atte Ces-pa-el a ce s-osted cg.ies t. char ge acla-ofpryeosoc Tes os-e cprogessiedie Beer m at Tur n, o s-s-tendsacld ts- aocece mitkeg s Sal pavlac-Offt esnte secsan - a otof ys-ted Sa ttc ySc aff o n ictd...0... . 10.0 Acion, T t coet e otdet'c oenete ro t os-ceceos c Sotis- roS nt ra igseeve Sare.cl p ol -pbod.cosptper tes sortute lot ~ ~ t ostDtsl.Deceospc eocsecS' ss -gesce too eds osicesil o Cral Rt . Sas- oit to s tethecutes-tblos Ssan s-.iOseortc litesl h ery e rco itetttdltsmaicll-e-Politc .stedoelf es-s-fiie nchrg Kn ergreset sMa. tesS tteocSsstdheoeSccs ofesettecsd ot cb a s Sdt lus an D in i tthe bS doSes-ns thotseen teeo nurd yext pccpb oaeg. lOie Mtto otetaco-oesite cas e oi psted 988d5a M ast e attc t co not tas-tte ttscarstl- tee dt s-s-seSc Stot de foosdLovil e tt- -stesess. O-o fs5cdWtedaior riacob o tPe -e-tttS tio sotfe co fNs e.stcarkceIltimateltcatgreniers-sos-tnttes. cots-830epStelte r s-ct Fth s c e spd-e-cs t sssctceoss-dteeBtaCtfordces. Ms-ttc oteettîs-ad cctseo 421e.4ott1sccMr .iT eedt-cactc Is acc-t ae adheato o r e., er t ree e iclo-ce saSte abo tt uyt an elloreinggetttt pors-ot.-c-s iecttiac TonHall.end rr tcdcoiss-TIO cottsin aotoees-t.h es-CommLeuens -te. Icl s-It. ScieThsetos- s-c 250t o- 0.00oeopltt- o eottesepegrStMto .a nont seCcecettM eetttCorpec-o s- T lteraltSeteSoeks6351stescoeo tOte 2.-TsOth e oks--LtsccAt-ctsicd e-cproft giead seis -ersro ,-o htrtic woth ies-.Oo tsded aite8.3 tcI l t-tcrc.s-d oeoe cc--sscec-se -er-s- eethcOottttsiscs-coo--teoqeeepcluetgS unes- ]yriilces eets d uaPe e tcB rt.pl a - f s ea a t e s tO s esitt acch ede c t-I nt t-theciaf c sq a h c a rt. s u l ect i g h I, e - e te s -t c t s t t s t c i M e T - M et to et O o S t s r p op - o f - r t t set.totosgceptooee MUtCFRTIV LSNS ctsett ttestotedfm rC. t " sLeestssaie bicc- suOttcn i s-troepofO tgc eeot e.CrOcss.thes-os-ca-idoil es-es-cos ouchtocecrrofS s-ctead tctoii'etts-titos--ttethc'O'act:ddoinro-eOc osice es-h hctt--rhetelsdirectionte e ae ht fs -c-ho icoos- s-teks os-cesiStctA .LcActioLt te ce-s-testhto e ptLitcas-ie-oote bel ne gs-ohd csOavle erdgcetwcpla-c WnsErEINMIL TON c tcd ar w s-ocs-egtowrOts O nOs- esitftr -s-aptout-to ves-ltttosdAits ttots-to O ht-5s-c -e obs ltiAs-tes-s-et Lt ceess-ciCetstcLL tn iLB ghall ccd Fs-s-gos Ttc a -.-aseHecctirsuecoasa SeraalShOotsires-oSs-csn M ineotret.cIlLe orampt ntoors-theetoutttoteePROMPT RESPONSEink0F tO-L s--t.setscltetet a îeecehe c t-tOp ottthttte tes- otet ttt-c es-es-i, c.t*-ecttc rigadtcLt-cs-oss-tattes -O-s--s-rtc- os-s- S1ceraiftviessudepis-it charg-csgtccfs-ttcatt tLio s-cetofHaitsthtor.cts-sttPOS BFaSEonSwIGADEliTOPPED tott- ee-cetles-titosth.Mos-Pos cofsteel O -ttit.,kcng tcon tiu sstCitasa-sWtettte.t s lo oan h o t s vdi h h S to s i c o m rie t hec o p s - - - , t ite t spor t t- c te t n c - e s i S e ts- e0 0 r o a e t tO c r ll u i ndsh ett c t c o u ts- e l w l ae t e S - s c i c d e d f s - ssctLh eti , tti tOOF i e t ea n s - t t s - r on g s -s o , a e u h e s l u d r s- Otttenresthecs tttetuOetcetts-rTOos-rdc estd toId____tcI __ ed Ms-tasnte . h s-ies-Soc-sIIIs- et a Keet el thoe aphocsn-hfrthir atstoenttocS Ms-- Amilone ocne c ttts-efus-sl te is-onpane r.edt- Ttto oîss-Oooî cnd .csh coos-ltt ttt. Os- -t c SOts ct-s- t- ttt wb-hM rERiou0FcoMiLton e tr ion s ualME oRee oos- e-to tce it2-7 rOpC ttit'- ho dîtectaos cf Cecf Witblosss Uo s and gve hisreporton theagainstbrio. loweve, th, ourt i"thcicores-ceehe idcs-htewoic e-MOestttami hAl doiSc.1 1 ttlige tstcdrn ag derpservi esin oh bs-sos-id S o nt e nossncs rcP ii co S i lochs os ht at fp e s---S Sst tsh t W ec JUN I SA G thetruedb , f l ASH 6 Pf e rR AT tes-he - es- e o mtt il r t rial1os- aaisie nec oS S e pucmCesedUcsi tc et i 30i t e . en cf ststcfcI T cshsse po cttt oset otce Sts- t -gat oo fstc tee tte ais. ti HOM1 AN0 HOO M E TI G sM L n SRc ei GARAGE ttc te Ma st-... ttts Ht.t s-i stts- ct tnc .cttcest. ttsdec otteo oas UcSe aie Stic-steseioUSCtEîat cissctpti- t TO MttH r-cSttc As e c s ' - iL t-tSTIAtNIi leeh, p icce te hg t e ottestte eir ieeseescatcs Olt'ure tltcscSteuotts-s-sSe-s HtgO sot-taLes Lotis-SOs-te s-s- rc.htn toe.tflth,,tcctttt-Ms-ht-tttof $1dovhcutluiec0ts-s-tPs- etchOs-c etsndthocmceeadicccils1'9 pos-itpns-igs- Sc Ocier huch-c.' I ts-S s-Co st bl vtt-tctoweeandcci s .-s0The itds reeeg ofes Ms cl-si-tcp ootspit1,,ec lt stCPoaltsctife liOe fud te rn Cor Atos-c LoetCinpcOs_____pi____ 5\5Rs-SFIAE EEG IL stt O -c-sopsoti t oc tt p-c-c th ettr cetpl H eoict AstiSTt M sAtsCio-S.ec s- mi- tcs--0 t. set-s-c P a st Le-Ouct e Sosh s-t, .c.p css-ed OPs- ctcc T osp O ss for th-MossctWetl cdsc oan- holOStCO S. tcoegOt-sd OutSb-aset,tsces-cseopcss-vdero hacdit r-thn itOci-Btsedol-c Sssoo ts UeltPs-sk r min theetusicPcsstecast OgP 5O psoss-lIcot Stcec skcd tars tits-thtOLos cs--c'sded MA A s-vele t esaS MbwIlcr rts-s-W SIlle bm____ S tic ms os- e e-sc o SO- -o tettttctoocsvTersscs-tcs -o ce-o ttes- s-os sanscllr-cIilpaeltucMteINtSTtREEtTr oLom ZE W a ctt oco wn Te O ct aries j EV EN INOh i A UXlo LIA RY t-s-tCh ute .-d tocs-i,-nopes re ortprpi sksd SaBEps.F t-tocs-HEVtht-rM EceO Rtluleu-- - si oabutc.e irect on eof(cOco W li m Rai t Ttc0irpcasandoliecffIts- c-ilcalMet-Cin-reettretiseosopet etclOeptWtht JUNIOR BANDecT FLASH oI0E AT th, C-tePto-oconScder ct eii eti.EnoTttte sda alle- t et etancggcn ITONtttBRIC AAG -Es e W-Lt Hod Ppis cd ssa-,teraoO00 th, series.d mg mio.tths ae por Atte TeMito o e dSceelcrSAs- aoeOstt-poses st-tesSt aesatdfon nicnrta Il Scool sin clsses nd Turs a os-ass crsbcco eto PavlSe O il Scav te oyoS O tibi-; Tos-oti tt c ts- heo ccd Mec A ,tr.ý.it. edtoA rl etn e- dojce eeiec f ietebaesra orfs n 500 W tcdas S et os. tes-rOt cdapot-ste cos-coOco , l otS serSt o tcgrct Ceas Mtth uleos Sto-cocS oo eoThrduy tt ccc c.tvttotoOp î oo p bûee Thc teot- papier Mottdcc Mo- est duTait.e ITELot e ctIATto, CcEgUEtor o s rigwllb orSth - e enta s ace setHeas equre Aril-c h r ,,ods-OpO e scotoethed o ilSre I t et sk et caoctdlit ce-tes-ottr octet-ct-s- s;Ferus t etO jdi a Uto tocitb c Otr, G. Cttsnecs. - on tht cos -s-te Occpetooteet co , Ocd l rsondda dq ik a o eliCateontis ru. T he- ss coeoi e gcts SOO OceeorltWie-d.irs O pOt S t estc Tc t- te-o ccfireeg ttc ss StJ socesSt-- c s-gi L.fro aiAVIL O ENoe oSe cteSan Ospalocsd Ste B,,,scts-ectot A ...tr.ottettoswstOO s-t'frs-cSpe tes- tncontorsfetsMilSos foc - bt-SP 55-MiGeorg et Acegs Oct, o ttn , o lzn aol ii g .T ecu tr ldi a e os-vl. et Ces-gos -RESocs-cttotiose oe atrcc epsi e d. ti Ocrue to etoter toc tctesfromtoe tc es-kILIlRSEK HofDR tc he tobeticonApbtroumi PsPtI s-eptrse Mtecwsshe-ttac NNG A ttetîtA c ta Opc sai b asdo c72.07.tsg s-ttisplacethttonpotitstial. s - i, 2-es-c-Iý oiiti MAYc t 5 ActasOa tcll.it l ; S oSpe sttth.tht-e Mtso Coocets-thee r ccc s .C lemeno t s s-e tsO se She Sg- ceiOc TOcs- us-es tcos p oS 1t Hpset- ftoodse-ss-12eotona nds et tees- t hgd I - I Sot-.-wnt-oervJiceeeinttheettcett ende etc cote, "Attttcsecg' s-O-O ST Occces-lecsS et tS.oc EtOtctc.gs- ilt, t ý tP ealotsaSdtt ece O s to Hrcote Ochot ptsca et tes-1-s-c OetcHut-ltonocto Hctctiofs3Wt Octitnsts c lhf- ototo fc n"ht-ssot îsetpecoeooo.,eooe eccsaeshos-edistan c ileocd$1c sedcs ot eet tesca O M- SONS St OguetcWttlc aS . et-,cep paf iftetrcassstcoetCelO tseptstcLeccoincOOOdO- Art 8 Mits I Atos. Op Pesd Roc. ts ttRo tclcaws milicsetetSt ctanda rt es Ocs- Tte tetcae t ese OrosEt9eo etWowltcsc-c at -Atttrcs-oc eO- B XRN AND CONithe NTS 1.05 thù OAVLcCse sotets-t f tcUc- t sosd tMttte Fee Bcgodcfccdtthee Ot) et es-ns.nvitaOP t ioh onwsI afrtets-s-dote. Os Oc. i t ne Or es cih aC NESDG ES nhiAsocras-oe thaca IOOhPtcecsg r dseer i d o ehelasChuich sU1-s-coe.O-s-Ot. t Ar oS o; -edeodct c t eset Coiac fonae t eKnoxec9i90eaffende.ndPeasse a e sas -o s ,.eo e.atS Mdss. Me y Tood.2 Il -s-t-5Fe os oAPtO s-ecs f i t? t'lemeed icasHure sucdeet TtTON Mac SOs-etE UWatct t .30 tetba. oh Jý' 1-eofetw a i ton; ets-tosSeseto Coînplainttawproide fr Bv pnaliettiAn n rptsagquzcedeoccetlc eee su escd'-, t2 i trocs-aer 2-8- T s -Lw n i ln d a as- g c 'mM ceE. BICl r e s e t d e r e t Os E 1-t-,5 o G tasi Ft As-e ,S socc -' t-pec t t e s o eCo sfccc raoc ' t.T e s- (iilpocrey-lase87 rendstisples-isitepesa pens- Ttc Sotatct-Meot Wanese's Isesti-ý No s-O 'cs, t t -'s oetcn th,179 M lstvoci) 'e s q m tsScs- tces-fte a.c het he d î te A ocd t fSte lis11, u- i oce h, ossc. soc sset--l it, Hotf '-1 it het io ilo .Il tc d. c ., - -svle n uep ,etL v u l ar ns - - -1U hatotts o i Aces Feg ssoes-1 tadt eSon Pcaepecre of aS,, ra T ,C1-1, EseteesecP Co-- ses1il-ot o tr5aiecMoocetedchs-ccd hsste Aot Ls-cte cece S cewlbtcld5as esasyi- o f -hua s-tY 14- Acta etMlSOt Hecs ecectee ddsS Moodee ted eSt toe reseee peo- psset sestence. fieal Eooce asd Dace ex Fsiday t-o etOattr;Fco M s- Mes E eeiC est etiates h cf ttc ort eh[ L 59ta Geeton Ooocgs cf Sesc- tara ntce. Lu chpe Mes. eveGog eeiMy5,Vla'aOcete idic s-e Oak Coe.tl bn Hal secs mît- rend ped pic. W.g rreia bt dith e t toW c to aiseesesesAo, tST Ob Hcs told d I d t eeil os d me b y ceh is da ifr Lc e d s d Isie. Adm issioim,.1 IIN AE a tIerDUL ote a t letc Acte ce Stewar fcm se t e. ecNcHtI Mek, ile Theofl r f l ehîOsn t c e ttc M $ eeto ot cf45 Otri o d s pittc. tetr tcDeg. TtcY oleetgu -oa issltoone tek c-aeess t etc t ta thes ton- so. A t ec Mi as s er F s- ote fceesS PS O tefee Matson' Ae-. 4ig $4.0 A. Te W.t t nto n rooisef o!0; tbl C ons A t ale L rl ey e Ttchr aeet Dancge inemaalga y g owsn a, Cemebosands Keers S e tese tat- netopb ' J 7 6-s Meiton et Oacs ; i e a eydxiy ducoampecos 1 .0 eifacut,$21;ra Ibed and Wise te0 Ctbe Halls . se Guece D..T fslssday MirchSetem f E1JW e, ms a leGobeti tedo wn ct rets. ofthe rmeetg peesesis $2,70.16 SeRmsee ie eoda aesle cTaoe aesg asi slaee e ms as d bp e n mtas te g I ns hes t et Luinc n o n tc q eeb tA Éé .SIt Ut ~auabiau i Lhampiou