28FCtJIIi C-APO HISOV PR Os B501TH-At Grole Hospill Tor- ots on Tsesdoy, AprO 4h to MSS. JAMES NIXON Mr. and Mom.R. LM. Smith Th dtothsoooo'ood oo3osudde5- (Jone Roodlll o dosghe. îy on Thiosdoy, Hoeth 23rd of Mo. GALLOWAY-Mr. and Mom. Ken jones iots o hr hosto in An- Gallosooe are hppy îtao ie 8 1800 nhibrt o adughtos-oast casier0. Born t L rii n1M for Jshosny, at Mins Pisoto ,h tetoa10Foests. Otaris. Hospital, nn Apol 3 10. Ipeodiso her ooly lifo thtoe, and stoning snota r13 yoer aos. 1H TOEOEBA3O She tos osastoof thse Ryersos IN MEORL4M UnitdChsooh, Aoooserr and 00- DOLBY In lstingsoofOurtoive in hrh ork heingotsmn doodogitPegoAssit Doly bor of the W.A. Ssrsiosg. hsidon sths pstdoooy Apil OlP 148 chsad mbrmteMs Cobo od potofuilstho losteepingh shn.oo o tto.Ms Osrio oiso sltt001 Alfrd Stevesonsun. Astir; ont Wr sho bord her udly rosotlbot.daughter. Bertha otihome; two sis- Buisot troot inhodt lacert gin. tes. Ms. Reginlod Shorwosoo, AP- Lovnoloposnotshood by pfehy and Mm. EdgarCairniso Mother, 004 and Mroool. CosophoflsiBo. FOX, Eghert E-OIn toongsoroo- Th ueaoeftelrg oy ofoaderohushond. dddouand Ttfoeo.oto h ug glandai toPo passed otouy Aprl 0000 fed in DuGosootallitplace Ssh,' 1948. frontthe Cttl Fuoeroi Host osn Tuno pOOdson0, 101030000 hve Monday tteoooo. NuHo-us flot-si Sc.puusd oido'iobuts utotod tathe htgh estn Stodeolh i10 01000ils1. ad01 i 0001 Osnsthîoh she soshld.Tho fosorl Withon 000 homet olo t 01 ooood srvitetos ondstod by tho Rot. lighi, Joseph apowtine n n And lotS 100,0usa hoîog 1,tlt HtposîS senot We i.etoto, lt an od oooo toIt. Whte Brick Cmsteioy, Antutet' it vacant placeOoo nothe oinnll euPIlîberots wer omPBeah, Arn flut ,î Itd Motîloîl, SotIl Pcgg. Gra- D owlvew ioo n u n hamtoMooo, Joseph Crooks and For p m ho 0,-tIlit 1-10 ,Il,,,oLoyd Bokeo. ,oOile holfaim y. N., 0î0ondSolBo,0.Volu'o HUNE DM UP TNE GRAY CANOE R. ommorto..ilnE.rlland pu,,,, Pot olo oodosl 00. 0,100. 0,,d Rbul.odOoio oîîîîooo.o Py. 11 Ont uop , h o, 00-nue o l"' 'hîo-. I 1,,, hîtto 0011, Btety Royto nd lier parentso S,lo'it l,hhiod'ýr wsh tto entond tiriosinoooo iSonîGooOid lbooh rai ( to ta ncîghbours. = 1 ons,50 and od 16,. Oi.g.ng .iodeot- ofbooîs, fo thoip 1004sossooand actioOns dosg Berley 00001 tSomtimtoolo. ltheson. hlot sioî niokneso Otlo dol 1006 ohy seluc. sicknss Bothel, o mus00t51stop aO 1,0010 I wtotO lee10 rexpress ms i-re Hel eîs40000,06, 100 0011,0 Oy. approiolon 10010 sony flod' n the llio tothe b ooonlioSt toIit. fo lSvrtoi6StfOî utofSki- ns f aouî toiogos d so tonyt W.,lhfoi'00do rat010 lay0. bauifofilo tudo ondt ers tut Thotool* lbeogh sh's sp,îoosy came0 10o heer tot ohlo olli n o0h pitltand authom,01 Thankst olt tohodoe400,0lo00000 00100 Mo. E. B Coollon Msî toSol. So Ihoot orkooin Miss Mîiir PeaotoS tishes 10 Rt lot Iteto echosoooan' don. takPresb0trianWl .o 001001In de gstîhoettO bns bumkn ChootS 'oso Mlon PeylerrionMoi' deople*s00 'bo gin. W Aladi4e00 lerobrtoto nd site in .îî..n nice d noooets. nigh- Broolher.gtytoOlOtapo oooîio. f boxe00s loforut ad cads, rother, s ur eye atlOOdy plns nt î t kmnsof l dît- 010m00 Wioloo. lot .11 hotooh. et. Alto M MoP or 100lotcalîs Aý. ______________________ Arthur Lt, Photo, on lbeCh, 101100 -Brevilies - -Good Poîdoy totoo..... Eaobo nd011lI hetratio, o honnie. gg, bI00 00 -Sondoy igtl ow00,stOts, 00 as ioyIand hOOO0 oas00 lO winIr'. 53 T î~ J ~0o1 - -Joe Harris. Cutopbollto lfoi- sor latuet 104 010000o t1,hol ohn o Holstein cotongave0botS tltiplets to oeebo oot Ho reortsoo, I cleons aredtîoîn in d go0ing. Rtotoyduet 150 tohot on altolteso.onof bsoseSoit, lot il 15, cause fo igor doingo, wotheh Mlton Bosobol Cubcelehoulos ios diosoond loblso PIons 0are0001 homo foo01lutd.officiels a00000000 10 celeSatetoccaion WRLL KNOWN VARIETY TROUPE SCNEDULED FOR VISIT TO MILTON Orgoootd in tle spoing ol 1000 by Moi. Sidney Wilsoonnd Ms oothy Gflos 1the Sonohîne Vootty Totope'"oooposod o olooto Yoong ntool inoos. 0000006 tn 060 00001forto, ogtn yooothba boooso osool-bnown in Hmitlon and diotool and i,00o,0 hoot hoght 10 Mlto Sy theo 04401 Ion-,and ,bohoCPoand T foooot, olirosberopofui,-yh1-, the rondiiisof oS 0510icsoge isd timopeetsosiloo f sortIknossn Muret are dacrsotn nsro su- clam. Md eolesOtoliu 5in ls. Airerat jet eloe rpiscplt osr hlegsisled 60 raillsay travel i Es-Saas E rluals Iisp epatto b. osnnlg <ait- bnalk vusist , , l dath 00OM onis tYeu.Oas 4000 10afka Bo .g. 5 nowa. -111 ha saines* lobts-msd $hiot li. I.Sst. eb.oht --. sonoblige. tin i C. STEWART LOCKIE Court St. Phoise 73 mitan0 MILTON WELDING Elect1i, and Atotytro, Wolding Ropoîr Weliî of lii Typos Portable Eqolptooos PHONE -3M bi[LL ST. _ hILTON R. M. Mitchell ROOF COATING CONTRACTOR Steel, Asphali and Rui-up Roofo FSTIMÂTES FREE WORK GUAP-MNTEED CAMPBELL VILLE Phono Milton 382r12 ariat 3ba A monuomet hoIltof todot- ing granteOor toble, symbot. otindesignoand reotrot i Ohekville Monume tntWourkesof b oordo et b wIl l ho tg ou service to yooo dot,. lorgo doplay in sok. 90 COLSORNE STREET WEST Think of Easter î And instntilîey ou o Soof ' EASTER LILY We hoot a gtod supplyo0f bonhes, lso 001 fIoers, dsffod- ils, tlupsaond taratitons. Please ondes- sarly and avoid disappointmn. Sooto, If Yoto Can'5 Griot Yeue Car on Youn tret, Wo Connot lOrlooet OsItO 1Mdà 46omÇ*k%/0d . Browen, Propi. Main Si »ai Phone 151 The Big Night is Coîning THE SUNSHINE VARIETY TROUPE of Namsilon PRINCESS THIEATIR, MILTON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 at 830 F. Ios-loto Odflsr & ReboIsais. P. . & T. lommtttt Admission 50c Thiltrloupe of 30 onterttoner o Os tous 1 5highly rtcosooded and promiseto 10hoan ouîtstisg rsttotoiittoot. AiH tht pr-oS-ds .1111 go to help those lomts fss-tte thsan Gel pooo tickets sonly froot any Oddfellow or Rebekhl irie Eliot's aiber Shop Milton Arena Scheduie PRIDAY, APRIL 7th AFTERNOON POSLIC SKATING EVENING-PRACTICE HOURS AVAILABLE FOR HOCK- EY TEAMS SATURDAY, APRIL Bih AFTERNOON & EVENING-PUBLIC SKATING MONDAY, APRIL 10th T. H. L. TUESDAY, APRIL 11 th T. FH.L. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 128h EVENINO PUBLIC SKATING THURSDAY, APRIL 138h TH L. FRIDAY, APRII. 148h Variety ICE ]Revue PONSOREO ST MILTON ROTARY CLUSIN A;DOFO CHILO WELFARE WORK PRINCESS THEATRE MILTON ONTABO TNUR., FRI. AND SAT. APRIL 6-7-8 I ON0 1558 ViONOEPOO. îAt 50ro 700 80EtoHLto It Ai. AASOOO. 10 TO THE STABLE" Dancing in the Dark (Technicolor) A pleasing new feature NEXT TNURSDAY APRIL 13 Robert Yoong and Robert Miioboso Crossf ire - SOW TIMES- Ail Programo StorE t M M.30 an.d Matisses at 2.00 P.. Unicu Ofiborwlo. Advertlsed ta 5 wrds Aditona wods e pr o. Toteoil cas hoesno 154o25 FOR OALESo oSUhst20 ooshor Nly FO1 SL0061. mxe gai.HEL0 WANTED-43idel fo 000 C.___________________ ou3fseee or . adult.PhBone FOR SALE W thi t plachee Coopo fs. oooesite.tohone 182. WED Gilefr busrtia FOR SALE-OSeee ts,01 ab rout 0 iR 4 Twic Phono 4 one52W r bus.oldoifo el. W. . Alown , N nohorso- ton Phoe3023. AELV -HoooekeGrer Ille.-0 ________________________ oiceOoo.rtk ood s oxlois FOR SALE-ook e Ch,.l.P,> Cohospionfofice,boposo g Evehs. oîo 71.WANTED -hoek 80 fot FOR SALE-HOne teainof he.s til HighetPone t4ri2e. Pes anod aflaSoto . . 15H. oSlle onsopto-34- - tonoe 39ppr. Soh n it WANTEO - LseePeot su poadlt. F0000 Rookdoli & morîei. F'OR SALE-Gote tpanel dotS ton 14omeor 1. ent. le 5ros 0201 Motos, Mlon1, S7 Po9M. 4 ,0011 dT ooto-lto. *2and - FOR SALE-Holstin l 0f totîk- Rgetmre rcs hn ers and AprigrAptyJH Hll o Ed 483 le2 __t ______________a wa, Snw .R.5, 562l. e SaFonraETptson o3l4. 001 FOR SALE- Rejii dtoAme 1 o hISroiilhicaio n Dilong Rotees oloPhone0078-2. loI .1he Holsled.-48302. pic pald. Phone'lotdait & Morley,0Mil _-FR SýLF--Sfe.typ deko 13,or WooDoet, Milto 92 natra wod, l otgeoiz od ply rw ie oe eeS 0 . FOR SALE 2 ooo etof Poolo inehrotooand o lad,. Moltoe FLO R loToi 100000,000 tddJ. Hol . Mot3r. 000 os. Fo t, Rlod FOR SALE-9pot s iy 0000 ment and bth.S-PlghodallersMay odinSg ooh ite, liddlo ,ttood .tJPH. ono HHoloos848r25 WcoitooCîtPhoeoî250r Phono Mic- ltn FOR SALE--dl Clonpose7k- M KipplîoîsooHardwar, odnoîe 2& ton s pro at on t an to 112 itn tpOsnOte Jjt îii goto ot odosîto ond sýoPoo Mto 001 Mls F.,001 yPeur]32St, 2MilMton. Botoos Slos n EOSeoie POR SALE- 00 , CsPloootl T6t t, oon, ceodeoipoosiG. DotO dru,0 P pte 8,v OoE,,tF,, , ('i G rte os., Flot, Klbrde Sho.e, Milton 263rl. fi000 FOR SALE--Boue toto carnatg Cooloto odîtosgd Wandho E' 00,000 articeshotol . Jaess- om TitsCom erialSt Wal0,00 C p bellvilo e PhoeoMil- Holton 1037nIL78r2E.A POlR SALE-48 oloo panelo!, s pple,oonotalToo ndpOlsi ton,10in6poret cniio,.0 it on00] Applo Boom Cittpt ood Holo Golo 0Heat, ,,Frototonso R hne SFM in 9r iton O it tieP one113522JOIo 26 ilonBrnGsles andhoSo fooo PFOR SALE - 1936h too olet loi d otih ari o n ,,11,1 0d oit ,,,-Yo1î Poo 10 y01 ro1,, th Pi CSi itnCa s 1 0f Il FOR SAL-Brand ne10 o over]CPs' 0,.radio and,î t ot, ,o AClLolî t, 20d per ( cnt, ,off Cist Hat - F3000Y a Y-- u,, Miton31,0, T,o , a"lb i;' 97CERLTCA I c Oho. Booo Ooot Eoooaoot i SLJdioud erder GCOsso, Li-ooo 1 (bob Miolot , 1 * 947., I Fo îdo tonttsIsg t 00 atittWs'oen (000A olod ,Cal and Heaonîtotî Wi r, H anoy to Oldoton SiEEL 00BODY1 lol 112,o l i 010 oi too Olîooh,1.o os e fto n a FOR 0000LE-Belod 004 ino 'l S34'UMoo SI roi id tabWle issAnCOI GE & ilA C.0 ogoood thot o tpiii SoNSd, LIMofTet ot, tilt Ont- ho dooîiods ld prttte s h P10 otf10rl6,toooob,îkill IIotorgoo POR SALE- 'I Brand ît ,- 5P,0 TooS , Apol 4 Modoa.l' CeColo Toool on Solto .11 rle Oto1Olot G dtTotG 000 0 Meado, t cK oenoi 31not sIo eue,,Ketuckyloc 3lîttîtt ooolooyetstoodî loGas to I GOaOoootur Cotoolto laotrd ayeeigago CWhite Tîol DP oo Il Town0006001 Hllti cs, tho StocksTofhllg.lO3OClnd ott Molhodiongof 1000 voise u Chaigi, t e100 l0t.s wt00 SoOS Io.lO OP,t,t,tTtsl, ot lb ratedoandresedtho othe aioodoooloo Phooltîone1. - tptn ohopo. at heir ldsoth Tract"; 1 W6 N_ MM.nTr ot; sk ggt e s eton ipo -PsraberrTPans' . 1,hpWaelooGarden Trac: sunftce on. t Roots PNONE 388-23 MILTON. Farnworth Memorials I UU1i ONT -95hom ,the . »owpe MAIN7g6 MENP LTON 906006068TUT@ NOVELTGE INCOME TAX Assistance in pneporng y our t800 mturn end pour farso end butses ou nsts Msdeoaîe fee, P. B. HOWARD E. Csim. MiltIon ia -ooO90.-N.. 45. Gravel Conir Assessinents, Esquesing Tv Spes4al and Regelas- oril wouk Aged-C Asseunmeni Roi A speitl steetingo0f Coneil wu hoîd ThOtod 9th odth ail eoshoro po. liase. Geoge Cors-te pro Mr. Fsllows s sistent Os lipol Sogioerr.aiteodrol ing 'hein tenders for ors, delvooîng groava.,sohtoh opootd ut tht regolur cser agolo deols sith. Mooed bp Bird. oeoondoo îlotth to Concif acosot t ot Spencer Verraon to sspl and dlooto opprooitt poodsotf grossi t 5Mo po bin and 7o per yard sile Mood ho Linhomsec0 Lslio, tbot the TreotorE stoooootoorlrachaeho stoosful tendes, ce gr A Cort of Rotîsion Tontbip of Esqotoiog ow, one 'loob Wodnesday,. Geotrge Cst'oie. George I Coolo Reid, Wilfred Bird tter itbustnot poessn loSonthe50oth of office. ltît tosuts. Mootd hy MHt Liobns., bo Mr. Leslie. thot Mo. îbooooon of Ibis Court of Moood hy MHo Liohas,, by Mr. Lolir. thot theoa olGordon Dusidoon anc Mooplon Se ostinsd, Coî Moood ho Mr. Bird, soc Mo Reid, Ibut the Cleol Coi, 01 of Stoision he. 000 hî atoîîlboîîd 1taoorifo Roit lorthebo 00001950. Coi The rogulut soeeting o was beld isosediotely Court ofRevision adjourn Diioo Corote presided. oootiit of Lands and F totOtO oredistribotion ot îlîîîlîdlHEP.C. LtgSI f1602: PolI TeîopSooo Stree Il igt ol ien $80 5:Georgton H000 S. W. Pttosos, $20.52: A lot. $700; H A. Lovor, the 0000 8340.00; Bounty o thol. SOS 10; Relief Alooto Rcood Aroooolo.$2836.66: Tlsttvritttttnofoto Siobo. $299; RoSI Ster Olive Logons.9285and $51ý ed teClom Looly, potd i MES. EMEESON FORD OUEST SPEAKER AT JOHN MILTON CHAPTI 11h, Codon OosIond illon ChapiterIODE rlolt seeting os Frit mon, MotoS SIsI Afero otoitoand ptooing of dard. 100 ominutesosilence servd to hono the m MSt MoClosoSun. SoooY. 0tit nt, Sohd pasled F.,,,o 00540000inolîîde lt'oM,. OE. Ellî.tîlio Meobrîhooo a ttend Ladies ho Ilo CluofSt.SIPou Fhiî,oo, Milton oben Col, BiSke, o îoogooo dir-oto O,, îi ooi Ntional ItI 0 Ilin bcptd gsoot s1 Eoooagn reptlio ortsoiw Eth(, vt toi scretrie pti od l otd obe f-1 otohoadt, 010-bont h.,, ,,i,pt,yo ibMot inth,,,,-dotig 000 too ThO membes werySos, eno, were rltd andthe ertY Poodof the ahiev, inte Blck, ot onlyas a ernltry ropresostativr b iloosob and loyl stsbî The sorsbees frit ooty Sa Mts. Ford, nul only f0 Otoso but for the seoer-l tîbos she hod aodlsonrdii 505s and Mrs E. B. Clos bhabof o theorneone Ebapter, stierd thseder atsOn and thasoands ohen ps-uesid Mm orsd 1118 0f a book At the concluoion of tht a -isol h eurbous-snoi & -P$ of steàsrsd by III tu rreeàmmt consaoBt -Spoo.1tEatoOttieeiott th. churchsO on Sunod.îi aod duoîng the Eosortide. -Tobd morof îthosurplos 0101000001 0000106 ofIdnotdol, otoed otl sommer0. -Roit0cross1bonst-sorooîAt leoîoSty usd t Stoa pecîut tool te, GotO Pîduy. nSodi ouooEast-olilO,.1 peronattor 01, 1100 0,.5out1of 1,010 forouoopootonaIOOcela- -Flood waters o Moolîno yoni rose to flood thb yood of Hilton LooSer and Col Co. on Tuedido I . 1' il THUPMAY, APRM OM, Il THE CANADIAN CHAMPION