EASTERWS POWER Whtutthti-iptwertthtuhite i-th utSdi-tltS thtetu ta Att ltttised th ihtutttzi.,ut tuhii-h hut latti 1 hieS uIt The i-pu- uei, thit t ett hodbt OfG ' G ei lt-tght- lturtouu ut Me AtM s thty ttitutd the Situt and nauitd Himt att os An etaotthtfr hbuiness, nt GAMPBELL VILLE BURLINGTON kno 1utg o t htg tht M. Geortge Sutul. Di-tutir ttEdmotd tilHtty, onofthet ttut'e t-tut murulyto t o-ttttttpir; mgtOtario hthtttfortheRlidthtM htututttand eteetttid iitite, tht-tftllh.gi-unt eu eatdiz ratd, Ontuwtttstti-, uti-t utor 'usedawy aut Ueittdeti-r. 3tAgntht agut ldttttttrtrt the the Nuteg.uui-yu Tnsthip Musict EtdAve. onMutttuy enng,ud- ThtLutaltofhtttfnti Fesivaltton Tuttdy ttt emoniter a letngthy tittîts. a- TLrdiththty't t freHulit fltuutlHalltEu. O Tui-dty euitu. thitutt 180W. Cngtutlatioees tt Mr. and Mi-.! r nucesf na ttettpt t Donai ld Matintoniet tt iith t! a'tot tht ,e'teittttttat!kfluet ueIt-Go" tbutthe tthti-t gatheinuth duthti-Geph G lttts-ttLtniof csti-Stet adlttth otit utti-Silct pitut A isttti-forNett. Aet-hinth ui-gatuut enttAttdt1,,,y thti-t ttgtthtt t. all Me.A. Howartd Mofat hytetjtthy it ttuttttdd I-tm't.;offtandftighttntd thtttt ut-u. Athtge tt %tett$n H. tts tdMtftce.~nt EgrCairnsîinthe-i-ti-ttt lottttt1 Dttpitte tt'teg pi-tettfrttetu utttht thetteotletcave,. r .Hwr oft oot he i-t ett. Mrst J Nittn of An- ReSu-ihth, at itiuite tiuetmtt- Tht Gi-S hattttt tiupothe tttth Dt. htt httt uppuineiilSti-e Not ony ycr whoSeThtviege i At Ciap lettlattti-hforB.C.utint -tptyttttt Allen, Chair-t t tt Satut i'uthttit guutt. Ct.uS Lit'nAssune tomtany-of uethe t-tguuuttt't pt'tttttt tth the Thttutth yuonetthiytu-titttttdTht Cattadt Lt!tAttti-ancetCtm- LO'WVILLF atelit'100 ttiutet a oit itthtltt ad ttet therhtsetttieta'.t- gi nhtutttttyep --un-t ttNtlîtuuAhestcentutiett-' thutptt-ti-huanpttttultfficttt-tttyttttt -tic.h- A utughty tuotrce ti-vey ugetat mOTh,utttutt Ivi-uutututhtetitu.tttttthetthictutttttut Sthtl hutMi.tJ. E Fttthi-tttttt N)XSS XG XWEYA Ttty utt ty t' itumat-mhtethilt oFtt'bti tcaptitt til t h tuttfh ut tToron- Ott'u~i tto hw1pwr huudlit h hîa thumaitntctutitn in't"cti'* film, T A g in ttutu hthte uttwc'ttthttt lt i tt hu- t tutti- Tht Lui-ht diutu tttttt intthisheurt, IIuutt ht ttt tChresTitTtu-t -then u tait.tut in tuthuuvllt Hall i-iittttt btllputtdptatt; ttttt t Mr. Btbhttt'ttt'tM. lttuutttt mhpt. h he ui-ttttt ltetit ut-SMi. A. W Dtthl iettthti- w ptteut htthe Cttti-htiluttBut ttiltuttut tytt ttt hitttt tt ug-etttutau-tMtt.W Ji- ht the i-th of tNttttig-tttt'Pie-tt htught; tettet utS Mui. totandMuut.thetht.h IttiattChttth. It u'tt t-Ml .iti-SThetattttutt'luthtustttttttut g btutthtetuglstattght,.wr hca iontietg tit' huthdttt A tnd i-jtyi-S v an tthott,tPtttt ut ttn tuti-e,lhttng itui hhthduu cakt mtude ht MtS, . taudtentt.madttuitth ittoftten,-t Mue touuttuti-ttad .sdtttlttt etTht aFrumuu'tutttthetttu Wthtbutangtthttnduettttthttt luctim t- thut stoutimetinthgt-th thi-tiantttlt, tttttt hangtthetuutttttuut. The lt tto h cre fLeade- uuur tiu-tth htmettftMr.tand Mtt ttiTriig -lsesfrthttttson J J.tenntttotMitontt-thttie-, Ttty theuftrcetthtuhtshtttthte1 thuttuuteugluttt . utith tht hygonui-Etttt' Sti- htsfilthtonttit tght uitn tut ttth ttt tt umes reitt Ottttg1 uutt-huug tht'ttgh thtetutitt it Untited Chuucthtthtttt t-ttnttultt'ott ttthti-uhe ebrit odu'ttppintttttty...fritentheen tndutnct Suutttinut td htttitruehnt. rotnethtbcpescrittthih Thtttltfr*ti-utultei-t dtttttttti- icedk ahro Cuuilettn ,th-ttRtt A. .nitutttutttt pogttssivt ttthi-tetut oacs ea n d osy $2.60par.qt. htîtt hutttl, tt tht tiuths tt thtttttttittitti-tu ttg Hi- ittud Thutgh tttt httuht tty tuit tgutt Wttunttt'uduutdtht- i-ntt-M-sn i-tdttt td utpoweruittti-tt thttutth, Dawson llardware r. Thttuuu-utttttttht tIth ftttt tîî t.WlotiKtn-y H.Ad tt-t utt tt to e ite putt "QhAtITY HARDWARE" i-uttdtett taM. Waîlthtît tit n t ' . MAtttu atdle tut'tebudt Ht 'ill, t-ttthttltttitodthtetutuuty. Ftutgtt Mr. Et Duui-pot'tht THihehtutt. utiand-uth thttul Phontelo. 499 MiltheneOnt. thttuht tt Mr. tandlMrs Ketitt.dyl Fr titîlingcr ana bsp A CTONIlto evan ,and- lt-ut t.dý, wi-uh la ith ___ httttthi-tghuitain ilttu tnd sinetttttttndttttttttdttttt 19htu-utuuutu'thtt'd utttfth,-u'i-yt'tuugh rtudt __________________ Att HhJutuott"D" uttyiltte'tt] H. ES Duui-ttttdisîtitdittec-___ tn84 ct tu ta iti- lrMi-tttt wek.g .t lu, en m.tht Inter-Toi sip't IMilton Rotary Club tutttanduallifeht't'tttutuinthttt Musie Festival Ptutly Pttttuît htsti-tuto ieonetuoftthetughti-t'TT toundin utJutnt'or'*Etttîtî hi-tutu, -l1(111 t1110 Neek. Ot tthen eumtethe ttttIttt t'u t uuu ittt -tt- uCANADA'S AL-PROFESSIONAI. ICI SHOW 0 n fbcfi^ý o te ,a::VARIETIY "tut amotgthtetu-t ett tt" guttu t Nssaawya ttttuttt t! ofLdittsEihIt!fPeruy Ghhbns,î.S. 2 Ntttugun'iyu Wlkîî Ldgî tttt Thttuuttttteve-Sit ugilt tl and ut-dot'Jten IC E R E V U E tîuht hat hîtn ntgtttttd htt thte Nutsgeug-y. yîti- tht bîtthti-î t! tht tquttar e diChoui-ttrlmetttoftI2'5 t-utisutndOFTRNOt tutti-tu tmadetLadie Nght an e -tr-t- Edn Mittt îthtttt Mftitt0 ORNOa fttt tht Mal! -ttutd re'itttti-be. utt 'httt .ubon'd attttndtdtand thni-tttti-tSuIt. ht bys 12utand tttt-MHuttt vuitotttt ti- eltph and tthetiDuui-tiuttt. Fuigtti- thooi; Fttt n A r n ti-ighhuttitg tttgtt. ht- Colt, Edtn Mtlle M il o r n Ctouttpitttuhip ttttu-utIt.thetSW-sil. gtierls ontadtttt-Dtutt ent-tttuttg'tintshottt hi-InttMl tttn. Htt!ut, Dtttt MtHtttttt. Feniering Cuetehu n Top Prefenetenal Figure Shute Foret w nttoluS.E. Gt'tttt ttd intgroet. SECNDSTPPOE Sott, Attuttut thti- tthihit tIfua 'Vottl dttt Eti-ettt'Caine tnd S tOCNA AS PPOE In the Shtow ta"u.tto 'hu hg-t t'. -ii-t'ntttMtMlttuatd Murt-in 1 euiu il ettd St-t of At-u ht ruwtn tith Dvro- Pnerv.Guuqtuuut Cottum- thei-ttbt but utof tthttt huu'lty Douletti-Ed i-t Utt.:Mufftut si- Tjuk Shtituq Fi-eFPrtss. fr-tults otutthe TrautulgartTtotnshhp Sut Cuttuuli-Atît IFi-stialthuth t-uthi-Id t Ti-utut- A thiillitq tpettuî 'u-Ttwtship-Hall i-i-ai-idu uilt ulut 2 Huui-Shtu-u. OAKVILLE ghupbhd n.ttttttt Su-tut 6Mtpcblutil îuuunut Tt-F.tttRE ieuSE TYuu uttbutgetltutu- tu Seu-tl thlutcenu, thuir-ttbstt a.g-uuuiuu uuo uubWultuuuth t-tu-b tgutiu- ui-hii'Oublti-ltttSu-en uu, bcuAoiancl oIti-ittuM.uut Mark. ptt deth umisus-tttutuucubyttAtttu'tt Eutn, buatytiu-ugdtuti-thtu aIl-Tra iu i-tuuttau'tTtuu'rFutattPe.ht-nttu . u t to unus t luISatonofCtti- n u uttutt tc i-utthuuh thti-ughly ,njuyeda Kidu -tauti-t"At thetolui- t-t i-i-tuti t!tht t ht nutttî p utOtk tltud. Atil tupei-t-ii euuluuu-u-"ututtb-utbt-tuub-tu--utuh-iu PAGE FOUR 'i u-**uu-u -, ý"u-' ' but t t u huit i-t-tshis The- ti-utun tht tt-trittOýsita oilubet- tit ht h f huse lt i tat tl ci-tstt i-ti-it undî t tht ht-s cdbut te3It - tuti-ottti-patentse t-t aie d niti-i e nt ter tNoti-tSiotta. hi- Arnolud Bettitit, ttic-chii-eetn "eko a sad e O thetoadSu e-Slii--u-. wi- 'Wdoi-ktt- Guerl htn. WnMt tUi-plitdonthalue enght-rsest-a l ouoidtittn tali-u aout the j lotte nfter ta.fflt heepftati" e ittt.ni-d tu t-utynd te aThomastLth it lnt that t-n tt "etioithe utttti- 0 tSt oetd ot-aedn nursesi. But w e it nhi-ir hitortht lor4of ovSti-e Stette gigt on adt teSo!tht ttght thlftt it-t-i-t .But t-ttt-uî tuti,-tplelnt t-ho taxsenleeu shut lu etppet h rtewterp 0ciceorginal 0iluitI tunninetu lutatitaui-trotent edjat- Fri-5 îear tbi-etht nneengly e- et te th hnitheL ierdsft albut3ru0 Tentnt eciGetenilee M0if- IL A. outi- tteft ltaiet ltheettat jonentmty te ptrnhaet irhme- go e 10 perenet dette. mutteM A uteaIapuent" le rth papeenthast. temmentelng AptIl îttecry-ltet ttntreg-i-lte i-,eh lute iat JuJaneR- I ak nte heen utskate ittiteutet It g. On hate- à ttbêJasent ytetday-Tn- j fi; the t 11111 hedietth t-ver- ngo- thi- Unued Sttenst-th famututt-nsht-os.tMitnAi-inu le pie- i-e utt-it tuIp',Cnu diantaet tuttt i- ii-tinig thit utt ttnuiin ONE NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY, APRIL 14 8.30P.M.SHARP RESERVID ABATS 75c OENNRAL ADMISSION 50c Prnc»tenbhaentai for Chilel Wafaraentar iii'i I Si WIIITE SHIRTS lut-it white Iti-uttlutb cUit-l, ani-oize sbrui-tku gtut qutlit. Si-te 14 to 17. EASTER$29 YOUTH's SHIRTS Ytuth s twhiti- brutuloththit,,tantori-tett tUtti-S EASTER SFECIAL $2.25 -FRED MILLS TAi OUR TIF TOP TAILORS DEALER PHIONE 215j I NEWS 0F DISTRICT lunlct-nateeg ItiteuCunceneng Ohrentes end Commun- itent in wleîch Many of Our Rtedre arc Intnrcstcd THE CANADIAN CHAMPION jus s 4-ut uN t' ilS bu Theet int f to!i-u th51 toute plate t-ith t Mi-. RobertEut-ai-t, thutteue.Me. Brucet m'S ReX tE flutu, Mi A hu ai-enmfoum-tu t tuetnntougappi-ontl. mentIton wvus tugget cottqthe tntty F Agri-lntltueanS plan t Itg telentt sn ete A tetntimtten t! on. tuneefrmet- ate1 t-t-h wlhh the Ftdtta tenu Mmns 1l. Lavrqt gai-t Mr. Patate iN 'V J Meloma. sm %ette oeum ilega. TMLiISDAT. APRIL BIh, I 1SIIHSDAYe PitM ut1 Co-Op News Mr. anS Met. Jack SI M tn District oO eaie SilyEit) BRONTE STREET PHONE 127e MILTON, ONT thet tulli ti-tat teter', ______________Mr. ad lAi-. J. J. Rent St. Milton, wt-e tenetanS CO-OP NEWS CO-OP NEWS îti-it hume hor tic aorat Guautdtlv edttt toou Rttal3O. W. 0"&Get, and'Octl eenihg uof onu fat. Pri-e il et-thtt- enofthtne hOh gradeeetets RadiltForumçOftS.S.MN. whenwe hve o reord ti-fr tettito ehle thhn terni- t-tOion Monday eenihig hi-e t-thutet t di mer tti tlnt ni-Ion t-tart abee Mulot and trt . Ht CO-OP NEWS ttgct tthee rel- of Otteawe, t Fett i p tartethgh. Ail CO-OF NUWS .hti-ttwpttlg et the the ore easn wh Il ljoiutt Ar TriniangCunti Fi-i-ht- aet-u dluStant t t tutuzeti? ti-. tte Seei-end i tutti-t1johbt!firotttitg. CO-OF NEWSrs CO-OP NEWS 'C-OPilNnEttWS-e "Cu-tpiealne buminess le t-atilt Oti-erelnp e»d ÎMhLTON ROTARY CLU. irtiohirhttd EFotniete Contra" TO SPONSOR FIRST Foi-hit tui-huoutt Thet esto - attttt t eftotrthte .-tlugsauy tht ANHUAL ICI SHOW fuehitit nxpetsi, ut t tt0ht-tt-it tutti eMitaltt-tt Si-i-at Thi-ot - Euth yéttthe Suit-t quateri- iti-i--tautShighlghttS**dfr f i e Milttoplnto nt t'ttt wtl tabu si-u ptet ettitthti- hilt. Consuit the A IS frtne DBut ftsWti rti-t- This e yititht huttutut aityutiIti-1 ýiuIthi-hiltithetcM£ - e Apii- tth teot sti h" - - ui-ut r pri-ttaWt-tI; thi-e etu i-ut ande tei lit nlhi otut-et t! ofthe utt etu- t-ii-Int huse t rittedtSfree. Agodth 44,'bu-ut fut-SF tto i-e. ilalton Faro Forums Con Successful S » Repeteethaiten ef 2t -Gther ai Miltenae Nenh YearnsOffi MEN'S GABARDINETiOPICOAUS TIeFui-t-RadiouFut ut t tui- the ti-atet ut nîuu traS dlli rui-uu-Muilt. Fully li-S. Oi-t s 294lto 4.t ChttFi-t ui EASTEE OFECIAL 2995nutbit8it n ltail mit nu-tt.uu-.Huih thett1 NYLONS ChamerTt own-it Haui-ie Lututh' juil futbuuti-tuu th i h uitnesti-ot tul tylut huti- 42 - Mu- . S. Houthtiug g u t in the ut-t tht chuir- uttinet guuigt ads.Sut tut onauutti-itttlg tht es u8V2to 1t1tFittu-t t Tht qceny u rit EASOE OFECIAL itu t-ti-ttutit BOYS' READY-TO- tt t- hut torti WEAR SUITS tutuuuttuli Fuith pe utS yuuth utttto 'tut t ut oAni-ti ers utp2 i-t-u I -to c - t ,th-' tnsips hutv- -t1'.'tti-et!fulty t Fe tuuuutýtu-i-anhetttwt ?a-tuinti-endshtlii SUeuE i . t'.utautd-Sgavet SLIPS tBtti- t o nMut-h t' tuti-t' Su-ltIti-e l tM 'ittti-t t-d i-i- t et-tu Slip wih etiîti-tuuntte, t e t eli-p neFltinutthe bouSi-th i-ecuteiSi-i-tut Futi,. uvettutl-etauup-îBrtPointcte i-eett sttttptt ui-î 32 lu 40. ttuttttttitit ti- dhue EASTER *ConuitutitFo erttitg SFECIAL *c).lJU t-utoeteat !i- diiut-ti ot i- totteb Ladies' Sweater- zne3.uHitutuuetdn tutiet aluttul, utu t-u -tt-nekIbu to. Mui-y Htagen steruli-blotte i--t h ot- sAAMIIATS i-M ut Kthli-igave ti-i sleves ribe botor pei-uons of o!lktUSi-Utu hîit- uhaey i-t , htet,t i-ttt ieWutsn gui- tt ObttittS-,tIt-t uhii- J ut utuu-tttMtu s Fut Fi-lt Hu in uthte ttite ttnt!feut-r. Ouze i-t id4 tt 20. ti-tu piu-- shdtt andutS euls, thte uu D utitti - bASTER haSb ltutbu gp tti-i-th.tLi-reui-t- OFECIAL $3e.J50 hASTERSPSFCIAL $ .0 tuhuth tlalttn t2tuety t t-ni-i-i-totBrautflurd th talui-lt Wtut huitbh lithi-ilanS wt- a te i MEN'SAt- tS t-e thugh far- tt uti-tt i, the Podertittoft t 15 i a rane tot mtl3s t'm tai-otuFoumtuatu 11111 MILTON, ONTARIO