Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Apr 1950, p. 3

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u-tctISSDAY. APRIL uts. issu 114E CANAOIAOtI CHAMPION PA~ aPRIL t, îa9. )irectory )AL ON CLINIC Num r Sri âalea Oniy. e Raents u-eak dey bu 179 HOSPITAL 'y 1 Gant Bur a-9 ou. Bireat 1-4 MWad - ton. i liit sea n.te 1-A5 ra. ne 4 lC p -ltona I. atu -litintont m e ,Troto OKIN tîldioz, Mfilton t-I )potattoati Talepboae 19f OBCOCR EGEION mmn Thealt .oi ay be ed TcErctono Clirapratoc Thrrnpli of Ptaetile iluadant ri., 2-5 p.ta ad t-9 p.ta .ctday le, Georgtata t-W Lt. IRD bote 56Miatoa GUIDE IC RAILWAY arn. dadly; 2l07 Sdoatp, ettept a-doîtr, f.31 t. daily exotp ta.217 ta-ý t... daili, 031 p.t ned EMORIALS tIGRAVING Mii GALT [iOtt )nee and M~Idî Hghest Caul Price. far NA ~ Dead Stockj HORSES, $2,50 ecbt't toiCATTLE, $250ea ac E %N0 O G S , S O e p r a ta t 1Accordltg Attieadj oý % >W CIICti nl 78 - ~ ~ Ettet, uwbita syeaa eflla an W I &pril 9 la a-bat thte hurchea anti a tuavabie f«eaL" Tho chlmofte eraty Chtrcdh anatapremotorhUt oataerelatian bttween teIlmaet Eater ad Patuaver as exedt taetitae et the ltoaaccectaaa. Ou tohala, ater la celabrcted ou 'Itbe floit Stndtp nterte tfraitOful rnon ourlag on or aler Mrth State Maeah 21 la aheflost day of Spclog, wea-e otatoOater at fresh. attarfi, ueo thloogu St a-e toOu, o a gfa, atuae hatolata cadies tatn thetf maalt toi- malsa oilltah apat o ed glat the halord han wub ced cherriesanad E~Eu~Vagrtie gacaîthea rabatte tht lttappral and alo ada a a th WVV TAXlE A Tf P t. RkatiBam-n-arhoued o tatoee tosparagusat a-îiplorto ttipa. 2 RuatLouit-Cacca s ollad i finl choppad ma-l ai ohed po- ta talla O flle ia-tl o atioofa 3 Rlait Pak-Shîcd t tleo- tatobbaa-I arangec tileat. but- ierecaatbaga aprIolid a-it grt- ad ctrat. 4. Bcttied Plcb-Covarad oilo ita-aaloiaraand arccaa, ash- cd pattata aaad oalaped toatat- oct aith a-îtced atlaa tops. 5. Aragealtarnata darh o.td lighi cald sîlled tarat 0In aspral ona plattlo.c iaiaoolthe catr , aihloa-acrrrra. celey aad- OMalecocooropiao luth round odota by callot theta xoneta cdthrd a-otid ad taprd uthd aîltercrss.ca rea wtoctveslandy t. Rl0 dogace lchsard InIA I5Irws on pltaga-lo aad S t knny men, wrome 8. LuL ganh5,10,15ndichscb ourE5IJuIfl ct Non Pge, Ble oopo slceofhrad I cthey [)O.ut UUUWDUU tu tthe a-Osa tta0.u the lu b utetpapate Ittal b NTRCTOR la ~ ~ ~ 9 tbniedit-hfruituthartoa ON mEdeLO In tac. ta cmoatulaanditallIaad oie- 0000 Aad NASIOCO SHENO- (Ail Biaaet thit10aittîr a-Octal Vau-lalavm'a ahote drcîmore, leitr bitgaith-cPHONEa SOLatBO. .oih aap. îidaye, Ita ten tataar a-euapgpainho5,10,cor135 1s CetiNew.opamtatt ar 1caseeas balla or hnaed ptatoou n À Co atry ambinted tnto uaUilrailasaatth a, f aailad dressng and nota. i a e ,Il. Staff fruit aliah freah voue- I 9tables for variety. Cooked stoaed tproaras are good wth gatedca. v M CO G y 1rot; bakod applea oitto dtced oetery 1hatved Plaes aPut togther wth There ta a Urne for everytbing. 1rcttage Chatte and toto of watO- aaaordtag to Salesiatea or the i crss.preacher. A limte ta pinot and a PMQUNISfli RCUM titat ta piaak ap that aviçh ta Baked Ham for FA""ee aated. a titea ta cat anar Ataaet Frota a a wttbrtnd onasace- and a titrn ta gather tatea ta- Oueted. Srub the haaainla orta gether, a tiaae ta keep silencerand waaec itta tfihaaah. Puttlnatioe ta pea, ad any the a deep hettte; rover althwaactathora obiah or vrry oten do att a-at.ec; brio5 ta the botta5 pot; baerrotat the ight tluneifae almmer lothbot) tllasteelifork Aad lattweek-end aocddiattere a-lIt petetratt roadly ta the centre. thora ts alto a tloae toc go Alloabohute mtesttper Pound. tuck ia the mund aod ccy netcly Cool the heuat lana-alec ia whtch it 0100 the bas. iltas aooed. Raaov froatttte Itacame aot intbisay. My ortead peloff outtide hio. Pat detnato eg Statttad,jtlta atmixturaof%aOuphcaavttsuart, naatttoy la catch the bot at 2 lapa, dry ootatdlrd îrld wth 2 Atot or Goetownt. Wa decidrd tpo. ttotad tcry Jlobe avec at tht latter place heauoototht ha. Isertahlatblovesabotttacod îcaldhbe htttr' Thaee o inch tpact. Plac o track ln alto atitata for halat atotakea f otllog paonad baha on lactele aout the condihiot ai the couda. avat 350 dgcctt, for abot 80 We set out in clattp oftitr. tIn minualt.Batte o00ecSorta-lc.tact a-t had ta tooeh tata that Eatar Eggs la Bhiai rîctd hathaod dcidcd he aaald HattanlIch of wattr I auce- cuittttoly dcapoffta satll drht pata htiling pont, Add % tstp. ttc at t fart a long thet ay. Un- tait ta proveat ahells u ca ckt- tactaaatvly, thia fart astaoff the ig. Plaeg tneatitattintln a ighay.th elieitwasonoa-hat labloopoot and tlip ltoatht hoillag ila htaa-otethe righth lite. Tht waaec. Covrc and tata off atattt caad eataioly dido't lotok proatialof leaetat sttantd4 minutsforta-e tocedup it.t1hdatlefit- aOft-aO hd ad mteforacrd- iteohabt.taftac theraaer of aive caolead. Mtmeadeptada ona aaohvc oahave tOlgitltgs, hept discceet- of egoand teopacratt ggs. ly ilet-torasong astIa ale. Withcayotortrcanttart dcrata Whaoa-r prattlyoaetttahll rgo foc rrltng lutht «alal. ia the omiddleaofta ththerioa tea ai yellaa-ioh-gcey toap I dld tay t THOE QUESTION BOX uittledaeaaa-a a- hat! Wr lither- Mm. W. C. aks: Haa- t a -thtd ot ofthat though ad poc 1 amfon ta-icah plapplt cîtonaar prectriaosay.tIta-tald PNP LE Ju Alt hne a aeattioa-hatevec ta tac SIot ta-a mediaum,ful-ipetiltatotheta-rtttpree tood thoc pt-tpplta Slire, ptrl, tklototYta have alec laid thra-orlves on coe andgrlodotsiag fiaetOtifein thrpatlretry orsoaIt dfeats ofi foaa-tchopperc Mattrt 7 opt a-y lîîitad paa-acoaf deciption. sugtc tac foutrat Pt plnapple. Mia n lacsittwtatooalblaita-hith adI aand hcltg ta toIt clltg hal.1I a tsu0r e aight doappcoc and Sirconttaotly a-hile hoiltag foc 1a tvrttc lthcard of 001r In theco a-latta Rea-totfrctta elecîlocl- aIil a ts lthot lotyrd thc hoit..t ta-cntalnod add 1 bttIt petta. of thertartoatcronothhabttoa- 'rhen tiic and aia- hy tuat for 5 tn thers i t a tOc. -ad, ruta, ainutes la cool siightîy and pro- rorcyihiog ail iagrthcc Bat a-aldd %etltling fruit. Porqacly o ti'ttgloothcar and into laiottriityd ias.Otal a-th ttodrt îcoutd iftthe a-hetore- yttafil. toood bto rt t1aotdtred. Thre --Mr. J. T. saes: Do yta use raa- lia-sto hey did rtefula to rt or cobred pineapyein oaoctcaa- ire bot t-ch ia-r itlli laa-heced dessrltt? bock 01 oion. I ktpt rotîoltiog Atoae Wc use r ieshii'oolord atcolh, and contiitg tht oiu liiotoppit ti thit leRaonanod b-tes Il. I l ibd lrfi b catch ihot causeoatouseail inploaco a- ho i e tugldo t h ccHtte'ltherecipe salpl1top FOiiOtlO. tdpOh a-libandtadd Yiop ahd rie. ýiocoigaleihat vaourotdestition. Coo oertht ater for 4mia-oAnd do vtohin 1 ould prstade loi (e, 15aintes for Miutthltataloictttth ttittatthe Picr I Tliea roh thcoogh a olevr. gale Whal iod ofiservice a-aald adadd 2lhbps, sgat, , otsp.tait tlbolb.1 aoaabed toaitherea.. ada1cop dlilpltappit ire 1 kpo-lece ouofthtdaape. pree Chili. Joot htfaree errtag, Thtîc il a tîtt la h top silnce! Wr toit loto top irhlpped crta.adrthe daliverttothbo to Makeat6aervlags, Gttihtththehcpioer rod.ttndpattd on ilh aed cetry. ioîrd Geregetaon.Goainothe Mma. H . aaks: Ham, do you owa-,lthatrhtdtmeellly thattilta st10eropie aycop? jbottia-tfor ththus. Bat mayhe Atao'r: Pour coid aycî.p ltt ila-oldhb ate.tIoetrdhright- alteilîead plt jact. Place ta tthher l10 IlwaooT tWc rtehtd tht depat hbad adpatilly sralUse adeep lot asîptsetgroa-eaealigltittl presetacc aacpa -lwth atinchctloloda-tclocsantd nto gel oiattcclnlt and ontheackhalo ticket,. ahile a-y chautfeuc paac r4plaof siycapHat te galolod ybanood rntathoehbus tra-îoepoitthe tao10lho.cprea- Thtteialslaotiae fortothteit lace ad athatlmeot ri1abtlle tatettket.Alerfaa-iat a-ioutas Let pcror ocaptoai lt econttar far haIt a a-naie cool, satjarlot tghtl and stiare la tha t ca-rd lilor tet, a pettt girl darh place. ittird ferontoaea-heat and tald Mcm. B. IL. a"o. Do yen pot aoy- la-t hec eoldn't tive maoticket a bhit0 olbhrc t osgor lo rhbabrhhc dîdo't lota-haa-to ak-ttont pic0 ou001 habt. thogot ItIadea- Auta-r: VWe use 4 elpo tîoely allraspîint toa-adthehbus,taowl lîttderhîhoa - ith 2cupsao gran crt taWhrtIiaitta-ed the lîled tagar. 'a clptflar, goted % driver t hodai hart alle ta gai a oriange cîad fo 9 inch pic îîîîiag.ticketai olthe plate therthe ticetî oct oîppooad ta hcavaailohir ta the puboli.e, csared ai a-a ait a-îighi GEORGETOWN bchout111of iy ocooraThato iaatny.' he ioîd, tagreed! Fioalty, atd - oetitta-blelctattly, atif hj ailcoded o panoarcttl lstI Fcîday a-rotnaa pooteagar. he dreetoat ni the talioian ait, Toronto, hy hi tickettbookand otalita-ad a-cto Mrgarai Bradley, daughter af Mc. haveone.Aod I, diheralli d and Mat. Nlîa- P.Bradley orfelng o.get goiliy oabottht too .Il waatihe oficîial ddhat aithoît husiness, happed ahoard.ý a tontert i paia of ihistalleata-I Tbtt a a-tao ia- to ta hntitht yaîîg lady a-ho ha ha- t adying chaufteur lor tht laiecctita rida. contcta-îclatortavatcl yarsattî - aaatoff oya- eek-enditrip.tht, iarly oadertheiha oof 0B0 Hay- ot t h a ho eetn pîtpotd lot ocot Cia-îen, no, thte-i b hotoc t'u LADIES' BLOUSES af Lght Weîghi Crepe with Vetalinstactoa lare, bttar op fract ta lîoy îallar. Ta-astylet tra ic -orS a haaae. Clais, hiebloe, pîrk, malte. Sites 12 o1a8i $2.98 Ladies' Short Sieanal PULIO VERS Pure a-aol in plainr hou Colara,L green. Sites 1420 Ladiesa Short Sleeoed PULLOVERS iii diaa-otd jacquacd pattecn. Plain a-bile, rose, gren Siat 1418,-2 23 blua,roe $2.98 3i tolora of $3.69 Girls' Coat Sets Green WntAmrt arheauty n ae aStle hîzas d-xi ..... - --o - ---------- 15 .9 5 Other Coat Sotsaut $12.95 GIRLS' COATS In nvygren, ineandred inail ool polor twill mîthi n îg Sizes7-10.$16.95 $22.50 Boys0' Coat Sets Fa or Brown ithlmatcig prakedcap. S ara 3-6b Baya' Naap Saîtor Coaut $6.95 $12.95 X oung , MnIts ,Drape Pant, A new sipoenlt o ool anduayon gbardine ir talarsblat, a-ire tedgreeao Sites 28-34. 89 MENS ALU WOOL GABARDINE , 1 i -., ' I- *l 7., - o1 ---------1cd ,',y 11, theLio.îIiii oo oo lîoo ooî.ti OF CANDA, thly D hast oc.Ao added ai att- btthe-ytc.Oîtîittcb t rodif InMliorytati Sa-agger ss Colora, blot, goey $ Th u otaltes ct itciîsirn- t a s 1 ot te appeatatate 0 -4ta4 f itet.-r--ye S--t - $..5.00 al Brut cet Smith, a-boue eacty mon t aliaeiller a truoge etineid-1 radia peageata "Toasti'o Jambotre ____________________________________ la o papalat. tatrodaeed by E. V. _ __ -Merohc.idbpataIEN S H T ___ __ __ __hina-if jta a rnaatag ta pecata DUNLEY ACE als be ta oa.te air and he hept tha Floyd Marlatt N S N ch lsn audinclea:ging ltalita rldateouIneoea- ty og cottrsot botgrey, bo o $S. M . S ., N ich olson emces.~ ~~uderako no Mele St.. Milton, Phana 40l», Sizea 6ý,4 7V------------------. ...... .... 5 0 fucaittace des er, Williamn M. Wtt- COCKSJIUTT DEALER 'ndled ait hia daughtee har n a 3. I. CASE Claraon o n Sanday. Me wufte FARM MACHIEMY We ave& fw pwertok_ -peROSSle STOREStow CO. haLTsD.U W. haveon feu- asn in ake-Mf yageot Forage faterICf toSS eTeRES Car.eL Wtii Hàvhscniunot aat ittt ya BLS BEVC 5% off on Caenhia.a the neet 2 taoeît Canane larguai and onta mtodema CHOSE BOY (Loto Vaus) PHONE 490 13.lS MO Ru PouocDU i lls. Avelalebpauoenger teemial i th ta (VI 8.20 Run ower UffContranlutaonai iuLtaao ToCompleteYour Easter Ensemble We Suggest enethat one aifte aerosa1Ithe tray tua train behind bia fel- iutaton ta drivaae b.holait. liiteaed ta on the foaUauing day Iota aatpaaiataa. The sermon eaded There ta a Urne toa cr014 gootn had aalie thate, tititg thte tean. p aith taeation of t ea aay staek tathe mtldi The speaker ttld hou-. thcaetat a prert day u-arld ta atsinla the chanae la 100e table. be hud rnlaaed tranand atitanlaits destitionl. Me Ater the %cent Laketeclare- the trait that oa tataire bita ta, did't mtaon getio cki n ou athe est Lakelte i n aa rlotot Geaecal Cttfereein Vanotaver taud, bat If he had tac experlenre Berril tht Northt Weat TerrIt- lut suaoer. He had ta travel aitbhe aacely woualdhbave hadllather orles. Wail Bourda Oak Floorlng Cernent Plywoods Loth Ton Test Milton Lumber Lime Saab & Coal Company Z7UI8- Frarnea MILL STMIT lete Doors PHONE 49 Rotai Motîdinga nloainaDOORS--leaide end Outsido lotolattoot Practioally AUl Sizes-Varioaa Pa7tteros Gyr Cedargrata Sidirg Gpo Shingles Evrything in Building Mateciain Matoalte PAMý l'riE CANADIAN CHAMPION .MURSDAY. AIMM M, lm 7

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