94r gQauùanauOlampion MILTON, ONTARIO P.olhrhcd E-eeT5sedY, Mecrecc Aec D ed el..cc--i, P-ei se SUESCRIUTON RATES-HaN P-1Y- rci cd- ... q ccid.Scie. ddicccl. Sic.. eapiec ch..e ni etddc..c fir sîcd ADVERTISING RATES-Oc cecli-iecle..d c Ci-i ei. d-lu..becdicg. u. ý,TEetChcapi. epr. e d Ir ci. l et hcinder,,dins thciati -etbc licile taye, ccrcein cce deeticncccpcilihed ecqc.cdniicbyhc detifce cnde tu-cd thc Chmcpicc brece.. ciE ls. deig ci- d Ir, thcadverc.s, c.d idS ...cli-nrc, phii, ccccd cn îiicc cicecceacd l Tic Chciftayc. ... end f.ic e ticl cccccd sed Te i.laiiyscllmotendcniitrchca 0,ALF OIL. Edace « M.1. Seec. Micco TELEPHONE 220 EDIT ORIAL i's tister Thiss s Easier Week anddin addiion o ail t religs oas sgiicaaaae heree s lin hss land Ihe resurreatioir of the eaiib fiaia the ]oy iî the camig to lie ofall growiiaih seem to coicide so well wish the eaahingaofEaster. No alasays dcose have igh pîamise of spiiag days ai Easer. O(ueo the syiabols ofain ter are sti1 'sih us ai the Easeiide and the ainds are ald. As weewhiteeaa Moaday, Apîli has isi lefta big flu o saai, buitaiaimei weahei sees igoing almasi as fastas itacame. lis the seasan f hope, of laiih aad justifica- tion i he glaîy anid joy of iesuiietionae lis a joyoas and happy iaae and the mould ai iaday needs e ieeed laiih a in elf, inmankind, i provinces, aai doamiinan ad oihei coaaaiies. Neaer was suspicion and disiiost moie peaaleei than iaday and ea,, mas lhe spiritiaof asier, ils sufferiig and ils gloîy moie needed la aai eveîy day le ihas an 1950. Lufe Depencie ce Watr We cac have aishoal hoase ai latisg fai mosths, aie an be aithuibaifoad lai days, bai te liae mibaai maer is lgaied sin eîaisf baaîs and minutes. Il a sameisg aie seldam tisk aboaa. Waieî ia mmaa, easily accesshie, aad aberp.Ili s aheapei tba di, ;yaa aa bay alcrin laaaitaies cieleed byapiaeyaaî bathband siahfarabaut a ncikel a ton, aihlejasi rdanary diri "slosis fîam a dllai apad lapsoasl amesataiaoaad $0I s asly abena caasis usaaaat bai liz ordepeadeaeaupaa maieî. Faca ihea wmes y lake siap-gap me asares Oaa h as piahsbitisag he viaieiiag af lamans ai shatisg afl theasauyply lai a leai haaîs a day, ai, as i Nem Yark rîaaaaly, gaseg aithaasi shaasag aa ane day a a ek Wih samay demadsayaa i,iheie aiial- y is ampetisiîa beiaieea aae ase aad asaibai. Sametimes manicipal ai proiniral ai ledeîal gaaeiameais must sep sn and esiablish pioailies. They may piahibitsreai aiasiag ai îedaae aiih- dramal lai eleatic pawei geoeiatisg, o atio the sapply ia industieas. Our disiegard oaithdimprancaae oainaall and main saapla has beaaaîe a daaaeraas i fluence le aa, asalaisaa iPleads ia faaliy ecnmcideas, canfuses oaaî ibsksag abaut ailaizaaisan ad immgaiaoaablsnds as ia the cosequences ai bailding bggei aad bggei ciac'ie ad leads ausia mîaaog îdgmeais abaat the lcaionaadpraspects oaflaatiî Waieî is beneaaleisi mhaa piapai y manaa. cd. li aaabe pradaative andaasl suppoatpras- peîaas cammniises if is floaaisasssly sad. Oairaaieî prableais aie île aaiaaiaaoai aaîea- farts ia adapi aaî yphysisal eaurnmn t u ecaaamiaaad sacial needs, watosai aalaong sffcely o aaaiaes uari insg ays By driag ap maîshesanad lakas a,' have desryedthe hames and bieadaiaaroudsaof isel aaaeilaailaandlairbeaieii Byaclearing lahe and sueam banks af haches vue have eapas- cd thb, aer ia saashsne, amisg i so a bai spailed lai the besifsish lise, iy denaudang hll sdesafiieesaie havesnrssaii ateaiviaa lsadamsr.aiaie adsa.s.,sassl THE CANADIAN CHAMPION aeddaome jta Canada aI a lower aist toi th, Caeadiae priter. Aeothr press that is madoe GrieatBritale cmpares aery lacaurahly aiith a Milton maciaine, made in the Uited States and selle har $7200 less thae th, Americac built press. Itecollections These are examples anly i he pricheng fild. le eaery eiheî field simlar lest ances ioIdb loocd ihat are gaie0 ta change our trade catlccb and have ancchIctotnce cr ecaaimy. Canada Fifty Years Ago îcaachd a necaihigh ilexparis ta tb, Uied- Sates rececily. le Feruary b6t per ceci, cf TeIrci freithe luce, cf ehe 0câ- Canadaexeprs went toheUnited States. -ncanpono pu5 H The ar isaaerand agaic there is sccld Yeserdy, jisasicthe Pinecai irade. Il seul be mel laio unions to tabe iis jta Peicceis o aIles e ee leavieg Oiaicicby sail fao Coenlcgen cansidercise aiben makieg demnaîdsfcr p1 en- aMsejnyece cIa CIiseeih ccaucsd sians and other benel ils. Americaan cd Canadian aepiai, jiceped spoe lhe faelboced made craie inlecmpetition aiuih cars imnported f ihs Princesscloeoncr ced lrom Englaed andcenyhighaiaywiull cocfirm that iiied tira revolverNsots tHlmt, neither of waila toel eldeci. Tii, îley are popuaraith many matrists. assasi ascaaight and luispciets Thes, ar, bat signe of the tirnOs. Goos made e, faicRd te b le ud efulaf an Iiscontinent are ile arld aiampeltiona again. aneaehict iiltrer. He ealidtlis N oeewaats tealaer the standard ofliving,hat tdt iehsaie hecPince "bc- tls,î, are iedications that ai, aay raise it heyacd ta ai sicughieosl Ie Southi Afric." the parcasig psaier afaiansamers. os miroitsoifltheprescriteix- iremciy baid mmdc f taibtcocunt, ------------ tlea aeasece et te geod îaeds meetsigucte sTow allHu mcas t Mcy New Industries îccted as li-aie es ilaneaila have Ie le Ontarie In 1949 aider mor araibîse cnditians. Wbal daes a cea inîdusiry mece la ac Ontario Thoa. Casispcand lmily maovd tram oayee te MiitsaL, lama. ailage ai aty sa terses aI ceaipayiabl, Arthar McLareen hue ampieied heiîeî sabooancd greater relail rade? arrangaemes l or taie enqàIaIîshica Part ai the aesaier is aoc lased in a realeaofa abutrer atiriy utNelsenVl afube 19d9 atisaiiesaoflte Trade aidlcdastîy (aisagiteiiieTmale Cîeaove BRancabaI the (biarisa epi. oI Paccsng and foimîcilis banhe, John Redlrad Ceelapmeni mbscb bas beec îeeased hy the ias rpelled teose doe dame e Mscssler, Col. the Hon. Wllam (riessager. sa iRi]l. Moa Ml la iis reaseai, Direalor F. J. Lyle dislases Publia Scool. usiai is bîaacb lasi year assisied ibe estabish- Clai-a Paiuiei-aa, Alfred BOsaeda, mentof 7 nw plnts 12in orono ad 3 inNopas eata, Thoas Morehaeaid, mecild7caiplcisl2scoiacoaedSia Agnas Stewart, Clihe Babe, i-iber (ntaria moasospalities. Captal scaesied Daraey Dlcae, Wou Almcs, ERas Oas $3315 millians; cuaiber ai emplayens plao- Watsoe, Misai Hume, NRm ai-emp- ed ais ceaipayrabls 5,229 ced the cewa ceacl el, i-esca elaely, Caiuer Bas- r da, 00oigaieeeYoauai, Wis Mai- payral estimaled ai $10.5 millans. 'fat, Mcmie Scott, Larai Scatt. Tenea iscdusties bogbOntariosagrecie r Taneepasue ira Ahatdai. daersificationaofaIsdastry acd ceai pradoats as ModaChsarls Damis lgOl- raoged hase ogaret ligteis îao Dese-elecîî*ic maicimesbuidingofrt h a ae i-- lacomotsves. Ac illusration aI Otaria s net gain a-as as libe. Taeie iee -gade tarr- mcy be aieasored by the estimale ibat îagetb,î cd aut pioapriybhtai d lnat ose ilînse ceai payralbs moud sapport an Onaioîje ihs,.Aiaaetrouiaes of naier aslyl2i,00pescnpuytiil ocal Damags didnetatmaaaii le additian ta gaics inlaccil etai rades, a Ancaai meetisng or Milice Biay- asarhsag farce oaI is cumber carmalby supportîls aIrubS oilae eld aiSaoi-Cysais 14ddeists, 1 ayr,2 hyiin n u-Waors oc Tacsday Aprîl 1i0,1er- lb aaiers 22pbysoies nd ur-ionaoca icerps andcîaar imyort- geuisa, 141 sabaol teasîbeis ccd 103 graduale ant buasrnes noi ses. NewrniiraOBuins oapauca (liber aaîsaîresafrte Tîade acd IndutîyissDrmsii-eiBrasciiserterc Oiahisclsdassiance ia damestiboand flaijn tradsng iîms cecboas la esiahslsb aeai busieess concin ninario, ccd research lacilities arranged îbraugb the Ontario Resecrch Facida- cin nali ihss, the mark oI the sicf1 ci Ontario Hause, ia Ldoc, Egland, s is as iegraied. Epîessiag saisfacatian mitb cci years - aampbissmenis, Col. (rsessngeî desaîshed aaîîeni andlfutureprospeats as enaaaragiag" Drsel Driving Thiaaeasgaamhei ofldiaahdivershsng appyiehesded an the hgbaiays aI the Proviscce iodscaaes ibai somelbsng eairemely drasisa must be daae rcisaisata as lai as possibetiso mec- ae I iue andbsmb. 1,3 12 dîunh dîsacîs ocre caniasiedd cciyeaî n Oniasrioahea bohîaabelore the courts aI the Provssnae. Ceîtiscy ryany, macy maie peisoas ilsan tiss smber draae waise drach and wr lartuace ecaagb cal la o n afoulaIf te l1dm Eaab year the camber is risicg sieacdily, ced sif abtchedisambhiybmays willhbecome scun- saIe ibai theaerage malaîsi istil shaa diaing abogeiber. The ndicaisae s ibai same caoser ahech must he isasiiuied an taie diaeîs. We do cal aiche aey suggestians as tlwa ibaibise iis check mauld lahe, lai the bai aalaîaementoi uîscîs af the Provsnce shaa d haable la devisesa m an afiasmsaiig tbss dacger. Eey motiaîstsi saa d ha ailsvg la sahais ti aacheckaaay ismesinodeiiaosiamyaoutdraah dri sass it ssoald h sasinbei amniniaasis oI sa leiy a cia sa -raahîsdge (Gaee EDITORIAL NOTES (sud Fiday oaîrrianad asier is haîc. hve raeshortiofaiate lboaiforiproductisnaofal sbeeasort oflabidmastmîier iis yeaî eleatiityasieOtario lslyear, ad ofaateî aiitb Marcb ccd APr il praabdîeg the iggest depth for navigatian, as se the Lachije, Cenai lasi scewalls. W, hope il dase't rue eaer inia May year.-Orangeville Banner. ced Jue. In World Campetitien ev, tried il ced report Ibat No. 25 Highmay Recellybaciesecirilesmor disurhd is icpretty fliricondition. Pracjdd, oh course,, cheap shirts and cigarette ligters foadieg the that yoc'rneable ta fied e saitahie approaaih 60 meket and stops mre taken 60 stop tho dump- gotieg on he highaiay proper. Ing. There realter indjicatoso f ailoretare o wocld trade which may have an ehleat span oar Jcst îleeery othor spriog me c, remnember w.g. and hacar stcndard. thb, bm places re lociead the accmuslation fr excempie, wo prlnting presses tha hanofh inter snoce ran inta ièpîces cehere it iset toin m4ncfoclred in ldueUnitedi Steles by an manteci by hoks mico puaf tie places thlic.,,teoh A~!,cen Comnpany ore no-w mode In Engianci dry seasoil. Twentv Years Ago(- Tsalsi-e toeci îeh, s.-aI.î1 t a, cdicc iaccpiec of Api , csa AsssassssO yriudemnocsiatia os'es cnDoranti(avrage Mloc, suI tac Ladgr No 92 had a rad belîeri ail Oc..Tac sday rarcico sasseS a4 membe rssmaie prisersi sssse%esisanOld Îis in sacaai fionsfiholhading mmrsip lai 25 seacsoraimaie Bola Wmn Pacissc, ocraiafioucarterism m airas aihrn the lage waistu- Md se 1072. mas presitd oia s ai aa<]cfile ~me'oership. Sperasal Bûaey Blae Ser-gi Tai yartsis $259(0 ul Arr Wales. Theo aths3sls Sape taie nea barige nt Oalisgiac Beachi ailaie eadp foar irafilo iy Jase eas. Truickia pseeiand c-hilil-dAc ,rinasc uaely, ai Nesaa Taweship aisas diaieieTaioont, hiîitruck shîidaonEriedale hMll.upseiilg and lalliss a e clashie îoa Me (lucaiy, E. Blanchard and M. Gsi-l ctiao couod ijary. Il isse e onue prgra.ofsaItaie OctipiaEdueeslacsi Canventomai Elisier meenk Sci Ni-. F. G. Rai- massceseection. ITla iaifin aita SA ad. eg p Os golhy PCf. J@cic T. Armstrong, District Representative OEOOOETOWN, ONT. Branch Office Brampon, Ont. SLICEDamiE FR MEEÀI.MI iBACC mecemicie ' 2c l IIMBO Pk'. 339 gum PESHLY GROM 'UNSc ROM >A CAROLL'S DAN] T EJ Y.-ia , LB WEUTONWB MELBA CREEAN SADWICH BISCUITS1LB 21 RÎaspberry JA MPCT'ýý-2-)Z icOI& Deset EA S Ties- SEED)LESS RAISINS ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIX PEuG GOOD LUCK MARGARINE TO VITA-li CEREAL P.G. 15c,: CANADA FIRST BEEF DROTHTI Rcnnbcer asry yo ere bceca, eic didee't beyi Candaeinac î,5Vegesabie Reep er Quaker TeeicaoRaep,1 they Ree ecflchi ne BeaCh le cseediu Har ie ofv the, Lc s liccsed sccy, eeiy. Itse oeilS Ihee imese pr. .. . geed, eeegth glieg BEEF BROOT, ait geticeica caupliF f Ri,5i ccah ti. CREAN 0F GREEN PEA SOU? Tii. MUSNROOM - CONSOMME 801W Tin . FRENCH STYLE ONION SOU? TIN1 MITomato JUICE 320o 11LYCREAM COR N 24"NS Niblets CORN vAIPORK and REANS LIBY Tomate JÙ&e INTmqe, HIEINZ KETCHUP cIGL TOMATOEI uLt-T-2 TIN,251 ka wîsalMens msiadlg- -isi, bcpefraneinte Mottiez Parker'u TEA ci5c Sobld danssoaiDr. G. I.Chris- BLEAC'S mo v. Piai (A aise.r ma l.io EINZ SPAGHETTI odm acd A. . achi r510onaeiDOMESTIC OREIG PK. îlEs osos s acoalc5sr SHORT ENI Tai uk Drieby ai' bas OCO BOES 3!KG. ,nep MaYi asce1875. 2 !5J w - -HAWES1 WAX asý q i t e PARD DOG Dor CA? FOOD2 We LEM & PEARINS SAUCE BI I Pm AB OODS 3seesý Repair NEWORT FLUFlCS,- 23c31c, A lM trJrv n HEAD LETTUCE, Ecch ------------------ All Mtor piven No. 1 COOKINO ONIONS, 3 lb. __............. Appliances Y.lIaw, Ripe SANANAS, lb., ....... ........... Italian F O S T Il RIS LIMONS, 300i5, Dace ..........a......... RopoirSMIC@COLUT HZARTS, Bondie .......I....... PBSS DAILY-.Pnespple, Radises, Celle Tamta, PHONE 354 Ricubefbc Cmlifiweo, Spinaoh, geeae Beau PHONE 23, MILTON PAM TWO 27c 35c 250 14c 17c 19C 33c 19C Campbell HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Water St,. Noetj GALT J. A. Elliott licoaeAmutoeer &W PIOFE I sERciOSOAY. >cPRI OU M.Éý» Wmm 9 TEtIOODAY, APOIL flic, 19» Business Directory THE STEVENSON CLINIC Maton Ncmboer Ceeecplelliflde Ncmlacr 312,16 Dr. QaH.I .vmn Dr. J. A. Palmer Dr. J. D. B&Ue.p Offie Hos A.M. 4 AqiictMeet oeuh. Scceday,-cRcOgecRicc Ocly. b CampevilleOffi5tce usI 4 9eyweek day bu MILTON PRIVATE NHOSPITAL X-BAY Coroner, . CP.R cnd Ocol Secrom DR. 0. E. 5111 Odlicec-JacnciStrne 0 phone NO. 38 Office Hoiccc: 9 &=m 1-9 7-8.30pin. Coroner DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Fermera' Building. Nain Street TeIephoecM8W RecîdeRse 395J3 )N LEXIAL DICK IL DICI K. Y. DROR IND Baeeicseec, Soliclttcrs BowaeStoreet. epposite Aena %A Telephene 4 M E T. NUTCHINSON, <C. 8 . Offisar NaiSDam CShaapion Ofie DEE Teleploeae5 4 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT 7 : Bcricte, ,scistor, NRemeT Publie 5c Offm-Ie Fccrmc OcBulding, Main Street Miica ai Telephece 70 BdLEVER & HOSKIN Clccstcred Accctccctci Sccecaone S 340 JENJUNS & HARDY ý27e 4 itoi i, oot 16. DENTAL 29e DR. G. A. KING B-3 C DENTAL SURGEMON 29C OfficeiRya l uildin,Mlo Esaenigs by Appaaiicaiai X Raa Seraice Teiephoee 197 5 c DR. F. E. AC K Fz.e DENTAL SURGEON , hee Off i, Os,, Prless aThentce whieS Nighi Appaisimeers, May Se eslte Arrasged 5ht a X-iiay S-raiceGas Extractien Ha1fluste a5 Teclephoee&5w 5ic NIEISEN - The Chiroprcctor Rai Dreg;ec Therast MoLady Atteedant Mae Taies., Pi-i.. 2-5 p.ciý 19e Wad aî 2-5 aiea 8-9 p.cs 1 C Clama Thureday 7c ( o minioamSaei, Georgetaown IL7 Phone 150-W W c CARSTEN GLAHN 24C HFar .LAIRD 6Maa j] TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ic Gaig Euîl 731 caim. ad; 2.07 pis. dasla. oaa pi. daily, exeeli aSuday. - Ganrg Waoi 59.35 a... daidy, 6.31 p- dalily, 1lOdS a... daîly e.iept 95C Saaday silagý.S.d 4c Cesaag E.tai 1 .mdaip p- 35c 1aai21 ,a 75 Glasog s95as... daiîly, s3s L(-31c CANAI)IAN NATIONAL 15]X 1 iAILWAY (1assg Naelh-7.58atee Ail C.NR. aly taiservece nomaresuned lecralaia W. have a f 5% Off an w A »El FlOU l100%UM l iryodc nd, h le chie dieî - limicli c tac. I coaisital ssc nt.And NABISCO DED WHEAT is. 10()i shele esoi! Y, choc, deiceu, aisipt CiL orG HeOT . . . is cam ocornicrepl 1 )r st iy ýy er n