TE CANADIAN CHAMPION )R PEACE" Te&,la euy pvhm la (Mead, I aglo uyuuta lo0e u*ay M"ra "d t.dnw ia tho5mm tMbbMe * u M pouad sta t s tea h amaRi B JackT.Armstrooag, District Rapraentativa GEOROlETOWN, ONT. raîh Office Bampton, Oct. e a a it a eupeuple wo be actor athie eelaoae compa» Andd th# iapeuple waho arna l iving by rnakitag $bfiat l5 the teephune opanayoeeal, Andi ail th# peuple u-bo dafal aa oa ua ie raraier baaaaesea"mmanage ibeirbhomes if dl t iese peeple, uiib ibeir famiie, l tirn ta eu <I TM ,Csy-Wih-N-Name weatad bd by tarthie targu l M Cm-aada a" eta e t th trgeel lan ibe orii. K..piag pamtlaI Ia M -n nda.fonadt aaeaaafa. aaaead flttn alpbaan acoiaha. 1-k.aa ttoai cca MW taa f aoaa. 0.1ya aaclir kuhtb nlahama-"..m. ua aY hi. bg lo.. -mcpaaacaam.plaac naahc.-cayniahmn a tlm a nfla . "M.ianahancaaawehl.t l ..alam ai -y PsPi. THE BELL TELEPI4ONE COMPANY 0F CANADA o.l..d W amaad Ip CaaadMaaafir C.ad.s YOUIt AM SORE Lead the Easter Parade with a Suit or Coat from The Ross Store - Ar O*IY 00 TIRADE EXAMPLEC Coed: l'Yeu hooa, 1dldn't a- Ifw oud do a wengran ty' arp Fond the GmTt time he pro- in building up tonde as w have posed.-'donc with Mxico, thon. saya The Frlend: 'TI na you dida'tYnu Finunint Pot, ou major aonomic w"enu't tiarru.* probms ouOld be olved. The macohine aged Moco a houhave but up an ecuhangeofa goods a streecafld "Bit Borioga Av- omore thon ton timon the value o enue". prorar and the ibuiness la stout __________________groarlng. Moreoer,itia net nearly - as lopided on that with su moor othorcuostomera, and in largly loa- cd on goodo whioh are unobtin- able In the buyerPa countcy. men cas(ah Priama fer Or Importa froon Mexico tuai ycor totallrd $25 omilions. Biggest Dead Stol singe Items oero rotton and sisal on s 7 " bt there oerc otoo subsautinl HORSES, $250 @ch qutitioa ut fruitt, vegtabto, co. CATTLE, $250 *ach, toc and pIcs. Our exporta Ou NOG0 5 c.cwt. eio In tB acnmo period wr H005 .5C pa cw.. orth l$15amitlions ih the major [ ASorodlng t szean inon coian nonprint, aucinoon, cundiftlon Coli Coi. ait27181 oubor n itot FatFooting", a o utish es 'I . toum, reous h00 the iet persono ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING FURNACE O[, BURNER SALES & SERVICE NEIL McPIIAIL Charles St. Phono 432J1 Milton APPLIANCES and FIXTURES Men's Suits Wooi gabardine Sudts, pickand pcb mu seds couerts and .horbskins Hghy syled for the young mou. Sizes 3542. 39.50an'4950 Men's Shirts With Wndsur collar and regalar col- ar n heles postel shodes uf pmnk grybuc plluoed 4!9ý gren. Saes 14!/2 te 6 . a$3.50 lIES ln Plain Colours lu Match the pastel shade shirts. Othecsat $1.50-$2.0a GIRLS' DRESSES irom Toddlers oe Turc aurrs. you'li love our collectioneuf merueriaed broodcloihs, ail dressed up vith eylel umbtud- ery, cascadg aroud nec and poukets, accentedmlih gngham colIrs and pockets or gay smocking. Trlymwash- ablrandyet inparty stylesand clors, purh blue,gren Smocbed styles Szes 3tob6. Eyelet Trncr Szes7tro 10 Gnghaur Trm. Szes 3 lob6 $1.95 $2.95 $2.95 Men's Top Coats AIl woui gabardinfoll1 cor no easy hicg drape, and eoperrly riored rhrooghoor. A hacdsome cool hat mll 9,cr you loug anrd satisfacory sevc.Colors, faoou, ble, greyacnd meduam o S ors 35-44095 'GUNLEY ACE" A scariy styleci for felr Hat by Bîrt more in he-e ucest sprngs radiesHas oucd edge, rcap bru clftfi fsha meddum rbbce baudnd. uos, gny, browne medumblue. Szesb6-7 ,$5.00 FOR EASTER AND RIGNT II TNROUGH SPRING L.adies Suits GABARDINES -Aimopu pup- ular for spriug and sommer w a in simple, classic litres, mith rayon satinr lning inouem spriog shades of moze, fors greenu andaua '7 Sze 1218 aq..a. 7.5 Btter QOauity Gabardineoin Peacl Groy Ooly s 1e4 42.95 Foc the cool aping duasaslect o Chia, Janty SHORTIE tract aur orird aclotion bot fleecy. polo clorh and l r,,begegreen, gey aud Si2e, 26.95 -39-95 Ait Waai PLAIDS -Epecially for'eon-agers -umaras aàu.bjp Skirrs wuh uggeru onuslipmwaislband anddoublecbreasted ackts, uly ryolneduinbromc.Ogreenand blue. Sians 14-18. Tris is a regular $21.50 Valse. PRE EASTER SPECIAL 1.. . 159 Tao opiment yaac cot-Chao oat, Fily SPRING BLOUSE icom thfi llowig assomtmenat: Our choire -usr receiued- light mcight crepemithoerical iser of laue, butloc upfront o ioîcoIlar-hort lrces. Colors, white, p.uk, blue, maize. Sizes 1220. 29 SPECIAL 29 Inurhsgroup are short andcap sleeoes frgh andlomcnec styles-io colors, plaie mhire, pick, blue and mae rinrtsic pink, bloc and oullow. Szes 1220 -,2.49 T04.50 DRESSES "SFRING PRINTS" Priets of fresh green and achite uc grep groucds -yllom ou black, blacb ou piuk. AIl fcnsh as o daisy f or spring and suermer mer. 13-40 10.95 lu 16.95 SPRING COATS SAttacie full lecgrhcouats ic fited a or swinmg bacb wthaself or ocirast ig butonros. Colors, grerc, pomder, I"Qý l 7L navyand black. Sues 12-16-20'n38 42.50 "'47.50 TEEN AGERS' COATS Smartly styled, somemwith bock ieternat, ailwool twill idb coorreul burtons irr mue, caoy, brome and piad ~ f Szes 1216 a35.50. PHONE 490 ROSS STORES Co. Ltd. MILTON CANAIAN REGIMENT'R 019? TO ISSEIR TheRioyal Mai inerr, thu .brdes' was pruaralod t Soothampto crtt uaplpaque troua the Ron- iatb Highladera ot Canada, tu cmeuuauatu ber ridra coyuge ln eeruaer, 1939, rabora 0,e broght 900 aaficeeuanud omen o the regi- ment frouta Haita to Spo.uad. Tbey oere the ira Caadia tropa ta lund la Brituin fteboSecond Mediel expertso sy 25 perenrt o the worids ople areprevent- ed by-phiaial handicaps troua ol- irg fsll ytecri.liti-ecilally rnd H. A. (Hank) PEACOCK liepresratin C. H. Prudhomme & sous tatnrao, Bematafla NURSRY gSTOCK Higb goodo Fruit Toacu, SmaII Fouit, and f3ape Vinsn Ornamantal Treem Evar- greens, Pranalals Shruba, Roses and us & P. 4 Sillnn BUILD A NOUSE IN eoploiua rabt must bc boaghitueo YOUR SPARE TIME eucb sir lu counsruction. This for- iliiotea bnoul a t otela- Many roug coupler are oorcar- coruead mtaus abat au cairrial aisig tOeirdreoamsofiowuaaaOtheir eed bcututoahurei aybcesolua. owomues. at ainofaitboocoods ohie ao'aiiag tbe arroi tien of dolasoinbuilding cots.Men Eoeptforpluuubiuguund mirln, maaboutuorpratea nperaece aeee0breb aot poe-tiaae amateur coosuirnc iousesara daiatthei uodersmustahbverdonc for tema week-rndsanad oiber sauee iacaae- o-ubrdroauboose requirs ta meitstrict building-cde rr.aoabo30ohuof oîmrk. Tht quirentand pariid mrtaaoe g aotto eery ar houeo luaIaspctions. The amuwr, nuos two a ers. thr article puintso ut, Dua Wartunain the Apri Oudr'a[oaî,.a the buder bh bp orra Diges, ie in a aebud-lt-ouor- tube tiluarotraris lob. Bot ibuar selt topchique nbihe lorruloi- bheursawrtb t teot $2 uunb, truIe patteraasoaaarb ibo thuru a buord ou acrgeu auinolanbuid- woa ssIna oaabiadrra. aangeuts.OOn nu houuacintud hy Wbrtoao ariecundeaaoat troua tb, uthor a catrurtur gaveu Future.saya the FPatrnsrow th 0e $15000 csticnjat, Forroimlhe r sl, ad sccoabrth e andrrooabr,auc. oceirg eeatri teorrg. atuu tell rat toutearr nrrdud. beatec. wat matria ta boy and bas to eelpet fta os-bi shop or thm. Th matelal iag paterns mon a deprssin-born ____________________ deoucoauevd by Gonald Bronna, t Briarulit., N.Y. Building aheivea and cabiaetsinha na od houe, Brana Iuud et atturd ta boy RnYotamre ATTENTION coubrObah beriaf the dors patterna ha bad oncutod, bc doaw up hult-tior de- l sgna ai evoythiag ho planoad to LivePoutu 'antd snastrul. Whonhonthuaiatie aigb- Liv horsy aft boagbwd lapaer~nsan HIGHEST FRICES PAID patterns, had a toto htmdued captes prlnted and peddled tham to bard- Cali PINTV'S POULTRY ware and lumbr dealer. Today, Ba. omploya 1limonanod ham MW Phono 2M4. Stoney ComUt coUm oUaI8sealBng mnre than a mBBoa é _ 4. of i paterns a year.* Ikaue hqulr.4 n«fer iaTaaast Estabflshmaais Ad, 1949 NOTICE TO OPEATOS Licences Expire MARCI 3st Ic ou uponaea Tonnina Eabishment, acommodanan h travellinor vocuaonina palicancd icon creontuaicready Bicneod nder the Gnoaand Fiahaolaa Auct aa .tfitte or oadeo the Lqun Licnce An, cou mst applc beota Mach 3 lantfor aclimcneandac the. TuninPEsacliaaceaaa A Tonr« ioftauiihaaeaa icnldos Au fou - A Lodga .A TounisHotma oacina f- on ra oran t aa.A CotAnge Eanb- itbmof m. -rne re.nruit.ia-A aeroalaa ndaisi raaicumnicipalniuaniaon, n.lothe district napeoanofoith Ontario Proncialt poice oun. Thefon oast.appliconnai.$500 and uo n acanm annlia $2.50. P.. mIdI acomfnnp appLioain Opa.oton aiahouoliaen cnailo c maimnt umiaco0 $100.00on anciijmas damsa nnviolatioann ftm noge. Capy q Me .gn.oa .dlwà .JMbram.abd DEPARMRIT 0F TRAVU. ANM FoUU BON. aOtaa P.clati. E Nitd TuM W m* uifn b SI Toanlu lamsins a Yh OltE lainas.The amdsntm d Anandainabu pdh0ad - laiarumaabk» VMIola..rdmbaarVA"IMaI m u hm py«m mhb icoal.. seimlporana Malasmaaa. U h Effme" Kiddies' Coat Sets lu green, Americanr beaory, grey, oce andcnavy. lare bacs jost lke Mummysm.th embroidered shoulder inereeorfigteaisryles wirh oeloereeu trrm, matchiug bars, t delight the heart of acy lrle Miss for Easter.ia 3 ro bux. J15.95 Oahc, t $1295 ad $1395 Girls' Coats lu uaoy, green, m ce and cherry ed, styîrd io ail ool polo or rwil mith swing or belled bacb. Suzes 1 0 0 BOYS' COAT SETS N'avy sailor coats, al cool with bi ghr brass burrons murchiug Sies4,5,6. $6.95 Browo or awc Coat Sers m rh marohieg peabeai cap, Saces 3rob6....--- 1295 tf Aruay lecidiiag epione. r Royul r Corps essaundi di cubir on. Ait t equip- auaîleie 'OUae CE Nvow! OLL ý MSDAY. MAMM MW& MO ý T