Hod, CRI 2 EHST litC d.d 1S N81 mTE CAIMDAN OIAMFIOI (71 ~~ HALTONFUM Qualitv Pork IDISUSIS FAIUMMINOG 1~ $>Zt>1à74 Q1»U7N2IB CO-OFEIATIVE WAY And Seet Exhibited ..uie I I oc Couty Fores Feorum* us At Ralton Show Wucd bus been renetvedl iy Mm. reportteg on tise tepto, 'Cee W% Frank Cessifurd et tise deats et laer KNOX FIUSYMfIAN CNIJICN Faces Ce-epeeotlnety', Icessed te Me (Cmsfbsued frocs Poge DOse) sunt Mns Frasnk Oetb Irbeebe btioige-lv. ML a. Pl eto tise urne, opiioasts regads the g ad creee cia noveryt et Los Aegelesi Collfeeste, mmt ws4git, &A.TCt-Qao Radie Breedoeeut msrig i ,,ri Rief&GogeonbAtu F nuneeciF et Mtlsess, ced Cisir Usaisu Ecellent se oed, but eone Foruam . ulcae eiy mei me. and Met Roeut E. Baaberry - eperted Ito ast Faeretetateteg tisey ssed, Gesten A. Luette, Actiec; Mern Bt. w0M bernhoe te thetn OIJNDAY, MARCH 26ch, 195 bai braux! ail tis Mincre, mil N Arthuar Breegbtee, Breete; IL T. 'nnde Tesdy, Honnis 2tIti on the s-Mns Traflgar epctd t s gond Ms MNbi & Son& Tee bsul et riSe et.0 tbetcoin itbmdtg -Woamp. bueeelTcetgS eo t eets can, B. L Oifle & Se, Ac- il n niersory 3-i p.se. asd 7-9 1cm. new and Il estobt betp tae lsisson tee oerue Ao. Le lve e Que. ýt ST. FAUL'S UNITED CNUICH tise puo me r C. Heisone, AGereton Bcd cLavr Roct oa9m-iwv. J. L .& Thfe Osn esiou "Oey o eey, <Coin, G eorgetn . to Bob-s Fngra~ments Orgoansot - Me. Roebert E. liecisel, masil perceetage et Canaenu terse- vlet.S X Ou rIfe S on Ceatesloto E Lae ensA. T. C. M. ens oerete lend er seecieeton eenu Altis Pettoee, eonte necloty, - rosetaed e-oersttve Pla. WhYS*BLOctfIle&S;C Atbes Me m Mcc WStSes Aleesd SUNAF, ARC ~ lto la tbie se? Prscttoeity oUl Ferus Mr. nd rs.WiliamAlmnd SNDA, MRCH26t, 150 eeportteg seuedd nery esepietie- Te grand nbasepleeebtp emerd iti Es ot Arden Ont., eeesesscc tbe 10.00 a.m.--Seeier Selsuet. silo tise note tbet Canedien fuera seedoe te o. C. Wilsoe tee bis seseple o e lvrse hl engagement et thist deegistor, Her- 11.00 e.e.-Wucship Service. Ordin- bcticvcd ie ledeeedeene and prHd- Grfi & et n Bcd the e re mbii ceMacguerite, Bog. H., te Ktecets etu lEies Jueter rhoet. ed tbcseeon bceng Issdtvtdeot- grn c40ha lshm is oren Ituies Ageo, sec et Me. and 3.00 p.mse-Cherch Moseretip fis, ernusg thiset en lan usa d nbsstuisfe losr Me. icessetis Oewsid Agrem. The Cas acsoyad nta a 1 usd jas Th BnkofTroto06 7.00 pn. -Eoeeeg WursPssp rhres h ad an let cadmesaisesmadeieo S. E. mecrl getaseepace lnAen~s Waerdoms Y. P.uue Union sccd eeisrnembs &ud Son F F rte Cbcb oe AprOitti e5t iR .0 sn ou Neaer dtraeme enetld, copsmerv rvady or Canedloe ses- sit&Bos ents et Disposai PlanteF-Th C.G.rIT Thso nad qestions We5d Ot M Smeith Onifîsn, Artue; Floyd rg Disosa Pant1 enetet7.00np.s. taetbhe dnageto Young sm don, Hecsby; GO. C. Wilsen, Tedey, MeaS ch fit-e W. A. mueting te stent tersen t lmt GeotrWgseton Ocngume: Fno k .- ton Ready for uperation i'ietthoseo tese aitlrtec in eei-oerttyeison, Georetown Weat: Jebe Three Weeks ThurdY duMch 3O-The Tricl nmornd ors, wil Basnncburn Rcados, Moltos; Floyd Bct<dn; iCuetisord frars Peuag l _____________restn nO-nce) Iter-club <rein oseottin tim eas tise Ctty et Tornto. fie sosean id booertetise ednmtsg aoe utrFrncMt aiwyAscato a rttcst cudbet h avtgePl Junior Fn, Nav l onut BTeuteysentetitons stad ontIs GlACE ANGLICAN CHUICH utf e nceep et Young men wtb a Jeunon Bareht Seaie Fusse- Mn.T oiteties ou eess1 ReT. J. Herner Peet .A, LTs. houle. Ressor tn mienu e sflen en-. Inter-club dîspinyt Mieso, Mr.~ ~ ~ ~ Tn Hokn a rsnr erl cnoesels; send, pfcitney, ne Peterme, tncnetl. tn dlsraes ith Couei tise ress- SUNDfAY, MARCH 200h, 1950 mus segtgb ecen mit 110e steck, 1nBcoenSowp recttesSeie durttnt et theo ccgutec Setecdeyi yînnh îbeay in Lt esetisr mielte and usstber fteld Buo h ote uesien ssigist doarce. fT mottler et pcupocý PASSIOCN SUNDAY heshesdry; end tise thtcd and Osrai ;nZp, Hasenoceo, raftalga, rînihing mue dSseuused and te-Nesn HavyMft o E- stnrtionsmretaueedas tensc- 0.00 u.m. Hoty Coruseso. ressr, tberc meuld ic tree oimetrse tovyMtt tE- omaco~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~o orrhestc e diSs1.0es.-Sse eeu s o iso ssd eecreetotepernd< queeins~ mol ed tise <rend eru tire esoce for bod mion se OSî- d Whereas Omegis Terum esot tisot ospseiptcbsW asM id 11.00 use COhorel Maties and 1er- us1s w eattscodîsm<hoe Floyd Hese, Oteseogsmeyo ______ rowdoismse etee theo cxtr es p brnsd su.operotton St meetd set bsc odoteobte mon theo reeron grusd nbchsso- tenststd. 7.0ol Coa Evnosg ond hce oungregts cnt sthlP. Foum no d themus.. Ahoy-tommoespeass uhorialng Srmson. hie seene in second isusd munisSe- 515< aides Se tise dtItornt, toms- FF tiocrmîIn et sp te $i0,tO.t iieîy lioptiese 6Y Appoint =nt ith erY and etlt etots bis Snecpcnd- shipe mneue Esqaesg, Haery Mut- FF"eShe rurrnt osposos et tbcý thc mior ece. tat, ilton; Thos Appltoooc, truc fia mue la enty isors-m- Toudoy, ldereh 201h, 2.30 p.mse fin thtcd questiess "Ace tero Gorgeteo; Ccdcropts Mitton; rd un ncedcd ho tise Corperation: Attenceenetreech W. A. 7.00 ono otisor terselg oeraotss mhinisOuos Fisiser, Milton; John Boit- ulvi nues tise us tise noues are 9.ee.--Chuct ttoys' Loonue. rot sedn r-protco iy, OGergetomn. Ntoseegaenou rtîlrrteds se PmA.Y.P.A. ould edn ooealey pnos mere qutte vrred en tise Floyd Hosey, Moffat; Mns. H. A icîtr men ceai trou, the fie- Wrdvedeay, Murch 200h 4.00 pse. uatet o Hinismoos sugestingt -Childrrens horvie euth Lue: neenties. Mt. Hcee Ferums mcss- 1Prirr. Cesperiettt; John W. Wil- pnte cners t tre ehutr. iosd mrri entret, miln etiere son, Horhmunud; Heltan Andersos, stras, sS s mode ln a 4.05 ps. - Juniour W.A. and seaittoed tst eoristoremcssooid Horismei, Theseas Patte.ce, puoking hy-ls fi Stafferte Browns Luttle Hnlpre ho rrespsssise tue meed ressteei assCamphcttnittr. Tratalgar: Frosis ti fis ho-tom l te t rce-draft-! 71 il m -uo Junior Choir R-. hie emn uceperto and ess cuadMc Cartwrright , Miltoe; HRsenr lires., ed ont reesidccatios l se Ou i 8lrs r00eP. Mi uhLo erteg bis prererto. Tbcs mu Milton; Ciayiun May, Miltes; Per- hi rohhitpacinos iseseris rcire. rtten, limne eprnoitssg boy bettssg, ro Mrry, Horeho; Atlast fieos, siOu of Mals Strret es ot tisc Toms S0 tePm.-Senior Choir Ho- ihrrahing, silo tlttSeg, peotet dlggtsg Miltun. Nelsont Frrd Wattec, Mil- Hitl Ougos arr tu bse precre nd ust teursau uni piriS e mcm estsssed mite'tus; Oies Campberll, Miltes; A. trecrd. [ ot_____________vhoco pretered tisese eperaletao iterraseon, Milton; OurOgo Ooshr. eic me tre o totong pthue ssoi dose ho rentose more, tise smsee Millgruce; Lronurd Cooleun, Mit- Seig o us los drin tic dye MILTON GOSPFEL CHAPEL oprtssg ts em marhine. lieyne ion. cu discenord and Instrucdions la- le the Fsreres Buaîiing Forum trHt that gosoroito speobtssg Junior Farser tuduing rose- Thutireer ofrresongcrae co artsameo re ancdtssslliios. Seniorse grain. Fyttrnomrr- Thnof mter on rtieo aeH a ert-e SUNDAT, MAInCH lOtit, 1950 ents opre soocaverses ussad sl otitle Arton; Mer Irromi, Adtos; tu u ts tmstomhomares- 10.30e a. Suodepîechont. Limsrtoso staed mn ee tcr i : usJarh Marcoimrsi. Horehut. Smal _____ pT merinofd th lu 64 potCuommiiocof ut t1c il orerves me sovcoanmbec ut Brode. Oordonflurhy, Horlnmvod; fierericnt t crlora Lurd'. Supper. mue hues asd isaoe tec operettos, Hekdr ies, Ororgrtomn; Oro. an isu Cl ouese be .0p.p-vnn Osoccito Me ocuumphisrd mises I sisould iscWidson, Georgetown, Hon carrais- ul dohoedbyC. ncras iv Piuîhiogicu tuti Toroto wm dorc Oe groco suttrmred r eye and poietoos, fleDon is Mi- The ssuace f deentres e heioguscthcrurni mensag. wuud ikh tua rserntmwItu co-ton;FaerMNhis, GOrcrcoo; r., murorh upaerson mon Musical talent iolant ciii toc-, uprtienon regards isolîdoos. Colir Marsall, Milton. Junior dicise yCouclhbutno action tuý os iihatcuuihtiuosl- sctrion, grain, JohneCorrir,OGeorge- oýt b a e il e later date. ectuiuet to; Lytir do Vies, Georgrtown, Pln eediscused ion maioling iThrdoy, M.tth lit ut oOS-1,- flc. Rooheter, Milton. Omuli oui rumo phatehia om fi ci ýMuiucuc Curie Sc t ýNI-CL4/RY irdui, PFloyd Oriodon, Gorrgetoton; O sehu ordvs t! D.-le tcifo Pilcittro Auh; ordon oule wtoti a pet-utun- lutMuec 28 ot 8.30 -Peut Bitrdt, Oorgietol. Ho o caressns vopT is r will have te hn, eanBibl sucdyý DanfItOs ud ectuioco, John WillseoH. Mil- ]ea shosctot ut a timo s Ail Arr WreuoteR figrtr ton; Prier Fiser, Otriton: Jean ttI e reetofthe-rchattouuid--- - Osis fi. Polautternrne. leb o evy inuanutoneryr. H-gis scnor, Fraer MeMahis and TOPFAE ENTECOSTAI. HOLINESS 329.0 ihJnoLted re.Hio HAMITON PEAER CUJuhute Cuoirs Otrth era treiad ADDREBBED NELSON BeY. IL WOODS, Putes Joh uec maod te Dondn EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION Ordr of Sorvces Ailh wsaare e o (Hou un 1.0 0.F. Hastl) ILL OuH I h.byof ut oosmuod. fis Haltosý cd Nelson Edueaiiooet Asetelationý ut I.OGDF. Huiall.____________ isc le inleels Townehip Hait' SUNDAY, MARCH lOti, 1050 Uccove heoe ut rutlruud mu h Theco mat e gond uiSendosrr- 10.00 a. b-nay Sahool. are the <uandy-dotere. te hlt ___ Dr Stuar, peridret, rebut thn .0a. s Mornng Wuruhçu LS TM TODAT ... - uitg eco and trvrzng uold thay lws-a >-U-N cuu.ccngiteodccanditherronSos TDOout p.-Eoooglitetrvice. keiîr yhe is uraidsssaiels theirluhý Orea bgue wtu thesoiii iy se. .t.Yog Popins H nr ' a ectionbns .vurîtexlet films on soir bstI Meeting. traoetoivon tor ecisool eisildrvs Wrdcrcdoy. 000 y.mWocn'e DOne prfrlemace ut S30- The cictuiroe uts ofertirular us- Auetliooy ut Mos. Ailîlu homo. Trleieco Demoostated en tic,ý utcihitururhrue 0tthe Ecocyhody teceusssn700an 83 turnnd for Morth Nelson and Oea _______________ ht trý,ncufrution te tee oftihe Oig, And Te Sheli Kot te Trots aoi vits te Or renridert. the Truth ehoil moule yee ths h Spae o roc. Jeu. 8:12 STARTi TOMOIIOW îe' ad thrccceniu mos n troduoed hy fis, THE CNUICH 0F CHIST stS Diitý Mc. Wucdouti. principal ut DMADiI "Fighitiîtg Mais pieis. titii tc Normal Sohuel uddressed cNxM~ iii 50 ot itPan oiic n the ouhfc dieheul.i 51tteEdocticon 1c o10 au Mureieg conviceAN L]CIT li ýtiectced thut toc ucithudu ADL CT t.,laurchcnk- dudcc rt.ed littti-1 'Il 2ilcîî,n pniadtucput tOc chîtd Or- SUNDAY, MAiIi 26t, 1950 t ,torhrit atuh. - CONFIRMSATION SERVICE Ctîiîîîtî li:dur Eîîîîîug Il. di.c,sd th, diftuculic uf li,. hitl,ý y Ocoîhul ciii od- tt h. di,4 o. dissse theuciithotorualoi-ý utio t SIGruolg'cChuct -odsh.os tar use on, hich Luuv cIlr Suc. Moitît liOti, ut NA-UBA h oruocuring Il am_________ M-OLDAYSA hIýemo t u dfi ultu p t TUS itt cuheoS ni rouoli uiiu. o. inarural nhotl, otee S.agrie ochent, then popilis tiedinthtis OruOrd schont have use udoantu Oco,hberoissnothie trend inedurs-, tionotise osd-euomed onioots are anidI0 tusng tieir useess. It wulut hoalmset espossible for s teachereis sunis o scbei ut a arl tut Doe propused sec seetosisuc enýSstety. fie spesaner meî thoshrd bo Mr. Marsisal Campbelt, osdDonhe et- lot iescillo spprenedlitasmotioss. A gescrul questto essprled tettec- cd. Sevenret tecstteg fatnte en isonugi t es- aoengt tese, Dat entle t wm iirus Bt 4700terepelr tise îrbel, tise cnessoi snec Oe t Norths Nelseon etepayen manuld Me $30.0w. EYES EXAMINED SATURDAY AFRIL lt 10.00 &aMiste8 p.et GRIMWOOD Jewellers Ielephoee 113 Mate St. Mlton HEDNEBOAY - THURSDAY "TOKYO JOE" Engirt a is biset Waassh For ... "MRS. MIKE" ACTON Ps p MILTON 1EFIESENTEM AT ZONE IALLY 0F CANADIAN LEGION A tarte ttedosce et ccpcesecta- lices ttessdcd tise Zossi Rly hld at Lcglec Molt.Dabvtie.leat ceca ofet Do eena Aslu- isemrnhe» tramt loatleUglmsbrneas.e Miltonsdeletîtes reperted sauer scessl meectng aseid a miSesMet Pegg, ZoserCommrnder. mu tise guest paker. Mn. Peiter, zneerepeerneloine, cee cbarlody us theoccautue. Feitcmteg tise epeaec'î reseocbss aie eesdeted o questtonsand esmec pentad. Milton Assiliooy wmugisensIpec- l meton md cengesissioad fon thicîn enteductsg tise oc-. Theo Zone Commanmder cumernded tisese ter set osto presetet tise Ouest report, buet tbeymwre asuethse mssei- 4 lest AucsiSselnth ie Zene. lit was aeueed tist Jue -7-a8 meald Se tise dtes fte isnuie conventions Oisg sld os Hosltes ibis oer. Fnttaisg thesbiess ssina social pecied mos rsnoed ho aIl dletatnr. TOceuirtihle pintadinteAmn- orlon tose privtin oha ludion Languge. AUCTION SALE 0f HolsteSe Catil, Parse-toMahi- ery, tirp EqulpmeTt, Yeucnte, Poltrp, Fend, etc. The'oodrriged hhmoen lat- ss ct tosd ousouy s Tu unI hby sectoueai et uiX ti lune cos, Toroute Tmp., on WEDNESDAY, MAMOSu ts At oner onioctte uellamseg: CAIL E-Hcg HolsteinLue, ciS Omtel cl etefot; lRng. lHue stinCoto, dur tiser etsmlr; GtradnelHolein C oto, dur ise ofu sale, GradenHolstenCom, dueniae ot Sain; Grade Hotin i om, dua tueurle ot ae; Grude osteinm Cur, dur tlsnenof sale; Grade Holotin Cee, duoeurme!fmiae; Grain Hul- sin C., duoeouseo ofsaslo; Grode Huteoin Cee, naît et lent; Grade Holstein Cue, Cali lent. Grade HolttinueCee, cuit uttlent; Grade HolstenCue, hiai Aog. 3; Grade Holsteie Cee, hreo Sue9;,Gradn Holseie Cue, isrid Aug. 4; Gradc Holstine Cee, ted Der.12; Grade Holsein Cee, iscni fer. la; Grade Holtain Cue, hi Dcc. 23; Gre HolctinueCue, hon Saulut2; Graeh Je e o, clt ut loci; Grae Jersey Cee, cl ai fotu;.,Grude Jerseey Cee, colt etiot; 4 Hol- ýti fern,hrdun Sun.; E6Otol- storiftee, reudyietbeecd; 4 Holeteinue ifrsr, 12 mes.; 3 fl- strenHoutor Celtos, 4 noue., Reg. HotenBoll, 12 Mues. Cuttituccl- iog ochieci te hioci tedt.AIl houeros bOeehen vcccuaed. IMPLEMENTS -Gendieun 77 Trou, out ruhbill ightu aod starter, new, pceughed uhout 30 houcs; Case Tracter Disc, nourto ccc; MH. hou-rue Teaot Ploug, ut gued rondiin; 3-uct- tee Luiug Clittoe; McD. Fenril- toto Sprender, un ocisher, toc; c- ubck Rae, i0 t teic.; Chru. 1938 Truck, cit racke ouftierd tue tor, ut geed reediton, MH.Bic- ci, t il. eut; Mufi Meer, 5lite t etl Osectun e troncHarcoete euih scul raI deohutMuf. Monoro Sprudro; MH 13-diseu Drill; Me- . Hec Roiter; Hec Trddor, Tortec Waoun; Fiai Rente;l-ithoal Teuil- elritOh rock; 400 it. et heec E nte. noouly nom; Plifolttu Ou les; Aoeay Soddlo. PGULTRT ANDFPERD -110 ight Susscxt crcieli Heni. ucun -!l;, 3 Eleciric roruderu 2 tee Range Shrlltrecutis elosinuse oo; untitutofetrlico; abutt75 huf utacd Boaerrfletc MtILKING MACHINE-Seiný -3 uit Milting Muchine,, rtpir'e, luhr nec BeittyElcetrie Orirdnu, liter nom, iH. powero Ceori Sep- untot, the usuel saiuitericles. TEOMS: CASH Nu.ruýroce unthe floetlhan Or c FRANK PETCH, Auettvvaer I' W. Thertc--.Cev(rte Bel lolimu. Tesseey, ites f etrercl peiso, 55 pettento ioeght mssole ceurdinato but o otlled physirsi thereýptst et tise rer- niscet poteyrcstre. Dondun e Be edcs speutel torStitea miciyopro- vide osien Feoure ator Sca, sales rernpsstgefuse mitoisla Mu-ris il te Apilt9.Donastos nsy bMent irecite B otary Club, Hiltoen. A NNOUNCEMENT THE MILTON BEAUTY SALON MARlCI 27th, 28th and 29th WHILE ATTENDING TH4E HAIRDMSWES CONVEffiON ROYAL YORK NOTEa, TORONTO Mrs. Ethel H-ayes, winner cf several trophies heir-atyling during ber 30 years experience bas again enrolled fors pri- naSe tuition f rom ANTHONY and LOUIS, two cf New VOI*'s leading hair stylists. Mak ohr oso setea eriy for yur 170-wl EASTER HAIR-DO 17- FEATUEINO 7rH15 WEEI< Sunshine Convertible Strollers tunaie Watorioo has ceeatod ail major cardage Smprovemeeia in ressent years. FltSt 1H EXTRA SELLING FEATURES FIRST-Witb Easy-Lift Detachable Bcd -The Convertible Carniage Pcrfected. FIRST-Witb Ail Steei Construction. -Longer life and greater naine. FIBST-Wrb Ad1ustable Handie -Greater Walking Comfort. FIEST Witb Anti-Tipping Device. -Added Safcty. FIRST-Witb Combincd Hand-Foot Brabe. -Entra Convnence. Thia woob we have Soeahiee'asitsl convertbie wiiis Fly-proiontor Bereen, Sereon Veetlitor te Hood (for lta. roal hot da), Tebelar Chrome Sprie Basa. 8 Modelsata Natioeaiiy Aslverttaed Mrnes $3 1.50: $48.50 MacNab & Son HOME FURISHINGS 1 OUR GURANTh TOMATO CATCHUP43 I P EAS , i 35c BEANS "ss? 15c R5SuZuuL--n>uInE-TeMuTO LSBBY*s-cire <01150 J UI1C E 10<OcSPAGHETTI"5.t ý15C DO IN OS-FULL NT PLAT UR P E ANUT VOBUTTER,-z37<I SE KSt-o 1 s WceTE CnnsE îECnsrsATTACOBI HONEY t 43c TEA BISK aD 43c SOUP 2 ITZ 31< SALMON il. 45c BAKIO*S-EAHAM SMARGARINE WAFERS PI...-19c MARGENE -.34c DA L FHIEA--0-OLOEO STE.OALIT CORN 22%?tz,27c TOMATOES 2-ito29c SEAN ~ 25] 19c Firesh Green Beans19 JUPE SWEET CUBAIt -Estes Brge PINEPPLE 37c Florida GRAPEFRUIT J7 PHEH GREEN Top "MMA New Bunch BEETS 2 2 Velues Effectie Tisssedy, FctrW" BotOe*g', U sipabte te reqatred. r 1 r