Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 1950, p. 3

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1svEWA~ KAEi2H SIrd. 1MB THEs CANADIAN CHAMPION CE 15rd. leu )irectory MN CLINIC RumbaS à Number URrIl lient oniy..- uce Oelyi. s Houri: veeek dey but E HOSP'ITAL y Gaol Sureuns SYER I -eoi oa Street to. 1-3 'UTCHEON Main Street s;1-4, 7-9 pie 395W 395J )ICK , K. C. poaite Arra ie 4 ISOH, K.C. ulta; Etc. eop~ 5 t4 u ELLIOTT Neor«y Publie ru' Buildio& Milton OSKIN HARDT ta Bldg, 1Toronto KING I-5 Telephoae 197 &COCK mca May bu ed asExtraction Triryluone M1 Cliopractor Tisersulot of Prastice ri.,2-5 p.m. nd 8-9 pue re. GeorgetowD 10-W SLAHH r ta 'boar 56 Mtilt0O 'GUIDE rIC RAILWAY anm. dally; 2.0 e.duiiy, exrePt a-n daolY, Ô11 a. daily exSGd ..., 2.07 pea. a..daily, 631 ATIONAL AY trala seýeui aaad bell IRMORIALS NGRAVING ebl GALT Iiott Me.. t liqa 0til, Fashion Hint "SALADA' COFFEE ARCH &CRAWFORD BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS Hornes But Frorn Basernent te Ridge Stairs, Kitches Cup boards, Blocksmoris, Brieiswork, Chirnney Repaie-s, Alterations, Additions, Shinglng, Iseul Bric, Cernent Work, Stucco -Compare our Prces HOESRESILLE 1 87J REVERSE CHARGE Moore's Paint Sunworthy Wallpapers Barrett Roofing and Insulation Pipe and Pipe Fittings -- -0 - - - WESTI1NGHIOUSE Refrigerators, Stoves, Laudc.y Eqiprnet, Radios Eletrcal Applianues WOMEI! ARE YOU MISSING THE BENEFITS 0F THIS GREAT F00D1? Mmxl ime you (gel lise urge ta go places, an. your local bus agent. He can tell you ail about fares, stop-Gver arrange- mentse ime tables and other detailq that wil heip >'ou t0 enjo>' vour tnp. H. iî a member of your communil>' and wlll be glad taserve you. FARES ARE [0W Losa a84l. -.3 Montreal -14.85 Quebec -22.50 Round Tip (Sabjett ta Change) Fifty Years Ago tubkeR trotise- tueroftthe Capc- ouia CiaPlos f arc502e-rh 00a A fuiriy mvii ttendedmi eetieg of menbe'o 0 f theo Haton Agci- cuaatural Society- mas held at the Toms Hall es Satue-eay, ta con- ider therproposed ilareoe in thse elce of the Foie- Gronds. A re-clu- ceeu rs are-ied mhioh outhieïo WallEBords Plywoads Tee Test Sash Frames Dyne-s Insui-Bric Cedorge-ain Siding Shngles (4 For Spring-tice Topper! Ia pure white, dlilcate patel or esn tacoreti aacy etalrig coueotr- okiy fahload dropped abouidere . . exr ie-alr eooded autois i.p- e.. . and kttooed-areteelcoite on wide sieeves. REBUILDINO FAMOUS BRIDGE Rveorcionoa f the Flottard Bridge la Sufflis 0ubeoder discus- sion. Tise preavai truture luot ReegîsO onakad It lepropouad ta re-leecld i lnla urunevue eale. The bridge pathlb River Stoor and leode 10 Flattord MI kil hhle k tihe bridge bas bue lueuerlallad on avu. be- Costable. Alilsauglu t la only toe teel wlds. lise Suffolk Costy Coell le deteruined ta -relin the brdgeso originalicharae- Sbe la eery partlru]ar, la elew uf lsiteational aoitoer. Houpviol- tors ta Brilala uake aouperlal jour- aey ta "Coetoble'o country" eery yrar ta %crr Fiattord Mliand Bridge" Mi tctg uc-v tterdtag the Dam-taa Cautteit ai Ratai Trouptuc-î aiTom- pe-arasce, muhita laasessnln C E. Frathrtaîr. phctoa-p her aI Miltobas ta prrd a. Cere-hý studio ta I akaitoe Tiec etlîeect ai ther ama i i inditt holiis marC ts af the be-t ad mu t ,itc Tite attenioafatau-r rodrra ta cetid ta 1Cr advetetmrst1.an other enauira, aifaac-r enie-tisg asti ac-tic ta potte--und deoarc Frakttaoe- tt Oc. d-r-t ou 1 ratetanldceo e-aamtt icit mrrC. Me. Htitsrakv ta s ie-m bi'trer ta prttr'i tc ta ite-u Twentv Years Ag«o Tube-stram theIss uur at tise- c adiius Cbaapiaa rf Stores 27, ît9u0 A deputiataif atrouccahit lite Ftiomvtî'Ctaub, Paslite -ttI ion icr toentsssione e tte' atueIu t o er al.T hisruumtrlite- >,cdîaiua ra iohecoui Thta modlir ide-utc oaanice tteaue-tstie-e-a bire e-ru a gain Milton Lrutut PuaI Na 136 ot C ES.L. lt aoce-utaltour inthir Cluic rancis ut Matdoy e-e-e-alt tait. Tice iailuatag teletiroli- grain aua gre-utiye ralad b Iictt taregnutitibec-precrit; tue-ai culai iyC.a-draC. oumectg, H Smitic,Gc. Williaous, A. Cactau, cG Cuita, C. Hsoriictrst. cum-dr Ail onprs dbCe-ro as Modyai ftrrs crama nCosori oouSted ky Csem lattaure tEri a ithllon. s c aatfrCo ri ErandmPetai raad !..rCae, payrnt o 10e vroauHlgb Orbaola ot thbe Coaty ancd odjalanine fuoorpaltles; oa e agreemernt wtb thv Guelphs Hourd ot Edaaios and atbr-mote-s weedlauuued uete regucao-ses- ias af tise Csuty Couarililn Mil- ton. W. N. Ratrinoan, caolee ofa the roadsttee on edueatloo, re- isuetet tisatishe Guelpis Board ut Easurtlon would no longer uprote I under tIse pructu ohe iAM a Oak Flooring Milton Lumber & Coal Company MILL STREET PHONE 49 DOORS-tesidu and Outside Practically Ail Sizee Varjous Patterns Evotlthing in Building Materials Cemnf Insl EBord Plaster Metal Mooldings Mosonite S. A. FAY and SONS Pluîsîbing and Ileating Sheet Metal Work MMOE M0W MaTIONI, MN. f 'S A GOOD MAN TO KNOW N to Al yurNtinLife pe Assurance toway w of u Can aate etine men itfuuruseu1ty97t You woif believe HOW 0000* unfil you hisle if! T~ewMARG E NE If you lsaveu't tasted thse New Margeno you have o treat in store. New Margene tantes s0 good-so natural, flot one 'person in one Iundred knows it'o margarine. Try it once, and we are conrfident you will buy it regularlyc. New MRGR4Econ b. colour.d fWrlt" u»s insSad~ sMuloa. Dbufoonme, aimee a in>' pué A PRODUCT 0F CANADA PACK%91'8 i= 1he dire-orntora10plrcacv oneandas t o-lal are-s othe south -e-' ode .t1Cr iegroaid aaid erot ou Il a 60 t. icy 24fi. rattised. Ther pce ovt.he lad wil ike $160aan ld voutocmadrasvc agreen il mac igured licol$500 mold"hreic the Coasty aiflinltoo eoeeil and thcevoprcsvofibuild- maldihavertapay 10perentvsof ing, @ve. ts shoc- ofaithe drbeccar drbt and Thcedîre-cts err threfrlerroc l00percentrofaihicosct oaIMais- paîtred to aypue- f theCrpreset enace -istdio 0perent as mnrtaeo th1Crgrounds of $1000 ralier tue- e irAet. Threkord aiticitrrst a6percent and gli"r mo, st raorrdig itlaatre-,ee a cr tnefor$1500 te-tC intrrett sid Me- Robincsn e-rrmmradrd Ceid titred l0tenyd 1Crieunoy. At dama and hat ailttudenseln Hal- 1ut1rer aie-a.thr rattie and piga 'cas Coaccy lkv raraegd to atend oil cv raiblîrd asc mou as ep he kvucauola ichis thr Couaty. chi C r srru-. Akaut tmrate- ciadrats arr otirot- Tamoe-alag as jailer Vaaallos rd. Me- Roionoegave figares ai etash ttisg thiclretvgatmarma-n.kthe ct ot éducationsofi ruaty tag ista th o jailiyardls 1Cerosear poplln aerorrai ai 1Cr tigh c aroule ufth cir Cgittc-ofatireo gaust aif terCoaaty. trind lamnrd t1Cm uadeudy. Me- Ia Brilgiasad Oaiaillr 1Ce Vasalirs m thkrros aboutt iree-ual mou $185. per pupO plire ear. fret asdti liiCraly os the Ire In Mltonte oste au $145pe-rr hartisg uroner e su kadie- tttt ke papil pee-r er andls Gvergetowen Ca o lukv rrrird Isto i moinse. $95 per-papi1 pero par. Tkeov arr Fuetuate-canoansre crkeksfigresfri1929 aned d sttsrtadr and tileaCord Me. Vasoall m i theca e-afithi 1C som rtrasir ta bcv origici ukortie-. t1Crleilgtoa lligk Ocuai TCtci G. E. ouutirid asd faitiy Cove yere-cfiguresrae0e-rrprrtrd ta Ce muard ticrhir lfe-msaeth af the matvcily sceaed asofa a But- toama 1îsgtaa la rcoacarard. M.ad Ms ChareMartinaOt Arevelutias mes Ceougitln Harrisn, BOC. mthti tici oa kiid- mherelifythe1Crovinalaidrpae-nt ear iattag Ikale- Halca e- uf tghmoe-clkv reqautrd to ateC atives and fteirdu. acr e Craeod liso iram Miton ýpiut-CuI. Daadmie oatGerge- i ta Ae-asa oneaetsg lisCkv- lama, Maura Esltttlsg ad Foc erd ste-rra iigicmoy Na. 7 and Milton. MeDaad o aokvitir, ourc-rla tua This pre-ripitaîrd samv littir dia- toms n uaaedoy. ecuian. W. N Roinseon trie thi Edcloc- Monteroaitice AetasFree pu urt n ca unofaiprovuncal Pc-sso atrsdrd 1Cr Acizeraso a hgimaya mry igC rraagk la 1Cr j ae-s-tnaonsTusda and restrrdu:î oaatas t i taTec- aamoug- atace-d t1eChacmpan mtC o ral, gratottaliclaotCic-d Ctgicmoy k (lrurg Andcrmwsd Frad Green, uita Cîmara Torontoanad Homil- of Miton, Hetor- 0eoms ut Es- tac sn 1Cr lor prt ut the-aaat* quariag, A. Hradr-ofutBye, and thecountymoudc c-oird on ad Hercy uohns oofAppire-y, 10 pue-is ta iorr itCre-aost. Ther vift tac-pit anMatoaand thCr c-rauttase-urrtrd Col the mac-tir Nat h W t vatC.PR.aonTuedoe adHI1.M. Prtttmwrceoppitdta Mue-uc-Dreas nattoaethe1Craitn-mmttee lataterew th1Crmcn- nauimeting ai tCr Provicia-ir cr-oaiPutlic- Hghwayson ut c Buldinganud Loacs Aout-oias Cr1,1 attr- in Taorata as Turcduy. Mr e- ra -_____ cis aderotaoaftheacae rs-a CanautauLathe ledita prodatr pe-ro-oasitituttcn. and exparter ai rappor De- Raorletoad W. J.Aro-1 1 V-W ý-.4 1 onr---- ý'- - TUURMA . i, _XuSurd. lm THEt CANADIAN CHAMPK)N

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