Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Feb 1950, p. 7

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PAGE onv w tou WC ommt :@ti@ml et ceinfe ,king ch. mes;in ,id in m , tht lue1 d. ANY OF months foc 25 -icd on t, wish. Co-Operation with a etltehi ut- st fCt-IL thetv __________________________Sthoai prepoeed by Jo,t- ABlaekjack Qaito illetuy and ed -need t tey R. Bii. YleJneph Licte Rntindcn 1ea vle f he11 1 s h 11 1The leadttet f9labet- u- e,, uîe teg depettecet et theCh- eeghtto eeu-ehtaneu a- aned CeecteetyF. eeee,-e anceef teert-tyeeepeeue, i e - 1 a nvote oet huch te teladties le, fuette gntning Publie eppil n d nt heit-part in the tt-enntt'neniet- ne e eeeiningth tnuegbtful worke Fifty Years Amro metnt. This ws et-cepened dte hyI thet i eadtersne arn nntng evrt-- Yb Mre. R M, Cieeettinahappy: ITUM - C tiedit npprueeb jeni-rdte tedià ,,e, ork acenmn greued vitmariae- Tk.tirn ithrenrIcs ohe Cuc. ___ meent fnr thtetul ceuni et i- aliai Clinetilione niMaci i t1tt0 RoyAL NAVYS cent- roidietry and linhe t tatequîtt etcTO RALIFAXý - -thut thert -hve ehen tediduel The peitîltte cent-ertthfid a cases Iher e t- iteilead ershae -Pae-teebtet Fliday etghtwe-e 1 A ptoes tîeel crossnmade otthe benetfthnt n,dbulbe ede.graed ncet-pt Thoentehe teubpart eet frencHMSVttrynd he Gyprne sptud isIt?wee-tMisseAwee, Hamilton; Miss t_ lti-îeek Impacabe wasdit Yeun det nphtnnt e eo-peîe Heget-. Butiegtet, Mec Wt-ight- lested] h the Rt. Rtc. WL S, Aatil o)it a I tt-eh aned blet-bineR ne Ort, Othile; it, sîunRîg.Brane;e Fitming, Pi-hep et Poatstmtutht, nte thetgene Md ndertandtnMisse Lwrenceeand Dteartnd in Ptsounth tnhedýlnîn oeetofea'resoluton reetyd MetnnP.H. Dten d AAm- ueary tetb It t e eetrd o pted by tht UAW-CIO Exeeetive tronceg, Mlton. Dr.hBuck utted un tce Ail Santt' Cathedra] Halitax, 7-7 Bord: ýSuppuct tht 1949D e - ehaiemn n ebis eonuigend tstyle N. S. byPertstmouth Cthedra], et h. ted. h eteedeeteneîtuteytebetetfttienanip beteenethe -. Wh-ctni- fer-threyeetnthe beseontht pregruuttt-e.-e eet-eTetctReE R sel (4. cor tetprtions ietch tenîeAeit- endtttd. P.H neansneg "ThïPpte et . OPeevt ofPots -c - in tdnet-y havet pueuti eht, Asetteieted Beggut-.uapellet- ,eeth w elieipt. r ig - : : pliie ofp-te Ie seue anpipeU ioeeh-îeu tteteup aethete tin t ne Primate etfIiCnaa 4. i.c teetig wh-h ve obeCna r- mu ntd tatc entp dollars. In Eecte Dey, ers-of evtery agetncreand nî tepne tetcat-tuet Mr.A. At-__ 1 ~- hellec-bbd tbeeneura te strn-gsang "Britishto te tCertt' ics iilr o ce - ~~~peeebnieg poet. Thtentien ;s andencieludpt-hee--ttMissnAt- Rtp',tetit LISUPPOSE POU COULD CALL MER A COUNT - thetenieg eth eanejor nepreen- t-eh eeg Soldiert et tht- Queee aein.tcesoi] e mite egt. STTER." esenturennethe greeduanpeeiî leht-, last tumeheandi,,e l lonuedcrvr heerh reelgeofteect-poraîti seDlt-cee jcieed te the cheoets Atttt- tecttel eeetttdnandabroeghet ht - hiceGd Sae fliîe tc l M n ed. 1 .ittttop thebete t ,,lt.1o Ouet et tht- blioen etdllascieet sthet t ee ,,, o tîce-pett The- M.Michll J. 1HOEY & Son w hIl-htecepleecorporaeton hae poliritttet- et aote $h110ilOWashed Gravet Concrete M. MitchellR sthtýcteed peeet-ut pe e tîtt î in the i t-î'îtlc mng ceSand, & Plastering Sand 9TAR' kROOF COATING CONCRETi- AND Ieei ettcpehaveethert cpri-e at te ce e ceece, cît udîegenal CMN NDC CONTRACTOR hiNDi-R RLOCKS e te Bt ,ettdtetpet-enltt-acehcît tutt- ,ul EETAN OI ttthtlepeeuetnd(Aieleet-ithteent de-et-ronal et -c kinîhîg ,a d atecîttu nLeRALLhIZC.h Mal, AephaîtanltAtiaRineat cFOR J CO h *ti-pRes SAND and GRAVEL tînte set up thtie deuble tandar-dslRoert Willic et Deet ino' TIMATESSPMEZ -une ter ttre inide clique,aneethet- hut- Fette..t vcera.-t- ofruel,,,r RX GUARANT-EED I PHONER-, rteîelt-ethtt-enlnbort-nenan-t-i,,Red' ac)esneIliIl BueMKr Scuistn*,Mielton15M Itetegeinte pt-tutigteprofits isecdalutt apttc e rta CAMPBELLVILLE O.ke n .76 e 172J ehiphit ttttteideet cetel" t-t -te,. PINE4 ne eMilen 382m1 iGn-ginc 64 Nue- lttOus it gthtet-eoutnd !o- JamesetL. Hugli t, C--.-.--.-.--.-.~-.-..-.i nechere utn i dtceeu t- i pethiete,, Tut-ente tPubliet- h-ltee le ý inte aite nee c-epetitien spirit- -e te inBestte,,Cheeeh, M ncv qietlundetndtntpyndnîith t Fîday eeîg.i Onu tle t a1 tofaitas.e"'OnStut-duy etteno e ý/a _____________ Tccpleen trettdthet uiosI Dît-hileand Jaes HtI-endesn up Progrcuss ii uaft t-igte t-lut-undty-t Mc u EC R C L1lr eeedliglted wltlthesRuisMUR till ltttc e tt plt-c-e ie.u Attet-tht-pet-tut-ced fott-th CONTRACTING in-îe te ecîllie of -t,t- îe ,hiep tpettes pt-eeided b1 t-eNR CT NG vhttle ciili e-tegitered. lt hlalAet-rtpvte fcthtek FURNACE OILBURNIRSALES &SERVICE reute a l] t gît at theeteeeliht uhi u seect-d lEdnMal,ttdKely,' Mi, PH Jioftf-iciieecorcd eal- pulîchcd shewst-n eieg tetheir t, A -oý A NEIL eee lyt7ht-egltt-tinei 193. Iheehe eupt bylett Couc ibiegs renSt. Phone 43i2J Miltes Vtic te dttekietete aehuIt- 't-Edcty Armt- ontt-ee th e, Oi APPLIANCES and FEXTURES 0 -~ t- ,-t -pi ttl-i etanetco tît tht-ttAT. MATîNE in i Yt flti itlît pe plie tee tlie- gt-te metn oacis ____________________________ i-itette ias--ttettec-d 1;A t-et- lt-uut etet lc heor t-e -ne Iteepeet il lias r.1 t tl-et tci tE tpce rncmlndPgy NEXI -----------lng e stut piofi hîet M-c I., t. rie--sucîleîl ust love cibustip. They HeHls lie City,îeîîuî uteltinthegeettt, tlteetltcet-ltili1-cAhlointtW feelsale and happy eeH s geti bp t i l, e d etee i Itt llgîtet If t if Ptîet- Cittc-- 11 n the care of a cent- i tîc 19e9tille tPî in -c Mt-I-t et- p ent and frlendly 0On'sJIU [TDFotJ FR Dciiîc"i'îîtecîîeîcbin il faon ,~-; drver-and freeitafully o i. v tIr pi_ o 1-1i i d r i 1at- - enjoy the dellghtful j soi l i lt-tii ilt-I c1-941) t tt- driv.enm d ail h. inter- I - Wc aenaiesers Ct-in-ifucee S ltIttt-lI-tt-ltttc - IîiiiiI It-ttt. esting sights along the ilunecnteCeee9 eenelili it ietlt-îl t- ii way. Nexttime,lot your 5 Offeon Comtbines liee ef2 l--l tllI ii itt-ttlt- 1llk tl; il, 1, l i , .- loved Cnes travel by titi -ii lu t t t- il -î t - til 1 13-15-18-20 Rue Reower LiftillrsteAaitub t -t- t tIhi- butilt il i to en*WAPN hall " a c' lu'I lhalhl, tTNhenotrip n'rompt NOWh, -ue:ofthe(a-2- CEENC- FETLZatitiil at 1t, t Il F. H. obertonif. îîn Ih,-l cii tt eîîîll,-lIha" P r mtH li isonA n thrntte, hen e 7 6ri4 t iti A , atit ii lidtll Nut, Pea, Siolilt-t-tht titiBtitiettestlecnd i' r tit 1111 itittoitit-111lfi F.ltHliRobertsontiti tillot-t ,lhu t Iti t-cc , d v t-t-lit-e l e- tFJ and hI, anlhdeed e Ne, t ttc clte h- - cii ilt-ct Rut cg c i-îe ,, ~ lt-il2"î",i" -î1). 'd ARinRELOW CO0AL- Amerinan Anthracite, Ail Sites IVINGSTON MINOUS and ANTHRACITE STOKERS Up-to-date 0,1 hretees Ste them n operation! BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Hardwail, etc. Lime tini Alabastine Gyptex Ceai Cernent Coke ýdams Stores Ltd. MI LT ON Flamingo Road JOAN CRAWFORD TS T@M@RR@W BOUT FACE ) SAWYER WM. TRACEY 2 P.M. SAT. EVENING 6.45 IMON.-TtJES. TUIE NAMTIS NO.11 N EXT NER BROBirnNEW IES~AIW IOWS NIGHTLY-7 ANDO9q cM See rel Why, Mr Nam k 4 *r4w kir' A »v» et Md j1 'ilPlt eti lt 11 1 1i l oItg WESTINGHOUSE lec Bang Refrigetaters, Stoves, Laundry Equipment, Radins o211e thu iZoae .- pet-f Riectrical Appliances 1ehipie-t et wlvmt 12 chit TeD =attller ceimat Iennent hat lonat perkse t , ~ - -- LONDON s$6.75 Dîîct-htte' cîîîî, ii iAi-c,,le MeHAMILTON $1.351 e Otlt-ut, -îtti et-epeedand eoht-- Btbee I _______ Chlîltn whed et-t-îbtdîein-a-t-,- RoundeTrip tm,,eý1htehit-,, aed tee SubîttteChange) LN WILDUT'E oct- îtîkt-tbîT l- îRangetrse oup. Hiettutlie teuna pltetnt-up-e et Eeglutd hile- n t- ail t-îjliitened lu etee Fuioete stteig etuaItotet Of!ttlg, Mt- allenue tant e ci li SSýM tht Dudley (Midlands) e tîcitonaseut-h pptreinted.Tht- tcelghtagrPate eon getot"Tht etC' ece"ptooie ni t- lent- Paira ofthibttCttCluttn- ,-Tight andt-enpeeded tc hipteuebtS aeil2 tnt- by Haold Mochesn-ne ete-etieg itt af tht Ca nniueoa n ntruttivt. Teet 'The Seheul' Tht- marut-'teIll bh rpped bp Secte Mark ced ree- s1tthbttoletiîia ponienitohteGerge Lwent-, i0I tY nisatthe Zoo.In thte'olnetnu e ffotraneeuni ru, tht- Canuinitu oDu- havce dnncrt-ttt moceeperpt-- ts se-t bitte , bears ieceti speakern. «Tonte" piepoee PHONEt-el nýceuns frietheect- bt-JoneRush andirespeenienitn by t Dueiey. Tenu Wattse en to acfice effort ACTON COMING SOON, Story of Se FEBR ARY , FEBRUARY 23,1950 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION )NED-1illit PIS. IN E \,il

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