THE CAirIAOiAtU iTNAOOPaCeBa FMIUARY M4:a MERS! - HOGS LTDa kDEÀWE nu cicc edea entire bot de- rode and mereircodisersc ce dettedi ire The Fioncriot Fost to toiro note of iirem. Total populationt, Tire Fotreports, ib po ece t7%. tBi6- get prtocialgainer tee a ir- rectoge bis la Brtoitisir Coumial, up 4"% clore prewor. Next ermc Qoeerrancd Ontario teittiracgotno0f airot 20c Io popote- titea. Qeeec d morecattrot gain irtiOtarieeo got a bitg lifit m-1 migretitai. Wtth tire reepttonaoci P.KI. eilelasacdoworcadtlty, thre cIrer Eaterno Mrtime provincesi gabted,,about 14%. Thre Prairee Provincea tve abowrth ie leat change, tacirateeorco pp ot bebas dewna .tla, Icatoba ap J% and Altia u cp 10%. UsHELP OPEN NORTH be"irst atroben' toto e te.l26; THOF CIVILIZATION mh udySho Canadien goerentoein now Tit, itreocgieoothro(Rom. 15: 21) gl anima patirologtta mb the Less5of and bY Christ (Mai. 21: 43). Ama te etuy theaaeed ortbe ettteh iooreedetîibet ci sl eed-dogsanmd combat thce StJNDAY. FEBRUARY 12 doco ecth tire wodof G Gd lJec F ce of Tablesanmd dtoempee, 5: 40f. Leoie York Eeektaee lc ice THE GOSPEL MOVES The Lord hod rrrrerorded" Port ccp Readero Digeai. WESTWARD tr go to tire Gentitro. He bcd gicen C Hnec articles, cocdecoedl from Goden Trot-Wten they orced, himoitin ommeoerrenet beforer hc et1Hme Moatbty, points ot they gtbeeed the ehdcrh together eft rie.tre e h c. 22: 1t-21f. This 14 og aore111 man's olemeans soed detoed all thot God haoddore coOcidadoent erre 010 irplird in eetaod transportationlac tire eiti tino, ond hore he hod opeoed 014 Teaentro eceteoerr- pact of tire toto million til. thir o f t titir te rire Getitro. ero tthe Meoofoh, oehteh foeetold thot c o of N. America tirai tretceetAr 214: 27. 0He wr eotlbiefre the G(tetto1ft3: tire ith corotied 1te oitito Leecor Trot.-Ar t13:4-5; t4: t-t. 07; Itoc d9:0f. "«'cUtir te ends ci ilie otbe Nortb Pote. Tire 10-21; tire eartir" tire finere cf (td at- a a radomrairorceeof Exooitioo t. Fir Mioiooary oioyopcttedand tie rce ofoid 10 rthbcoootdnterhe bieec Jorcry. 1t: 4-5. orooSerc0r ai2 ped tithoot tirc Rsi cnd Cypeot reo tire iotocd iromre of 19). Tire tectites cteifted tire Word'! 1a dcetora, mtcioccrieo and tire Boeociroe. Perapo tirecreot tirhe of ted tirot tire Jerro desplcd. Tire' Canadico Mooted Police ette rouer irieirod salitdtire cr-, pectiroteidencre.tirec, tirt col peadatmot etircy ondog- ceeds irom whrerliie hl ird tctd cis 0ordiced tr eterecot tteie l ecainportaticai. tiree potes' iet" (Ac. 4. 36, 37). tirt ire beieet(1t3: 48; Jno. 6: 27). tes, boaeve ifcet, mode it Pau oifcreedirecied treiy Tire otiret triro did nert betee f e iforite mec acd mome thtie Roty Spirit. Itroc tireprecrtiee routd hvboeieted if tirey eoutd nee Aretieceae c ier25 of Jesus Or direct tire oeed te oe(Jno.?7:17; Nec. 22: 17; ico. 5t400). "o.. sgrte wre ecocetdeeed octo- te the o trro l te in ctireir tic And ifi tire leierd, iry thaigrig te iry ocr bt Eskimos. They aod titnrot to tireir colvtotro Mi.eytirry'od bhreleerontiey. to, r0 cmocg dire fieet ceceoities 5: 1o). Tco thtie Hete Spirit ted trere "erdaiced te eteroot ire. Ic foe emerecceyose te tire tirent te Seicoclo, ceorct port te Wiet ore dorowtb tire Word de- HONGeIESi BONCH 0F <osto HANt2t i EVER tAW.' i teresttatocnscra joint- Ceerrer. Arrivicg et tire criccirtarideso.bic rtereity (13: 46). Nothiig ttire yCanada ccd tire cit of Soctris tireyiornd tire oece- arocitrd wtîtspoiritua oonrcilees Sttes. Tire dooitoad gagnes, thrie thir ieetr re trocrodesoctirtitre. Atercert aed cuier ci tire doge t ecxtra- hiperd. endlrreaceed tire Word ofitroir bove dlereed, and wrrare bot Bile ttenidaiicv LOST VIRTUES y.Tire-rcnorve 25 mieord 'Tiey ddcnt eeot totirera emoriotrooOternitr en 7Fre UieGtte ertr et atie ote nsixortseroeorbtlctst iroo roeeddtirh 1e Oorderir triithr crad te thý t' iXt I ut Neciîe enrUetdSoroSet oniheur. One teere of tirdogo Tetaet Inibistinotoistr'i tiey Word cocson c otrig orcter. o taeTme ytr ernl a cd,300 miles ino-8daythtie trd tire asoistance f 3John Morkrmil desOîre. 10f Sorisileiîstiee oft ers i beerrre lune, w~titirot food,' t re roe < Aec. P12: 715 tire ltere rrethru. Tirh e avto e r r rce ir e Fifi t t iel ie eId: too oregfr dMootiro oplta baslt r. tiroeirCrit ieteeeot<3oeo.t10t ico tire Northt lzair to coy Spirit Ioecetine qeieciegocreor ecer tHeir 7: 279; Jo. 17t22). end ineeceioe emeeing et thr iore lier a eeolorinpirperd 0e liosrot wbin auhldirectn aeo e mninA y u srede eCireist,,Hltor Ojcetmetre Asociationr c popll oe rcine thirintiiee frefrteaiml ytete:c :rceo t ospctel. i tre sv Ac t:31 e 'i ct6re field lecto:2rda::igh et2egioi:and ditiMitthisiouter, whi etsTire Cirorel EetoirlBi ted et se, r.irse r orecre t Rion are for Holl onMiltocn.tro e eg tltir iedepeedence, s -Y ooroe hurt-E. cci le t Eeatoeeg tire pregere reco aietotoretrIe ldeprtieg trre tire ecot'o ertirwihteole- .14c-. trtoooiioeetr c illooi ectuetre and colourd lprofie. Toeoeay people oott Adteoîeretoo.tir ooIl t.etiteltnddtf Aia Micor irc- BLOODOFROM A STONE 1tmotion pitoret of hiroctlrg11e 1 otooIn ir ecmcir ~~~~~~1. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ______ lceEieeeAtri teeCrDr.e an oerrd, oTer- rrttîerrthlîogoeretmt ole,îe orooe ite ean ntoornerIl te BOliii'Ii lettreoialrîr m001Mcrrirîcoeoeerotrd itorireascthe ire therople Too mtrirpeepte admIEI' etirblce crinieeeetar Tireeeroanretd reertiobot tire fîrrot hoofaniemaltpictm.m .îlethikirlg oftoreortiîtetrof AL IE T .t reerotehuchOarei!oferotretoior ireposibiritty o eigogirood eout ci ecer sereiry tire association. oorctor ireThcy oee e e r r in agioLoorderette Foot ond Bareoiror retered tr ocOertdheoorcbri iertetrHL cns HRlSFrcts otfredelrtcetrougtheocie yetrcltrei re erng eeoi syaogeeandtoreeriteed witir ieeeote unoexerotives, or Moor fLtcodFrtt OrteioeroiitiUir c ac iebritrd genttemanoo r ow rerr tirct reoceJeret and woietirer tirerbore errer otiderd 1 honerd te reirotegtmetrrd- Sateoi tetrescrit placeof power. ey irreded for tire cocitait<terciro ielierdc. Tic8riere oct ot-lts tegificane o oteryir efr o rsfo h er vicerrrhallren- Flowe il Candocd oireeihre an eairber- eeooetree r rd dorfithie eectroetoorîaie ieldeotreercitatiidpeople? ceet doore, itreerdlioto tire loed toeorirk roole, hrer'eforer teerer. i eretofhew rcphaszot penooroocofor filoirtg _____________ et termioe, Hestrder nbirrcli egîrteeîreeranop-ee ho ere moment iiîotirheîiriog ositoîtne ist tirent t i til e der icereod ie tire nwc roc tot eoironecMy 1 sdex- g wahin thoug th Inspi, o III, ppoitin fo',colmestha thusadsofetraitod Pierd ce Septemirer 15. Thesecre- t iedorritrgtesee.rrd o eteeid teprretertetthe %icieoflot tvereeirieotrecranofheýtirteiotrougrt te tretteton ekTrd et. Trebitîiig lieero roce N ctirg raie stoc errn iempoed. Tht rigirt b ie of4 erbeer h endaredctfr We2ired eros kinghisblin, b mumled spicl ic.The ale of ellca o rctregc ce cel. deeinterematncterpoordste ttto 15 eocnde. dlyas c sirhorofted Ot:eret; trc recl erd eoercct tireae' oirte irtr eree rreero te r eir retir'o iePepless Men, Womien evis o int se irOt"- ,rIouî tr i's re-eeree,(lot ccteolgostileinothreeeottields, 'irerrr ýlm , rtrwre unatlteoo * dero cDigest. Il 81. Oc eirrteurailmntireoluoec etbcrrouocrerthe Cet New Vian, %igor, itality 16: 18). S. il, the p.Ilcsrora'h'oattention e aheiFecreotton mcea-311a aaflor ___ ord cuI 00r rî irirre t Irnrtc e ir e iss , orerinierc. v îoo" ireicg fieldIt Sudbry, stup. 0Ottic ooc0ch.O e l d. b-c at .22.. 2 .. roteytelri o n r e n rd f rîtpessue eig r o eregirte ecetieto tir e o f doge reie dere î ytioZi1OT0lt îJ 1erfcc me . teriogOcre FetlcerI Cocilctirr on cîrro l7'crgr E. Eliott, peeLi- lrOrau'.roreeeacat e 2~* IIO Y & Sorlconda etedirattirrg :J10 Y&Si ,MrJccciir CcOecîrised n""tld artt'0hdimndsf tOc l e"tetthe Asocion wtlr, i l ie rel.îî,ccirio CONTRACTORS Munir Opprcrositf 923. ri rlred urînios.Tiete ditredo i- 'Cir-ocric eai aei pan - ,, dctiret 'cuded tie re îotiee ot 4o r !e CONCRETE AND lji.sil ~tthe esiah rriredCeehe cc kisrothe ptrecrirt 4-iror CNDER aLOCKS jcf Ged ce 23, 26. 27: 13. 2-31.33 ciera o e r e le,oethrtr (Ail ai».)l 37). th.t Ced eisced ire fre the a e teke-irce p eotie 0 OS r SA'ND and GRAVEL daithur .lc îitd tr th, t r Jr sfre48, plus o 7 prenerre 044 reodeorletirefotiere Il0 7.771 ci eerrore. Aceedieg te tir -PHONES anod tirt "b ire irrec,,,c ol cct ,iilret sii oid adetet, irrierthir 10 itfied freom .it tmajor sytetme riti Oc $84 mrelion Oaoill ce, Mlo 12r2 tirigo" (1 1: 7. 09)1Thiuer trierec e c eeeolly. birgere te teoMttalo s et.kville 75 or 1372Jet ]-.t $200 mreiothc e ti ce .oera.tecee. 2rl4 1leeoducrd ereerediate erd abonedanit ,mid lwg oue ic 91 i t n G feuit. Tire coert erer cf two stc e rro toge ered tirr 20, rgcter Jeos ad4 preeo r, te rpot te ced ct ern th tedck O terriau amicrererrîr iiie if ti i rto i -I Xalc ed ilp tirieir r etof rp i te e ios re - fith, i , ir m m tie r ýort ot ,c Tireertirt.,rire eriout c edote e c on-e ofotlithirerre te On -Co tea2fi1-001iiondo rrer"-h îil bdh,rrmporary LuLation-IAgricul Il StAe t : 2 714 22: Cet. t:n23). ffectcd,aeow11re te r-millions A S H Tie Ipieef teie Iadftt c-ciible cr krshceiioceodlire ferf tnan te ire"tiregeace f idrecetl)c cocS... rtId bc011I)F1 OF> (ted" t vicr erc re tmerth" inut erregedereeed." o R DEAD .~~creet1t7 8.39: Rom.e3:240Il:A.nilnmo sufth I M ALS liet m ICt lire' ieirnîeg9-000 e,"ai hallii'fi ( Gr l 2;eî.,l1r 4Tchîe md fi tois ri f .ilO cdede c(n)< it a<I O S $2.50 e.ta îfîîlîr-Y -ý-hî,kcO ami trec iic offlî'iidenii.tirl [ RSES**$2.50 eaa oiiel i a ?()fier.cet detrc 8>H < -xc IjirWh.Ci ed trthlier ni - "th,îiii lit.0lire' HO NECOLL ercwt.'rieeotttii,iit t-rermtee ,ýtillIrof liei,ntedin ut eiirc I--iTeiteet Oiwdtre, ,ac îti on rî e i 4 e., 250tedie led andilc'icit 1rcrcdî et h)7R e ire ,, thJ, ner -'iiiriice me17, tt5)uh fi)tl i ii EROL 1 rifîtroîiotiieirtiiieeIîlo.eKIrr trpri Tc , 1 iilVii îd Tîîiltl Gcito-29 r'w311Icii riee mî . fy ,tlruc ectreeilmieb c aledrvit 572R agi,,- lrowd, Fo ~ ret i r c.. c....... re i'ot l -býrîcîdee fl ereýs ti sDrelý o c c o h t 11 c i1 1 îROecrr ir bel.eeîthoo.tnT- ,e11taneoeoîîcedeedceme",hcehefihejobs eliodmge bie. ;Il dfrim ereecteast pteter eretf Tha oetnod iieuoodtererenecityicsTheeîroffit ttt e ee tir tfot st t .r10 , 1-2 ; Rec td: o- t t. neA I*,.,.NSpt.ndd, eterd i airrec, d,,rorrcd 1 teiirteoegicroetehKedreG lieat alocioocieeon therd JesusCrist arensaec ddsholdfnre bapiedhby ireren--Math. 28; 19;Actot8:38; Acte t16. 30-33. Tht our Lotdsrequeeottobeaki the Breaodand drink Oie Cep, le rereeeirearce of Hire ocd ire cbeyed contire fiesi dey of eeery reek.-Luire 22: 19-20; Arts 20: 7; Actt 2;:dt1-47;t Cor. Il; 23-34. Tiret oct' Lord Jeses Cheist a reoy e eta ce moment io recelve dit oirto.-t Tires. 4: 14-18. TVien sbalt foffor tire great tcribuoton ard ireredîooety oftr holi the Lord notre te tet op Hic Kingdom on eartb. Matir. 24: 29-31; Zech. 14; 3, 4i 9. Tirol ye ohootd eareetly conlend for theirotir, reicir rec once deticeeed cr00tirte Saints.-Jode verse 3. RECEIVE YE ONE ANOTHER AS CHRIST ALSO RECEIVED US TO THE GLORY OF GOD.-Rom. 115: 7. LET ALL THINGS BE DONE DECENTLY AND IN ORDER, 1 Cor. 14: 40. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU &Y. pM1lBitAy Bih.,950 S. A. FAY and SONS Slîect Metal Work I PHONE 7205W miLTO. T :OAK VILLE MALTONBjB OAK VILLE READY - MIX CONCRETE PHIONE OAK(VILLE 923 : The Perfect C<oking fuel Instant Heat e Less Kitchen Work Quick a Clean te Easy ta Instail Automatic Heu? Controi seEconomicai d-o r tle ort E an Gus S"Mat CorreIf Bellecll. Pateirorme IM ER A O L I ITED, pel Chapel Baptist Clurch) itural Building Main Street MEETINGS ulav Selit oi l c<for A! leuIpp'r bfor Believ ers i gsen iveo Cl* Mid Bible studv VVS E RE!VF c oigivenby cr c irtin fGocl> lTim.e 16 Il Peter t 21 iThie So, The HoiyGhost Math 28 19; John 1: 13; Gen. he Holy Glrot, oricf the VrgýnMary. ThatHe ras God 1 , 21. aspeosed uonehire Gen, ch. 3. cr. 3: 23. re,wiîth the Deil and his agels.-Mrth. 25:41, 46; Rev. of Johne3 3. is niaka 1printa pies of 'uit and ;pecial- nîty to o local i. Mata :eeping ýolicita- and the )u have [uipped dav, we tention to be THE CANADIAN CHAMPION