FEnBRUARY BIla19WN J Good Healili Basic Death's Terrors Irs ofutNpw i Physical Held Overrated Rotary - _&7 4_ Training Programs inkdet the face," couaatla Nw -qr.Chas. Psodham loas IrIS for ,Floida, -thers sihe vilf KNOX PESBYTERIAN CNURCN J. D. RatelifI. in the Fehaaury Viess arm d ou month ecith relatives bosistera-il IL . plane Ph$ysloi educa ioh PrOgrams Rcadero Digest. "Hia couittenaaoe f roda Mrs. Wasghl, A.l.â--k;n atrie te sIOeOeve and malotalo the bont 80 trrifyiag as we are led tos ____and Chaoir leader healts of the Indivduel at ail agea, belleve. AUl ucuilble eidsaoe lu- MITNCU s prftStases Ose Caoadiao Physical Edu, dicus that deullo la geneeally esel- so R THE NEW SYNTHESIS SIJNDAY, 10EBRUARY 12th, 19;50 cation Assueciao In a apeclal Nat oedlyIeuo o eoîaa-*---- :101.00 ose n-Roc. Jas. Boillie ,ill fanal Health Week message, fers merefu b ey fS the sdInfr, oI- iton e only asser tostheldeology preaeh. fer gîhatl reououcso hogtoliaef a ted Maocfo AIe-loofr aterilllm la thse aaawrr of 7.00 p.se -Oreice srlOhdraseo. covero a wde raoge of speclseo thebo lives, the oversolsona sooo rdslosesea our ge. Change lu whloa ansd for The Februar e--- ar 90 adIrd htmae Rtr Ihhagallyaso.Lcs .S theî OcItea, the C.P.EÀA asaphutius soaJorltY of people are sOl Iig te Club tieo sud sohat lisaioes and lsareamadeae. Thuaî she Churc selosoom, pe. 14, ,taechoo Osat oelw ioaas' Purposes areIn relaon ta the wel. soa 1t rsahelaiord 2O.45Pm. oRali a 'Teaeh. elltes la Ileaigord ta treut a0pae- TeaOifying ta the absnce of fore of tho coasosoity. Il la asy a o good fighler aod a good The Eso. Dept. of Ohe Womeoas tîcuior aspect cof the indleidualîa ugooy sied terrer in dollo il ex- Intention a 10 uquuio you in thre unis bu I aveliu MissonoouSeao*by soil mes hoalih-eoch la Intended t faill the prrioasoe of tloouas whlo have or four.iosauasl orilh the eurly unaolIlu e &od- onoTeuy eoolog ut the growrîl and deveiopsieo f the 10.- Mcid" loy drooeoieg, riecîrie shoolo, hiory of le orgusiaioo top ta UY rhaoogod, declarod Maa hsomeoof Mou. Cucoil. Mes. RoY dividul. usphyxauioo-ooly solos reved loy the preseoltise ee, Chairos of utIhe Worloers' COuiter seul hoe the guest im 1i in a Ruhor osine and for 25 speaker., The gym Clams Provides o seos prompt seedieul attion. These RSotary cume halo exiseoe on amari ouf tloe Commuolol of gieiog eaelo purtiipuot a ployai- people, Ruteliff poinout in .. uoSeruury 23, 1905 ho Choicago, the servie spirit of ST.ogicuiesUrIToDt Ilialaooise rile oodeosed front Liberty. lrogh ay'ng lawePaulP. wh"Whtl ha fois aplatnIs of S.Tý. j.L' UE ]B RC ioae rodsen tise allla of "have onderd relored front10 Mrris.h ie sorienta of bosSain sollel I oudforoaoasolasa. usua.rggv L "'BAME BA- 0000 aclivisies s oulishasses, ap. deud ... und Iovorly Sloey report ess Io the City sous looloiog areood figlotiogfo MralRe fords -MMoRoer ElBelIe-paatsOrkgasuisdlcst a- haMr.rewa n auher nopanfE cngnleelmpnatelpam m sent." A. T. C. M. ,prtoorsgsedumo lotoeoaooooopi1ooeebiOsuiohp o tsuhof hoe aaid, «Why did 1 do -attitudes moe taugot. no terror-oerely ao uil-eoeelop- onglet buosiness ossariotes. And soth Beesuse ouf the deelopsesî SUNDA, FEBRCIARY 12th, 1950 The iosroseuroi progruse, uffordo etg peuee.1 Ohis en minci, the firai cloub s las oplS the soorld In lseo 10.00 aO ý_seor -bioa'. opportueitios for the oppisetioa of The grat physicbue, Soc Wiliamos forreed and their' meetings seere lotoa teoi uodas us1 110 . Mor irngSWoruhiP Juo- the uloillu lceorel duriog the on oler. siodied 50 dousho. 01 aOj eohr fie ert sud hoaoso Ilse do net fiod ter School. structson classes. Tie indivtdoiui shooced menetal oppeereioo, ooiyion, hence tise rasee "Rtary" case yotoesla for thoar ssoo, the 3.00io.m.- Cihut-ch Mehbershio set play with aneoo mtosîher. Irno sloosed osla of terer. Dr' jo ooec.T chartersrse. T la oin dwn n mn. Claus seul seet ln tise O. S Theoe la aise a menetul healOh s- Arthuor MacDonald addo lois beaUi- bcra of Ibis litle cilb sere selected helieco It oa the Ideology 7.00 ose.-Eceeiog Worohip Ser peci ta this port of physicai eda- seonyl "The helief that dylog lsa oc- lis fooner soithol regard 10 ge le huainu nature) pro- vce.r cation, 01000 foc seooy, theooly Cosepunedly seer sufferi0g trc-rciisracialor poiticl vioso. B. loby Moral Re-Arsemeol Msodoy Feo. 13 The CUI* T 'ili pros.idco a sure seoos of lati a rise frose msinerprrsutoo of out- poins. So sor fied aosgt the TA par oo5l ociefsato7siad C c mri i theor Osood of uichiccemeet. be- secd phyoicui Ogs. The oct la00o- Drtmems, ooaodzneS-ee pais oig a ri ynakla Ils ecsehe Asriush a ecdCeI.A ange on the soocid oystemrs lm ile forl ets 010 oegiog, mseotery, and cosepoolo,. fused scill syepiosof the diseuse our they long. Il cuo ho Shul T 8rs Fm.is the. Ladies' Parleuso hip. sohicho lrecedod deollo. soocre s ens the Churtor sremlrea 'th er raisuTh oeooeooprpa 1Troi1 Rangers sol1cpinooe a ssdit e,, si.Tesaigan ups ;ert t'7 pm. Thse extra-m0uaiPogs.um, orin- t leoa pausinauete lodisesoeplofeh rasdiotc li , S idealogy la ta prodore for ___________ tee.groopuesîeîioorooma bus anqecltelutr00 grrilcyodooifloyeoI5 n d a soorid soore people areo GRACE ANGLICAN CNURCN of the leteaseora Peograse Usuuîiy The loody, fuligord loy lis efforts 10 10-day solot loas drooîoped out afI tise and 14 esmityuandswere alocontra- tluuhe individsuel lu requied ta eer- sustuio iOself, oa cedy te dil. Ail ta o humblle otuet ln 1905 te sut orgoe-l c sareroled ou. Insohatsoay P v.. Haa-ecise greuter oluili andt emotIooul tc.nueqiOty.1 otoasuI7tlouosilo lt hel th wold f w hae ameerohlp af 330,000 in 86 cosu- SEReVICEe er-la. B.A., L.Th. cootrol. Dr. Alfred Worcester, professor trios csf thse scorld, tOry soold beCd Bol ACIE t10 at net aasd SUNDAY,,FEBRUARY 1.Sih, 1950 The seoicul esoosiootîoo isa eseeritoo of hygier at Hurvard, thut their origioal douas sud ex- o ACIE * t or thr West triampos and Sesugouimo Souduy esooosial port of pOysIcal edUes. sayya "Deusb la obososi alsouys Piro- petBoaool rIe erl cr lES laeolarebopsfloer hfeio 10 0 a Hly Commsunon. île Thsecorreoor esovaibfi ccded loy u Perteet sobilogors te beaebg excellentfrit. S r pool ue odboagrrther? M colSunday School di Bile defecîs la urged do Permit ooore die. l la eusy ut tEe lueS . .. ai11 Tocoioesiloteeel oo myhv- . sy I louce rougbr of loueri 00 Cios.-MrügPa feeedot soithin the Peogeam sud cosepeteot observera ugee Shat rx-' ory loy 1910 tlor firot Rlotary Cerf- HO yrasgeasmbrooter110 se Mooug cu arnsd filette Iproed heaiOs.TissoOser prcl inaimaginatiootlere lanoo0 s chlioe sous hrld. atteded b uoistsa . Sero. Mei attced tisa t adeesip. Thila Isthe o Sseo Mubc o!letoleelmis- Ohi.n.a as "drullo ogooy". Cooser- foooeren doîrgotes cf rh ite ail fight for Iloat sebîl ail my ice b Ecosfeseesocaso tise 100th p tudaise Ose lirsI ored of toe ftodts ody are mrely clubs tren le esbtene. This first anhoig t ilbld a uosssesuu 015 ouobg0 odpyio dcto.fuiî- the cootrocSoaC csf.refleo mscles. conention. rrproscoted a total of,1 E coOalsbfrocssd tsDM.eiP must lie truiord-traloc-d in ocu citrtboea arr Involsuluey 1.500 Iotarians, scîsiog the uround E S hageth pesntday 70Opse. Oioeosogoand Sermon. sifsl,anusoavae koeldge of andetSiedicotos oftpain. tesoe.- soor for o nutiooal orguoiution SNI .EOlistir ordr of soclel, trio Tuoodop, Fois. 140,, 2.30 p se. De- the natoure, orodo sud copacitios of ber, faces are ofteo coetored in and udsoptiog rire objîectives on (i drbrdlo.od ..ee oîoi uethng of Alseeeooo people of a11 ages. sleep."prepl.Teo bcicacllr miltas, Ont. lie voire ina me la aily7ogm fouis A. at the lOoctori Ployacal oduaîon cao i s Oepyiincrid 1picpe hs betvswI i u______ s figES togrîlore for 1010 7se Chares Boys' Lougoe. tes s hseo o eie tise dcolt scoth 01ter o en lnOis article., d____gol.Canen coi ose5,; _AYP.A. generaloa ational pa.ogrator binoof detb4 aoseoroheur Tise focooder, Paul Harris, wrat dl grch alCage arodns lo cou , Feiscory 1555, 4.151 ou sPrcifio se 00 isOn morts 10e ottocE. eiorid lbis sensatiosaos elrcted foret prooldest sobîl Chou. s cosgr70e sroodlog, P.se Juelor W. A. acd Little socds of an isodividoal aeehing in- tOMse of "seiId intoxcticon". Thorr I-r Perrc. os arotar. sel ol- s en___ abi ideology soll loroome Moliesc. 7,15 se.-Jr. Chir. cooaosed osi, loopploosa, and, sa. tellra orbo droseie bot sere re- !laione he rd foe 32 cooro util his thesis wlîl h10e seoeld 8.0ps Pm-r. Choir. Ocolts ried, tOuosd CITY eoe sued reiceseor. Thoe firot Canodbuo ------____ -------lesnns fer the initial sIrop- Rtotooy Club te joie sous Wicnipeg ML O OSPEL CNAPEL l a vr Wiîlliam Huner, 101h cn 1910. Icothse Fosers Buiding seiuyantost,smuredsoth T. lecrttied real Y WORDS -i Ias brat: ud 1 strrssgth toi aVE RESPECT SUNDAY, FEBRUAR 2h190ol a 'p!0 Â! 1 cell re boso cosy iThe Vo-s-s Woa. Hugget Jrp 103 am-cna Scheel.s ai l.srt la Su Oie." dý^ Coprieurtiosol of toiingeo e have 001 foud tact seuy L r doco Sano ERETW ever-dbiibing Oshere se hace bero in uey L)tîos L uoso orv% Eooooo ofbblond. Ruicioff soya, amd hue wDoUS eao nd ce fteB Jospo Lister Rotirdgc rot soullou DON Sceotor ind Tor lantcln h inl Illeeao dis- initil Usiart obert A . 4oi, joill Ousour usyfrrtcthoeaf0il Pjitej Mulousco, the soit og. certain rdgoeg admeirationu for Thlitidc Fj.i Oth f80 .. osPaig..OeY etrato uffret ibo braho s i- andsog.. i of tjt nai M'oo coseog frsont an ugri-' ijjto ,ipi o Il bt descscîsîo.ttoei ocsctio and hsopiep for 1he t.tt Msoilr to eih upic, tcinoo Orot-e.:,tctto ascisoit toll wioussoo sensatiotntt of aguue ioe bis proh.b ldO F 4 li.t Oihî.ttr* - The final blackingoprr 1o,?sîîittc.tloot )f d fsor the preideecy, s1111 bas ; Ptttc et pe jscSa1illtC rjt es 1o -M.sj lleso Ossos fo1 rage teo coic ua, osculatoblc F. t 2 f-Wcsosc \V Orl Dup sot c: otp, soo st t!The trotli sl Oopaiutabl, est Piaer Plucrh il fucor once Bcsoap or one Ail Arr WeIcoou Plottrublt I, .ttd, j obet a uoothcer but becusso TH-u- eho tbe cuseplocecp sol ou PENTECOSTAL NOLINESS Msv Do ai Sel 1;l- tarxe hi, .bMNFE.F rrsouo thiekiog. We hace CNURCN i(0z.00 s Il l,ý%J ae ae y and errooly bs-îiceOe REX. Il WOODS, Put.,os .5 tt o , il istosod publc ttc anOcndi ans tth Her of Servceus a. oo 10-11 ttruisoi sl o filou ino shic s u iirttttjt-o tîsd i. o tcoxaseon ghales, not he in.,0100F Halls JIî0os tiss- thPope takos part andLeoli.S thloe gains. Fciuiuy 8.30 pou Pooorp moctis4 C loa o11h toc co r s fidcl Ootrioo Vat 5,0,r i i Ocoubar TufS "l le a frood, 0us Mihie Study ou 150 husers a, I secchCselootoPo an-il Study.. Voitos ors tes-s-e csilti il cousin p t Atesl . tue of il, t aroobro lbgh sof Mr. an0 TMp. Tose Odos. Ter.sa.ossB te wtCria, h b the Tartiner as wel us SUNTDAY, FEBR'A0Y O2tis, 1950 000 th e Vcaotilse r oens Id o ig siosdtiO h tuso- ltheconsumer sclIl Or sliog'10.00 use -Soeday MShool. J00l MsoCrea Otocs oo hae.e Tie Briî io 1 fuse hsuisn co th yran thse Iiu solf j rit scbth the dilfereose briog Il Mý0 use Worship Servibce. Viegicta Mopso made hy Severi Loaue Prodution- doiss-Oshtp repîtot 70 pr cesîs 5 l bcefarer and0 thec0- Tt cdocM.oouoOplc a-ue. Fb1-4 Osto highlight sof tOte filou1 the esoug o eo tise Isos. buI net1 tutoppa'. LeS t0e pos. Serotice. fact tisot Mis Moliess, sehc s -oie ecsough to uotid reiscodiof N EXT el,5st ta hr. Toats boites, of, Wcdnesday Woserou Auxilioro o oo o tis hepose cn the scorld's cs soseu hos ,,,jtakc, ad ccpcfidg t imiter, >miss tbvous, il uopulatuhle IcuthO, FciOoy. Fr0. 24 3.00 pout and &00p ydtcopdtOs-fre ________ po in-WouldOs Duy of Praotor Silver L.iîiîsg ýots here apyrors glioig hio bcon- Pc"" asp olrs-i.rspoesible Inb aOU li e nKos Churt"S ct'ictc. The Msoly Fothser a 00 2T lthe soc. ol depedeneoo N.NOS S. APPLE (sop Icsl us tIse throne rooso .sttcsf- lS i toi goo. fii autocratic Pouce s. TDENEeCryboOytrelcosee Juce Hovr ortfsA Britiil ansdItoliisotflm u Flntdoftf clootoumines ofthe! SOh pl ro- in 1919 Rap Osoise- otoup.do ro.pccuotddsoeth tot ltttt _o t ilttctc prccto Ba M116,0 carls.îsitpt And Yr Sîl Kothe Tutanod ,.oufs ansdtreisoldibcotujtooe ittct ttiiedosot, Ile vraenoiia r<- the rutcolshall moiteyoo Teohncicolor tti,cýtfilm f.tttOo e il e t mtneus oftMI. of150 o0 arls. AIl ,P- 10r' Jeu 8032 t.c.tts isti.o 1îsogdcon pcodoce uo- e cn miNB-dtl(u,: H CNUBCN OP CHRIST 41, t, nit fott thc fles- rctuira- - 1 -t ocurAp tte daSkAIisQ Wed.-Tbars. PIl 15-16 P'OTAS1I ~ST5llaE. tttttl , Toeti c anso nslsoatsol gas anoranz tiotish lis- 'NitY. TSI' 00lttt Ptt50 Los IB tt.tt.fprtstttuiiîrc grestene, str1030 om ou. Sdo St Iool. tt,, ,,ast Il to cýpe, 14 th', it"d o pslsrcccs9t ryefr .big ouifot ta i ai Occuîopo.ossoîe. thc it major .tltis.gtjt viiof es ndmnýT. foctts-o T . SiA> js\,ovr, il nic,'1 c'p ORE Nsi on C e tra l Itour Iltitliil a,'an "if, il M1 rte osoucd clsi t c. ar- slojoet tdto o E it ('a,,,- n tttt t th.tt4 .-rosc t, OIcýbl l.foîs ,W , lot are in m r o? uo_ M i n S tre t M l ndi pns bsto i hoceth e 10, Prbaes fIl gepasosll%8t eooîurp sous tise heydayJ 5 poIlera. Since Ibos daya a the seorld ocr baveI to lieiale the soosterao etbo Until oseby bavs falled. brrausesey othe se- Revolollosa soiclo ospl andasemworîdal ise 100h Rom. bomevr. aitrelme tre osM I crela have bec dlarcered gto alUnted eJomrrlg eho elabss bloat las leebal-1 es ofthe oldsaabster cafts. Me have pus-shased the gaagoe businessofo Nicholson andKeillyand ae epr ed to gieparompt ad effiiet service on alseakes of eues. Mofor Toce Up- Cacisrefar -Gonerafor Exchange Stas-fer- Motoco Oveehocoird or Excohasged -Al wok doce hp meoisanical ecgineer on service at nil tiss.. ---0 O.M.L. Service Calla 484W-Day as Niglal Goodyear Tires frase $10,45 ap Batteries f rose $1 2.00 ap AUTNOBIZED GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE UnitLstedilSttiles ,her', S-itog ......o t", tîOttose ,hteMin- s inoPe'ationand Cuooduonde- s B-ccgstOthehbitsinOcrroeeîo licerbea obU proablyO be it.There tThos 0r ired of the seali retaro doseotappercoo be caneeotugo cOf thelhcerOuayscee and Ohasc Ioirogen ur phosphate seaterials, deridrd te lelloso hoir osoo des-bers. ____________ Soser75000m ieraucu nooutlawo sIisavaclrooly cut rodsîct- J OIt OWJN SODA FOUNTAIN toc 468.0NO tort, a dey. and set ut - ecoght Mr lesobssobilc plansebu Clecelcood fres Intoes ..a Bah- seus hoodîr tise Pubietobteoagh Pa",00 1h. soda foutaho sohiel;'o makebOoereae taospportîoey 0050 Orcrrird Oy veodor on bar- cosepeosi .and rot dereord tht aess, dispnsesr50si a-aoe cr- oc...romet tube vr booted softdrins ande. .noe1 Mrewsîho Oas booghl lis esoperubure ot 34 derees, reportas era hir ltactscan asrdty The Flnanueal Post. Il rasa alao dis- coseplale iftboue salsees pusb is peasre offee or eroslosd fruit drinks. oseasors o 0eotrems. He haa n Il la refflllad Iluap la fous smiaubes; osu elar 10 blame If derllatlugde- veador sadispease sixoc-aae cup, san asd sra fos maost pubeo Inalbreeerond.. eapoa. I WANTEX) SHORTHORN, ABERDEEN ANGUS BULL HEIFIERS D. KOLABRA B B 2,FREEMAN Are You Interested in Bargains ? )o You Need Pieces of Occasional Furniture ? Drop in anse ur "END OF'LINE" CLEARANCE THE S XLE CONTINUES TRILITE (~.copIete oiht bulb and shade) regsslarly $20.00, Reduced tb $12.50 3RIDGE LAMP, regulorly $21.50 reds, ed to $12.50 rBLE and DASK LAMPS rguialy $15.95, reducedto $9.95 $9.95, redosed t0 $5.00 $11.50, redoced to $$.50 $12 '50, redlucedto $6.50 $14.25, redssced t0 $5.25 $7.50, reedsced f0 $3.50 AAGAZINE HOLDER, regsslariy $5.95, reduced t0 $3.50 255011R CHAIR, regularly $12.95, redoced 10 $7.95 IUDOIR CHAIR, regularly $14.50, reduced bo $8.50 RVING STAND, regulorly $18.75, reduced to $9.75 ISSOCK, eguloy$14.75, reduced 10 $9.50 Our Big Special NDRS RECLINER anad STOOL ngreen velassi eegularly $75.75, sealcel to.50.00~ MacNab & Son HOME FURNISHINGS OUR GURAN7O st.. à 100% atisfctio Green Beans " 0-- 17c Park & BBns 1" 1 2 o-oaa VoLLE-S .a..a.aoa. a,,.et aHr-i.-HALse GREEN PEAS "no,121 PEACHES '¶MO19< [RASINS ,1%g 27c Cu rrant a1<PRUNES$.,- 26c 500. smesse ee Lb.s 1ser BEANS 282 21c RI1C E a18 T1OAO UCEss 1 Oc BRAN 0,ý25c CHEESE 101l-29< CRAX 8 QAS s--31 IIR MLO-aosUaael E aE-I.ElQUALoSs Y TEu os îs Sî 68c i -.flii >1 c RayletasJ'- 10 s. elIalo ag97c Texas SPINACH a GRAPhEelFUNIa 1'3'23c.î (EliforenaOset EaItag bb. j Red Ensperor Grapes C YAMS2 27 Yshu mmwElssmMn.lias .U Pl SIUARY obIl. Iq THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 1. --.1 T149 rl&mAnIAM rUA-D'-..