,Y, FEDJUAET 2, RMERS IvAn-al< Pu&= à.-HOG W0 A04DIALS AMxWMT Milton be SrviS fty Years Ago '1 LTD. -a,. th, Issu. ai th. Cao- > ADU.,A.D)E i. baopof Feb. loto 190a c0on0 topt ferth Canadian 000$. TOe Towno Hall 0000 the 0000 realloed alleo aIl CapOlaCI heîag $125.25. Our1 onîolholion droot Milton. th.1e proceedlags wltO a neoo )A L 00140010' The programme0 isOod entllrely ho 1ocal ta!- ('~ 7 d the oooolttg's ent000910- NOW a. of Oigh oharaotero Thte riqu.tee tmo 00000. Theo d tlo f a oooohee of olar- 5'~¶'f1?~fl a greotlp ItopoCo0 1he en- an01 gios finish an01 00ar- the poofootoalie. Godoo hIrfl and offiento intrttoC- e 010010001000. R. E. (boît- ER band hastmade apid po- ring the 110 sto 00000100s. PhOtO 7&W1 ,riptglve toilitary seletioa Illef af Ebotoe', 1000 $0000 the wosO la ail theiloum dssovsg ai g0000 praIse. voea]istawere: Me. J. W. MoPhail aad A. Arraaraog. alratoonOallats 000001 the 0000 and Lawrence,. planc. Dewoar, cornet and E. E. aIn. Mrs. Rawonaa 00 sta ard on lieso nd0 00000e a Milton aud- a great sass. Credit a ofa ti he oncert la, due glag c005000011050m W. J. Armstong, J. B. alFrank Capelli g-he MIaou ai Milton Golt Granites played 00- l'y for the taobard Oeot y alti000oon. ThC ice totg't n heite, but tbere toto s play. The olsiloron ohotsas tloos: Goîste-G. Turoholl, C.C. -Chas Tot-ohoîl, J. W. us,. oh 21; W. S. Tuoohol', 0009n. T. E. MoLella, J. bull, 010 16; SISMM-Joho MoGiOhoa, C. John'- 1,W.A. Clarke, W.. Palto, ras mak- 17; R. L. Hemtooloot, G. S. Rot- m, Gorge Stot oy, J. T, H.1C ýd print- 1140k l3 01 ioles of diii for0 thC loation 0000 o >ssptaed 0000 Industry are pro- cent and w" faora-bto. TOhe pooprietor OhVlOdooly wiltoioit ourtoo special- h hk fîtoily, aeot Saturday. rnity to to local mn. Mat- keeping solicita- and the ou have quipped .ce. dav, we ttention r to be rraphera lilton oi IIarold C. Fay PLUMBING and HKATING -4 JOHN ST, KIToN PHONE 422 CON Cil B QUALITi'ECONC HMAPLE BLOCK< MApL, 0 n.- MS -OIONS MAI THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Twenv YareAgoThe Sunday Sehool adba oàwpion oaIreb. OI. 15110 Lesson H H - Milton LOL No. 2385 held lis SUNDAY, FEBRIJARY By50COCEga floal annuel ladies' ialghtln00 the -- 100OF. Hall on Maaday 0'001111g THE FIRST GENTILE CHURCH Talent, taleSI. talent oh 0000001 last and the delightlful evetowa Glo oIl aio 0 i-10 ool oltCC o l thorooghly eojoyedbyoait. Aoooop OcpGodenTextIn C thoc the 0îîds- th sc o. Ft il ood CC, pfayd Mous repast W"laprovided ad e0 ile ee o0he1 1 ie ald n hegitr nd cwefn V.d "Y th. otesh'oaof 9he o 1.e Citins. Ac. 11: 26. Ihatl ittle Jula n eed ploya the Pastmsoter M. J. Carton 001001 a,, LessonTxt.-Ac.Il: 19-26; 13: 1- piano and soCgs C0000y oCgs t toatatoO ad the prograa of o3. boi.Can an0000 ie cIC;Ctribute proposed by BI. Carton; Natioal Antolh, Il: 19-21 hcCaoloîl Cforo. ond scCC ooot A them "Caada" pCoposedby Dr Il ob yeoas ortIho ta lOC IOcheCeri tlCyopen.Wde one don N .A01COCMIOC1CCOC1tha the gospel 001 for 0 o lmen oCtOICoîoCot1î 0tIIO0COCOoiCI0C1BO. OOCOCototo WhîC0C0C yClWho knopsC Yo Cy win the G. E. Elliott. "The Ladies", pro- Chitansoailod Cas10 Ot leaCCCd prizeC In the sanie C CCC noCC poed y Worshipiol Maoler W . E.it îhiCgs, IhCy had teoaed CCtC0 oho OcC OO0te OCOChiCO, scCCielth MoCready, toapondad 10 hy MrC . L thnga oel; 1)1 Whatta10pooooh- Akins, JaCet EllottorCCSeymaour J. Moode and Mm. W. E. Me- The Word"loohot a pilo thii a CECglish You oo[te aCd oo'll put Ccedy;"OurCLodge propod by man of ur tetitChlh etoolotinothe year ook. DCon oCge Plot Mater H. LondonCOand r10 pCCOCheCIdo 01 oCo thît "TOC thatthere ija onotest fothe bet apooded OCa81, DepuCp MateC WCod f oi 00" latheone00thing to 00100, 100. Leo'oogonanod Bro. . Hotderoaoa îîî ;(2) OCt preh- Can 000 imCagine M.HS. boya Folîoin0g the baquet, the eesota- Speakiog the Word" (R. V). They CIOCOCO baketballC Weli, lieyore derof tthe 000010$ ba ptItn'0 lti tolked the lCOIh in a aobtua oigigt r ollOe Fliday the hi. dancing. 1he atetaersanad the uCoilltCd,, CooCoraaionalî wy. (3) Atoa High t av oe aochaace commCattee in charge aCe ta be COCO Who ought ta do the poooohiag- 000 if saneCt Cfou thietet have piaCted on the pleadidhbaque, the COCO and file of the ohueoh, for 00000 COCO 1000 a hahoibail. ad eatertaittoaeaproodd andi i -tey tht eCe scOttCedObroad" Everooee agils'hockey gaC0 ihope t 1001the lodge 0111 provaide wCOCOluit the apoîllea (oh, 8: 1). TheCe 00000 forof 0$ 1001 th1e Canymore soOh pieaaaooCCaiCgs. GdhOasledoaon tp byîlop fiCîî 00000Thursday plos the boys' Ton Couneii-Aihe reg OlOOJesthen haaa.tCiîooa tes of grades 11 ad12.The mteetng Old Tueodîy Oooalag, C. ah proaeiytes, bot ai iît g$000105occasion 00Otebig triple header Jones ooa oppointed 01101000 0for Geaiiloî. Te iiot miioaleiao fowhCO0000000 ota peodad '30. TOC SainaFinish Fiooriag Co. the heathea hîd $01000 s0 full Of o half off 1he lohoot day. of Weton a ooa oarded 000Oact the 00000 asail lain tJesus ihai hy The fieot gobe ooaa playoti be- for supplyiag mtaeriai for 0000eould no longer ol001100the slowto 10000Helen Hooiop' ad Nacy 00001002001 ioortag 000000 10 t0 bc lead ai the auihooîtiea ia the Hmaaaoiatesa, 001 thee oaa put down ln the auditorium Oof thelChurch, 0ut 0000060005d ta bea~k Loaoa ad ad rolo Tooolli allng Town aHll; S. Hnonto ay!saeaotheod of Jwshpr0ipejadi0Ell th f-i. Tegin 100 lanplace ai C. S. Halsly 0000 Denilo,. the gi1l10 ooaidersd thangiag 0010 delled the appotalioaot It woo The moeaet wasoGod ad hahig siiaathe end ofîthe fir uaaaOously decidd tadiscontinuosom aOalOiedithe whole ChaOhoCith peejod. the rlaglag aof1the co wbel]. De. il.The word fo preahigi v'20 The'scT0o tonae0fo M. E Gowand MedcalHealli a ot thesaine alnv. la. It oe.ns Heslop' teaat Goalhy Hslsa Hea- Officer. preented hia0report 000000 *flefîg goo tidings". Those gaod top uoaaaiate, Marion Pasasooy, 00000001 bal tOhe nuhe of coin- tidiaga 100000 ihe o l010 oarermnd Poaaoea Cooaddenassist0, and Jo10l soanloablo dlaoassla 1929 tooco as00 oin hme or00001- 'the Lord Teloatle, ooaaîioted. ialliaos Chioksapoa 10 case, 0n0 Jeaaa." Theouoaooe of the haad The 'I00-Siove Leaguoos ihoe deatha; Ooercolaoi1 103, one af the Lord hing 1000h tlObas 5, 0t00 101000000 10 Molly, 000000ai - doatO; A large naaoohof aiacceaoOsa '0 $000 ooooer elieved ad 0000- 00000 inth'eepitching: Hlos. 0000 paid.0Th000001 aod oed ta ho 00 0010the Lord." Statoaaoats a 001 oitaodiag; and "Hppy" phd.Tho ooaol aljoaaed 0 oa ibs1000000000in0the Aota Strand fo lierdefensivee orb. meton Toeaday Feh. 1810. (v. 24; 2: 47; 44; 5: 14; 6 7; Thesecod gann atO0 a0000 gh, At t0e Inagural moeeting of Mi- 9a 3i, 35, 42; 12:.-24). ogh. and fot-I epeai fast, affaie ton High S00011 Board o Frday e-l owl aakwytebtengae 1adItwt e 00000 oltteo hlowoas. W. os0pel01doot Oat bake the sain FErieTolotzha offiiiating. A penaalty CIeor , Vi00-ed: 011irrn0m. WA*13 ' 00001000010000 ytodoY. Th, an-000001taL'il Eloao for olt-eOdiag a MoNalntO; seooe-ia-rao Aao. F00, CCaIt. oo$ tdgrade 10 playeoo Highlighi of t0e Gcab Doooao. Trasrý i Aoial2:42; 6:4 Aet1:; 8:4. $00000000aOpeol.olar pay OYý D. Dewar.~Thofailliof thaoe cooota inAC- Mil wo e0000000IOIOcored agol Whea 10e GuelpCh M 000000 Opoke tloh prove.d ils0 $0001000010 ho 'ofor the w00000$e10010 NoCooobaa of Actonas00 000$ in Welligto afet--they 'turndaod 0tO teLord' il that hoe00011 ho traded off OC the Couty, tte Poogus Newsî-ROlod W atîa eant by turiCgnotathe bush league-prooholy the org expaied that Aols InoPeel Bol Lard io oadioood b001 Tho- 1 . ioooRail,,,. "in"ale woooo1otO the Aton aFreee ss F0,000000 Ogt Ac. 26: 18,120. We have OCin ho 3tforgradeIl. Gols:MillI (2) oun- taow 0000,0101111in0Haltoa. WOot ,,s,, a veoy olearooooooagifotof oasstdoCnd Joc ThomopoCooo;oit;, the editosofothe GuelphadFer- Gods arpotthe orkeroarto. 0and Thotapsooa 2) uOC0îîtIdO Ils gus newspapers aood, proohOly, i teoCoOo's pat, in rpentace asCOOt:t.Kerr, OOCOCiCted; Hurren0 more0 ma0i0 aCd lo.oger 001. ad conversion. The or0000000 ooits ho Moil- ond Cairns; Eltiott A busaiessmeetng of Hlto, OecOd thOod theLord JOOoC otooisted. Musical Festival Eaoooti.o 0001.(vs. 19, 20;theLord lesed the TOheOOOcOOstaCso the gaineooooo hetd ia Miltonon aWodJa.2-2 -od thut prooohed, His andOoad 00Millo, ThoropoCand001Ho-to. Reproesnativis00000 prescrit 00000 ith tOooo (v. 21; 1000000Convetd The thtod $0000 000 playod ho- Burlingîon, BroCte, Acton andhCtOOyed the message and turned tw- the teams ofFrances Sycr Geoorgtownas Ol 00as10Mltonanod utootho Lord. Thit10hows the re- 0a01 Moootyo WOooll. Thison0e 01000110 The yeary gootofithe latiCoh etween fiithad rpetaceO Od ta lie cuthort heoooao the FestivaoIl ttifff0 0100 progress Ot helieiag the tootth out jean0 buses had t10 bobo. NfeoooîWiII- mus1IicantheCoty, anod is very leadta repentoanceooo siCo0î0000t, AknCoad MCCoCOO cO0d groifying. 10 o hOpot 0001 10'HOCCOIf.the off-sides. One laoeo, ACdooo, 00101 Hlto Poliol oI h htd ~ ~ R Cairnoas sen0toto Cthe pelait" boa tirdM1alon FCMCival 002b0 ed- II. Bar000001 100 he orpl'ayiog ihsxoteic loMlo o a 1to t a d-Worh, Il-26. F 00al 00 105t00 rhe loo- . ided 10 hooeolyone00Ad1l00i001100. Aa toon os tidotogsofolthe Gontile InhoeooaooeHoe o Mi-. A. T.Crngao Toooot,,,'Ceil aiAatioohoochod Jerua- etop hroce, Jooos e Haaaoa es0 forOnarioo. A spell ftuo t his TheY sent oneof thpiohbestmenta anto e s ol ssew 0000 ouIlho o masC hal000. f ahot iaooaîoge ad ooopoooîo '"He 01001f oooa$00 .oho = Ooadred voiles. oelotedfota odo o"ad wsa l "ulCoold hv hlOooo ni so booîo o ls ti Cg he oaith,oCadOOno manthatisOnCt enher Fetival. erd draoehthe ork00 of010- GoltOOOOO coed HHesloP ___________(3.1. KoCIti 1)1, ood E.Palmeoo (1). .Goret-Ouleoîd' o heo Otrl oOOetsa$ooddooly ooooî 0000l Gondiaiht $00t00 01101lt at raltoC o ot haotoooo IoooChoi 10sa dooO asthot ta An-,i oitda e w ol I tiooh. How's ét c 0 ooi persona' hi t Ce0do.]h000c sh.otCl t" 0v. 25,06). Ho oo ooooo haop 80000 ooCidrinCthCîooootoCoo oodtaet , si.ooooot and pro_ teOh 001 ooood ahookC-oti ci miocoof , ooooog -verot (oh.9: 27) ICRETE BLOCKS &o te10, ofotGod, OOC glad thoootio op îoooooH.,,ohaut t. IIL anohoood Sal ,IoO0d ho o<ois eol-o' Hoo, onot gh io NCRETE BRICKS *S t, hoHloOSpirit. 13: 1-3. 0 ,l 0Cgto,0, The lohuhCt Arti-h h0.dtfi, o Suppooooo ooo obok Coto- INDER BLOCKS e» oohotnodto vro otohyof olh0 te oioesopo, o 0,O 0000,00 ooooooo ieThiooolo G-oo 00,0'";,,ta0,th , Ioo ,o. 3ACK-P TILE toi, hulhooooo tootof ot 00 o,,0 Oooo,1,o o,,k ligt and lofto 100010 thooroop , 0 1 0a OMY - BEAUTY Tho Hly Ghooo 0000 Ota thooo oo -ood. o oo oo 1 ho 10 to oooooothhy o cLarod o, loO,,and ThI,ol,,,, , ohood- & TILE LTD. ly atoO'arns an v,fillOd ' o- -ool dan,,tho o,,,I NTABIO oo,,h G ootoo tý,ploito in ... pLE KENWOOD 5378 1001000 0percetioC of tho in i01 Ofl loojojn o'l ,0Pa-guoo aro th God, ltoanot aid how th Spiritoly South Aooooooo sp.k e, ChetherC iC a sud i bleoire~0. OoCOOgCno se Ot. or silotl in he iaooeo esofo the hooo-i. but He poho in a. uOC ____ tistahohlo 000. Ho îî tedot TELEPOOIE CUBTESV opeoh to os todoy. Il 000 the Holy SpiritI oroOta10 oll; 110001 mans0I0 0001opod a001he olody oCia ork t a reologaootthooil,0nd1 000 clergymanoa1to tkehira 10 lunch'o th0 .00 oOOOooOT o .;,, o CROICE QUALITY AYLMEB TOMATO Juice 3 2ON0-24e Aylmer Choice PEAS0-O TI AYLM'IEE GOLDEN SBAE CORN 2 TiNs 25e GOLENTINS25 KemelCORN 3 1-0E Aylmner Wax Dea ns2 1lTN825 AYLMER CATSUP 10$17, BSO]BONPORK &TINS 2 27e0 Canada First Soups This Week W. Add Two New Varietis - i- MUBNROON-CONOoe sand ONION 0o15 W the eTwo 014 lavorite.- - 8TiI<CAM ChAh 0of ABPA3.LUSsu" GIIEN Pm 1&40 AYLbMR APPLE SAUCE 2 'M- 25e Aylumer CHOICE. PEACHES 'T 23@ ChIc. Dessert PEARS GLOSE IS. 18 Strawbwwy Jam pSm -24 &,à 42e Akyhner Marniatade Û-M -3le Speciol Proces. PEAS 2 2c THE NEW POPULAR i 0-01. TINS Aylmer PEACH]ES Tin 14c AlnrCORN 00100 ic Aylmer Waxfeaas 2îTINS ZIG Ayînser'PEAS 2 -îs21 GreonGantPEAS Z TINS 25C Pem & Camrts 2ZTNSt 25c Mlxod Vogtablos Z TINS 23e FA360T ILEO 0020E SALMON T-in"310 SalMon T- 23c, 41c =ETA Slumon T-alqc, 32c CAKE MIXES SWANSDOWN -P-G35e WECITE or DE2LS FOOD DOWNYFLAIE -zq JWFY CcOLTE .~- 0kg. 29C CH Ogilvies' 9g 31C ONOCOLATE asorI MONARCH 0KG. 35C Shhrrmf't White -9-33c TILBEST SPICE o DROWNIE MIX Pkg. 33e WM=TEor CXOCOLATE ROBIN HOOD Pku 290 CROCOLATE or SIOVE AUNT JEMIMA "k-35 Nael ORANGES, 200 s, Doiee a0.010100 God.Boti fit 000 ,,, ,begoo t1000010 In0th oomddloe f RAetJtoto worok ohooooto" 00e Spirt l 010senetence, however, Ohe sObe the that they ooaoo te ho set apaol. cooecto 00onw ta isfogeesad .R.d Rip. Cello Pkg. Every tèp in that ealy COurob tOso hoog up. 7rOMATOES, Pound ... 101 sas i a peyotoetohiol toen 'Wheno1 Imatply have ta gel gave hotolveco se heartily tbt aoooy," hoeapalssd, 'I sasys Imp. Red Ripe they tothdoeto thetoaelvoa 0000 asg op oanaoyaelf. The poar acîs- TOMATOES, Pounod foosa ther eooocou0o food. ta paooe phone comOpany ges blaied - l0 (v. 9). The promtopOeoabotahoo ore oaîd 00000 Ihink a manooCrisp, Fresh tobloh 1h10 Cboooh oheyed 10e woulod e0 ut o la som vice." CEI!RY NEARTS, Buadle Spioto eootooood t orthyof no001. He had detoaaded the hast thsy hod f00 the foeeigo otloolo.field, ad heortogive steai Ot h00 0000 tey gave theno up oithoat atoure-te go; setheytmade sraight for the toue. They tould haae ilhd tenearsatpaotandthence fortheod bavs hopt Barnobas aod Sool, bthomeboo arnBeaboo lob. 4* 361. TOco the Spirit ealled thentoelsewhoee, w000 000 e t be r oîooooiaî, and tlty 1sen0 thento way'. But, "tbay poechedOthe Word $of ' tohils 1000 sent thoto. thsy 10000IH thoe e as e a dsa soh resoly "sen0 iaelh by the Haly Obe saextople aceded bioa 1 Ghost Nbhdirectionas seoao lahave 1 la odsy (IîThes. 2:l1; 2TMm. 4: Z.1 Advertisers M eet 5 C U.S.No. 1,96's JC GRAPEFRUIT 4'29c~ Iceberg, 000 FRESH DAILY-Cery Staia, Sul, Culots, 1 9C Bunch Boa%, and Ce. mie wCase% 15c S:Sn, Florda Orangees, RoidmsI .~f: 15C bar, umisPeoup, Y.,,.. Buyers- Weekly lu Ilh. TS NEW! RASPHERIT j A M jSTRAWDERRY WiOh Ipec00a Aylmer MARMIALADE J ~--Z.2 5C Aylnmer DARTLETT PEARS 2* A-- Red PIUted CHERRIES T' z 29 Aylmer Apple Julce 3 Ti.2, ROYAL ANN CHERRIES 200. i AYLMER BEANS AND WEINERS "" 2 Ayluner CHILI CON CARNE ',ioz- IS 12 TINS AYLMER SOUP ASSORTED $127 Value fo 9 TOMATO OR VEGETABLE SOUP Ayhaoo -o- 16e AYLMER ROSE BUD BEETS 'ria22o& LYNN VALLETy GREEN REANS 2 lT Zi's- i CHOCOLATE BISCUITS CHOCOLATE COATED LB. 39C r-