DAY, rnMari A, FEERUART Z iBiS THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PA4111 PMf Big AttendanceMitnW nfo rictly Fres e-apgkj eurthNtmu At Milton Meeting Braà~D f mpnton trou <tearge Tomate, 01 f Sportsmen U P D ~ Ba po - ,une Far thert ofM. KNOX PRESBYTIUIAN CNUECH Oneoof thenmoet lagely atteded tnChapion, Jan.~ 26,195,e Lasi Friday Night > in r .J.Yly Mmt 4V IL suPh ad letrestitg meeting oi the echrol projact et Loeelic - bholeealer'u profit hrm Wtndsor snd Litoe - bob lest Ttiursday nigit et Legion t otend meeting ln question on Miltos Sîsrod Savon Goals In r todsy ta g the frnerai servira ai ber SUNDAT, FEORUARY 5t, 0 alilu nilton. Janoaey 4tb ne an Associationse-FnlPro fe rii M " MA ý N -Isse the laie Mm . LW. 10.00 a.m.--ior Sesdey Scjeen. Featurlng tho piegrsmt seu sner First Teo ISALUWE T~m o 193r32 Milton 11.00 a..seaher, lier. Ruassell lfluetratid Inctureansd edouiesd Wo rouait Mr. Cleseuts sttend- MaRQGiiray, ut Oskvlile. mnotlets ploIent et lsetIg li hang ibis meeting sud taklng ail de-'ý Rarl Faox sud Art Mottases lad AssW4a.ssmo ramos-aism Oi E. J. Phian, suleister ni 7.00 PNtu.-Soeloe seltbdrsse. Canada bY Dr. Ais Seord, et Toc- ittI seae CHOIC TOMATOI 2pisn Lha 2e Iom let Inl St Jeospsh e Ladies 41d Society seU meet osto. liermr eaproseed l sese ose Coeld tii ho Me. Cirseats rosi- Mlton a i-5 triumph aver Srssup- anmIE-t to Mais E sans27 HmsltIon. iai masy Mi- Ot Fridsp, Foh. 3, at 2.45 p.mi. fieaut eheiUM ai animet *ktn puig? lie, sebo laab be e ton lu se OISA. Istormedtato WA v A nar et The Get-Tugethe- rm. o! Esta Àve Seryteascain ordtng la toe Voie et the ratopsy- game et Brasmpton Moriat Ar- I" Bo»I EN L 7 ment sud trait ho sel seau Checch, sel meet eitahe hoo Aoter naHons ILr te , sit tie ut o the towsenhip, seilnw ah ena tait Frtdaj stglit Ales. rou.4fAN 2CLt md lbs seork sud home. et lir IL EltiotI, Ouil St., .M.Ilaer ot Landi sd Fersltr blat emetoy gaed ssund, pro- Frats 2-5m gisa gnote sud lihh It e2I audyJne ThTueaY, Feh. 7tO, etIS o'rlork. thseieed tise loazrsy gsme sesrd- greselve administration te bis soli sesion, P £oe AIS goal 2nd MUesho ma:tishm Th lisppy leer Mission Band oefrtsrvr '- .asegc.Weeneail aeasited se thase ethersau msuit.n dagtrane nlalu eeyWdnsaI the orsi drng the yoe. Iî s sua prident uiating the Asoiaion reu.. vs tagi ganpt TOM ATO CAlS Up L ýearance, tudeb sudnm-l-se SuodaY Srheetfo t .15 l empltssleed opeu seasuan for.ifins seoid carry os aity lu rases-ng anss iehed for twi scores sud una H. F. Wbrs-eil, et- Lr SAll oýhifu the Su- tai eue ls un- -tmrmudlssudfhbelped os sueibor pafr. Ormie 5th hlctbdap. mhe et- y.l Sho are vteni ta at- fer totbgr nMy1ade-tercmedtosadwse duo o$20e ai mchdh tend pirsi ou Sepiemita 15. me seere. of the raiepayera le the Canson Carter sud MatItt> ely red MOAMKLK6; MA u tcees n edsb Young Wommn'a Aeatiisry sel tan> aise bmeughî le the eattton suad uit lu su odelsor> rapselt>. ~ As r sesfe rml fed tafo eatrandgsteto meet an Tueide>, Feu. 715 et of memhera the peudaea tch fer see as su Assiation fui telt see mhe gime had s seld osdleg LmVH ECE o 10, s urlocdienerlegeter O .. et thtoeu m roual abeos derreased tram 20 have choiru s very dletlnuished serriute ru aie squsced aod toke $700 tgeh MaCous, Victoria Auenue. poods to taf 1 opses and dcelhehbodyuofrepresutate- off for a fih tha ramai earh sa I HRIE i 8 5, rd o$.0e guesi t ofhouer. lioerir sere uoanhmus le a s te hendle the affaira of our town- match miacoudoci. Othera gatin le-CERIE orly $t4.75, redut ST. FAIlLS UNITED CHURCN reoulelle 'le le hraught to the ship. This ehouid ho taroot rsaegb te the ect and irvraite, fiehts sera Bioos-R.J- k BiUEC. B-& attention et the Fedemo.ios meot- that the people au etertlou uiy. mt gouut us ail orr the ire hrinre M11110 11asD Orgeist - Mra. Roblert E. Seetoi, lug hieg held ln Sudhtury, Sp. su aererlm.isg majarltr lu mab-teorerhr li am WE IE IKE 9 ceiu$,5feh nvagements purtlng the aie ef dois sehile itoor leg nerb s dcaoile chasge do sot MiRtos - 90at, Levr; defeuse, ooeatoîi-gUSUtss nasseI toUe r,50 nddce SUDTtEliAo15 hunlng Corge E. Eltiotl, pmal- leurrve le dlrtetarahlp mnob a ex- Stcwart, Brurh; rentra, Lonto;N ou100 ua.m.-îeaîur Sasol i ent of the Asocattion wua lu tie ited tait yeer. As ir Mr. Tiee- 'ciags, Lintua, Pay; altumnaies, Fua, rîuruv MUT ~ 9 lisune. thueenagvreert 110 uî Sp eviefrby chair. seorth, ar asdrsiend he la an Am- Currie, Mrttmnau, Basse. Scattalon, roc50 ongagament anâ gin rir. u uy ______________ erirsin citizn, go le psehahip js Raey. Evn, Shoppard. 9.0,reucd u eldoul dagutor, Aliro 7.00 -A useunn o ua, peu- peseing bis apinion lu tIb unique Brampton - Goal, Lachey; de- LtiO fAlUMtdo. ÇtbmBf.-4flb lu Jamser Murray, the touiaci and ieruuu 'cay sit a vcry seniestodhbuncb MO..lettCetrcnt, REN PA 2 1 235.00 loch ses ut Me. and lira. Stese- tiua. fne islCetr ete m RE ES 2 ep. Muualay, Pcliruuay 6-Tha Missiun ni figures. I endrstad tat ne und; 'clora, Miurdoc, Kelly aiter- roducod to $17.71:Bniilrete .5pm prs of our pctitlun bai hees di, aatae, Haloy, Traidale. fgucll. Diasi-So. 9UALITY-40LDEN set Randu sanone f h .GI lllclaodto7.00 cordai. AUl pointo are Mi apcs liaine, Carte, Greenilade. eaeuco l anaicdai Tu C. 'iis I7 for discussion, sebich adieu cao, PIvot isertod WAX BEANS B'n 12 EUTES $18.00, Maeo, daughtor ut Ou. Wm. 44IsI.-Ao code utaGrcmto Lnu Lar . .o aLtcnÂosl-asesek Kh an~~~sd the laie lir. ýGilihr .Tucitay Fehruacy 7-The Ereiag T mr C codn ete Dpraet e -itn(ac).......... .0 DLRYCLFfNA4 O U A c oJoha Taylur, Torou Aluiliesry ufth W.M.S. wiiEducatiru, ho tobra an tbmouîb O-Raina (Blgnell) . .S.E.E.DE.D.AISINS.2.U7.27 noeso seot at the hume of Mmu Oer Couclt aouyose ain es-,.-Cacrr (Surll.lRiane t.24 SEE ASN 1e EUTES, $20.75 *.ý te Mir. sud tira J. H. Tay- Couil Woo et 8.00 p. LAST TIMES TO-DAY 'oct te chauglag frunt one ta t'cu B-Krly............ ..........8.390 . ich ley, England. The seddlng Thu say Pcbrr ne - Aftceunsa.l-iîeiane a) is II SLOn~4<~ 5 plaie hn Crase Anglian Auufiieu ut W.M.1. wcl meet TL ms -ino LnePy 35 reduced ta $5, Fehrary 25. ni lhe horn ut lise Ruile et WEhip LasIS F lcancremnembr ihai etaciun Penlties-Stewart, M)urdoch. PIKSLO z45 n*25 0.00 pua. , day reeli sera the oca ai South Second Periud Traiîltuanrswil meeoail7.00 ond Neleun uu se]] s North Ntelson O-Carter Clionly)..........10.58 25 ech, redaced CL5IAERG P.Are You With ht wioaaiheun0 mahe unan- O-Crny (Chester)......6...l.00 ahdfTi-dN.11 z el a UflON SALE GlACE ANGLICAN CHURCH nms e fehoie.s Goate Conhiuet lunuu. se TRaina, SPIN- ce o$5,75 loc a ufle ih aeuuhi Colioneedl, sa el- Teasa SPrhmrdNi. H a oi ce o .E eetor PLUS CARTOON Nuoper attrsdcd ur mceting and Tlerd Perlod tend soid Grade Aerred- tien. J. Hemer Femis. B.A., kmT. ____________ s aoseended an hIe remeehi. li-Malînnn (Pox, Cercle) 2.00 edaced to $17.50. Vsoonelumodsei Cet- li udu hyi Bals o al-Curria <Mellensua .....2.15 Trater, sreNni-UDAFRUIT1,100 FRI.-SAT. FER. 3-F Associaiouu snilae te ours but ce- M-O Pu. . 5.0 sCia Dre W.S. N'o. i Lisiana t Ibo. îedoced to $25»< Rsupsesal sd Frai îaptuugcaima Sueny 8.00 oa..Nuiy Commuaiuon Tak aded ous an the snaor group M-Pua ......... 8.10 Y M 7 uettreso, couerel ndraigcaui bai lecu on- 10.00 aa î-uudoy Scheul and TakForce aad cupresed bus thans for tearai- M-Mellannun (Foui .......10.2 edt 2.0 b1 Ribla camt. Ing the trac vesioun and purpane ut Mi-Stewart <Mritaon, Faxt 17.421 ImPert-d Frrnb Ge Top abanches edtFI0oa o B. TYEmS 11.00 uer Nuiy Couamuniuon oud With Gary Coaper aur Association. lic ale mainiain- M-Lance (Roay)....N....Bu.ched..CarrotsMC on, tu ueRl by eatiuu et Seron seauttegetngtgtro on No.Jne Ibay oen 7.00 pim-e. n sud Sermonu PLU CARTOON te ha the gatut touete utawn l-de.18f gAsVu., Nigh'cey, th A.Y.P.â. Serviar Uta ncauiy ____________dartut seap for the rotepupera let AT,1 FESRUAET 5tbn cicted utfiuepe 'cille bcuntal- hecuma betar ocquanoîd and bouavec aon 12 ucknu I'ils the uueuceaiepn. 'TERELh IOOLOTEINo- licabr ufthlb A.Y . >.. w'vi MON-TUES. FER.6- a botter uodsetoulisg au thot a.azia FluitSian N ull t jse oi, "61 p.c nune itagarci 6ui- tua pait ln the uece. jloly thes Nu grup cuuld audrnPi Oeud&mefecrSraB. mro, sou Many 1. At'rd Tuoauy, eh. 7tîs2.30 Pm AI- DANNY ICAYE HN huId accomuplot fotrthe ben- FY-RML P'FFBITIT p ur518, b yit., turoo Rrauc WVA7 pie- T .1 et a the ruie pay r s a 'chute. E A IE pt. 25%n ;Cuccsuou Puh hou Op'Iouuc01 pIn .spector General Rcrutty t 'con onvaesation lib eo, ou yr ., b rp d J a nt 10; E c u iu g : R rauus W A . 1c t h a a a a o a u d s A U D SraS Sua..a 1777knu Wdedndy b Euh415l p ni.- Techuicolor ti cuaaa ruu eum huiieugca iug Appia du9- eho ..71 ..-uirfm wo rca rsn er M,_____ pro JuIyil; ucarc;o Ciu. 800 pua -Sculu Choi. CARTOON SHOOT ruerclalion ut a tuur-ruuuned nahaut FEBRUART 4t sPontiac Burky 57320: Researal te biuca alwdb ith ou auditoriumr ln South Whit- FRUI oI 1 ý ,haci ly h ouaaau b ut o uuoi of uppraoxlaely .1 C llcugr, 79380), 22 WED.-TNURI. FER. 8-9 $130,00). Pacciu e trtling 10.00 a.n. ii 8 F.M. ;;-» le-Set FR. 4A hae Jnutary 100h,; MILTON GOSPEL CHAFEL Two Big Hitu lii peuleel, tbey dehutel ou o 7- PU Id-2d-4h i dri hipreto Oio0ub, 20 mus.î lu the Fniiuaat Ruilding ruuucd orbuot 'citb auditorium oiRnIW O jeu la 443, 27, uotohu brd Droý Eutu'.ohelttS arc cshof $250d0eweler ru P,aoa Pioner Lulge Piaso ICOODAY, FEORUARY liS, 1950 Olni' Big cda rhs iue rewtotisd el 45oru Ot. 7c5, 1948; Potoii 10.30 oa m.luuduy Sahool. bahauran. t as you. r0 or on fNrt- e ler e'«F Joui 79381)5uoeApii 0.5 prau The Lord's luppua tua and son tonsi huilî our taboul 35 Mane. Mls b48;euch pi ale i 745 940, Pîrsa es arr rent. eheopue thou ihey ln Miit. Mlo W$ipri ~ 14s, 1948; oue 20 800 Pui Ecuuiou Servce. Mý. lUreuoii Wîy; tupuotj Teleplusue 113 lirs arca as 4- owrard froua Oohw itu ' l ta,- Ilr oWe aiseuae ton the re u bleu May 22u1, 1949, Piabu 0r0'osththu gospel uaes- Iug Pii' ie'ul ubie ui-____________ n #ocoocioa9020, or nouam 0f tutioienl the Hugts utuhigrletato lboue baîfuit areai oh ocd alto ta rnoa the baahi sin.- lu troapor ue l s te-opln ill IStreet eLer Ldgo huaperur l5Sd, ,u g LATEST NEWS lu ciotue 'crothar. eof ugu ar a ca . Tittly, Fabrouar 2 ut ý.00- lu reupeat ta aur North Nelon Sc ir> Plouabroke Mac Cou- Wuuac't Miusan Cil lai 3col ehv toams i.0382, hurn July ' th, 1947. iba houacollis Acu Sucotttaua. ou Ira, lOng Apple Govrnor, 'ruas. Fcsauoay u et3-i' oye tcoonerpuied aud pua sl/nenle r n e S l riel hy tce Mopla Ailfial ad Rible aluly ei Sa houae 1l coau ut sear uFgSadiu ufla.udM uhf ueghler $0. Tseth- 01o rou Mufuai Pots. Aul Are We osmeer s c ith $2000 eah apeut[L' Ul f7 ,yuý ba ah. 20th, Hul- on te huut uauheI d waon-r ST ', 3 yrs., Seul Cef. uth, PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS deucouo. Nase, 1 seoulîY IL L .L I A . L toai Cu', 3 yr., hrd Sen.oyt CHURCN ' i0atomcd iOterpee S O E W D CL A N E itein Cow, 3 yr., bard Muy 241; Orde t rr ri iil a n th t 'ratep4 huer lu uoels Cu'c, 3 yat., brel May 00h; oitv, se, WOOSa Passer GEORGETOWN bilanu nett uîaruaEcER LEoD A TCALoEDIE Halte M0 aauy brd; INrde ia Service ai Nai _______________ t, un aiuutcl; HoIttu par doses Wblthr 'cay! A É se17moiit, vaurluaiel. Ths, Fîîduy, 030 pua.-Pase meeaing Hase FtayinB ... I seauld Rhce au ah oe humble n5*0 ptioniiy goal bordi tanul âile* Oiulpa Laolutin oyo hn ta h I 4eaîttiuuouI anulliog uubj-ci home, ut(2iepu DIi" qttiuu! o ou nh tht tuce MEan HSLRNESS -uy SUNDAY, FEORUANT bah, 10)0 Cary Graut a peur routd posalhelp the san- LADIES' COATS BOYS' P RK, AS ýM1fo;1icig O yeao; Chuti-y 10.0 y Scheel. 1taoo ituai of ea tale Iring$1 Wr iiug o r; BaypClyde 11.0uam.Worohîp service and Vic MoLagleu te upulI the mroraleao u ahfldrc Teg C$ea.9Ae %e* oee; Oue t N eeoy Teno ouuoin.s pluh evtrtas tuieeii roate 1 ToC19rA 8.95 s e c t Heuapy Ploîgi,70 puas Eraeoireru seu the ouoil t29 Siri 11Il Peter 1:i 2Ossa; I Horna Coloapu. "L0ostEvglite evie Pesrol Atem Reig.lo Con.5 sectai.951A n : 1-3; Ge,. 180 Trater us Nubbar, ued lesuira. the Depariseua at Eduaaliua or Crssp 2AHNR $2 .50k. Tesdy C.0learugPol's "otPtrl nterqeto, mw h MENSP R A sev mul o hait; Drive Ral, ued Wudoiurda, 800 pua -Woan't ruuld il b ha s sbee a uted aId dit- Reg. $39.50$2.0 T la 018D0s; Gouuiso Auotilitry ut Mat. Sherrata' Fni-Sas, Feb. 3-4 upidatel n.ol aihpse 0 Ha'cs uIl~ Crbbuî auu;'aom "LS ld alct" prouiuae fth lu aduutlaon out uof s 3 aU A K 8 a uhhrr, oono Eacrbudp ulua "nOd aint" nn proviucenu Rog. $47.50 L$37.50 nutIycCuýttiac9 Bou,cih pipes, lograE Ou lhluhiug uoll haedlp plae At)IJIES IN*IT 9eu;MCerr ksDin* And Ta Shal KNoe lue Tralb sud Roy Rogeorst ifoî. adaig 51 De Oe) a.; Cuahahut eTet ua at u Mary Hert perba uidMTleuthGIRLS' COATS cd 01 ne ro; Cors- free'. Jet, 8:32 tha tue hr i s, -LXIS W TR t SEtei Rottou ayu Leade, THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST "L I Anr" ta, udigrr uud ep Cuni-c, lien LADES 14eEATERS E tuceou; MNH bide Rua, lu GMAGee 1 $1991 AIl Weei-rev Seirees 7u Cardi4xn 41, 4l; Re.Ltudt; MuCurair Dr- Merth ODrnrI ac euahs ut Ib5 Auucata atl To1r Caed airdiganr oder, lue rumrul ehiber ou arc s sseoci i us o leg $14 9.9 '1 lnse r ui t . utaODion0T la Boc h Moe, di.i god SUNDAT, FEBRUART 11h, 1950 Moueh Yey 2.98um n.Rg$1.5le$99 en;IOhN Maura Oprrndcc, 10.30 a..--aundey Saheel. MoaRyLeonra Watsou, Etîalde. Ate.9 ruicoditiou; M.H. Coru 110 use Marulng Servite.o In c colodtioc: MlHt 17 Monu-Tues. Fb0-7 1 Iill 1 ii!~It )F WJ T 9; Acs 8b 38. mnu, iS e ocu; Nese Fiat N ogeaewn GencraF' ALE PERSONS husosg caireis To ClearAO Ee$35Q st 1tc Wccl Truck Wagon,~ Re. 3.5 ack; stof Slo0op 1h Machine Co,. Color) F glu i teeo tto AI- As.... 4.95U *7951 To close At i----0 the firut dey arbe Solos astd Serieiî Car Danay Kaps nhej f NainI the Couaty ot Iter e.ýsr1 t~ silbei the Esebara Estes o er eae 20 1kRope and Jdles nli X:i àE l oks «rvbu-Vet hieŽed ormerutdthenerd Many More Itenis to Clear lwteget at;re. Townlo ouft Mifton Wookly______ day of Nueseer, 1949. ire bere- louaualI th rro et.Tae o ila Wil Wai.Thus br 8-9Eu, ilai te send peniclas uf .24; 29-31;~ aetto mni STARTING .IANUART 118h cenuuly uerltlod, to tae uader-hpHreadSv aIr Aot u15îî t t Nmbnsnv Pspr o siguai Se laîtoa tee 1he Admîiei- s ae; bu 5f.o eemolmss seile. aO retor, as or lefere the 4t day alag.Repaie toa e mettea. p Coqu ot Mercs, 195, aa sud ster sehIru T EQUIPMENT-Deteot Prsvtheesh Adesr ritli dtlen thye sad aduuwll edsATSATONaaorEDO OU OE RFN Maguetir Milher, seitb large Fre ýShae nAvnetut Ibte s nais setAdmin- SAISFATIO eaplote ait plpleg; WOEE CUA»ArTEED Stanley Holloseay bavlug ragad ael ta ouab ctaiseGAATEDOTURMNTEFNR i-Cas li Cooler; De- h ebl the suld Admtntsctraaur Ne. 10 Poseer Cremm Sepe- Phanoso sîe oo ed Warron sunailwaI thltîm bsne aeanise, .1 1îki 14oucH Moor SINGER SEWING MACHINE "MerScea ana imioII ltdp i liiton ID epartnient Store se ut hed seosther relle Companya WtLI GERG RîDNM mtld lniIdo. No eae Admiuîitlrîto lbe Ifn faihg 29Mi t, at IesiaDy HAROLD M. VAPOCE. PHONE 112 F14001 112 TER tAsti ese mas sein retS Kirh Doagles 40&-7 Birbe Building: PEiH. Anotionoor liamitoen, Cuterl dDoeetCa, erF_____________ Soilttior boren.