____________ THURSDAY, PERhltART 9iilcei t-crn. lMta.ELiot, Miss ae uthe , it vof aSries of oddrea-+ I fMePnl, lt deiY, Mma. Iag - Les thepupils vci5S..No. 7, 'laiton Ç(>ultY NE WS 0F DISTRICT 1adM .Mthl;dyi mg col h betBl soito Have Your Eggs Strictly Fres * avduu ,uCthlyvuoDY LETTING Jlattretitg ltu iConcernsag Other .Crentresand Ciamn-ta .tMahon d M&a. S. Csltet. A douc by tht polte.eaatCe lman t C$sal50n.n a ita s n which May of Onur Rentiers are Interested vt CtaaaS innte Mi"a Moebetaof Omagh Farev Foumu pu utCuttatiatceett.lIVIR THE WE Far ____________________ MuFhailt,the tttlggpeatidetnt, or oee ttectoned t the home o u it uluht utati p emeia nthtEIERTE WE lier Cina leadership dtitg thalit an.cd Mmo. Clarencv ?vouuuh luet tni. ouiv ut tht Ontario Me saut yoo the Graders aed Wholesalet's profit c KILBRIDE Elliottthenttotothe cair andsitessi otiuhtuonsd 0 Basehu5lAssoiaaat ianen n- Phone your weekly order taday ta hThetutuaue. ohysa ma auagah cca a otanhotato a titttd. '"The Ntwm Year. tr adioyluu. Rtddati, Milton, b nomnated for W. J. NORRINOTON, Phone 293r32 Milton ci uo uuudtuuuig Mr. ad Mm.tRoss Mitchell tpuut Arpr fte rs eithat offie and dttlmehaeprna- S. the United ChurilhadSunda the weekediu u ffaltuouutev petthtPetahnyta-t-be________ licol'" hid lu thv S. S.rout atives. 9 t 0 untS. Aaadrew'a a-.'fei.qluE ente atthearrivtat mettIig teh on Wdnesdyreeingt Ba'.N. J. Mr. ad Mes. Lewisrintehtand Chur, Guelh,mwaagivetnhbyaMhld atNiagara Patte te Apiit T'ýýwu haimanandMissNet failyof arlile rreSurd.yMesatea. An article fr tha "AsciI- The aanuai cunacgationul teet- Feeltng tht aapasion oC thaete, ta Sures cw appiated eretuey oouestt u.th Me. aud M, Heusue lrets IL. Oad .Tdlngs mas read hy Ina of thtUnttad Church wsaa bld Itagot muuld paceaaddittueat dut-c Favorable reports ut prucreeau inLuth. MesW. Oceetulact. Mot. Mn-,onhcdyettc Se.O0.les ut tha seeeetary, tattihrs airguseatouteeegveaby the Me. and Mes. Gordue MePhail the Supply Seretaey,hcacaghtaup D emanw-du uMdcn gcad atttasstarlum shouud bt taLLeeeusg W M S,Mes C. Fee. ereStcdyreeig ets with sonne ery gud suggestionsCforthe ductd theadevtiactsetrvice. Mo. glvechiloc. Wuaens Assoctatin, . H. Me and Mes. Lewis iHe-asn oCRai- Baie.Tht ratl eatî as ner Not-mangton w.Sactaey. A mter t-of clubs fCta n hth E d o MeDonuld; Mitteueacy and Masn- tua. by tbe taeaent oC the memertshlp Raports on tht ytar's mot-k mare near and ar htvea tpspt-and their En f mi e Clearance 't tenancet. Dard Roheton, GeseatSyeeptby set fddt ee. The utertng maa rceied and iren by tht Cattmiisg, Saslan dasire toi eter thet MatoneCotty Foced. Roue Nuebttle, Mission Fred Gureett andMsTe lAlen dcdirutcd. The mtitng mas lusedNe. A. D. Panman; Magra Re- attettn,theprtatdent soatine- Oued, MueFred DureS inda e D eret deth of their eephew w e et rth e aPeatident. 311port. Mr. Chat. Raadhaad; M. mdnu d. hmidaddaoht ai 3 OFFICE CHAIRS, eegularly $17.50, Reduced tai$1250 e Sebet es vis' ouur, usMe. M. Allenuut Miltton. ladies eseluerd a pleutunt boIt-boue M., Me. E. C. Futt-r; Chareh Trusa teg te Mareh mould ha catled te creHueet ld Dpree. ,Yeu A- eJ auu u cetupue fuoeu ttea, tee, Mr. George Colte;P maaaad tht canstittan and etn- CHROME CHAIRS, led, eegulaely St13.00, red. ta $8.00 t oitîGreup, mne C. Fet,CedctSt.DeidtFeesWeianeCbOcb Teustees, E. C.t-utttr; Cameterytda-temte. RuSSes.WFed p Suduyloi. H taCecn tt O AGU Trutees, F. W Rachultle; W.A. Datgatta t-alsrttntteg the dit- Black regulaely $11.95, eed. ta $700e Th gofiLt, ere,. 1ee nToronto Bble Cottage. Mes. E. C.t-oste; W.MS.. Met. NaL IIN HAR, eulry 1.7,reu ere tee r re Eider. tJaes 1Thr WM.S. ut S. Gonds ChurcebCoustere;Sunday Seheul and Y.F.U., 3ambles amd Ed Rydae rg~- CSONLDIIo CHAIRSeuarl 147, eu Sure .Ovu r tD e.M hs rdL ie uets tteN, We are happy toexetend heurte 1Me. JonCuultee; Audites Neport, otn . G erelngtonais Bob Lant;lu$05ah Pur-,0OI.,DeLh.tr e d Gerrue Ycreautthe home ut the Miset Me- congratulationstoluMr. and Mes. Veenoe MeArtbuc ittCaataRddtaRdMt ED OR BLUE CHAIRS $10,25, reduced ta $6.25 Eauh neete.w sL,-edLeeeoed Watsone Ph.lt Meut E. J.MrFboi, tbe pat Roert Bigue chu tilt on Feb. T 7 Otfiers clartad ererSesion, . t-C ernéR R alelI; attd ots. ODI HIS 1,0t 15,rdudt erd Herrue eueetîing T~e serretee56h edegue W,. Norbetta, E. C. Fouler and Nicholson and At Somareilla. $5 o$00Ee ,n HO RMePueutO: Assitant, Mrs Seeptue essues eeud b Mes. etr.NvrmnuLangton. Ttbe Board of$750to_$0.5____rýni Frir MeAthur. G Hareit.Mies MePhiait creav te ptbe ,e steded lu theManaegret, HoareyMillaand John t-lFICERS ELECYRD AT DtROP LEAF TABLES-Mahogany $39.50, eeduued ta dThr lecrrLtee ortht Sue- iee cmeutatî oepn the ti verse Tusher fturuithe tesuddva potueno Couler. UGees. H. Miluer, C. Mit- ANNUAL MEETING 0F $25.00 Eacht de, Srhoet re:Seperestandaut eof tht 451h Cbopîe et taiu Feue- utoftheic brother, Rue Tasher ut lue Lurua Cutting, MaurceaCoulsueS.JHNSWA Mr le eeep i tse er o teu eMet but, S -Dretîrilte. and KeiIb Ceulsue. Audîtoret V. I.JNBWA alaut $555.00, reduued tlu $35.00 Eaeh Haretd Spures, Mr. Arebia Calent Phuit. Frieada cn tbis district setea sare MeArthue and GeoreaReaudbead. St. Johb'sW. Anacal Meeting BABYS "PLAYETTE' ret lail 2.5 reduced ta .rdt MesChat. Fere: Secrettare- Aueuat eeports wee ecaeiredaas tu lea utthe deautbus Sturday e lprt Cutmittee, e.A. 0.Pen- a elblidOtthe homeaofMrs Gîe r 257.$17.71,g Treturer, Mues Marir Nicholson;! otlu.: ecer. Mes. A. T. uCtareete uf Arebie Campeal oCumtn, t- W Hurhutlc. N. Longton. Bittusad spcned hy Rat-. Grtte CHROME anis PLASTIC BASSINElTES $18.00, IlMa Asitntu, MisNtt Boren,; Pian- Moore; Tretaure. Ma J. Rteid; Lurisuîua trot a beurt ttoeb. Cungreatiepn, NLntn .adTopo.Srpuelso a eue o$20 ahýM Ct, Mes. Fic MeArtbee, Asistant, Weuss is d WalCuce, Met O. îag- Syutpthyexeleddta bit mttt M Cuvmitîe. t. W. Harbotte, Got. eaud y Mcs. BrittotC. Ro al aUas Xt MiMuainerCeares:Mitiueury tie. Note Helpees. Mea. W. King; adthreee tont and ado teThts N Lu Ms'E etun. M astdCTbOmMEuand PLASTIca assot ma reduce20.t5$12R00iste Onat.. Mes. Fred Dapes. Temparaee iee.Ms.Jlueher. s thethIied bercareteent te the j M. Raadh , unsweeed bh eeambeet payîtg tata.CHOEtdPATC ASNTTS$275 p1 Siat Ms oeonCotrroh od etS urarMs .lle;tre e putyceste oie. , ed. Neestîn sgo, Threatnew membe e ma-a mleom- reduceis ta $14.50 ach l Supt. Mrs.Marin Carwrigt andý Mi. S. airn; Litratue & pess aAtCuOl i the aTil. G ACocl n T Fosen. cdotMnecd, Or ThG. mptat Met.s.B.S. t-ced Durit. Liroreuee Harold M-Rs. Musaits; Missiuaon and, Mn-. Rer. J. Edler addeesoed a lueru pei>Peiattu01.1tut-rthe cearu seurb Smott, Mes. E.Melmie, mahiug a PLAT PEND eegulaely $9.75 & $22,00readuueisfta $5. t-t Spaet sFred Duves, Ltoyd Rue-Mereiers.Ait tha reports tare uescegeticn t Ousagb reetbtrte- wtuexetended ta iRar. A. . aed membhesbup uC 10. Treesurst-t- anis $12.00 Each bey and Ratph Gerturr. eruuoueig andsd ubed eemed ae Cbrcebluît S bhuh. Histaes- 1Mm-.Penrtim. eCtlocercomnmit- poet sbuaeed a ry aesut Cat Prece t ebh alCeMef rera OdftiteduLgthe parac.cr Iuonfit uAishetht tatte r ua, tht chair, tht yeur. Art-angements tere mode SIPRBNHSIesai lt 12 ah eue Chus Fre eu huhtt p Ch murtiel OCReitah utana. Ha tpak h uruassi tht ebuhtreh cesumrrand Cr quiltn.$65Eh ehuec) rbe tereuRer N. TeeeerThr ettetloingoftiuers Ceeethes et the fecat aueb eet 1u ha deose. theaelreahr uF. . ahotî. e. n $p6t.sc25 îet. TIESL TBLeaul tibh rrerreueu uu.iottrld tith peaee beMet. C. A. Tht cuvernment ofut isIh Oulna 1The ForForu-enamatet nMotidosuthshted ta dies Cur theit- htnd TE C ALE eulry$975, reduceist10 $5.75 lac Me. Truuu reclied and tbaehed att ELsîr erlles Md ippreteltes the btmport- errief tn Liotstuna Schoul mth ru eectutios durlug tars.M c. HOSCESS CHAIRS, regulaely $27.50, eedoceisttu $17.50 . h hute chu iathohLped wt the Persedet. sRR. B.Ellitt; tst une ut tht mach and te huldng, the mausheet ut Ba Blla uand Ztta Thvmpsss lth e hargaeCfhe eler- euueb oftthre hurh dereru hu erui. Met E.Caern: Sud Vire Mns. sebDstandjapoig aisaisaurias merton Foeumsa a tsThdi-to OOfce erheonngya. HSE CAReull $50,eued eoýt ruer Luech wurus erverdbu W. ig: ;Serelere. Mes. .Lutsalasries, use meh lacgr esul sasoo ruess n M gk as e Tht dii- eps ut e alCie C ee hted neo-, OTS HIS l 550,ed cit $5f the ladie. A,ý,istmt Secrcty, Mn. Kng; ta bccompRohertuosl bCardsnmet-e Robertsd.unrate terethtaymesuheetytatthd eue-m DRdPcn-DDRO COUCHESUCHE, co plete vvuehhmtatteess.uovered n The Wpue sscietion merr- Troaeuepr.Mist JRaide Chtar the Canadion Peahytelfnn Mission jPrize ttners tera Met. Hrobttît, geuttuCed thera us the rere ine cretunne, negulaely $26.00, reisueed tu $20.00 lu in g taS beld ov Theudou te Secreetare, Mm. S. CaLent; Weteemt Sehout. A formner-passe sCfOOt- Met Roberttsn Mes. Peleterie, reprpt thutat buebes gtveefrCe tht eeev atthe heureetofMet Eieend Wettrer. Mes. J.8K. Mahut and bueh, Re. B.F. and Mnt.Asde Mr.RualduebandMr.Radlay. Bttyetot Mrttbs titb a lrgr ttrsdanee Me, G. nlgit; Liteeturead Presare ntu ervriec un tha Brtitsh Meu.P G.Huttey eeleatad lter The Cedtueeteg vîiree ce ele 151T g 0 Thre P-uedent, Mes. MHotard, Mm. R. Meszers: Liheare, Mes. J. Dusu afield. Lth ithday ut the humae Cfbacr d: lion.Fret, Met. O. Thutapteit hgs ratd ce Ms. e Rrt e- th lusJauary 27th thaa teeri- Mes.E. MetaLe; Secreetat-r etuyt h harDMme. Hud-.tttu:DtdTihc Ms . aMustbt esu tth CP.douteMe& .SonhtdunPr..MsR.Cer'TVI!tasA AA~i~ Doneald erndin. erery e. ODas Cres temheet of ber btîtadiute Otaehluuh- Ttc a hIe t E.y esvin Me Hes ere s. DnfmMer rie ie yclln nB Mkok Dra e t.,=..C;OME FURNISHINGS nuv RuosHarhttle ccd Met CliICCrd A n n u c e t m r apy ie M J pfoes. 3 Fretu Mes Arehue Citns and j lenC m nt Mr LoeueDisea sang ao"s'ete deC. AftCre thtenmeetstigte ruel- - - ___al tests ter eusoduted aed won by -. MetLsvue Dixseusand Mes. Feed, i r DavisLuch astere the'e Gotehthre i Che t fMJ.WHiggrein1haertaer butesu auitted bher.MeMDeesatd er h eeg pl rdDdeGSCeueeeU * mMs urus avD uelru tax. l osun eel'or.hte Lestrosta W uin. 1h MothputDyuei ilt o nlf G o sp e l C h a p e l , J Soaît aed Mr md Mr. Roerti11 t Weeeeune, cd Met Neheett The good wiiuand hihestadad ofseorvieseth.n.Mr8 Narresov ci Nelson, Me .Jeeee Higgeue ou a, ri ueud ooueduit cu toer elli oid Mi îi apto.st ltt têtuý tiepe f Turute umd MesJure' h Ge Meedor ofC,-,,nrtL, Miessnt Rar erC C Ce ebs tt h_____g_______ Temporary Location-Agricultural Building Main Street u Th, mueetig oeeed wtCh ait e-[ Su atteOgthemepaetheetpurpte fCulir leted h abeut. Suite Att____________e_____M38__________m__ Ruet ead he eeetue aM BurORDER OF MEETINGS oeiurd Nirhptusnued Jpeaneerted t~gS et praereA temperatuererodîtg W Ft-a, mat iret yMeetiPps h BEFORE BUYING Sîîîîda5 10.,30 a.tîî.--Suîîd(ay School classes for al guerua mu taben hy Bohby Ras-- teteldt and dedueted he Rer. W. ti o J Tenaa. A stury eus reed be INVESTIGATE 6.41pin. --Lord's Supper for Believers ienCeV Gasc W....enatttled Bamîhus'". ité, C0 Slides et Chuta meet thamn hy 80 t î4.EvtîaseCeoraee Revap eo huaisu tsld thetrie- il,,s~ tataofisg steey "Surprietse rMitai TheHOO ER acu m C eaner ri . el7 mtt Deb. Tht mting rtped sith tht TulBl ay 81, -.30 ) .c. ihca7.leSud a *s pt Miepab BatediutîCiî,.."oBV1 US*5nd~O1I t Mes. T. Wisot bas eetred ta AT lo est bar bute cler risiting reeltativsDE ad is n Gelph.s e MP a H ar w re "SGME OF THE THîNOS WE BELLEVE: Me. and Met Rets RurhpNle cwur me ged; le 'ceChurthr Bieeu e cuopieviWord et God. Tiet alt Scrpt ue i e eu hnevpiratioe ut Guis Il Cti. 3. 16; Il Peter 1: 21 nM unSudy.:AGENT That Gud utveaiiy poheste ie three Divine Ferrous, The ather, The Spn, The HolT Ohpst.-Math. 28: 19; John 1: 1-3;eOne. OBITe Tho na eveni NuIttas e 1:1-2; Proue S: 223t. taUre Kltbide Fr Fueo Frouvtet tue Ihrr MILTON PHONE 499 Chat thv Lord ive, sChristrcautepro thes tonld poveieed of thr Pulpe Ghost, hurt ut thee Virgir Mary. Chat He tas GudIs NaIlt Night tith MountsNemu ad cr PtFrl Di.3 M_______________________________e No. 1Nassuaaea Forums a.,the _____R'man_____ith_______1____3__6;_ath_1:20,2_1 Gulsue of CTL che wsesinteisuc- t T' hut 0ii have epnerd apd copeeshoeC uf the Glorp of Gud.-Runs 3: 33.tttL td bu e MeNormanr Smieth. Aftt ar hut all who die orsurvue, ell pev rrerety iv hulake ofutre, reth the Deul and his urgels.Math. 25: dl,46; 1ev. &seudtu conseratinusated by Mr. Dplsen. 0 0 1;v1:1-1 M. R. S. Reatherinisun auttu spuha THE OFFICIAL OPENING 0FCO F25 0,1;epid Sit THEI Bt, ht-eCte Lunch cas terrid Lnd aTa ailmusruoreaSaes orpeereeethe Kegisum f God.Johv 3:3. M stil uI her eieeTIrafalgar lM emrorial C111epeiru ~:oolr.,euperrer td)h ..yt c Gtorge I ut math as -. I. J. Sly James Pe6 tam Wtedi ig tht Cuitet -law, tht ' 3. J. PhOi înench te 10 1Hamilton.- dafsare glae saent and t ridte bIs , lt-day Jt Olat-, mho sdaaghter Met, . N.1 is 7Sthhie vas marie 1te offer gotat ut h :nzagei nd Met. Tn tIdeistdi toJames tan of Mr. ty tatetatt i abat, daugh ad tht lot, >JonTay, te Mr. amd i iey, Engîmei enra-y 25. CLEARI iTION tend and s Vaaeler.ted es, Tracter, FI B. TFI o djiine ot No.7 DAY, tFE] t 2 O'etoeh rEEILlHN 7sbeu L. . 2,; CLea hbO, OS yue - red Jloua ieoger PNu Oued Chaentger 017t.i; EmIs t, 27 mo e Pioeer o- O. te h J..e e7101h m0803845,1 Mue 22nd, 're Deitere ,Ldge E Fc lumbro Q, huru Jo lmuRg Ap by thu Mu ution. dpi Mutua HOLSTEE, 3 ees., bu e, 3 eau., b t.,3 yrs.,L1 a,3 rs., h ow, 3 y-.,hb ieite-, 201 otho, a ptuesuile g. i d RARP teuisieg 5 : risi Z6 pure SeL utNe. Hre aColt VACHINER ahait; Dri, Guoiss %Li e quipi Cockshut Oohaer, ut. uCurtaBo tu; MNH.S to: cMeCu, rderlungo( .bh Muter, MH. Mane conditiont; coredtiu * Me Robert Eliott presided v. AT TRAFALGAR th uoag Adoît Geoup Meeti~ ntteeing o el aSt. Gottd's Presbytrlno teevnngo Chtr ahstensaaon Tuesay eê ittg. Mitn Della VattSicke, tacet- Friday, February 1 Oth Itcate m a bsies ta udas for toai8.00 oclock day Sahant taatarn. Mret . . Gueî Speaikar:Rat. W. J. Johnton, of Ragington United lleY mas namad on tht Luanch Church, Toronto Canrttaee. Harold Hurrernad Dedication by the 8ev. Gordon W. Porter, Toronto. th SrIItara fllasead by prayar hY Mm J ames Wallace. Mita Ger- Musical number by the Glee Club of Oakille-Trafalgar tend. Camiphel theit took t chair High School. fat th devttoala pet-ld.cLatiet A short play by the Junior Frmers geoup of Palarmno nqeaket wa lir. J. Salmons tram Blbteal who coahi# s eekLghi Lunch arîli ha Servetd me ta mr& ,Pace. tv. . ILK Chuta Chat c Chut y RECEl' de. .;eu and si.oulbeu.puepdhbyeeersiop -at.28 19;Ac.thts838.tnaiiee.e;Ne, Apte 16:30-33. - au, Steel Wheat Te our Lds dequest trekthread and drinkt uddkinthC.brac fHethud eoeedo h Rrtdy at--t-meué ut epeper eek.-Luhe 22: 19-20; Aufe 20: 7; Asis 2: 41-47; 1 Car. Il: 23-34. k tai orks Sa eue Lsuis Jesus Christ muy retuen ott any moment ta raneive His saints. 1 Chen, 414-18. Chat shahl folîow tht reot at. tribulation andis vutediattiy atter shaîl tht Lrd cume lu set up His Kingisune a ntrth, Math. 24; 29-31; sali uant f~tC Zeeh. 14: 3, 4, 9. a a;Ao Olage. ye should earnesîly eunted tue the faith, whieh rots oncea delivereis untu tht Saints-Jude partit 3. Y EQUEPMEN Magtsttu Mlktc IVE TE ONE ANOCHER AS CHRIST ALSO RECEIVED US COCTHE GLORY 0F GOD.-Rom. 15: 7. 0-Cn Mih No. 18 Pomtt- C LET ALL THINGS BE DONE DECBNTLY AND IN ORDER.-1 Cor. 14: 40. lk ScaleeErt setofhad e aald Ibsada, A WARM WELCOME AWAITS Y DaeneUn PAR rom THE CANADIAN CHAMPION ýi