Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 1950, p. 2

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XImeIRSDY. mRUART &91 honecet, mey be a mcch more effective end valuble teucher thun others wth strings of ob, l a tizib GIIl(am;IiLU eegrees s long us peer rm-personuîity, îeuch- 1 i.Tn , i g ab ility an d in flu en ce c the st ede n t b ein g the NI 0 highest qulification a t ucher ca have. Wher .so:cooco *,0000oî~,oocoî0loot ocmay ad supremncolhidOcatioecî At hue been admittedl,it cro easy fer a Bard cf Edu- SUeSCcalclecON ATES--l.ce- e acela.y coo olOOcc dd toccel.g cd cP- caian le dffetectiate betwecc acher teachersone Z& do,.lS od .d -ccOoa, clh.d 5ei- thos bacis. Bt ta noie these qulities cet lto- AOC OccisING cTeS--Oh .eePled ccd cd gether, and ta set Up academie attainmects as îocooooeooooeîadingsa tîoeny meritotahe recognizd infixing tilooh, cot.te cooceioceheý twl Caecoe h adt cdc h eoo tadrso ocooo.OdocoooicdcclA-ti- d e he profecsion acoatee ifeco ccci cof aereage I Ooooeo0O0OOCo0oOO.h.oie1..5oi.Y.d0. cooty.1 0 C th, , -t o: ir O. . -th O o .. o., A : 00 ILLO. cI:..iu Cf - ,i s tcoo hooeeo TP.: PPHONE 220 EDITORIAL, WhaII Be To Blamee if Canadocens er Amerioan s meke ep Scane gloamy meccoag and ficd that their country hus1 goneesocialiot itwiuli be the faultof the aerage busicessman, says The Finacial Past, epating the opinonco f Philip D. Reed, chaieman cf the glant lecteoC C., and head ef the lnternational Chamber cf Commerce. Speoicg t the arcual docoon o f the Treto Municipal Spending Jumps Mot menioopalitics aoc Spcndicg mccc lhac to:ey aec takooog n, accodieg ta a seooey in The FoancalPot. icee 1945. ceolent municipal eopecdituee as increascd hy 44%;. total muncipal reenue has .ooooascd by only 374%. Thc largect pecentage inolease bath in ttot cmenicipal rcenue and reenue fcom taxation and aiseoin curent eopecditsres oas foc the rural menocopalti. Theoc total municipal re- veu nceased 92.9%o snce 1939 and their cret copendotooces hace inceeased t114.8% in the same pericd. Second lugest percetage nceaso le foc the athet ucfac muniolpalities ohich show ac le- clease cf 58.4% in total mucicipal reecue and e,2.3%c oitial cuccont municipal eependitcces s:noe 1939. - - - - - - Board cf Trode, M. Reed laid tee espcnclclloty Meditat Science Achieved Muth in t for eccncmio edocatien qearely en the shclders Lisî FifIy Tears cf the menc o direct pelete icductey and bcsi- NainlHlt ek190Ho hvew , ness Thre re ar oc anyof hes peple he faeed in the frst hulf cf the 20th centcry? Thea argued, wo seem te thinb tht public affuirs s Cacadiucc Medicul Association, represeeting the noce of thei rccere, that any atiity cstside dcocc h ain on ihteHat their omn prticelur ccmpcry, c ounnecescury. dcoso h ain on ihteHat Thu oniodouosto iea l th cl dys ayLeague cf Canada in calling attention to sonnea have been cnsidered acceptable. But t is mach salittfnsaetteselhc uuiti too nurrtowoa. Preent day democraoycoOeds acafetriteittcmca thec-cpecticc.of allOclassesof citizencand in ceater prcgess been made in medical cienlce.c his cain, antd the gecoeual nteect, the bo,inect-A baby bacn ie January 1950 hue un copected9 nîan must aeept his shaoe af ommecty M- ifespanaihhic sgreatec by10tc 15 yeacctha na speosiblity. If ho dccc ntet, sMo. tend ponts that of hoe coonteepaet barn n 1900. The contra;l eut0 the thoco cac ho no public oodestucding of c f the infetiacs it largely tospoccible for thosa the way oucsystom of freentepriospcîdtes. taceoablo situatiao.Puefoofd and aatee, the neeaknoailodgeafnutrition, potetiOe innliula- lions eaciydiagcoosis and prompt treatment woth9 Who Wnts o Bea Drne? ea theoapeutoc agents. havn al cantriheted tea Dd y0 oue ec ie a heathy man ai 65 whe lotteo heaith foal the people. laoeod happiy toenaods the thiteth of acaxt Thc mertcloty af ohldbitth sunds t aneil moth aihen he had tc etre? For thatmuîn, ime lowe Tebercclasis contcol s se effectice thatê haai many peoeiwcho happen despte theoeil spossible ta focsee tho elimicatian of thos yractcbe fitand activeeaant tahoose bong onon-dcead doseace. Pnunmniaacbeeceaobbed podcte membeo ofcoociejst becaaOtsome of manyaof ts tettors, and the commucocable rulor ceglat:osays theycsught to start dteai dieesesof chidhad haebÉeoaedeedotaf îng theircsaocl soooty and retiretosuOh monoai al]recognitian. tuckc as baby-sittieg and tattong? Impoesocouas the rcoacd e. aie ehouid ealzei The tuthaofthe malletis thdt pttingcceoYt o lmosaedonotcahieesmilar bodyopemanti on thehef ath5 ssmaaiy n1 sîaecocce , arthocts, heat dccaseandi auoocg, bth foc the idicd.oai and the stato. The hypotension, the cocditiaonsaihoeh appoae ta ho teneof beianging f being aeeefel, prdutive cast.aedcith the stresses of maderncliing. memberaofcaoetys astimpartant, Oayorce The positoaof yose daotcoyaebfamily doc- impotact, than the eoeoiacting souoch fat for, oas nenco moto impotant thaa iois tocy. sccoity. Medical scienc as ctended the span fie s the ctadiac af tho ceai baocledgo, and cf hsman lie, ociy ta 6e fostated by se caiicdi the peroen cha can upply the aiocdecs ai oialieonce, whchooeecs that hemnan lfe modencmedicine tyoec necds. Iltisfutile to shaii nothepodctivealerthgtoodadcnof eognoa thuo goea udcances have been made 1 I if e do not tiie tenmfalon he elbeong of fetoomnoocch65 ocfor m e::mricndioteathe ndevdu.oa Medoal caceonissof thiscvery fe oo n ocodaj ocotdtrooco.t t eing pnîersna ei oiooshp btaien docoe a::d connd te e cc o cceer Ask îcy- ptient. onewhohm ee nuý,J ooretrecgainhtis. Ilios hopcd that NationaiHeailn Wcchawii eoheooiicus thce ateton of eey Canada ctizen lis hg o 010 00- c etiosi .i.ccoo :npeosohoiotinocafegcarding is hneath, ngcaboout !i. e o u 1 0.O0CC cl0oeo.laciontoe partccl hp whoci sheeilooit woth ifs0ar c rar/, - --omO' - o.- i otcooco niet. iidcor n coheeng fthos I, c oco.!.yý"" eckleOsy 0,0 I:1 the0 i O 0 -H kec-pth o ho cUse Wht Arc Prinme QcalificationscîGoerit a Techet sValce? Secondary Tecolchs'Fdnc0 oa aticoo emarkh abe conclusoon cas reported:]oy a eommttee ,ppaisted taocosico ote question of payby- mett, commccts thneCOrlla PacetTomes The~ con trnte. c i o100 -l 0 t 0000-h dle f!Oc readiy ado ttCh k.0Bu oo-oo .0e 00onoOnteepro-e cecded toexesst thn opinncon that "payerot for personulity wculd ho sedemoccatie, iceffectioe, destrutive cf good homas rlationsc dtrîmoctul f0 teachen mocale and hoenete the progcecc cf file stedents," one c mceed toeeclaim "Deme- ctucy, ceht crimes are committed in thy camel' From this the ccmmittee prcceeded ta con- ider that there are cer tain objective mnts for which schedcled increasec arraiarrunted. These ara additional qulifications uboce the minimum, - specialist sanding, pot-graduate degrees, adaitionul certifictea, ttendance t refrecher courues, etc. To which it con cly be remarbed tisraS ateacher citis personality, but wmoh ai fot hd tise epportunity o gain al the academnie EDITORIAL NOTES Ecoetno Ihos ycce on eoAprol 9hOthhclîe c,taioi te Lentnn eson heonFbîccoy 22nd. The bccuopoin ru ral oadscould onet bn ,cenompinte in ptocg than t han bren n .icuary thos yeuc Jost seems asif air aouid hace ta puss op Cuodiemas Duy thos yeue n coeai cf the fut that clý 000 01,i foontbenCOblIiot:icet oed In A Country Lane 13Y Lilian Collier Gray. First il caied, Thec il sncc Tloe i t fc, And Zn ee tlhew, Aedîloeiltfrio ogcio Thatlilttleneesoprelle oeil de- scrbces i, doeecel îl-his oeclhee of ours. TedaY te e eelLd it ic Moi ng t ncga, d tdhcen hew. Se eetail y cnceceayilhbas sewed ccc ecuelo thîo cetater. And 199e vcer ccil sunc1occ1tays al oddly 1:0e Apel. ProbcbLy aelt of peaple -Incd bc glcd if thcy Apeîî 9c ik bu it, " don't fhink it helped Ginore much, movIng bitn awy and peoctclly the cdc îhieg. la fr095th, iel. thce cira tin. te gices one for reAdilg and cellleg. We 0lcly gel .enogh stoleet clesl, d ent ceittee oe decfted te cecd eut te maeket focrcsonne oths t cornte. iTeo Cr 9en ecpicodayscoecle, l'oa oely at ater cf typiof thern, S. A. FAY and SONS emethico 1901 talles a lttmer. These dcll days, hCever, huve fnot bec cooduetietcaecrltag. Scme- liiig n etn ho tt Oalls oce sansitae ta m aie e the rceer soo . Roceever, S e t M t l W r tere la aoysrecadite falibackiS etM alW r The Mosut icteceottua piece of erittag coreead this rnook w 19te pMUl 20Mmuait ma accourtof an cîdresa aivns y Dr. 0. M. MeConkey, PepO. of Fi... fosandry . fAC., Guelph, cehen lspoke 10 a faeec meeting inana-- aillercoonty. Prof. MeConkes. has sttdied cnservation andlthe ce- ies ced scect two yeaec con gci- M cultuccl îehcbllilalicc cccrk inthe 0 OA.KVILLE M L O wuc-deecotcled creo. He cise e"c- 3 d as adnieec teth e Chicete Min- istryef Agricultueeand Fceolccloc eop iceccocemetcand soieccneen * becso:l 5 cec anîe China et 1Cr Food Led: M* K V IL L E Agreculeccrl Occccicclîee ef Ithe coaL le sOyoY et1he sceclt fcee.- R E A Ia -L V I Dr. MeCeekey clclcd Ihul en olce 0 en cgciceltuL 1peedece oas Cee : aLoost deeoled de le the cdvicceof! C O N RM cdge.tBel e oue loce China thece* itercible cced o et eland Lced c ýih dc:csoiteth avCe eeno HO EOAKVILLE 928 cu dooe. Rivercdykes haehorst. ICropeeeiduae ucîd forfc]. Or- t0 thesoiL, ccd IceocuPc re et lcd in ccep raelîlion. Ol Machee:ca the speakee erd auuit a a cgeilo ce coryolh 40 mlon L:ec ef lced ecdcercelicliet. Mehdee ca abecetofllcite oîlC 1. lîdoîl- M oo re's P ain t rics. medical secvices lcce.ced ocrais Lecee.elccetcteSunworthy Wallpapers Indie.0,g o necdc îeîî.boîîldiec, evcppricg ad ho lccdatfecîtPer- Barrett Roofing and Insulation soca ced Rahclecia are oee ccoocd , ~ U.. and hudlc llocdled.Whul OOc ce, Pipe and Pipe Fi.LLlngs aecd basktooenoc abaeece de,- ccl oilh snd creepieg lobe scoco lolestine Olocce icoa cogeificeel-- 0-- effort AtI eecolccl:oc bel cnGrec- ich, aisoL one limcd e lh At. yESTINGHIOUSE thl:.,,g ehe Andt4Loch e o .c thh - h. , ho nlvodcc:a te lhco- Refeigeectors, Stovrs, Laudey Equipatet, Radios ecoo:eto Ooooiente ho ccil ,o- l l'id, and :1 Elfecteicaf Appliaoces 1 .000 ce, Aoh ndo Socco ,( . h..I ,fo ti..nt, lch,oolhcc ccn Pcln th trcc«' T Tchc Lod io Nooclhco:Ontle: ,hihI_______________________________ i :11 h:ocig ce:: lctd. leo ut o:oothc: c Oclccoo ec:condeol ,Il, Ahc:dcnhi,,c hcclLecd.1 t,,,,___________ leocoare pîoclcd forcecccyoneccol, gcli guheed aorcctecîLlcy N®rth Accecoca a 0 ece vuoIller- ~b A a Ccleccea b :18nce hntue ib:A L WesteenOntcrio ,00O0l sî:uae Americie Anthracite, Ail Sixan rail" ohoLt1 oloolold b ::an00ll ha, kr-vo aleo i ho 000of e It heso t been the ecere aiotec thal ntefeoed poitatlonc I n othenOntaeio, soi] aith schacl transpoctation thic peur but the boildingc s the prchtem. We mstt eriocbreah-upcof rcadcaihioh interfetod aith place Oc eaice ropc, add nc-ý schedules. ercacry mineais, cec grases ocdj ettcert, eltieatr ccaît soeso - - - - - - - here cee ean sa 001er ciSgo dco lccly ancJcchin. Asmatty' lntorect on national debt of today is actually as 120.O100foreto coodlcta shcctd ho goouîer than the total budget 20 yeaci ugo, ponts fecerd ccd efcrected with trera of clue foc the futue.r Plan ore out the Mentreal Gazenoe. "fuadeelinecof te- treeelng rcad and laresaood veneosc accmpanied by un inctrease in expendo- reeelfcr Forums and clocsl. The cure, t sooces quite possible that the Cunudiud lccd,. oicted octth1retpeaker. till loce as much in ten e ero C e1C Gcnernmedt ailil ho sing one dcllar i n eaery plaegh accinonce tCOousadd eaeî threr. net t e py ils debtc, but jcît te pay ieterrct Cy colure. on tls debts. These fats ureailI the more mcrth heeping cn mind0 because se bltle c ecer said Canada hou dereloede a lt-ca. ubout theot. 'ret porlet Geiger ceuter for uranium preafpectoei SITUMINOUS end ANTHRACITE STOKERS Up-todate OuilBocnorc See them len operationi BUILDERS SUPPLIES Gypret Nardwalt, etc. Lime Alitînt Alabaitina Gyptea Ceai Camant Coea R. S. AdamsStoresLtd. MILTON Business Direçto -- -IMIJAL J. THE STEVENSON CLINIC Hilton P Raes: Nu C Campbelcolfle imamber Dr. 0. K. Stevens«n SAI Dr. J. A. Palmner Dr. J. D. flaAey 0ffice Houri: R"il A.M.Ny B menaant only. 01 P.M. -4 -9. Pi, Suoday&--Emergencles Only. Campbellville Office Houri: 46p.m. Ecery week day Thuenday. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPIT X-RAY Coroer, C.P.R. and Gaol Sur DR. G. E. SER Physielan andt Surgeon Office-Jamces Street Phone No. 3 S l Office Hours: 9 a.m.L 1-3 7-8.30 p.na. Cuorer pair PC DR. J."W. McCUTCHEON 1 Farmers' Building, Maia S ~ Office Houri-O n n; 1-4, 7-9 Tetephone 395W Rotadence 395J LEBGAL DICK & DICK fa W. L DC.H.ILU I. 1. DIGE Baertutori. Solictors NOS Brownctret OP ste CAT Tetephone 4 HO T. A. HUTC14ENSON Ae Eawut. noSStaR, CaW Offt.e-Nnxt Da Maia Stoat-MlItt T.toleip56 GEoOR . mUGI DarISt egni Nq~e Office-fIn Farmee maia Street LEVER & OSKIN Saem orit tEUIOh HARDY 1305 MetropoL:tan Bfdg.. 44 Victoria St.. Toronta lug 511qui IV DENTAL A DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office in Royal Buildicg, Mûi Houri 9-5 EncLgs by ApoinraSt X Ray Sece Telephoet R DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGiEON office Over Petio Tbmaâ .-- Nicht Appoicîmects May Arracged S a~Rrvnccr-Ga Extrc NIELSEN - The Chiroprad 41 Dragfenn Taeid i C. fi 3 719 Vearorf Practie Lady Attndant Monc, Tur., Fri. 2-5 pe Wcd., Rot., 2-5 and 8-9 pc RSra Closrd ThursdaY NUJR OscerDomoinionStore, Gere:. Phoe o150-W Higtt-g OPTICAL aaf I CARSTEN GLAHN na pens, P H. C. LAIRD For: App.ontmets Phone 561 Phan R. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE 39 - s CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL Goocg Cool LIL ec..daily pc:. daily, 8.37 pcl. dc:ly. S-:day. Goieg West-935 a.cn dail p.c. daily. 12.45 a.m.dcîlYY Seoed.y itîli.) Ge:::g ont-7.51 cee., 20', 9.24 pol. Geoeg Wesl 9.35 ce: dail CANADIAN RATIONAI RAILWAY Mey Wedoocday.Frid: PolIlock and___ HIGH GRADE MEMORIi.- MEMORIAL ENGRAVA 62 Wate St, Nort G J. A. Eliott Uicenaed Anetlousee Reai Bmgtata -PHONE 1f7J

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