THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE EIGOOT Notie- f BOoh, Mtoo 4IJUDGMENT GIVEN h.t oortt» CIN COURT ACTIONvu r r fl l&TH rodtit..o >o1t.Fd. u nj BY JUDGE ROBINSON II 111 11 1. La331 of W. St Erght v.W. R. Wright- -' > t2wordr AdttdClroll H-OWARD- bd cr4 Srtio- NIhi. GRAHM MhOA Hrrrirg5 rf thiotrtrrhtth hrd l làC i-oo rt»bofM o-do wth thotr parfoorohit during FUENACE 011 BURNER SALES & ortoo Yryý25t 1 T950 l d onrCjnia r ortlnrrrtirnekor.owOrNEIL MePlixu.for onoh word oc Geea optl wyaohrmme foeothe VVlorry irh trrhplcenthr e __________________ therottolhpiocprtfamilles f Es- roarthorse lot Miltor or Decembho DIED _ q1ii onhp The o trod ond DrrCohoer 27th. His oror Chor les St. Phono 4323 Milton FOR SALE _________________drrrhterr r!the laie Mo.ord Me" held thottaildor thetetrrs ni APPLIANCES and FEKTURES FOR SAL-1l pigo orror trooho SMITH- At ho horme r in 00 Es oWillamtrCunninghamr rf the Sirth prtnerrrtip noocaustor acrtirrn __________________________ Tornshp . 21tt4 0 S trtCrrror or"rooitr f d. 'Phono 97r2. brihrdrtooOP Rort 'ohto ijr tidi rrthetr rb orne dod- nCrdhdo FOR SALE-8 pigo, irx wehos so, nhr 72rd par. thr oanif ithrots. rtd. Km oPro-treor, OOr3, 0Milton. Tht service 'rs ttt> rits o-'> trtrrdnd of Jrhi., rf thet Wth Crr- Mr C. F. Lothrrlord of Acorn h, Mrrdtop Jar.t231d, t 2 1)t>l tressrr, aire. o hoig lr tmat- _________ __assolicitor___fothe__de-FLOWEOS for alo ccasiofoo. Fon, hercsdo-n odiCeohi r rttd-Gortor Rroo., Fioritt, OOtrfdo.C tottorttt Foot otttt C'toto bigreginr1907, rotott nthr fendant and Mr. P. A. Rottorftoy. hoMCo 8rl SOltr ~ onh Orbrroig th . promiront Brartford totytr, Cone In Today! FOR SAL-Bolod othoot stror SMITHin OrEclue>rg "OvnshiP deth n of ir hooftnd oghOPOartO perotd forr nrlght l lcrcbodrsoe ýrwý or Thocodro Sot r19. 1050 Arr r 000 tsht Moto rdrd o-Rh lhr r esnottdrnethet Fordry ttrl rbr oltrot roone9r Cr. Lrr voletSt h, s10 ste0 of0 otslob rjthtrRobert. Mtnogh stet haldwuGeorgeo Eltîtt01oMilton o-ho FohotPooOrl Cinottptbf lçt t>i4t hroinrfaihof hootlth for 00010 tttoetriS ooperrr 001510e r.> thor- U ifFOR SALE - Etottto cWoohing todtn hrdroth 00010 C O groot ho0h f0C'r ttro evroiet for j]1U9,otio50 ooloftldtar The se-rire 0100 bld t tht e> o- tido tirofo of fren,. Bsid hoe, hotton tho saine prtieo whoch Torro. Nrh tard Sot Chope-t. otîr. r'> rtthtm CIbcOtorrot ont nophrw ccm r 0railoli othor millierso Ot>tdtt Srn.r2Otort 2 Pt>5ln- SotC. Cunninghamt. of ftoromby 000oorgg n h.otortoFOR SALE - aCmont grave. Foororrotageontheforero>ott . gavarck seni ood ool __ Molod farot rr the third lire NOW ON DISPLAY set , floan top ooli E Sm=doo ton. ~~M ENRYTHS LINDSAY oth oAton.Phn29.t pA-ItE>'0 oNInTrt,(InFi-HenryHrbrtt Ltndsay ptootd Tht RprtrrrCourt aonhtobhooas A'or. o, t I o >00 S o NBARISAIN FOR SALE-i ooker, t-onore n i >n 1 P in 1.1ho>T.ordo> . rtrtrtrrJanuretooOth, atotest AssizeroinrMlto. L Lptotobb ort;aut00?trt $225.hh. îtb 'te'bo rte. 426 CbrdrrrrrArr. ___Scott M t01 Sal s a Ptld ei11T e o nrrt., in'r b tr trrighth per _______ tt Moobtbtord bon Chel 01tlortth 1hrord hrrbrrd tfFOSAE14 hvo Ou Tesdy. an,0 eton taho; 4 noo- tirts; body ond st Fth ai 'ce Chr-ti('ottiro Wddrth, deot fotti M H EQooooaod Goolph SS., Goorgeowomo otor in Al hop. Aftoto.Det cmtrCrtrpbltlvlt oo e.F Lre(Mrt). Frank, Mrs. ___Cibrdt. Phono So lton 2944. %vtt. Lor-re (Obivet, tfrry and Oe vrjg n a.utl1 ot Ivnadsioftlaif Mo. di A rrpocttp rotrd orjryrd r anrEorr od o ott 0p.tFOR SALE-Hond-modo aiprons N MEORCAN eboo>ri tord anrrancnt ti -o1roud plooforro. A hrthdoy romtog Frn ida fTaagrLrohoust Mooorirt Hotlon i-or fft oeqtredt Otro on pron- ALLASO Ir trirg mm t fTwnsrhip. ie tforOGroodotoor for o rhttd. Morrobft. Atliot ýhot p-rt Sortinrticint o1f ltndayPorrntngodor managemn o r. Soht. Hmiltton.Phone 270J. aa eerpe re 26,h1t.tMr Ontoadta rrdot f Toronto roaitr. Wooof a Thte -rnd mrttchanbtoro>ca et> 112 > e0»> toodbyrdC er rM. Giflhert Engffoh and__________________________ oyrr 'rot. W9i2.thondoforrthptladdeh, An ren frtr dop r do, tNorman A.Smith Go,inooatohon 00R ogfm o h ois But n rrtwtltthe rouettt loto ogiottro ard ra0membreoof te .Mm lu-NobCo ond M . YouriFamily FOR SALE Frrtt00000rr ort rey Ie. ht >fCrr'o orchestra prorfdtd mucCt Aloropo ro rrr00 b ttd b>for dancing wt rduM. Lornt Wtcddtot WVillam, Don ard NO!» lHei 'o rrrtrd ho'thtretsirle. Ro or ot>0W Mot. . proro(Mrot) . -J. a ofleur Grto DlootStdanor/,tono - -T>troS tlohtb, Mot G. S.Sooty w'ortwo y Mm. Go. Saget nd01 Shopingiii pic-up. 'Ethoît and ont rothor, tJameo B. Mr oh Mtr. Mr' MoDermott f Brevilie - Faneai servces wer belli n 01Brampton tron the dont prim. A '6Mnrhtw ea 19.0 - Breilies-oth1WOriord cÂOiin r.rand Msn. Cnte 46 Motttrd ordch $14500 ThsSoh atWe o au rown. St. CGirArr W.> Toroto Roîo 41F0 odn $00 Thtttotht tortMr.00CrtSoft>t. oBaoCCCOOnE oCt a 4404 MgO-l41 Srd sodan copo $70000j rot tord thre daYtotoctortiebobly rdc tdo t. rmof l5ghtf Lounch tto sCoord hy thte ,-'40 Ford odnotoope $775.0 Jons Onlia Cuc, Wet a'40 FordConertilet $775001 ln-rnoaditrhn ainPof . Tomn >e r is n39 Ftorcoch $65000 logo rroodntrrottoOrrt-Thofoo-toodoof grotfopod 6Fordcoadch 9400.0 Netors sc>t 0 tto p or et CGmttry. Tht plthtarrr t 30Fr rro 0.0 tndodofodsorroot. , îr. jALiS39 Ghrrrttsedor $700 ohîr aotneeod his rophttt> Hughi Oett Tht W.A. hofd fhtr Jrorroy B SPRS-.'3 ?rpan 200 meetingat tteSUPERSfIrs.KA.N33-Tsrt ih rucso nd $20000 -Ntoor ba ahtdotoffttbislent sPrsn]te rtotlrgofthohootoofM lans- Uirhhtbhrdto pttoru orf 0 trttk o o>1, T' .1owrrot Ftd oy rrg toeto e prro -AfCo 01 olîlmo'to.IOIrO rrr adt forr VrtnCampell andfor Spriog 1950 E A R LY' S t pog Oo f .oly Hami110 Siitr ltonrortitd thr Wett- t NorS1tUliotra 1.5 PSALES AND SERVICE htp pi otttf -coftthe tfeotb'al !t.rt rrnOrdty. hhttt P(l, ~MILTON rnd (CAOPRELLVCLLE ilot e tho tope i1>0bot-r a>grointot o serph Ltr tttdor GCo tturiornotericetsrorrohotd aotN.,50 Doooe P > _______________ va othR O i. N r»!> blkorro>o.t o in>r 1 0 Lirtohoror or Srrdro r>dh tfor nth> t 1. 5 0e tuçinsao av - coI'ýt>e rhoe' th a erot> roroo jilg> For ho. teP. UCTONSALE brrr Aotorrolothto» o> t-ct t tt>dp-th>r-pp0otrn otof rttfiottoand tro N-l! 01A AICTO F-on th e y-, attgo >1, es'o l rel> tWoartotllMr and Mlo thellhandrttMit, Neee12 p of REROCTERED rnd GRADE At«- botr>roE o tt,. uealo g>do - »-t.» »>t ell> 000 t-ti Dtt>t>isitnd Moe. ohUbot. ttt eL>olroi >'uY$1.5 RRDCTED, VACCINATED 1101- - e, h ýiw - rcfiloiia ha i- -ndy.STEIN (A T E O-,- -R hîroot ht' o stoeotlu d or 0>d oand hetbt00 rtorr o.AViirtheManNr. 0 0 t>U Po.MACINEEY orý. 1 -I t on ,,iht,>ao tcp>po tatoortroLithoortor thto rtrrd rron.> >U OPDNE.SDAV, FER. mft tod l in o>the>do lcl to»d oe>>t,>httotcotrcd>tttp.y ttrpbytutttt rbr tht 0>'..> to1noy yoo Shoppinfgfor 12 00 pun ad lvd ný d - ,t h alodcmayo s epoe n te Thoporrh lnil t h htprportpro oc te>boy, soitoctoc>cehtotto.<h>olhoopttPttel tttb>lrtfltct f-o Cof tyaoEn .TYERS 044> ,,ts te rodtooforrsd>riIn'»>.,ojirirg Wotirom oor>tsig. No. Nothito chanegorqoteo o>t as_,,_gorge_________n,______hum- Mghwa tGogtw thte otohor Wdootdzi. e> >,,- 1,01o»a -> 'c4>of ord ojustice.I hRosStore oRyNK otCAýlo aloio, se60bcd the la00 hote, o> t t ,hlebiltrjoot ond FOOOA 600 tO t RYCR ctIONt btl., h otOt4 >t bI t hct tohould roiv 51 jfJPhooo 490 Mtlicoe Jet>ocot leibnlot ng0 > O> >>1 Mt T» iiitoni Afll ______________________ Notice to Creditors t_ o ye,-h»tot, o -» o>lrbdÇLgru1 _ 111>0> t ta WbttUm. o- t»>!anlo 1>0» Lue N TIE MATTER of ftOr EntaC , liber- >e, o-n ioc.of avR Aa-CEAVCFORD YOUNG, >5hO00 » >Ott o Tis tttttto> t t fot iho 'Clo f Miltro, ho tho -Il>tshoprdhec>o htdclo 0>1>i ->5 lt106 pot tort t.rol, Appt-t W> ho CCCo ot of ]litto, Prodoctio soo tntbr lonotteturito>no>ml t lol»o l>>oh>tlýpritod F oreruoo, dt ,& Sot lie trhri g ot>tor >0-et> b>»os. 0la0 rdtacod 24 pt n uro ! TLr T doottot o> o>ith> toinon. îl,,ot rn entto]toc!nr SATURDAY> JAN. 28 ~tfL3 ILlIE Albpnstons hirg b10g- cold t00t eot ot ccc il---of2-4 Hamilto fndostriltord Young, loir of the Townofr r"Il lbr1l >to 03> t tpt-Mlton, ir tht Cottpcf Hobfo. rot or po' toM to ta<te>rap>rt e i neo t>o D>75,>rin otro 20-0.30z -MILTON ONTAIO POodotîr orto.dood Tht>'r A c1loloo btttt »e~ 000 b oor h -tOttortgfiue, ,evwohrdrd ort01ohot tht 2600 hrr or th, fit»> d-,O >» o> ol>t totom.urbl o nî t îdaoft Ottbrb , 1949, rretotro- coc" in, lio,1, ioitM rnt ncre,ýc, i edtu trrrd the saine to theoodor- q'u, taittceargp MONDAY> JAN. 30 TNURODAV> JANUARY 26 o>rrtd sloîitor onor fr ttrthe .0>0»» lrttto 000040240h doly oroe urp, 190;0 ther MARNINO FROM > -11 t»! 1o",th>r SN. A SOCIALfOT AUSTRALIA h . Ir.prl >>» nt ort egte nvh.t -- a, e ttpt-C >0-rotte I WANSEA IENTfNELI Th, ,p. ,fte> "fIcor .tht the$,, lb4ldl Iter-CityChamops ttSJB Chtl-,ecî l-> dtn,>p-, a..h ii > to t b,> 4 ce I - T EIDAI> tANl- te>cia teee lth b, 1 ir h. j '- - - -b'".H Th, e >. > fi.,> >e! >> odte > th i'4 0- hel t bt -to» WENSDAY> F08 1 t>f>-> ,t>> Ath> b> lti 00001t ha'> - > o I , DXEt rr CARWILI ftoto»>t ;Oîh> ce»P .ttri>,0> p ,THURIDAY> F05. 2 gtrretttet et th, '>00>1 t-t-lthcppor>rrg botl>ttetoot hrlt 0 b e' >otd- to-that e T.H. Lh l-in thoh ,,,or pe _,_;____________nirreý, th, -tpt Ito the o>» th, f 1 Y sn'.1 got..eto ýt»»1->t tht e t»J-th> '>>>e>l , > ", 'n- FRfDAY> F0. 3 A-t Iuu p,-A. ý h, d 1t inrwt oît>el>P-1,>ete i 0--d - t dottrorestrrold dettootro rtodt - Ile.plrp rtth, j ppbttio 5.tee> j0 boet ohe teold seCr0 0 TheomoraltfrCorto nisdito rct "d>1-1-Yoop >o trof tho>d tr! andosimpt: to-oro o prt-otht »d> ouo>'ortlrsytttrnSt- wouord gt forooot to rtrt prvaitbftc-t]lt ourtorîror ht oriFd, hrrh rrrrot or trpore C Orpol-h t i w eloteor o-oogains irot otroutioy. 1,-te o-totot rtthootebthotse-eoto TOtre lo a sottorlot torrfor tht gorotomonto to Itoriornd lr SUATTF-R-REOLISTANT 041500000 pot>' goroomnotnodo o-oU fr hoop ee omooh aC tho frtntot ho Clo>rood rtpttrtly sulrtnhort dowof nthetafoogthrer frot foît- pobl>o omrhtroh. 00etc. aUS troC- Ing oroCCrarrtoro bre bok, o miriof thtt-rroittrttloo, fhe foîntt suspcioft ht pro-- od t>o ithteod hoh fortoro Ing 000 Nathoo. f>oetireo gtettr Ihmor rofiryo _________m__ ort - rtports Tht FiorrtttS ot. Whon rhoohor t dloittgo-oto 2 natooo-ro rrofttttdoo t tr hoorlrCgranules. Mootnis- , - o mooOln bEogtood to dorettoo ibte tO ft-prorf hoogtr; oesi worti ravot tlme-ahtos. eo Ites MiLTON MONDAI rod TUEOC3AY Linda Be Good Plot Manhattan Angel FRI DAY ood OATURDAY JANUARY 2720 Gorer Aoooy Eletoc lo> The Big Sombrero i lie Doc [or and the tnirl NEXT TNURSDAY FERUARI 2od lootgmrt Pooho Mtotg Chapotar Gallant Blade - SHOW TIMES - Att Prtgtrr sStartoot 7.30 P.00. ond Mtiotes et 2.00 P.M. [Jotero Ofherwioo Adrrtistd GEORGE F FLLIOT, Mlîton, Otario, Soliciter fortthe Frorutr. S ourooro th, 1950. -A c 00y dte tt >0 iP-t. tho toýti>oc>th et ibebdA. ha-tenof rth.,ot ho t it>it. o ho herd r'hpnt obor tim e ho irioohf No totr thot it howoing otrl prgroor itttttartotoS ofr T> odo or Chrobr of rCGot- >-rCe adrd >e..l 1t Mroy poopleareottheo e>- itton thoC noth on organiztioio If for marchaonts ot>'> onoti athe otd s00C s0093»Il ofot netouorfty ot" oor rooldosor of tht town o-ho NIo terrtd o1.toa.Cg hfs to-n o botter plac oro Or irn lt gtlt for oro for o tore oOr! Trodr or Choothrorfr!Cr0- 'Wbooo the flou Rio> MAIN 9lUEWW DULT014 MORKER IYR NOiFELTIE 71ED -SECTION Tange- Wanted .osdtog2Mc, oeuh wto.h rdor, Cfp epero-ord. f cash do«ouoS Bm- ltmnom ohargoe . e4 pa$r 0000 25 . Sohaoqooot fn.ortlome WANTW - eWANTEO A smooCd-hord hffl rabtnt. Crdrto $4 oropM,P u 357r21. WAT'TED-Go0f typiCO. Ajp rfficrotf P. L. Rohrrtson Mfg i Mfitron MEL? WAPTE-Grotory toporîto 004 or wiltlh.g o t Apply Tht Goro tRoro. Mot WAMTED-Womon lfroot10 ion tC to 3 or 4 p.oo., Mondoy tOF0it au Gii Front Frhroorp 00h ooOtlE si Appty SOro. G. E. Stophonr M Rt Si. te - WA3OTED - ChIPeks an4Foot HIglhZt markt iles.gG entsM collct HttonIlleEgg oefor onotion>,Broopto542r14. 41-52 - 8R,0(K WANTEO-Tondoro for 4 o n ec rordo of hindbl o O Ordriloot Ltgny Sohoot, S.S. No. 1, ECqut a Ptto> J. K. Moort, Secrooorp ..R Miltton. ofor C WANTED TO SENT-5 for roomed hoose; fatrty tCfrtr ottote Miltonf. Appt y . J. Rot> o/o y sp or Stotnglohtnt Go. 39 iesif st. Got.Pono 3165 Gt. h WAMTED -Gnoponter ay.M hordood fiong huaoas ond ftinhfog, gtnorot tporr w>Mi ohon ctrorts. Phonoe Oli 277r6 or Rorltfooo4025. northt WANTED - Lite Poultry rifObf foohoo todo. -gat Cojoi pofot. PhoCndaàU1& Morîoy o o 00 4,r o.Dont Iniosn eit o- rite Mots Zonor, 46M m ort Rd., Toronto. ru 0f> WA74TEO-5o4 Onh log> s OP] 1. obor hord mopto hmoooood efos. BSt xrp o .f1oo mo dottoltry et M ton. Wo fltcf also bhop hnoonnng 0090 ond tohe OE Phono rFI i.vteo 53330orftoJ. A. MGlooh, fooh>i Nelsonf, Ont. 004 lotne FOR RIENT .tte bOOM FOR SENT-Coopty ft ord hrerhfost for ro-finod g .00 $10 ma.Phoor 413R, Mitton. tn i LOST Heodahy LObT Fpolor!-0fgloroto r ond vicinicr ofWeot Moary Sti. (> omdst 100h Firndrplore ontatt If o-o 1057,31.hovtotO LOST-Dorh hrtd footitl> Ctosair nrtofthrICorphollltt. SP, 00p0iot Applp r tor llnFrotlr.Phttne rojdoro tot lirgoron. a sfratft LOOT brtoIl b.hofhci ootr tototrîthord. suorot t 000000. tort Ort t hr . ok go 1 tod a r>roo. Pborr 25wtrlon. - oood LObT -A manrs grtd %%r>' holor and rxpansion forthor 7boph -C. F.C."Rt>rd, Do -toto> ttelirgttr. llct. ic MISCELLANROUS oiîdlng. LAUNDhJt1NtJ Wto tto roeepick-up anCdtboo. 00 hofr io>oca mor hy tii rarnwort ig tht r la rf th, inemorla. n hr of fht S MComent»OaMdo o ddtd O Ct CEMETERY LECTEROTM ro for Eloro R&. at C f 00buil rd 4 ddltrrol Georgetow esde iog thrt -Transportation Com n> ta td thot TIME TAB Id, rh GEO(RGETOWN - sNu* si of r g. Ttrr1 I.r>tr oooorto-Cf> o -or f368,10 l0,655 arot tdraly ottropO for r ot 12o20 pot brUontyt fhit ro 6 00 p.m. St. ont>y) S.It troot 8,30 pm.t(Sun, & Mot, for tht Lento5OICoCO20 ptror Î 35r 'o tdtolp orrtplt S thoirtr tho Mitor-Manttton 0000td ftoot Coanadn Coach Lhtoa hon Nssogâ Alto Moodo>' fo Ffdy rtont busesoeÉvo rorogtow. otfn tooOai.05RPnM. ad71 ft' O3EOREf2Ofl - tMG Ittitoç. (dail excpt Snda fng tht s Loorve Georgetown-tf Of Roqoosho 12.15 pm. and 4.à5 p.m of o tinto Looro Iogfowoodt 00 0 Info 12.55 pot. aroaut hoen IWaC Pairool servila ln rn 000othe be thoro hoC in iorttoo Chas-tond ensuis. fornt trend IC TELEPHONE fSnaanmot t9 oEOoaorrWp 1 t OS homo Shootina va hoon tjdrnt, t-r 0> l0 SATURDAY, FE. 4 2-6 NamiltonuIndusrdel 8.20-10.30-Foblin Sh.fhng PS. -Tht Grtgrtotr it to gooto r ther ot othodotod gmmne rfoto pyoff gatoos ofarf. Rserrod Tickot wili bhou sale fuor play-off gamao 1the foîîuwiug wttk. 1,-mi JANUARY 30-31