O1MAGH NE S F IS RI T-,h, ttuO Oah syttt'iaI-' th hptaa utpietht ttait A aRi WM wrct-,tattt oiut rthbtth ittRathita.l'Be-ttttub. * jnRRTh.rdut tt-RnoRRat thetor huaru Thte-Reoc apta-ta hbyytuba of RthRt,tJms braitttth. ThtW. air-hRotahtpieadhbRt" Jua- Iineîetîg It-mu Caaeiung 016ev Cetrantad CamnnA, pt- tttt,t Rit'C. tttttRson irtt botght ametauattthtu t-tph)eR, Ri asin thitîl.Maay oatOut Readtra ara laitermited oh-RaOthet tuttt-uad iriuuaht;'Cottda't bhNo u at- h i tRy th, t,u f g. Tht hritrttRtoRuttttb h ." Rut th,, re h a,' ' ,t-dtug .and tht-tu, Ttt-rattVal]--RaRathi hi' tatbe,F that uahhy I -t-crti tahtMi. W ML - Rht tby buat-Juhuttsatc LOWILJE iZIMMER-MAN Watt-nanad tt,,tt-ta y MRits.Mar-l-sh-tptteaanadanucd haRhttar.tPeelad Mît o. RRJutthtt oghboy,"- Th, tttttFFo t- R hme t i tot- I htt-atd Mt. M. Dbyth-ndtt ttuiy tta: uat u- attttttr-t- y een.g'ilil uO'rOiMI of oyc it-t u nd uuay tith M-*r. and Mi,.ah A, C.ttýQ li att ,u.tR Mta.RS.RttBteunnet tthttt.ttligarn st c ciatt6 Th-hfil ttrrtfthettNrt- t-htt-Rdahtt- t-h tiRtgainhtil tt--M,' bttg triaiuh to tp Nazis ha htpt, Tttth t-ta tttit-uusts-ion ttedtr-t -t,n t- g bt- ttuaghtt-t- r. Rtu t--itht1 -thtt t t tChh F'a,u'attu tutr tt-tta,,t ttthe --ii,[t't-bOtidtlt,th.ttt--t Cartwrtuh.lb ythta t-a t th- Rtt bt- a.t-btet-th The "aatt-hita,, l, ith hLRtîs Ettdgtaia pntt Rua-h ahdntin t h ct "Z-B o' R.,te ot h0 ta,,u TlP ' ,,tt ,,,-tthp lfytu R ehR _ _ __ _ _ _ _ t-t) T - t C t - - b t 1t' Mt ' - R IR h - -, ' a t -r iht- l Ti h t - R u a 6 2 t-t- " I t - t - t, t-tltl a t-t-'- 1', b t- -t t t ba l h t- t h t-t Jt-t j a t - at- i d htB h t---a t - t t - t , , t, b - t t t , Rtthi 1 ht-R-utt'utibC t-- t- , b-tt- tRi- ae ri,n Chut-ual T t \ aîl't tî t ht t h - - R , haSht- R bt - h at-h -R R R Rt-t Rit , , T I, h , lt-t- F t R Ru, ý Y o n e a l fotlit-Rft-t-l thlAhIaui t, nt , w 'b PALEMO ht-t-t-R- %olhRt-eht.ttt--ttRtht-tt-h Rv it- Pt- tcnclr tl idiiI, ï; I," ', I - tt-iu ,to tu uh, -tRquat, -tut it-tth-, tah--th tty,-tu i i, ttt o It Th -, t- attttb t-r tAt wl , c l n Tht- t-hRt-ht-t ht-tRy1t-h t-t- t-e eh os a t-t-t--t" sfict-t-yat,,tOrly Jant 2 ut h 'IL-h-tA-ott-t- itt-t"1 ut t,oeTbo t, thtitt- t h, Rna t , t-- -t-lnh f tl tt-, 'h -, th . P ltuR , eh a ht tt-t t! M ht-teat ,iti-dht Rst tttrtIltt-. ,--~, h httt-upd ,C.,ia ttu tut lim oy Mi P---tT ta t-t- I,, Th h, R-d tFta -ttaltFo Rt-t--t, t--tht-, at-a dt-ut-ht- ,tR b-ttta acT t. -Atd 03 CRat.,- tltt-b' .thhtR-ttt-Rthet hoTba ut-MA, Pt-t-bt- t-h Rit-to- tht-t, a-t-- htutt gT-at' Rthhe h- ttR ta- -a Ct- t t -h e. t i- to artttt-a t- Ct-hav vit, u R h, o huy ut-tn S. tS N tatag t-f t-h 1lt-R Chot-t h t-vilttIn1t- h Ihttt- hRRhRtiy hbb- tR Tbt-l talie s. tt-v roupthits ttte Rtvit-tait 7 pc.rtA r.a ,i s R iet- ls blisraen of lle hurç. lad dic..sed uestonhmm t-t-t-tndr Ctht-RtPot-btt-t- gtu Tb- h, - Pt.tghpl an r o h t- bt-ttT h-, -,t-o-,hvt-t- ht-te R t T-t- bridettu nd-h grogbt-t-tht--, bth mt-h-t-a t-t'- ttth t ag f ir ht -' rytt-au t- t-et -Rt- hy hs nst tt- ,t-a es dt-ht --t, o t-t-lt-h h oahh ndt h ir cas D.thPpeton'TIt-t--tt-ttt t-t Mi,-a t-t-t-t-t-t-t- t-, gt Mt'da erutt- initt- ionht-fo i o.Te. Jn 03 tt- ht tt t- a --t T he 't nb- t-l - h t-ht t aRIl , LesPt b~tut OnLt-t-h i t ---thtun. t, Riiht- t-tcht-ta LASTuTla tiC DA t t-tt-t t b W R-RtTt-e " T ui hh t p, . t-ht-t r e po-rgt 1- y Tht W , bt--t- ht- i is, fiuet-t,,ta Rg t v r c Bit- t dn t,, bt- a ' vtht ht - M r" ,- t.h , y, t,, b AhheeatiTt-n-t--p i t- TRt-, -ta tuth t-t-t-t-t- t- t- ht bth--au Iia,, tRb' r bninT he-, -,,, o hnat itt h- o f -tth-,, h-,t-h C t-ttuhome t-t-t-, - A ati ttaof,- t ahtgt-tn t-ogty Ft-t-h r lt-calat-d h--t-ett-Rd h t-t- un -t,oRt-tt-h dt-t tht-t-lt- alt---a r-th bt-t bRh-,ug R -tt-tth-tt-answrsTh-tR abtb l-th dh-t---tht- t-t-,, Cht-tdt -ht--a -,d-ofMitojo-, aSt Ja 72 miutu ,11 A,,h-t- al uIlf-ha ho t-t-h laaovo.by pOonim -de,Fandibih-tObbFh.I t linb r 't he,Rt-t,-t-t-, f ht-ht-e co regt-h IJ B J IDhttt-R t -dtthi o me otn 'ta 1 n Rt- hrCtl-o-tt eu- a-R. r.Doal Mn i ht, t- Tttibt- lt--t-t Rt- fCthe t, t-- ,, J ,,,t-hb t-ht-blb,, tt-bt- st-h It-tu-t e u- ontt-- .bIiillti htni t- Rh i t nb Rur-t-,,t h ' intt- utthe a' h t- n %iht--tht trit-- it-tt-a b it- ls'-b ittm t--t -t-R,, ht o Rtt-g, t Th it, Rt-htrtr] t, mrbc -IL R Tht-Pt-t it' itof thI , v,'o-tîa-t $ 9 1 0 o n h a d a d s , i w a e i T - h e t a t .tt- o r s . u C t h eP o t-, , t - , A y h , , M- h M a x w l l O ft- t -f ý Oý toprh, I'I r'N BY ttd t-h-t-tt-lý,Io n vlt-t-,t- Th- ituut- ,a i t-t-t-t- l.,-t-t-at h- --tuuh-1,t- It lî - R t-t-g" Rr ii l h s i t ho ud t-t-t-. ,FuRut-- Rjit meht- Rit-a Rît- ht- Ttttt- , s tt- Theatre f- A tion h t -a t h t ht-t-t,-fo ttthehal uRdhht-tutt-t-uf. - bRt-t-ttt-t ndt-btt- -jtt-tal a oi- a l hbua -l tto-Rh St b b hothe F ir - H tt- htut a r,,Otth-tt-r t-uttta ,-a t, t tt i, t-tJean -P di sht- onu atl-t irt- volR e P-IthR0 .t , C-t -huRt-a Fot-t-a- tI n Muutt iRit-t home-t-t-b Thuga-ntthot- S T M S -t ltRttt-t- -oth tI-Ih-t"d h t ,,î tht -tttt-, a R-htcauht. -R ct)) p t-t-ut-t nlt-t ltht-t- - it hosi - nd lie Ilugh ,r, o*,a-Cta Tht- Fiatedan3eLThetWaheFiatiCi, - Onat Rit tt-t-t-ut- nibnt-t O--tt,ilaId it-t-t-t-t a tt-tt- CRho u Ta t- ht-opaac-T t Jor 0-3t t-t-pt- , Ioaa in ht-tlt- . t -. tt- tt - alif b ,t-but-go A .Ttt t-- -ht-R-R tht- t,that- it- oud I-; u vn a iîl tvilla t-uta -bahbt-tt-tt-t byd,,IOt- a, t--tiaga-gt"Itt Rlo tt - uuro.tt h t-t--t-tht- R11 tinmnt uht e tut--t--t- ot-eht epoot-- f- b-t bttttt-oi at-i,anditR.,tt ield, n A t sh,, a t W J it-,t-t- 1 Fh ,t ru, p- t t h,,,, , tttth ttth Rp--ag.--a tR --t-ut-g'I i a -Tuttot- 'u t hîe iF t ta a q au Rt--,a t- t-,,, ,, t i tnil o-,t- ' t'tt- tt--it!a-tttttaug n .-t utthu ppt- t-tutut, gt-lhJt- Faiataa. , alCat -bt-bt-t-ett -b.uanufft,en,bht-, ,,t iuz~ u-tth-th-, t Rtt u-t tttt 'tu h t-t- I lt-- h-R ,, i-ht-t-t-tt ih - 1t'-t 'tt o ---- t- e G t W h-t-nAl--- It tott ba atu D U lP FD AU RLE B1H1-W htt-r. tttI, b t--nio t--, U-Abt,- Ne-t , Ttuuttt-t-1tt-Tt'ttht- t itt- C-tt-F t-,o-e t 7 h ,,,XILiVil r îah1 Il a - t, t , -t b t t t-t-ih.-dn lt-gUt-tPtlacRt-h -tht-a tt-tC Cot - t'.h,,R: t-,,, ut-t-t- ut-R- "ht Ilo,,tte lar ,,t Ut thR t, thebi ref-'tah 1CR I- o) R t.,-:dth vraoil t-ut Rit- tht-tth,tIndic, '\t t de,-t, Rtbt- t-Sa t-RThe tb t-Pao t'Mr oo t-Sinlia ndut ri I.; - ,,, , r - M .Ll yd Ptr F lt-- M a d- s tev rýh e , r- 1 ltha C li'tI R , PAGE OUR r.i-biyhWRl-,tat-t-au t-t--thtF-R -ht-R t-attbt-,t-,rtt-o, iîatt-I Stut-t--taudn ihbpMr.ut-tA.iii meRttttt-,, t-, rett-tt t-t, The htta ý,ttttPt-pt, War,t- , ht-1 tt-t-î--- -tt,ti-o, tntht-t, Att-iatt-eCutueittatd Rtu -e 't-luit-, bt tht-t-t abuipottatth- wett-e tttttt-at otfuficet-t t-bthet- t-t-uhttt t-tt-t-rte btt-au,,tf th, attittutn f sutyttut t-tut t,tau--Rtttt-t-tr,-nluart-atneuttututih Mur. utllRuobinsaonad Mr. t,, yptultnt- w t-t-, uCanaau adthe Bulttre tett îtt-ttR at- htt-t-ht-ttUnitet-RStattt-. Th, ft h,,, Auttun fart hth t ig y. I-t l tt,eait-tIht-e tata tala,t ha Mu. Curt hautitt&aiattMtr.aahnpt-lt,-tann t-et, Mn bi..Eutith.i Bsiace. Atte clope-f thett,î -Ltyt PubGtorgt t-ttattu aat Iag. Mu. Ybx-auttReie ttha aisRosstHarbhuRh, Lutt-h atact--a- teMt. ad Mut. Bta-ia fatht.attb>t-tht-ht-u-t- tahatttbthte0 cd- ta ia thomue fat-tht, Vts.try, mtttt ataited hy Mms. Wtee, Mns. A. Wtuttttt]-t!atmuic shan Sa-in ted Mm a . It patit-ta tata. eitltot-t- Fht-tRt-t- God Mu--si-at-tRt-t- t-at-e GitthI Fgh St-t A shor t t-Att-ta [yt u t FFa igtLunch wa-t a,bt-t2. atld-att vth.t- o,. bt 1-) t-- t-- tt at- 'od't --hth,,t- t, tthf- taýg but--tt-tt - t ,1 ' hit' t)' h-R tt -tth- M til ,, t', t, .- - Modern Equipment Added To Canadian National Fleet Inst - t' u aFor t CNRNis btgat ustraf tieseltut-t- T ttputgha uttaof muta-ta utmp- Marts.haal200oew ta-u canuaits ts moutiePoaer fu Caadtuv. Puta acttat ý.petmiad tccge cmn w att tdtt ta tenia i194E. Meutw tottua Hi w148uitt ct bt and2-d -ttattsttastSe n199,aM 79eqalamnt luaed gonatrip tl-te .t~ tioaa ta tiareo -od, Rat ttdta ttaha. it.itti tathsa. CN.09ERasa-au. ns.ts.tt.boxtatami ata- are htcngittatfa uataauc.tteuarrieu!a-9 t liihattes.ztaaMgnmaNIe CBi am a at maRYY tata fatevic. 1lai puea-. ii mlIl-estatfr=tlîui- . u uV La-thT ART ta the tu iMtati Gatit au- f hettut-tia 0SI1ihiea- t-wya- Y. Naut, ha aýjf cpet-la tug tu a hîah utaha hata sutae itatitg tht tua-aoftthe The, Pedfect Cookiag fuel stant Heaute Lest Kitchon Work pick e Clean e Easy 0 Intali itomatc Heat Control a Iconomical Ca r..a.â G.. sso>ý Pa . 1 1 Map. f.ff Pl- tli t P ..atag THUUDAY, JAMUARY util. CAMPBELLVILLI UCCISSFUL PUFI.S 0F TRINITY COLLIGE is Mr. Robtyt Hut-tea uptatd th.; 1Fata'Foumutmetiag htintaNu. 1 The faitta'iag atudauta er 0 shuti tahta Rt attendt. Mr.Ce,. autta-tafut ta pasatag t4t, ,ausic i- ngi asa hatt-taaa ai the discusa- tuaiabtttua itthe n miatt, Isingt-uupt, a-ha aert headed bht tutatof Tttatty Cuitege ai Maait, sMta. Heary Ratahaut, WillitttLuanao, Eagiaad, hehd ai St. Itl-i ttdAt-tht, Caltirn. Daatd'a Chat-h, Caaapaettviti o y The tRpat fat dtatsuin Ehouai Rui-tat-, Janaaty 21sa. ithtehr htauttbc t atut tefe te(a eirataloStaghag t(t-ade if- 1. BtttttaCanadatand the Uaited Nuttua BR-aaaHatuaMat, Chuir Rtatts. Att tht-tt ftuupa gtttttaRtRt-hutat-ahtp 1949 -Iaaat. tuttt thut hree rite oaRthe uhuit , Jut-or-t Siloaigtag (tOut, 6), ,,uhd htattit the finatt, tftut Geurge H. %Ihiet, I-1 . Atatt, the taaufatttuer. (btht attata biatt Huattuoat, Candantadutty Rthtttcutit. ttttaatuty RutuoRittgitg bitut, AR' aggtttthut rutrtade utth Gi. 4h -Matityn Muar, Etatat- a.triatal.wuuttgrctuty tuttttat httaiiGerge Gt-taata'. tuad ith th ttyandithtta Ptupatatttyttautt --Antta tahai the ttt-ttttt tuiRt-tautthe tttttttt, Att-ty Hut an, tttt'td prettrit titat. The genertt feeiag 'iRtututuat syutatpt upprtsa utt. ai, Thtettttaaa tt-t bit- D. Regt- ttrest-t ttt itai. a uttutahd CoaperM.A., Mua. tDFR0C htt maurbt uhoui t u! t0 , TCL.,L'RA.M.,utfLuatuam tathttto-u ta ptt-ut attttttut.I1t-tfhaaid taMissMat-garet Rouax, W, hRhtjd nttsRechttRfrtt-i-tttT.CL.,utftuhaataahu-g, Raaih tut prtthsutppotsl R - cnta-! Att't-u Tht papa-n attt u-tthut-d dit-ttty.C by tht Rt-,uiAttt Pthu'tR L taf,,hi-,,Rt-hriRhatatthatth hC.LRM f thUR,-Rst-Rof rot-t ht,,g aurtd ta Mrs. Wtt- bliity CRt'ge, Tututvt luce Kitnu. Mta. Wuin htt,tt ark__ Ftt-tp tut-tHututtintaahh IhEPHONE COURTESY ERgar Carn,tGuI-dRu MPhuih anttt1tlhait utuppet ah tht ututy ut a Ahtbcttewar. hhttclerymtuu ta tubuhttata luaah, r-tDontadMatinht uttthaittanau tand ut, att- teaalavig the ht-t No.R 6RFa tRForumwhhmtt lephuat t-aag. eHt attatcout- ahthtor-fîr.tandtMChtt- touy fortaboutha, miutet,thta ht-, Srvi". ,tDiscutsion teatdt-s btguu lu ttpy. ta thetmaddttofa! ,-,LhoydRChshutta and Chtetsttttesntc, hutt-tatt-he ht-ah, the St,--t, the tapit hîittu Shautt t-t-uactant wth his tage- aad ltrf rittht,' bc ht tRuuhh." thtt, huag up. Wht, huth Rt'utht itttt agt-tt thai 'R'ttta t atapty hatt ta gt te hutt hate-ret tutfat-Cana-' atauy' ht taptaai, R tIatiays do a, edtt tstsfrtt trate ith tatng Rfua ta yatf. Tht puat- tta- G,atBRelitinARljuhiehat-ttt-ta- pbuuneuutapaany geta hamet - Mtio tttuytug Bingo. i bres tu tuit aatt-thtkah an Au inattiontastt-tuttettt ulRRd tut aff bts oatt-a ie. autt hth NtRuitat-yt S. Nu' 7 utut Monat- ight. MRita bittut Mri,,L. R. Htttand ai-t Ran- dra Lyan a Wdttht RtChuthuam, vt-Rt-hRtt uhtbthDr.tand Mn., tJ.)D tata,) t- wRt,, Ra u gtttata"h o o Mr. tand M- Hochey RtyaoRtof Rit ,tdRi, t-hRR tut itt MILTON DLSTIC Mr' and tyrRataha onMtte WitaatPHONE t127 MIL Mt-thuit'tborne ittast .k ] CO-OP NEWS r-aRsiMt Harve'y Tureandt ftionatt ofGuelph r.tad riuH. thRtillbc M ot tRRtttt WRhkiatstand tuaR, RofHatittua. t Rt, githt-and Rt R t-h r. aadttt-t Georgeut-hrmtanuof t-qt-tR ,Th Tbe a' RVitoaHt-ightshtt-,rttSutuy guts inR th Rt-t'pl' andRRb 'aithr. adRin. JtamesuDto,,t. bardt-gt t,-dihgbRi Mrt T. Mitclpt uu hot-ul tua R C-CP NRWS the Rh-t,, Yt-ttg Wt-a, RRSoiety enaWtRt-,t-Ratt,,tatag The-Ptc- C at -rtoftBue ttttttahtti RctthMt-h. ohbeton.t-pt-ntd the t-tdRhttb-tRt-Rlt,RRnn mtingtta-R th t-tht lltou-t-rship, Rttpplittaiet-t- r.Rtt bt- tttR-utt Rd t h-tt-a'trt-tworht rvitt-R Rf u'uRtt- atRa Tt-dCtO-OPtNETh Rt-htt-ho,,, , ,a,,,o ,%vas t-t-ta bMitssO NW bit - e t'tt, Cattttht-hh OAL t it aonottt) ' Th't- ro-ttdutioR toth, Nt-a, ' . Wt Rbti" ttt inaJapan' ththutanby httrs R. fttbttgRthfl t-btRolI ta httt-Rt-R tThi- hh-RoRhh Rut tat-t- ttttttoa tat-It of tht-t,), .-t-t- Rt a n-. tOUt CO-OP IS A BENEP11 hhd Rt-au hK- t-at-R oht-htthit ht-ha -- ---- ta h, t--Rtht-and Rtttorare- t tt,it-ing 1htskht-ht- lht)-phat-.At 1 tRhhat-l R httht-intRth- ChtiagCht,,h. NRRRntk-bR. tRR log th.,t Rt-porhtutt vt-ItIhIb ha riebt IRda - the Cht-h t-rt-h-h hRaantntht- hRt-t hata g-T-HF OFFICIAI 0FE The- at-t-tay, Mes-. W.Riuht-a RaRt- the analrert-R hieth vas~ T rafalgar 1 cuRte int-t-etiag tand ahhya sucsflya.A hthtoutsa- £ t-cato Rt- nRtfthttattht-t IfllCo m m unf t-a- reauR Tht- ttttt, vastan tt-'hip tt- ~ Th-mtat-nhg ,hhttdATRP with pa,,tr hy the ttart-adet. A ut thetar sociat hiithtert CRRR,,R ith Rt--Th-,, 12y, iht eshtdt,,,,,, .:J.. ir T-Att XND IîARK I bitiSpakhr: Rat W. J.Jahn Notice t Credito AND) OTEHS ALL PERRONS haahhgcl - at'alaut theEstata- ai Chartcg httt Ptutham, ltt.,of the Ta ab fu Ntlsoa, tantteCaaatp Hit-Reilet% Fue,. teta a-ha tua-tntaboahut tht tap of Rata-mita-, 1945i at-t hy atîRat ta sea patiRla t-ta a, taty aatifla-t, ta 6he an aigatt Sututtat- fa, the Atmi teatat-, uanat- hafars. the lu t-f Mat-t-, Ri5E, oad a te- a- tata- the sutît tatte wR hab tt-lhattt hy tht sIt AtattataR havtag regardu yt at W at0a a-btich the sati Atmialst tuat- at that ttmt havecattiee. bittet ai Hattlton. thia ISsu WILLIAM GEORGE PEIJDHI bp HAROLDi M. VAN 406-T itha Ruit Ha-ftittu, Data RRitt httuh EYES EXAMINED SATURDAY . FRRRUARY tlh GRIMWOOD Jewellers Maisn St. Miltosn Telephasse 113 y THE CANADIAN CHAMPION pAr.1p MUR Z.-. -«,.-ý-,-. NEWS ýITON, ONTARIO ltHt t CO-OP NEWS 4îîenty. RARE WJRE. At lat ore hi- b tUt l-t t -t htatty 4xt6 bb ity tt CO-OP NEWS Cet the tIal] thti Otttttg R atthtt tit t1ha t albtps '-,- n'tdustrp thtt-t- t tu e largebu CO-OP NEWS tha ettt n eng hndtttttn ttt F adont, tt-,t :T ONLY IFYOU USERIT . tth t Z.", al.t Seus, of it, 'et TbF , it ?0e btut ta g Wbt,,-,,thetn PEhNG F THt perit-t-' t Memorial 5,MCQogh iity Hall zs ALGAR lia» NoUR ungtf"tu ruary i Oth 'Ylet e aita., af Eaglingtaa Unite ad oýnm Met-t ftiem . fatutit I Ioot bes me'ad hlR rdon W Portr, T arnto. l gttt-tt Club of C kvile-T "v ,,enati,u-tgot t lu ttrîtnd chool. d "'"r h 'tdi Farinrs goup f Paermo IalttuartRtR