THE CANADIAN CHAMPION JANUARY 191h, la ;s Directo KEDICAL- IENION CLINIC U Phons: Nube Nuela cA. Pasaci ell Hoeaeais This aneek Toe h alith, n adaqeale la- ln A Country .Bodl anis te cal s-ana attenion ta, taea af Viiaasla C is eeeded. c elsant aMy. ImpoantJb o eecietaha pr1. a waItcVasaa Lane etsesnsieS lai r. E --naeissaet s. W. MaNnsy Viteela C le laeed la cils-e.s Jy JI&liBOClle Ga nés-geacies Ondy. ariment ai Public Health sNu- Ioaier ba--ii alaoc.alaan Ofie oacr In, Univ-ecsity cI rrtcal. Na lBcd appia juiceand-certinaacgc IiVerYw HOSIT nctanaiof NsteOntariomnitec-tbls eseilIa cabitage. Lasl ceek tbis caleesn anas ansil- ahSP eai Nutiinecbl les- te- Viteamn C la eesl dcîlcaycd tee cIlle tbc saas-icg sunlightt tees Gel Sc atieneiet nlyinpuliatin das-ica aaabiag; a lar-ge sa-i.escsiall iacaaT-n distriutin of ntritin mat of theViiatirC ctent of vgc Lc'a cesary toaverathe ds NNHOSPITAL oniali bapleeeisa ai-cablaiaahe.elss-aadaatsîga tisate ha-ccciei saa casas-a tet ataucîay anesaea dense il Lc Imaposiet ta se tbe c Peli OI esapheuta la the the aisa as-a ablaied, l ta ad- s-ccd Weitt, 'a as-c gtad ccc wnt VM0 HOMES Onteas-le Nuts-ition Bulletla visabla Ca use good soucces wbiah ta thecr dy yctcsday. Ta day a'- le t80 pas. "A niaalesY soerce of Vite- es-e scs-aad salîhu ceahic. asis-ht bavc gaI ast ine itast.. c. le 3 BOSsM. Caachaa glnoîsa ate O lEaMuch Vilst»Css 1.ciygdc Itcaullthaeabcca toailîtu Idaen neas12 a, as oangaeg, orahalf g-pe. Cbllds-en ed cîcs's day, tisa gel atst an the taet, fos-aaa daist NADVANCE tcccs-y dey." And bheaiiaan. araticulîaifeaicC cetaedlanciationaashKing Edwscd Hatct c - an iecerpt s-fs-asthe Bulltnafn c oeofltelctissialaads cctccac The aecal cnvention oi Vitaimn sC la aeeda. aigit ouces toaaî jicc thc Ontario F'dcs-clica ai Agis- - fL hei-biid bancsndleab onesaediumeeiaes-range culturcacinecprogasassThctacn inaDcalcium ad phesp-b. (aceaeaou baoIces acsî vecion la atcays ce iteaatang1 G. E. SYER as-s aiea e-dad fas- tae sasaie ce-bal ga-asalcuit cea but thia yccc tl cas pas-lia- aam idsaa fou lac-eacae (onae siiglasst uari sc onaccut oflthc pacact -JamsacStr-et ps-ccclsaas-ya dieaaalan oraan cJle, s-ceh o as-ae lacccsituaton.Thcac lea n er >necNo.38 abllscs-cieeawebelangaa lacs aaetor aunes ieaiacd aspIce tecastepl aaacpasia lac thcs cacra: 0 a..; 1-3 a af lte saaU blaad vcecîes. Jite lcoaliele addad alla- colciaci Thr dady papes-c, las-at 48.30pee. al canr aI scry la s-alilen salaC) l'cpes, and radioacc'aacicg i >rnr i hal itls-d eniIly.l ane lars-a ns-lg cabbagî salad tais-ly tbas-caghiy. Ssaficialen iain alCcatiaeh- If Ittchrclaa"riteacportI MCCUCHEN .-..........-taied frs-a mabisallac ols-ccd. ea'acld hlp 1 aight dc il cccre, ililg, Maia s-re la caialale ode. Pas- easat acuatcla thaa teat cita s-eporstcr 4 ý 1-, 79l1 oa baital poaal and liitcsal paor- cita cas c'apatcsihla tas- a iead- *niildc - lias o aI s-an-is-; as-, oe s Belin lcahirh startdsitheOtar-io Fd 195W "cnen teIA, 119.____ eIYic glass loal 111ce and ane scervcc aice aeace haOs. P.__M._Mitchell caitite aalad. caitas chat ite shcatd hava wcl IViLWht ls in 1 Ceai? lae I cassaces ltae IFP s LEAL a ROOF COATING At ar-e ps-ascrit ps-at lte 'heIan c ha lai actycactitta lac K iDICK COUNTRACTOR dacty s-aqais-aetrcls viallsis C (le Motie ringac ccmeaead-a DIgtIL . Steel, Asphait and cac ha îbtaiaad, alln alitîc he tact a îight's alrrp vnloe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýe BaltuRof wacsa-cicaia-asi hhcahaaihlret renrad in DIC Buft-p Rofs Fo oe cnt y uingrawspi- ha papra Ihat ha hart caîlcaete, es-n, BaiMllts-s E.STIMATS RE ach, taacip. cahhcs-co asM- po- e'ala fc aaatceaHnc ai, eppsie As-nc WORN GIJARANTEER F1O-te et yui tatca c'as reportis i taclal' laphane 45 FacBLVL orage thrc grarut or d1ie Thal thace vs tha cala of nl-Ca fr______ APELIIE ccc asrscri e 'Chair m iaqacelils- thc CFA s-rai- UITCHINSON Phone TMilton 382n12 caccas la tacata taira ar altaeain idccl, uactc ccerrctlce tr1, h ccd aptae icica Pacdî ilaa ht ap Balý Tha Balterits, Eta. Pietlae à i _________Cook__lui, scbae-siacanC ceecaha la thraa casea s lat caryh lis-r CitasapieoIt Alltaas-it all veaslts arr mot feoc a a1 at accetapal c laa-aiia _____________ acasouces of vitaaaleC onet on o e-eea tccahrcaaecicce and sbîa 54 titheccammly ednear p jicretsoyo(Iu ot Hi. A. (Hacsk) PEACOCK fltig n ascp liras as- as-- lIei don haccl asaavlcaallctc t R8 E. BLIOT? Raps-resiag teeican thes cctamin. hssae cllamn aleels Wc lae, a rac hart aeaahj eiss-, Ncincy Pab C eau Ira I-t ahîî ccctahlas acr cleaee tfor the thaca acaccacas ccaes' Building, C. H. Prudhommne for ce mmithcce îA garat 'leo ,, caeaccel lecrîccail, ced as-itaea70 2.V.h eeee cee daesstre îhac caca- foceecech aîacaîcei ha rspct &___ _ SonjtsS ti ha ra eîccacerslvccechd. Ta tlcdlceltalirslccmores-ailcac &HOSKIN sricns-s-, sscens-ile ot lc Ille lIer l celitamia Cî fe ha ee.and pcekig lcchrlthflrl c i ea tacmin s-ctabaîle, c l dccc c aeaicai thac c ena iAs-ceelala NURSERY STOCK like eo îche 'c cd Icae ep,eced Ila' ccc'i, cacecacîc aIs racaic. Blg. maîl Frait, and G ' aceha' -I, eccal amia ce;,cc c c eeck c.a hi.. Toroncto Vies.'io la, la-coA liera e dvdmi la 913l Oceamacîci Tacecs. Evcî' ;f cccleele. 'eoaid hace i' u , ccl Butdeeltîce erc dcc e" ENTAL Iraala, PcranceiaStcait crelce il cl-ccvc-er houclîdh. ll.v Il1 halle- ,rtereing aste Rmoe n IBulis. ce-e, h, eccel cIcr il, cceaP.ý ce d lerlccc lleccech e A. KINGlclc ce or cfrut le lev ,a n ta 1, ,Ioci .A IG Phare Milto assnc . c 94c V chl t.sra boi- 1,,cl,, ecitle icr t Scîe'attîcas cn L SURGiEON R R. 4 ielton ic cl ilc'cc ie c,tae-acd toa lac1, tee l d'yaIecrc al Bucilding. Mic'cIcctree il ook- lime i. ac lisce c ,ca oed, Thce r;n, E. BABCOCK T1 l,11l.KE. juA Ti, 'ce Tf il flerlcaaa I82 deao 0.1- L SU'RGEON b ee stil cIa cein Trno :,fi, ccc l le f c lke rcta.cac Ps-lasi Theseta-lt ý> cin la orac joci c fre, j c itn n. cel Frac aon hrt mfnm Myb o i l f cl cet v, lefe im ce leecel . helaa d a go aaad -c iteleala aiMcl' raié io ite, lur' etcvritc- ca r lecc ETira tlairaI gainc ah The cîaî Ch' t urlilg in<a ( on cccvd Iaccactaloe Fer le rainac in-scaat f- fPatc 14 L a cela aleef a'-a dcccl g tliaynld lae wa vhir d y A t e n d n t c ls r a ll y g e n e o u s A d d I rat i la c hl a t l o i to r t o' ý, ioyriccl laralrv Is-atacl cerra cc , 'lIera .tah, learca F.2-p..COWS $2.50 ea. -M unt c-rcacilaath'a ileal ilrîvîdca a f:: -h ,o d poatlca or cecan _c Ire cerle a fer,,, acrrel 1 Theeralace IORSES-$2.50 ea. e1rIlem aaeansv cira sic O a 'ec 150ac E5.Jt,-.JlJ per Cwt. cep,,t i. o o'e 'cccedîcrtr inte i, le 1111dtf il.Fifehrd ce. (Oves-250IObne each) crîerle aci lorccrshccc fun outeanddclracedthcceea,,er Aerdi.g ta aiencnd~ition re1ier letcrvcleadcc,.,d hae g., ccrc i.c lit, j-c cer rlohr.'ssrai Mlrr,. EN GLAHN PHONE cccET vecel e> focrvi mora Vtacia Cee cad Ilao lao lee haad' ih csr MILTON - 294 C"rteancec htle s-racaccad lcetccry oft Canada ceas cacrahIca LAIRD GAC.T 572R r reae ahrracaccrcaily vIrai.aed, TIc, ic. hacd, mctrad cecass-bacc cl Mil -INGERSOILL 21 ' 'ao e cld. ris-ht tro ei na daas cfr lica tlccc cecvcth SA e-,, oa-jceccdet.elîa ccdlcaarcvtrivh LERO' GUIDE Nila Sn Sos cee. Il, t ah cabed mil leefleeriîa carias- Wlhlc a tcrc ACIFC'escaý 1 oeded ire. 'arlcec av Me s-s1a.. daiy s-sl hall, op.cafehcvee 925 as daia e-4 h gri aIta ,,-sar dverec rul.Cnd e chbcahseeso th cars d OAht' i h svdFr. ov uhn un"dy caca t 7.51 ase. ar7 p N NATIONAL t '-und", Maq i:,C",r c lv i ha -T.58 &m. T'he Perfect Cooking Euel ahab. Reaaîd and Carnea,-c -7.10 PM caties Ia 11cr produtcaion o etatth, iaasday, Fr-iay. t is mran arbably dit me thcan Instant Heat e Lesi Kitchen Work avala rlse by ihaace dccclapa crati He ceas one cf tbe foacec .t Qulck e Clean e Easy ta Instail rhe Canadia SarI Gramera Ads- EY & So Automatlc Heat Control.e Economical cccr, 1 thlak tbe stary cf achaîl RACTO i.q ne o athe rat asaactlatocla af Canada, And l ta ls o flaheld [ETE AND Panelfýalo eînnagua.s-ela Mayaof uscctilsaill never b q ELOMIS da-1«s an ,t. Es.aa.- ..nca .rd. saaislactarlly tlalsbad us-tiI Can- Olum) Sas-dal on5 "bIld (Ia)dise sabant lieds is say lcta e- id RAEL Calsa Plan MaPs-l M..eed N.. a es-y cr-er of tse anas-d whas-c i RVL Ca-.nai 1.51.40. PWalaIhS bilîdcen go la bcd bucgary. ýONU&-C Mliaaa 152-M ea Oaly anc ihicd af Casadian sal M8 a0, IL scili gs-ew ceos. 1Death, BelN BI' Jaecpit LWE W. iha aks-s- thea pat quater_-ant long baille aains deatis. T.ntny-fis-. death srate leCasaj of population sas 12i Yleas ago it had dr thaasaed. lIn 1 Infatdeatha. Ine1M 18.24. lan1928the a saaeigeeo childl ai 2,518. la 1941, i abeait hall ns giea frasa tesa iues l 401. I i hps-agiese.E sahea I aaaid s a Johns Ganthas-In l ieg aias-y aoftaes his baya Ife a.i "Ds-clh, Be Nat Ps-e sagcoraallof as. I1 lai as-y o a se elfarta la the bas-c ds--caw lItaspeaple Dath hcdanograas- bad l'an, bat calyoa thing that besace scicanad sapathy bcd bacc trlad. Des ed, but ely allar ligbl. lcs' lltesdgc Wall Boards Oak FIeasing Cernent 'haie mande hi Plyucoads LaCis tas-y la lha e- I et diiease and Tes Teastilt nLum u r e L2. a-i teeand Sas & Coal Company lec cps-ad la 9. per Framen Piaster mhd 23,M MILL STREET 027 sac had caly Deors Melal Mouldings tit af lac gceai ing îangh aftaod nal-Bs-c DOORS-Innîdeanmd Onlaîdo lasclatieca iih a population a Praclecally Ail Sîzes-Varcoas Patteras ea Main. daath Cedas-graie Siding Gyps-ec Bai la il eaiaagh Shiagles Everyhing in Building Matendials Masnile ilya b-ts-nd il h ientcîld. 3d" had ac es 'le tld the piii- flitaI ita algbtg tal.t e lis-bt, cd foar alida, Il as-s- as exsitl- cs-s-aeel, Evec beaseledac as- iy casldd -s-aadc cat ceci leltha s- te bittas-ast bc ecciyancesapîs dsfaatad. Vet Deathclad lookiths-ilaida on cg-belttis as. Thear mcc ca acaicsenaacd ie Iisas-al cas-tas-e saltdicsee O T A T Notlecasaoeîtitasels the ealth Loacaîs-oa Canada wniiail slacs-k FIJENACE OIL BURNIZ SALES & SERVICE ieged ita saes-dical as-ofessicn end almst ae aae-thec tes-ilcfc Charls-IeSt. Phone 432J Milton tis gras-alcetr-y tte ia bsladgc cPPLIANC ssdcIKTURE lteat Deatit, ch-h stîsats-Ismsat __________________________ conta aU of R, seed nc sse_________________________ lac mon,. and, Ms fal Itscneent loe a te acas. Thcs-a is the ras- Irtcaitit WeS-Jaens-s- N9 le Fcbrcas-a 4-to a ebeaatI ail aof as Ibat tisle cas- baille; tai : OAKVILLE MALTON Mst.î Tbeac stansn te Challesge. : "Datbent rud"OAK VILLE E WORLD SOUBRES O Eus-asta Is-m aseanationes cilEa R E A Y -M IX E aacambl i Biaiacaelsaerts-a discaccahactaitcus- old sous-ces of enana laa hat advaetaaa Titea a qD . Pcccs- Ccne--r: c'tc it hll O Nmi:~ Londonîduicals-Jula, a The~ Ciurch of Esgicd la i Caca- PHONIE OAKVIILLE 928: an cagr t a h ride rrnieta ha u mum mu m u u...u..u..... e NEW DOBGE -50 MAKE A DATE TO SEE THE NEWEST, FINEST DE DELUXE AND VIIDGESPECIAL DE LUXE 5 eTHE SPARKLING NEW STYLE Na. s. - b .a. . t5a-sth.lsass.aid.aMc- n. cath. h q- b.ccda. la. assd b.d 4--e THE BIG, ROOMY INTERIORS- D12ew A NEW DODGE FO R P ROO 0F DODGE DEPENDABILITY, SAFETY AND PERFORMANCE- OR ASK ANY DODGE OWNER S EE YO0U R rll DGE-DE SOTO D EA L ER TO0D AYI J. W. Higgins PHONE 171 "777 mý ý