urel fUÂT JAt<UARY =%i 195 IN AADA MAPO dW le o eslwo mitahes of etaed for resolutlona taor the e-tnt for revIsing thtetire- udget, aBter the holiday g e-efor giisg eveet more aIatteotion -te halancing meals. Childrees fer the most bave eteplent- et candy la est on tht fiat et dally Soreets are cal eheap. es- y when tht nutittive valu- pn lto arosai. tNoventher Ontarlo Nutrition lIn had worthoshilefelorma hatS the Met Imprtant food *la a musc In tht hudget. Il 1h for ehldren es Wr500f this authorlartplAto o o-Up Week Paît EYES EXAMINED1 SATUEI2AY OIANUAEY 7th JANUARY 21sf 10.00 a.m. ta 8 p.m. GRIMWOOD Jewellers OSE. Milon Telephone 113 A. (Hank) PEACOCE< Rtpeesetlsg MC. H. Prudomnie & &sons Nmras-asp.Bouonilie NUJRSERY STOCK -Hîgh-geede Fruit Totosý iioli Fruiand rd cpe Vires, Orsareectal Trees. tort- Irot-r,. PeronaIr, Strate. 000esornd HalOS, pho" Maltoantas- R R 4 Miter bASH FOR DEAD LNIMALS OWS - $2.50 a [ORSES-$2.50 a OÔGS-.50 per ct (Oves- 250 Ibs. each> ws-ilsg se Ire and cotndtee PHIONE COLLECT MILTON - 294 GALT 572R INGERSOLL - 21 Wl» srve mllhtMilk o. the- onyseucet etcalcie and iho- flatte rohlrh tas ho usod hy rhttd- rs ovry day. Ohhtrto c o te12 t-cars cho havt a plntofet rlito day otals 70 per cetrofe the data' seed et ralciumteqtlited for croc. te of hoer. Mllh protes hmahigh nurtivie relue and l rheper 50ev protele ltrotreret; tee quarets et oilhrcotiîeos tch proteîouas ott-ord et heef. Hosi'math millat One plot of relI tloteîrlth other fos istîd ie Cnadas Food Rotes aupplies tht calcicum und rîbotlavîs otodu et otildreerop te 12 pars One plot, os d thrrugh the day, dots rot rer ntheeeppe tte for 010cr toodo Adoleetos cerd aet burt oct and o haIt plts a day. é Wheo 10 srte mittot Pretreebly rrtherend ofrerttoasrntotc -ducethe00opyrtote foroter ortd- rd torde Oetworo toels ml should ho takn tro ut ur lithocco hefrtrhe colt irrot Ther oooilillo M ,~MlUkn15 w~NEWS~ ~ uth ai Expes-t Markt» naEttore thr ceetty choral prertices chi-h Baow ta PeIrntry Prod«ers,it s rrprtd tetlget ordere cet Egg prodoreres ueo lhbrg etee- the ceet et tenurust151h. Thi- rifie e hotleg t preceot ecg prirto roreher lore oitb oreiler drîrgat- tomne prultryrotae halceted, lors trom. ther Juor Par01010 coomented te ge tdhetofthet- gireups in Hltor worad tet lokhtAtttemoment hon rcroeoslrthetucestîtothe ptolo-l areertrameattrctiverurd as - mttere ettort tht deornd le tre- GUERNSEY AND tOLSTEIN ted. In tht malt hrorrvr, the BREBIES HOLDE ANNIOAL gret reJorlt-arr.rt e tel tang MEEOTINGS TRIS <OMINO the cIre attitude, mtrkrirg tirer iVmO. forethemmenteandat the erll Tht ArouaelMetings of the rest riîportuity plat te do 10100 Halter. t-lcrrsey and Hotini cuIlito. Hec produters, te a 0001 Oc odets' Cluho are bthedoltd tee ltmer tet reoulsootetrgtviet1hrrming wcr00 The tfore New Yeeeclrtheconstdebettrepty.. tigs tobheld ailtorooo hidtio.With fet graies sI their WdrdoyJrctyOs ono prestoprît-os, e hog peretf 25.20 J. A. Cet-trîtl, topteirterdo- ot or thraouoto te gorg ta eltarr Agreul11tral S001e1101 for01 10 a vry r-to-mot-gir. Thetu-ltj()1110100 lot-getot sc er.vioilo atieron spoticulerlY seretno 0 tllie Hoit ntret-deto mort t he totior of Ortatrio dot 10 theoOtr e Towtoshit- Holl et Tratlg.ît-or cropo ot 19016 Froc the tandeoi lIr'dry, Jlourort-121h.At tis peitt fcpting on crrldcmar- - îolc'og, W P. Watson, Ontario ris ort-priro orcol eftor hiooooOj1 S",kCocoî 110er il b otgrIculturaI reodoce orer 000h-,0 t, . ,] ', ,P.1 valuoretc1 of l ci et alererd 0y- cdiý i-hg. Whilr e 0 -rO i-a a~ret-h ,IilIot tt-cl- hl andrt 000 rorî0100îWithisofotîc <it Ioootilg.O-lectOy br Ol t- a uo cooitil ouoldsermc ,ie-inoaothe0mitoit, iicland ot-ilrigoht of coco-tei th, Whlatt bcd of milket ony pt-i-.-lrd downt,nor oervoldbhit lThi- mceting a0i000 ae f-. ro Oc tt-,oomigostaton.The lcrIlotmi hthldtoo std. rndorecrruld b-inoacoch sourd- largeta fiOdrl-oand th t- ^,llio et h gce e Oc10- Wholrcmilhoohrettformrst chil- tt- tcocmie poîtien. Horoot-er he toio)ct-t-rOt-o in îlot- gricrîoo îteotchccgr ýe lrrg weh tht- îlrn.Skimcmihcontairs asmaroch ith thethigh oiîtoftlivirg iooocu t011fild ar0 r îir co,,e 1, ght._fra otc oprty. calci m, rhflir and prteinas et-hoocentres ardithe presorrit a0- 01oc arecordtrcooiloe.itoo. One man raooolord and t.kcr ovhoir clt ard mer ho aord te itrdrîofmanofotooclabourcioî]ci(] ,al a oohcmeetings. tuth Grcnceel Hcital inGulp-h rave -t-oit e.Chooliot- deill-mill t-t-t e cool t crmch hope tofor sarciollt o ijries-irs tct-tlord os gonrclly tticmît lkpiu o -cto- art- ormediae oredortior le rh-i INTo0R-(LIli DEBATING Friday tight 00cr hit c t ockc rli t tor Thte toxt-asucar pro- cool et thoto article Ive atr 0001 Tht Haio- Jnosrbtn u wr nahde pl n coirolrooih decor. Childt-oc thould oîg toro o idet-y.In rihtlo, iiiS oi, Jroo Dhto o ierthde pt noet cecogd trcartocweta casofhirry rpeotiogorolfS isgels udercrot-inFeht-oriy cteditvreirîhe dith ter ockl- rhootaerco and Nroetciîî de- oîd. Inhoptal is Elgin Criopro fonds. and egcritual rl tcer arer fie haie tht ouhîci-Rt-oloedt-d lerotRocîrod whcoîetined lacr- - tt e tort tht squeeze. Evertu tost h ac n eee hrces fothodgtsoat-eotrtmad ted ecoirrttt vriro IOst-rrsricinsa00 s oe ro-ri -h -Ocerî ro ant-- dioeo pttra, lOtte lcoo clhOr o s andt- porotossonisp se-il haiog tp. The crt as a rcam- .1 rngh 'Terear for een- lstnr fuure, terensut l fet'on undyohooid he coored "-- te creet. fii fni) crorodoi thecFood Bad- t-dci ninrithtcrt frtmrtrti -Lest Thocoder fernooro the grl 111 Planoing meato. 21)lioy rerd gauod. Tht pt-ocrttaiono 110W TI BE HtAPPY BPrdmoetCe. plat-rd host te 380 ogifords. i3)Strogtrfoodl(4)rrlrolrulodt-iredrt lc chodredroepaeeoîinthe t-opairg tods. Alcolt al thoofautrod grodstart-aoi pI I, asntinsana hrsmspry di h plnigidmetahrneeond in- doJusthoc filo t edone li lt ~ i i 0s00e rIroitahap- oxaooaThet. rthtdr ctrd e chec g supplies or hard. oil 01'lot-uoîte et-. Necrethelor- nss Iltor crie rc t ehe p Rot ThotreFakTr eot îc-îirgtfoodhdertisereotrut- v0esrf, goi0gtirht-holdtorh tra-c lt-orar coco Ylrcr.,iea 25percent.rietrtccct-cin thetuan ing gmenuroplois.coiilg gtrrcert-Io ggt-otrhtriic oîîîaîî - 0t-ioiyiiof-t-rciii rot-cool riothrooro lots andîltcdigcwhre te shop. r hbrt-Ifhiif r,toovecihprt-0 ih.in>, îl0 lek.liiolirohtprtdhr foi' h- i indstryor a 000atr iirooihc i-,,ril w000 fi, oi theo'Actot-PostOffice driog this! 00 cot roccol otr. rîhc i ',ut ri liiliOil00iî rk ti lera,00001 hotodat- roih as cocpreod on. ritoiiioiooiinqa't-eîpa s he ceil, rîcr, i ri poi,,in1o 1- y. -ct-ct-Prt 00 trocct t cirro 00e, O lt iopoî iî lrorioiloiii i0011i col-t-d101i0tdot-cm loi - liilhilcoigc ThcinaOrielNFA pollutionliers menro tcroit-t-o Il liiclii ad bloi. -lo hiiot-fl in1 ttt G tO t tA 1 fooi 00ctr 1 liii h in10lh-0 0oo, m1 1ýt- oîtî i oly-h. Thecadvrolrgec îîoîî 010. t-cii-,oIoîl irl[iiiii il !d00 1101Bril iIhI lloiO hiioiOOo - h o niracnot c oId lcoophrogc i., l Il) 10 îîîof hiae ri,11, 100 ii il'n'a loîi. l 'no i rt-r rds1Dr Ie 0. ipIri iii c r " fcoco'or 00litsliritdo co req ,e 'h, al, .~? :Ï li li li i li If 1 l U1l0e al, ilio. i ,goiii.g t i de ab out 01 h, gl .r il 1101- I fi ii-01anldl10-I Ill oo-oîc o h ol .0ooI Thcl cii o-O efu pirloo c occiiot- M o,]e i I cfiii oui Soll,-OiohoO iii liii iio Ibi i o o îîîo lliioooloocprt-diott-el ,111îcî grainl 1000 lili -orîîîiîcc(o-l ili-r-i-iy o o 1,,11-,r, in crieîood e lot 0, " Il 1 ,ro, Il c if il 00 lihi 10Ill jicl ilii I o i - ih if 10 , g tfl1 .bcr i hIo , li- cl u-l 111 l-1illil OiiliniifiZ. illiOîi-,,iîiiii-ii i ,"I.ihil hi . 10110 00010 i lOi 1,110i ,l! 10 00 i. i l I lî c of11, 1 , l I ininioil hu rt- c-re is( i cain 101 111r1- ii 111 ilio 101 tl l e01 pre opeln ,tt-iceroi k s_____ SOuan dO î To i,c,ioî (o c ,- hý A ool f, 1)k g or i o d ta thd 1 a l le nd ho ig ghan d i p rii- AT O 1010 ,i, c îîl -coi t - O* îttîr hD ,,skN ,S ; t iI r i- O r c, c i o 101 h i i hooîsoad ae rla l e eý I(,Isi a-Och i ?lt , gli oti-- ia",00il tîîîîîîl coî cîliîilî!,d! .101 ord loc oc- h 001 -oic icIil o o i k000 1,:_ îîîioîî o f i lm geu il T, , ,1i,, l ",oilo i 1;, i Oi-I îîioîoi.r Otoo 1 boni Or ii- 1 Oiho-,%iiOi ,'ieiiciad righOu ln l 'hiiie,,lc iic.i ionhh- 010 di-1000 Coo lli Idiiioloiig P rl o l ofoori liii ,t-O,0010 oui11oc10d00 ltoc lOi tOIl ', ol o c a-bo Thi Ad' oi colOeIl oo- i i 010 coîoiliy .11 iho.coocd't Shotlyht-troceinîg, odO ct-o table ciid oot-h ocre-hiae liqu Iotg- î-oiîld coîohtencî Sec i .- il Aid t-t t-t rt- the o îc Or-î,olarot.Dotcco. -An, h loflihOhi 000 AdO Il-, 0 coo ,î OcO coico rCy io. leî-asî ro fCtr,: A, I il i1, d Iic I p d ol-elc, ati oooI Aoik ii,,kd 10 Moore's Paint ipe and211<Pipe Fliilîger WESTINGHIOUSE Refsigea-afrs, ties, Laands-y Equipano, Radias Elentsisul Applianes hart sarcan iooloiriiitHallooFridoi 1901. A c0100000doohorIjn -ie1110 010100T.riî,0T-opic cci i- .,îoîry 11h ttii0 li hocco tîooc 1901 il, 19-I6 ohetore 't h',1 cor 100iooî 1 lrOnOiy li?-d Cifyrt-tYîiii iiiîîîîiîlîo,,o h ,d'i- îot.Oochr t. Cerohd11 ig olhhrh, ki ci' -,cdfooeofo3ThPt-in00, frliOidi,o- Toicrlitiii1îcIciot inlu h0. iicriiuciiicriîoohoco0 ting coocoîoîolîog hi,st010v,lrtdîrd Irliio.ilhtbr i.h 'n îîî Tc - f iicoh h 10 i<in, n r OlOt' - 100,Tii -00ingho ro, tI lou i-l li li- iiiohribcf of ThriOD , ii , oî ccoot-hll tr ilih. kiîîîd oochU , ,c i -100 -o o 00 Icîllo aod.'t I, hîrocooli - 0000rOc, il, n if hm, ,,,iii"c !fi no',00e0u1 o 1il- 0 l] b, wdOc f i r itOioiki Oc oct c O lo fe li rT- 1~ o ,î - - t otil, b', he.00 i g o100 i SioZioo1- o iiii-Ot-00 oteakers in tOisrot-tron00of Offrloo Accodnrg te Pre- dro Rot-t t-t 10e GAG., hr rootd Se root- lt-oi t het insttittion rry rit-ht inoh lveke, roreeqeentir t-tIton Juoiio et-t-acet tertetei n bisg abl-ii lt-ctr it ce-otanecooft lt-lt- l ritatten. Anotht-c ttreofthiiîo t-ct-ongsprramm-emst c ihc prceotetion ofotthtet-or Junioor Fccct-c itre COS1NTY (lt Astepolettfteethetvint(or montbc ha te ho a Cocct yChoir. Secetar Stey- Jet-ha hors otetaete inecirg Mc sAeo Padoroît te leader Milto Jcninc hl.aro tady etoentlarned Up for Geu i s-dOt dis-e anu4."M uad kindtLag -... bhae uer i bs-t ln a JIft" il rl« .. - iltI a QUAMEBuBina If-c Heala prent bSor umtated b h m ee pteonak Iaw-cancomim ç JIms mly by QUAKEB.o I.üm idi.it outut m lm e iotrnta yptt ifl 2. MId Cdslto tep f» est. u clerIo @Mr mIMI C AsInute te la 00. ý 1 G;EORGETO'- F.llowoog aniolssofoitheer cc-has, Mrs Walter Thîomas Fore-j mndied on Derroober f9th aithel homeof e her daughter, Mec. Alfred Sykru, Georgetown, Change o ownrrhip otalocal oct-tet business os anoreced oît the ewoctt' E.L."ia" T y- lot hba cold ho oce-art rgecy wch ho operated as the Taylor Teratî r Service to Douglas Swaoohhe of Brarepton. Ms- Ssearkhacta r ilO operate iO under[ the cosce Georgeoto Treotor lier- At a rercnt smeetinof the tatIon Conseration roeroittee, Mr. Goo. E. Eliott, president ef the Hlton Coooty Sportsmoose Assciatioc m sooaeed that four haver had been refoased ln Nasagaweya Township. Notct taetolg the tact tIsai these anîmoîn ceroccait raaed astIl Septcme, thy eeeotda dm3fi. ie hetcht, but thetr ointer hocme and an arssererof acres e ente has beoflooded.-Heafd. ACTON Il wîll co g ad wtoo t- that Beerdnore and tC.. h-e otIl feredto A rienoxîres tlrd _010oot0fth- tot rh, 100 -4 Tom & AI Henry Phone 8 1W Milton -ANDO F-US ÎSOURE NEW SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT.' daoea PRJNCESS THEATRE MILTON ONTARIO PHUEBUAt-, JANUART St-M tlyse Knoxrood dosord Norrio Forgotten Women (Ado h) Keri y Delcor and Uho e rkel It's A Joke, Son FEIDAY and SATUEDAY JANUAEY 6-7 Gacpryo-or aoc JenArthor The Plainsman MONDAt- and TUESDAY JANUAEY 9-10 Ray Millord ounJJcan Piiorîr It ilappens Every Spring NEXT THUESDAY JANUAEY 12T-H ',-aN igeac i chaellMî. d inOîg Piccadilly Incident - -SHOW TIMES - All i tr rm 7.,0PM. andMati J t -2.0 NM UnI , thirO se Advrtse o u s e s Meut as a pin*** W 12 arm ail winter with QUJ My QUAKER Iny REATER r, JAMART 5m D COAL- Amerisms Anthracite, Ai Sizes LIVINGSTON EITUMINOUS and ANTHRACITE STOKERS Up-to-date Pil Bumners See there in operationf BUILDEE'S SUPPLIES Gypoet ardwell, etc. Lime Alati.t Alabasline Gyplea Coal Cornent Coke R. S. Adams Stores Ltd. MILTON kWAY, JAMARY 5th, 1950 nR CANAMAN CHAMPION