Ut ftubiên 4hrnpî Volume 90.-No. 31. MILTON, ONTARIO, THUBSGAY, JANUABY Ssii 1950 Bighe Home Pint Pages--Sm tCana LODEPCrnvlNonagenarians MANY EVENTS AND COSTUMES AT CKRNIVAL Masontie Lodge Anodier Brawl Mark Seventseth jOfficens Instalird Hlad Good Events aniSveary At St. Clair Lodge Mars Dance on Fine Costumes InstallationMof.llHeuf Ci.sClairNew Year's Eve Th riiWsnr l aes UtsCtipo.olbotdnhl lc md e Gumhco 221h. 194. Iotallbt ghPeteOs Dance Fluer Stapped isg ancd Costume Evense Clu aeniesaruy utthilehomeon. Maste M. S. Sproat snd hie Buod r ysde ieAas Dueuohuu 251h. Mu. Couse, lenleia ietellcd the ail or tt1950/ as B SuDstie Ca 9th yuu, mue oe ufthc origleal bOume: aceI Coe Neacly 80]Peuple ttedod the be persi 'troas ie siw. Masetcc BW..Buot E. L. od Camit qeeaed ptcJueaudh eIIP. Mac .Ba.W .ladal;Tata actotoatu wee-end loi- 'Carnivai sponsred by the JoWuadee.RoaA.T..Waadflcy:iiJodents maooed theo verYOuthMe MonueChapte IODE. hld uI ctoiheprclmueua- ISrdc. oaEe Haymud lu-hpy hcg metIudutt Miltue Annece taIWdeedey id oaicillp bp the vilegueîtf aiRv .M ea;Tesueclb.etebgnigo 90 oeeig. TUtue uester eel t a-,tube Trase Eldue Niliy poudly W laioe. . . ClCuyn; ToSeueta, Tceiecochudcgie ish1an Out toated masttrallctie letut j1 ae noathe hc batr celg a .W ro.. M.luot;Assitan-teo ocgnediroul ed oui- en bath theaceltaitnd chdldee sgatt bauquetc0170deeporedrese . ecotary .B.Chas.ty .o .a h Tw aldnels e laser."ta mak the eet aI hauid bWcB. .. PaDa son-r D,; G i Ca thcae wHeadecganofYutnm Thaougoht thc ccciug bac takd", hecxpiuedue"ad astaW. B.WKeneats;Jamae. Daca . .e.Ycatemhteeagbaeglpn ugc etiemem kcpt the audicecaiaocot taueaiofthecoeatuitye c. W. Kca WtuacJo Gae, W. oneaccutiottod a boueo mue ihterhMrU tdsrg ogut t flol cupe'.E H-attcy; Sc. Stecard,BRoc O. L. fae.Aaodieg ta ayc inecuae, alaeueda, the hagu egoammtcy Mr. and Mot. Cousce iao ceiccd utel m ioepc mdfouaed mut cegutoituo îe-gomuHadict; Jo. Steward. BEtc Gocgo tbcy ccrt, ceabie ta drteoeliee jatt ileaeheight fthe omados, qiito ýfrtcin'ronadeacitl ccaee Ioa Nca.l;OgeatWEPict ttOoddacemh. j hhily octuned mneeducifthe castandedcablcifoa teingi. Tyler, W. . C N. Kotr. bactbat thc gang, boliecd ta ho we adu ca r c hondlaies Heory Cause scred epleg frocnt Hamtiltaa ta Duedat uattempt- ate, he isaly uîayrd the boe ai Reo jei15 ad euS a 1cm btit o hedac chru e ouclul alie acp t ucuauuicd Hueal ean 166e%.of ' S. CARStIS TeeED N fldua.pOneofbte gcegtOc dac e tup e of ucrred na. i no EalisuteiroONTAHeedN Tht9 jatk-keato anddtabou theliioe ejuce Whle ther mccceuoetolle enaoae tact plucu le Peie N.Y. OtroagiedU ilprvi caesccssonedd hSe ChiefofPai01cr oftedfeetcass hr mnBeo hywn Ch-uileregard ta United States isictaichaimaln owndaupp capso r tere compttillue te sevaeuftutehauend le 1995 tai -; jccîoonteisg Caca/a cc Traccîot.toeoodmoioocaaeo raese,. hee hyan d girlse demeugouedece Hers- Couse la rePrus Dto h e vne hmfo bigapeed ieeoccthe of the cooet ycur r.Ou che.u eoa speed hoeoris. The Girl Guides village tutteed son Jan B . tl aDou tuenh tacumf idaeu- *eaoded top pieer ue hcg the maie grace.The tsmity iselwsbdycto h aeadm frheteupadrueuPueeicldnuteeeÂPlu 'S. cas octtea gCanada e 1,cicud mdicsl attueno uetther thI lust mecneskehtetahc- ,HoccthHllywmoud Cal., us lclel- Mlton ja1ilThe dacm acoderd ep.t le the curicrl. cl orginece; Rau gadauce, ue Meoinueae mr iieacîo uula iieAshr es to Otao, lig 3pur etc c eetapreototetuhr can fiecsumsI disploped a h anvlhl iMlo rn it at frtchuedalitear eprovinces. 1dt vn urhrtobe Pluhttas ue rge ms- gueduealeesudtho grcS- Wedneedsy eoeieg. About threseeaumbor cf ectrias il ahthe c/il/res and odaliAccudillg ta chu Doiieo u-n Mru-egta a uuge OW he crelel muh havce atI gaue--lddesu. Mre.nry Cears lassemure ileveideacu îhrocgfcaat ther ertire prcgcamt. Pitrd sbuce are came aio/ h au co caisuticu. duicg chu euech ita Ber eatheutoor mas stulete bher 'ohlle nhe M einhsll ause ol ter o h atRe Me. Meecel ey fine uosumes mcic mre emardeul prizes. A mat/erarcdeudag/ier camiaetice mass cifcepechcc alase, 463,175 UýS.toaco mwherer il msspairired oeMats #ih priore ib arhal Cus f tretvll.criHrod1 uotrcees uelrcod Ontaria. Ta Blreuet. Mr e.Palhereetue teld ther ýed!ehraIrieeoaltui hu Struetiacie, ccphrms, slleeded the dagitr, o, G hy sioce tir besiIsadie Nationasl cstuthte, lefi. Miss SadesBell, rig/at, iS dateuocd Occ,05,3a terTrs apomdice herterd oloostre a rua l ea- c. ecooeIleCoohteeco. shoi her ccranibel uostome. Homecur, s/a o mas eut s fierce as ilcaso ted/a culbute. Sic uampered iîh 989,975 daceng the ges.A ru/edioa utushîr cauere NupVrI lehie linimituble e. mrstnd Ma. Couse uare th le mas smsudced isi j uinuhldreateclslse,,eos t/a besti cf oie foecpad camic cstumes. Frsek cm oidl 08 uluos oest etechce h a 'lu as Meese etCemerseie.heplgfood health and Ms. Couase Saut Peran, eset, 83-pese-olul Mlton resîdrat, proadly bcams sfrer hieg amardeul the prile fur of 6 perocrut. hsd raot heenrecueuurud YusteeeuY. pegtg lauts.e pce. el heu ceaihosecweeh 'nd he bieg the cîdeso perusan auskaesa tedieg the big uccet. lPFor pli ct Canado the cutu<y Chut utfPollue, Hsgh Wsutelsg- lowbg tUtu dieplu-andsuddgeho hued hardie hic oct haeochtsi a ere iuesad i1,1,3. tnaanisudasenwrit Iootuee,the huge ceemd ouee- heceM. Ceeueseaie ta__________________________________________ uthase tahu mighi tarttroubhle le ptedthe eucrol un ilaltkuat-î is Icegucts-ta hl& proatession Milmon rc - 36 he aeicipalitct. Hoe aid utuhrr whah i a ose a nte uetht cMitol iS prcectionula bMîco peeidudet m tesuule utfthe judgleg utfc-' mancat heip hbutice iuug"Peu-r a sa1& TtIGRACB CUURCH AYPA. talpit oia c osoaerucis-deil tgitees are:Childen' c os.cl-hape ta, retournhlI:fe tloua EhI c s r aie LBCTS OPPICERS a a i îh we.es iulsue8 ers. Bnruad-vutcbiuniore"but 1 ieucdit C m it s N d ai POR THR YRAR uver uaiiviiie wMtacy oalbruprivaau, partieescrac 'e learients. David Bell; i1-i2 ta a cauisteat dltofci meefonds U10 e ,. cccdaated thrughactthUertome r"t.Sndra Wltc. Shirley Wl! - il yaa mut ta heep bheoattand Llu/Mnulatmetin LaG 5 le naNrkitct tathcMl 12-1 -selMueicm Foc' ty ay théera thua/ted.ui (IrCahueAYPA. ahellia S 15 onca luBugd ui us *ýdaBell Ru- -0yueotig udacacaca ,taiJanaryt ddai _t_ ~ohet IouMocatoFaas thaaactacc ThcttIloiiaaicltu ereo efuateo Tis TeaecIn Hall- A seond dtcm,eudaneu as ý*eétc Keieuec1-12Y005 iuacd ODREPNR ca latlcd lraya0:Hacaracihatd at Miltoc Inn Ic spitu cf he Oull:Sad«aad o Wle.M P. OR APPRAL FOR Taire Stape te St Up Funselerplace th,' tacchich hobahc,.c ta p ta 'dit'. HcJ Hamac Fati: Shul-Milteu TueUt An ancotaablu muatheccnditicns, L E Caaduhildoud Mrst C A CHILDRINS CHRITMAS Plan tue Ecploerete Meut attaîca otfac ttp.sttfeau- attThe t PuaI ta dat. Bah Marchall; alp Lrad larec/a eatdu atcuaded sucer.al fooad.Chdldruu cmbe costume:u Grate Bqiramecte. W. B. tptittdtta dtaccatacia/lut attîaPtaidatct. Tato aacatVaacecti tatooffpaithecela- lëndra Bell. A gicosrs-newsrc ec zeadA'pined t * ihtlcsacdaaollatt Pc, deat Caac ac gacaa Suc.. L-t tht Millton lotitaadtatesatinfrasce- 90 k.cu Reuatla- ilu 8-10h caa ta theappoial ai tbu Childuccu Aid holBadwe DrC.A A etra edf.nth HalrT, Busl;TosM ryG c;hne Okiie hi eod suaoi Taiod, -cIta uarris, la-la hocietypftac uo ihri u to a auuîuî,t ehs ur aDr .A iatt.adti, aH T oton . J t.11 Tact Hilu o n, taaah h dcd U..t I,, hic tt-'aad asic Jcsc McClulcua-.,Hutedoy familles au Chritmas. Dctiug MatieteBReigssatien Aceper tad ,cbttI> ittha United Ctîîcah. il attCcta ac aîtt ,,ttdtu acagmuh att: 210JanMct:Jah arctectcnumcocaubHacc tt-tacutýtea cttaeantio fCutaîcati Jack Tatat BillOacacct aad Bah id3--aithtait Mltat tahIca a NOVEMBER REBT fiBrstw.Bos-ý-I0 hcarstiostcallcd $83.00. Thc mcucy Thet aut.imetinohagaMilton the -tts,hthhie tth thttcaai atalaaccac.JccdOa ad i caa.dtth aacad nte am -d,.i tlt Rtc wOaa'llioncct-a-lc oi-tit a udy.Htmdtil tton.aaaacc, ad Janc yiicdi Oil.il.iaitait. lchttalcdci lirecilCeuuy:12-4 yaoi- Patl cat ie.dlc bty q atiuc iaou. CacheadîcachaldilccTcatdaycameaThoOa-t oct aataadaac.a joch ar Mtah.itaHuuit;acoiaaaocacdyadoanaa/cuccdcaatctc Thatacnutascftlhcfasttit- Acacacciaacltt,at-ît 'lthcacPlacîttlacauidt.tahtti hCtNitladacaacacc h. Ji Harris:acmclcccudaithchchicthiic ,.,a g ta calca/iilatadathac strogscidh di,,d ttetmcaihcbctoauý rus. oi.atOuiacTce ttOhcuuaChristastdm-ic- taac taad c/acahaat/ Tho Caccad cala dIcdof hehi _latuan ctarvd. c ijha hac ccalaa htI b -nccc auahs ail kain ch:ai D caothta atGtt ca oc/Oct, taandlhaaadîcict/ fattuaatalahcdtftr/ andadotatt' eio lute eS Macrici icholsou; AdO clt , uýidc tthiit/ mccc alta ctcittd Thta cc C. aatit actaca id cOK . att Tof ha.c m tu/ ca pîtat lngWthî la 't oti id ,.tanud lmct a- ai i n or cc tcoaîou îdslutacut Natontatcaot -Titchro hîbisgueocudy tcMicCHta tachha Itttohcc at-i Oeîiv oilir(ld 8111 itdaoftha-ccýda t.thé ortiîh e su laak h Teachatcare entalby White;: nutaul oucalcîca Chil/cucu Aid Sciety icOl abet a iah, Uccat RcacK.C Hl/ - ciaahliet in b / ld.ThisIt tane dgal t, ad gatat ctli ;cacac ha hiuoggail t. uesAtinaTacod; ctieccactarcovcidcChritmathxesfrauicOthecmcath. CaarcalatcsG. F.Thataucca. ltte a tac ta e TaP * <is tît hatu ca htO a/lalacchit t aaNj Mr" . TWhie. entema'failskcmu ta bu la cccd aI C. R.Adcton. BC.MMaSM, CaccauilaalditdhailttOfldd Fiiloixe Ittipealis,-onurnefoengrunirdur Zsc 01/Tîme Costumeu. cj. belli.ad Chrjismast muuboigiuleccd Euaad. H. .P olwhaa cu umnCtc Ccicad dthe OSarkinahl t --dvet Tutiaax , ai atthata'cin îacicdîîct taeithtldaaathThe pare laoh- Riit1cmc HfoMchrl iumacy liltîluchlducu aiaf c o ta fi 195tthe laah adacnt ta the aca. The L.atcc whaatcaccattttimpt-uctiit-Graytacqiettuthev ,11,amy Milc ccnd Bcrtci:Tha Chddit'tAid Scictytviabuhus taath poinciltWcclttdhdl t lhaaal c a ctlt ctd d tldcîtcofthe garnicta the caOacc. tae 7/c-ct/c acd laco cpht cinhcd. îcutly ccu: Moc H. ruuh acdta haahthe îc/îaidualc cdc/cacoitd aticommitdhmaat-Iesr aamntmdtaciim-adhcia ottat îcîccad Tacdac Shappchad diata thatacpealties. Fuat cllatc.acc/shc/.hboisacd ac.Cccc.hcastifumahcc HIc t atia oaiahtio h hlud tetacouammod thccmttcaltt tîîvefchltîot uon hnte iewsrpe cnio wSeatad rts ,sasr soiyadcmot jtc O ct/cOpuruac cl-saer:taamakatibisc,'cchpossiie o yr0forthe ryc.A lttutcdus cadtcciarD.CA ctfutia c ah Linccabastltiah oneaticcc. Maoallifohbaadic/ Thircuti'uet intheclidchciufc- ic/cs as ao acly appocciatud. Thfoaicaataaottltttts dhtciah ciahcucit/'t tatctcahcu/Ucicctc c/t/corhcatatuitci/ct fiord sicgle gcntBilVauhc cuhoclaachfttt/ adhatheScuiety. Fanaacet-Whuwlcti ktt uata oHtgh Saheel Dstrict Board. Dtcaaofthaetcc.CharlestTcl- th, ielch rtatoinuca ttes]-tticri. aguate, OSeécsh uf ,I-th FI macticd/gentJack ut<l Mah Tht hlcaîc/ îotioc mut pacct ad are,41.oGad Valey.hbatthot ,gsermuerleisuai-ly placabatfo gcand pioc ife al ccin m NO DIAPPOUNTMRNT iet, L,/ht ccd Pctîac Thamo 7/aod ra ýlaad ihalPF.WR.Fdt ahacgdd adOcaicluco and dacne-'I, acaidactct.LiaCcama Tc -c i tac~~~~~~~~~o. Andetsoc, Hldtath gaddhaapicdatht at cnats daaîcc ha pcovincial cltc Ct tdMaaa iuallt _______ ,iOcHcch Marshal WOcacHi alh; Mcccisgrlbcapiiath re'nMeno d l he lteuccuhandcuccmbatcto AO./-ctdofmiro,îinOlahoata trs-odwot. .pI,,,,t.tathtcNMrth HIca Mct. Hciac A/ah.o Brocahhc caîb taonthctasc hcttfoMilton. J.acThclcpucc Hhaahclfihitatrdlfaat cbalcalaatfGcth /diu/incPeeliach mcahîcaaptccgoals.Uacc Ccerccotol'auumor/cddY chc Mlon Chuptr103F chchhacd ad îhdldicaaha .Tac-a Hall ccd Prapuct c atiat îatc 91 i gMacat piDt/l.ctapton. tac ta ttc Oahadtc caasthctc hbicgcc ntnac syt'aro ctoess- filuil 'tsaca an tcicila i h au a tO i tît idaciaa t i bhit-htaHcIduccaclh. Ecaaad.nt heic as bu a hg r 1aae chc'utaa stcclaOctîî.îca taîaamîlaca ht Pcîtcoa ad CochcaiaAt -Th.tttnaolitid M Pc%ýt'chaccah at/atattttaltaicccitatc/altUca aeuueotaoOchihigh atcchadcuccicmholuhataah eîca ,canxccaicta dtocaun, Nitacli, CiaO tilhttihc.tatOautdhitlaic'tî-tLohuhtg:iathalhicd attcterdansthonduc t aoc -aMilton Milliu/ Campaty,'mîcctdlth'.and MatMabIAu/couac Du 0 H'oia.Clieta cla h ît1uh u, -lnuacîial and Pacing -Mhat A IttIfa uaîcaîîb a c.-'d AitarofciSaahccc cctîecaaeata BowncSpaak.h.y C aca Sucacd +----------- - Dr.t C M/cao pHýtaîadhecat hiaai mata ti, ihîtlah.'Eeaacd.Whcml tcatcSa -hlac haia , d Caorgc Clciat.daîvercaf he tîBlt ityPtcduutu. iltnCachr ou ai hr ctark i htattd Sccac ahtU- Taataabaccgbia- h ht tc ccco'îîtaE d îcatatu- Conn Eet ltiautt. Impéroiaî 11Cacîpaca. adhuahlcthahccat'forth j I, us fae ot, t Eloarri.'.MM Nicholson Mciuc. Ict poc/haaccnht cti cc rMacu.tauaat.s..Police raid the caîdettccaîîtcd In lac ., cac. Caaac ,Mlcc.cc aw; kccaud . uCarrel. F. Mai- /ad aa,thitrcttfugetîa d tht, ccpofaadct.P. Aîtcctcd1îacm hco tahttasaoeciiAtataPa Lua iia SituSnatck Bar, Imuoatl hitcuacacblu and thatr osuccat tact utadiecat /Coeadaprt-andShtal Assciutatca tc tctin onaactd andmtaaed tattadrcuhc hppod adRoBasse. ctucet j MsuoSrviccStation, Pach %cattced Ithcicouamicdt Ca' ccla atie ctecu jrethnu timtaiaocabYCaohcil h in-c Themactiuahaae. __oN ____ -R-,NAIO p l- iaatha i,, h.oi,Rcd daautundpeiulo 5 r-TcSchacd pattliasuotudo.hsPa.--.Aneoommissjon. Hgaveu a timuatu careta b c sd foaathe the hcc halcca ta thecra oa i-euDi..yIaAaO t ..Iou..îtcice.ccu hum Ioataouuuc s:S.Ageay &ch- ior oatuahuootacc.M M.Wh/toBllaOu.Eataa Ca., Humautacuatahbéatuhcousaa cod~llciauutecor oepo-tcforcmoofa c/albacd.chsPrlun hce dacisiotcha scactaud'chlaages'ctn cuin mplccm«nnt aaaiBauWmeiitt ta Me Wear, Rau Haris- h a thoma Ilîhu ta toc hicce epeiplao th tpcui and piandutchlsociaton at c a2ards Iapun. a iluh efusidtuicancasll îctE/tcaalla'îluh, lac' lte oneo rs o oDuecoiriet Sor. Mltn1ueha1caceucpaouta suumci lcuoyes-iudehthtaa h-u aauauacuda coccuti c tujcdaadlieuaituthei .Tca et.atct/hallmflsale tugecfn.cltet.0e 'lo alMacNah ndSacMilM/tuaéenciafmit"anpcocta hi:boue nteLjkc god.Thet"antictechagecf pace i r m L f ' i e T h t n r c sa y i rd r t a h o n A b -law x ' ' 'trodt, i ita h t bac ba. 1 uciaa Lrtabai i ' attTho .u' ciacla ut ci tc Whuý.lc ttaeocua/cu iom h e padutcae he Ooauiesuaccd b de-tobusdie al a d cmicanya'ciaoftucdî c B,-tat t cacca ta'adlouu tlarle sLtd., Cieesut Painta uce llay, ime o'e thco apmu thuStaeu/tagcoultthepotseturcotamatcou aemsiuc clTduiscucmutu cinedgtua . Catciua'moBiluheroatiaut ad -an 14seMstieLonW, u-arcutua aeciaotaccuti mrgacutaed fortctîll intherhaiscon Majo Stret pasteneuit atheeusaeîcapud ocittOcicane tac huscuete atto- NidS Bkereand hia PlseRide aMRe But-Olucu-toy lu hustie. me uught tao hon au puste ad charecthc umenunt tu Sparon ue ir il otcranl o o-MunanBy i b tteTs IltHrdwarer. Pu//y Wlsone ob/uilethe cftice. If mc duet Co..gautiOttcoucoatot-MuoeeuscdhstaIs he, Tom Der le lar-nd, pott coriutcions, me duel au Rltef orJmuaus- -..... $16 Cotrton a.Im-ud uitsel a rpoil peoplo.Hall, Milrto, eonVias-, Jaauy t elaMsasheothip ut Aseeuolg Arerpiys- me ucicc/ te thu e -I AUEETC2« .I ati uieso satn o ac.Dnig91 * ni. Seperd Txl, St. Law c-Iouale guulussendit ce Su plt Otce - 100 quils- aut the stteaus ftnaitaEEeEempothu hueleuofoeupelseiton aSae. Gerag-iA t: rsceliea, Milles Champioae, 1hc., hu clam lu tile/ ith Ofc ................. loitoe'sdGeuueres osaSors îcac. uuîr Pus-ell, Dc ..... -919.00 thtmuenttartahsecoenect aema tade na Im tsceepufr ounoc xtuu ruaal -Pekerts Deug Stoe errces' Ifmo eit thc thereloaeBRsiestaue puiald ut f iansaItto. The egineere ad-AesaueueludeeumBhlaeetomiamte et iluage aehed ose otthe eatieve fI l upatsaaauu, bath pretlcsllp Mumhters ut Wumess Canapdhe Stoe, er, u/sd t or Se rit-up w mccrtca jl; it mu acoucte puayale.....-.. 62.89ice ocetumutuees lu hta bether er mer u muice ntact. and poltcler. Ct lu have lher pisseet a teSturesc LtMoles- uo/dat m'ou ulrop. If mu clipiMayoueand Cecooll to Der. 550.008 ocuoht. Nope mews lheu repis-. "ueuron MPu aie the tint et- heasg IMe-1 1 k b iear, RF l uculeMithel Bkers-, Prieces on aclaay ta mitc theeu uuuhole. If Pelellg uend Cundececlut 312.30 Lakue upeo-Sl,820 suemi- l ts-t'gecp ehosi e, haxoempt Whus os Wcdscsiis-, -muert 111h eta tE,'. S. Adams. Mhou ho we dot me ar sucon asuae octTact Manland peupeets-. 102.48 le-lte a oet&sa agt treh epthes- basSeerS maleas salues- le- 3 pas le. L/cîit Goeree, Selritue staf; noaclihuiy s- anet soneu ce- eatermuetcs- --............... 4 seter dy. Wtsîtoem t faerasas douea ae ylusueleliS190te- kI, MiRasnHardware. miii as- m umudel the teu.tum.S.......d...lue 45216 s-es hvr?" ucterd the eecaetdmSot 38 ac faDant faeet mm Bka _____- maazine. Wuediel1 - Ice oacreCanadas castlerru Cam- salstetes"Tilsi eîcouaau mueasuReas Pte kIpe3p Ue maIlapalce Cuatue Te tileateuea Ie-ecasCesitt"~7 h gMt-he a uesa ui081 os on ta ltce rgaeagth T eul taxrer sap tedic-e«m CoriilPase arecchtteeles tavehucehan 2,880 fr41 Mhiet urleg stoe," tuIS thse U-mTar'a ies mte heta - ite qeor lne 4t ss cleus. luel irgauepuasp ta ru- lher glaial perlS eaesctm aa afee -bm . Iaê