THE CANADL44N O4AMPIO S- - At Field I l'R-Atmcaene29At- b tu r MlCtn el »X)FýAt fis esidnce.19 Aex-MRPý MARY MARGARET COWAN 1O onter ft.. Bellevile, ormetrly of Atr igIt2-eeeayears 5ciecui- lteometiaaie & Milon an Saturday eveing, ente i00the distitolof0PolerMO. Mm- Jiet Marrie. Don Elgia Fard. In ho ie tti rear, Mary MretCowae. ie of the 220,yard dash, J3k manager of Waiher SorsLtti Maroa Beleile; bioced ubantti01 jale Wilam Coman. titotion SandoY Dan Marshal;1 Elle0 Nords, dear tathor ni Mos. Otor loti. 1949. Mo. Caman, Flan, Jim Ram-hs J. L. Nichalson t(Htler) ai Ki1. mhe mac frmrir MrMargartt ing Mgh Jut initie.-Mica, Margret Ford a nrioo osfevi50lsa Tooetot Mra. . Cunningham Crrq. ca uvle b hesnoa Mrris, Donald A (0400a Do britigo. Mrs. R Par- ira. Arthar an Fronk 0f Peleeib, booati lump. Dat sosIsabel)ofciCsyoge Inter-oncister, MMm- RamselLawrneOfsstaaRlph Twlat. nient oaa in Eveogreen Come- Mrta and a brother, James Carel- Junio Gil-' tooy, Miltn onaToastia. qe of Toronto. Bock. Caral Tamf ____________________ 9neral srvices mero helti an xslllan; 6R yard IN butIMoRIaffl Wtettiody, Ocohe 5h in St. Carl Ttfotet, Jt3 - Lobots Anglican Choooh. Paleemo roaco, Carl Ttti WlSN - inloiffng mentoOtof with itrnt in adjiioingrem- AnneGilbert; R our dm0 Mthor.woasitate Ory. Palbeorers mrt E. Wtt- Carol Toffard. J 00Bt' onctoethr 12h, 1944 laofeo, A Dloheen. M. Der- Cloments; Ramur 'Saonn fnm e'Iltandecastti l" ngR. Mcaron. F. Edwartiand ILCaol Toffard. Atoayn ramocherotihy - Tho Facoiv Prooti. Jean Burk. MaicRAN-It oing nmroyofat CLAUDE NAGER B JoBOY 1 o00 daaghtco. Audrcy Patriota Caudeo Hager pamni omoay tati- rous aba Mcean, woapassaiti amsy O- tai tDtota orta O-'Loabto 75 yard ts*ser lt, 15.dnl t erotonS tho as-IOcDouglas hirCatot Tahre op tht'craosanti aolo Hanm . th . He th5bs-Potaorace, De Nor thittis tili eath ta lay tl dcmt bandi of Lucy Fox antison ofth 1e 'Bl Bruth Deu Fo reit' toeoh hare the cross ita Lawrencoe an Mm- Rager. Mr rng ig 1h Juait, May hope ta mear the gOi-out agero at otiuto i otPse5m o hon, Slpb 9à lna 0h0 srgt teaoi rta, public oo and cti akilfle 91 b n rodj Whererno toars eram dimaSo o c S-bolanti as sacemhr othe;îRa nohmaot Ie OSe homeof aimny mastons 1400 Sf00 in Worlti Wae 1. He ~loagho.ah We tfllmethlir oy andhby. arivetby hitiao,ane sonh s on. tir Mtt-aO00Ronald anti c itr. Mc. Arthr foutras- ____________________Attitige, ApplchY. DGi' race 6 a Fnerol serires mero helt in nnto -itJ D ton . Santiay, Oilhr hhaonHostn Brevities - tho, t ot-mtor frontaOerit for Bay emoco .seorve ta Paleomo Daneti1C Boys-h -5Mr.Wc. Cle piniord a fiteot Manday lterateat mot In Pal-Ht'ri. oa casple oifotoit orapbrree in hr rmoaCe ratOtt. Bit't-r grden ovr tht week-endi. A mott. Caolyst cample mat shoottth0e Chsmp<aio Chiltit. anti they Oere finsi qualit. Conservation Pay Baysacemareor -hmbacshe acaneGary EOh, Terrer mangemntiof the osat~oehoDoivn Farm GDr1s' aippiaf mi 16Carol Rene Milton. M. W. A. Bmt Trckey -Holt oaf euceedc M. C. W. Andersn. bMr. AItaat-toa h lttoo to, e htppt Trliey epcts t laieup recienc rvaor-tion dtahmobsrenot SCanada' Clarke, Eilocn at in Mlton iaboutba mntb. oas observedtontthe iormnto eer Weeba- -Workmeo have hogan the lat'- Doit annu taro tn ahighwtit- ndor e--muUy DO ingof truabacooesonaMain Street aohtitfour milesotofBmablin.JoestPowell rar taIis oeck. Campiehion of Tothsraait itoreatngoOvntanct-tin, avîiClorc t Iha Mai Sret hOe iii corcetiit 10.000 trooct tram alpartO Whelolhra the original rcomtratWorkbu e t- Ontarto atombleti otdsatinatht Aleo For anti gu o te wetrly endaclthe Street pr-nt-tima a oftconseraton apliot Jaseph Martntu anti uiteo pipe hat beta laid tatotathe nootia of this tarm Thty-wtaayone hoCon James Sreet, mrk olîl commetne ot Oo a eoae rhtLeflcr. ai Mrtin, ofiilsoiraal. t-t-tub rant. ThtItertal interent1 Ropping an O af the a a mathoe fat-O tipotltsOO'1atrc "DyorM rat-tsth00 right nrmalît' tab Gilhert Jonndfee Tul c a 1 ctr ot t toalotrcars ocro 0s Hopping taonn riayUlig the teevil rarpîtahot int ten ta twob o bott -Anse Clarke, Ca Premir Lolto Frost, in ottire- anne Fine. np toessisLicit E~uegt gWthe gthering, alled attetionaIPfant Theovaieai ofnow ill03, Berh- traca Sait ieh, We int 0in atif. la Hya chîro. Englanti hmoB rpi WYfrent day thon titi aife feathera. Moppiog on onet o prestlg teuth. TIse llier Dntari willearncraothe fourand Jhomy Kerr, 13 Sandat'lie tartteti hie parishaoneen o hall million mark in inhaitanto. IRarmord. by anaaunceing that hie or osorone. Sitnce mot pay a nemingy Poper bug race cooitiplay theievil qulte effec- goat part in thetienelopeentaof e -Carol Boa, teir. nd i mOhut losig tand055- or aoc clr ocrea. Thisie han Ilberia,.Dana lin the communlby. Thcesethai dose in Itoetevelolsment of tht2Pper hag raro ma a pceesof 'ibihhBgY "Nw grat paper. puîp andi minîtg iadua- Clarke, Joolle Cti "sibtang", es hoeapiai 11. tries of the north; thatt Istiadig ia Papochbaglrace,1 anni a matr a ofbingo ubelabttht ver prading serviofaihydora 05, Bobhr Wmo dovlioh, uaoang moral lamsandtt elrtrio bbeoogbotthe Provnme. Obtale raee, lx conventllcc. anti terylnng 015000Wh.t iloakif phoce heot totay lO-Allit anMaran woauphel thes. Itoasio t aB t the bginning af obt mostO ire Ostcle race, moter o aytng ,to hol ith allplaceoio roonetian mitb Ontaroi helOBratb. relgon." lb at a Sttert approaah. agriaulture.DOr wole plir must Brown. libe rgetng that al eligloas lh- ho ta imamao anti retain tht pea- Otacle rot-t. i his eta pretorinmah tht acme dutittow aer ofo tr oil." -loy Roberiton, Mal i 5ym02t-dlffofrencsmm-nt The Hehoc Daoniarm 000 poto- ShaonanlBle. iccplrtass. It wraat an attock ORa itamir oittateti for Otoetemoosta- Ostalecrace,tg church-going or churh-grers, Il tien. Harris. MainsaHm as thtpausilei argumnt that Tho]ad onthttnorth-aoitioof - - chorchm arr tatir pateon B bot the foa it ighty fot highor than NASSAOAWEYI toriero tint'andt t ou a me r- ta that tomarti tht- trea toi hhMAtIE FRESENTA thip God int yooasr, ror gardon hm at-t-droain tathe t atoraiti R.AND MES.1 othcgollis asviel as inLSaotthotfatra Thediistancemfontmonc Homse 3maI 000gb trotS in IL tir ta theother i opromatairi.Psic atht dai'o argment ta cakeiou-OOtt.tiabo t-tia Whilo toto ditnro' nrtatei ttatgtto tosaotthops taattproidnes lam aotitit-dain- aityot' S. S W retiatmpltyin tagrermenit the donation .tntatltnO i - T>A.o y wita Non e. Bsoi Cark 00 tttt Intfe u-of f aIl ina 0t1Ot-rronntttaa bni. tsiblig>mto fpaigcrvn oeo h rios sOtlit hî.a o-'r John tItintbitng mabotiaI iayig no'a'"aan atitrora antithe thle det-t itaoa-tyheroaeffetive.juchesofatal opana-htrh the pr--otîh a 2-picî 1 Ia pooratstelltng.Sios thoottittd ttatttit fen inCooot ltrtn e.F oe Oitihrbigat't'aacatso-riai pend.ti tt-n. Mmi Fergu arr oanppatito JttOti tnaono., ptîi,,nho aa tSntrDublitnInsttt o intlltrËtion. saatiaht-tiroafnamrlatta iftoStotrey th a e Ry jotaach tarttra son e ar a.,no agrt-anO -ramthe ronat, BOOMr a uiM god poprmtthtrortarst i- tttthe-bkofathelaf- long the1b a hobtto.ailot- tentitans art- itoping oara amapoi t nttfthenalti toto This oa stbin ttsdiniratangai]t '.ateils tohget tanoonnaýr-y tl'IodattdtiitS rhakeht-rrirn hack- nS theoain tt fict ik. W ha e heard theo hm .~nadronOttatAt he)aig argaing. for instance, abat thheeTht- tai ohir hoti anhe oti tia alCin Mntr are 00vyoadmiratoto thiogs aboo tara the Sttiiar, aihmn ,t.ppti the rommoittir theonotto-tholat bythe hrigr attidtt hidrtig man. thor ite ramplmicir mtth 'he -I mat .tntalt'twonta tht-t-o dott htgS tratbtag oaItho Manof ti ltiot [on ranS riant-a thon tht- iando That isastii Onotot ii tttit isOa ither- ie aefc eil' rumnt.aIl bro ts A tho tlan tano evnteIOnt FO R in someoatmngowayntireon a otîîntprocotntatoandtmil art FO hcm ttiof ihar looaa m. t kgteeog- ittttith ot-mctnieomahirht-m i thtmaoth r rontaia goboort- Thnt-thaot he imttrto ard. ta.; for the rommotiotthna-riai hnt' hrhomntit-ofaob aofsit a that theytut a ao rlgrani nofirttnty highatothai i ttpoti homo no shadoo aofistncein thOe t- tlýn nrush of a-att-t-anti totiit, Raspben poltitaai thttkitg if htoy'o, iit, tinTht-overt thetemandlfor the unaterabi in - .d .aotolhtioatnd .,ni- bgrior iof tdinlidoot hSu rtghatt. Inloteof airtomo tonoo an hic Obligation ta me e b on the moorto mtr itoms owioma hot gifisenao ireakohieamte hairesaattgtanoowaiooanaith arminimumaof Itmpron'e and enisoge hoe talents. tniay oy nthasoilo Tht. nataatitng nul bide Ihom 10In a aphtnuntl tarott at the romottal of tht hotigo- someoe i omdy ta faite charge aiofo.Tbtt mos pcoaaly ofthi 1e arI1u ibem, for bhot. The final tetla Oar- mot ttootaralarofa tht day. ine MJ geiment la tist plitlmally Socliaitnhoge bhlldtaoras-c rat mrk on ta a dee.d duei. Wat faut'. moton the hotige rom adtin ther sectosre btter tisanonenaoat of oery elgt of the lirin. These glaitsmacines -ta a at-back elocton-atMi voted bath the tract ba an appoiateti place Monucmet@i for M. Tiey schah drol5ieacf 1000 hero tishe aero m ati aiquloly Pre a potty "Mtt lotis aimait ces great cu1 ap by power sas nddiOte it- a isetlcg 0hm goratucif61c-der ü1mb mas prepai dftSr idng. CEUZ'METR1 U"alce ai Oms OsdilIpli Wf lame 5ci0eheacko ls e bin thEe cad tbe y»» Maoc eedarelis s&M wre brougisl ta lise is Myrdo tuE ga" Ne ceaie a deM ie wu nm c eessary sml i tareatlr ho- d~ dure ac ettVe tc re 10. prehs aImportat pprnaoh. _____ mli- THE CLASSIFIED SECTION Buy- SIIl-Exclaange- Wanted Adcertlaeautc under thia hcacg Me. euh wlOh crier, ap te 25 wrdi, AddRlal morde la par wmrdIl Cocashe»color- Company the &erOioment, minimum Charge00ani le par mord aidillonal for each word over 25. Suleequent laetiotto 25e. EDay 0f Io Our Cuatomers chool Yc oturcl~en cd ueeeeo f guud vU m - ur cami Page One) OpoutIflRDay wUOa YU57munis pprodStd «d wO Boyc-75 yard dash, SON a cectinee cf yeur patreommg iFinthm.Dau 5ter. We .xted Oho aio acordilinvitation 50 comae ln and rir Marris. Don F9-55 see aur modern lHardwcre Store. W. ansureyou Paaia cte. Dca o friendly melcomeancd wml edacoor ta cerve t., Bill Loehle; Rua-i yoa ta the best of oar abllity. mp Don Finat Jim la àor dcciithat cicr eteewhiIlw avya bu 0Off Anodersn n ang , Notice aYeu c@U dering ctoeheure on Fint.Jim Harric,, _W yrd dsh, ean- DROP IN OItTEN - Jeo ane Me-h, The MON HardwareC oy Raywaeti; Paltaa Mi t oMlo hn 9 Sforti. Jean Buck aeS. et ianFsn 9 ltmnng g bgh Jlame.0 Jean Buati Donna otofg broai Jacap, ,Donna Cleetenta, -60 yard dach, BRfY 1 .hBll ruh' USED TRUCKS hont Sobby Ryder; agian OfeCaiehean, i1946 Chevralet 1/1-Tan Panai$900 tiglan Peidie; Ran-i io. Douglas MeCat- 1948 112 Tan Chaceclet Pick-up, -a a 1 lcth N poster. John Fin; Redire cnd Tarpauhin (McUclmlcugu), $1500 jomup. JohnyMe-, yKen,. Doaaldtil- 1937 International 3-Tan Dump. $475 o-oe a ioes are as 1935 Chevrot 2 Tan S!aku, $373 ad uder -Ruth CONVENIENT GM.A.C TERMS UP TO 18 MONTHS Oenfr Charon mnd antier O-Allan OAKVILLE MOTORS" .reth Jones, Davtid CHEVROLET-OLOSMORILE SALES and SERVICE or 6--MaritonCie-' Opposite New Century Theatre mMamat. Jakia PHONE OAKVILLE 460 er 6-Jimmir Korr, re Shartt. ýrare, 6 anti ondor Gtllamay. Sharon, rChorlaton. ,grc oe -Anne anis, Joaane iitn. rrrnan nd PRJNC ESS THEATRE i andi Charles Mar- MILTON ONTARIO t ndi Rohert Croier. rae hoys aner 6-- 1Roheet TImhccn, THIURSDAY, FRIDAY aed SATURDAY OCTOBR 13-14-15 anti Jhnny Xe", ceIl anti Kentleth Fred Mnharray ond Sylvia Sidney ia îFoot, girls 6 and' "Trail of th" Lonesorne Pine" RohertonSantira Charletan.i ne oaci, girls 00er MONDAY acd TIJESDAY OCTOBER 17-18 Caoy iwt O Paulette Goddardi scd John Lund e E cI, h nOano t ir '"B rid e of V en g ean ce" etfoot hoys 0e 6-,1 Adulîl Gaey E1100, Ronald ____________ ________ COMINO NEXT THURSDAY, OCTOBERE20 -e girls 6 anti aadee ilaryh n esElo me Ganiay, Jay WlimEteedLueElo Peren vr~ "Special Agent" e, girlsavr6-Ai 'nilds, Jean OGiberit. _______________________ e, bys aner O-Gory aldley, BdlY Broxin SHOW TIMES - moys 6 and aatier 6' Ail Pragrama Sîcmrt at 7.30 P.M. anti Matijooto t 2.00 P. rd, Jimmy Pawell. h, oys avec O6-Untos Othîrwîne Ativertîneti Aira Fay. Billy girls 6 anti antie tMarilya Deiaresl, gil oe -Eileen ______________________ Hal. Joanlne Fine. rk FOLK< T. A. STOREY rall and W inter rteaatng the coin- sNo. O8Idasoaga- ty, Mr. antiMra. diae honr da l C A T th Hede rsnteai ARteal Outstaiîdig Collection of 0847 Rogers Siloor- c'" andi a cirotrio Ladît a uiand Wintei Coaît. portat Mon. 10 ctrî tablr amp.i 't-a htaoy rcpiied; SEASON'S NEWEST FASHIONS AND COLORS rthe ian y gtfta, ta onarnd all -nom hameaito NEW PATTERNS tgîta o.Mc. NEW COLORS .1ate arsichaSir- NEW STYLES Beutifully tailored cf hlgh grade mani twills end barathua',, warmly licd ed chamois interlied SALE iedadLoeFsin ham Reoconably Priced ... Sioco 12 50 20 1TY Canes 16!/z to 24V½ uaolity M moadse at La erPrices DIir ,LkL .,.'Dt SV - Satisfaction Ooaranteed or Moeuy Refcndedi vorth norials MILTON DEPT, atMoretaSTORE 4 00101181 Ph«ca 112 Openo Thmu.da eecngu liOU9 p.m. ML ONT.a li ah; at totptn Poat hoae ottgger ; Nom Skylio foago har- a nooer; Scooteor io; New Glho Tratoro 4 ploat; D00ai heel Bathier farta raler; tacoa ah- bor Oloci moniueo cprestieo; 25 cycl 1%tp. elatriliotai0; Maccot Htrria 6 it. reettine; Ford Fergo- son ditchero; Bosbcyclt; 1049 MM. Trsctoo; Faenii A Tsactoo; Toactor dse: 8' nee Trartar ds; 2 po AlIlu Chaîmomo Troot-to. Appty T. E Rewson, Geonrgetown 332W. LOST LGST-A green, leather mllet in Mais Street vicirty. limt Wed- nsdn.Octicer 5. CoItati driv- cri Ucoe.e voalo papecO. aam a mcacy. Remard. Phosne 357 ser -.1doid .tbr a ion, Woi.ttt Mo. Dmand"àbettmtiO for rTesucceua.' Entuglt of the hootiart bosisma far nm. -Lot us r inidyo astb en yoo arr goicog tu the show, you rat- atep fient door andi got atti cantir bars, peansagem 0 popoora at the hus tecmicf ar h roui aoner et aiter- the aham,come ln for a taM* boog. R. .a t "Ubacthedu lune At chuebNorth HoasPeiibt mm19 NAW 5afleenoon Mt= lun Id ual1 iuooe M eMer@ Pgbwbdpalrouler locoet 0Acton a I I 1112.. - FOR SA&E WAM FOR SALE-Borneti le rereg- WANTED-A rehlable driver-lor erator, largo ire. Phone 355J. M30 Truck. Apply FWoter Ha:. FOR SALE-Ford cor; ln good word Phone 3M2. condition, Atpply Bab Brown, WA.N'r9b-.Gtrlo aged 14 ao Riibrido., Ont. 12 woald likeoepimrtonty of hohr- FOR SALE-7 Pigo oightweekso oiting. Phone 800. aid. Appy ta R. H. Klogtio. R .R. WANTrD-Ccoiveo for vrati lo Ie-Itn. aay hreeti. Woald, labr FOR SALE-Ladies' c.C.. .Bi- of pilla, 6 9eeko old. Phone 15600. cyclein agaod condition. Prive WANÂ > 7 0~0.tO Phono l Oro.nltg ll o q FOR SALE-SIcall. white house Banoohour and trainsortain. on Pearl St.; 5 roaos. gond relar. Mr$. Tlorh i.N.0 iir Cao bc s000 hy ap.Jalntmnet.Ph. WA1411M - Chichi and Yaw 5w3. .Winl pn Upi .2fo htt FOR SALE-MBue gendanprom fomi hooeeierI ut, Roooei In od onition;aw1 la-W 4rr Station, Branipioa 471W. WANTED - Lice Poultryr mU FORSAE -Cenet gavlfeatheen ocnted. Hgctprie lanO RavLEbric orlitnen ate1, aid. Phare Randal l 1ooMl. aegrvln 00 an. toe otatn 143, or Wm. Dent, M02rv«. tond,. i aid tp soli E adsorwrteMSisZescr, 40ilton . Phaae295- couri Rd., Torreto. 32-M2 FOR RAL-RStaty ply-o i NOTICE-Tenders l oUibhte. Oaoe, sitable tor app1cs or raled 0001 noan, Taeoday, Oct- poatoaee . ApptP oYt Selita Store.,titor 100h, for the digglng. mostoîb. Moio Street. tan aod haah-tlllitof a a four-tnch FOR SALE-Tamata. hy h- sar main andione ire hydemit basket or huaitol. Btîog rour own tramn May Strori niang Hugli Street conataers. Frank Jayce, R.R . Na. tg Robert Srret. Ton ta nppliy 4, Phone 5r31. raipe anti hydroot. Detailt mat' te _______________________ otalocti tram the Clerlo. Tht FOR SALE-Man'soWhra tts-a.lament or ooy tender neat netes- therntest haroohide), aiant n, ta nrttt' orrptoi. A.D. Spraat. non.k ressemblle AOOiy C W. ing. 1-2 Main Street, Milton.- FOR SALE--Rp3 anti Wagner FOR RIENT Applen. Btrn oataonhampors atndipioho yotto oaa applro Wm> FOR RENT-SktlsavO anti Cime Shieldsa, Phoneo 102 oaderc Appiy Mlto a Hoattot FOR SALE-Na 1 Sp't anti SnoAppîca Order yaar mîntro MISCELLANEOUS ta ly no. Wr deltacr. Phaoe ______________ 28s4G. H. Gootati Waaid the pecoon tram the FOR ALE-ing nd Tlmi t'a.ntry woaenqir9l ahot aatoni FOR SLE-.Rao ani l't oft. adtago, ehoo Mito Dopatrmeot Soeei appte,en. aa ha. on thoStore Il'. mrer. $100deliarreti Phone iSijaJl Milton, W. W. Harris. NOfiCE-Due ta natiden dm0t FOR ALE--Sp appes n tre, n the tamliy. the Milton ltraaty 75C a hampor. Ot-ing yaar ao tomParle a. MmerrinC.Lon o hampern Arply Carlyle FrOth. ___________C. _. Hyes erotone, Lt 0, Con. 6 Trnfnlgar. PHRASANT HUNT 1040 phao. FOR ALE-hlt canal eet - hantrtl hoeheid on NarO FORe Cntand-Who tieoam elam- oni 10th. Ltconsea ii taonasalte pireCoalantiWordStan, gat iWE. Denta. Trafalgar ato ecdition has hot trr iront. Octaher iSOle. 1949itine ereol Slave ppes Inrladed. Pboae 252W. llothe haldera otfcamet hauct -_____________ - rahhita antil Fnbrur 8h 9 FOR SALE--Lot "ni Garage ai F A Featherntaie, 25t, 195 thercorner of Brante anti Victoria_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. Priro 93M. tApiy Elmer Mlii, ai; Toronto Brich, Phone 37 or ai PERSNAL 07t5J. S_____MENVJ0EMIGai FOR SALE -MalilChaie 1km ta 15 1bo. New 91ca toaa. Try hu. nrorly non'; 2 oheeleti traiter, rwo aca Oclex TaorercT&elcfor' trec30"hy 3% anditubes; 2 tosremniHo; nashecthy fb"boIl Mr of hay In 0000k. (Apiiy Bon 25 ntgor. New 'qet arqnscino Caaadiesn Champion. aly 60c. AU danggcjee. 31-»t FOR SALE-Mediun-aieoQue. ber hoator la goati conditian. Qoaa- FOR SALE ity of »lave ppe, ateriront. Aise We are haia1l a reai cale ai cew sng'e steel liedi ad cprtops,- slad ed c ara, tracta, trartore. ce- eheop. Phatte 5073. rigeora, bloyea. muhera farm maehioery. lareare FOR SALE-i Na. 29 Firentaof thea: Sridgewall steel range. paOohed 1lnew Ford, 49, 3 toan155" oh I Otol top wth igha ciet atnd trer- 46Fard 3 tan, 134"Wb.... $900. voir.tnaryonamel trimn, pri$W 47UMercurye'OWbOcedan H. D. Thomnon, Phoae %371. 41 Ford Sedlan, radio hasler M9 41Ford Opera sqat Coupe. FOR SALE-A tnar-raamed In- radio and heater ... :95. sti-staoehliaae. Aiae tarnitare for 40 Fard Oacertihle Coupe Mi. hodmaca. living-roonm anti kitothen. 30 Citea Sedan, radia anti No martgageo n houca or turitare. irater Mrn. E. Spangor, Bartan St. 20 Fard Sedoto .. .......645 36 Fard Sedan.. .... 595 FOR SALE-1930S modlet A Fard 37Stodelooher ran 745 9 sedan In goati runnlng condition; 30 Datige Sedian . 04...... 5 gond tiret. Cheterfield nue ond 35Datige Coupeo .......475 j othor tarniahinga. Cai at J. H. 36 Chea. Coach 4M5 Wilimtt'i cottage. A. R. Irtn. 34 Ch-n Sedan . 3451 33 Terroptane Sedian 295 ,FOR SAL-193a 4000 Doiaa 37 Fard pichap 495. Srda, ne000soip envers; goati tiret, 35 Fard Panelt ..... '951 nemty paiated, rampiete mtar or- 34 Fard, 2 han piattlorit erha,tat year. $40 ash. Tedder truck '5 Lamne Park, Tri. Part Credit 4302CHNB FOR SALE-Qaattty ai radar 1 UsodTi'ratar Dite panto, dtterrat sttc oHtract anti t tind Sm oep Enke part afr taie or airhange. Wii î1 9-Paît Hle Dtgao, hat'hatao yao do tatoaat Iomit.Andi taoy OSher Machinea stWir tqr G.tii. Mordra, Ph.03Mw, Oak- Yaa vuttiuse toa ataniagl. vIleEEITRICAL Newro Glsoat 10-40 Retri9'ta FOR SALE-1035 Sedat Ply- Cnt-O <20. Eteatt ctrtrgooatt mauth car mth heatrt, Hydrattole Utrd Daaamo iWash, hnakoa, dtiotro, tatdahiott ipmtrr Nea andtilh3 5 B it. sWat-h W stof ngoadiores.Caa bcraen ataiostadaRordtPtot'r .Ca I 'trtalf* (.orage, Miton. Oter maa Heaters, Att at Horgain l'o J. K. Mohooter. W' aN i-ta a0lott at at gatil _________________htrn an tubesain theoMmati aya P FOR SALE -ttthetatsto, tir7et mariShthr matr. i "Happy Thoght' ta toat gami EARIYtS SALES AND SERVICEn Tiirt hlack, art,'hat CA5nPBELLVILLE hurn oai or maad. 'Apl AirttM lartoat, Carnet AveMiltont. FOR SALE -hegistered York o-lqi-U I<O4ugarioa Regittrotistockh antian tes0tar Loot Satartiar marntng,oct- lS, rooti, reatconohir prtotd. John E. oSer, th. Miltonsnrocot bSac- RrlIhatidy,. Phone Groootaa ettoventture mawu oiiY 94r3, Lot 8, Sth ULe n g.Eaaettg cet. FOR SALE -Honti-pioheti Spy Ton ttc, arniat Georce Da appioa. 3 or 4 rmn neted ta paOk. "on italoahetitheo rs ofaI ik Wiii par 40e prr hamper Bitg aoa' hardoare store and ti tr- yerîr 00lunch anti Intdr Wttt otI partaofthearar.titk no- etipoalng otthe mnattitt pico ynurseit. Phonre343, M. J. oopn ta irat day rastatma a Caron. Loottrd noot ta Weson d FOR ALE-Nlw c1'I .1 Ment Mat-bot and eotiiî.îOd bo1SL o o,1 . ~ aoO~o Oao lt Volumc 90.'-No.20. Councfl A $37'803.d' Wîde Variation ln lids ted For This Work - C Gitan For Laylng Wid Oc Hugh Srct-Nei Data 18 Sut-Da1YNuri Law Te AmaiteForth formatian The regular meeting ai eBo helti an Ttesdoy ereni clemhersof theCostcl'cc art anti MaYr C. R. Hesl( iltied. Coorfli ment into Comnrd lie Whole wth.Coanilior wrth In the choir. The fo ccot were pusce for p tIre. Light ani Polirae Sreetc anti Wallm TonRail & Propery. Prittthsg dCasitîscolet erelcertGo. tax tirduat' Pub Sahoal Bd. rlqusition A ltteo ons reati tram the o Transport Cammimsiane, siocd ihot lhey hati taht matterofatextcessive ototol trains passiog thraagh Multa tie C.P.R. A check hrui lace ho the ralîrooti anti they h, Itiati the troinmnen atid nhitting reallrents. An am ooany eroslg ina a lot of Whistling l aqitiird psoing throagb ton an a hui checks la ta homatie th tteooracary mhistllog it sto Alatte mas reot tram tO pientoaf Municipal Aits anwrta thc enqairy ahoi Coton LoaCompany. The ai 0h01 whea the omoonto dbenturea mere hon thec hooes oIlho iaknocaoa IA. lttes- mas reot tramCo Saordle icrogeardittather oro oftmmhroomalIn the hasnt Iti0ae Milling Ca. ofcOue.Tt Shoee bnliihliaitna tttim ohm mnahtng plaas tor the a fait this buildting mat ta h imed Inahe baisemeat. Thc thoat a catisaory arraegt mud lho maiefore nerviaini te inas boti been pot bmw et o thto building, the linon , laethai ta ho loocoti a d-n the UIne as Oah Street. volti have Inoronsei the ný thr tomera very muoob.- A letter ma arotmGat- tiorr glng the terfoita litg atooasn Om resîdeen t drettoUnle.l'le six tcndiero rt att the mot' tram$37,803.25 ta 9130. The eaginteera.ret-amn ed the tender of W. Gravesofai Btan ho nerapteet. The tendezs for $37.8S.2. IlTe tattaming lotwetpassaitiby Caoneil. Moed hy R Y. Diok, sc lY H-. F. Whewell anti rat thout the teonder of W. Grot h f taont atf37.803,2S at r OMtidd'hy Gare anti Stamti, ieoby acoepteti, randittoaa OntaioaMunelpaotSt-art p 109 of the tirhonturc hy-tao- A ]citermon raifrtrmt hot1 Iot Gonet-al Hospitat tatiag thecoui ofnatho indigent t'a tdmittd hy ttoooa a white Patnent ai Vetrras Attaton. A letter man t-d oatmthe ecttation Borstt 0tg tbat a digont patttentnom hongto rareof aiht Caoail mat'hab- tort oftb heboapensa Th. third rntg teot giort th by-ioo fothc Instaliatiat (Continacti on Pagogo Et, SCHOOL TR() la