w. MILI as « Y 3M Mai auýj. Mite 2rem oMe M -a Orf Moa XTG ww Y- s..-.&Ma Stna 18KI [NG M.ON MNON lehae 65v ~eru Paltieg.M N leog 5455cml MOIouI IDO a Th2to AUCfrwsALE IN5 THE ACTON nIffraCe amg m0" iAuaiad Daum e aim*% mm ..- 21,. usdeatud bave recelvef torcia 411 Dhifrid rearimmmaIbo ~grem Ànnual Meetb 1 1 Te Balisa It fiiit vice - l « J tg - M -,&R . tocacen'd: M OiSeau ~cfad ai limamPalaee Cheste r Service nmia oEta muce ettve wt mie c lse-d Crawford, MaIl-& aI ffaiS!la Ceesbeaieme d6aa* IIe-m a- ri- esBlt risindstitdleae Te ainlferist fiefOf tihe gars. eth mm Maiton Brown, aiea n À C m r ceSutOfecaeatiueiulaiy l10 m . . Hof e. Matnand MMaau ePnOb i«ad Dinsg oeaor;, Laergnebrton L1 ffltis c riet e te uAtos; tMmt Geurge Samervillle 16.5. ErJAN»ieCoeir Gray lrilo dleated in tht repopte nt 2, Acton; moi. Max Frotberatene, Womene Insittutes at th. 4th R 1, F-t55n; UEn. HMaton Heresn Ilisrt Annel forHaltusbhedaetl sD. A.Wedoee, Palermo; and Wall,by the tisrts lonooain Palere, on a lasso1461. Mn Jen Pstteron, RU, t1 Broste. in pint the erirefon mii 16e river, The ttcndosre tac, dusonatrateod rePreeentativseta1 thu Ptderationof andcsdome peuple w111 be puaaud the rillflgsew ofotht menthere te Ageicultr. baen Luma Lawrence ad sotie peuple iii sot be pleaie codter w60 thuutinnPeoblerrst and 1.. 2. OulurfIemat appoistert ai and me oms ail seie dsmn agais relorma mth imblrh eseey rom- Junior Consenor and Horne Makeeo te tukisgabot tbcdrsuttand moodo Yi.faeed. Club repreeatsîs-o Ss. Georgu the bagh ruat of living. Tisat la, I MMilan, Burtgo, mwuappont- oslesus treinsansd tbc prty fabtl Mrm.Frank Rlsebset, .R. 1 rd os tbe RatIosMusical Festivai ucts in pomerrmassges ta ira- Campblliltle, wroo a lected as Bourd. mediately Oureute tomne oS lis prendeont for ber secoundterem, ru- The olloiog standing olrait- promises. This eleoiost bas more asldd Insbcrprealdcsaddrcs, atcruss-rortweeoeected. Agl- otun lrmentofomyasery aboutlit Mrs. Roteart tbiobed tbe dstrict rultore and Casadien Industres, a, b maso. Or ba l t? 15 bue dirlors te scrotryand thevice Ms.0R L. Dasidn R î,Aons; ftbet a greatmariypeopleare doing prroidens as ot mciasalliera StersHome Epooomirs and Heultb Mstheir Oms shinkgadbd 4in Ihor o-operaliuss. Obo boped tbe Charlotte MrCulohRb 00,1 George- uspodietoblo Iins, but it la aise' dolelrrtes ld gubaob tathIe tows; lHistories[ OReebch ed traielbuatagrruîmasy s-oIe tbe brnchue, ispired byibis occsion. Corrrersvns, Mo. Vrlma Noerla. umemuayyerraller year. ,h redthebommcstameeosta- O. 2, Milto;Citiuesipand Edu- Jus rrceulyuamomansuseard grlherr.ork tugetber, pay tugebe ruaton, Mrs. E. Mans-ng, .0. Ilutauy bollo Ibul ubo as cire t502 ind as Womoensu lstitute membeet Horoho; Comosity Atisitirsanud rote a cerain muy berause biert 10 tair their place in tbecoummui- Publie Rlatios, MesR. D. Dredge, luher and ceandratbcr s-tcd Ibat1 tias sus-deoomisstiosl, sus- .0. 3, Miltuns:oautlons, Mo. J. may. Weil, msybe bee atbee ced poitientl rgauscations. K. Maoto,Campbcllville. rusdlatberrmere lmays igbî, roho t The eestuera report ms gises The stlernotc t"mies opesed hsumsl This morosn u s 5h11yoosg 3 br Mo. Chester fersvire. Thi lasI mitb the l55ttte Carol and lbe ou, sot in tbe grsrdmrtber lats ycr mib e distrct, eciltsbmotMry Stemart Collera. Tbe rol oeilutaii3 oalîrd $11.060-73. Espeoditurec as muaswemed ho al braueh ment- Anotber coud lady, urer ses-colo,1 ladt becs $8,983.73, ltavsisg a baliscer brtstandisg. Therersolutios prer- sdueamysraa et E o $4,077. The addrese of meluomne tested by Caumebells-ille, cuuld sot ides, but Ihe fart ut the troutIer3 uu-c ivcn bythe PalermutBaaih bh erltmwitbduetausthfutîîa m1 brolyolruu 7u as-drplied au ho Nelasonbrusrb. net proerly sicssd. The resoluts ubhe red tetree al in onesery priorulrly lstrceatloc dsrlac Ibe crus at tlluma; bia"d daiiy publication. Oems tao oorrbs-sesioerebhe reportsuof Wbeecaamobuhaesotedîlmruclsme tau ccl ail aidcs use must rend0 ho Sandinc Csnasitteet, eacb scon- disc craues.the coramidinc ut diCerst publicatiosandeut osiyb cr0 Oc 5tabuhse ssombîrd somre- botbrcosomption aid uds-rtiisc aielotios time, but arouchous " tr9 ot the morb bcbg doue i utofcgarttes. and obererus ibis ad- tIhe eshire yrue. Thes robes ai euch lrtbrouucbut the dstrict. coetiou n isudierritird cbaraocr r cion s lanothe ttrsg use deti.-B Otcommosrcomplaitmwstbeurd a isdoul ace pontt au-tl nwswa man a troos-thr uonsesos, Ibut brurcb day mich ta1cm oet bib.cpublic hees donse o e e lstelertios , to-orsors apostat tesdisg ln tbeir Opinion mooîd uave resosted, vme- udoeIIitoouut onualreporta pormptly. uig omanhbdasbeuy and humb rtrIib h -t rofiomet fr ovios rssots;e nbuuld co or the gond ut ail rot. 27 Therfluloisgcrouresors gave idrrtols-cd tbreeore tbtbte Camp-.rcod orept:Agriculture and Canudie o bsIlIs frh utWomeut Insti- ene.2 Indutres, Ms George Ouorsille, toit, rommuicute ooeeresesîmest Wril, rlitruocameorand gou.an-d B CtL2essbp, Mra.Metue Deoitg oOhmrorthbegoed by tlt-rCcoon.Thrimportant part, HomrEonme Ms. C. MCC u.hcc icctou rtoretta tralluerîi arianteesryoeofus B, loch; Soial Weidtre, Ms. Robthe demtla hckot eespect ftoeso uld strre thebeetttd of l Mrs HitriatResearch, Mon.A.wmumthod adddd tminoh la citizen. A politiralileaderouaitîDI Omehuest; Pubiito, Mns. Max the bupe tat rnm Iis cnons- bc muchbebrier thur the people he D Os-ahestuai; Juuio Ati ity, Mis os 1hi lofice muy emaste a lu leadiog IC hoan, ho snons Clda1 Lors-o Ltmrence; Hator Hume reqoesthat nsufce, ficure, ttitlidehbsult Se abesd outhlem aid ai- D Eo-nolst, Mis L,Barber. oratthreoftmomaibod be uaedtas-able la do mucb fo inta. The J Ct.mmuity irtiag mus ldfort ocited 0dtu bucro adsetitmng.-population ststthe tempu ut politi- S Mo- Lloyd Cesmord mbcusc rigbt- Te invittlontfGeorgetownuto culfle.t littome Iis Cir-tie of I l paoo acrumpuolment tocether holdthe district annultboreset mcl aieoms-tmuusepiai1 o;Oh hec Cieodly samle, made lbs cer, mus accepted. Il-t drtinitely cutmuded iu Ibis uge. 8 -n noyloos tentoure. Mots G. Humiton, the Deput- Weil, eouh out the electios iR R-oltion wer preente ymenot praber concrttuiuted Ibe Thatr t mbut bitos i5luamlsdR 0, J.o.loht mere oe aestenbydstreton the morb crompllabecd buit, Tmr and tide at or nosB b. .7. K Mubs, uai o ospe buchrc ut" rmpled in the reports. She mus' os cetinlo s troc maxeim., a boto. rocord trm Cmirelîili cd the brancheu ta select the Ot ceople aue o es-r tbeobisg RE Mou rinhrt gasetherreport oC h ibc t l omesfor the ctcbt co- tey cnholdhbakth tide and B Oficiers' CostereceerutGuelph. ,'orhpudmpticit hrleudotbculto lromooicbmruchibeoeitbhatdhertî heWLcrrat onsttioery. etc. mootocosntil ths-y arces-eado lu duo o bhothe meeings ut the OcIcttro tolog 44000 hutbud hors oepIt ome sem teutb r ccstomn. c hoos-s-hpresidens w itb district Iod rhirh mac coud poblicito. 1ls-rymelremrmbermwhs-atcerrBu pi.oolrt. Ohe detcrbd thepro- llcmrandlCountry aboldbeendtinoooug mnogot the it in- 19 c' s-o- olloros. and Tmo'doýmco villace histories cchted cbsrbros erer ictroduerd Dp 1 s.Weber rpesidrd ortCOrotiolrd. Obe tuoitorthe C-up- joaIs oeihbbuorboud. Tbey meerU. elrt oofficrsa. Ibe trrssrd the olor crcrgomam ththîe rrult tbatt och a sos-nb the people vearbo La pool hat oCicers eouid roi bold Hcllh eore ccd Ater Forts- mus ail came ta tee the sel-up Ose L olo orlogr ha 5 j rou ocryrid asîhe distrctlsersicrtbitnoccbhor drlaredtscrcsully,"Yeu Py ro.ooooooloely. sud retrrerd the ocr- Mius- Hmlospoeothbe cai'tratsorhicessmitbout abon 19 soimbhrrtte nem Htodhoohtoer 52 o f IInstidtt, u-k lu the IOs trooblrd by tbut emarb Cfor Gb Mrc Weber reporrd It a copr- po i mhch h oi ccl ah chalrnge ta I bcd a sperialinltoreut in hse Ju trait OfAdeltdettoodletrmutooml, hlfuture.W molocuilymwrrcrhchct. orrbhoold 1Isa-in the ' bo.rattetheostsb dcouotr d by set bocksabeald.yocoo mano euinscthe.The Fa Cooo.diauArciesosuacermanenst Wmmoohold mlle e omr co- hiceotiedand tbis-d bt for th s-rsoral ttheoudrroWo-ltrhutcclctpublieoteoandonot tauomrttrangeeetsthetbrpticl Fa mt IIilIntiutes. Obe ucpeled ta roocîcîr the men. "Frecidice la origbbour wmbu alnisto a goods, h( oomberos tasist ilb the hctog doms o on hu mo cr sot op brodybhn es ts itbers Theyousg qu caners-oarrry morh, fr micb on"c he qotrd. mur s chu rraator chchont. 1I co Ihlle rre ccdd20,000 dressincs Mm .,. AClarhe and Mes. Milon hrom hecause mc arc i ate-o cat,omorlh. Oh dmoihrdrton hBoown presectoîd the prireror the Fhips-om. o he> o gioO o indutrel Or goo. hccsugstoncc for odistrict annuels. y somneconoro cc, Ihos gond d,1 gOphcaliormatonmta fooign aMrs . anin oDrmci lado th ondod wamos hbd S. cooepondents. Ohe ooliscd otbrr hcrach. Mrs.ronund Mra.J. L. bocadmwho igcrcd in0one OSAu 701 u orhundrdofuplunsufor the jOElh'rhy yrrsctod he pau preri- lhoe "Saomary yecc cigu"colcmnst 1 1l holiday ti .A.C., Gcelph, front deoî'c 10001luaMs Chetr ervirce. inr 10crlocal 000cr net long litetr- J 'l 111h 10 15h. Applictioos A drmostruhionof C euiug mut mrd. The ,oan haut hors inse wouldh ecerd tilJue 25,und gvechy Meu.H. E. ulhOoOad on rodent oraro eorrmwhoohit drt .o hoildhrorset bt eportment of nrotiog tconlo hertriplotoc nghorse hadl tubro trigbt ut t Pu;licRlaset the O.A.C. Obe lodo mou goocn bh one. P. W. molor car and bod theomulmr ouI h rooo.orOuredualiparetstaouccomc Mrry, Mrs. Cecmergase readingt of the hocco lrio the ditcb. He C Pltheir cebddres lu mos-rsc pic- aod musc mofu rctshed ho Plee Owas qutirhadly bure, and t the Io,- and maireilpottble fuor Iornh. ncrotonshpeoOoeii metngche. os-g Ocure managers S itreprsrted opeillus mhirb sbed ooooooamet regultionsi Neser hud hot ailmolor cart be baned fronnt lhi ot eenstueb gromlh aid dcclop- I the rondsofOCtant townshbip. Ned- mont as inlhe patfour yeaon. lests uso, thelaie tus eserrpas-I Mos. Mltos Weber, .0. 2, West ted. Yeu cor mly hold or procreta Montroe, Federated Bosard Diror- Wasbed Gravet Concrete Coua cerain degrer and su more. Thho ueuth of the W.i. Is Ontariot an, rasteng u d I the ehiriseno are ttill iscubstisg, ho- oco rapbd mth 140 ibranches ~and theso 100 excollent etisons aool t total membeeshlp ot 44,1501 CHMEP4T 1AND55 DEH they oally merel banc gare te A s-rcetagctof98.9hbrueh Istis-irîcmed th u id tuihldrpotoia DsritAs- BLOCK AIL OnerewdTman did ogis-r -Iid w0 00i Pnos ttrsdanc ofoC10,942 FOR J. COK£ Aood h.t ioos-ood, eOfcor to otos thoe coa, cotte of tuihofuture", O L0 . o.oo,, ..ocooo wPsa ogoud slugan tt ote ad the Lsao1tl d haite ee-e, thaton urgdlthe woiensottasrft estOnentaUad maye lthe nt Iheî laneeuot relaxtheir et- tatadlatsfatare, mas milii have frts. Mn. Weber asspohe of dlacosseed htmte makc ralsmwhen shlarîhîpa ofmhleh rilve mstld R raiW. n mo rais ta vry mtoh needed. Hocver, te st up thia Oec. W. . scolmai- Dw1m jOEWIl on as ontSraehum that acetimn ahiPat mere hing stl p for r oral > mI iditurh a cetain balace la gil. Earh diotrict antd aresa ratolaf Tour LeW em al)ie saturerand ha eue ecosomnie hife. $000fmould be aaiaaedofsraolar. for Mansîtter ephees senb hi, ien tfe 111pPbat that disteict or axes. Asy l ilrshrswt i cetg Indsiduel doating eehlarshps woom SEIAUI'uCL advasassuns. I hc bad, me motala Ctuldntiset.Slciofs i llo FAiM EQUIPHENT Se far heyend tht threat or tarc- moul ruuîruthî thy Se16 uaee Box534 Jttaa~ rn' tiensand sar. Baut thes, T1t*11n1 woul reuir tht thy b 16yeure, OX U poftauw man ii hmp an Istping oasnoai QI cgr, bacec oaipleted sixe ormore ACM'N ecahsupwthissfon Proeut, Se eassected wth 1tieneaths03wthhmt.On MakiseCluha Thte holsu meuH Se PiauceNote changse5et 5muit Se optiiltte particucarty la ima on balmggiersnl *wt dd-m 1the faut ofaSeasorlal egrtai, W.tt m wei asuddaoo poroa ladeip cetb poii à-- bu t loch DST, * Milton Lumber & I Coal Company Mer. Spe-uca, Shaatlng, Dechlng, 2x4, frein .. .............. $90.00 814- FIRPIY (4x8 Sheff ..............-............Ilv>p rfc GYPbSUR LATH $35.00 par M. GYPSUM WAU3AD---I._SMD OS par ft. CEDAR SHINORS (4 Banche, par Square) ..... ...........$7.00 par Square0 1a le roraird' umli od: Sso d 12 Rose Mary Jomol, 283643, Sots. sort Dec. 9. 1936, Sire Bras Ludco Commander 204576. Dam Rosemury folie 252150, bred Juoo 2, 1949; 10 May Sud, 29020f. Roas, Sort Muay ,6., 1938, SIre Fortar CbieC 220421. Dams Ma y Rouehsd 2fft28, bed Dec. 27. 198f 14 Muy Slusaom, 310- 5-8-, F.U.K. IV, Nous, hors April lu,. 1941, Sire Fnriar ChicS 229421 Suis May Roaebud 266128. bred toto le, 190f; 15 Sud Roise, 336741. F. . . 8Y, Red, SornS fept, 18, 1944, Sire Gobe Putrick 257861. Dam Mays Blosaom 310585, iresb in Attril 1949 f6Re S odSe's POde 36107, .FU.1 lA, Red. Surs Der. 20 1946, Sire .Osolda Wurrior 270574. Dam Red tote 330741, due bctore sale; 17 May toatr BSm.54190f FU..fA,Boa., tors Soptembcr 10, 1940, Pire GOni- la Wurrior 270574, Dais May BIo- om 310585, duc buttrsuie doe: 10 led Rsubd. 310735 F.U.K. 3W, Red lors May 24, 1942, Sire Porter1 Chict 220421, Dat a My 'osebod1 f06120. brcd .705e i3tb;19 Beetg Roau, F.U.K. IC. Sud S- ursJte t 948. Sire tOneida Wareior 270574. tata Sud Nusrbod 319735; 20 Mat Bud, F.U.K. 2C. Rod, Sors Aog. I7 148, Sire Gurdu Wurrior 270574. Duam May Sud 289208; MaieCut led, Boru April 3, 1940, Taltoo F. .K. G). Sire Trentonr Lsd 207137. Dam Red Rose 336741; Mule Trenton Lad, 287137, J.V.G. A7. SireArnos- leu Melody 255384, Dum Orcaetoo Pcict Ortto327090,Born Jul 25. 198; Blackr Note Gueroses-U S t- ors, ed Jure 710. 1099:Sotter les, Guerctey Sbortboru, bred1 Juse bah, 1949. Almost es-ero aurmal in Ibis ut- ocriso mas raisrd SI Cbureb 1H111 Fa :The berd is ucerediard and te briteos s-aeoisuled. Cburc Nll Farm hatuaeeputationofprodueinc cOs mith pdm10 oC 110e and ut the smon lime muistuisiug the milbiug uallîres foerowhiub 1he Dorhuam muw as0ncr tamous. Thbe -ies osd curry the hlood ofuuoobrd as tbosrcofW. S.GiI- n, Wm. Weld Co.. Sots Martinu- date. T.C. Amos, J. McNub and Sn.For Catalogoe wonCe Mm. SoCdouWatson, Cborch Hill Fus-m. Ters-mo Cash SettIement wmt Clerh Day ut Suie 0 aoards from themain road. a Ris-dico und Sloît. Ph Nockood l9r3 or Miltou177J7 SWACKHAMMEN. Clerb Floyd Marlatt Motnsi8., Miltons.Phosne 463w J. 1. CASE FARM MACHINERT BALES SERVICE Harold C. Fay PLUHRHITG Mdt HEA1ING Joxo, Mv JO WUM O OAKVILLE a Wbenstrudensaof Oubrillo-Tra- tu flgar 10gb Orbol retocu lu tbcir tarbolatie dolira 0055 eteocher. oSier the sommer rucul. ior la it ii be l to isse 0cl ases 1 Wilos N. Robnson, K.C. bas frecels-rd ottiebul notifiction utfbis rappubuameut ut couoty bue oC iHltos Crosty. lIe sucecds Judge W. N. Muro, ro retircd reuostiy. A meddisc f oScbruiintst at suiemoieed ilofa. Asdrrmc Utead Cburob, Wetmouut, Qurber, os Saturdur aftersoos, robes Lit Jusu MoPiersos beame tise bride ut Rubert John Stepisos Hope, sus or Mr. and Mms. J. S. Hope, Gabrîlle. Gukislo Lits Club mas boartiy rOmmedd for its splendidecourd of etommusitY sersire by P. V. Smith, District gos-resor ut Distriet A2, Lions Internstial ai cmn- dueted the assuslinisatlltoSo sficrs Thurtdco eseise Trafol- pacjr -rtrtl. 0'luldog sots are so elug made oS slos ut Drunasosdorlle, Que. Co-aOP PHONE 127 MILTON Now n cthe tome te get pour grain raquiramento We h ave some cars of Extra No. 1 Fred Qats arriving. Phone for Delivered Cash Frices TO ARRIVE A Car of Pore West Iodles Cave Molasses. rcs are right. Ordrr Now This is th. seanen fer lere prics on 011 Cake, Gluten and Brereers Grain. Pricsn relu hahigher Iater. Barn Eaocsrrough, Ooerlread Garage Door Sets, Poultry Eqoiproes-rand Fly Sprayers at Reduced Frices I 1 BUY CO-OP - BUILO YOUR OWN BUSINES Ran MaauMaa aag n a ao o Ross Stores aM a MILTONS PAMILY SHOPPING CENTRE LADIES' PANTIES Fielybsnit, sofr andlight andoery cool. Flairleg silkpanties * Colors plais white, bloc and white figured Sizes, OrnaI1, Medium and Large, Frire 98C $1.19 * MAN-TAILORED SHIRTS * Ladies rocrcerized cot105 shirts, long and short B leeves for sorsmer. Fiais robers of Red, Grecs * Yelloro, Pinh, Bluc, White and aiso assorted StripesSizes 12 -42. rices 3 $3.00O$5.50 * FOR A COOL. COMFORTABLE SLEEP Ladies' SHORTY PAJAMAS a Shorîtop th boreerdrift, pyjarma lh short leg andu * elotc at wmot. Colors, hrte s-rh pnb an-d whte wthbloc .Szes 32, 34 and 36. rc $3.98 Ladies' Satin Brassiere Cool satin bras oplifrs is juniors, mcd. asd full. Sze 32, 34, * * 36,3f. Colors white asd Bloc. Frire e $1.95 ~<Z-' Cap Sîccous. Tc at nsco.BRuttos dlows frost. Colors, YeIIaw, Bluc asd Mauve. Szes 12, 14, 16, tf8. SPECIAI. 10fII\WASIIABL£E ss E iIE \ Ladietso mmer dressets nriaon slub witir cap 4! ! ~ Iu Y Colors, w hite, bl e and t rquo ise. Sz s -SNI mm *E.u..Em .umRage. SES p eud shrset aemv. es 12 - 20 HM1 about 1 % mff IN on 1